Purity crackers at the Mill store.! Ladies’ neck wenr und laces al A Positive Necessity NOTICE OP AD.vlIN Notice is Hereby given that tl List your property with the Home W 'lRon * Co s. Having to lay upon inv bed for dersigned was by the Co r v I ‘ Full cream cheese at Robinson's. ealty Co. Fred Moser o f Gravel Ford w hs 1 i days from a sever]v bruised leg, Coos County, Oregon, on r. 1 - _ , , , , in town Saturdav. i-inly found relief when I used a of May 1901), duly appointee i e Tbs choicest city locations. The For a good pair of shoes, go to ' C o m m e n c e m e n t <3 zeroises. bottle of Ballard’s Snow Liniment. istrator of the estate of John >V Home Realty Qo. Drane's. j J- E. Doyle was down from Myr- i I umi cheerfully recommend it as deceased, late of eai I com ’ , . _ . ! let Point on Thursday. all persona having • la ini Royal Chinook Sboee at J. W. W. D. Robetrs was up from Riv­ ^ALonrluy Cuening, >^L a y 2 8 , / 9 0 6 j the best medicine ever sent to the estate, cent are hereby required u > l,Xicoe»e’e. None better. erton Monday. Our sportsmen are getting a con- ; uffiicted. It has now become apos- them to me, duly verified, at the office I siderable number of pigeons these of Sperry A Chase, in Coquille, Oregon, j itive necessity upon myself. Mrs. Ed Carter, of Myrtle Point, E. C. Roberts, of Myrtle Point, days, D. R. Byrnes, Merchant, Dovers- in Coos County, Oregon, within six weut to Baudou yesterday. Invocation............................... ......... Rev. H. M. Branham. from the date of this notice. bad business at the county seat on 1 Try the After Dinner Mint for ville, Texas. 25c and $1.00 gold by months Dated this 22nd day oi .May, 190«. Wild West Shoes for Western Monday. Overture, ‘'Olivia,” ........................................................ Hyde R. S. Knowlton. W . J. L1CHTY, indigestion. At Drane’s. >oys at J. W. Leneve’s store. Gage's Orchestra. Administrator of the Estate of John W. Call at J. W. Leneye s store fori The oopious showers of the past Wood, deceased. Intending buyers of lumber, or J. A. Luse, editor of the Sun, of anything you need in dry goods, week are making grass and other Address ............................................... By President of Class anything in the general merchan­ Marshfield, was in town yesterday. shoes or grooenes. The prices arc vegetation grow very rapidly, but Kennett I’. Lawrence. dise line as for that matter, should „ The leather iD the Seattle L og ­ j retarding logging by team to a con- High School Chorus. The strawberry growers would light- ger’s shoe is the best imported 8tep in and see those new spring I s'derable extent, Oration, ‘‘ Booker T. Washington” ................Celia Webb. remember that the Coquille M ill, ^ Ki guaranteed to g.ve like to see some good weather again suits at Robinson's. • Muslin underwear for ladies and aud Mercantile Co. can supply the satisfaction. Call and examine them Violin Solo, “ Revqyie” .................................... Carl Haubey for a change. same at lowest going prices. | at Robinson’s store. Emma Sherwood. 1 Ladies’ summer drjss skirts at | T. A. Walker returned Friday obildren at Mrs. Perrott’s. from his trip to Roseburg. He vis- John Neil of EtelVa wa8 down to I Class History and Prophecy....................... Beta Johnson. I Robinson’s. itod his mother while in Camas town Saturday, he having come to j Pinto Solo, “ Mandolinata".............................. Saint-Saëns There is no short cake like valley. ; Johnson’s mill to see about the ium- Esther Johnson. AB TRACTS ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS ABSTRACT- mother's, made of ‘‘Round Hill” You are guaranteed both quality her for the erection of a new school Address............... Hon. B. F. Mulkey, Pres. S. O. S. N. S. strawberries. Leave orders at Rob. and price and courteous treatmen' j house in his district, Solo, “Down the Shadowed Lane She Goes,” .......Osgood. at the new People’s Market, south I . , inson’s. Mrs. Elton A. Tyrrell. > of postoffice Freshest meats of ev- Fo* • mc* r® a‘& .,mad® > For first-claBs watch repairing to tc Valedictory..................................................Emma Sherwood ery description. |or wa,st 8 ° to ° ' W,Uon * Co «' X x to W. H. Scbroeder’s. -3 Address............................. .............................J. Percy Wells Prof. L. E. Brown of Riv.rton j J ' ® ' W “ e r o ' S w Francisco, 5 0 W. T. Miller, of Myrtle Point, .«turned 1‘resentatiou of Diplomas........................... R- S. Knowlton. tb . b . , . . S e tu r d .,., £ > > went to Eureka, Cal., last week to O O Bou.v.—-At National City, Oalifor- country, accompanied by his son, E. H -i see his daughter, Miss Clarence Ed­ if) J Marshfield and Coquille, Oreqon. The Successful Graduates. nia, May 14, 1906, to Dr. and Mrs. I L. Wheeler, and Clarence L. john- The H e r a l d last week in giving munds, who is ill. J. C. Snook a son. A card from the ston, who had just arrived from the a list of the candidates endorsed by Thirteen out of the class of twen­ We have completed a thorough, up-to-date Beautiful black Sateen under­ doctor to Mrs. Figg of this city in­ city with the object of giving things the Law and Order League inad­ ty seeking graduation from the > forms her that all are well. > a little time to readjust themselves vertently omitted the name o f W . A b stra ct P la n t. skirts at Mrs. Perrott's. eighth grade of our public schools X X after earthquake disaster, went to W. Gage, Democratic candidate for r J l A good lot of call lumber at the during this, the closing week of the The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. H Bandon Thursday, since when they Sheriff. We cheerfully make apol­ Coquille mill at $4,50 per thousand. school year, were successful, and 50 We are now r e a d y to furnish correct ABSTRACTS at short E. Church will hold a window sale have visited the bay. The two ogy for the oversight. > they are now eligible for the high > Miss Rachael Wilson, who makes young gentlemen are members of notice, and orders will receive careful and prompt attention. n on Saturday, May 26, at Mrs. O her home with her sister, Mrs. Da­ the real estate firm of tbe Edgar L. A prettv home wedding was cele- sch oo> ° r ™ llee e- Supt Bunch an- Pierce’s store. . , xr ,’ > , », „ . nounced the thirteen to bo as fol- X Marshfield office adjoins Flanagan & Bennett Bank X vid Fulton, in this city, who had Wheeler Company of San Francisco, i brated Wednesday, May 9, at the Try the new People’s Market, two the misfortune to fall and fracture which firm was doing a good busi­ residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. T» lows last evening: . Coquille “ " Coquille Post Office. Josephine Lund, Isabella McLeod doors south of postoffice, for the her collar bone a week or so ago, is ness before tbe quake. MARSHFIELD PHONE, 143. X oc Morrison, of East Second street, Margaret HaDley, Ratliff Lawhorn, freshest meats of all kinds at lowest recovering nicely. f COQUILLE PHONE, 191. O. Wilson & Co. has jnst received Miss Minnie Nosier, was united in Esther Boyd, Zetta Haskin, Frankie prices. Dean A IToberg, Prop’rs. Chick Feed is the proper thing a fine line of ladies' neckwear and Phone at our expense wben ordering ABSTRACTS. marriage to George Hartley, form ­ Dean, Paul Wilson, Owen Knowl­ X > After-Dinner Mint, for indiges­ for the young chickens. Knowlton laces. erly o f San Diego, the ltev. Mr. ton, Lets Mast, Belle Thrift, Mar­ n r. TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., has it. tion. Drane keeps it. . George W. Moore, a leading citi­ Dixon, officiating.— Los Angeles ion Custer and Annie Miller. R. H. Smith, Abstractor. Henry Sengstacken, Manager. J Graduation exercises occur at Ma­ X Mrs. Ada Howard, of Everett, zen of Port Huron, Michigan, was Examiner. T. Y. Callaghan who left here sonic Hall next Saturday evening. Washington, state organizer for the sojourning in this section of the val­ some four years ago, returned yes­ ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS ABSTRACTS Marshall McDonald, one of our Royal Neighbors, the ladies’ auxil­ The popular tonsorialists, took a drive terday after traveling extensively iary to the Modern Woodmen o f ley a few days since our last. The difference between “ You gentleman holds the responsible po­ over the United States and Europe. America, has been in town several sition of Bank Commissioner for to the poor farm the other day, ac­ need a biscuit,” and “ Uneeda Bis­ companied by Mrs. McDonald, and cuit” is but 5 cents, and you can days, and is doing some good work tbe state of Michigan, and was for­ spent a few hours very pleasantly Those fiuo dress ginghams are split that difference at any of our for the camp at this place. merly associated in the lumber bus­ going fast at Robinsons. with Supt. and Mrs. Odburt. Mar­ stores. A big lot of augar and fresh iness there with L- J- Cody, now a shall is said to have made a careful Dick and Elmer Osborn and prosperous logger of the lower C o­ their raother.xMts. Mary Osborn, groceries jfist in from Portland at quille. He spent Saturday night study of gardening while there. Hnd f gotten some valuable pointers from i Robinson’s, who came out from Missouri dur­ under the hospitable roof of Mr. the luckless dependents who are ex­ 20 Yea s Expc Practical Watchmaker. The mill of the Coquille Mill and Cody near Lampa, returning to ing the winter, will start home Fri­ perts iu tbe raising o f “ truck.” He Mercantile Co. has been closed down Coquille Sunday evening. On tbe regards it ns not at all unlikely, per­ day. since Friday for want of logs. It morning following be started on bis Buster Brown Blue Ribbon is the purpose, we believe, to get return to Michigan, via Roseburg haps, that he may some dnv become the man with the boe instead of the logs from L. J. Cody’s camp and and Sacramento. school shoes at Robinson's. man with the razor, though this is start up shortly. Mr. Cody has the Mrs. Freisure Topper is confined Draue keeps the celebrated Cuhn- not intimating an expectation on his boom at his landing heavily stocked Kicbolsberg shoes. The place for part to weed ‘ taters” under the to her room at the Coquille Hotel at the present time. sympathetic eye of Supt. Odburt. bargains. as the result of a felon oil one of W anted . —Cook and House­ However, as a precautionary step her hands. The ladv suffers much Hon. Cbas. V. Galloway, Demo­ against just such unforseen and un­ keeper in small family. Inquire at cratic nominee for Congress from hoped-tor contingency, Mr. Odburt pain in the member. the H erald office. this district, spoke to the people of has had made a muck-rake and hoe The schooner Oregon arrived from The protracted meetings which Coquille at tbe court nouse Monday of a design appealing to the fancy San Francisco at Bandon on Friday. had been going on at the Christian eveuin0, and was accorded a rous­ of the visiting tonsorialist. A. Ootlsche, of Bandon, was in church tbe past three weeks by Rev. ing meeting and rapt attention All smart up;to-date women of today, F. E. Billingtou, closed Sunday af­ throughout bis 50 minutes’ address. town a abort time yesterday. He ternoon. Know how to bake, wash, sing and play, Nine accessions were Mr. Galloway is one of McMinn­ Without these talents a wife is N. G. tells us that be is thinking some of added to the church, and arrangu. ville’s brightest young men and Unless she takes Rocky Mountain Tea. For sale at Robinson's Store R. S. Knowlton. returning to Florida for a change, ments were made bv which a minis­ very best orators. His presentation ter will take charge of the work of the political issues, as seen from hoping to benefit bis health. hero, dividing his tine between this tbe Democratic viewpoint, was an Mammoth Log Drive. Purity crackers, fresh stock, at city and Myrtle Point. eloquent snd convincing one, and Some o f the Bargains we have the Coquille Mill & Mercantile Co’s. The recent rains having percept- F or S ale . —One fine yoke of work be was frequently interrupted by to Offer. 8 R. Lushbaugh, a sawmill man oxen. Price $80 or will trade for applause. A. J. Sherwood presided ably swollen the waters of the over the meeting in the abseoce of One 9 room house ami 3 lots on Big creek was arrested last week cows. Nelson Jones. North Fork, another big lo g drive Chairman Stanley of the Democrat­ fine location. by Deputy Fish Warden W. L. was begun last Friday, and it was Miss Mary Chase, a gifted lectur­ ic County Committee, aud the local 5 room house, 2 lots Condron for nllowing saw duBt er on woman suffrage, spoke in sup­ brass band rendered inspiriting mu­ expected to get the logs to the main $1100 on Good the corner best location from his mill to be washed into the port of the equal rights amendment sic. The speaker, who paid the H er ­ stream by Monday. The H erald is in town, 2 blocks from school at tbe court bouse last evening, and a l d a pleasant call, left for Marsh­ iuformed that tbe moving mass em­ river. His fine was $50. A snap 2 acres, good double field by yesterday’s train. was given a cordial welcome by our braces about 8,000 logs, or from A public school entertaioment house, barn and out build­ people. The H erald goes to p ress Gooil pasture for stock, on Marsh­ six to eight millioo feet, all good will be given at the Masonic Hall too soon to give its wished-for re­ ings,orchard,within 3 blocks Some forty or more Friday evening, May 25th, for the port of the meetiog, but is confident field road one mile from town. In fir timber. of the business part of town men were engaged in rafting the purpose of raising money to defray that Miss Chase, who is traveling in quire < f Allen McLeod. A 42 acre ranch on the low­ the expense of the commencement tbe interest of her subject, made a er river about 30 acres bot­ Miss Gertrude Busbnell of M yr­ mass down the North Fork, and as good impression here. Our suffrage usual it was uo trifling task to p e r -, tom balance bench, 7 room exercises Admission 15, 25 and advocates kindly yielded tbeir set tle Point is at the Tupper House, house, barn, out buildings, form. The logs in most part are 35 cents. date, Monday evening, to Cbas. V. Bandon, in a rather serious condi­ 7 head of cows, separator A big assortment of novelties in Galloway, the Democratic nominee tion, the result of striking her head for L. J. Simpson, of North B en d ,, Gteneral M er olianciise and L u m b e r and farming tools. Home aod o d reaching this section will be | ladies’ neckwear and those large for Congress. market for everything pro­ agairst a shelf as she was raising duced on the ranch. Besides a full stock of grass up after stooping for some napkins. taken out at Cedar Point and loaded shell hair pins at Robinson's. seeds, Knowlton has the best vari- It was at first thought she was not ou cars for transportation to the If you don’t see what you want L H. Pearce, the Myrtle Point ties of Com, Beets and Carrots. seriously hurt, having gone on with bay. A small portion o f the lot here call at tbe office and examine harness maker, lias installed a W. T. Estberg, the mine operator, her work the balance of that day were disposed of to Alfred Joh n ­ our list which is to large to enumer­ Landis wax sewing machine which passed over to the Bay Monday, aud the morning of the next? but son, tbe millman, and laoded at liis ate here. was received by the train Tuesday. later her head began to pain her, and returned yesterday. He, in and since then she is becoming par­ boom south of Coquille. It means a good sized investment, - company with his son-in-law, H. J. alyzed, and it is quite evident that but Mr. Pearce hopes to make it Why not buy your Schilling’s | Kingston, will soon start for Phila­ tbe skull is fractured to that extent CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE OF profitable both to his patrons and Best from us? We carry a full line, ] delphia where they will spend the that an operation will be necessary himself Teu, Coffee, Baking Powder, Spices, I to give relief. Her father is with summer, there not beiDg sufficient Mrs. V. L. ArriDgton, of Myrtle water on his claim for summer­ her, and Mrs. V. L. Arrington of Flavoring Extracts, and sell at m in -! He will continue the Myrtle Point also went down Fri imum prices. Drane’s. Point, the nurse, who went to working. placer mining next winter, and next day. Everything ie being done that Bandon last week to help take care summer he expects to put in a loving hands can do, and it is hoped of Miss Busbnell, who is suffering steam engine with which to hoist that she will be able to be taken to from a fracture of the skull, re­ the ore and then he will be able ahosp.tal on the bay soon. turned home Monday, and was ac­ to continue operations on his quart We have a way of selling some j companied from this city by her ledge during the next summer. Mr. goods which results in us selling j Estburg is highly pleased with the more and more of them each day, | daughter, Mrs. Herbert Haynes. prospects o f his mines, and has all for instance Schilling's Best. P. The severe rains of the past sev­ faith in Coos county as a rich gold E. Drane. producing section as soon as it is ers! days have been of much benefit V. R. Wilson, the jeweler, has be­ to farmers and log-rafters, but the thoroughly whoked. THOSE WISHING TO PURCHASE come an expert student of the ills of This is the time of year that tbe roads have sutfered some and travel­ GIVE US C A L L ........................ ing is rendered quite unpleasant.) best results are obtained by using the dog family, and it ie not iinlike- . . „ , . .. ¡Stock Ford. Knowlton has a large ] . that he will soon have a full-1 A good spell of nice warm sunshine j gapp,y of different kinds. 7 W. T. DEMENT, J. M. W AGN ER, fledged hospital for the treatment j JOHN Y O A K A M , will no doubt follow aod prove Sec’ y and Mang. Vice President. President- A. J. Sherwood and W. L. Kist- of canines in our gi owing commo­ highly acceptable to everyone. ner, last week, consummated nego- nity. For some weeks past the gen. :X * Z < * 0 0 < \ O. Wilsoo A Co. will receive this tiations for sale of tbe large tract of tleman baa been struggling to stay- week a full Hue of Bpring dress land serosa tbe river from Coqnille, the ebbing vitality in bis interest­ goods. Look out for them, known as the Beale tract and be- ing pet “ purp,” who threatened to Under New Management. Mias Irene Lamb who has just longing to D. Grant Beale and bia turn his toes toward the moon, and Successors to Dean & Morgan. graduated from the Conservatory of sister, Mrs. LaBrie. The purchaser the treatment resolved upon is hav­ Music of Columbia College, Milton, is Z. Russ A Sons company, of Eu- ing a “ howling” effect for convalen- and who possesses diplomas for rek*. California. These people are cence. The dog is ia a very intelli- both piano and mandolin, is now amply able to improve this body of gent animal, and it ia but natural prepared to reoeive pupils for land, and in all probability a 35 that his master, who ia strongly at- S t r ic t l y eitLer piaeo or mandolin. Miss foot ditch will go from the river to tached to him, should strive to pro- Lamb is a thorough musician and tbe foot bills the coming summer. loDg his days. So in view of the F ir s t - C l a s s . pupils entrusted to her care w;ll re- Mr. 8herwood aod Mr. Kiatoer have beneficial treatment in this case we PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS, COQUILLE, OREGON reive careful and up-to-date instrnc- been working on this sale several would urge that all owners of auf- tiou at the usual prices. Pnpils months The price paid was $50,- fering poodles confide their troubles BOARD OF DIRECTORS will please pall at the residence of 000, and is the largest sale of farm speedily in V. R Wilson, D. D. (doc- Opposite I. O. O. F. Hall. Successor to J. T. Little. W. T . DEM ENT J. W. W A G N E R J. J. Lamb, Coquille, Oregon. . lands ever made in Coo# county. d o r of dogs). JOHN YOAKAM LO CAL N E W S . Qoyuille ¿/(/y/ sSc/oo/ TITLE G U A R A N TE E AND ABSTRACT COM PANY Buy your Watches of us. W H Y NOT? c Ä % o m S h o iü S & W H IT E flous© W ils o n l e v i t y SHOES For.Men N otice; $ 50 0 $2600 $3350 Less that our patrons should ge the impression that owing to the tire in our Dressed Lumber Sheds we could not fill orders promptly. We wish to announce that we are pre­ pared to fill all orders on reasonable time with first-class material and at lowest prices. We thank the Public for the Lib­ eral patronage given us in the past and bespeak a fair share of the com­ ing season’s business. Coquille Mills Mercantile Co .1 Coquille Valley Development Company O . W ilso n St Co. Groceries an d Dry Goods. East End of Front »Street. ENTERPRISE MEAT CO., W. H. Míjnsell, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Feed and Sale Ham and Bacon. Livery Best *jf Tunouts. Stable Liay, Grain ,Feed