( f o g n ili* V o l . 2 3 : N o . 4 2 . Walter Culin, M. D. P hysician and S cbobon C o q d il l k C i t y , O b * . E S S E S ffifc Telephone 3. I C. R. Barrow, Attorney and Conntellor at Lav Finitola»» Heferencea C o y iiu .K C it y , O b « J. J. STANLEY into classes of society, employe alike. sessions Martin Building, • Front Street CoquiLL*, O bboob f employer and they European or American, yellow ments from all points on the line in servants can answer the question. N otabt P ublic , Oregon fra Walter Sinclair, A T rQ B N «Y -A T -L A W , N otabt P ublio , r o u ille , 1906 laws have and corruption oannot successfully Amerioan workingmen. The gen­ their natural talents had been de­ eral trend of all this legislation is veloped; in the administration of protection of the Oregon. their affairs there was little or no The Russians, on the of the employer. Throughout the other hand, were densely ignorant. Middle West, and especially in A people of fine talent, those in the Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois and ranks had been permitted to sink Kansas, the scope of this lawmak­ into a condition little above that of ing has related largely to the safe­ the brute. In the administration guarding of those employes that of the several departments corrup­ are engaged about machinery or in tion was in everything, fiom the its direot operation. corrupt tip of the lowest commis­ In the Eastern states, notably in sioned officer to the graft of the New York a u ^ Massachusetts, in­ Grand Duke charged with supply­ dustries UakE' have developed con- ing the navy with coal. A ttobnbtì - at -L aw , Dealer in U* al E btat * of all kinds. Marshfield, Oregon. example, to correct much of the fore a regiment left for Manchuria adverse conditions associated with or a battleship sailed for the China the sweatshop and enterprises where Sea. The ignorace and corruption Woodford warned the graduating class of the Utah lawB have been enacted affect­ Northwestern University had ren­ ing the interests of miners. In dered her inefficient and helpless. Arkansas and Nevada the use of the — San Francisco Call. kindred methods obtain. C. A. Sehlbrede, In C olo­ against which General rado, Illinois, Michigan, Kansas and Attorney-at-Law , Notary Public. And Rus­ ’gsta&'lnodea of living and working sia, the great nation, went down in have been the subject of legal enact­ defeat before JapaD, the small. ment. It has been the purpose, for But the fight was lost to Russia be­ Hall & Hall, Phone 761. blacklist has been prohibited, and M akshkikui , O beoon . in the latter state as well as in W is­ One Dollar Saved Represents Ten consin, South Carolina, Connecticut Earned. and Michigan, bribes or tips of any F.. D . S perry. w - O. C h a »«. that the great public heart is moved to justice as between the men who labor and the men who employ that labor; there is the recognition of Largor P ro fits in C a ttle . sort have been prohibited by law purpose of in- flueucing the relation of the employe Attorney a*at-Law. toward the business or OfBee in Kobineon B n lld ia g , conduct of the employer. business A ll this sufficiently denotes that C oqu ille, - - - ° " * ° n- there is a healthy public sentiment which is genuinely concerned with i the interests of the men who £. G. D. Holden, L aw yhb , brow. Agent, and Notary Publio. OfBee in R obin eon Building. C oqu ille, earn their bread in the sweat of their U. 8- CommiMiooer, General Insurance O regon. There is manifestation here mutual interest that is best served by the greater oomfort and welfare on every hand.— Evening Telegram. offloe two doors Booth o f Post oS oo. T h e L a te s t F r o m B u rb a n k . . . . O regon. Str. DISPATCH Tom White, Ma»ter i Arrive» Bandon....... 7 »-* I Coquille. . . . 1» A B. Coquille....... 1 r u- I Bandon . . . . 4 r-M. Cennect» at Coquille with train for M ar.hi.ld and steamer Èsho for Myrtle Point. t Str. FAVORITE J. C. Moomaw. Maater, I.eavee I Arrive» Coquille......... 7 A B. | Bandon. . Bandon.......... 1 r-B. | A B. Coquille. Str. ECHO H. Jams. Master. T »eaves I Arrives M yrtlePoint. , . 7 a - m . I ovyuHl«CTy » ¡ » a - b . Coquille C ity .. .1 r-u. I Myitie F t . . 4 00 r-B. Daily except Sundey. I ^ - T h r sale and reliable t i w n - ^ d i «crew g ^ Yhe New and Speedy, S tr . E liz a b e t h C. P. Jensen, M aster. W ill m ake regular tripe between Coquille River and San Fra n cisco . Ifo Stop-over at W a y Porta. E lectric L ig h ts. E v e ry th in g in Firet Class S tyle. The Mercy Hospital AT N0HTH BEND Is now open (or the recep­ tion of patients. The term* •re $10 per week nod upwards. For particular« # apply to 5fsters of Mercy NORTH BEND. ORFOON The Koreans are threatmg with violent death all persons found wearing long hair. Kansans visit­ ing Korea will have to get across the line. People like to think that the world is growing better but the only man who can draw a crowd is the one who is going to tell how vile some man is. Buy it Now. Father Sherman has abandoned his maroh to the sea because of op­ position. There would never have been any march to the sea if Gen­ eral Sherman hud withdrawn for the same reason. likely to again occur in the life of diseases of children. It almost al­ In the past ways comes on in the night. Give and mail order house, assistant man­ ager (man or woman) for this coun­ ty and adjoining territory. Salary $20 and expenses paid weekly; ex­ pense money advanced. pleasant; position permanent. Work No investment or experience required. Spare time valuable. Write at once for particulars and enclose self-ad­ dressed envelope. Superintendent, 132 Lake S t Chicago, 111. lauds to be filled up, and for good beef will increase from I the supply of good beef can keep pace with the increase in demand — Northwest Pacific Farmer. - ------> «•« • The Russian Douma promises to be the moet illiterate legislative gathering in the world. Several of the members can neither read nor write, the majority are peasants and sixty-four have incomes of less than forty dollars a year. Alto­ gether it looks as if Count Witte The beet books by standard an- thors, classic and popular fiction, at had resigned just in time to save himself s social anti-climax Knowlton’ s. _ _ _ _ * * T. T. LA N D , Proprietor. * * Billiard Card rooms * and and * P Pool Tables ^ * * Soft Drinhs Q * Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. City News Stand. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * W. H. SCHROEDER Watchmaker and Jeweler, 1 a ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE cattle went down to a very low price the larynx and bronchial tubes; and profits vanished. This is not and is one of the most dangerous year to year, and it is doubtful if ____ Now is the time to Duy Chamber­ Fro n t Street, lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea « Remedy. It is certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time COQUILLE, OREGON. comes you will need it badly—you will nawJ it quickly. liny it now. A ll w ork g u a r a n teed . It may save life. For sale by R S Members of the German Reich­ Knowlton. stag are to receive $750 a year and ------------- - -------------- to be fined $7.50 for each day they Wasbiugton, June 23.—The are absent. The Government does Naval Board of Inspection and Sur­ not intend that any of its officials vey will leave Washington July 16 shall die disgraced by reason of dy­ for Seattle, where it will conduct ing rich. the trial trip o f the Nebraska. The board will later go to San Francisco Thore appear to be but two views and try the Milwaukee, whose runs of Panama. To one set of cor­ B. FENTON will be made off Santa Barbara. respondents it is a duplicate of tho Before leaving the Pacific Coast the place which Sherman preferred to Prop board will frame instructions which Texas and to the others it appears Saddle Horses of best quality nlwa.vs on hand. Good Rigs in redi- will enable a Pacific Coast board to as attractive as a suburban real ncss for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business. couduct future triul trips. estate advertisement. Accommodations forTaveliug men ft specialty Croup The nominee for govornor of Leave Coquille at 6 a. ni„ arriving at Rosoburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50 Pennsylvania is a bachelor and is the great original unkissed man, antedating Gladstone Dowie by many years. In his youthful days he wore without reproach the sou­ briquet of “ blushing Nod.” cheap frequent small doses of Ballard s Professor Langly, it is said, is Horehound Syrup and apply Bal­ those working on an invention of a new lard’s Snow Liniment externally to tatoes were planted at Burbank lands did not at first complete very the throat. 25c, 50c and $1.00. tvpe of sub-marine boat. If he yesterday constituting a part o f the much with the raisers of blooded Sold by R S Knowlton. succeeds with that as well as he did 14,000 species of the tuber family cattle, for the reason that the dis­ with his flying machine which tried with which Luther Burbank will tances were to great between them Inspectors Coming. to find the bottom of the Potomac experiment this year, in his plans to and the markets. With the com­ The newly appointed Assistant liver as soon as it was launched he give to the world another new po­ ing of the rsilrosds those . lands Inspectors ol Steam Vessels D. S- may solve with it the problem of tato. were opened up and demoralized aerial navigation. The planting was watched by Dr. the markets for some years. But Ames and G. Q. Wedlin, will visit Shull, one of the Carnegie institute now it is all different. Transporta­ this section soon. They will be at Evidently the French people be­ scientists, who is getting data for tion cannot longer greatly affect the Gardiner on July 4tb, Marshfield, lieve that the Countess Castellaae treatises that are to be presented to situation, for those lamls are pro­ the 5th and 6th, Coquille 7tli and is going to forgive her little Count 4:45 r-B. the world as a correct understand­ ducing as much as they can in their 8th, Bandon 9th and Rogue river aDd restore to him ngain the Gould ing, scientifically, of the Burbenk wild state, and as soon as they are on the 12th.-—Mail millions. In tho last election he work. polled a higher vote than ever be- brought under cultural conditions An Alabama paper urges the need The potatoes planted and those the increased expense must be fore. that are yet to be planted are of all counted with. It is no longer pos­ of more water troughs, on the sorts and sizes, color and conditions. sible for a man to herd thousands ground that a man can hustle for Mr. Carneige says he is going to From these thousands of potatoes of cattle on “ No-man’s-land" and water, while a horse cannot. But write the history of his life. The the new potato is to come. Mr. produce good beeves almost with­ the question as it applies to Ala­ history of the lives of some of the Burbank desirea that the new po­ out expense. Larger profits for bama is: Will a man hustle for men he has advanced to high places tato shall be more prolific and that cattle are now boing experienced. water?—Telegram. would make more sensational read­ the yield shall be practically im- The increase in populations will ing but at any rate Mr. Carnegie CHOLERA INHANTUM pe. nous to disease and of uniform continue, but the pastures cannot can be sure of seeing bis book on size. be increased in size. The demand j Child not Expected to Live From one Hour tho shelves of many public libraries. By Chicago wholesale ?K Josh’s Place, * In eight years the dividends of the Standard Oil have risen to three * times the par value of its capital * Washington, June 21—On the stock. Still gasoline went up throe * * * first vote on the canal question this cents a gallon a short time ago. afternoon in the Senate, the lock If Congress can so cheerfully and type won. As a lock canal has al­ ready been adopted by tne House lightly waste $300,000 of the and approved by the President, the people’s money in free seeds the question is at once suggested, how sanction of the Senate settles the question. The canal will probably much do they waste in other forms of graft? be completed in eight years. Sants Rosa, Cal., June 16.— Four there were great areas of W anted : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * w Lock Type Wins. any person now liviDg. thousand different varieties of po­ COQUILLE RIVER STE4HB0AT CO Governor Folk of Missouri has discovered that nearly every man in the Missouri penitentiary is a poor man. That is the result of going to law doubtless. ------------- ---------------------- pipe, which sometimes extends to D kntist . C oquille In the past in this country the from Portland and the Sound to Eastern points on the Northern lines. The Harriman system have placed in effect a tariff giving the towns of Marshfield and North Bend, Oregon, a 60-cent rate to Missouri river common points via San Frantisco. The rate applies to lumber, boxes and shingles. Heretofore this rate only applied from Eureka, Califor­ nia, and Us extension to Coos Bay points will enable the mills in that section to enter the Eastern trade on the same basis as the California redwood mills,— Timberman. Is a violent inflamation of the of the greater mass, an encouraging raisers of cattle have been forced to mucous membrane of the wind face conditons in which prices for condition, that meets with approval A. F. Kirshman, ► Dollars The average man does not save to exceed ten per cent of his earn­ ings. He must spend nine dollars in living expenses for every dollar saved, That being the case he can­ not be too careful about unneces­ sary expenses. Very' often a few cents properly invested, like buy­ ing seeds for bis garden, will save several dollars outlay later on. It is the same in buying Chamber­ lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs but a few cents end a bottle of it in the honse often saves a doctor’s bill of several d ol­ lars. For sale by R. S. Knowlton. when given for the SPERRY A CHASE, This rate on Southern The great lesson of the Russo- business is on the same basis as that workman and the increased liability corruption. A rrossire- xt -L aw , Oregon. or white, republic or monarchy. forty-three been enacted to promote the welfare contend with integrity. The Japan­ and improve the condition of ese were educated in the sense that for the better A. J. Sherwood, : during Carries a full and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDICINE, FINE STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES. movement for the betterment of the future not oDly of the republic nounced a rate of 72^ cents on lum­ the port a great convenience. labor conditions has never made but of the race depends. Ignorance, ber from Portland to Toxas common A peregrinating preacher is de­ greater advance than during the falsehood and corruption in the ad­ pointB via El Paso. This is a re­ states which have held legislative Japanese war was that ignorance LAW YER : K The new legislative education, observance of truth and over the previous rate. Mukden was declared an open action that looks to tun advantage reverence for the law. The general tariff was effective June 9. port on June first. Boats trained The Southern Pacific has an­ of the workingman. This general very correctly held that upon these to travel on a heavy dew will find crystallized . nowlton’s Drug Store When “ Fiddling Bob" Taylor are beset bv conditions that are in­ at the Northwestern University, mouldings from Portland to New comes to the Senate the people may excusably horrible, throughout the Chicago, Friday night, stated that York, Boston and common points, expect harmony in that body. country at large public sentiment the great needs of the nation are This is a reduction of 11.2 cents has ear Note and Comment. The Harriman lines announce a The ODly thing left of the old Sau W hile in the cocduot of trust in­ General Stewart L. Woodford, dustries, like that of the meatpack formerly Minister to China, in de­ rate of 68.8 cents per hundred Francisco is the “ spirit of ‘49,“ ing industry at Chicago, workmen livering the commencement address pounds on fir, spruce and hemlock In forty-one out of C o q u ille , New Tariffs The Needs of the Nation. F o r L a b o r« A d v a n ta g e . present year, a fsot that, rightly ministration of public affairs under­ duction of 2J cents over the old livering sermons on “ What is Hell”. The tariff includes ship­ Anyone who keeps house with considered, is encouraging to all mine the race and the nation, be tariff. Fifteen Yeare’ Experienoe < .50 P e r Y COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W E D N E SD A Y, JULY 4, 1906. Entered hm second-dais matt* 8, 1006, at the poatoffice at Oquille, Oreiron, under act o f C oncrete o/ March S, 187». ü c f a l f c To Another, but Cured by Chamber­ MARSHFIELD General Hospital A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical and obstetrical cases. in every Equipment new and modern particular. Rates from to $> 30 p e r w e e k Including room, board, general nursing and drugs. Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. I. R .Nosier G reneral D r a y m a n S u c c e s s o r to W H . M ansell. W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S AN D T R A IN S . All orders handled with carefulness and expedience- A g e n t fo r th e b e s t C o o s C o u n ty C o a l improvements in automobiles, itu- tomobiling costumes and roads is Remedy. followed by the greatest advance in Ruth, the little daughter of E N Dewey of Agnewville, Va., was automobile conveniences yet put on seriously ill of cholera infantum the market This is a portable bail last summer. "W e gave her up bond armed with which, the reckless MISS L. G. GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. and did not expect her to live from automobilist can violate all speed one hour to another,” he says, laws and rules of the road having A private Hospital well equipped for the treat­ happened to think of Chamber­ lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea with him all tbe time the handy ment of su rg ica l and m edical diseases. Remedy and got a bottle of it from protector against a night in the po­ the store. In five hours I saw a lice court or the relinquishment of Trained N urses in Attendance. c h a n g e for the better. We kept on bis machine. ----- — —. .#» « ----- ----- giving it and before she had taken W m . Rorafall, M. II., WiSTXD— At once, parties to For Information Address the half of one small bottle she was well.” This remedy is for sale by take contract for slashing. Inquire ’Phone 631. Marshfield, Or* gon. of W m . Windle, Beaver slough. R S Knowlton. lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea B £ HORSFALL HOSPITAL