H . M a q u ille lim it ò . COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W E D N E S D A Y , JUNE 6, 1906. V o l . 23: No. 38. w. $1.50 P el Y ear . gon when they will give a “ Made in iu tbe dickens would hare happened in Coos county, that the exports ex­ Oregon” congress to exhibit the if the train had missed the hole. ceed the imports by many hundreds (Delivered at the Farmers and products of this state, and to adver­ And all along the coast from the of thousands of dollars, that this 3 ,1 8 7 8 . Shippers’ Congress at North Bend, tise to tbe world what the state is Golden Gate to the Columhia tb< money is located here and this is May 23rd:) doing and not what any portion is question of the entrance to the va easily explained when you realize Walter Culin, M. 0. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentle­ making, and I think the people of rious harbors is one of great impor that a larger amount of industries P h y s ic ia n a n d S c bubon men: With 24 feet of in Coos county are owned and oper­ Portland should be congratulated tauce to us ull. C oquille C it y , O ne . In 1850 when an expedition upon the liberal spirit which they water on the Coos Bay bar between ated by non residents, and in this Carries a full and complete stock of organized by P. B. Marple came to have shown through the entire átate the dip of the sea and the crest of S S S Ä rft *'•*— *• this section of the state from Jack- in inviting everything made in Ore­ the bar at mean low tide, wo are in respect, we people of Coos county can take a lesson from our neigh­ son county and about tbe sama time gon to be exhibited there, and not a position to compare the entrance bors in Portland, The moneyed when the crew of the exploring confining their efforts in advertising to Coos Bay favorable with any men of that section who operate an C, R. Barrow, schooner “Samuel Roberts” includ­ the state of the products of any one other harbor on the Pacific coast industry in that neighborhood, are Attorney and Connsellor at Law ing Patrick Flanagan, who had made locality, but with broad-guaged This is not only of importance to residents of Portland, the richest First olaae Heferenoea a fruitless attempt to enter the minds and open hearts accepting the people of Coos county, but it ia people of the state make that city mouth of Rogue river, sounding the everything made in Oregon for ex­ also of equal importance to the Fifteen Years’ Kxperienoe their home. When that section ex­ entrance to this harbor and after­ hibition in the beautiful city of farmer and shippers of the Willam­ C oquillb C it y , O b i ports rnoro than they import, the wards landed somewhere on the Portland. And it is a credit, and ette valley. By being connected balance is retained in Portland at lower bay, this portion of southern while, perhaps, I'm getting a little by rail with the marvelous resourc­ the command of the parties who Oregon was at that time by the away from my subject, I wish to say es of the Willamette valley which is have profited by the transaction, J. J. STANLEY Indiaos called Koos, the word beiDg here, that the people of this section not far distant, the shipping facili­ whereas in Coos county the surplus * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * spelled by commencing with the are indebted to tbe Portland dailios ties for transportation open at the of profits obtained from tbe exports LAW YER * W letter “ K ” and the first government for a large amount of free advertis­ entrance of Coos bay, is of great Front Street and imports is taken to a foreign * Martin Building, maps located it by the same name, ing which is most freely given iu importance to every property owner neighborhood, the residents being * C o q u il l b . O bboob and the survey following represents the news items in any of the Port­ in the central and eastern portions owners of the enterprises, many of 7^ it on the map as Rowes Bay, and it land dailies, when they find they of the state. T. T. LAND, Proprietor. whom live iu California. If the mill was afterwards by some of the early can be of service in the shape of Transportation to and from the or the mine exports from Coos paid * A. J. Sherwood, explorers called Cowan Bay, but in interviews or otherwise in advertis­ Bay is not now open to criticism. a million dollars more than the im­ A ttobm iy at -L aw , Billiard Card rooms * 1850 when the two expeditions re- ing this section of the state, and for The number of vessels for years past ports, that million dollars re­ * N otabt P ublio , ferrod to made an entrance into the instructions they have given and at the present time, mak­ mains in San Francisco where the and and C oqu ille, : : O regon this section they referred to it in their reporters to interview any ing regular trips between this sec­ * owners of these enterprises reside, their conversations by the Indian man from any portion of the state tion and other seaports, not only of whereas if they were residents of Pool Tables Drinhs name Koos, and later on when it who knows anything of interest re­ the coast, but of the world, is a suf­ Portland, the profit would remain Walter Sinclair, became necessary to print is, the garding the resources of his partic­ ficient guarantee of the importance hero for further investment and AxroBNBT-AT-LAW , Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. white residents spelled it with a ular section without any costs. of Coos Bay as a shipping point, that is one reason why who we en­ N o t a b t P u b l i c , “C” instead of a “ K ,” and conse­ and although the exports and im­ courage an enterprise which is own­ ?£ 8E80URCES OF 0 0 0 8 COUNTY. City News Stand. Oregon. quently from that time unto now C oquille, The resources of this county can ports have not reached the propor­ ed by people who comes here to * * this entire section or county is know better be imagined than described. tions which we would like to refer live, who wants to mane it their throughout the state, and possibly | They consist of coal, lumber, gold to, the government statistics enable homes and Mr. L. D. Simpson, may­ Hall & Hall, in some of the other stateB, as “ Coos mines, salmon, etc, with deep sea fish us to rest assured of its being en­ or of North Bend, has set an exam­ county,” and as the county develops and the flatB with clams. The tim­ tirely dependent upon the energy ple in this respect, which 1 hope A ttobnbts - at -L a w , and as the settlers come and if we ber of the county consists of mer­ and ability of the producers tribu­ millionaires in other sections will Dealer in K bal K btatb o f all kinds. succeed in interesting outsiders to chantable fir, spruce, hemlock, white tary to this section to increase it as see fit to follow. The man who M arshfield, Oregon. visit the locality, as has been done and red cedar, is estimated at sixty the development of this section pro. starts an enterprise here, even by the present occasion, by an or billion feet, whereas it is impossible greses. From these government though he expects his own money ganizaticu like the Farmers’ and to estimate the hidden quantity of statistics I have selected the follow­ in tbe development to that extent, is C. A. Sehlbrede, Shippers’ Congress, with their elo­ coal which underlays almost the en­ ing items regarding exports and more to bo encouraged when he re­ A ttorn ey -a t-L aw , quent speaker? and their moneyed tire couDty. The government sur­ imports of Coos Bay: W a t c h m a k e r and Jeweler, tains the fruits of Coos county men accompanying them, it is pos­ veys allege the quantity of coal, Exports N otary P u blic. Phone 781. products with the residents here Tons sible, and probable also, that this which is tributary to and will find Year Value Front Street, u id expends it for a further devel­ M ARSII YIELD, O m KOON. 121,064 $1,171,756 op nenl of the natural resources of name Coos which is so dear to all an outlet on Coos Bay, extends un­ 1903 C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N . of us who live here, will be heard der an area of 400 square miles, and 1904 118,165 1,656,583 the county, than the man who re­ and understood in every town of as there are about 1500 square 1905 161,307 1,046,276 side. in some other state and carries A l l w ork g u a r a n teed . \V. C . C hare. any importance where res'dents are miles in the county, the govern, Imports E . D . Sperry. off every dollar which his Coos looking for undeveloped re-ources ment probably did not estimate Year Tons Value county enterprise makes for him, to SPERRY & CHASE. 14,114 $ 98,798 spend suine where else, and it is and an opportunity to make money that some portions fo the coal fields 1903 18,783 1,901,401 better for this county to have one outside of the well trodden financial which extends iuto the adjacent 1904 A ttora«yii-m t-Law . 17,638 uncertainties of larger cities, 133,698 mail of means who will come and he counties, would find their outlet 1905 Otto« in Robinflon Bailding Exports aud imports of Coquille. oue of us and help develop the coos county . here. We have a vast quantity of O regon. Exports This county ami this section of the best dairy laud on the coast: CoquilU, country and expend the profits of Tons Value his enterprise in further develop­ the state ia still iu an undeveloped perhaps it is unfair to say the best, Year 55,962 *838,8 j 8 ment than to have half adozen suck­ condition, every industry is stilt in when similar lauds are to be found 1904 40,666 609,990 ers who will start something around E. 6. D. Holden, its infancy, every mine in operation along the bottom lHnds of Humboldt 1905 Imports B. F E N T O N needs further development; every and Tillamook bays, but we can L aw ybb , here, and expend the profits of our Tons Value Coos county products somewhere farm needs improving, and large modestly say that the quality Year P rop U. 8 . Comraisaioner, General Inaurane* 4,982 $498,200 sections of the bottom lands o f Coos is equal to at least and land on the 1904 A gent, and Notary Pabilo. Offloe else. Saddle Horses of best quality always on baud. Good Rigs in redi- 4,789 478,900 Bay and the Coquille and their coast and produces anything which 1905 in Robin son Building. ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business. From these figures a lesson can tributaries need even clearing of wi'1 grow in a climate similar to Huge lask. C oqu ille, Oregon. Accommodations for Taveliug men a specialty be learned by which we ought to the brush, which will be found upon this. We can point with satisfac­ It was a huge task, to undertake Leave Coquille at 6 a. in., arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50 In 1903 tho bottom lands in their natural state. tion to the fruit produced here, and profit in the future. the cure of such a bad case of kid­ In all these new sections, one class the county produces a “ spud” which exports from Coos county, accord- ney disease, as that of C. F. Collier, of pioneer pursues another, and one which would make tbe Emerald Islo ing to estimated values above given of Cherokee, Ia., but Electric Bit­ A. F. Kirshman, class of intelligence follows tbe ad­ green with envy, and the lips of the were $1,171,750 and the imports ters did it. He writes: “ My kid­ D entist . during that year were $98,798, leav- neys were so far gone, I could not vance guarJ in regular order. The Irishman water for more. sit on a chair without a cushion; The assessed valuation of all pro. ing a credit to our balance for the •ind suffered from dreadful back­ pioneer who possessed the courage Ofllse two doors Sooth o f Post nfloe. and the foresight to advance west­ perty, which was gathered into the year of $1,072,958; while in 1904 ache, and depression. In Electric C oqu ille . • • O regon. ward from the New England states, assessor’s net foi the year 1905, the exports amounted to $1,650,583 Bitters, however, I found a cure, did not find, what to him, was the amouuts to $9,913,190, and taking whereas the imports reached the and by them was restored to per­ A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical fect health. I recommend this “jumping-off place” until he reached this item into consideration and real- unprecedented sum of $1,901- great tonic medicine to all with 401, showing that during the year and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern Coos and found the Pacific ocean izing the amount of wealth which is weak kidneys, liver or stomach. Str. OISPAXCH “ stacked up" in front of him, while here undeveloped, you are not sur­ we paid out more than we took in, Guaranteed by R. S. Knowlton in every particular. Rates from Tom White, Master Whereas in druggist; price 50c. the regulars who followed and pur­ prised and need cot think that we the sum of $244,818 Leaves I Arrive* 1905 the exports were $1,040,276 Banden....... 7 à-M. | Coquille 10 a - m . sued him were still coming along in are entirely unselfish when the chair­ List your property with the Home Conuille ........ 1 p m . I Bandoa . . . . 4 p - m . and the imports only $133,698, regular order, ar d at the present man was so liberal in his welcome Connect* at Coquille with train for Marsh field Realty Co. Including room, bjard, general nursing and drugs. and steamer E;ho for Myrtle Point. time we have some o f the old-timers to you, iu which I can assure you leaving a balance to our credit for Full stock of A. A. Cutter shoes that year of $912,578 on the Coos of the first regiment still living in the entire people of this county Str. FAVORITE Bay trade alone, to say nothing of Lorenz’s. our midst, and the coming of the most heartily join. J. C. Moomaw. Master, A good lot of cull lumber at the Leave* | Arrive* From the time the steamers left the Coquille. second, third and fourth following Coquille mill at $4.59 per thousand. Coquille....... 7 a - m . | Band. in . . 10:45 a - m . Marshfield, Oregon. Any one cogaged in business here, Baadon......... I p - m . | Coquille . 4:45 P-M. brigades to make up tbe citizens of the Columbia until they reached A big lot of sugar and fresh this portion, and the same possibly their destination here, there was an who will look for a moment will re­ groceries just in from Portland at S tr . E C H O applies to a large portion of the en­ anxiety for fear anything should alize the reason for the scarcity of H . Jams. Master. Robinson’s. money in the summer and fall of tire state of Oregon, and perhaps happen to roar the pleasure of the Leaves | Arrives Robinsou’s store has a big liDe M yrtleP oin t.. .7 a - m . | «»quille C’y 9 SO a - m . trip or to place tbe entrance to the 1904 and for the graduul and study Coquille City. .1 P-M. | Myilie F t . . 4 00 p - m . every portion of the Pacific slope; of ladies’ shirt waists, muslin under­ and as the commingling of such harbor at a disadvantage, and now ¡“ provement iu the money market wear, corset covers, dress skirts Daily oxcept Sunday. elements made Great Britain the na­ that our visitors are all safely land-1 here froln the beginning of 1905 to and underskirts. T h e safe a n d reliable tcrew tion which she has proved herself ed here, you will permit me to in -: ths present time. The rules ap- It pays to use Stock Food at this I r r i t e New and Speedy, to be in Europe, and which has dulge in a story ns an illuatration plieable to the individual in matters time of the year. Better get a S u c c e s s o r t o W H . M ansell. of what a failure to find the entrance purchase and sale are also appli- made America tbe marvelous nation package at Knowlton’a drug store cable to the counties and localities. and try it with your cow. which she has proved herself to be to bay might mean: W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A IN S . C. P. Jensen, Mnster. “ A new arrival from the Eroer- The individual who purchases $300,- to all the world at the present time, The cash customer has the ad­ Will make regular trips between ald Isle was beiDg shown a wonder-! 000 worth of goods more than he vantage at T. H. Mehl A Coe. Thoy All orders handled with carefulness and expedience will in a small way make Coos coun­ Coquille River and San ty and the other sections similarly ful tuuel through the mountains ha* disposed of, is bound to feel are now giving 5 per cent off of the regular prices to all who pay cash inhabited, a great, grand, big, pro­ which had been built for the rail­ the loss of money from bis cash ac­ Fra n cisco . on the spot. A g e n t fo r th e b e s t C o o s C o u n ty G oal count, and the county who purchas­ gressive, energetic people, traveling road, and standing at the mouth of No 8 top-over at W ay Porta. ------------- ■ ^ ■ ——----------- E lectric L ig h t«. E veryth in g in First on broad lines and free fro u the the tunnel his partner said, “ There, es $300,000 worth o f goods more ound a Cure For Dyspepsia. Class S tyle. ruts and narrow passages into which Mr. Mulligan, look at the wonder­ than we had disposed of is also Mrs. S. Lindsay, of Fort William, ary community ia bound to slide or ful tunnel in the mountain where l>ound to realize the difference in its Ontario, Canada who )has suffered fall who do not go out of the narrow the railroad goes. And see," says cash account, the only difference quite a number of years from dys- groove» themselves or permit other«, Hooligan, “ there comes the train being that in the individual case, | pepsia and great pains in the atom AT NORTH BEND who are outside to enter their I of care now, stand back and let the ! one main account explains what has ' ach, was advised by her drurrist to threshold. Is now open for the recep­ ’ train go in.” And after the tram ¡ occurred, whereas with the whole - Tablets. “ ‘ S h V ^ " 2 and A private Hospital well equipped for the treat­ tion of patients. The terms bad passed into the tunnel and tho section or community so far as tbe ^ ^ ,,j q n(j t|ley [1!lve j one HAD! IM 01*00*. ment of su rgical and medical diseases. are $10 per week and •Made in Oregon" ia placarded wind blew through Mulligan's whis- ab°Te matters are concerned, it e f - ; me ft great deal of good. I have upwards. For particulars in great, big, glaring letters all kers, be stood looking iuto the tun- feets the cash account of nearly never bad any suffering since I llé­ Trained N urses in Attendance. gan using them.” If troubled with over tbe city of Portland, at the nelas far as he could see, and when every one who buy» and sells. apply to present time, and is in evidence of Mr. Hooligan asked him what he You know it is Dot however, a /le t,1 ^ Ib le fe ^ 'g e t r^elY iiHl For Information Address the pride of the people of Portland j was thinking about, be said, “ Mr. that the surplus which tbe figures ?lay well? ~ For sale by R. S. ’Phone 631. .Marshfield, Oregon. of the products of the state of Ore- Hooligan, I was just thinking what above show, and which is the rule Knotvlon, NORTH BEND. OREOON Entered ns se c o n d -cl* .» m atter May 8, 1805, at the poatoffioe at C oquille, Oregon, under act o f Oongreee o f March j. B en n ett'« A d d re ss. K nowltons Drug Store DRUGS, MEDICINE, FIN E STA T IO N E R Y , TO ILET ARTICLES. Josh’s Place, * (i) So/f ^ * ************************** I H B W. H. SCHROEDER ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE T M AR SH FIELD General Hospital i *■ COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO to ^ 3 0 per w eek Miss S- C. Lakeman, Matron. Claude Fox, Cire ri eral D ra y m a n Str. Elizabeth I I HORSEALL HOSPITAL The Mercy Hospital M ISS L. G. GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. J Sisters of Mercy i Wm. Horsfall, M. D.,