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About Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1906)
LOCAL NEW S. Full cream cheese at Robiuson's The Elizabeth arrived Purity crackers at the Mill store. or Monday eveuiug. At the Maaonic Hall tomorrow W. S. Mack was up from Parkers- “ Hound Hill” peas at Skael'a. night. We arc here with thr burg on Monday. Fine perfumery at Knowlton e Children’s sailor huts nt Mrs A. Pershbaker, of Prosper, was in nobby styles, at icasonat Wilson Jewelry Co. drug store. i town on Friday. PerrotV*. fie riv. B. 11. J rns weal to Mauhthi i JOHN Y O A K A M , J. M. W A G N E R, W . T . DEM ENT, yesterday to see Mrs. I’ uins , ho U President- Vice President. Sec’ y and Man3. Is, late yet at the General M pi al t tin t prices. place, but who is doing- nicely. B. T. VanDeoar, the Myrtle Point | Fiue Stationery, all kind*, at Timber coal and farm lands. The Misses Beamis and Dudley, two jeweler, returned from Portland by j Dave Drew, the machinist, wns up Knowlton'a drug store. i Home Realty Co. from Parkersburg one day last week of our teachers, left last week for the last Alliance whither he had Successors to Dean & Morgan. gone to attend an opticians’ conveu. Paul ‘ keels is visiting his sister, Step in and see those new spring Take your watch repairing to V. Forest Grove, this state, whero they tion. i suits at Robinson’s. Mrs. Fred Nosier, at Bridge. R. Wilson, t*'e Watchmaker. Why will spend their vacation. They G. T. Robison was down from j have been en 'aged by our board The sohooner Alliauce arrived in not? J. B. Davis arrived by the last the Fishtrap section the last of the ! for the coming school year, of which the river on Thursday. Kilburn from Eureka, California. C. I. Green, one of Lampa’s pro week and he informed us that in I the pupils of their rooms will be ex Royal Chinook Shoe« at J. W D. C. Krantz was down from the gressive farmers, was in Coquille on case the game warden does not look i ceedingly well pleased. North Fork a day or so last week. Leneve’s. None better. Thursday. ladv I ^ ier his slock a little more closely W anted .— Gentleman The choicest city locations. The ( Earthquake picture show at Ma A fine line of watches, all makes, with good reference, to travel by that some of them about his place | sonic hall tomorrow night. Home Realty Co. ‘N PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS, C0QUILL! all sizes, all prices, at Wilson Jew | will be posted and offered for sale. rail or with a rig, for a firm of $250,- C. I. Kime, the engineer, was up elry Company’s. Jewelry repairing, ring repairing,' George Norris was iu from Fair- 000 capital. Salary $1,072.00 clocks, repaired by V. R. Wilsou, from Bandon on Thursday. BOARD OF DIRECTORS J .T . McBee, of Bridge, had busi view a day or so last week. Mr. per year and expenses; salary paid the watchmaker 20 years’ exper- Purity crackers, fresh stock, at ness which called him to Prosper J. W . W A G N E R W. T. DEM ENT weekly and expenses advanced. Norris is interested in alfalfa and JOHN YOAKAM the Coquille Mill A Mercantile Co’s. last Wednesday. ience. Address, with stamp, Jos. A. Alex visited Mr. Lorenz’s field near town Ladies’ summer dress skirts at j Carl Heller, the progressive (aim Every body goes to V. R. Wilson ander. Coquille City, Ore. and was much pleased with the R o b i n s o n ’ s. A BST R A C T S AB TRA CTS A BST R A C T S ABSTRACTS er of Dorn, was in town on Satur to have tbeir watches repaired, of looks of tbo crop. He had some A quiet wedding took place at the If you want a good comb, hair t day. --- -------------- ! course. WHY NOT? home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and samples of the second cutting which brush, tooth brush, nail brush or Mrs. Chaa. Haynes, of Eckley, is A. J. Hartman, one of Bandon’s Mrs. Doc Woods, on Thursday, were over three feet in length. bath brush go to Knowltoo’s drug visiting Mrs. Geo. Martin in this progressive citizens, had business when Mr. Albert Fish and Miss Mrs. Erla (Jarlock of the Sun store. AND city. in Coquille on Thursday. Della Wood were united in holy Jose conservatory wishes to an For first-class watch repairing to Mrs. A. P. Miller, of Arago, Mrs. J. T. Jenkins, of near River wedlock by Rev. H. M. Branham. nounce that she is permanently lo to W. H. Sobroeder’s. turned from a visit to the Bay on ton, visited her parents, Mr. and These popular young people have cated in this valley, and will receive George Bowlster, of Empire City, Thursday. Marshfield and Coquille, Oreqon. Mrs. J. B. Fox, of this city, a day j the congratulations and best wish- pupils in Piano and Organ at regu carac over on Saturday and renew W. O. Moss and K. L. Carter, of or so last week. es of a host of friends, including lar rates. Mrs. Carlock is an exper We have completed a thorough, up-to-date ed acquaintance with some old Roseburg, were in town a day or so the H erald . ienced teacher and uses the most Pref. J. P. Wells, principal of our A b s t r a c t P lan t. last week. friends. Thousands annually bear witness modern methods of instruction; that school which closed last week, left Besutiful black Sateen undor- For furnished rooms for small for Ashland where he is engaged to the efficiency of Early Risers. her ability is being recognized is We are now ready to furnish correct ABSTRACTS at short skirts at Mrs. Perrott’s. family, apply to Mrs. M. F. Steele, These pleasant, reliable little pills evidenced by her large and growing for the coming school year. notice, and orders will receive careful and prompt attention. liaye long borne a reputation Becond Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilkinson who Spurgeon Hill. class. For particulars call at the to none as a laxative and cathartic. W. H. Skinner, representing the are here from Fresno, California, Joseph Ferry, the Riverton Marshfield office adjoins Flanagan & Bennett Bank They are as staple as bread in residence of W. E. Cleghorn, Co went to Myrtle Point on Monday to merchant, had business which called Portland Flouring Mills Co. and millions of homes. Pleasant but quille; Myrtle Point Hotel, Myrtle Coquille “ “ Coquille Post Office. the Hammond Packing Co., made effective. Will nromptly relieve Point, or address at Coquille, him to the Bay on Monday. visit friends. « MARSHFIELD PHONE, 143. rT. our city a call this week and has ta constipation without griping. Sold Oregon. Wild West Shoes for Western J. D. Wilson was down from Fair- COQUILLE PHONE, 191. -5 ken large orders. by R. S. Knowlton. boys at J. W. Lenove’s store. view Friday and made our office a Phone at our expense wheu ordering ABSTRACTS. i> The sworn statement o f the man O Mrs. Ed Carter, of Myrtle Point, pleasant and substantial oall. TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., The sincerest tribute that can be Some o f the Bargains we have 1 -J ufacturers protects you form opiates who had been visiting relatives and paid to superiority is imitation. '■J. R. H. Smith, Abstractor. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. Knowlton'a drug store carries a 'Jo Offer. friends in Bandon and this city, re large line of blank books, also a in Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and The many imitations of D eW itt’s Z '' Tar— the cough syrup that drives Witch Hazel Salve that are now be A BSTRACTS ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS turned home Friday. complete line of legal blanks. the cold out of your system. Sold fore the public proves it the best. One location. by R. S. Knowlton. Those fiue dress ginghams are Ed Johnson, who has recently Ask for DeWitt’s. Good for burns, Good 5 room house, 2 lots First-Class jVlealla a t at H oups going fast at Robinsons. moved to Bandon with his family, Miss Bertha Wilkins, who was in scalds, chaffed skin, eczema, tetter, F i»om 6 a m to 9 p m . on the corner best location Sefviee. cuts, bruises, boiles and piles. Rev. Thurston, of Marshfield, re was up to this city on Monday. the Bandon school during tbo last in town, 2 blocks from school Highly recommended and reliable. turned home Friday after doing Mrs A'fred Morras, of Bandon, term ns odo of the efficient corps of Sold by R. S. Knowlton. A snap 2 acres, good double some prohibition campaign work on returned home Monday after visit teachers, passed through town Mon house, barn and out build A T T H E this side during the week. ings,orchard,within 3 blocks day on her way to the VV. P Her ing iu town since Decoration day. of the business part of town Buster Brown Blue Ribbon mann district where she will open Miss Nettie Carey is down fr >m C A H A R R IN G T O N , P roprietor. A 42 acre ranch on the low school shoes at Robinson's. the upper river visiting Miss Ger school in a few days. j ENTERPRISE MEAT rA , Wholesale and Retail Det ^ in Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard Ham and Bacon. HILE GUARANTEE ABSTRACT COMPANY $500 ^ne*room i*0“8“an<* “ 'uta $ 1 1 00 Skookum Restaurant, Magio Lantern show of the great trude Johnson and other friends in earthquake and fire destruction of town. San Francisco at Masonic Hall to Mrs. John Morgnn of Empire, morrow—Thursday uight. passed through this city yesterday Good second-hand sewing ma on her returu home after a week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. Peterson, chine for sale at this office. of Arago. F o b S ai . b .— About 1J acres of Three choice 50 ft. lots, uenr the land near the Academy, good house, school house, for Bale; price $400. barn and out buildings. Also young orchard. Address J. A. Address Wot, Caudlin, owner, Co quille.. Jacobson, North Bend, Oregon. Constipation makes the cold For lady’s or gent’s Rambler bicy-. drag along. Get it out of you ole good as new inquire at this office. Take Kennedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar cough syrup. Contains Cyrus Bointon, a commission man no opiates. For sale by R. 8. of San Francisco, has been in Coos Knowlton. county the past week or so looking One pound o f choice atrawberries after business. He met an old ac in every box, “ Round Hill” brand quaintance here in the person of at Robinson’s. W . L. Kistner. Mrs. Fischer, Miss Margarita Boa».—In Seattle, Washington Fischer, Mr. Pyle and wife, passed May 25, 1906, to Mr. and Mrs Chas. through here yesterday on the Al E. Nosier, a son, liance en route from Silverton, F. M. Stewnrt, the MarshSeld where they buried the late John tombstone man, was over last Thurs Fischer, to Eureka.— Coast Mail. day and erected monuments at the Good pasture for stock, on Marsh graves of the late Joseph Hudson field road one mil* from town. In and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. quire if All »n McLeod. G. W . Harry. E. E. LaBrie, of Roaeburg, made F ob S ale .—T wo good Rambler our office a pleasant call whil* in Mr. LaBrie Bicycles, gents’ aud lady’s. Enquire town on Thursday. having disposed of his interests in at this offije. this county, we fear bis visits will Messrs. Nelson and Pyatt, two be less frequent in the future than gentlemen from Chehalis, Wash, in the past. passed through town last week on F ob S ale . — One fine yoke of work their way down the river where thev expect to become interested in oxen. Price $80 or will trade for cows. Nelson Jones. black sand mining. er river about 30 acres bot tom balance bench, 7 rc.oin house, barn, out buildings, 7 bead of cows separator and f innin.; io »is. Horne market tor everything pro duced on the ranch. Muslin underwear for ladies and children nt Mrs. Perrott’s. Jack Bruce Rrrived from Port land on Saturday and is now nt the home of his wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs H. W. Dunham, where Mrs. Bruce has lieeu since her arrival from 8an • Francisco. She is some, what stronger since our last issue, but is yet seriously ill. If you don’t see whit you '.out here call at tlie oftice and oxm ae our list which is to large tocm imir- | ate here. W anted .—Cook and house keeper in small family. Inquire at the H erald office. Grandma Grow was over from Coaledo on Friday. She lias been informed by the hotel keeper with whom her son, Jack Grimes board ed, that there was not an iumate of the hotel escaped death at the time of the great earthquake at San Fran- cieco, except the proprietor himself. This comes as sad news to the old lady. This is the third son she has lost by accident in the past few years. Fresh supply crackers in one or three pound cartoons, one eighth wood boxes or bulk at Robinson’i. Robinson’s Coquille V alley Development Company The Earthquake % Fire k t * rs be 5 s* * - tta ~ • ■ • x Lantern Show of San Francisco, Stanford University and Santa Rosa. W. B. Griffith, a deputy U. S. IN marshal, of Portland, made our offi ce a very pleasant call while in town on Saturday afternoon. He came down to place under bonds those lately indicted by the federal grand- jury in the land oases recently men ADMISSION 15, 25 and 35 CENTS. tioned. He informs us that none of the parties made any attempt to « evade him, and one or two travled Commitsioner Anderson, the 40 miles to meet him and arranged A big assortment of novelties in ladies' neckwear and those large Marshfield livery stableman, came for their bonds and will be on hands over the middle of last week and when required. shell hair pins at Robinson’s. purchased a horse of Rev. H. M. You cannot induce a Idwer ani Mrs. Fannie Dyer, of Bandon, vis Branham and another from Ren ited her sister, Mrs. R. E. Buck, of Hoberg. He went to Bandon ba mal to eat heartily when not feel c o q u ille ing well. A sick dog starves him- this oity, several days last week and be returned home. Belf, and gets well. The stomach returned home Monday accompani once overworked, must have rest OF Call at J. W. Leneve's store for the same as your feet or eyes. You ed by Mrs. Buck, and Mr. Buck anything you need in dry goods, don’t have to starve to rest your went a day later for a visit at Ban shoes or groceries. The prices are stomach. Kodol for Dyspepsia don. w m m m vm right. takes up the work for your stom Try the new People’s Market, two O. F. Rohrer, one of our up-to- ach, digests what you eat and gives B a r g a in s in it a rest. Puts it back in condi doors south of postofflce, for the date farmers who lives near town, tion again. You can’t feel good freshest meats of all kinds at lowest Try prices Dean A Hoberg, Prop’ra haR kept our markets supplied the with a disordered stomach. past week with nice D e w potatoes, Kodol. Sold by R. S. Knowlton. The Coquille Gun Club reports pje has about four acres from whiob The leather in the Seattle L og royal entertainment by the shooters he will receive good returns for the ger's shoe is the best imported !-J§i of Myrtle Poiat at the Club match first crop, and he is replanting the $7,000. Finest Diirv Farm in Coquille Valler. French Kip, guaranteed to give J held at that place last Saturday. A ; ground with a late variety as the satisfaction. Call and examine them $6,000. 282 acres Dairy and Pasture Land. Good new build return match has been arranged and early crop is dug. at Robinson’s store. ings, abundance of water piped into house and Barn. will probably come off at Coquille C. J. Browne, of Portland, the You are guaranteed both quality about the 23rd inst $1 ,050. Creamery plant well located. and price and courteous treatment gentlemanly manager for the Uu- We have clients who want to buy at the new People's Market, south derwood Typewriter Co $450. Fine Residence property, well located. for the Farm, Coal and Timber Lands. If of postoffioe. Freshest mests of ev- North west territory, came over from $4 ,000. 120 acres, Dairy Ranch, a choice location in Coquille you have any for sale list it with i ery description. the Bay Monday in company with Wood Bros., North Bend, Oregon. Valley. Isaiah Hacker and daughter. Mrs. W. 0. Bradley, the local representa We have some choice Timber Lands, Coal Lamia and other Basket Social at Strang’s school L. H. Hazard, returned on Monday tive, and visited our city and some house diet. No. 19. for the benefit from Los Angeles, California, whith of their cuatomers. Mr. Browne numerous bargains. Can offer you good business propositions. of the school Saturday eve., June 9, er they bad gone for Master Austin reports the Underwood as becom Call on us at our office in Martin Building one door we.t 1906. An interesting program Haxard, who had spent the paat year ing exceedingly popular throughout of Knowlton’s Drugstore. will be rendered after which a or so in that section for bis health. his territory. These are a grand free dance. Come ont ladies and The lad is looking very well and we success as a “ visible” machine, bring your baskets and have an en- hope that it will not be necesaary which is a great advantage over oyable time sod help s good cause. for him to go away in the future. others. Masonic Hall, Coquille, Cömmepeiai F- N otice! Less that our patrons should gel the impression that ow in g to the fir in our Dressed Lum ber Sheds we could not fill orders prom ptly. W e wish to announce that we are pre pared to fill all orders on reasonable time with first-class material and at lowest prices. W e thank the P u blic for the L ib eral patronage given us in the past and bespeak a fair share o f the co m ing season’s business. Coquille Mill I Mercantile Co G e n e ra l IMercTia-ndis© a n d L u m b e r Oregon Thursday eve., June 7, 1906. FRED S p e c i a l A t t e n t i o n G i v e n tc- Wo p i a k e R a t e s t o Régulât* Boat*det*s. >O O O O C <; O. Wilson & C o . COMPLETE LINE OF SLAGr1 T A IL O R , oi REAL ESTATE Home Realty Co. Under New Management. Livery Feed and Sale Stable Opposite I. O. O. F. Hall W. H. Man Best of Tu nouts. S t r i « . F ir st -O í . Hay, Grain , eed Successor Little.