il ( În q u illc SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS OF COOS COUNTY, OREGON as a F O lt T H E Y E A H 15, 1005. W. II. BUNCH, COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. w Director* 3 years School Clerks. 5* i-t- ; Flrat olan Keferenoea Chas Mahaffy 1|E T Coffe! t B F Crutchfield 2 L E Robbins Fifteen Years’ Eiperieuce Wm Keller 3 C E Schroder C it y , O re J L Bean 4 Thoa H Hanly Frank Strong 5 W A McNair Ed Hansen 6 R W Marshall E L Bessey 7 E W Guptill J. J. STANLEY R S Knowlton 8 O C Sanford J W Bennett 9 John F Hall , LAWYER 10 Mrs Augusta Hastings J C Frye Martin Umidir*. • Front Street D Prewett 11 Thos Devereux J T Collver COQUILLB, OBBOON 12 Mrs Geo Ross A Vanzile 13 Miles E Everitt J F Ckeanoy 14 J V Foster Peter Axe 15 S R Loshbaugh A. J. Sherwood, Wm Lindstrom 16 Victor Stauff Andrew Sandine 17 Abe Anderson A tto HN ht - a t -L a w , 18 E D Godfrey Alex Yast N o t a it P ub lic , 19 L N Gregory C W Dye Coquille, : : Oregon J F Burgess 20 Geo F Henninger F H Willard 21 Win Hansen H L Underwood 22 Lenora Neely Henry Hervey 23 James W Mast Walter Sinclair, W E Rackleff 24 Chas Butler A t t o b n h i - at -L aw , J D Beuham 25 8 B Hollenboak N o t a it P u b lic , P F Crouch 26 C W Sanford A L Brown 27 Joseph Laird Coquille, : Oregon. F Moser 28 R L Weekly John Stillwell 29 F M Sanderlin Chas Selander 30 F E Wilson Hall & Hall. J M Hayes 31 C Gant O G Bunch 32 F E Schofield A ttosbkts - at -L aw , Geo Mullen 88 Albert Barklow Donisi in R ea l E stati o f all kind*. 34 O E Marsters Lee Marsters Marshfield, Oregon. E R Jones 35 S B Cutlip Frank Hodson 8$ Geo VV Beale S Brewer 37 Mrs Mary Brewer John Benson 38 Benj Roberts C. A. Sehlbrede, 39 H E Bessey L W Wirth Attorney-at-Law, 40 A E Morten P Hennessey T E Dickson 41 L A Roberta Notary Public. Phone 761. 42 C D Price W A Lett A H Schrocder 43 Sol J McCloskey M arh iik ik u ), O r e g o n . Geo Bellom 44 Frank E Willard Wm Bremer 45 M D Price Delos Gardner 46 Flora Davis 47 Wm H Wise W H Haves W. C. Chase. E. D. Sperry. I T Weekly 48 I M Weekly 49 E Jordan Edgar Stonecyphen SPERRY & CHASE, 50 G V Guerney H S Davis Julian Kruse 51 Z T Siglin Attorney a-at-Law. J W Appleton 52 C F Waterman 53 B F Savage Wm Waters Office in Robinson Bailding, 54 Robt Fredericks, Jr Geo P Topping Coquille, . . . Oregon • I N DeLong 55 J R McGee 50 J S Masters E W Williams 57 Annali M Rozell Just Johnson 58 Mrs Bello Elwood J L Briggs E. G. D. Holden, 59 L M Aasen Walter Colvin L awybr , 60 R W Bullard S B Anderson J ust ich of thr P eaob 61 Mary M Rose H Hansen U. 8. Commissioner, General Inaaranoe 62 E L Oilman J R Cox Agent, and Notary Pablio. Office 63 It A Cribbins A L Belieu in Robinson Building. 61 E H Shaw J H Shields 65 N B Laird W M Laird Coquille, Oregon. 66 3yron N Holcomb John Wanburger 67 Eiank Miller W A'bee 68 Uex Simpson J J Sullivan 69 J D Hamlin G Strohm A. F. Kirshman, 70 Vlrs Ella Bryant R P King 71 D J Musser D entist . Geo M Brown 72 Mrs Helen Moore John Yoakam 73 3- B Adams J W Barklow Office two doors South of Pont oKloe. 74 i G Swan jroorgo Folsom Coquille . - . Oregon. 75 IV T Warner S W Warner 76, Joseph Larson Alfred Stora 77 4 O Hooton VV A Roselle 78 i A Johnson H It Ward 79 Mrs M Lattin lohn Anderson DENTIST - H W Wilkins C ro w n , B rid ge and Gold J2 ?eter Jordan I E N D IN O J U N E Attorney and Counsellor at Law DR. BERT E. SCHOONMAKER Work a Specialty. Five hundred thousand acres of All Work Guaranteed. Southern Oregon territory, which P hone M ain 1101. MARSHFIELD have been hitherto sealed from de­ velopment with the stamp “ land grant” are to be opened at once for settlement. Suddenly reversing Str. 'D IS P A T C H the obstructive policy which has Tom White, Master Leaves I Arrives characterized land-grant companies Randon....... 7 a - m . | Coquille____ 10 a - m . Coquille....... 1 f - m . | Ban d o n _____ 4 p - m . of Oregon, the purchasers of a half Connects at Coquille with train tor Marsh Held million acres of the holdings o f the and steamer Ejho for Myrtle Point. Oregon & California Land Company Str. F A V O R IT E announce that the entire acreage J. Ü. Moomaw. Master, is to be developed and sold as rap­ Leayes I Arrives Coquille........ 7 a - m . | Bandog. .10:45 a - m . idly as the gigantic work can be ex­ Bandon......... 1 p - m . | ('oq’ iille. 4:45 p - m . ecuted. Directors 2 years Mrs J Landrith Edwin Baker H K Root C I Green 1) McNair J H Thrush M D Cutlip 1 Hacker J T McCormac F M Gevrez A E Hadsell C L Bonebrake Victor Anderson M W McCormac Fred Nosier C J Elford M H May Lewis Default Nelson Jones J M Hodge A McCue J H Flinn J V Shuck Frank Sowash W O Mathews S Petersen Chas. Heller K H Hansen John Bates W C Harris J P Hayes Chas Howe W S Hall E W Jones T D Smith Frank Roger John Epperson David Roberts T Hanschaldt R A Harrison S S Reed G VV Crunk Jr. J D Clinton Fred Von Pegert G A Stemmerman A Davis John Neal J L Crosby Robt Kittson W C Davis M J Bowron Chas S Warner J W Judd G Boak J B R Shelton E L Roberts Ira A Albee VV D Roberts Andrew Smalley N A Pederson Abe Rose Wm Prewett Wm McBee R P Hunt J D Laird Jno Shutter VV Hammock Wm Blackmore R M Chay T L Knight H S Bushnoll Fred Poore J C Royer J C Slagle E M Hoffman Tno Hendrickson C H Nosier E J Massey Andrew Anderson 3 scar Maki Notice to Taxpayers. ear A System for Keeping Young. R E G IS T R A T IO N O F fi, 1905 C. R. Barrow, 81.50 P e r Y COQUILLK, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W E D N ESD A Y, AUGUST 22, 1906. V ol . 23: No. 48. Entered Hu »ecoiid-cltua matter May ut the postulile« at Coquille, OrviTon, under act of Congress of March 3,1879. J le r d là Directors 1 year Itobt Rooke T M Hermann R Pomeroy B C Shull T H Barry Geo Witte T J Thrift K F Williams J B Dye Frank Flam Geo Ross L F Falpenstoin W T Floyd Geo Bronnon C 0 Johnson C T Smith John Newland G A Collier C J Robinson Douglas Teller A L Neelv B Gant J Devault O B Hollenbeck M H Richer H E Wilcox W T Brady Wm Tennesson James Stock John Wagner M C Miller J M Parry U S Bushnell W H Morgan J A Smith Mose Endicott Wm McCulloch Posco Viasca M Russell E W Hermann W E Conner Henry Radabaugh Mrs Belle Willard J H Price C X Blunicnrother J D Hayes Wm Gilbert Wilk Cavanaugh G A Hansen •James H Wall Jas V Leep J F Hope A McNair •J P Clausen Alex Mattson Chas. E Getty F E Hull John Root C A Goodman Lee Barrows Albert Sneed T J McBee ■J S Foster VV L Ijaird Oliver Landrith J H Radabaugh Wm Weir Chas Wickham H C Bryant Jasper Fite John Grandy Dan Barklow D C Krantz A T Train Fred Noah E G Allen W T Dement Victor Fredericson Lemon Erickson P. O. Address Marshfield Myrtle Point Arago Coquillo Myrtle Point Empire Marshfield Coquille Marshfield Coquillo Parkersburg Marshfield North Bend Coquille Bridge Marshfield Marshfield Marshfield Coquille Coquille Prosper Fairview Lee Myrtle Point Fairview Marshfield McKinley Gravel Ford Bandon Sumner Rural Dora Myrtle Point Myrtle Point Marshfield Marshfield Myrtle Point Templeton Marshfield Marshfield Myrtle Point Bancroft Norway Coquille Allegany Bandon Etelka Gravel Ford Marshfield Remote Maxwell Bancroft North Bend Bandon Coquillo Marshfield Empire Coquille Arago Bullards Bullards Parkersburg Bridge Bandon Sitkum Templeton Arago Marshfield Marshfield Bridge Mvrtlo Point Coquille Mvrtle Point Dora Myrtle Point Allegany Bridge Myrtle Point Empire Templeton “ Here is a summary" write« Har­ riet Martin in the New Ides Woman’s Magazine for September, “ of a num­ ber of rules that can keep the bus­ When away on vacation usually make notes iest, the most beautiful, the plainest, o f the trip and write to their own or some the cleverest, the stupidest woman other fellow's sweetheart. Nothing enables young all her life: Have a con one to do this so nicely as one of our scious determination to keep sweet FO U N T A IN P E N S mentally; a determination to use Price. $1 .00. Absolutely guaranteed 14k your brains, few or many as the case may be, to develop them in Pen, Platinum P o i n t . ........................................ every possible way in order that your increasing mentality as the yearH pass may show in your coun- 1 V W e s t end of Front Street. _« y * I— tence; have a determination, baring developed your brains, so to use them that your words and actions may be sensible and therefore suit­ able to your time of life, and that your dress may evidence a finoness of taste in keeping with your gen­ eral good judgment. Having thus attended to the only part of your life over which you really have the responsibility, await events, never Lard, attempt to burry them, remembering that ‘thy fate is hurrying after thee.’ Hams, The reason that so many jokes are made about woman's age lisa We Carry ^ Bacon, mainly in her stroDg dependence on Sausage, her looks. Meu, vain as they are, are vain more of their strength than Fresh and Salt Meats. anything else. Strength does not fade as do women’s charms, such as We are headquarters for everything in the meat line. Your delicate beauty and slenderness of wonts always receives prompt attention. form. So the men getting on in years have the advantage. Just as soon as women in their looks—face and figure and dress--learn bow to become more, rather than less, at­ TN ^ 7N T n 7 n T in T in A A TN A /i\ TN T in / in / in T n A T in 7N / in T in T in T in / in tractive, the joking will cease.” * * * * A Warning to Mothers * Too much care cannot be used X with small childaen during tho hot X weatli -r of the summer months to X T. H. M E H L, Proprietor. * guard igainst bowel troubles. As * * a rule it, is only necessry to give Nl/ the child a dose of castor oil to cor­ Billiard Card rooms <5 rect any disorder of the bowels. Do * not use any substitute, but give the * and and old fashioned castor oil, and see * * sy « 1 --- 1 1 Ri I r~i°rS that it is fresh, as reneid oil nause­ Soft Drinks ates and has a tendency to gripe. ^ Pool Tables If this does not check the bowels * give Chamerlain’s Colic, Cholera ^ Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. and Diarrhoea Remedy and then * a dose of castor oil, and the disease City News Stand. * may be chocked in its inciniency * and all danger avoid bed. The N / \ t / Nl/ W N / W ^ N ^ W ^ W W W V / N V ^ ^ W N / X I / W ^ N I / N / N l / N l / castor oil and this remedy should / in /N /N T in /I n / in / in / in / in T n T in T n / in / in T in / n / in /I n T n T n T in 7 n /I n T n /I n 7F be procured at once and kept ready for instant use as soon as the first indication of any bowel trouble ap­ pears. This is the most successful treatment known and may be re­ $ ^ i P lied upon with implicit confi­ dence even in cases of cholera in­ fantum. For sale by R. S Knowl­ ton. YOUNG GENTLEMEN AND LADIES 1 K N O W L T O N ’S D R U G S T O R f P W E E I? M E A T MUßT COQUILLE VALLEY PACKING CO. Josh’s Place, ----► • #» . W.H. 8 CHR 0 EDER Timber or Stumpage For Sale. Watchmaker and Jeweler, The owner of 80 acres of timber land on the Coquille river near Fair- Fro n t Street, view, wants a bid for the stumpage or the land as a whole. It is N. E. COQUILLB, OREGON. i of S. VV. J and S. W. $ of the 8. W. J of 36 in 27, S. R. 12. W. Ad­ A l l w ork g u a r a n teed . Chicago, Aug. 15.— Professor Jas. dress, F. F. Weston, 1302, Webster street, Oakland, California. H. Brcadstead, Egyptologist of the - -»«•*-<---- ------- — University of Chicago, announces Herbine that the “ oldest fixed dato in histo­ Renders the bile more fluid and ry” is 4241 B. C. Iu that year, he thus helps the blood to flow; it af­ says, the calendar was established, fords prompt relief from biliousness, indigestion, sick and nervous head­ the year beginning on what would aches, and over-indulgence in food now be July 19. Consequently the and drink. calendar now in use was 6147 years O I. Caldwell, Agt. M K and T old last month. The professor ar­ R R., Checotab, Ind. Te r, writes, B. FEItfTOlV rived at these conclusions during his April 18, 1903; “ I was sick for long exploration trip in the Nile over two years with enlargement of flo p the liver and spleen. The doctors Valley, when he compared the as­ did me no good, and I had given Saddle Horsea of beet quality always on band. Good Rigs in redi- tronomical data in the old and mid­ up all hopes of being cured, when ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business. dle kiogdoiDB of Egypt. Professor mv druggist advised me to use Her- Accommodation« for Taveling men a specialty Breadsted has just recently return­ bine. It has made me sound and Leave Coquille at 6 a. m., arriving at Roaeburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50 well. 50c. sold bv R. S, Knowlton. ed from Egypt. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization for the County of Coos, State of OregoD, will attend at the office of the County Clerk of said county, at Co­ quille, Coos county, Oregon, on the 27th day of August, A. D„ 1906, the same being the last Monday in said month, at the hour of uine o’clock a. m. of said day, j>nd pub­ licly examine the assessment rolls and correct all errors in valuation, descriptions or quality of lands, lots or other property. Now, therefore, all persons hav­ ing business before the said Board of Equalization will take notice and Str. ECHO H. Jams. Master. Biwabik, Minn., Aug. 15.—Sev­ appear at the time and place afore­ Leaves I A rrires said, and make due complaint, other­ • M yrtlePoint. . . 7 a - m . | oqui’.U C y 9 »0 a - m . eral large forest fires are burning wise the assessment will stand as Des Moines, Aug. 15.—A. B.Latn- Coquille City. .1 P-M. | Myitie F t. .4 00 p - m . fiercely near here. Many settlers as returned by the assessor. Public is Aroused ason, a wealthy banker, cashier of Daily except Sunday. have been forced to abandon their Witness my hand this 30th day The public is aroused to knowl­ the Bank of Ankney, was struck by & F "T h e safe and reliable homes, and have lost most of their of July. T. J. THRIFT, edge of the curative merits of that lightning and killed this morning. screw Assessor Coos County, Oregon. property. Wild animals are invad­ great medicinal tonic. Bitters, for T l»e New and S peedy , mg C M Farm for sale or trade—40 acres sick stomach, liver and kidneys. ing the limits of the villages. Un­ 3 miles below Dora; 30 acres hill, I Mary II Walters, of 546 St. Ave., less rain falls within 24 hours valu. 'List your property with the Home ■ Columbus, O., writes: “ For several 10 bottom, all fenced and in grass Realty Co. able tractsof pins will be destroyed. months, I was given up to die. I Price, $1250, or trade for city C. P. Jensen, Maeter. For shoes that have some snip i bad fever anil ague, my neryes were property. B. Folaom, Tuttle Hotel Wii: make regular tripe between Mrs. Erla Oarlock of the Han and style to them, call at Robinson’s. wrecked; I could not sleep, and Coquille. Coquille River and San Jose conservatory wishes to an­ There may be Hies on you but were J- G- Fish inv stomach was so weak, from use Stop That Cough nounce that she is permnnently lo­ there will be none on your cows if I less doctors’ drugs, that I could not MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cube«, Apple and Fruit Boxes Fra n cisco . cated in this valley, and will receive you spray them with Fly Bouncer, ! sleep, and my stomach was so Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. Ifo Stop-over at W ay Ports. When a cough, a tickling or ir­ Turning Work a Specialty. All Orders given Electric Lights. Everything in Firat pupils in Piano and Organ at regu. Flyo Curo or So-Boss-8o. A sup­ | weak, from useless doctors’ drugs, ritation iu the throat makes you lar rates. Mrn. Carlock is su exper­ ply of all kinds at Knowlton’s drug that I could not eat. Soon after prompt Attention. Class Style. feel uncomfortable take Ballard’s ienced teacher and uses the most beginning to take Electric Bitters, , Horehound Syrup. Don’ t wait un­ j store. modern methods of instruction; that I obtained relief, and in a short Mohair, Oladsea Silks, Qray time 1 was entirly cured.” Guaran­ til the disease has gone beyond con­ her ability is being recognized is trol. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ander­ evidenced by her large and growing Suitings, White and Silk Shirt teed at Knowlton’s drugstore; price son, 254 West 5th 8t. Salt Lake Waists, Laces, Embroideries, Mus­ ST NORTH BEND class. For particulars call at the 50c. J City, Utah. writ«. We think Bnl Tuttle Hotel, Coquille; Myrtle Point lins, India Linen, White Djrena —*•- » lard’s Horehound Syrup the best Is now open for the recep­ Hotel, Myrtle Point, or address at Goods, etc., just arrived at J. W. F or S al «.—About 1J acres of medicine for coughs and colds. Leneve’s store. tion of patients. The terms Coquille, Oregon. land near the Academy, good house, We hare used it for several years; are $10 per week and A new and complete stock of barn and out buildings. Also it always gives immediate relief upwards. For particulars Address J. A. is very pleasant and gives perfect Old inaids'would be scarce and moslins, sheetings, pillow tubings, joung orchard. cambrics, tickings. Ienoes, worsteds, Jacobson, North Bend, Oregon. hard to find, apply to satisfaction.” 25, 50c, $1.00. at R 8 C A R R IA G E WORK LOGGING WORK duckling fleece, velvet valour, out- Could they be made to see, Knowlton’s. Ladies’ ties and all kinds of How grace and beauty fs combined ting flannels, eton cloths. French Children's underwear, both wool For Bargains in Buggies and Carriages come and examina our line we by using Rocky Mountain Tea. twills, and India linens to arrive fine shoes, the latest out, Eastern have the beet that money can buy at the lowest prices. this week at Robinson’s, Sold by R, 8. Knowlton. made, at the mill store. and cotton, at J. W. Leneve’s. NORTH BEND. OREGON COQUILLE RIVERjîTEAWBOAT CO S t r . E liz a b e t h The Mercy Hospito Goquille furniture and BOX FACTORY S. H. MCÄDÄMS Blocksmithing Sisters of Mercy 1 Horseshoeing