(Empiile lleftdà Entered ea second-class matter May I R ep ort of the M aster Fish W ard en for May, 1 #0 6 . S, 1606, at the postoffice at Cojuille, Oregon, under act of Congress of March 3,1878. Walter Cu/in. M. D. P h y s ic ia n a n d S choko « CoquiLi.it C it y , O hb . N Ä f t Telephone 3. C. R. Barrow, Attorney and OonnaeUor at Law Firat-olaa* Beference* Fifteen Years’ Experience Coqunxi C itt , O hb J. J. STANLEY LAWYER Martin Building, - Front Street CoqUIIXB, OaBOON A. J. S ber wood, A tto bh it - at -L aw , N otant P ublic , Coquille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A ttobnbt - at -L a w , N otabt P ublio , Coquille, : : Oregon. Hall & Hall, A ttobnbtb - at - L a w , Desiai in K bal E btatb of all kiada. Marshfield, Oregon. C. A. Sehlbrede, Attorney-at-Law, totary Public. Phone 7ftl. M * k » hfikld , O rkoon . . D. Sperry. W. C. Chase. SPERRY & CHASE, Attorney a-at-Law. Ofloe in Robinson Building, tqullle, . . . Oregon. E. G. D. Holden, L awtbb , 8. Commissioner, Oeneral Insaranoe Agent, and Notary Publie. Otflee in Robin son Building. Coquille, Oregon. A. F. Kirshman, D khtist . Offloe ’.two doors South of Poi* otSos. Coquille , - . Oregon. To the Honorable Board of Fiab Commissioners: Salem, Oregon, Gentlemen: Arrests sod prosecutions dur­ ing the month for violation of the laws pertaining to the fishing in­ dustry have been ts follows: District No. “ 2.’’ May 11: Complaint was filed by State Water Bailiff J. A. Conner of Rogue river agaiDst Psarl Beeman and Frank Burns for fishing for salmon and taking salmon from the waters of the Rogue river within the G00-foot limit of ths fishway pro- vided the Golden Drift Mining Company’s dam aceross Rogue river above Grants Pass. The case was tried in the Grant* Pass Justice Court May 23 before a jury, and while it was fully shown by Mr. Conner that said Beeman and Burns were fishing for salmon within the 600-foot limit of said fish­ way with a net and were found tak­ ing salmon from the waters of Rogue river within said limit, the jury would not agree upon a verdict whereupon they were discharged and the case, upon motion of the Deputy District Attorney, was af­ terwards dismissed. It is the in­ tention of the Deputy District At­ torney to not drop the case entirely but to take it up in ths Circuit court at the next term of said court. Hatchery Operations. The Chinook and Rilverside sal­ mon fry raised from eggs collected at our different hatchery stations last fall have all been turned out into the waters of the state with the exception of a few that Superintend­ ent Thomas BrowD is keeping at the Salmon Kivering Hatchery for scientific purposes. The season’s work resulted in our raising and turning out in good condition, into the tributaries of the Columbia river, 13,378,546 Chinook fry and 243,572 Bilverside fry and into the waters of the coast streams 13,876,- 527 Chinook fry nnd 7,260,083 Sil- verstde fry making a total of 34,- 758,728 fry that were liberated into the waters throughout the state; 27,255,073 of which were Chinooks and 7,503,655 were Silversidea. At the Salmon river hatchery, a few o f the Chinook fry developed very early last fall and tlio planting began in October but the greater portion were not liberated until this spring. At the McKenzie river station, a few were liberated during the months of November and December but the principal hatch was not turned out until January and F eb­ ruary 1906. On the Wallowa river, the plant­ ing was done this spring during the months o f April and May. 0 » the Snake river, the planting was done during the months o f April and May. The Snake river S tr. D I S P A T C H Tom W hite, Master fry were all fed for a month or six Leaves I Arrive* weeks time before turning out and Randan... 7 A-M. | Coquille 10 A-M. C oquille... 1 P-M. | Baudot ... 4 P-*. we were in hopes of being able to Connects a t Coquille with train for Marshfield keep and feed a million of them and steamer Echo for Myrtle Point. throughout the month of June but S tr. F A V O R I T E Fungus began to appear in their J . C. Moomaw, Master, midst, on account of the warm tem­ Leayee I Arrives Coquille... 7 A-M. [ Bandon.. 10.-45 A-M. Bandoo.......... 1 P-M. } Coquille. 4:45 p - m . perature of the water and in order to «eve them from becoming die- S tr. E C H O eased therefrom, they were turned H. Jama. Master, out into the main river. Leaves | Arrlres M y rtleP o in t. ..7 A-B. f oqui'.leC’y 9 *0 a - b . The number and the variety of Coquille C ity .. .1 p - m . | Myrtle P ’t . .4 M r-w. fry turned out into the different Daily except Sunday. ( T T h e eafa and reliable tiww. m/m streams throughout the state each month during the past season was screw The New end Speedy..j®® aa per the following: Selmon River Chinooke Bilverside« C. P. Jensen. Master. Oot. ’05 55,000 Will mske regular tripe between Nov. •« 600,000 Deo. ” 336,000 Feb. ’06 20TWO I f o B t o p - o r e r a t W a y P o rta . March 7)6 1,500,000 50,000 Electric Lights. Everything in First April *06 200,000 116,000 Class Style. May - 26,000 77,572 COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO Str. Elizabeth Coquille River and San Francisco. District No. 1, $1102.66. Wallowa River. District No. “2,” Chinooks Silversides From Fines and Penalties. April ’06 1,050,000 May •• 897,445 May 21: From Water Bailiff F. M. Wilson of the upper Itogue river Total 1,947,445 for the sale of a small set net seized during the close season time, $2.50. Snake River— at Ontario Chinooks Silversides From account of licenses issued: April ’06 5,963,700 7 gill net licenses at $5, $35; 16 set net licenses at $2.50, $40; May « 957,610 2 seine licenses, 1000 feet, at 3c, Total 6,921,310 $30; 7 fish dealer’s licenses (1st Total number liberated into the class) at $5, $35; 1 fish dealer’s tributaries of the Columbia river, license (10th class) at $60, $60. 13,622,118. Total for Digtriot No. “ 2,” $202.50. Tributaries of Yaquina Bay. Total for both districts, $1305.16. Chinooks Silversides DISBURSEMENTS, 100,000 Jan. ’06 The accounts against the Depart­ 450,000 300,000 ment which I have approved and Feb. ■* March, ’06 266,608 830,000 present herewith for payment April “ 2,480,000 amount to the sum of $554.65; May “ 568,000 $197.70 of which is against hatch­ ery fund, District No. “ 1;” 198.03 4,178,000 is against hatchery fund, District 816,608 No. “ 2;” $16.00 is against the Tributaries of tbe Alsea River. Silversides Special Appropriation for the oper­ Chinooks 800,000 ation and maintenance of coaBt Maroh ’06 806,938 985,351 hatcheries; and $142.92 is against April “ the Special Appropriation for the Total 1.785,351 salary and expenses of the Master 806,938 Tributaries of the Siuslaw River Fish Warden. Total $554.65. Chinooks Silversides Very respectfully submitted, Feb. ’06 745,000 H G. V an D csan , March 7)6 1,081,531 965,000 Master Fish Warden. 331,732 April ’06 Fam ine W ill F o llo w F lo o d . 1,826,531 1,296,732 Total Victoria, B. C., June 11.— Mail ad­ Umpqua River. Chinooks Silversides vices from Hankow show that the great floods of this Spring in Hunau 155,000 Deo. ’05 caused an appalling loss of life, 4,748,700 Jan. ’06 amounting to tens of thousands. The rivers were higher than in any 4,903,700 Total previous year and swept over the Tributaries of Coos Bay. houses and Chinooks Silversides dykes, submerging covering an immense area, in fact 700,000 Feb. ’06 the whole valley of the .‘ i.ing was March ’06 2,078,750 flooded, the floods pouring over the dikes in torrents. 2,778,750 Total Santung, a prosperous city, was Tributaries of the Coquille liiver Chinooks Silversides flooded with water to the second stories of the riverside buildings. 2,744,000 March ’06 Total number liberated into the This place is the terminus of river waters of the coast streams, 21,136,- steamers, 30 miles from Chansha, aud all business was at n standstill. 610. Total throughout the waters of At Chansha the water flooded through the city gates, flooding out the state, 34,758,728. the people, sampans beings as high STEEL HEAD SALMON SPAWN. The work collecting Steelhoad as tbe treetops in places, and a eggs this past spring has been fairly tremendous loss was caused. The river was thick with wreckage successful and shows that: and villagers on floating roofs. At our Salmon river hatchery The foreign missionarii a in Siangtan 447,000 eggs were taken from 128 were honvy losers, though all es­ females; at the Yaquina hatchery caped iu boats. None could esti­ 1,168,900 eggs were taken from mate the loss of life, which was 329 females; and at the Siuslaw placed at tens of thousands. A station 506,200 eggs wire taken famine will follow, for the floods from 162 females; making a total have brought disaster to an ira- from all sources of 2,122,100 eggs. meuse area of the best rice-growing No effort was made to get this var­ districts iu Hunan. iety of eggs at any of our other state hatcheries this season on ac­ Tifton, Ga , Juue 12.— A toruado count of not being properly swept over this town late this after­ equipped to stop and hold the par­ noon, destroying more than 50 ent fish until the spawn could bo houses. Two persons were seriously taken, but in time, I am in hopes of injured and many others slightly having maUtrs so arranged that we hurt. No reports hayo been re­ will be able to make a collection of ceived from the outlying oountrv. this variety of egg at every station. The receipts o f the office during Havre, Mont., June 12.— Havre the month of May have bsen as per and Fort Assiniboine were struck the following: by a hurricane this afternoon thnt did damage estimated at $200,000. District No. "1.” Buildings were toppled over with­ From Fine and Penalties. May 26: From Justice of the out warnmg when tbe cycloDe Peace Wm. Reid, Portland; 1J of struck and not a structure in the fine imposed against J. A. Frakes, path of the terrific wind escaped 413 Everett street, March 5, 1906, damage. Several persons were in­ for handling and dealing in salmon jured, but up to a late hour this evening no fatalitien were reported. without a license, $16.67. May 26: From Justice of the Peace Wm, Roed, Portland; J of fine imposed against Otto L. Leh­ man, Cor. E. Pine and Union streets, March 5, 1906, for handling and dealing in salmon without a license, $16.66. May 26: From Justice of the Peace Wm. Reid, Portland; Ij of fine imposed against Wm. Ludwig, No. 260 Russell street, March 5, 1906, for handling and dealing in salmon without a license, $16.67. May 26: From Justice of the Peace Wm. Reid, Portland; ^ of fine imposed against S. J. Williford 2,736.000 243,572 No. 293 Weidler St., March 5, 1906, for handling and dealing in Salmon 2,979,572 without a licnse, $16.66. Total McKenzie River. Total, $66.66. Chinooks Silversides From Account of Licenses Is­ Nov. 7)5 70,000 sued. 134 gill nets licenses at $5, 230.000 Dec. • $670; 8 sat net licenses at $2.50, Jen. ’06 750.000 $20; 4 seine licenses, 7200, at 3c, 723,791 Feb. « $216; 3 stationary fish wheel licenses The Mercy Hospital1 AT NOHTH BEND Is Dow open for the recep­ tion of patients. The terme are $10 per week and upwards. For particulars apply to Sisters of Mercy SOUTH BEND. ORBOON $1.50 P er Y e a r . COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W E D N E S D A Y , JUNE 20, 1906. V ol . 23: No. 4 0 . Total 1,773,791 at $35, $106; 5 dealer’s licenses (1st class) at $5, $25. Total for N ote and Comment. Discussion of the epithet “ liar” shows that a man can use it with safety in the White House or the Senate. 1 V nowlto ns Dr u Store ra V Omaha haB gone Democratic, which shows what enn be done in Nebraska when Bryan is in the antipodes. M Carries a full and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDICINE, FINE STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES. Truth may be stranger than fric­ tion but it does not make so inter­ esting a topic for Senator Bailey’s addresses. „ The Morman Church is said to be going out of business. If this means politics it will be an economy to the Government. Nj/ N]/ A London judge has decided that /t\ /Is /K /Is /k /K 7t\ /K /K 7k 7rs /ft 7K /is obesity is a disease. It probably is and a chronic, lingering one at that. Jo s h About five million people are ex­ empted by the Seuate in the anti­ pass amendment to the rate bill. It is safe to say a few Congressmen will crawl in on tho exemption. Bishop Potter soys in a London interview that “ Americans place too much confidence in the general record of public men” . This will be good news to the muck rakers. * P la c e , T. T. LAND, Proprietor. The paper trust preferred to go out of business rather than be ground to pulp by the Sherman anti-trust law. After passing the Rate Bill tho Senate adjourned “ for a rest” . The country took advantage of the occasion for the same purpose. ’5 ^ ^ W \!«/ \U W NJ/ \]/ /i\ /i\ /Is 7R /Is /K /K /l\ 7i\ Billiard Card rooms and and p Pool Tables ij) ^ * • * * * * * * * * Soft Drinks p Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. City News Stand. * X *********************** S CvS / 5 gy Kst\ The Senate Committoe decided on a sea level canal. The argu­ ments for and agaiust that type j ist balanced until it became known tiiat the President was opposed to it. A French scientist has discovered thnt there is great hygienic value in the color, yellow. Readers of the big New York and Chicago dailies have someway failed to experience it though. Very few of the millionaires are showing any agitation over the pro­ position to tax incomes, The cry of “ wolf, wolf” has long since lost its potency to alarm. N “ W. H. 8GHR0EDER | W a tc h m a k e r and Je w e le r, Front Street, CO Q U IL.L.E, A ll w o r k ^ OREGON. guaranteed . ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE B. F E N T O N P rop Secretary Shaw says he would be Saddle Horses of best quality always on hand. Good Rigs in redi- willing to travel a thousand miles ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage aud Livery business. to go to the grave of any man who Accommodations for Taveliug men a specialty died from overwork. This indicates Leave Coquille at 6 a. m., arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. id . Fare $5.50 that ho will not be invited to join the junketing parties that go to the funerals of Congress. The power of public sentiment | has not been over estimated. Every Senator but three voted for tbe rnte bill which many believed to be unconstitutional and by which all lost passes and other considera­ tion. MARSHFIELD General hospital A private hospital for the care and treatment o f medical, surgical and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern New Richmond, Wis., is probably in every particular. Rates from the best town of its size in the coun­ try. A reform mayor was recently elected to protect the interests of Including room, board, general nursing and drugs. its two thousand citizens. When he started out to make reforms he found there was nothing the matter with the town except the profanity. Marshfield, Oregon. Immediately he decided to abolish swearing and he is now enforcing the law which gives a profane man California T ow n Is F lo o d e d . the choice of paying $100 or of spending thirty days in jail. Visalia, Cal., June 14—A flood of water is again flowing over the city. Tho United States Patent Office An additional raise of Mill creek is very much behind with its work. last night caused a wide area of in­ There are many thousands of appli­ undation. Several streets in the cations for patent which have Iain Successor to W H. Mansell main section of the city are flowing for months in the Patent Office with­ streams from curb to curb, and out action by the Commissioner or much property may be covered be­ his more than one hundred assist­ All orders handled with carefulness and expedience. fore nigbt. The weather is warmer, ants. This condition is deplorable causing further melting of the snow for the country, and the world is in tbe mountains. Many orchards deprived of the use of valuable in­ A g e n t fo r th e b e s t C o o s C o u n ty C o a l have been flooded and the loss is ventions, and inventive genius is heavy. discouraged by delay that is little short of criminal. The Patent M u st D isgorge. Office not only pays its own expen­ Washington, June 14— The Su­ ses through the fees paid by inven­ preme Court in the Philippine tariff tors, but brings a large yearly sur­ plus to tbe Government. It is case has decided that the govern­ time tbat the country and Congress ment must refunj over $5,000,000 and the President should turn their duties collected by the military gov­ attentiou to a condition which is by ernment for imports from July 1898 no means incurable. The present to March 1902. Congress intended Commissioner of Patents appear to be unable to keep tbe work of tbe to ratify two acta of the military gov • Office up to date, and a commission­ For Information Address W m . Horsfall, M. D., ernmeot, but failed to word the law er of greater energy and strenuous- ’Phone 631. Marshfield, Oregon. ness is demanded. $15 to $30 per week Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. Claude Fox, Greneritl Drayman WILL MEET ALL BOATS AND TRAINS. m HORSFALL HOSPITAL MISS L. G. GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. A private Hospital well equipped for the treat­ ment of surgical and medical diseases. Trained Nurses in Attendance.