Coquille tjerald. Miss Cora Summerlin, went to the A. J. Radabaugb, of NorwryJ Chamberlains Cough Remedy Bay on Thursday. was in our city Saturday. Aids HOLLISTER'S R E SHIRE, VlaPras IA J SHERWOOD Prea «•• H HAZARD, Caihlar Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets Nature. A Busy Modioine for Boay People. Willis Hoover was up from P ar­ A. H. Sehroeder, of Norway, was F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K Medicines that aid nature are al­ Bring« Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. on our streets last Saturday, kersburg on Wednesday. ▲ specific for Constipation, Indlgeat ion, Live ways most effectual. Chamber­ O F DEAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Op C O Ç U IliU B , ORHOOf*. ami Kidney Trouble*«. Pimple*, Ee/.ema, Impure Chas. Smalley was over from B orn . In Myrtle Poiin, O regon , lain's Cough Remedy acts on this Blood, B h <{ Breath. Klucgieh Bowel*, Headache and Backache. It's R<*»ky Mountain Tea In tab­ Bearer Hill on Saturday. September 29, 1906, to Mr. and plan. It allays the cough, relieves let form, ?tt oontM n l»ox. Genuine made by T r a n s a c t s a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u e in e n t , County Official Paper. the lungs, aids expectoration, H o l l is t e r D ado C o m pa n y , Madison, Win. John Nielson, of Prosper, was in Mrs. E. W . Hermann a son. opens the secretions, and aide ua- GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE town on business Thursday. Board of Diractora. CarraaRaodaata. I 1 BL1SHED EVEKY WEDNESDAY. Knowlton has some special bar­ ture iu restoring the system to a The Coqaille Valley Packing Co. A. J. Sharwood, National Baak of Coimaerc*. N.w York City Children’s underwear, both wool gains in fountain pens. A good healthy condition. Sold by R. S. pays lCc per pound for chicken»— K (I Deui.nt, Dev >ted t o ih e m aterial and aooial up­ 1 Hartucker L. H. Haxard, Drucker Wuolwurth W’l Bank, San »nadaco Knowltou. jive weight. pen fully guaranteed, for $1.00. b u ild in g o f th e C oq a ille V alley partionlarly and cotton, at J. W. Leneve's. ¿•»•I o f C oos C ou n ty generally . -ui»*oription, p er year, in advanoe, $1.80 Phone, Main 55. The schooner C. T. Hill arrived in the Coquille Tuesday of last week. Mrs. J. J. Fox came up from liiverton Thursday to do some trad- John Tawse, of this city, has in­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Candiin, of V. P. STRASQ, Jr vested in some Bandon real estate. this city visited their friends, Mr. A. K 1IADSELL, W. P, Fuller’s prepared paints, and Mrs. OeGessen, near Bandon oils and varnishes at J. A. Lamb k a day or so last week. Co’s. 240 acres, 75 improved bottom land 160 good upland suitable for pasture mostly seeded to orchard grass; small orchard, »mull fruit in abundance Slashing to Let W. P. Fuller's prepared paints, and of great variety; large new house of 10 rooms; water piped from oils and varnishes at J. A. Lamb k living spring to house and dairy; of the three barns on the place one From 40 to 80 acres of willow Co’s.. is a large and well arranged dairy barn. All the farming tools and bottom to be slashed and burned. Foil S a l e . — One largo work Bull, For particulars call cn W. L. Kist- dairy implements, including mower, plows, harrows, separator and other gerting 86in. Inquire of B. F.Colliir, nor Coquille, Or. things to numerous to mention. Five miles from Bandon and one-half 1 mile from Coquille river; post office ami school. Price $36.00 per acre. Coquille. »-••• * Stock ranch of 520 acres on good county road, 5 miles from post office Big Bargain in Nice Home Mr. and Mrs. Will Oddy, of this Bridge. F o r S a l e . — Three fine young The tug Vosberg returned Wed- m dsday from Portland where she milchcows and a lot of young pigs. Inquire of K. Holverson, on the h ; 1 gone to take the Triumph for McAdams place. repairs. Robinson has a big variety of The swellest line of art work flannels, flannelettes, teasle downs, materials ever in Coquille just in valour velvets, etc , to choose from. Call and see them. at Mrs. Noslers. No matter how the Cuban imbro­ S. B.Cathcart, the civil engineer and surveyor, of Marshfield, spent glio turns out it is safe guessing a couple of days in Coquille last that the Pearl of the Antilles will soon go on the string with Porto w e e k , returning home Thursday. Rico, the Pbillipines and Guam. The Everylasting fruit jar is the Licorice Liver Laxative, the best kind to buy. There is no metal to Price 50 cents. come in contact with the contents. bowel cleanser. For sale by R. S. Knowlton, Co­ Drane sells them. quille City, C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. W. 8 Eachus and two sons pass- The small boy’s delight in the e 1 through from Central Point, Or­ oysters that come in the first month egon, Wednesday on their way to North Bend where they expect to with with R in it is considerably modified by the reflection that it is .make their home in the future. also the beginning of the three Rs. Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow­ The cash customer has the ad­ ders, give instant relief. Price 25 cents. R- 8. Kuowlton, Coquille vantage at T. H. Mehl & Cos. They are now giving 5 per cent off of the City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. regular priceB to all who pay cash We see by the Roseburg Review on the spot. that S. B. Hermann, formerly en­ Mr. J. F. Mabley, of Roseberg gaged in business at Myrtle Point, is visiting in that place from his passed through town Wednesday on his way to Bandon, returning present place of residence in Vir­ Friday with Mr. D. S. Stockwell ginia. and wife, and daughter Miss Jennie Opportunity for a short time 120 Stockwell who returned to their acre ranch 30 acres bottom 40 acres Vacant timber adjoining, well situ, home in Roseberg after an outing of several months on the beach. ated. $1100. Home Realty Co. The Lane county prune crop this Mr. Stockwell bad been bothered year is so heavy that the several by Paralysis and could hardly walk evaporators cannot begin to handle when he went to Bandon but now it and the indications are that hun­ seems to be perfectly well. They dreds of tons of the fruit will go to report having had a good time on waste because of the lack of drying the beach, facilities.— Roseburg Review. Cures Chills and Fever. Some fine Bottom Land Farms, in large or small lots to suit purchaser, cheap and on easy terms. E. N. Smith, Myrtle Point, Oregon. F or S ale .— G. W. Wirt, Nacogdoches, Texas, says: “ His daughter had chills and fover for three years; he could not find anything that would help her till be used Herhine. His wife Grandma Sharrard who has been will not keep house without it, and in town the past three or four weeks cannot say too much for it.” 50c. visiting with her daughters, Mrs. Sold by R. S- Knowlton. W. T. Kerr and Mrs. Tlios. Lane, FOR SALE. started last Wednesday for where A one-fourth interest in the she goes to stay fora while with an­ equipment of the Coquille Steam- other daughtor, Mrs. bout Co., consisting of the steamers of that section. Dispatch and Favorite, and three F o r S a l e . — Several fine Shepherd barges. Inquire of Capt. T. D pups. They are thoroughbreds White, Bandon. and will make valuable farm dogs $5 apiece, kennel near Beaver Hill. Insomnia and Indigestion Cured. For particulars apply at this office “ Last year I had a severe attack Mr. Shad Hudson returned Fri­ o f indigestion. I could not sleep day from Marshfield where he had at night and suffered most excru­ gone to consult Dr. Horsfall in re­ ciating pains for three hours after I was troubled this gard to his lame wrist. The Dr. each meal. way for about three months when I will give it another month’s treat­ used Chamberlain’s Stomach and ment, and if the results are no more and Liver Tablets, and received satisfactory thnn they have been in immediate relief,” says John Dixon, For the past, an operation will be per­ Tullamore, Ontario, Canad. sale by R. S. Knowltou. formed. Do you wish to seenre a bargain in Pianos, see M. G. Pohl, Myrtle Point. One Parlor Grand entirely new reduced one-half. One second­ hand upright, $185. Easy Pay. meats. W . A. Goodman, the house mover returned Wednesday from Whittier, California, where he has been for several weeks with Mrs. Goodman who has been there for some months for her health, and who we are glad to report is better. Mr. Goodman will resume bis house- moving business. He is now pre pared to answer calls at any time, j R. K. Bhiue. ! Pirat Nat’l Bank uf Portlaiul, COQUILLE V A L L E Y LAN D CO. i"ff- M. J. Krantz, of Gravel Ford, was among Coquille’s visitors on Thurs­ day. The schooner Advance arrived at city, went to Baodon on Friday for Bandon from San Francisco on Wed­ a little outing. nesday. F o r S a l e . — or trade.— A Hamil­ B orn . —In Coquille, Oregon, Sep­ ton Piano—New. Will sell or trade tember 24, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs. foa stock. M rs . V io l a S t r a n o . Wm. Oddy of this city has pur­ H. L. Varney, a son. chased the half bloc k o f W. A. Var­ Mrs. I. Nordstrom, of Parkers­ burg, did trading with Coquille ney jnst below the Henry street merchants on Wednesday. Ieaiah linker, A B o o k on p ou ltry containing 116 pages, a beautiful lithographic plate of a group ol dif­ ferent fowls in natural colors, eo- gravings of all kinds of land and water poultry, description of the breeds, plans for poultry houses how to manage an incubator, all about capnniziog and the values of different breeds. It will be mailed to any of our readers for 15 cents by the Associated Fanciers 400 North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. • « A Judicious Inquiry. Mrs. Erla Oarlock of the San A well known traveling ninn who J-ise conservatory wishes to an­ visits the drug trade says he has nounce that she is permanently lo­ often heard druggists inquire of cated in this valley, and will receive | customers who asked for a cough pupils in Piano and Organ nt regu. medicine, whether it was wanted lar rates. Mrs. Carlock is an exper- j for a child or an adult, and if for a child they almost invariably recom­ ieuced teacher and uses the most mended Chamberlain s Cough Rem­ modern methods o f instruction: that edy. The reason for this is that her ability is being recognized ini they know there is no danger from evidenced by her large aud growing it and that it always cure. There class. For particulars call at the is not the least danger in giving it, I uttie Hotel, Coquille; Myrtle Point and for coughs, colds and croon it Hotel, M.vrtle Point, or niidre*. at is iiiiNiirpuNNed. For snle by R. S. Coquille, Oregon. Knowlton. In case you are thinking of buy­ ing a piano, you should see Haines, the Marshfield dealer. He keeps on hand a stock of standard makes, and lives here in the county where be can be seen at any time in regard to contracts, etc. And, it should be remembered that his profits go to build up and support the county and its institutions, and not those of some other state. DR. W E T M O R E 'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL / am prepared to treat all Medical and Surgical Cases. and store; good public school on the place; all good grass land; the im­ provements consist of a good 5-room house, barn and small orchard. If taken at once, $5.00 per acre, Good terms. For a splendid bargain in a neat home in Coquille you cannot do better than to call at, the H erald o f ­ fice or address Thomas Taylor, Cathlamette, Washington. S p e c ia l R a tes m a d e tot* A e e o u e h e - Correspondence Solicited m e n t. COQUILLE VALLEY LAND CO., BANDON, OREGON Train Nurses in Attendance. F R E D S L A G I T A IL O R C O Q U IL L E , - - For Further Particulars Address j E Dr WETMORE, Phonem COQUILLE, OREGON OREGON m Central Oregon State Normal School How to Cure Corns and Bunions. First, soak the corn or bunion in O p e n s warm water to soften it; then pare F i r s t - C l a s s M ealls a t a l H ou rs F r o m 6 a m to 9 p m . S e r v ic e . it down as closely as possibly with­ out drawing blood and apply Cham­ berlain's) Pain Balm twice daily, rubbing vigorously for five minutes A T T H E at each application. A corn plas­ A ly of Trained Teachers. ter should be worn a few days to Four, Five and Six Year Courses. C A H A R R IN G T O N , Proprietor. protect it from the shoe. As a gen­ eral liniment for sprains, bruises, English, Latin, German and Music. S p e c ia l A tt e n t io n G iv e n to We M ake R ates to lameness and rheumatism, Pain C ö fT lm e P e ia l P e o p l e New Physical and Chemical Laboratories. R e g u la r B o a r d e r s . Balm is unequaled. For sale by R. S. Knowlton. An excellent Library. Building newly furnished. Skookum Restaurant, W an ted ; By Chicago wholesale ¡JOHN YO AK AM , J. M. W A G N E R, and mail order house, assistant man­ Vice President. President- ager (man or woman) for this coun­ ty and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; ex­ pense money advanced. Work pleasant; position permanent. No Successors to Dean & Morgan. investment or experience required. Spare time valuable. Write at once for particulars and enclose self-ad- dresBed envelope. Superintendent, 132 Lake S t Chicago, III. W. T. DEM PINT Sec’y k Mgr. Tuesday, Sept. 25, > Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Sait Meats, Lard Ham and Bacon m----------- - Nerve. “The great requesite for playing PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS, COQUILLE, OREGON cards or the horses,” remarked Mr. Everwise, “ is nerve.” BOARD OF DIRECTORS “ Yes,” answered young Miss Tor- W. T. DEM ENT kins, “ it must take a great deal of JOHN YOAKAM J. W . W A G N E R nerve to enable a man to come home so often and tell his folks that still ^ 7 = -—s r ~ = = FOR A;------------------- - further economy will be necessary.” G o o d S h a v e am d. H a i r O u t — Washington Post. J. L. Saved His Lite. T H O M P S O N ’S J. W. Davenport, Wiogo, Ky., Successor to Chas. Moomaw. Next door to Coquille Valiev Packing Co. writes, June 14, 1902: “ I want to tell you I believe Ballard’s Snow Liniment saved niy life. I was under the treatment of two doctors, and they told me one of my lungs was entirely gone, and the other badly affected. I also had a lump Mrs. J. L. Thompson handles a fine line of Stationery ana on my side. I don’t think that I all of the Latest Nouelties in connection. could have lived over two months longer. I was induetd by a friend Flret-Class M e a l s at a ll H o u r s C u c in e F r o m 5 a m to 9 P M . to try Ballard's Snow Liniment. The first application gavo me great relief; two fifty cent hottles cured me sound and well. It is a won­ derful medicine and I recommend j it to suffering humanity. Sold by i M R S C. O. G I L K E Y , P ro p r ie to r e s s R. 8. Knowlton. ALSO AGENT FOR MORNING For further information, address A. L. BRIGGS, President, Notice is hereby given that on and after the 24tli day of October, A. D. 1900, I will sell at private sale for part cash and part credit, the following de­ scribed property lie longing to the estate of Rosa Lillie, Albert Lillie and Clyde Lillie, minors, to-w it: The standing ce­ dar timber upon Lota 2 and 3 and the South-east quarter of the North-west quarter and the South-west quarter of the North-east quarter of section 2, Township 29, South, Range 13 West, Coos County, Oregon. Said sale will he made pursuant to an order and license signed hythe the County Judge of said county, dated the 7th day of September. A, I). 1906. MINERVA E LILLIE. Guardian of the persons and estates of said minors. j 1 Aoy person cutting Timber or Bark of any description on the lands of the Southern Oregon Compnuy, or removing same, or other property from said Ian Is, without being duly) authorized in writing, will be Prose, cuted according to law. Wv guarantee better uiorh at lower prices than can be had elsewhere. Do not order Monumental work until you have called upon or written us for prices. Coquille Transfer Co., Su ccessor to F ox 's Transfer. STEWART & WHITE, Props. P h o n e , M a in 2 3 8 . 3 d & D S ts., M arshfield , Ore. COOS CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS HARNESS-HAKER Myrtle Point, Ore. A complete stock of Harness, Saddles, Collars, etc., always on hand. Also carry a stock of tents, wagons covers, horse covers, lap robes and everything usually found in a first harness shop. A Drane’s Store, D E A L E R IN Fancy and Staple Groceries. A CHOICE LIN E OF Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. full line of We carry P lorn* and Peed. W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A I N S . Prices the lowest consistent with good goods. in Phone 116. F R O N T ST ._______ C O Q U IL L E A g e n t l o r ih«* b e s t G o o s C o u n t y C o a l Oittcv in I. R. Nosier, Coquille Steam l aundry Ihiil hmr General Hospital Incandescent Electric Light Press Accepted throughout the civilized world the as the most universally satisfactory il­ Button luminant for and CHEAPEST light known. there That furnished by the C O Q U IL L E you R IV E R CO have class and up to date in every respect. it. The rates place it within reach of all A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical ar.d obstetrical cases. in every Equipment new and modern particular. Rales from # 1 5 to # 3 ( ) pei* w eek 4 Cleanest, all purposes. Most Convenient, E L E C T R IC Safest, and is the firit Miss S. C. Lakeman. Matron. SOUTHERN OREGON COMPANY, j a Partie» having hauling of auv kind will receive prompt attention by call- Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Including room, biard, g.-ueral nursing and drugs. i 3ft Local Agent, Coquille. D avid F ulton , to Commercial People M ARSH FIELD Notice. Monuments and Headstones S p e c i a l A t t e n t io n G iv e n Regular Boarder» NOTICE OF OUARD1AN 8AI.E. Any person furnishing sufficient etidence for the recovery of prop erty so tsken and conviction of the |>arties concerned, will lie given one-half of the property recovered, sonable Rate to Drain, Oregoo L. H. PEARCE OREGONIAN Lone Star Restaurant R 1906 Two free scholarships to each school district in Coos and Curry Counties ENTERPRISE MEfIT CO., ------ .-- Turtlaii.l, Hi Marshfield, Oregon. FRANK MORSE, Prop, COQUILLE. ORE.