Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 18, 1906, Image 1

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    Caquillc licralö.
V ol .
23: No. 44.
Knt»-r«il »» »econd-class matter May
8, 1905, at the poHtofflce at Coquille,
Ore /on, under act of Oomjree» of March
S, 1379.
C, R. Barrow,
Attorney and Oonnaellor at Law
Flret-olaa Beferenoes
Fifteen Year»’ Experience
C ouuill * C ity , Oaa
Martin Building,
Front Street
A. J. Sherwood,
A ttobmkt - at -L aw ,
N otami P ublic ,
Walter Sinclair,
NoTiftt r o a n o ,
Hall & Hall,
A t TOB!»*T»-AT-L»W,
Dea lei la Ban. E btxti of all klnde.
Marshfield, Oregon.
c. A. Sehlbrede,
Notary Public.
phou* 761'
•M arshfibld , O sbook .
W , C. Chase.
E. D. Sperry.
Office in Robinson Building,
C oqu ille,
E. G. D. Holden,
0 . 8. Commissioner, Qeneral Insurance
Agent, and Notary Publio. Offioe
in Robin son Building.
Ooquille, Oregon.
A. F. Kir8hman,
office two doors Sooth of Post offioe.
c ro w n , Bridge and Gold
P hose
Work a Specialty.
All Work Guaranteed.
M ain 1101. MARSHFIELD
Str. D IS P A T C H
Tom White, Meuter
' C d e n .......T a b .
Oo.,mlle . . 10 a -«.
Coquille...... 1
I liando* " • ?
Conecta at Coquillewith tr.infor Mamhleld
and 8t6Biu«r Echo for Myrtl* Feint.
Str. F A V O R IT E
J. C. Moomaw. Master,
L Canille
7 AU. I * B u S m . . 10:48 a - m .
Budon........ 1 r-M. | Coquille. 4:48 r-M.
S tr . E C H O
H. Jams. Master.
M .rtleP oiut
7 A-M. I oquille C‘y 9 30 a - m .
o 2 3 f f o & . . 1 « . \ W rit.. P’t. .4 00 r-M
Daily except Sunday._________ _
g ^ T h e safe and reliable t i w n - ^ ®
The New and Speedy,^ 0
Str. E liza b eth
c . P. Jensen. Master.
Will make regular tripe bet wee a
C o q u ille R iv e r and S a n
F r a n c is c o .
Wo Btop-ower at W a y Porta.
Electric Lights. Everything in First
Class Style.
The Mercy Hospital
Is now open for the recep­
tion of patients. The term*
are $10 per week and
upwards. For particular«
apply to
¿isters of Mercy
Ail International Question
In the last issue o f the monthly
law publication, "Case and Com­
ment,” there appears a brief but
interesting dissertation on the basis
of Federal interference in the mat­
ter of presenting the diversion of
the water of Niagara River for in­
dustrial purposes.
The argument
is made that while the rights of the
Federal Government in the premises
have been clouded by doubt, on the
broad ground of international obli­
gation interference is entirely de­
T o best present the position of
the writer in “ Case and Comment’ ’
we offer a quotation:
As a boundary between the na­
tions, this river is a natural feature,
in the continued existence of which
each nation has an undoubted right.
Any attempt of either nation to di­
vert the waters of Lake Erie through
some other channel than that of the
Niagara river would unquestionably
wrong the other nation, and would
be, under international law, a just
cause of war. It is not easy to see
why tbe same is not true of any at­
tempt of either nation to drain the
waters of the river into obannels,
ditches, or tunnels of any kind by
which the natural course and con­
dition of the river is materially
changed. The sublime Cataract is
a part of this international river,
and it is equally a treasure of each
nation, the preservation of which
each is justly entitled to demand.
If it is true that each natiou is en­
titled to demand the continued exist­
ence of the Cataract, or of the river,
it is obvious that it is the business
of the Federal Government to pro-
vent any such action in this country
as will constitute an international
If Great Britain has a
right to demand the enforcement of
the ancient maxim that the water
■ball flow as it has been accustomed
to flow, it is the federal Govern­
ment, and not the State of New
York, that must answer the demaud.
This view of the matter is novel
but apparently sound, It is not at
this time so important as it is inter­
Tbe question concerning
Niagara is in course of satisfactory
solution. Public sentiment on both
sides of tbe line was overwhelmingly
against the diversion of water from
the river and the destruction of the
falls. It is not at all probable that
the refusal of either government to
take proper action would have been
resolved to a casus belli.
It is
nevertheless a very pretty point
that has been raised in international
law, that this might have been the
fact should either government elect
to force the issue.—Ex.
Coos County Oats.
M ore Than 1,000,000 Im m i
grants E nter During F isca l
E ditor H xrald . — What our hill
land will and can produce when
properly farmed, Mr. O. S. Coleman,
New York, July 10.—More than
of the North Fork, has given sn 1,000,000 immigrants entered the
example. Tbe gentleman left in the United States through the Ellis Is­
office of the Myrtle Point Enterprise land station during the fiscal year
a number of oat stalks which ending June 30 last. The exact
measured from tbe root to tbe top number was 1,002,054, an increase
of the bead eight feet seven inches, of 199,075 as compared with the
the head being two feet long and preceding year. The largest num­
full of graio. As the plant was still ber of immigrants came from South­
green and not even in blossom it is ern Italy, the number being 222,-
not assumed too much that when 000. The Hobrewr were second,
full grown its height would have with 125,000.
The immigrants
reached fnlly nine feet. Just think brought» with them a total of
of it A hundred fold from one $19,000,000. Of the totul, 888,543
grain is an enormous crop, in this were aliens, an increase of 24,564
case the seed counted nearly four over the number received at this
hundred. So any other one who station during the year ending June
can beat this, bring your samples 30, 1905.
up here to meiaure.
The P ou ltry D octor.
Myrtle P oint
J. W. Bennett, has received a let­
ter from Hon. Joseph E. Ransdall,
Chairman of the Executive Com­
mittee cf the National Rivers &
Harbors Congress, and Representa­
tive for Florida in tbe House of
Representatives of the United States
dated at Washington, D. C- on the
21st. ult saying:
“ Yours of the 9th inst to hand.
I appreciate your invitation to visit
Coos Bay and the Coqnille while on
my trip to the Coast and I will try
to do so. While out there I will
be in the bands of my friends, in­
cluding Hon. W. L. Jones. It is
my desire to make a thorough in­
vestigation of the entire Coast.
certainly hope that nothing will
happen to prevent me making the
trip. My present plan is to make
it is’ September.” It is to be hoped
that Representative Ransdall will
take the time to visit this section,
as ho is Chairman of the Committee
on the Rivers and Harbors in the
House of Representatives of the
United States, as his personal in­
spection of this section will enable
him to more fully understand
wherein the improvement of the
Harbors are most important in tbe
development of the resources of this
coast. There is a very marked dif­
ference as to the depth of water
needed at a bar harbor as compared
with eastern harbors such as New
York, where there are no bars to
contend with. It is safe to say
that if New York was a bar harbor
it would be necessary to have at
least sixty feet of water on the bar
there to accomodate tbe shipping
in that harbor now accomodate
with 35 feet at the entrance; and
this is one of the reasons why Rep­
resentative Ransdall should visit
thia section. So that he will be able
to make it so clear to Chairman
Burton of the Committee on River
and Harbors that he was in error in
his recent remarks on Coos Bay.
He will be accompanied by Hon. W.
L. Jones, Representative in Con­
gress for the State of Washington,
and possibly by our own senators
and representatives.— Sun.
If you are interested in poultry,
by all means send 25 cents in pos­
tage stamps to the Associated Fan­
ciers, 400 N. 3rd St, Philadelphia,
Penn., for their new book, on the
diseases of poultry.
comparatively small it is so concise,
terse and lucid as to be of great
value to the fancier and the breeder
of poultry. It shows how to man­
age and rear fowls, how to detect
their different ailments, and how to
treat them by either allopathic or
homoeopathic remedies. It is from
the pen of the lste John E. Diehl,
the well known American Poultry
Association Judge, one of the high­
est authorities o d poultry.
Is a violent inflamation of the
mucous membrane of the wind
pipe, which sometimes extends to
the larynx and bronchial tubes;
and is one of the most dangerous
diseases of children. It almost al­
ways comes on in the night. Give
frequent small doses of Ballard’s
Horebound Syrup and apply Rul-
lard’s Snow Liniment externally to
the throat.
25c, 50c and $1.00.
Sold by R S Knowlton.
$1.50 P er Y
ear .
Note and Comment.
There is an ice famine and an ice
scandal in Washington and the au
thorities are hot on the trail o f the
ice trust.
Association with educated men and women
whom we regard as great is a source of
pleasure. It is easy to associate with these
people through the medium of their BOOKS,
o f which a large assortment of the best
and at city prices are to be found at
Measured, not by the almanao,
but by tbe anxiety of millions of
raothors, the Fourth Of July is by
far'the longest day in the year.
It used to be said that “ love
laughs at locks” but the Indiana
girl who laughed at her locksmith
beau was shot.
West end of Front Street.
Trainer Muldoon may be able to
improve ¡Senator Depew’s health
but it is doubtful if he will ever be
the cynosure of eyes from the Sen­ Ku w \t/ M/ ni / \|/ \i/ \i/ nj / \|/ \i/ \i/ \jy \ y \i/ w ni / \y \i/ si/ \i/ \i/ \}/ \i/ \ l / \ i /
/i\ / in 7 k / tñ /K 7 n
T t Ñ 7 n 7 i \
A \ s K 7K /K 7 i \ / in 7TÑ 7K 7K 7K 7K 7K 7 k 7 i \ / K
ate gallery again.
Josh’s Place,
Anything that concerns our X
charming adopted Count Bonne de X
Casteliaine is of interest, and the *
T. T. LA N D , Proprietor
fact that he was turned out of the *
French Chamber of Deputies be­ *
cause he scoured his seat by bribery X
is worth consideration of American X
The United States Government, <j> Pool Tables
the biggest corporation in the
world, is now practioally in the
Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco.
management of the 1,800 clerks
City News Stand.
who know more about detail and t K
routine than cabinet officers and *
chiefs of division.
The President / K 7 in /K 7 T\ 7 i \ /t\ 7 I\ 7 TS 7 K / k /i\ 7 K /K /N 7 N ^ ^ ^ 7 k 7 K 7 t\ 7 N 7 T\ 7 f\
is at Uyster Bay.
The Vice-Presi­
dent is at his farm in Illinois. The
Secretary of State is on the high
seas, his boat headed for Brazil.
The other cabinet officers are away
by sea-side or mountain, but tbe
remarkably well-regulated machin­
ery of this ponderous Governmental
aggregation moves almost without
jar or hitch. What other govern­
ment on the planet could endure
F r o n t S tre e t,
the disruption, the revolution iu
fact, which takes placo every four
years in a presidential election?
Americans contemplate with equa­
A l L w ork g u a r a n teed .
nimity or at least without great
concern the possible election two
years hence of W. J. Bryan with the
assurance that the change of govern­
ment from one man and one party
to another man and party will have
little or no appreciable effect upon
tbe nation, its people or its prosper­
It seems that something more
than water is required to float log
rafts in Lane county.
Lane went
dry at the late election, and many
logers have quit work.
work and good wages are not allur­
ing to men who are “ dry” with a
tbiiBt that all the waters of the
Washington City is deserted.
Willamette and McKenzie will not The National Congress, the Su­
quench.— Oregonian.
preme Court and the Cabinet have
*• -
departed for the summer. The
Green— “ I can’t understand why Capital is resting and it needs a
De Short wants a divorce.
His rest, for not within its history ex­
wife had nearly half a million when cepting duriDg the four years’ period
he married her.”
Brown- -“ Yes, of the Civil War hus thoro been
and she has every dollar of it yet. such a strenuous time as during
That’s the trouble.”— Chicago Daily the session of Congress just ad­
The record of the work
- *- -•<- •
of the past year is momontous in its
One Dollar Saved Represent! Ten Dollars
Airships, it is now promised, will retrospect. The verdict of the Su­
soon be on the market at $1000 preme Court of the United States in
Tbe average man does not save
each. Why fritter away your in­ the northern securities murder case
to exceed ten per cent of his earn­
stallments on an automobile when was the beginning of the attack on
ings. He must spend nine dollars
you can get an even more danger­ the trusts. It defeated a scheme to
in living expenses for every dollar
saved, That being the case he can­
ous machine for the same price?— put the railroads of tho whole west­
not be too careful about unneces­
Indianapolis News.
ern country into the hands of a few
sary expenses. Very often a few
men. Then followed the prosecu­
cents properly invested, like buy­
An attorney, pleading a few days
Mitchell is F ree.
ing seeds for bis garden, will save
tion of the beef trust. This fended
ago for leniency for his client, con­
several dollars outlay later on. It
Seattle, Wash., George Mitchell, victed of a grave charge, said: in confusion for tho Government
is the same in baying Chamber­
owing to the decision of a Chicago
lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea who shot and killed “ Holy Roller” “My client wronged no one but
Remedy. It costs but a few cents Creffield in this city two months ago himself.” Yet this man had a wife court that the beef magnates having
end a bottle of it in the honse often to avenge the wroDg done his sister, and children, upon whom the shame given information, they could not
saves a doctor’s bill of several dol­ was acquitted by a jury last night
be prosecuted; but the Government
of his imprisoument and the finan­
lars. For sale by R. S. Knowlton.
on oharge of murder.
Today con­ cial stress imposed by a fine of sev­ quickly got even with tbe beef trust
gratulations are pouring in on him eral thousand dollars, fell and w 11 in the passage of the meat inspec­
Mr. Bryan and Ambassador Reid
from all sides. Mitchell expects to continue to fall with crushing force. tion bill. This bill is not all to-
and rattling
! gether satisfactory, but it is a long
leave tonight for Portland.
The fact that no man lives to him-
amenities at a Fourth of July din­
step in the right direction.
„ . . . . ] self alone is demonstrated in every
ner in London. Mr. Reid said he
Three Americans, one Britisher j
, dissolution of the Western paper
had opposed Mr Bryan’s politioal and a Japanese, all five being mem-
trust was the next sensation, and
aspirations and expected to do it here of a sealing schooner seized by or 1
has resulted in a drop of 30 per
again. Mr. Bryan said he had met the Russians, have just reached
in the price of newspaper ma­
many Republicans in diplomatic and Japan, after three years’ imprison-1
The prosecution of the
consular places abroad and bis ment at Vladivostok, a portion of child not Expected lo Live From one Hour
Kausas City rebate case was a de
great regret was that there were not their term of imprisonment being
To Another, but Cured by Chamber­
cided Government triumph, the
a sufficient number of foreigu offices served in chains.
The experience
Court having imposed a fine of
lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
for all the Republicans in tbe of the American sealers in the past
$15,000 on each of the companies
United States.
is a sufficient guarantee that Russia
Ruth, the little daughter of E N ; and fines of $6,000 on two of the in­
W antkd —Gentleman
or lady will not suffer for aDy indignities Dewey of Agnewville, Va., was dividual defendants. The examina­
with good reference, to travel by which she may have placed on the seriously ill of cholera infantum tion of tbe tabacco trust is under
We gave her up ' consideration, and enough has al-
rail or with a rig, for a firm of $250,- citizens from this land of the free.: l«sat summer.
000 capital.
Salary $1,072.00 With the 3ritish and Japanese the and did not expect her to live from ready been discovered to justify
one hour to another,” he says.
per veer and expenses; salary paid
matter is different, and, unless the happened to think of Chamber- prosecution. Tbe suit against the
weekly and expenses advanced.
Address, with stamp, Joe. A. Alex­ sealers were clearly in the wrong, Iain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea western passenger elevator combine
Ruasia will pay well for her indiscre­ Remedy and got a bottle of it from [ of thirty different firms has been
ander. Coquille City, Orfe.
tion. Tbe only sealers that it is the store. In five hours I saw a ! successfully fought and has issulted
Harry Thaw’s friends are poetis­ safe for any old power to seize sre change for the better. We kept on
I giving it and before she had taken ! in tbe disruption of the trust.
ing about| tbe unwritten law but
the written law “Thou sbalt not those which sail under tbe American the half of one small bottle she was is impossible to overrate tbe moral
j well.” This remedy is for sale by 1 effect of these victories and tbe
commit murder” is tbe one under flag.—Oregonian.
! R S Knowlton.
which he will be tried.
salutary influence they will have up-
"The new Diamodd Cut Glass
List your property with the Home is its name. You will find it at 1 Royal Chinook Shoes at J W 1 on tbe political, industrial sad finsq-
! ciftl future of tbe country,
l Mr», I M i T l »fid it in beautiful.
! Leoeva’i, None better.
Realty Co,
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Saddle Horses of best quality always on band. Good Rigs in redi-
nuss for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business.
Accommodations for Taveling men a specialty
Geave Coquille at 6 a. m„ arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50
General Hospital
A private hospital for the care and treatment o f medical, surgical
and obstetrical cases.
in every
Equipment new and modern
Rates from
$$15 t o $£30 p e r w e e k
Including room, bjard, gmeral nursing and drugs.
Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron.
Marshfield, Oregon.
A p rivate H o sp ita l w ell e q u ip p e d fo r the treat­
m ent o f s u r g ic a l and m e d ica l d ise a se s.
T ra in e d N u rs e s in A tte n d an ce .
For Information Address
’Phone 631.
Win. Horsfall, M. D.,
Marshfield, Oregon.
Goquille Furniture
J - G - F is h
MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit noxe*
Cabinets, Tables, Counters. Store Fronts, etc.
Turning Work a Specialty
All Order* g iv*^
prompt attention