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About Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1907)
24: No. 17. V ol . Entered um n ecoud-clu i matter May B, 1906, at the poeto Bice at Coquille, Oreeoa, ander act of Contre*» of March 3 , 187«. DR. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN AND 8URQBON. Office at Slocum1* Drug Store. C oquillb , OnaooN. G. W. REA. Attorney and Counoellor at Law. Offioe opposite Mrs. Wickham’ s. C. R. BARROW, Attorney and Counsellor at Law Firstolas* References ifteen Years’ Eiperienoe C o q u i l l e C ity , O bi ' J. J. STANLEY LAW YER IMartin Building, • Front Street CoyuiLLH, OaaooH A. J. Sherwood, A t TOBN BT - A T-L A W, N otabt P ublio , C oquille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A t t o b m s t - a t - L a w , N o t a b t P u b l i c , Coquille, ! : Oregon. H all & Hall, A ttobbbts - at -L a w , Desleí in R e a l E s t â t * of a ll kinds. Marshfield, Oregon. C. A. Sehlbrede, Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public. Phone 761. M arsheirld , O rkoo *. E. D. Sperry. W . 0 . Ohase. SPERRY A CHASE, Attorasys-at-Lav. QMoe in Robinson Building, Coquille, . . . Oregon. r E. 0. D. Holden, L aw tbb , J u s t io* or t h * P baob p U. Ö. Commissioner, General Insaraneel Agent, end Notary Publie. 0(8oe in Robinson Building. Coquille regon. A. F. Kirshman, D entist . Office two door* South of Post o9oe. Coquille . • . Oregon. COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO Str. DISPATCH Tem White, Monter I Arrive« Bandon ........ 7 A-M. | Coquille I t a m . Coo a ille ....... 1 p - m . | Bandon . . . 4 p m . Connecte at Coquille with train for Marshfield and steamer Ejho for Myrtle Peint. Leave* Str. FAVORITE J . 0 . Moomaw. M u ter, ayes I Arrives Coquille........ 7 A-K. I Bandon.. 10:45 a-M. Bandon......... 1 p * m . | Coquille. 4:45 P-M. Str. ECHO H . Jams. Master. Leaves J Arrive# M y rtle P o lu t.. .7 A-M. | oqnille (T y 9 90 a m . Coquille C it y .. .1 P-M. | Myrtle P*t ..4 00 p - m . Daily except Sunday. # ^ T h e safe and reliable t i w - •crew The New and 8 p e « d y ,^ 0 0 Str. Elizabeth C. P. Jensen. Master. Will make regular tripe between Coquille River and 8an Fra n cisco . ITo Stop-ower at W a y Porta. Electric Light*. Everything in First Class Style. FOR S A L E . One b o n e 6 yean old, weight about 1300 pound«, aleo one mero 3 yean old. Enquire o f Henry Grady, Norway, Oregon. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W EDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1907 The Shrieves-Taylor Case. The eridenoe in ease of the State ▼eieua W. H. Sbrieve* and Roy Tay lor waa submitted to the jury abort- ly before 4 o'clock this afternoon. The progress made in the Shreivea Taylor case yesterday afternoon and part of thie morning was alow and uninteresting. Especially is this true with the evidence submitted yesterday afternoon, when the fol lowing witness for the defense testi fied: C- L. Williamson, o f police, Joe Heath, nightwatcb, C. L. Jameson, O. F. grown, Dr. Clark, Dr. David Rae. Dr, R. 8. Thompson. E. F. McConnell, and Dr. C. L. Gritroan. They all seemed to testi. fy alike. The physicians who were placed on the stand during the mid dle o f the afternoon corroborated the statements o f Dr. Thompson and Dr. Gritman as to the the conditon of the deceased before and after hie death. Interest in the case seemed to liv en up a bit this morning when both defendants. Roy Taylor and W. H. 8hreives testined in their own be half. Taylor took the stand imme diately following the opening of court, and for nearly an hour sub mitted to direct, cross and re-direct cross and re-direct examination. Following is the story he told to the ju iy: “ I met Shreives in the Idaho saloon about 6 o ’clock. I had been working nearly all the af ternoon with Grant Robbins unload ing a car of ice. After meeting Shrieves, we plsyed several games o f cards together. It was Hayes and Collier who suggested that we visit the red light district This happened while we were in the “ Pastime.” 1 did not want to go, but Shreives wanted to talk to me about Oklahoma, and at last I agreed to walk down with him. Hares, Collier and Shreives had been drinking considerable. It was because I did not want to g o into 222 that started the fight. They kept pulling and hauling me, until I got ma<I I did not strike them the first tiffie I made a pass at them, but the second time I hit Hayes. Collier was standing right bock of me, with bis hands in his pocket. Ididnot know whether he had a gun or not, and as I thought he was go ing to do me harm, I hit him. The blow was struok withmy left hand, and my fielcame in contact with hm face. I did not strike hard. He fell back on the sidewalk, and then rolled over on the ground. Hayes started to run up town and I followed him about 40 feet, but he was too fast for me and I could not catch him. When I returned Collier was sitting up on the sidewalk. I wanted him to go with us up town, but he would not. Shrieves then said that Grace Flimings had telephoned for the police, and we Shreives and I , start ed up town. We met Joe Heath, told him of the affair and then went back. W hen we arrived at the cor ner o f ‘A ’ and Almond streets, Coll- ier was not there." ■‘When you returned, were you not afraid that Collier would ahoot you?” asked the prosecution. No, I did not think any more about it.” "Y ou say that Collier was close to you when you struck him. Now tell ua how you struck him.” “ I turned partly around when I struck him. It was more of a push than a blow. Collier waa ro drunk that he fell over. I do not believe the blow knocked him down.” “ Did you strike Collier • second blow?” “ No, sir.” “ After he fe!\ did yon or Shreives kick, or otherwise beat him?” “ We did n o t" The second defendant, Shreives w m next called. After the defend ant waa aworn on oath he took the witness chair. During the few min- Attorney Moore waa engaged in conversation with Attorney Forn ey, the witness sat motionless in his chair his gaze fixed upon the twelve men in the jury box. With a half defiant and half aarcaatio smile hi a gaze then wondered about the court room. The greater part of Shreives’ tes timony agreed with that o f Roy Taylor. Several times during the direst and croea examinations, the witness would start to answer the question, then atop and ask the stenographer to “ strike that out. defense. The really enteresting Oregon Facta Deaired. At no time did he seem oonfused; part of the trial was the fact that Portland, Oregon, Jan. 7th, 1907. on the contrary be answered all “ Someone,” according to the state’s — Never at any time sines Oregon questions deliberately, giving evi evidence, has guilty of a dastardly dence that bis knowledge of law crime and that the father of the de became a state has there been such and hie familiarity with legal phra ceased had openly made the state- widespread interst in her develop ses was exceptionally good. The ment that every penny of his small ment as is evidenced by the letters most important part of his testimo fortune, as well as his son’s would received from all parta of the Uni ny was his description of the fight be spent in bringing the oulprit to ted the Oregon Develop ment League. which occured between Collier, justice. President T. B. Wilcox, of the Hayes and Taylor. “ I was stand The preliminary examination which ing near the entrance of 222,’ stat lasted even longer than the final State League, has just authorized ed the witness “ when the fight start trial, seemed to have proven in the an inorease in the advertising in ed. Taylor, Shreives and Collier mind of Justice Cummiugs, that the thoroughly reliable agricultural pub of large circulation. were near the corner. A b I drew evidence was against the defend lications These advertisements are devoted close to the men, I saw Taylor hit ants. Public opinion rendered a Hayes and Collier, I also saw Collier verdict of “ guilty. The evidence, exclusively to the agrictltural lands fall.” Shreives denied that he asked as a whole, was strongly against the of the state, for it is an increased Grace Fliming for any money or two men who were seen with Collier farm population that Oregon needs saying that Collier had double on the fatal nighl. They were mud more than all else combined. Put crossed them all evening and he dled and confused during the pre energetic farmers on the vacant had got what he deserved. The liminary, and confused and during lands, cut up the large ranches and the cities, towns and villages of witness then told how he had tried the final trial. Taylor admitted Oregon will grow and prosper. to stop the fighting, and that when that he struck Collier, and the lat With that end in view Oregon is ter being highly intoxicated, fell to Grace said that she would telephone beiDg advertised as never before, for the police, he auswered by say the ground, unconscious. There and the inquiry is three times as ing that he would call the police seemed but one way for the jury to great as it was during the Lewis himself, if he thought it necesary. decide. At all times during the <fe Clark Exposition. When asked if he heard the testi three days of trial the court room Many communities of the state are mony of Arthur Ransom in which was filled with critics, and it was sending, out literature to inquirers he stated that he (Shreives) asked the simplest matter in the world for lists of whom áre being fumised to him fo r a piece of money, stating them to balance the scalo of justice each and every one of the sixtv-three that he bad to leave town because to their own liking, and now that the organizations composing the Oregon he was in trouble, Shreives. ‘ I final decision has been rendered Developement League. Letters of heard what Ransom testified to. I and the horrible charge has been inquiry are coming in many lan removed, they still wish to vent did ask him for money.’ guages— English, German, Swedish “ Why did you ask him for their feelings upon the wroDg heads and Polish lead: letters are coming of twelve jurymen. moneyj” from every state in the Union, but “ Because, I knew there had been To one who attended the trial Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, Wiscon trouble, and I wanted to get out of throughout, and watched closely, sin, the Dakotas, and Nebraska, are every bit of evidence for and against town,” about equal in number, and it is Attorney Stillinger then asked the defendants, the jury’s verdict from just these portions of the the witness regarding his capture seems just in every particular. The United States that we want our im and why he talked with Sheriff R ob legal battle was magnificent and migration. An acourate conception bins. To this Shreives answered: particularly so because it was clean. of the enormous correspondence ■The chief of police at Colfax was can best be had from the fact that talking with Robbins, and I thought Leading pianos are world knowe, it cost $527.00 to pay the outgoing it would do no harm to say a woid and need no boosting up. Of coursb postage for the past twent-five you have heard of the Steinway pi too. I asked him if he would not ano. An equivalent to this instru days from the Portland ofii:e alone let me come back to Moscow alone, ment is the “ Netzoro.” Thousands Remember that it is in January as 1 intended to come any way that of them are sold yearly to people that you get more readers than any who know and do Dot listen to talk evening. The sheriff said that he other month, because the farmers would not do that, because he had by dealers who sell to make a sale. in the cold section of the country I sell to please— either of these pi orders for my arrest.” anos. M. G. P ohl . are resting, but February also is Several other questions were ask important. One piece of literature ed the defendant during the cross and a personal letter sent today are CuredHis Mother of Rheumatism. examination, after the counsel for worth more than ten during the both state and defense stated that “ My mother has been a sufferer farmer,s busy season. they were through with the evi- for many years from rheumatism,” says W. H. Howard of Husband, dence. Builds up waste tissue, promotes The first argument for the state Pennsylvania. .“ At limes she was unable to move at all, while at all appetite, improves digestion, in was made by Attorney Wm. Mor times walking was painful. I pre duces refreshing sleep, gives renew gan. His plea to the jury was sented her with a bottle of Chara- ed strength and health. That’s stroDg, eloquent and convincing. berlan’s Pain Balm and after a few what Hollister’s Rooky Mountain He dwelt at some length up on cer applications she decided it was the Tea does. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. R. 8. Knowlton. tain weak points in the testimony most wonderful pain reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she is never of the defendants Taylor and without it now and is at all times A 1 9 0 7 Diary, Memorandum And Ac Shreives, and the unshaken evidense able to walk. An occasional ap count Book for Two Cents of some of the leading witnesses plication of Pain Balm keeps away for the state. He laid special stress the pain that she was formerly C. A. Snow A Co., Patent Law For sale by R. S. upon the testimony of Thomas Grice troubled with.” yers of Washington D. C., have Knowlton. who explained in detail the condi now ready their diary aod memor tion of the deceased before and af W anted .— About one dozen g o o d andum book for 1907, which they ter examination. coal miners $1.75 per ton paid. will send on receipt of postage 2 Following the argument of Mr. Will also give contract for the dig cents. This little book is useful. Morgan, court adjourned to con ging of a 400 foot tunnel. Apply No where else that we know can so much be had for so * little. vene again at 1:30 to D. S. Rouse, Riverton. The argument of attorney Frank A Big Bargain in « Nice Home. Moore for the defense, consumed W anted : By Chicago wholes al some time after the opening of court and mail order bouse, assistant man For a splendid bargain in a neat this afternoon. He made a power ager (mau or woman) for this coun home in Coquille you cannot do ful plea in behalf of his clients, aud ty and adjoining territory. Salary better than to call at the H ebald of every portion of his argument was $20 and expenses paid weekly; ex fice or address Thomas Taylor, pense money advanced. Work intensely interesting. Washington. pleasant; position permanent. No Cathlamette, ------------ *-«4 »«-«-------- --- The closing argument by Attorney investment or experience required. FO R S A LE . StilliDger was equally bb strong.) Spare time valuable. Write at once A one-fourth interest in the A fter the close of his argument the for particulars and enclose self-ad dressed envelope. Superintendent, equipment of the Coquille Hteam- case was submitted to thp jury. 132 Lake St Chicago, 111. boat Co., consisting of the steamers The jury in the case of State of Dispatch and Favorite, and three Idaho versus J. H. Shreives and Roy Chamberlains Cough Remedy the barges. Inquire of CapL T. D Taylor who was alleged to have best made. White, Bandon. committed the crime of manslaugh “ In my opinion Chamberlain’s ter upon the person of David Collier Cough Remedy is the best mede , 3 S T O T IO E on the morning of July 31st, for colds,” says Mrs. Cora Walker I have at my place on Hall’s creek found the defendants guilty, shortly of Porterville, California.- There 4 miles above Arago. 1 team, 2 cows, is no doubt about its being the beat. 3 calves and some oarpenter tools after 8 o ’clock last evening. No other will cure a cold so quick that must be sold soon. Any one With the final decision of the jury ly. No other is so sure a prevent needing any of these things should in this case, closes one of the most ative of pneumonia. No other is so call and see me. B. B. P aull These important, as well as interesting pleasant and safe to take. For the freeheet.of cakes, pie and cases ever fought in Latah county. are good jeasons why it should be The fact bread call at the city Bakery First Since the alleged crime was com preferred to any other. is that few people are satisfied with Street mitted during the month o f July any other after h*ving once used A Gnm Tragedy last, to the time of the trial, every this remedy. For sale by R. S. is daily enacted, in thousands of scrap of evidence was oeing quietly Rnowlton. homes, as Death claims, in each moulded and si aped into damaging NOTICE J one, another victim of Consumption evidence by the counsel on both sides. The paosecution was firmly convinced tbst the result would he cle No. 214: All members not pay- tragedy is averted. F. G. Ifuntle conviction, while the defense was ing their assessments and dues by : of Oakland on, Ind., writes: “ My equally as sure that the jury would the 28th of each month after Jan. { wife had the consumption, and 1st will have to sign a reinstate- three doctors gave her up. Finally render verdict of acquittal. Dur ___ , I,.. T ____.. . . . . . she took Dr. King’s New Disi ing the trial, there was nothing un i e< y ; (or Congunjption, Coughs and Colds, [which rurca her, and todav she is usually sensational, further than Grand Clerk to do thie. well and strong.” It kills the E mma C. M c D onald , Clerk. the testimony of Grace Fliming, germs o f all diseases. One dose and her statementa seem to have 81ickera, rubber boots and rain relieves. Guaranteed at 50c and been torn to pieces and east to the hats. Just wbat you need thie kind $1.00 by R. 8. Knowlton, druggist. four-winds by the oounael for the of weather. Geo. A. Robinson. Trial bottle free Tr* ,i":i Cir- a t: Under New M anagem ent. W. H. Mansell, ft* Livery Best of Turnouts Feed and Sale S t r ic t l y F ir s t -C l a s s . Stable Hay, Grain; Feed. Oppoalte 1. O. O. P. Hall. Successor to J. T. Little P W E öf MEAT MAMET Lard, Hams, We Carry ^ Bacon, Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. We are headquarters fo r everything in the meat line. wants always receives prompt attention. Your COQUILLE VALLEY PACKING O. W 7 in * * \t / W \l/ ^ 7r\ 7N Tfs. 7 n /I s \l/ \ jy V J / \ 1 / \\y M / M / N I / \ l/ \ l / \l/ S I / \ i / \ l / \ l / \ i / \1 S \|/* / n 7 i \ /K 7 is /1\ s K /I n 7K 7f\ T ts 7K / s K n 7r\ 7K 7l\ Josh’s Place, * * * * * * * T. H. MEHL, Proprietor. ^ ^ Billiard Card rooms and and Pool Tables Soft D rinks Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. City News Stand. * * * * * * * ^ * * * * W. H. 8 CHR 0 EDER Watchmaker and Jeweler, Front Street, COQUILLE, OREGON. A ll w ork g u aran teed . t/W W W W W W W W W W W W S ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE B. FENTON Prop Saddle Horses of best quality always on hand. Oood Rigs in redi ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business. Accommodations for Taveling men a specialty Leave Coquille at 6 a. m„ arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. in. Fare $5.50 North Coquille Store MRS. M. C. BOYRIE, Proprietress. Fa ncy and Staple Groceries. Nuts, Candies, T o bacco and Cigars, North Enti <,■ *ienry Street Bridge. S. H. Me ADAMS Blocksmithing LOGGING WORK é Horseshoeing CARRIAGE WORK For Bargains in Buggies and Carriages come and examine our line we have the beet that money can buy at the lowest prices.