C o tiu iIle V ol . 23: No. 34. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 190«. Unterei! as Mecoiul-class m atter May 8, 1905, at th e postoffice at C oqu ille, Oregon, under act o t C ongress o f March 3,1879. Walter CuUn, M. D. P H Y S IC IA N A N D S l'K O K O * C oqiullk C it y , O kk . Kronen borg B id*. N ext Door to P. O. T e le p h o n « S. J. J. STANLEY LAW YER Martin Bnildiug, • Front Street Collimo,e, Oaaao» I A. J. Sherwood, A ttounkt - at - L aw , N otabt P u b lic , Coquille, : : Oragon Walter Sinclair, A t rouNBT-ATl.AW, N otary P ublic , Coquille, : : Oregon. I. Hacker, C oquill * C it y , O rk ■nier in K sa l E s t a t i o f a ll kinds. M arshfield, Oregon. C. A. Sehlbrede, Attorney-at-Law, Phone 701. M arshfield , O rboon . W . C . C hase. SPERRY & CHASE, Attorneys at-Law. . . Oregon. E. G. D. Holden, L aw yib , omnismoaer, General Insaranoc it, aad Notary Pablio. Offioo in Robin son Building. Coquille, Oregon. A. F. Kir8hman, D e n t is t . Offloe two doors Son th o f Post ofBo*. Coquille . - . Oregon. COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO S tr . D I S P A T C H Tom White, Master Leaven J Arrive* B andon........7 a - m . | Coquille. . . . 10 a - m . Coauille ....... 1 p - m . | B andon 4 p - m . Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield and steamer Ejho for Myrtle Po*^t S tr. F A V O R I T E J . C. Moomaw. Master, | Arrive* Coquille....... 7 a m . | Bandon. .10:45 a -M. * P-M. ‘ Coquille. 4:45 f - m . 1 Bandon. r eoyes S tr. E C H O H. Jams. Master. Leaves | Arrives M vrtlePoint. . .7 a - m . | oquille C’y 9 »0 a - m . Coquille C ity .. .1 p - m . | Myrtie P’t. .4 00 p - m . Daily except Sunday. The safe and reliable fciwn- mm screw New and Speedy, S tr. E liz a b e t h C. P. Jens«n. M aster W ill m ake regular trip « betw eea C o q u ille R iv e r and S a n F r a n c is c o . Ito S top-over at W a y Porta. E lectric L igh ts. eah . Note and Comment. Oakland, Cal., May 1.— Regard­ ing phenomena in various locations of the state caused by the recent earthquade, H A. Greene, of Mon- tcray, writes to Governor Pardee as follows: “In tbe Salinas Valley a redwood tree was recently found at a depth of 261 feet by men engaged in sink­ ing a well. This is stated on the authority of H. Jacks, of Monteray. “ Rev. M. Mestress, also of this place, visited Moss Landing after the quake. He reports many hap' penings, one being that a large sand dune near the shore has sunk 60 feet below the sea level. “ J. B. Cooper, ex-Representative of this county in tbe state legisla­ ture, took a launch on the day of the disturbance for San Francisco. A few miles off shore there were thousands of strange fish floating on the water, none of which were known to old fisherman on the boat. This was in Monteray Bay where the water is very deep. Sixty-Tbree years ago today, up If reports speak truly there will Tbo platform adopted by tbe R e­ at Chainpoeg, in Marion county, not publicans of the state strikes a be a great booming of Cannon for far from the eastern bank of the strong and progressive note which the presidency. Willamette, was laid the civic will powerfully appeal to the votors The lock canal is being favored cornerstone of Oregon Territory, of Oregon. It approves without m that was to develop into several qualificatiou the initiative and ref­ by Congress but it appears to be Carries a full aud complete stock of the dead lock type. great northwestern states. There, on erendum, supports the direct pri­ May 2, 1843, 102 men came together, mary law as it has received its first The bill to appropriate $100,000 the main, immediate point to be de­ demonstration, pronounces in favor for a private car for the President D R U G S , M E D IC IN E , cided being: Shall we adhere to of reason ible regulations us corpor­ seems to have run into an open and seek the protection o f Great ations, of just and equitable taxa­ switch. F IN E S T A T IO N E R Y , Britain or the United /States? On tion of tangible and intangible pro­ that question Joe Meek called for perty, and expresses unalterable op ­ The dry dock Dewey does not T O IL E T A R T IC L E S . a division, and he, tha leader of position to the granting of perpet­ “ got there’’ with anything like the those who favored coming under ual franchises. It favors such leg­ celerity of the man after whom it the sovereignty of the United, islation as will require private banks was named. States, carried the day by a majori­ trust companies and saviug banks ty of t w o -5 2 to 50— a close vote, Milwaukee proposes to elect to publish semi-anuual reports of and a tremendously important on«, their financial condition, as do the Mayor Rose for his fifth term. A There were other matters to eon- National bauks. It urges the loan­ mayor by any other name would not sidder, however; the formation of a ing of idle state funds at the best seem to suit that city. sort of provisional government, an interest consistent with the safety Spelling reform like charity anticipatory or ancillary govern­ of the principal aud that the inter­ should begin at home. Let us have ment, for purposes o f mutual pro­ est bo turned over to the state. It LAND, Proprietor. * tection, tbe administration of es­ demands Government ownership of Andru Karnagy spelled foneticaly. tates, the arrest and punishment of the locks at Oregon City, that the just for a beginning. Billiard offenders, the raising of funds for Card rooms Governor be emplowered to veto | * A Washington firm of plumbers public proposes, the defense of the individual items in tbe appropria­ Stockton, Cal., May 1.— It has is called Daly & Knightly. It is on and few scattered pioneer settlers ami been discovered that in the vicinity tions, and tliut pledges the part} to that basis that most of the plumb­ against the Indiaus, an i the pre­ of VVoodbridge the Mokelumne an efficient, honest and ecofiomicul ers’ charges for time are made out. Poo! Tables paratory steps for a formal organisa­ Soft Drinks river has fallen 12 feet, the head of administration of public affairs. tion which should carry out these All these things will meet with the river having dropped from the A Chicago perfumery company and other measures of legislation Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. the approbation of voters, irrespec­ effects of the recent earthquake. failed fhe other day and left such a and administratisn, formally, orderly tive of their politics. In the matter As the waterway has been stead­ City News Stand. mass of bad debts that the perfume and authoritatively. ily filling up each year with silt of the state banks and banking in­ business generally is iq bad odor All this was attended to, and from the upper portion of the river, stitutions we believe the platform with the public. what followed—lo, you may read it farmers along that stream are highly might have gone a step further aud in all the histories Oregon. But pleased with the change, since it suggested the creation of the office The young and newly arrived this was the beginning, initiatory can carry far mere water than here­ of State Bank Examiner, whose John Rockefeller ib not only worth steps; it was a decisive point and tofore and not endanger their lands duty it would be to make examina­ his weight in gold, but he is worth and moment; therefore Cbampoeg tions of these banks and report upon $10,000,000 for every one of his on either Bide of it. shall not only live in history but Another incident of the earth­ their condition at stated intervals. eleven pounds. grow larger and moro luminous quake is the drying up of Tracy In addition to this, his duties might historically with the lapse of time. Cornelius N. Bliss denies that he Lake, in the northwestern part of embrace the examination of the The settlers were few, widely scat­ books of all county aud state offi­ received $75,000 from the Now York San Joaquin county. tered, nationally homeless. Tbe Ever since the earthquake the cials, with a result that could not Life company in 1890, and bethinks Watchmaker and Jeweler, Hudson Bay company was the ouly water has been decreasing at a rapid fail to be beneficial to the people of that his word should be as good ns authority, and through its head here, rate, and at present it is almost on a the state aud the public service.— his bond. Nevertheless Jerome has F ro n t S tre e t, Dr. John McLoughlin, was a noble Telegram. called him iuto court. level with the Mokelumne river. and magnificent specimen of man­ C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N . Many of the agricultural papers hood, a good many o f the pioneer A well known orator declares S to c k s Tum ble. settlers to become American rather of the United States are having a Ai_L WORK GUARANTEED. that the only real troubles are the New York, May 2.— Confusion troubles of the heart. That orator than British subjects, and this vexatious time of it in dealing with a u p r u u A u •>•«. I l a c fltO flll ray_ mmm ■ ■ « n * 1 1 ------. ... 1____1. main question was decided on that the question of advertising for mail­ r change this morning, and bundles order houses, and manufactures wbo fast and found that tbo cook bad Prairie, hundreds of miles of the Oregon wilderness arouud on every sell direct to consumers. Many of the of stock were thrown over during deenmped the night before. Anaconda, regular advertisers in such papers the first few minutes. hand, 63 years ago today. Steel, Reading, Amalgamated, and There were no prolonged prelim­ are demanding the exclusion of tbe That was one of the three prin­ cipally important evento that made advertisements of the mail-order Union Pacific were among the most inary resignation rumors before Mr. They claim that these active. Anaconda opeded 68 points Bellamy Storer quit public life. this region a part of the United houses. Secretary Shaw prefers to give the States instead of a part of Cauada; mail-order houses are a positive bolow tbe high prico of the year. It looked like an attempt to Blash public duo warning before he re­ B. F E N T O N the other two were the discovery of detriment to the country; that they the market, but banking support tires and other public men follow sell inferior grades of goods and P ro p the mouth of the Columbia by Cap­ appeared and prices rallied sharply bis example. tain Grey in 1792 and the expedition that honest retailers in small towns Saddle Horses of best quality always on band. Good Rigs in redi- o f Lewis and Clark, the 100th an­ cau not stand the competition. It is until noon when another break ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery butin« f-s. Schwab, tbe steel magnate, has niversary of which was so appropri­ predicted, therefore, that unless the came. Some stocks declined lower Accommodations for Tnveling men a specialty decided not to run for the United than at the opening and tbe street growth of the mail-order system ¡« ately celebrated here last year. States Senate from Arizona. It is Leave Coquille at 6 a. m., arriving at RoBeburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50 is filled with rumors of a further checked the small towns will be O f all that band o f sturdy indomi­ just as well for bis income that he table pioneers, whether euolining to ruined and the farmer« will lose a drop. gave up the idea for the people Uncle Sam— who as yet had scarce­ valuable home market for much of If you ever bought a box of Witch there would have given him a groat their produce. We believe it to be ly recognized the Oregon country Hazel Salve that failed to give sat­ run for his money. as being on the map— or to John true that some of the best known isfaction the chances are it did not Bull, but one remains, Hon. F. X. mail-order bouse sell large quanti­ have the name “ E. C. DeWitt & Co” Senator Tillman is writing a de­ Matthieu, and he lives in a green ties of inferior goods, but there is an printed on the wrapper and pressed fense of the senate. If he can de­ in the box. The original DeWitt’s old age near the spot spot where immense amount of mail-order bus­ Hazel Salve never fails to give sat­ fend some of the things he has done this historic scene occurred. He iness done by houses which handle isfaction lor burns, sores, boils, tet­ there his book will be harder on A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical was one o f the majority on that day, standard goods. The growth of ter, cracked hands, etc. For blind, tbe reputation of tbe senate than and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern and will may be be proud of mail-order system is a natural result bleeding, itching and protruding the “ Treason of the Senate” which the stand he took and o f the part of excessive margins between pro­ Piles it affords almost immediate is now appearing. in every particular. Rates from relief. It stops the pain. Sold by that he and his pioneer associates ducers and consumers. Modern R. S. Knowlton. played in the early development o f methods of doing business have for A Washington scientist claims that Oregon, He, too must soon pass a considerable time tended to in­ Owing to tbe large amount of bs means o f ultra-vioot rays two Including room, board, general nursing and drugs. from earthly view, but that memora­ crease tbe expenses incidental to new growth which had atready been persons will be abie to tell what is ble scene in the New Land shall getting the goods from the maker vines in Ore­ in each other’s mind. The probablo C. to the user. This hae left the open-1 made b* Loganberry not pass from view, whilb Oregon gon at tho time of the March freeze result in many cases will be similar ■Dg the mail-order houses have endures.— Oregon Daily Journal. the vines were badly injured and it to that of tbe mind reader at a Wash' found. Their development is an was supposed taut there would be ington Gripiron dinner who told Carley, Wash., May 2.—The illustration of the fact that econo­ no crop of that fruit in Oregon this whot was in tbe mind of each guest earthquake that shook San Fran­ mic evils are often righted without Many of the vines, however, until he came to Senator Depew cisco caused the water in the large any organized effort to cure them. j ^ear have put out new blossom shoots when he announced “There's noth­ artisian well at this place, owned by We do not believe tbe small town I and there will be quite a number of ing in it”. Carley brothers, to spout vigorous­ is doomed, but it will be found Loganberries after all, although ly for a short time and has perma­ necessary to cheapen the prevailing only a fraction of a regular crop. The Taft Philippine party is said methods of getting goods from nently increased the flow. This will be the first time in tbe not to have been a Junket and it producer to consumer, and retail history of this plant in western was claimed that each man paid his S u c c e s s o r t o W H . M ansell. New York May 2.— The anthra­ merchants will have to devise some Oregon when it has failed to yield own expenses which were $500a cite operators to lay issued a state­ way of getting goods as cheap as person for the round trip. Secre­ a heavy crop.— Oregon Agricultur­ ment to comb .< the miners’ conten- the mail-order houses. The pro­ WILL MEET ALL BOATS AND TRAINS. tary Taft is now before the Senate ist. tention th .t they are underpaid, portion of farmers who will allow Committee explaining that it cost A ll orders Immlled with carefulness and expedience. which quotes the statistics of themselves to be steadily fooled by Why Suffer From Rheumatism General Leonard Wood $3,600 to saloons in the mining region and the mail-order houses that send out Why suffer from rheumatism go from Manilla to Boston. There tbe reasons for working men’s inferior goods is not very large.— when one application of Chamber- seems to be an inequality some A g e n t fo r th e b e s t G o o s C o u n ty G oal Oregon Agricultureat Iain’s Pain Balm will relieve the where. poverty. — ------ • ■— ------------ i pain? The quick relief which this Rome, May 2.—Tbe international liniment affords makes rest and Living indoors so much during W a n ted : By Chicago wholesale the winter months creates a sort of Postal union conference has reject- sleep possible, and that alone is worth manr »¡mes its cost. Many and mail order house, assistant man- a stufly, want-of-ozone condition ed the proposal to establish univer- in the blood aod system generally Mil npnnv nnatiicrp w^° ^ave U8e(* 1* “ oping onEv *or a ager (man or woman) for this roun- Clean up and get ready for spring ' Take a few Early Risers. These A p rivate H o sp ita l w e ll e q u ip p e d fo r the tre at­ famous little pills òleanse the liver, j nent. Mrs. V. H. Leggett, of Yum pense money advanced. Wora stomach and bowels and give thè m ent o f s u r g ic a l and m e d ica l d ise a se s. Mrs. WoottoD, of the Columbia Yum, Tennessee, U. 8. A., writer pleasant; position permanent. No blood a chance to purify itself. They relieve headache headache, College of Expression, Chicago, will “ I am a great sufferer from rheu- investment or experience required. T r a in e d N u r s e s in A tte n d an ce . sallow complexion, etc. Sold bv take a limited number of pupils. \ I?.’' 1' 31?1' ovor fr? m *.° Spare time valuable. Write at once . , . „ „ „ , a .Chamberlain's Pain Bairn is the r R. S. Knowlton. Apply at N. E. corner 2nd floor ! 0||,y thinR that wi„ relieV(. t)ie I for particulars and enclose self-ad- For Information Address by by R. S. | dressed envelope. ¡Superintendent, Full stock of A. A. Cutter shoe« of school building between 4 and 5 1 |>nin>" For 8a| 'Phone 631. Marshfield, Oregon. o ’clock p. *» m. Lorenz's, Knowlton. 132 Lake 8b Chicago, III nowlton’s Drug Store * Josh’s Place, E veryth in g in First “ rfe. Class Stri The Mercy Hospital AT NOHTH BEND Is now open for the recep­ tion of patienta. The terms are $10 per week and upwards. For particulars apply to 5isters of Mercy NORTH BEND, OREGON * W.H.8 CHR0 EDER \ vy Odio« in Robinson Baildiug, . A C lear-cut P latform Y * Hall & Hall, Coquill«, Freaks of the Earthquake. e i ; ££ A ttobnbys - at - L a w , E . D . S perry. Tha Civic Foundation oi Oregon S I .5 0 P (j) A U S T IIA C T U S O P T l T L M p . r Public. î k r a lf c ROStBWG-ttVRU!^ tIlN E MARSHFIELD General hospital $j>l 5 to $$30 per w eek Miss S. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. Claude F ox, Carenerai Draym an I I HORSFALL HOSPITAL MISS L. G. GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. "V “ °rS L “ a EIP”* •*>-«*... - «- Win. Horsfall, M. 1).,