t Coquille Herald. A shland I.', rmal N o te s L ost — i'oluud Dairy Farm ior Sale Chiua male i»»g, Don't tie a cough or u cold up in F its t-C la »s SwPuld J. your system by taking a remedy that hinds the bowels. Take Ken­ nedy’s Laxative Honey and Tar. A T T H E It is different from all other cough syrups. It is better. It opens the C A liowele-expells all cold from the - We Make B atea to “.v s‘ e,D- rel *eve8 coughs, colds,croup, «hooping wlwioiiiiur rough, Iunirli etc. ot.e Children like Régulai» B o a rd ers. j, Sold by R 8 Knowlton A now class in «ehc-ol law begun nix mouths old— black, curly, with A tine dairy farm containing 70 white face. Fiuder report to W. S. i*» work Moudny under the instruc­ arreu of bottom laud 23 acres of hill 0. f . UhAN, tuilOH AND PROPRIETOR Jess, uear Johnson's mill. tion of Prof. Van Hcov. laud, and adjoining the town of F ob S ale . — Blue Andelusiun eggs With the increusiug wurmtli of Myrtle Poiut.Coos county, Oregon, County Official Paper. $ 1.00 per setting, only thorough , the ne weBlner , . • » * „rv Forty- weather, ouiuoor outdoor atmeuus athletics uru are breds in the county. Also Andelu- . and J mile from creamery. * “ “ j ‘ PUBLISHED EVEKY WKDNEHDAY. sian roosters. Enquire of C. Ter- hi coming popular. A few daysag five acres of bottom land improved res, Cunningham creek. the Freshmen challenged the Sen- nmH n good state of cultivatiion; 5 Devoted to tbe material and Boeial up- For each 25-cents purchase at « » » “ "d Juniors to a tug-of-war. ,kCr(M slashed, burned and newly N O T IC E . buildinp of the Coquille Valley particularly and of C ook County generally. Mrs, Nosler’s you wilt receive n The side which won three times set.(led ; hill land is all good for pas- ------- «absonption, per year, in advance, $I.T j O ticket good for one guess at the out of five were to be the victors t„ re. 3 acres of orchard in good T o all members of the former M . ’hnMonj| *i„n Bnd different var- W. of A. C oups, organized by A. E J. M. R iley was up from the number of beans, pins, coffee, etc. in »pi,,. challenge was accepted, and a j . . 1. winner toreceiv. a « ol.l —t»* ...................................... ¿ » “ b l L W o li.., I . „ 0 1 M .rtU '• Bandon section on Thursday. Me -ila tit al H our« p : oro 6 a r/* to p t¿”:. S k o o k u in R e s t a u r a n t FIRST H A R R I N G T O N , P ro p rie to r. Spee ttentton Given to l. H. HAZARD, Castile. R. E. SHINE. Vice Prei N A T IO N A L B A N K o p C O Q U lliliB , OREGON. T r a n s a c t » a G en eral B a n k in g B u s in e s s the struggle. After four trials, other buildings. While we have « Coquille City and Bandon, who have For a Weak Digestio n ¡however, the Seniors and Juniors number of other dairy farms for paid Benefit Assessments for which Correspondents. Board of Directora. No medicine can replace food vure obliged to retreat to tho back, sale, yet this is one of the best bar- they did not receive credit from the National Hank of Commerce, New York City It. 0. Dement, A. J. Sherwood, W . E. Cleghorn of this city, re­ but Chamberlain’s Stomach and ua and allow the laurels to be ff’di.s as the location is all that clerks of their respective camps, Crocker Wool worth N ’l Bank, San Francisco Is. H. Hazard, L. Harlocker, turned Friday from a brief visit to Liver Tablets w ill help you to ill I ground, and allow tho laurels to be ffa* could be desired, being uear towu you are notified to forward your re* Firat Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Oi. 11. K Shiue. I siti ah Hacker, the bay. gest your food. It is not the quan­ place on the beads of the Freshmen g 4 .j,00i an(j creamery. This is cer- ceipts to Geo. W. Canning, District Ed Elliugson, the boat builder, is tity of food taken that gives strength who had gloriously won the victory, tainly a bargain for some progres- Deputy, Marshfield, Oregon. Chapel notes for this week are: sive dairyman. Price $7,500. ______ and vigor to the system, but the the completing a fine scow for the O. K. amount digested nnd assimilated. On Tutsday Mrs. Newman gave, R obekts & C abter , I f you ever bought a box of W itch creamery. I f troubled with a weak digestion, an interesting book review of “ The! Mvrtle Point Oregon. Hazel Salve that failed to give sat- Sewing machine needles and oil don’t fail to give these Tablets a i ’ linn D ic k e n s ------ T ~ T —: , „ isfaction tlie chances are it did not Haunted Man’’ by o u m . j - ucbouh . The |uogt r„ u ona| remedy for ,,,r | 1 have have the the nalne name “ E. (j. D eW itt & Co” for all kinds of machines. Wilson trial. Thousands have been bene- Mrs. E. Wickersham s subject on coughs and colds is Kennedy’s Lax- .«¡„ te d on the wrapper and pressed fitted by their use. They only Groceries. Vegetables, Fruits, J jwelry Co. nnuflnv w nu “ h e Buttercup.” Itiitterriin .” n iu iv nm l T Tar. ar I It t nets »,.. original liu Y l’ ittV ;»»*.» was “ T The ! itivi. ative H Honey and acts on on ■ in »1 the , i box. o’ The cost a quarter. For sale by R. S. Wednesday DeW Confectionery B. Fenton, the mail contractor Knowlton. Mrs C. E. Payne, one of Ash-1 “ >e bowels as a mild ca tlin rtic-ex - Hazel Salve never fails to give Bat- pels all cold from the system. Cuts isfaction for burns, sores, boils, tet- and stage man, was down from Tobacco and Cigars. land’s talented elocutionists, visited all phlegm out of the throat, relieves teI. cracked hands, etc. For blind. C iv il S e r v ic e E xam ination. Myrtle Point on Wednesday. Chapel Tnursday morning, and gave COUgj1Si colds, croup, whooping bleeding, itching and protruding F. E. Billington of Cottage Grove the students two excellent readings. ; cough, etc. An ideal remedy for Piles it affords almost immediate The U. 8 . Service Commission will begin a protracted meeting at On Friday the students of the ' children-equally for adults. Sold relief. It stops the pain. Sold bv will hold an examination for the . .. . , , i by R, 8 . Knowlton. the Christian church the 29tb. 1?. S. Knowlton. __________ _ ._______ positon of “ Forest Ranger” , May American literature class each re- j J Wm. Hite, of Bandon, shook cited in turn a stanza of Poe’s N O T IC E 14, 1905, at Portland, Roseburg, FOIt A- hands with old comrades and friends “ Raven." Prof. B. F. Mulkey then Notice is hereby given that the fo llo w -; LaGrand and Prineville. G re e d S lia / v e a n d . H a ir C u t in Coquille a day or so last week. -------------------- gave a short address on "Courtesy.” ing num bers and brands of logs, to w it : | “ Ezaminat on for Supervised DO TO It 1 i . \i •> T IV 4- r, l nlil • Twenty-five Bores, all bottom, welt This is the time of year that the • “ ’ ; ’ V ' , ’ ’ drained amt improved, team, wagon a n d 1 The last meeting of tho Athena will be held same day at all large H , S., 1; (I I ) I, old; g, 1, old; I, 1, old ; harness, It head of dairy cows, full set ! best results are obtained by using J . L . ' T H O M P S O N ’S Literary Society for this year was I). K., 1, old; J. C., 1, old, have floated of farm implements, and a good crop, in- Stock Ford. Knowlton has a large cities in the State. held last Friday. The program |upon c. H. Butler’s farm which the | jJ,ra‘ for^oitege.°potatoe patch?garden,etc!! Successor toClias. M oom aw . N ex t door to t ouuiUe V a lley Packing Co. supply of all different kinds. undersigded In s rented, and unless the a good silo and stump puller. was unusually good Health is Youth. Enquire st this otttoe or o f W. M, Hamil­ E. A Philpott, a prominent mem­ egme are removed within T odays from ton, Fishtrap. --------- » --------------- Disease add Sickness Bring Old ber of the Bandon Commercial Co., tliis date shall remove and sell same. W hat good does it do you to eat if Dated M arch 3, 1900. FOR SALE. was a business visitor to Coquille Age. your stomach fails to digest the Herbine. taken every morning be­ food? None. It does you harm— D ominick B iasca . one- fourth interest in the 1 on Wednesday of last week. . .. equipment of the Coquille Steam- Mrs. J L. Thompson handles a fine line of Stationery ana fore breakfast, will keep you in ro­ causes belching, sour stomach, flat­ J. F, Sohroeder, of this city, went Nothing will reliev ,-e indigestion consisting of the , steamers bust health, fit you to ward off' d i­ ulence, etc. all of the Latest Novelties in connection.________ When the stomach that is not a tliorougl igh d ig est«"!. Dj and Pavorite> aE to Myrtle Point one day last week sease. I t cures constipation, bili­ and three fails a little Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what Dispatch to assist in the closing business ousness, dyspepsia, fever skin, lives niter each meal w ill barges. Inquire of Capt. T. D. digest and kidney complaints. It purities what you eat and makes the stom­ you eat, and allows the stomach to White, Bandon. transactions of his father’s estste. rest-reeuperatc-grow strong again the blood and clears the complex­ ach sweet. R. S. Knowlton. Mrs. J. L . Kronenberg, of Par­ A few doses of K odol after meals; ion. IRPATRICK’S w ill soon restore the stomach and kersburg, returned from the Bay Attention Dairymen! Mrs. D. W . Smith, Whitney, Tex. digestive organs to a full perform­ CELEBRATED Thursday having speut a day or so, writes April 3, 1902: “ I have ance of their functions naturally. AH hinds of job work promptly attended visiting frieds friends in Marshfield. used Herbine, and find it the best LINEMENT- Knowlton has a largo stock of Sold by R. S. Knowlton. Is the liest known ' to. See us fo r eaue trough and spouting Also Uriah Root has had a new foun­ medicine for constipation and liver hoico selooted seed corn. Linem ent for R heu­ an dll hinds o f Tin and Sheet MetaI Work. Notice. matism, Pains Aches dation put under his house on Doubles. It does all you claim for beet seed, carrot seeJ, tield peas and all such diseases. ! We do all Sanitary Plumbing. All work First street, as well as other sub­ it. I can highly recommend it. and vetches. Owing to the change of manage­ 50c. R. S. Knowlton. guaranteed. ________ ' ment of the Coquille M ill & Mer­ K. K. K. stantial improvements to the prop cantile Co., it kindly requests its KORN SUMMONS. erty. Bryan Abroad. patrons whose hills are due to call IN T H E C I R C U I T C O U R T O F T H E KURE. This is the season o f listlessness, S T A T E O F O R E G O N , IN A N D F O R at their office and settle for Baine or Rem oves th e C o ra s W. J. Bryan will write a series of T H E C O U N T Y OF COOS: make arrangement for settlement. W arts and R ingw orm s headaches and spring disorders. without pains or the I | \ ; C oquille M ill A M f . hl - antile Co 1 H ollister’s Rochy Mountain Tea is letters while on his two-year tour of J. A . Collier, knife. Suit in eq­ Plaintiff —* - These letters will a sure preventative. Maks you foreign lands. uity to fore- W anted .— A female teacher to | Try these Remedies strong and vigorous. 35 cents, Tea appear once a week in a select list A. P . Cam pbell and Rotbs- c l o s e a assist Mrs. Giddings in the school and lie convinced, or Tablets. R. 8 . Knowlton. cbild & Hadenfeldt, a mortgage. For sale at all D rug­ of the leading American daily news, iu district No. 43. One holding Corporation, stores in the County. Several logging engines arrived papers, n m o D g which is tlio Journal. third grade certificate uoooptoble. Defendants. O r can be obtained A d ­ from the Manufacturer. Tho Bryan letters iu the Sunday To A . P . Cam pbell and Rothschild & Send terms with application. on tlio Alliance and will be used in D E A L E R IN Hadenfeldt, a corporation, the above dress, S. J. McCloskey, clevk, N or­ R . O. K I R K P A T R I C K , the logging camp to be opened up Journal will make clear the point of entitled defendants; way, Oregon. C oui lie. Ore. near Beaver H ill by Frank Boutin, view of foreign countries on many IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E O F OREGON- owner of tho Chadwick tract.— Sun. of tho questions which now confront H ay F ob S ale .— A lot of fine rye grass hay. Henry Grady, Norway. Little's Store Coquille, = - Oregon. For Sale. ALSO ACENT FOR MORNING OREGONIAN New P lu m b in g S h o p ! A. B. Puth Company Drane’s Store, Fancy and Staple Groceries. Our old friend, C. T. Riley, of Myrtle Point, wus in town Thurs­ day. He made our office a pleas­ ant call and informs us that he had bargained off his place at tho Point, and executed a deed for the same and was waiting the transfer of the monoy from San Francisco where it is in bank. AI Smith is buildiog a 200-ton bunker at bis coal mine on Coos river. A scow load of lumber went up the river for the structure last week and Al is rushing work to completion ns ho has a number of local ordors on hand and moro in sight, which promise to keep the mine going steadily.— Sun C. It. Barrow, of south eastern Kansas, who visited us three or four weeks ago, returned with liis family last Wednesday and has taken up residence in tho Knowlton cottnge near the Christian church. They all seem to be highly pleased with the apperance of our town and sur­ roundings as well ns our prosptets. Y ou and ea*-h of you are hereby noti­ fied that you arc required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publica­ tion of tills summons, tow it: within six weeks from March 7, P.Kki, and if you fail to appear on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order of publication to -w it: April ISth, I90d, judgment will lie taken against you, for want thereof, for the relief demanded in the complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows: F iis t : T h at there lie adjudged to be due and owing plaintiff from defendant A . P . C am pbell the sum of $250 and interest thereon at the rate of S per cent per annum since January 30th, 1004, on the promissory note in complaint set forth, for an attorney fee of $-50, and for ids costs nnd disbursements in tliis suit. Second: That a certain mortgage dated January 30, 1004, securing said promissory not", tie foreclose»! and the property described therein, to-wit: lot .5 in block 58 in Elliott’s Addition to the town of Coquille City, now the city of Coquille, in Coos countv,Oregon, lie sold in tne manner provided by law, the pro­ ceeds I«- applied to the paym ent o( costs of Ibis suit, said sale, including said at­ torney fee and the sums found to be due plaintiff herein, and that all persons claim ing under him subsequent to the execution of said mortgage be barred ami foreclosed of all right, claim and equity oi redemption in said premises. T h ird — t hat the overplus, if any there A C H O IC E L I N E OF us. Few men are better qualified to treat large questions iu a large way than Mr. Bryan, nnd no one who wishes to keep abreast o f tho time- can afford to miss these letters. Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the lowest The Sunday Journal is a great M yrtle P o in t, Ore. consistent with good goods. nowspaper, filled with “ good F R O N T S T . C O Q U IL L E A complete stock of Harness, Saddles, Collars, etc., always things.” W ith its beautiful color on hand. Also carry a stock of tents, wagons couers, horse supplements, its cartoonists like Op- per, Swinnerton, Sullivant, Howarth covers, lap robes and everything usually found in a first and others of like renown; with its harness shop. special staff of famous writers, in eluding buc I i stars as Elln Wheeler Wilcox, Mrs. John A. Logan, Mrs Osborne, Mrs. Henry Symes, Lady- Henry Somerset, Beatrice Fairfax, MaxNordeau, Maurice Maeterlinck, Count Tolstoi, Prof. Garrett P. Accepted throughout the civilized world CARRYING REGULAR STOCK Press Serviss, and humorous sketches by as the most universally satisfactory il- 0] Standard and Established Goods, where eash 'nstru-\ the George V. Hobart (Dinkelspiel), ment is sold according to its intrinsic value. We sell you a I lurainant for all purposes. Safest, Button Wex Jones, William F. Kirk and High Grade, Popular price or Commercial Piono, others, and with all the world’s Cleai*!st, Most Convenient, nnd tho news by leased wire, and the borne at their real value. C H E A P E S T light known. news. The Suuday Journal is a and thoroughly representative news­ One Price only on each Grade That furni»hed by the COQUILLE there paper. We carry a complete One o f Pianos, Organs, Piano-Players, RIVER ELECTRIC CO is fir»t you The Journal is “ the paper of the I k >, he paid i nt o tliis court to await line Talking Machines. Sheet music and Musical Merchandise. multitude,” in sympathy with and I further order thereof, aud for such other class nnd up to date in every respect. have pledged to the cause of the masses and further relief as the court may Everything Sold on Easy Payments. meet and equitable. of mankind— of “ equal rights to I deem The rates place it within reach of nil it. Service of tliis summons is made by Representatives of Domestic Sewing Machines for C >os aud Curry Co’s all” — a square deal. ; publication in pursuance of an order j made by L . h arlocker as county judge TH E JO U R N A L, of Coos’ county, Oregon, dated March Portland, Oregon. I 7th. 1901», directing that service tliere- F R A N K M O R S E , Prop, C O Q U I L L E . O R E . Successor to the Chas. Orlsson and A ia g o Music Co.. • ------------- - of he made by publication in the Co- L. H. P E A R C E H A RN ESS-H AKER BUY PIANOS OF DEALERS Earl Goodman arrived from San Francisco by the Plant last week and is enjoying a visit with his father n«d many young friends here. It was his intention to re­ Iqu ille Herald' a newspaper published NOTICE. Garfield Annex, turn to Han Francisco by tho next at the city of CuquiRe, in Coos Phone, Main. 905. I will pay a reward of $50.00 for county, once cacti wee» (or a |ieriod of Elizalieth, but owing to the condi­ Information that will lead to the I six weeks. tions in that city since the earth J. S H E R W O O D , . arrest and conviction o f tho party- Attorney for Plaintiff. quake, it is not likely that he will or pm-fies who threw a wire over HOLLISTER'S go for some time. the electric light line, near the Myr- ky EW ountain Tea Nuggets n w w , , ,1 -r tie Point depot, on the night of Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved. A Busy Uedioine for Busy People G. W. Watts, of A m .rill., Texas, January 3. 190(5, or any party or s Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. The excruciating pains charac­ fle for Constipation, Indlprwtlon. Live arrived here last week and is an -1 parties who may in the future, shoot teristic c ’ lieurntUisni and sciatica - Trouble«. Pimple*, Eczema, Impure • '•h. Sluggish Bowels. Headache joyin g a visit with his sister, Mrs. \ off any insulator» or otherwise in- are quickly relieved by applying > - 3 Rocky Mountain Tee In tab- lerfere in any way with any of the i< box. Genuine made by W. M. Hamniack, of Fishtrap, and Chamberlains Pain Balm. The MPiNY, Madison, Wis. other relatives and friends. Ho poles, wires, or other apparatus of great pain relieving power of the FOR SALLOW PEOPLE the electric system of the Coquille liniment has been the surprise and visited the H erald on Wednesday. River Electric Company. delight ot thousands of sufferers. Mr. Watts will be remembered by F r in k M orse . Tin- quick relleffrom pain which it _ many who knew him when he lived atV r ls is hum worth many times T o horo seventeen years ago. H e ; Chamberlain’ s Cough Remedy the Best it-» . -r l\>r sale by U. 8 . knowl ! ton. conies for his health, and will prob- 1 ar,() Most Popular Thin old rolinblc Mid th® ablv remain with ns this Hummer. ,. ko mont Bncccsnful Special­ Mother» buy tt for croupy chti- ist l't Him K ia iic I m o , still c o n tin u e s to cu re »11 past N r « u « l nu«l N e m l n u l Din» At Arago, April 15, 1900, Ircn, railroad men buy it for severe l»t w e » » *iurli a* I j u n o r r h t i 'A , «¿ le d Mrs. H. C. Dorris, sg»d 40 years. coligli? and elderly jienple buy it «M r le tu r e , R y p h llla f»r la gripi«-,” savs Moore Rros., In a ll its forms. N h ln The deceased was born in Georgia p h e n ie « , ,\ r r ia n i Khl-to, lewa. “ We seti more of I» e > * lllt .T , I m p o l f R - in 1HG0. Haa lived in Coo» countv Ch iinberlain’ s Coligli Remedy tinnì PROCURED AND DEFENDED RED -- ami fi e v hrmlBRl W e n k - ■ plu »t* AN------------- >. f«>r expert nwrrh itr M ttn d I . O k « o f N » n . ’ • » ’ «il («tf'iitA indi marka»! for 17 years where she leaves a bus. ni»? other kiml. I mvoc I. tlie con«eniience It m in a tu have o uyntrhus (N ALL CO U NTRIES. I ----of AC If »huso »nd excemee J. G ifìr/T-t vith H'asàb^t«.>* ftW,l , prodnc'njr Wto following symptoms; sallow conn- U s d and four »laughters to mourn t ken t i l t - leail over se verni other i tensnee, dsrk spots under tlie eyes. P«ln in the i liead rlngiaK in the ears, low« of confldsncs.dW* ; t o r N in i leu demise. The daughters good branda ” Tliere is no ques- Patent and Infrlngtmtnt Practice Exclusively. i donee In Approaching strAnvers. palplUtlon of the Writ«* or corn« to un ut I h e a rt, w e a k n e s s o f 1 l i m l « am i b a c k , lo a a o f m em - ¡finn hot tbis medicine is thè best SU N in th R trm t, p p p T T n lU d S taU « P k tcat O tB rn .l i ro Mis A. H. Fish nnd Mrs. AVm ’ that can he pr cure»! for coughs W A S H IN G T O N , D C. S-uith, and Misses Henrietta and ami coltili, wlietbcr it be a chdd or May Dorris The HrOAtfi with mi adulttli-.it is afllicted. It alw.ivs Persona ctii cured at him. « u r e a g a u r t t n t r r « » » .Persona r .J .r . hotv.o. Charapa rv'Htvop.iki” . r * l i î » r w rite. B Ikr. many friend» extend sympathy t»s cure* »nd cure» quickly. .«old by •v*,i »I (jllM .e ii.A iN K a a iN r N « A N N l’ r a iie iM « l B H Knowlton. the bereaved unee. Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. We carry a full line of TTI o i t i * a n d IrT eed. Incandescent Electric Light W. R. Haines Music Co., Marshfield, 0 regen, -V N ; « Alfred Johnson, D E A L E R IN Flooring, Rustic and all kinds of Finishings and Mouldings tlic Unfortunate. Dr. Gibbon ATENTS Constantly on hand. Deliveries made romptly by either water or rail. W e have all Grades and Prices Accordingly. C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N >;