) f o c i u U le H f f d à V o l . 23: No. 47. Entered as second-class matter May 8, 1905, at the postoffice at Coquille, Oregon, under act oí Congress of March S , 1879. C, R. Barrow, Attore«, and Oonnaellor at Law First-olaia Ueferenoes Fifteen Year«’ Experience Ooqunx* C ity , O b * J. J. STANLEY LAWYER Martin Building, * Front Street COQUILIiS, O bboon A. J. Sherwood, ArroBNir - xt -L aw , NOTABt FOBLIO, Coquille, : : Q™«op Walter Sinclair, A ttobhby - at -L a w, N o u n Fonnio, Coquille, : : Oregon. Hall & Hall, ATToaaar s- at • L aw , Dealer in K ia l E utatb o f a ll kind«. ____ M arshfield, Oregon. C. A. Sehlbrede, Attorney-* t-I.aw, Notary Public. P|l0ne 781' M arbuyibld , O kboon . B. D. Sperry. W ' Cl c h a "* - SPERRY & CHASE, Attorney s-at-Law. Offloe in Bobinnon Bnilding. Coquille, - • ‘ 0 re *o n - E. G. D. Holden, L awtbb , JU9TIC H o r IHR P b AOB XJ. 8. Coinixieaioaer, General Inenranoe Agent, and Notary Poblio. Offloe in Robinson Bnilding. Coquille, Oregon.________ A. F. Kirshman, D entist . Offloe two doors Sontli of Post office. Coquille . - • Oregon. DR. BERT E. SCHOONMAKER dentist crown, Bridge and Gold Work a Specialty. All W ork Guaranteed. P hone M ain 1101. MARSHFIELD GOQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO Str. D I S P A T C H Tom White, Master T aavM I Arrive« R endon....... T a ». I C oquille....... 1 r -» . | Bandon Connects at OoquUle with train for and steamer Echo for Myrtle ...I O a - b . . . . . 4 P-*. Marshfield Point. Str. F A V O R I T E J. O. Moomaw, Master, Ij**oq*llle ___ 7 a b . I Bandon■■■■■■ 1 r-R. I Itandon.. 10 : 4.1 A M. CoqnUi.. 4 A 5 r-». Str. E C H O H. .lams. Master. Leaves I Arrives M yrtle P o in t.. .7 a m . | oquHeO’y » SO a m . Coquille City. .1 r-M. | Myit.e P't. t 00 p m . Daily except Sunday. gp0 - p l i e safe and reliable t i w n - ^ t g screw f l ^ Tlie New and Speedy, J g /g S tr . E l i z a b e t h C. P. Jensen. Master. W ill fhake regular tripe lietween Coquille River and San Francisco. * N o S to p -o w e r a t W a y P orte. E le e tiic L igh ts. E v e ry th in g in First Class Style. The Mercy Rospita AT NORTH BEND Is now open (or the recep­ tion of patients. The terms sre $10 per week sod upwards. For particular« apply to Sisters of Mercy north bend , oreqon COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W E D N E S D A Y , AUG UST 15, 1906. Warning Against Fire«. issued and when and to whom is­ sued. Section 6. Any person who shall build a fire on any lands iD this State not his own or under bis control, shall, before leaving tbe same, totally extinguish it, and upon failure to do so, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) or by imprisonment in the county jail not excee^jng one month, or by both fine and imprison­ ment. Riverton Pick-nps The saw mill is rutining steady and every one is busy. There is lots of travel over tbe road now, but every traveler com­ plains of the Bear creek hill. Is it cot about time to remedy that part of the road? ear Camp Meeting Notes. The S. D. A- camp meeting which was held in J. D. Bennett’s grove at Gravelford began the evening of July 19, with a good attendance which increased to the very dose. There were eleven tents on the ground, including the pavillion. The churches of the oounty were We saw by the Journal that our well represented. little friend, Mildren Williams, had The ministers present were: El­ a very sad experience in Portland der F. S. Bunch, president of the last week. Western Oregon Conference; Elder Our wharf is now in fair shape Some Dark Statistics G. A. Snyder, pastor of the Port­ again. Now every body come up land church; Elder J. H. Dirksen, The number of homicides and and settle with Mr. Foster. who has charge of the work among Wo warn the young ladies of the Oerman-speakiDg people in the Section 2. It shall be tbe duty deaths by violence in tbe United of the county clerk of each county States in 1905 was 9,212, as against Riverton to not go near the river conference aud Elder J, M. Cole, to issue written or printed permits, 8,482 in 1904. Suicides, 9,082, as bank when on a Sunday stroll, of Salem, Killed on as we do not w^h to attend another during tbe permit season, to any against 9,240 in 1904. During tbe meeting Elder Cole steam railroads, in 1905, 3,142; in­ funeral soon. and all persons named in an appli­ gave two lectures on the history of jured, 15,904. Killed on electric We have tbe promise of a meat Fijii and his experience as a mis­ cation to set out fires. Said appli­ cation shall state tbe general de­ aDd elevated railroads, 464; injured market in our town soon. Come These statistics, collected aloDg, we will encourage any busi­ sionary while there. scription of the land upon which it 2,622. The ministers were all able is desired to set out fire and the ex­ by the Chicago Tribune, are un­ ness in this place. speakers and the sermons were along official, but perhaps they are none tent of tbe slashing or burning de­ There are now three or four practical religious lines. Every sired to be burned. Said permit the less trustworthy on that ac­ boarding houses in town, with night the tent was full, and on Sun­ count. , We murder and man­ season shall be from June 1 to Oot- prospects of another within a week. day and Sunday nights there was ober 1 of each year. Said permit slaughter nine times as many as the “ Oh! What will the harvest be?” not seating capacity in the large shall fix the time for setting out Germane; four times aB many as the D ona A nna , tent for the crowds present. The English, Scotch and Welsh. Amer­ ------------->«« »-.------------- fires on any three consecutive days services were made more attractive ica seems to be a little careless, to therein named, and not less than Obituary. by the aid of a competent choir, led ten days from the date of such put it mildly.— “ With the Proces­ by Mr. Prescott Wheeler, of Cottage Another pioneer has passed over sion,” Everybody’s Magazine. permit, and that no time when the Grove, and assisted by Miss Edith to that realm from whose bourn no wind is blowing to such an extent San Francisco, Cal., July 25,1906. traveler returns. The subject of Starbuck, soprano, of Portland, and as to cause danger of same getting Mr. Taylor G. Bunch, this sketch, Mrs. Martha Hayes, Mr. E. M. Oberg, tenor, of Astoria. beyond the oontrol of the person McKinley, Oregon. formerly Huntington, was born in Some of the other members of the setting out said fire, or without My dear sir:—Enclosed please Shelby county, Indiana, October 14, choir were from Cottage Grove. sufficient help present to control Two were added to the church find receipt for eighty-one dollars 1826. She united with the Chris­ the Harne, and that same shall be ($81.00,) the contribution of the tian church at the age of 16 years, by baptism. watched by the person setting the pupils and citizens of school dis­ and has ever since lived a truo and X. fire until the same is out. Upon tricts Nos. 27, 28, 32, 48, 65 and 74 consistent Christian life. In the granting said permit, the clerk shall A Warning to Mothers to the San Francisco School Re­ year 1852 she with other members at once notify at the earliest possi­ Too much care cannot be used construction Fund. of her family and a number 6f with small children during the hot ble moment Borne qualified and act­ The wonderful outpouring of friends forming quite a company', weather of the summer months to ing fire ranger in the vicinity of sympathy for San Francisco in her crossed the plains, making the trip guard against bowel troubles. As Baid proposed burning, and upon distress as evidenced by this' gen­ with teams, and many and full of a rule it is only necessry to give good cause may revoke or postpone erous contribution, added to many interest were the stories of hard­ tli ■ child a dose of castor oil to cor- said permit upon notice to said ap­ rei any disorder of the bowels. Do others of like character, is so deeply ships and thrilling ndventure she not ise any substitute, but give the plicant. appreciated by us that it is impos­ told of that long and tedious jour­ oldfashioned castor oil, and see Section 3. The fire raDger shall sible to give adequate expression ney, fraught with dangers from the that it is fresh, as rencid oil nause­ have police power and authority to our gratitude. I trust that you wild beasts of the forest and plain ates and has a tendency to gripe. and may arrest any person without will express to all concerned in this as well as the treacherous Indians. If this does not check the bowels give Chamerlain’s Colic, Cholera warrant who violates any of tbo particular gift our most heartfelt After reaching the coast Mr. and and Diarrhoea Remedy and then provisions of this act, or inter­ thanks. Mrn. Hayes lived in Washington a dose of castor oil, and the disease feres with said fire rangers in the Very sincerely yours, and Oregon, and in the latter for may be checked in its inciniency peiformance of their duties. It A lfhed R oncovieri , the most part, and have raised a and all danger avoid bed. The shall he the duty of said raDgers to castor oil and this remedy should Supt. of Schools. family of six, being four daughters be procured at once and kept ready enforce the provisions of this act, and two sons, Mrs. John Snyder, for instant use as soon as the first and continue a careful patrol of Notice to Taxpayers. of Marshfield, Mrs. Chas. Sterling, indication of any bowel trouble ap­ their respective districts, so that Notice is hereby given that the of Vancouver, Washington, Mrs. pears. This is the most successful any person violating the provisions Board ot- Equalization for the S. N. B. Hunt and Mrs. Mary Jen­ treatment kuown and may be re­ of this act raav be immediately ap­ County of Coos, State of Oregon, lied upon with implicit confi­ kins, of Bacdon, and J. S. Hayes, dence even in cases of cholera in­ prehended and arrested, and so will attend at the office of the of Coquille and E. E. Hayes, of fantum. For sale by R. 8, Knowl- that any fires liable to spread or do County Clerk of said county, at C o, North Bend, all of whom were by ton. -----«. «» >■«------------- damage may be immediately extin­ quille, Coos county, Oregon, on her side at ttie last, except E. E. the 27th day of August, A. D „ 1906, Timber or Stumpage For Sale. guished. the same being the last Monday in Hayes and Mrs. Snyder, who arrived The owner of 80 acres of timber Section 4. From June 1 to said month, at the hour of nine a few hours too late. Her illness land on the Coquille river near Fair- October 1 of each year it shall be o’clock a. m. of said day, and pub­ was of four or five days’ duration. view, wants a bid for the stumpage unlawful for any person, firm or licly examine tbe assessment rolls She bore her sufferings with pa­ or the land as a whole. It is N. E. corporation to use spark emitting and correct all errors in valuation, descriptions or quality of lands, lots tience and Christian fortitude, ful­ \ of S. W. i and S. W. J of the 8. locomotive, loggiDg engine, port­ or other property. ly realizing the last had come, she W. I of 36 in 27, S. R. 12. W. Ad­ able engine, traction enginb or Now, therefore, all persons hav­ was perfectly resigned to her fate dress, F. F. Weston, 1302, Webster stationary engine located in a tim­ ing business before the said Board and passed off as if it were into a street, Oakland, California. ber district, without tbe use of a of Equalization will take notice and peaceful sleep. Herbine spark arrester. Any person, firm or appear at the time and place afore­ Beside those mentioned, she is said, and make due complaint, other­ Renders the bile more fluid and corporation who shall fail to provide wise the assessment will stand as survived also by her life companion, thus helps the blood to flow; it af­ and use such spark arrester shall as returned by the assessor. ex-county treasurer, W. W. Hayes, fords prompt relief from biliousness, Witness my hand this 30th day be guily of a misdemeanor, and to whom b I io was we lded nearly 60 indigestion, sick and nervous head­ T. J. THRIFT, upon conviotion thereof shall pay a of July. years ago, who is bowed under the aches, and over-indulgence in food Assessor Joos County, Oregon. fine for eaoh engine or locomotive and drink. load of sorrow and grief, as well as (} L Caldwell, Agt. M K and T without such spark arrester of not An air ship has been Bailing over 80 years of this life, fraught with R R., Checotab, Ind. Te r, writes. less than ten dollars nor more than Washington for a few days, and it the many adversities of pioheer life. April 18, 1903; “ I was sick for fifty dollars, and shall be enjoined The funeral services were con­ over two years with enlargement of is said that the inhabitants are af­ from further use of such engine or flicted with a new disease called ducted by a particular friend, Rev. the liver nnd spleen. The doctors locomotive until such spark arrester 8 . B. Hollenbeak, by reqest, one did me no good, and I had given “ Rubberitis” . , up all hopes of being cured, when is provided. The Kentuckians have decided whom alie had known since early mv druggiet advised me to use Her­ Section 5. The period from boyhood, and whom she bad coun­ bine. It has made me sound and that denatured alcohol may be al­ seled in bis early years as a minis­ June 1 to October 1 in each year right for automobiles, hut they say ter, being a great support to him well.” 50c. sold bv R. 8, Knowlton. shall be known aB tbe close season, it falls short of the real thing for a in his worn. W anted . —Gentleman or lady during whiph time it shall be un Kentucky home coming. “ A precious one is taken, with good reference, to travel by lawful for any camper, farmer, log­ “ A voice we loved is stilled, rail or with a rig, for a firm of $250,- It is said that a New Jersey woman “ A place is vacant in our home ger, or other individual, firm, or 000 capital. Salary $1,072.00 “ That never can be filled.” had a snake tatooed on ber arm by corporation, to set out or cause to per vear and expenses; salary paid A F riend . be set out, fires in slashings, down lightening, but there is strong weekly and expenses advanced. Address, with stamp, Joe. A. Alex­ Public is Aroused or fallen timber, or on timber lands, suspicion that Jersey lighting had something to do with the produc­ ander. Coquille City, Ore. or in the vicinity o f grain fields, The public is aroused to knowl­ tion of that SDake. edge of the curative merits of that without first obtaining a permit in Stop That Cough writing or print from the county List your property with the Home great medicinal tonic. Bitters, for When a cough, a tickling or ir­ : sick stomach, liver and kidneys. clerk of bis county, as provided in Realty Co. ' Mary II Walters, of 546 St. Ave., ritation in the throat makes you sectioh 2, and at no time shall any There mav be flies ou you but Col irnbuf, O., writes: “ For several feel uncomfortable take Ballard’s fire lie set out when the wind is there will be none on your cows if months, I was given up to die. I Horehound Syrup. Don’t wait un­ blowing to such su extent is to you spray them with Fly Bouncer, i had fever and ague, my neryes were til the disease has gone beyond con­ cause danger of same getting hd' Flyo Curo or So-Boss-So. A sup­ ; were wrecked; I could not sleep, and trol. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ander my stomach was so weak, from use- son, 254 West 5th St. Salt Lake yond control of the person setting ply of all kinds at KDowlton’s drug I less doctors’ drugs, that I could not City, Utah, write. We think Bal­ store same out, or without sufficient help lard’s Horehound Syrup the best Mohair, Oladeea Silks, Gray \ sleep, and my stomach was so present to control the same, and medicine for coughs and cold*. weak, from useless doctors’ drugs, Suitings, White and Silk Shirt samo shall be watched by the per­ Waists, Laces, Embroideries, Mus­ that I could not eat. Soon after We have used it for several years; son setting the fire until tbe same lins, India Linen, White Dress ! beginning to take Electric Bitters, it always gives immediate relief, I obtained relief, and in a short is very pleasant and gives perfect is out, and any person violating Goods, etc., just arrived at J. W. time I was cntirly cured.” Guaran­ sati*faction.” 25, 50c, $1.00, at R. 8. Leneve's store. of tha provisions o f this section teed at Knowlton’ s drugstore; price Knowlton’o. A new and complete stock of 50c. shall be punished by s fine not lese Farm for sale or trade— 40 acres than $100 or more than $1,000, or muslins, sheetings, pillow tubings, Foa S al *.— A bout 1J acres of 3 miles below Dora; 30 acree bill, cambrics, tickings, lenoes, worsteds, be imprisoned in the oounty jail not duckling fleece, velvet valour, out- land near the Academy, good bouse, 10 bottom, all fenced and in graes. leas than one month or more than ting flannels, eton cloths, French barn and out buildings. Also Price, $1260, or trade for city one year. The county clerk shall twills, and India linens to arrive jou n g orchard. Address J. A. property. B. Folaom, Tuttle Hotel, Jacobson, North Bend, Oregon, Coquille. keep • complete eopy of all permits this week at Robinson’s, The principal provisions of an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon providing for the protection of the forest and timber of the State of Oregon and for the protection frem forest fires, and the destruction of timber by fire, and providing for the appoint­ ment of fire ranges and defining their duties, and providing for a closed season, and providing for the punishment of persons ■“ ho Bet out fires which cause or may oause in­ jury to said forest or timber, etc. $1:50 P e r Y p iO N E E R M EA T M A R K ET Lard, Hams, Bacon, Sausage, Fresh and Salt Meats. We Carry Your We are headquarters fo r euerything in the meat line, wonts always receives prompt attention. C O Q U IL L E V A L L E Y NL£ NL£ NU W NL£ Tts T in ^ P A C K IN G CO. \l/ \J/ VI/ \J/ V]/ VU V]/ v u VU v u v u vi/ v u vi/ vi/ VI/ VJ/ vi/ vi/ 7fÑ 7N 7 t \ /N /T v /N / in 7 T\ /K /fv 7t\ /N /f\ 7f\ /K ?K 7K / r \ 71s 7K /TÑ / in Josh’s Place, T. H. MEHL, Proprietor. * X X * * Card rooms and Soft Drinks Can di es, Cigars and Tobacco. City News Stand. V U M /X I/ 'Tv 7 ïs 7 N * * ^ * * * * W \ i/ \V \ 1 / Nj/ M / \I/ \ 1 X M/ VI/ VL/ VI/ VI/ VI/ NI/ Vi/ VI/ V|/ VU \\/ y i/ T in 7 in T in 7 N / in 7 rv 7 Tv 7 Iv 7 rv /T n 7 K / in /I n T in 7 K 7 TÑ 7 in 71 n /F s 7 K 7 in 7 I n W .H.SCHROEDER “ Watchmaker and Jeweler, Front Street, COQUXL&E, O R E G O N . A ll w ork guaranteed . ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE B. FEW TOÏW Prop Saddle Horsee o f beet quality always on band. Good Rigs in redi- ness for special trips. In faot, a general Stage and Livery business. Accommodations for Taveling men a specialty Leave Coquille at 6 a. m., arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50 M AR SH FIE LD General Hospital A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical and obstetrical cases. in every Equipment new and modern particular. Rates from $j>l£> t o $ £ 3 0 p e r w e e k Including room, board, gineral nursing and drugs. Miss S. G. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. E HORSFALL HOSPITAL' MISS L. G. GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. A private Hospital well equipped for the treat­ ment of su rgical and medical diseases. Trained N urses in Attendance. For Information Address ’Phone 631. Win. Horsfall, M. D., .Marshfield, Oregon. Ooquille Furniture and BOX FACTORY J - G - F ish MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cube«, Apple and Fruit ooxes Cabinets, Table*, Counter*, Store Fronts, etc. Turning Work * Specialty. Al| Onlers giren prompt Attention.