-V V i. . . I . k t Hi HObCS find, difficult to master, and pei haps ui c to uu<h r-tan :, at fit <L I r m iiii ; 1 Rev. Fiauklin Baker married M ‘ The Home Realty Co., has the P i r s t - C l a a * S e rvie I’ r o m ó At i « l o 9 p i n . List your property with , uncomfortable to an easy conscience, or read ¡kg. ' lia' »hit'll involves a William A. Skully nud Miss Lydi buyers lying, as it were, a little uueasy on new foim of mental effort. Too L. Simmons at his home on J. street them. A traot of Re 1 Cedar timber out A T T H E the intellectual and moral stomach, much reading is perhaps the most last Wednesday afternoon. Booth D. F. DEAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR It is as if the diet of a child were important thiug to check. Reading, young people live at Samoa, which lay for Bhingle mill. The Home C A H A R R IN G T O N , Proprietor. advanced from milk to sweet sher- with some young people, becomes a they will continue to make their Realty Co. C o n n tv Official Paper. Licorice Liver Laxative, the best bet, and from that to brandy, and habit, pure and simple, aud they do residence, Mr. Skelly being a fore Wo (H ak e R a t o s to S p a a la l A t t e n t i o n O lv o n to Price 50 cents.1 R e g u l a r B o a r d s r s . PUBLISHED EVKKY WEDNESDAY. men were to wonder at an infant not in tbe least care what it is they man in one of the mill departments. bowel clcauser. C ö m m e r a i a t P o ö p te . For sale by R. S. Knowlton, Co maturing through a brief stage of read. Such children ought to be The wedding was very quiet, the quille City; C. Y, Lowe, Bandon. Devoted to the material and social up A. J. SHERW OOD Pres. R. E. SHINE. Viet Pres l. H. HAZARD. Cashlsi building o f the Ooqaille M ill Valley particularly sickly youth into a premature de- stopped whenever they are fouDd groom’s sister, Mrs. Mary Hemsley For each 25-conts purchase at in ty generally. t • nd o f Oooa County reading,anything wasteful of braiu Mrs. Baker only attending, and erepitude. rear.in advance, fl.fiO subscription, per year. Mrs, Nosler’s you will receive a j The reason of this unhealthy and eye, or unfitted for their age. caine as a complete surprise to ticket good for one guess at the | mental development is not far to This means time and trouble; aDd the Samoa friends, for the groom number of beans, pins, coffee, etc. in ] Reading for the Young. op C O Q U I L a L i E , OREGON- seek. The unwholesome book fails that is the very point. A great re- did not cease his work across the a jar, winner toreceive a gold eagle, j The above is the title o f a paper in the mission of every book. It form is in need, great issues are at bay until noon that day. An old The Inxitiveeffect of Chatnberla’s r r a n a a c t s a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u H i n e n s » by \V. C. Chase, read at the last does not extend, expand, or develop stake, and it is criminal folly to im- rose taylor suit ami white hat were Stomach and Liver Tablets is so meeting of the Coquille Public knowledge of things, but merely re agine that anythig but a great ef- worn by the bride, whose personal agreeable and so natural that you Board of Direotora. nta. School Improvement League, as peats in various, more or less piquant J fort will avail, A . J. Sherwood, National Hank of Commerce, New Vork City appearance was very chic.—Fern- do not reaize it is the effect of a R. C. Dement, medicine. For Sale by R. S. L. H&rlucker, L . H. Hazard, Crocker Wool worth N ’l Hank, San Francimo follows: dale Enterprise. dressings, the story of certain vices, Knowlton. Isaiah Hacker, II. E. Shine. First Nat’l Hank of Portland, Portland, Or. Statistics of books produced dur craftiness, heartlcssnesses, and fail For a good pair o f shocB, go to Intending buyers of lumber, or D airy Farm for Sale ing the year 1905, as collected by ings which are essentially not the j Drane’s. anything in the general merchan the Publishers’ Weekly, show that study of man, hut a morbid interest Buy your garden seeds at Knowl-1 -------- dise line as for that matter, should | ton’s drug store and get the very ! A fine dairy farm containing 70 the United States produced 8112 in the remnants of beasts. remember that the Coquille Mill I best. | acres of bottom land 23 acres of hill new books; England, 7663; and But worse than any books of any France 9416. These figures do not kind are the magazines and daily ,1 Have you seen those beautiful | land, and adjosning the town of aud Mercantile Co. cau supply (he _______ _________ ______ „ . . . . souvenir postal cards at Mrs Nos- Myrtle Point, Coos county, Oregon, same at lowest going prices. include tracts and pamphlets. Out newspapers. They They come in their | jer>g r ! and | mile from creamery. Forty- of the number produced in the thousands, the magazines once a EX E C U TR IX NOTICE. Stewart of Bandon shook J five acres of bottom land improved United States, fiction easily leads month, to upset such little equili-1 Notice is hereby given that the last all others with 1008 new titles. brium as a young mind can have ; han‘la wlth friends in Coquille last and in good state of cultivation; 5 will and testament of John Henry Literature and collected works acquired in the brief period of res- \ ^ r^day. acres slashed, burned and newly Scliroeder, deceased, has been duly ad mitted to probate, and that the under follow as second with 693 titles, pite. For the two days succeeding | The best people to buy or sell j seeded; hill land is all good for pas- signed who is named as executrix there while Theology and Religion holds their issue nothing is doue till the real e8tate ttlrouSh are Wood Bros., I ture; 3 acres of orchard in good in, Ims been duly appointed by the | County Court of the State of Oregon, in ’ eari bngcondition and different var- third place with 681. Some of the magazines are mastered with a at North Bend, Oregon. and for the County of Coos, as such ex F or S a m .—Three fine Berkshire ieties of fruit. House, barn and ecutrix, and.letters testamentary have other leading classes are: Poetry thoroughness that is never devoted 5 FO R A - Inquire of G. T. other buildings. Whilo wo have o been duly issued to Baid executrix. Alt and the Drama, 594 volumes; Law, to the pursuit of pur* literature, or, sows with pigs. persons having claims against said es- G ro o d . S t L a c v e a n d H a ir C \x t Robison, Arago. Phone, Farmers’ \ number of other dairy farms fo r tate are hereby required to present them 561; juvenile, 495; education, 487; indeed, of any real learning. with the proper vouches within six GO TO 77. I * sale, yet this is one of the best bar history, 357; political and social Here, again, one is frequently months from the date of this notioe to F o b S ale . — One cow now fresh gains, as the location is all that the undersigned at tier residence at Ar science, 335; sports and amuse told that the magazines instil a good J. L . T H O M P S O N ’S could be desired, being near town ago, Coos County, Oregon. ment, 125. deal oi knowledge by stealth, as it and more to be so in a short time. Dated this 27th day of March, A. 1). i Successor toChas. Moomaw. Next door to Coauille Valley Packing Ce. school and creamery. This is cer 1906. EMILY SCHROEDER. Here is material which, if the were. That is at least a doubtful Inquire of Thos. Ashton, near tainly a bargain for some progres Executrix of the Estate of John Henry reader averaged reading one book contention, and the real probability Lampa. sive dairyman. Price $7,500. Schroeder, deceased. per week, would require 156 years in that tbe reading of such literature We are in a position to offer a R o b e r t s & C ar te r , Mvrtle Point Oregoi. to read. There is but little doubt is a process of intemperately imbib good piece of water front of 2$ that a great mass o f this is cheap ing the events of each of the maoy acres near town; good for mill or Mrs. J. L. Thompson handles a fine line of Stationery ana factory site. W anted : By Chicago wholesale class of literature, and is found in short or long stories of which it is T w en ty-five acres, all bottom , well j all of the Latest Novelties in connection. Miss Minnie McCloskey of Nor and mail order house, assistant man drained and im proved, team , wa^on and j the most accessible places, the read the rarest thing in the world to ex harness, 11 head o f dairy cow s, fa ll set i way was in town on Thursday and ager (man or woman) for this coun o f farm implem ents, and a good crop, in ing of which is utterly unprofitable, tend one’s knowledge of God or $100 worth o f ha y, 3 acres ^ood made the H erald office a pleasant ty and adjoining territory. Salary cluding if not noxious in a positive sense. corn for cilege, potatoe patch, garden, etc., I man, or to experience any pleasure business call. $20 and expenses paid weekly; ex a good silo and stam p puller. When we regard the meaning of from the form or style of workman Enquire at this office or o f W. M, H am il- j pense money advanced. Work ton, Fishtrap. speech, writing, and the multiplica ship. One takes in the matter more Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow pleasant; position permanent. No tion of written utterances, there can or less accurately, deliberately KIKRPATRICK’S be no doubt as to the enormous blinding one’s self to the crudities ders, give instant relief. Price 25 investment or experience required. cents. R. 8. Iiuowlton, Coquille CELEBRATED Spare tiuib valuable. Write at once importance of the nature of the of style and workmanship, and sub City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. for particulars aud enclose self-ad LINEMENT thing so reproduced and scattered Myrtle Point, Ore. stituting spurious excitment and Is the best known dressed envelope. Superintendent, at random over the world, falling and anxiety for the pleasure Liuement *for Rheu Opportunity for a short time 120 132 Lake St. Chicago, 111. into the hands o f our boys and girls and interest which a trained in- matism, Pains Aches A complete stoch of Harness, Saddles, Collars, etc., always aero ranch 30 acros bottom 40 acres amt all such diseases, on q „ f hand. jQ fjc l Also carry a stoch of tents, wagons covers, horse who have not yet reached the age A Bad Scare. ¡( /( /( telect would derive from the yacant timber adjoining, well situ of discretion. Indded, the printed covers, lap robes and everything usually found in a first contemplation of art, be the subject ated. $1100. Home Realty Co. Some day you will get a bad I KQfH]/ book which puts in readily compre scare, when you feel a pain in harness shop. what it may. These things may be KURE. hensible form before a person the ranked as the surface-drainage of the Robinson has completed shelving your bowels, and fear appendicitis. Removes the Corns Safety lies in Dr. King’s New utterances, thoughts, speculations, literary talent, or otherwise, of the Warts and Ringworms | 67 dozen of the Brown Shoe Com Life Pills, a sure cure, for all histories, and emotions cf his fel without pains or the day; for the pleasure of the moment pany’s shoes. They are up-to-date bowel and stomach diseases, such knife. low associates may be taken as em they are ephemeral in essence, and in style and finish, in fact the raoet as headache, biliousness; costivness Try these Remedies bodying the present limit of civiliza take no place in the permanent- and be convinced, “nifty” lot of shoes ever brought to etc. Guarantied at R. S. Knowl- D E A L E R IN For sale at all Drug-1 tion, and as such, it is capable of adornment of the human intelect. ton’s drug store, only 25c. Try wn. Call and see ’em. stores in the County. them. the most enormous activity and Or can be obtained The reading in this slipshod way from the Manufacturer. power. What good does it do you to eat if of such an infinite multiplication of Notice. R. O. K IRK PATRICK , your stomach fails to digest the A C H O IC E L I N E O F Now it may be said of almost of shallow writings may be compar food? None. It does you harm— C ou ille, Ore. Owing to the change of manage every invention that has resulted ed to indiscriminate catohing of any causes belching, sour stomach, flat ment of the Coquille Mill & Mer- ] from man’s power of observation We promptly obtain U. S. ami Foreign When the stomach cantile Co., it kindly requests its and every butterfly by a thoughtless ulence, etc. and synthetic reasoning, that it has child. The true collector catohes, fails a little Kodol Dyspepsia Cure patrons whose bills are due to call been applied for the good of mnn. after each meal will digest at their office and settle for same or so fnr as be can, what he requires to what you eat and makes the stom make arrangement for settlement. kind for the mere entertainment or Ooyuii.i.K M i l l <fe M e r c a n t il e C o . Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the lowest pleasuring of the harmless desires enlarge his knowledge; he examines ach sweet. R. S. Knowlton. Send model, sketch or photo of invention for consistent with good goods. ireereport on patentability. For free fret book, of man, and with terrible facility the detail of structure and varia : H ow to Secure1 Attention Dairymen! write < FOR SALE. tions; what he does not require for ; Patents and C O Q U IL L E for the moral and intellectual degra TRADE-MARKS to F R O N T S T . A one-fourth interest in tbe his collection he lets go unscathed; dation of his fellow creatures. Knowlton has a large stock of equipment of the Coquille Steam The electric transmission of words what he has has already seen in all choice selected seed corn. Also boat Co., consisting of the steamers has annihilated terrestial space in its varieties, he refuses to catch at j beet seed, carrot seed, field peas Dispatch and Favorite, and three barges. Inquire of Capt. T. D. relation to thought. Of the great all, if he recognizes it as such. But ! and vetches. /pposite U. S. Patent Office ■ White, Bandon. W A S H IN G T O N D. C. value to humanity of such a triumph what should we think of the collec For Sale. of scientific methods, it is needless tor who filled up his »abinet with to speak. But what shall we say of larger or smaller specimens of tbe A three-disc Hancock plow will the betting news, tbe intoxication commoner and less exquisitely beau j be sold at a bargain, also a span of Inquire with interest in entirely trivial tiful varieties, leaving no room for j young horses well broke. at this office. things, and the mass of utterly the rarer and more intrinsically Accepted throughout the civilized world CARRYING REGULAR STOCK Press groundless rumor that the Bpecial beautiful ones, simply because be as the most universally satisfactory il 0) Standard and Established Goods, where eash Instru did not care about the trouble of en the editions of the newspapers circulat ment is sold according to its intrinsic value. We sell you a larging bis field of reasearch? Is he luminant for all purposes. Safest, Button ed far and wide, ouly to cause ex perceptibly better thau the child High Grade, Popular price or Commercial Piono, citement, anxiety, or false hope, un Cleanest, Most Convenient, and the that does not collect at all, but only til yesterday’s “ report on the best at their real value. catches for tbe fun of catching?. CHEAPEST light known. and authority" is stamped a lie by the Any person cutting Timber or One P rice on ly on each G rade It is here that the destructiveness That furnished by the COQUILLE “authoritive contridiction” of today there of the magazine literature comes Bark of nny description on the lands We carry a complete line of Pianos, Organs, Piano-Players, Here we surely have such an abuse R IV ER ELECTRIC CO is first you in in full force, especially for the of the Southern Oregon Company, Talking Machines, Sheet music and Musical Merchandise. of a great invention as may almost or removing same, or other property young. The mind becomes satisfied class and t.p to date in every respect. have suggest a doubt as to the ultimate E verything Sold on E asy Paym ents. with a very low standaed of art, and from said lauis, without being duly The rates place it within reach o f all benefit it has confered upon man it. very physical species of pleasure- authorized in writing, will be Prose Representatives of Domestic Sewing Machines for Coos and Curry Co’s kind. cuted according to law. able excitement, and it is perfectly With tne increased ease of pro Co., Any person furnishing sufficient Content never to look into a book duction and consequent cheapness Successor to the Chas. Griaaen and At ago Music Co., for any higher pleastue. Scott, ei idence for the recovery of prop of books, it seems at all events erty so taken and conviction of the Thackeray, Lytton, and all the host Phone, Main, 905, Garfield Annex. Marshfield, Oregon probable that in their case it is tbe parties concerned, will be given last nampd of these phases cf every of those who have made for Eng oue-half of tbe property recovered, human development which has be lish the name of "the language of < H O L L IS T E B S the novel,” who are translated into ! SOUTHERN OREGON COMPANY. come increasingly prominent. That cky "fountain Tea Nuggets is to say, the more than worthless, every modern language aud read so A 3asy Medioine for Busy PoopU. NOTIOE OK FINAL SETTLEMENT. extensively, become mere names. brings Gulden Health and Renewed Vigor. ths destructive, book has grown out <* • ;lo fo r Constipation, Indigent ion. Live of all proportion to the purely Their work« stand unopened on the Trouble*. Pimple«, E c z e m a Impure Notice is hereby given that the un < ■ h. Sluggish Bowels, Headache shelves where the enthusiasm of a dersigned hss liled her final account in good, or the purely entertaining and It'« R o c k y Mbuntain TeA in tat- the matter of the administration of the < • n a b ox. Genuine m ade by psst, of the respectability of a pres harmless book. C ompany , Madison, Wis. estate of J, ('. Laird, deceased, and that .73 F O R S A L L O W P E O P L E It is not alone that tlie ethics and ent, generation has them. And it the County Court for Oooa County, Ore D E A L E R IN gon, lias set Thursday, the 14th day of aesthetics of so many books are bad, seems to bo becoming more appar June. 190«, as the day for hearing ob tbe moral tone dubious and the ent that the reading of short sto jections to said final account and the settlement of said estate. stimulous unwholsome; that is bad ' ries, involviug uo effort to retain Dated, Mav 10, 190«. Unfortunate. . their links and elements of struc- JANKY LAIRD, enough in itself. But the mischief Administratrix of the Estate of J. C. in is that tbe prominence given to oer-ltur“ ’ ioarli8t,c in »nwbole- Laird, Deceased. [ml«w5 This old reliable and the ¿ £ 4 sentiment < and tain .pecies of so called literature. in Hm,timent *n^ ° « en Coquille ì\m\i. Skookum R estaurant, F IR S T For Sale. N A T IO N A L BANK ALSO AGENT FOR MORNING OREGONIAN L. H. P E A R C E HARNESS-HAKER Drane’s Store, Fancy and Staple Groceries. Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. full line o f I ¡/A U f i E l BUY PIANOS OF DEALERS We carry a F lo u r a n d F e e d . Incandescent Electric Light Notice. W. R. Haines-Music FRANK MORSE, Prop, COQUILLE, ORE. Alfred Johnson, Flooring, Rustic and all kinds of Finishings and Mouldings Dr. G-ibbon its cheapness, its innste imperti- nence, act not only as an induce- ment to partake of unwholesome mental pabulum, but they unfit the mind for the digestion, or ananysis, of any thing more wholesome or profitable. Tbe appetite grows by what it feeds upon, and it is not surprising that the final state of the mind which lias pastured on such ran k herbage ia one of indifference towards anything that is difficult to in con»®P‘ ion' *• the c*u,e wh* th® Ur* e majority of young people read no Docks. _____ During the period of develop ment. every effort should be made to create a positive attitude of mind. Teachers and mothers should read to their children, aud see that they read good books for themselves, if »eed he, rewarding for a clear re production of the sense of any good book, never punishing for a fsil- PATENTS modal. A N O D C F E N D C D . . Bead _ I g a «Jrtt y ¿ s Sow g ht. B for g expert W mmmh and fra* report. to <>t>uun . M k uwrfo mòrta. Constantly on hand. moat successful Special- I let it» >*«»• Francisco.«till contin ues to cure all 1 M es H al and N r n l n n l V / D U r a s v « ^ su d» an k V (B tn orrh ira, 4k t r e t Mti t « - l u r e , My p h I lia z / lN ( In «1» It* forai!*. M fcln P J i> l«e n * e s Servons D c M I H y , Ini pot en- «V» S e m i n a l W e a k * n esaam l l .» M O f ,H n n b «»«»«I. the consequence o f self abus# and p ic p h m producing the following sym ptom s; sallow coun tenance, dark spots tinder the eyes, pain ra the Pitsat end Infringement Pmefiea Exclusively. ■ 5af 1- ■J“ « 1*** ‘ n »he ears, loss of confidence, dlffl- WrMa or coma to ue at ' ■ derlce In approaching strangers, palpitation of the h eart, weakness weakue o f the llniha and baca, loss o f m w a U gtaMi su i ««a —-■>-* - . . . . H heart, ^ V™111 ramas u a n . ■ or V. a c roughs, m u h i rnioiunniinn. y, Pi pi run lea le« on ih the n fir face, consumption, etc. l » r . <• In tx.n hae practiced in «an Francisco 4 « , years ami these troubled should not fail to consult him and receive the benefit of his great skill and I SXperlenre. The doctor cures w£en others fall. Try b l m .g C s r r a g n a r n n t e e « * , «Persons cured at I hom ^ Charaos reasonable. Call or write. D r . J . F . t t l k k a s . C M H e a r s Ml Mnn ¥ n u i r l x - o t aL f ( ) > V / Deliveries made romptly by either water or rail. in » t t c o u n t r i e s . I Pmtlmt.t Jb-rrl w itt U V U lw M . o r « timr, I msmrj m n j n f t n tk t fv tm t. OASNOW W e have all Grades and Prices Accordingly. \ C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N