Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, May 23, 1906, Image 1

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    ü. 4\
Coquille Jletolà
“ •
«1 Hou I
» m to 9 p m T
V ol . 23: No. 36.
3 u a in e s ¿
Untomi aa second-class matter May The Myrtle Grove Creamery
:8, 1005, at the poatoffice at Coquille,
Orevon, under act of CongreoH of March
Recognizing in our dairies and
3 , 187».
Walter Culin. M. D.
P hysician and S urgeon
N .* Yofk
J»nk, San Frani
C oquii . i . k C it y , O re .
Kronenberg Bldj
Next Door to P
Telephone S.
C. R. Barrow,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law
First-olaes Reference«
Fifteen Years* Experience
O oquillb C it y , O rb
Martin Building,
C o q u il l r ,
Front 8tre«t
O beoor
A. J. Sherwood,
A s expected, we found his insti­
N otabt P ublic ,
ationery c
etc., alivi
ouers, ho
in a fi
the low§
tory il-
ad tbe
o f all
creameries a business of growing
Importance to the Coquille valley
and Coos county generally, the
H srald has decided to devote liberal
space to descriptions of our butter-
making concerns, as it will likewise
do with other industries of similar
consequence, particularly
flourishing in this section of pros­
perous Coos. With the object of
makrag the rounds of the valley a
H erald man the other day first vis­
ited the Myrtle Grove Creamery,
near the railway depot, while the
same was in operation, and was
kindly shown oyer the plant by Mr.
Jamea N. Jacobson, the affable pro­
Mr. Jacobson is a thor­
ough-going dairyman and creamery-
man, having been reared among the
sleekest herds and most practical
butter-makers of Humboldt, Cali­
fornia, and tbe article be turns out
enjoys a just and wide reputation
for its excellence of quality.
A ttorrit at -L aw ,
Packing Oo.
tution to be clean and well-kept and
supplied throughout with the most
up-to-date machinery and conven­
iences. First we were shown the
Walter Sinclair,
receiving room where the cream and
A t t o r n r i - at -L a w ,
milk of patrons were arriving in
N otary P u b lic ,
large quantities, being drawn up an
incline tramway from the rivers
edge where it is deposited in cans
from passing steamcraft. The sup.
Hall & Hall,
ply is practically all pure cream on
A ttormetr - at -L a w ,
its arrival, being separated by the
Dealer in R ea l E r t a t i of all kin d a .
patrons themselves who retain the
Marshfield, Oregon.
skim milk and feed it to fattening
calves and swine. The contents of
the cans are at once emptied, the
cream into one vat and the unsep­
C. A. Sehlbrede,
arated milk into another. The cans
are then thoroughly washed in hot
Notary Public.
Phone 761.
water and returned to patrons.
One small separator is in the re­
MAKBuriELD, O rkqon .
ceiving room of the creamery, and
into this decends the milk after it is
first lifted to a reservoir above the
E. D. Sperry.
W. C. Chase.
separator by means of a steam ro­
tary sanitary pump.
effected, the skim milk is forced into
Attorney a-at-Law.
odo receptacle for return to tbe
patron, while the cream is pumped
Office in Robinaoa Building,
into anotber, the latter being added
. . .
to the much greater volume of ready
separated cream sent io from the
patronizing ranchers. Tho entire
E. G. D. Holden,
day’s cream supply is now found in
L awyer ,
the main vat on the elevated floor.
U. 8. Oomraisaiouer, General InaaraRoe| From there it is transferred slowly
Agent, and Notary Publio. Offiee
to the pasteurizer, a process for
in Robin son Building.
germ-destruction, where it is heated
to about 180 degrees, and next it
Coquille, Oregon.
passes op to the cooler and reduced
to a temperature of 60 degrees.
The cooling apparatus consists of a
A. F. Kirshman.
system of copper pipes through
which flows pure cold water, the
D entist .
cream all the while circulating over
the exterior of the pipes and ulti­
Offloe ¡two doors South of Post office.
mately descending into a trough
beneath; then into the ripener,where,
after being thoroughly ripened or
COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT GO soured by means of lacteal ferment,
it takes its final journey to the churn
S tr . D I S P A T C H
and becomes converted into plump
Tom White, M m U t
golden butter.
| Arrive«
Bandon....... 7 i*N.
Coquille.. . . 10 a - m .
C oquille ......... 1 P-M. j Bendon . . . . 4 r-M.
Connect« at Coquille with train for Marshfield
end steamer Echo for Myrtle Point.
Mr. Jacobson and his solitary but
efficient assistant, Willi» Oddy, do
all the Fork at the Myrtle Grove
S tr . F A V O R I T E
Creamery, though an extra man is
J. C. Moomaw, Master,
employed at night in the ice-making
| Arrive«
Coquille....... 7 a - m . |
Bandon. .10:45 a - m . department. Just now an average
Baadon.......... 1 r-M. | Coquille . 4:46 P-M.
of over 700 pounds of butter per
S tr.E C H O
day is made, the bulk of which is
H. Jnm». Mae ter.
packed in cubes and shipped to the
M yrtleP oin t.. .7 a - m . | oquBUC’y 9 90 a - m . Golden Gate Butter Co., of San
Coquille City. . 1 p - m . | Myrtie F i..4 00 p - m . Francisco,
and the Hazelwood
Daily except Sunday.
Cream Co., of Portland. Much of
safe And reliable
the product is made into squares
and retailed in the valley and
The New end Speed J ,J 0 &
county. The entire plant is operat­
ed by steam, and is kept in the neat­
est possible oondition.
The ice­
C. P. Januan. Maatar
making department, one of the best
Will make regular trip* hetweea
equipped in the state, hss a -daily
capacity of 2* tons, but at present
the output is only a ton per day.
N o S top -over a t W a y Parts.
Most of this is stored for tue sum­
Electric Lighta. Everything in P in t
mer trade, though all existing needs
Cleat Style.
o f the community are supplied.
S tr. E liz a b e th
Coquille River and San
The Mercy Hospital
Is now open for the recep­
tion of patients. The terms
sre 110 per week sod
upwards. For particulars
apply to
of Mercy
$1.50 P fi : Y eau
Not tbe least feature of this model
manufactory o f -Golden Blossom
Butter” is its spacious cold storage
room where the perishable edible
can be kept fresh and delicious for
almost interminable time.
M ay Buy Milking M achine.
M ore A b ou t Liocal Option.
Don't F orget Tradesmen That
W e re K in d in Days of
Wm. Kistner, the well known
Our present local option law
dairyman of our western suburbs, is when applied w;th officers who will
Now is tbe time to do a good
considering the matter of investing do their sworn duty means prohi
in one of tbe new patent milking bition in the territory in which it is turn for the dealer that gave you
machines for use on his well ap­ voted. It is the fairest, and most credit in days of plenty. It is more
pointed ranch.
Mr. Kistner has just local option law in the country than likely that he has engaged tem­
been giving some attention lo the today. The liquor business is ad­ porary quarters and already secur­
new invention, and, while not satis­ mitted to be tho greatest evil in our ed something of a stock—not as com­
fied th a t't is a success, be is willing country by well near every one. plete a stock as ho will be able to
to give it a thorough trial. The Our laws of regulation admit the show you in a week or so, but per­
manufacturers, for whom Baker & evil of it, but purpose to eventually haps eoough to suit your immedi­
Hamilton are »gents, ofler to place eradicate it. They do not even con­ ate needs.
the machine on trial with intending trol, much less destroy it.
So, if you have a few real dollars
purchasers, and it is tho purpose to
Our present law provides for to spend, deal with the man that
bring ooe to this valley as speedily oouoty option which is just and trusted you when “ your credit was
as it can be had, though how soon fair for many reasous.
First tbe good.” He may be the little grocer
that will be is not certain in view of burdm of caring for the product of 'round the corner, or the big furni­
tbe present limited supply and the the liquor business falls upon the ture man that lined your dwelling
growing demand.
county. Paupers and criminals are on the installment plan; the dry
Mr. Kistner feels that the new in­ county charges.
Under precinct goods prince that sent in his bill
vention, if a success, will solve a option two or three precincts might only twice a year, or the modest
perplexing problem in this valley, continue to produce many thousand dresmaker who transacted a com
as the dairymen are confronted with dollars of expense for a county of fortable business and said “ pay
the greatest difficulty in procuring twenty or more precincts.
Is it when you can.”
milkers, and must of necessity do right to deprive one from voting on
These and like tradesfolk are the
much of the work themselves. Tbe a question that involves such a finan­ ones to be remembered when you
machine of course would furnish cial burden?
have a few dollars for immediate
the added benefit of doing several
In this state the larger pajt of the expenditure.
mens' work, but if it displaced but taxable property is located in the
Because you owe a man last
ODe man the wages paid him in one
country. Hence tho country peo­ mouth’s bill and age not yet ready
year's time would almost represent ple bear the greater part of the tax­ to pay it is no honest reason why he
its cost at the factory.
ation and are of a right entitled to should lose your present cash trade.
According to an article in a late
issue of the Dairy Review, the ma-
chice in a recent test milked sixty
cows in one and-a-half hours’ time,
and the “ stripper” who followed up
found little to reward his pains. If
the cow yields readily to this meth­
od of being milked, and becomes ac­
customed to it to the extent of giv­
ing down freely, there can be small
doubt of the success of the machine
considering its perfection in other
respects, but only a trial will dem­
onstrate how acceptably it performs
and no positive guarantee conies
from the factory.
It is simply a
case of training the cow and dis­
pelling her fear of the new method
if the Hoped for results are to be ob­
Mr. Kistner, as before stated, in­
tends experimenting with the inven­
tion if the chance is not denied him,
and others in this valley are eager
to imitate him. The machine milks
two cows at a time, and when in op­
eration it is said to be an interest­
ing sight for the on-looker.
- —----
-► «• * - — . . . ----
S a ys C oos' A id W a s the F irst
Mrs. Mary Nosier of Coquille is
in receipt of an interesting letter
from a gentleman acquaintance who
was in San Francisco during tbe
terrible earthquake and fire, and
the miseive is kindly given the H er ­
ald for publication.
We cheerfully
give it space as it contains much
that will interest our readers:
We are safe, thank God, and so is
our place.
We lived iD the out­
skirts of the city, so we escaped the
fire, though it looked very blue for
us all for three or four days. Being
sick I laid oil for a week only the
night before tbe earthquake, hence
I escaped being caught in the big
building which was shook to pieces
and then burned. The violence of
the earthquake was beyond all de­
scription, houses being lifted up as
playthings aDd swung from side to
side. In our house you could not
stand on your feel, and amid the
smashing of dishes and the roar of
falling and burning buildings it did
seem as if the world was coming to
an end. The people of San Fran­
cisco raised on the 17th of April
$117,000 for the sufferers in Naples,
and 24 hours later we were poorer
than they. * • *
It was with a great deal of pride
for dear old Coquille that I picked
up a paper and read an item about
tbe Bteamer Breakwater coming in
with potatoes, butter, biead, etc.,
from tbe open-hearted people of
Coos for the myriad of sufferers
And good Coquille—God
bless her— was among the very first
tc distribute the much needed food.
a voice on this question. Precinct
lines are arbitrary and surely un­
reasonable and should not deprive
one from voting on a question of so
much importance when his home,
children and money are at slake.
He needs it.
His prices are as low as the next
man’s. And every dollar you give
to him helps put him on his feet
aud rehabilitate your own credit.
This is no time lor a false mod.
esty. If you owe a merchant $100
and have od I t a dollar to spend on
the wares in which he deals, spend
it with him. Dou’ t forgot the men
that “ carried” you in their books
when salaries were high aDd
promptly paid.
Tue liquor men’s amendment to
the local option law among other
worse things provides for precinct
option only. Under it three pre­
cincts in this county could continue
nearly all the evils of the business.
They do not pay over one-fifth of
They arc rebuilding the trade fo
the taxes of the 29 precincts and
have less than 500 votes.
Would S to Francisco, and you, by giving
hem your little immediate cash
it be just ov right?
can help them in that splen­
This proposed bill provides that
Francisco Exam­
all fines and forfitures under it be
payed into the city treasury.
It iner.
costs this county at least $13,000 a
year to take care of the product of
this evil iD cash, besides many of its
best boys and girls.
If there are
aDy unusual criminal cases it may
cost from $2,000 to $10,000 more.
No revenue yet -the county must
bear all of the expenses.
But we often hear some advocate
of this highly “ profitable” business
ask how the city will get along
without this revenue.
Well, let
the people who own tbs property
and reap the profits pay for the
privileges of the city life.
people might observe that many of
the best governed and most pros­
perous cities have no such revenue.
It is but few of the tax payers that
pay their taxes that way anil if they
do they bear a double burden. It
is certainly poor business to pay a
saloon keeper $16 to get back $1.
Working men had better invest
their money in property and in the
comforts of life for themselves and
their families. It would be better
for all people to have all caring for
themselves. Paupers, criminals and
unfortunates would be less unmer-
Why Suffer From Rheumatism.
nowlton’s Drug Store I
Y 'k
Carries a full and complete stock of
* * * * * ^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Josh *5 Place,
✓ l\
T. T. LAND, Proprietor.
Card rooms
Soft Drinks *
(j) Pool Tables
t K
Fruits, Huts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco.
City Hews Stand.
vi/ \i/ v/>
l\ /IN /IN /IN /IN 7
W.H. 8 CHR 0 EDER 1
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Front Street,
C O Q U IL L E ,
A ll w o r k g u a r a n t e e d .
w w w w w w w w w w w w r
Why suffer from rheumatism
when one application of Chamber­
lain’s Pain Balm will relieve the
pain? The quick relief which this
liniment affords makes rest and
sleep possible, and that alone is
worth many times its cost.
who have used it hoping only for a
short relief from suffering have been
happily surprised to find that after
B . F E ltfT O ltf
awhile the relief became perma­
P ro p
nent. Mrs. V. H. Leggett, of Yura
Yum, Tennessee, U. S. A., writes’
Saddle Horses of best quality always on hand. Good Rigs in redi-
“ I am a great sufferer from rheu­
ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery bui iness.
matism, all over from head to foot,
Accommodations for Taveling men a specialty
Chamberlain’» Pain Baimis the
only thing that will relieve the Leave Coquille at 6 a. ra., arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50
pain.” For sale
by by R. 8.
The N ational M u sic Co.,
72-74 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111,
has just issued a beautiful song en­
titled “ Rest, Loved Ones, Rest,” by
Eustasio Rosales. The song is ded­
icated to and in memory of tbe San
Francisco sufferers.
A handsome
and most appropriate title page,
printed in colors, adorns the music,
The publishers state they will do­
nate ten per cent of all sales for tho
benefit of the suffering people in
Add to the ruined manhood, wo­ San Francisco, and wpl mail post­
manhood and childhood the loss in paid to any address a copy of the
time, ambition and energy, the ne. gong for 25 cents.
glected homes, farms and business,
A Creeping Death.
the wasted dollars, tbe sighs, heart
creeping up to­
aches and tears, and count it in
wards the heat, causing death. J.
mouey if you can and you will have
E. Stearns, Belle Plaine, Minn.,
what it will cost to carry this pro- writes that a friend dreadfnlly in­
posed liquor amendment. It means jured his h.ind, which swelled up
to destroy every possible hope of like blood poisoning. Bucklen’s Ar­
prohibition in Ceos county.
Do nica Salve drew out tho poison,
healed the wound, and saved his
you want it this way? Then vote
life. Best in the world for burns
yes. If you don’t, vote no on the and sores. 25c at R. S. Knowlton’s
drug store.
W. W. R oseci non.
W anted ; By Chicago wholesale
If you ever bought a box of Witch and mail order house, assistant man­
Hazel Salve that failed to give sat­ ager (man or woman) for this coun­
isfaction the chances arc it did not
have the name “ E. C. DeWitt A Co” ty and adjoining territory.
printed on the wrapper and pressed
in the box. The original IleWitt’s pense money advanced.
Hazel Salve never fails to give sat pleasant; position permanent. No
I ¡»faction for burns, sores, boils, tet- investment or experience required.
ter, cracked hands, etc. For blind,
Living indoors so much during |)ieP,ijngi itching and protruding Spare time valuable. Write at once
the winter months creates a sort of Piles it affords almost immediate for particulars and enclose self-ad­
a stuffy, want-of-ozone condition | re)ief It gtops the pain. Sold by dressed envelope. Superintendent,
in the blood and system generally. i p g Knowlton.
132 Lake S t Chicago, III.
Clean up and get ready for spring.
General Hospital
A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical
and obstetrical cases.
in every
Equipment new and modern
Rates from
$£1*5 to $¡>30 per w eek
Including room, board, general nursing and drugs.
Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron.
Marshfield, Oregon.
Carenerai D raym an
Successor to W
H. Mansell.
All order» handled with carefulness amt ex p ed ien ce
A g e n t fo r th«* b e s t C o o s C o u n ty C oa l
A private Hospital well equipped for the treat­
ment of surgical and medical diseases.
Trained Nurses in Attendance.
n lllllu ir r th a
It pays to use Stock Food at this
Robinson’s store has a big line
I .nd howels rih I uive thè t*me °* t*1® y®sr-
Better get a of ladies’ shirt waists, muslin under-
Three choice 50 ft. lots, near the
school bouse, for ssle; price $400.
For Information Address
They relieve headache headache. *nd tr7 11 Wlth *our cow’
i» n<1
Address Wm. Cendlin, owner, Co. sallow complexion, etc-
Sold by
A floe line of waists and wrappers; Full stock of A. A. Cutter shoes
'Phone 631.
1 quills,
R, S Knowlton.
at O' Wilson's A Co's.
W m , H o rs fa ll, M . D .,
Marshfield, Oregon.