Coquille Herald. ClílvUfcli SAS B A X « ÌA ASHES WEDNESDAY. APRIL 25, 1906 i Circuit C ourt P roceed in g s. Earthquake and Fire Destroy the Business Por­ tion as Well as Much of Resident Portion of Cftty. 7 0 0 dead and 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 Homeless. land, O r., A| r. 2d ‘ 1‘Uauk Mayor 8tmw of Marshfield for the geutr- ous contributiou to San Francisco’s destitute. Fire under control but three fourths of the city consumed and there are at least three hun­ dred thousand homeless. Geo. O. i Pardee, Governor.” HARRY LANE. Katherine West to A I) Morse, assignment. Continued. 1760 J It Hunt to Geo Topping, assign­ Cn Wednesday, the 18th inst LETTER FROM VARE M Al'RV. ment. Continued. D ear M o t h e r : I suppose you San Francisco, the Pacific coast, 1758 T J Stillwell to A D .Morse, as­ metropolis, was visited by a terrible . will have heard about the great signment. earthquake which wrecked most all earthquake before this letter reach - 1 Continued. 1523 of the large and substantial build­ es you, but I will tell you a little 2069 H T Schweers vs Sarah A Wat­ ings of the business portion of the aboutit. It is almost indescribable, son, suit for partition. city, and starting innumerable fires .Tho first thing I knew when 1 Passed. 2106 John B Anderson vs Coos Bay Mill A Lumber Co and M K oB en - berg, action at law. Continued pending bankruptcy proceedings. Flanagan A Bennett Bank vs Coos Bay Mill A Lumber Co, action at law. Continued. 2108 Same as above, Continued. 2107 2110 Koy Koselle vs Coos Bay Mill A Lumber Co, action at law. Continued. 2111 Coos Bay Ice A Cold Storage Co vs Coos Bay Mill A Lumber Co, action at law. Continued. J P Farley vs Coos Bay Mill A Lumber Co, action at law. Continued. J S Coke vs Coos Bay Mill A Lum­ ber Co, action at law, Continued. F S Dow vs Coos Bay Mill A Lum­ ber Co, action at law. Continued. Geo W Beale vs Coos Bay Mill A Lumber Co, action at law. Report of Referee filed. Prosper Mill Co vs J I) Stewart, action at law. Report of Geo. P Topping, referee filed, E B Fish vs C B llines, suit to foreclose lien. Continued. Eugene O’ Connell vs E O Hall and M E Hall, action at law. Cross bill filed. John Wall vs James Wall, suit in equity. Re-referred to court reporter. William Panter vs County Court appeal from County Court or commitment to the asylum. Continued. J P Tapper vs Peter Loggie, ac­ tion at law. Settled and dismissed on motion of pltf. J M Collver et al vs Johan Hill- stan, suit in equity. Report filed. A E Seaman vs Thomas Butts et al, action at law. Motion to be relieved from ali­ mony. F B Waite vs Henry Sengstacken action at law. Passed. A E Seaman vs Thos Butts et al. Continued for service. Adam Pershbaker vs 0 O A C B Gllkey et al, suit in equity to fore­ close mortgage. Motion to confirm. Sol Blumauer et al vs C O Gilkey et al, suit in equity. Motion lo confirm. Frieda Hagelstein et al vs Henry Hagelstein et al, suit in equity. C F M(’ Knight appointed guardian ad litem for Henry, Elsie and Walter lfagelstien, minors. Frieda Hagelstein et al vs Henry Hagelstein et al, suit in euuity. Same as above. Flanagan A Bennett Bank vs Henry Sengstacken et al, suit in equity to foreclose mortgage. Settled and dismissed without costs. Simpson Lumber Co vs Henry Hoeck, action at law. Settled and dismissed at cost of pltf. Thomas Rooko and Ivy Condron vs Henry Sengstacken, action at law. Settled and dismissed without costs. Annie M Nelson vs Nels Nelson, suit for divorce. Motion to refer. 2112 2113 2116 2128 2168 2183 2247 2254 2268 2274 2277 2291 2294 2298 2299 2306 2307 2308 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 »1 2316 2317 2318 2320 2324 i which finished the work of destruc­ tion begun by the earthquake shock, which almost entirely destroyed the city’s water system, leaving the place at the mercy of the llames. The devastated section covers a territory of about live or six square miles in extent, on which stood a number of the finest and most costly buildings on the coast, are either a tumbled down mass of debris or standing monuments of ruin, gutted of their contents and walls broken and will doubtless have to be pulled down. Iu regard to the property loss Rolla V. Watt, manager of the Roy­ al and Queen Insurance Companies, was asked today if he would hazard an estimate on the financial loss. He said: “ My idea is something like $200, 000, 000. I have heard other in- surence men place the figure at $500,000,000. We don’t koaw. It is simply too big for any human head to figure out at this time. The latest estimates are that the list of killed will probably reach 700. Oakland, Calif, April 20.—The ‘Frisco fire this morning swept over Telegraph Hill and ns fai south as 27th Street, at the foothills. Dyna­ miting, the last resort, has been abandoned, and the city will be en­ tirely wiped out before the dawn of another day. The fire is now com. ing down Broadway to water front on the north side, devastating the tittle remaining portion of the busi­ ness section. No tickets are being sold on the ferries for Frisco, and nobody is al­ lowed to return to the doomed city after leaving it. There is plenty ®f room in Oakland for temporary ac­ comodation of refugees. Scores of dead are being removed from the streets. Relief trains are alleviat­ ing the situation. Women and children in a pitaibe condition yes­ terday are being cared for today. The U, S. Crusiers Chicago and Marblehead have landed landed sailors and marines to nssist in per- venting vandalism. TELEGRAPHIC AND OTAER REPHRTS. Oakland, Calif., April 20.— The ‘Frisco fire continues beyond all control, sweeping on toward Po- (rero, where thousands of working­ men’s homes are located. The fire bids fair to reach Presido, Rich­ mond and the district north of G ol­ den Gate Park. Scattering houses are said to have checked the pro­ gress of the conflagration on tho south. People are now abandon­ ing what few effects they saved at tho commencement of the disaster, and exerting every effort to escape with their lives. A legal holiday was declared again today to enable the banks to recover. awoke was that the house was rock­ ing from one side to the other. The first thing I thought of was an earthquake. We all rushed out of tho house, some in their (very thin­ ly clad.) It didn’tdu mage the house hardly any, only of course the flues fell down and wo had nothing but a cold lunch all day. There is wreck and ruin all over town. Tkere is hardly a plate glass window left in town. Fine large brick buildings all shaken up with large crackt through them. The school build­ ing is not damaged a great deal, but the plaster is all off of the ceil­ ings, and I guess there well be no school before Monday. Business is on a standstill, there is not a busi­ ness house of aDy kind open and the troops are guarding all the streets. While Oakland is pretty badly wrecked, San Francisco is practically ruined. They wouldn’t anybody to go over this morning, but we got over this evening by running a great bluff. It is cer­ tainly the grandest and most awful sight I ever expect to witness. There are so many people who are homeless and can’t hardly get anything to eat. Oakland is just full of people trying to find some place to stay aud to get some­ thing to eat. Well I will close for this this time, your loving son, V ane , The following ’etter from Mrs. Nova Laudrith to her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. W. W. Gage: Santa Rosa, Cal., April, 18, ’06, D e a r F o i . e s : We had a great shaking up this morning at 5:25. We are safe, though it gave us a terrible shaking. The whole main part of town is a wreck that cannot be described. It is a horrible sight. Did you have a shock up your way? We are to move in our own place tomorrow. When wo get settled we will write. Nannie ami K e d went to 8 »n Fran­ cisco yesterday. Cannot get any word and will go down as soon as they will lot us land there. I am so afraid that they are hurt if not kill­ ed, for tho city is something awful, a great deal worse than here. Clara. (Daily Coast Mail.) Miss Blanche Bates writes to her aunt Mrs. C. S. Helborn: ‘‘Uncle Thud (Kent) and I are safe—home­ less and penniless, but thankful. Wo passed last uight in an open lot with cinders un i ashes falling upon us. No description possible. Have had food this morning, No further danger, so do not worry.” Mrs. J. W. Bennett 1ms received word from her parents, that their residence was destroy id by dyna­ mite, but the family was all r glit. 2327 2331 2332 Coquille, O re g o n . ’j MACHINE S H O P , Lone Star Restaurant P R IV A T E H O S P ITA L tles, etc. was destroyed, and practic­ ally all chimneys were put out of commissiou. The large statue of Minerva on the court house dome was wrenched from its fastening and hangs horizontally out from its pedestal. No damage w.s done by lire. The water supply was cut off, but large reserve was available iu tanks. In Areata the damage was esti­ mated at $30,000, but this was prob­ ably greatly exaggerated. At For- tuna the high estimate was $20,000. Ferndale was reported to have suf­ fered the worst, having hardly a building left. Our informant saw at Fields Landing a great crack in the ground-, four feet wide, nnd similar fissures were opened in all parts of the county. Both the Times and the Standard estimated the damage iu tho county at a half million, but this was prob­ ably much too high. There was no suffering, and mon­ ey was being raised for San Fran cisco, though no food stuffs could be spared to send. The Vance House and tho Grand hotel, in Eureka, were said to be very severely damaged, aud the large store building of Russ, Early & Williams, at Ferndale was complete­ ly demolished, while the old Boyn­ ton O ,v r. - Oak-1 ' r ‘ I D O W . A (# n t. w , Q. R o m . A c t from the chilling ocean winds, to t»e f il e d . Marsh fisici. Coquille. y THE PRACTICAL BLACKSMITH J. T . H Ä R T E V , m , and BOX FACTORY Str. M. F. Plant, 2325 J Qoquille furniture T REAS TRY HIT NED; COIN SAFE. Washington, April 20.—Secretary Natalio White vs William J White I of ('10 Treasury Shaw was notified suit for divorce. | this morning that the sub-treasury At issue. at S in Fiancisco had becd destroyed Paris Ward vs Barbery Ellen but that the turn of $30,000,000 in Ward, suit for divorce. the vaults was saved and is guarded Default, E L M lilumenrotlier vs Geo H by soldiers. Bethel, action at law. 14 THIEVES MEET DEATH. Motion to strike out part of com­ Oakland, Calif., April 20. Four plaint. teen tbieveH were detected by the Auna Bier vs Edward Bier, suit soldiers last night trying to rob the for divorce. vaults of the ruined mint and were Default. Bertha K Gordon vs Edward Gor­ killed to a man. don, suit for divorce. Vpril.— 21. Golden Gate hospi­ Continued for «ervice. tal in South ‘Frisco, containing S C Rogers vs Hiram Granby, ac 2500 patients, collapsed late last tion at law. Motion to maks complaint definite evening, killing 20. Lilo’j bGoiC.r Notice is hereby given that ¡lie 1 urn- mun Council of the City of Ccquille will receive sealed bids for the improvement of all that part of Second Street between the east side of “ U " Street and the w est side of *‘ B” Street, according to the plat of the original town of Coquiilo City, by j leveling the grade thereof to a true plane y ^ Making, CUld All Kinds Of Forge Work. with the grade of Second Slreet between ’ ______ \ ___„ u . j m Hall and “ B” Streets, aud by planking We give below the names of a the same with white cedar plank four Special Attention Giuen to AH Kinds o f Lathe Work. number of our people who were in inches in thickness and not less than California at the time of the dis- eight inches in width, the full width of said street from the side walk on the ■ aster: one side to the side walk on the other, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Thrift, of San except that a gutter at least eight inches Jose; R. D. Jones and family, llerk- in width shall be placed between the i ley, George Goodman, ’Frisco; Rev. outer edge of the sidewalk and the end Taylor and family, ( parents of Mes- of the planking on each side the full length of the portion of said street to be dames Culin aud Wilsou;) Florence improved. Foul plank shall lie laid on , Rosa, Vane Maury, Thos. Bennett, white cedar stringers which shall lie | Wm. Grow, Jack Grimes, Mrs. H. four inches in thickness and eight W. Dunham and Mr and Mrs. Jack inches wide, laid fiat and not to exceed ; MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit n o n 8 Bruce, Col. Coach, Mrs. Nova Lan- four feet apart. Each plank shall he i Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. well spiked with at least two spikes in j dritb. Owing to the crowded con­ each stringer, and all to be finished up Turning Work a Specialty. All Orders given prompt Attention. dition of the lines a number have in a workman like manner. Said ini- | not been heard from, among whom provemeut to be completed on or before the 1st day of July, 1906. M e a l s at a ll H o u is aro tho Misses Lcneve. F l u t C la s s Payment for said improvement t) he| F r o m & a m Vo 9 V M , C u s in e made when the assessments therefor are j E arthquake at E ureka collected and not more than thirty days from the date of the contract. The con­ The steamer Alliance, which ar­ tractor to furnish all necessary la b or! rived here yesterday from Eureka, and material and successful bidders will i reports that that city experienced a be required to give a good and sufficient M R S . C. O. G I L K E Y . F roprietoress heavy shock of the earthquake which bond in a sum equal to the amount of R e a s o n a b le P a t e to S p e c i a l A t t e n t io n G iv e n destroyed San Francisco, and much their bid to he approved by the Council j to C o m m e r o l a l P e o p R e g u la r B o a r d e r s for the faithful performance of the cen- | damage was doue throughout the tract. country, but so far as reported no The Council reserves the right to re­ one was injured. ject any and all bids. All bids to be D R W E T M O R E ’S In Eureka no plate glass was left filed with the City Recorder on or before 5 o’ clock p. m., on the 7th day of May, S in the business fronts, and broken 1906. glass lay so thick in the streets that Dated this 24th day of April, 1900. it could not be avoided in walking R. R. POWNDER, City Recorder. along. All glassware, crockery, bot­ SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS. Zetta James, 1 Plaintiff, I vs. ) Suit in Equity for a Geo. W . James, | Divorce. Defendant. J TO GEO. W. JAMES, the above-nam­ ed Defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon; you are hereby notified that you are re­ quired to appear and answer the com ­ plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum­ mons, to-wit: within six weeks from the 14th day of March, 1906, the same being the date of the first publication of this summons. And if you fail to appear and answer said complaint on or before the 25th ; day of April, 1906, the same being the last day of the time prescribed in the i order of publication, the plaintiff will take judgment against you ami will | apply to the court for the relief de - 1 mantled in her complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows: That the marriage contract heretofore | existing between plaintiff and defend- ! ant be dissolved, set aside and held for! naught; that plaintiff he restored to lier maiden name of Zetta Belieu; that j she have judgment against defendant I for the costs and disbursements of this suit; and for such other and further; relief as' to the court may seem meet i and equitable. Service of this summons is made by 5 publication in pursuance of an order made by L. Tiarlocker as County Judge ; of Coos county, Oregon, dated Marco J 13th 1906, directing that service of said summons be made by publication there­ of in the Ooquille H e r a l d , a n e w s ­ paper published at Coquille, in said county, once each week for a period of six weeks. J. J. STANLEY. Attorney for Plaintiff. / am prepared to treat all Medical and Surgical Cases. S p e c ia l R a te s m o d e fot* flc e o u e h e . Train Nurses in Attendance. For Further Particulars Address Dr. W E T M O R E , Phone 7 7 7, COQUILLE, 0REG. Monuments and Headstones We guarantee better woi k at lower prices than can be had elsewhere. Do not order Monumental work until you haue called upon or written us for prices. D a v id F i l t o n , Local Agent, Coquill#. STEWART & WHITE, Props. P h o n e , M a in 2 3 8 . 3dJ& D S ts., M arshfield, Ore. COOS CO, MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS I DYSPEPSIA COPE D IG E S T S W H A T Y O U E A T The $ 1 00 bottle contains 2 % times the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. P R *P A R R D O N L Y AT T H E LA B OR A TOR Y OF E . C. D e W I T T ¿c C O M P A N Y . C H IC A G O . I L L . Now is the time To Buy Simplex Hand Separators and get them installed ready for the coming season. The Simplex is very simple in construction, easy to operate, easy to clean and extremely light running Ang small BOY or GIRL can do the separating with a simplex. H IS FULLY GUARANTEED to do as perfect separa­ tion as any SEPARATOR made. It w ill cost you nothing to give it a tria l and once installed it w ill save you time and money as well as your mosde. IF YOU SHOULD NEED A SEPARATOR let us know and we w ill gladly put one in on trial. T. H. MEHL Sc COMPANY COQUILLE OREGON £