Squille üeralà V ol . 23: No. 32. Kntcred it. second-class mattar May S, 1D05, at the postoffice at Coquille, Ortaum, under a et of Congress of Marcii 3 , 187». Walter Culin, M. D. P hysician and S chokos Connu. h C ity , O kk . KronenborK Bldg. u r tu N «x t Door to t P. . o, O. Telephone 3. T J. J. STANLEY LAWYER I Marti» BuildifiK, • Front St,eel CoqmiaLB, O b « oom I A. J. S her wood, A ttounhv - at - L aw , N otary P ublic , C oqu ille, : Oregon : Walter Sinclair, A ti ' ouhky - at -L aw , N otaby P ublio , X’oquille, Oregon. /. Hacher, A bstuactbh of T itlkb . Connu.* C ity , O kk Hall & Hall, A t TOBK KY8- at - L a w , Dealer in H eal E dtatk of all kind*. Marshfield, Oregon. C. A. Sehlbrede, Attorney-at-Laiv, Notary Public. Phone 781. -VI AKSUFIKLO, OUKOON. \V. C. Chase. E. D. Sperry. SPERRY & CHASE, Attorneys at-Law. O¡11 oo in Robinson Building, Oregon. Coquille, E. G. D. Holden, L aw yer , U. S. Corantiaaioaer, General Inaaram:* Agent, and Notary Public, Ollice in Robin Ron Building. Coquille, Oregon. A. F. Kirshman, D kntibt . Office two doors Sooth of Post offioe. C oquille . - . Oregon. $1.50 P el Y i : at COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDA Y. APB IL 25, 1906. W hipped Uncle Samuel. N o t e a n d C o m m e n t. Iu re Salaries o f officers. Ray Collier, labor in clerk’s Mnnils, April 10.—Forty La- Senator Daniel has announced a Continued from hwtwoek. and assessor’s offices........ 127 50 drones raided the headquarters of war on the powder trust. There is J S Lawrence, dep assr 24 Win Jenking & Son, pick the constabulary in Malolos, the sure to be an explosion. 35 d a y«................................... 72 00 . h a n d le.................................. capital of tho province of Bulacan, M O Hawkins, dep assr 20J 50 J D Clinton, filing snw>....... Prophet Dowie says his wife is Luzon, today capture 1 20 rifles, ll“y * ................................ ... 78 25 J D Barklow, hauling lumber 7 00 killed three men, lost one und responsible for all of his troubles. 3 00 Florence Atkinson, assr, 2 Chas Adams, smithing........ escaped. The brigands entered the Auother case of “ Eve, she did it.” ‘la y s ................................. 4 00 30 Geo Bryant, hauling tools... city early and were not discovered Andrew Carnegie is for reform W H Bunch, J salary $225, Lloyd Spires, salary 28 J until they reached the headquarters in spelling but tho Atlanta woman stamps, etc $20.05............. 245 05 71 25 _ J » ) » ............................ fronting Governor Snndico’s resi­ whom he kissed says he sticks to A D Walcott, 5GJ days sher­ C S McMullocb, surveying dence. A sentry challenged the in­ the good old fashioned methods in iff’s office............................ 160 50 various road s.................... 33 00 vaders, and they promptly killed that. S C Johnson, 52 days sher­ South Slough ferry to be him. They rushed up the stairs, iff’s office............................ 156 00 free from G a. m. to 6 p. m. 'J he consumer to whom no one and as the defenders were few in R H Mast, 80 days clerk’s Petition to change bound­ number they were quickly over­ listons anyway, would like to sug­ 1 *Hce..... ...........................240 00 aries of r ds 12 and 17 powered. A detachment is pursu­ gest that auy fight between coal op­ L Hurlocker, \ salary........... 250 00 dismissed. erators and miners should be post­ ing them. E A Anderson, salary as Petition to complete Bear poned till July or August. Commissioner .................. 46 80 , A L a n e C ou n ty E doaon. Creek trestle, continued. Lloyd Spires, salary as Com­ “ The mere possession of money Supervisor of r d 23 or­ Rav Nelson, the 9-year-old son of does not bring happiness,” says missioner .......................... 36 80 dered to expend $520 on James Watson, salry as clerkl25 00 Andy Nelson, in this city, is the in­ John D. Rockefeller. But the mere permanent improvement ventor of a magnetic engine, the getting rid of it does, and Mr. Rock­ R R Watson, salary as dep when like sum subscribed clerk................................... 75 00 first of its kind in existence. efeller should try the experiment is expend. Recently he noticed that u sole­ whenever he is feeling gloomy, 8 Gallier, salary as sheriff... 160 07 Supervisor of r d f ! ordered noid coil which he was investigating E M Gallier, salary as deputy to expend $1000 on Glenn Congressmen are deploring that »ta riff............................ 75 00 would draw a nail in and out of the 'reek road. J 11 Dulley, salary as trens... 60 07 core, aud thereupon went to rig up there are no more “ free passes” In re Clemens-Psrkei burg re- The fact is the power existing aud has arranged being passed around. .Slate of Oregon ) location, damages allow ed. County o f Coos j 83 a small fly-wheel with a piston though that there never were any R Pomeroy ....................... ..$ 93 00 I, James Watson, County Clerk of which operates through the core of free passes. The railroads always H Clemens....................... ....180 no Coos county, State of Oregon, here­ the coil, milking and breaking the got the full value of the transpor­ 8 Danielson.................... ...024 40 by certify that the foregoing is a current automatically each revolu­ tion. Mrs W illm ett Petersou.... .... 19 00 true and correct synopsis of all the tion, the |iowcr being furnished by The artistic temperament, it is J V Hamblock.................. ...218 40 expenditures ordered and paid by a couple of dry batteries. said, shrinks from practical subjects, J F Hamblock.................. .. ..21(1 0(1 the County Court in vacation after Thu little machine was made up 20 but tbere was no evidence of shrink­ James Richardson ......... tho January, 1306 term of said by him and is on exhibition. ing apparent >vheu the Grand Op­ Tax rebate to the Northern Court, and all expenditures audited Whether the invention has value era Company took from the New Pacific K H Co for the au.l paid at the regular April, 1900 for more than toy purposes is yet year 1004.........................4 72 00 term of said court and of the whole to be worked out, but it has a good York public this year the sum of one million dollars, box office re­ Geo W Leggett, aid from thereof as the «ame appears upon field eveu there as a money-maker. indigent sold fund..... ..... 20 00 tno records of said court, nowiu my Mr. Nelson has applied for a patent. ceipts. Cora Gilkey. for support of office and custody. — Cottage Grove Leader. A Washington woman has called self and family, niontblv Wituess my bund and the seal of upon the police to help her find a payment o f......................... 15 00 said court affixed this 10th day of Ballard’s Horehound Syrup. servant girl who has suddenly dis­ James Cowan, cruising tim. Im m ediately relieves hoarse, appeared and whom she believes April, 1900. ber...................................... '35 50 croupy cough; oppressed, rattling must have met with foul play since J ames W atson , rasping and difficult breathing. A N Gould, maps for asses­ County Clerk of Coos County. sh did not come in the morning to Henry C. Stearns, druggist, Shulls sor......... .......................... 15 00 — — -------- burg, Wis., writes, May 20, 1902: get breakfast. It is refreshing to W B Curtis, post cards for Mr Kennan has described the “ I have been selling Ballard’s meet occasionally some one with sheriff ............................... 40 00 coast of Southern Manchuria as a Horehound Syrup for two years, faith in humuu nature. In re J Ps’ and Coroners’ courts. place upon which neither shrub nor and have never had a preparation J M Upton, j p jury list......... 3 00 tree has been left, and where even that has given better satisfaction. President Roosevelt is to talk on I notice that when I sell a bottle Jay Mahoney, assisting in the grass is all but destroyed every “ The Man with the Muck Rake” , a they come back for more. I can suu-e................................... 2 Autumn. Eliot Blackwelder follow's denunciation of the journalists who honestly recommend it.” 25c, 50c Thus Coke, ussis mg in same 2 him iu the Outlook with a descrip­ and $1.00. It. S. Knowlton. have been attracting the Senate. Stale vs J M Steward tion o f Northern Chinn ns ‘ a coun­ Tho general opinion of the public J M Uptou, j p fees.............. 1 try that bnu used up its trees” . During the month of March, just though is that if there is any muck J E Fitzgerald, const fees....... 4 T o Americans who realize that the ended, the population of tho United to be raked out of the Senate this State vs P G Peterson forestH of the United States are rap­ States was increased by immigration is as good a time as any for the •J M Upton, j p fros.............. 5 00 idly disappearing before the joint by 133,245, an increase of 70 per work to proceed. J E Fitzgerald, const fee..... 15 00 attracksof fire and tho lumberman’s cent over the record of March, 1905. The Agricultural Department has John Swanson, witness........ 1 50 ax, these articles possess almost n Russians to the number of 24,203 Chas Johnson, witness........ (i 40 painful interest. Nothing can he wore included in the aggregate, an once more flung itself into the breach to save the country. I t has John Enlund, witness.......... 6 40 more appalling than total deforesta­ increase of 75 per cent from this sent an agent to "study” the wolves Gus Peterson, witness....... tion; tba very Hpirit of desolation quarter. Perhaps a majority of i Oscar Ommin, witness....... bloods over a treeless region. The these people will, in time, m ake1 that are ravaging the country dis­ tricts of Wy oming and carrying off Mrs Oscar Oilman, witness object o f these articles is to impress good and worthy citizens. But it ; ] John Goff, the Presi- Nels Peterson, witness ..... this lesson of desoliition in advance is certain that it will take more time j live stock. Hilda Peterson, witness .. upon the minds of tho American than the few years prescribed byr ! dent’s guide in western trips has J M Upton, exam A Bickford people, to the end that the abuse of our naturalization laws to make . also been detailed to go forth and insane................................ 5 00 our forest wealth may not go hand them safe and reliable factors in a ■ slay the mountaiu lions that have | been a scourge to that section. E E Straw, ext.ru A Bickford n ban I ur even outrun it i m . — E x. free government.— Oregonian. ------- ------------------------------- insane................................. 5 00 - -.a- • Couuty Cour Proceedings About Rheumatism n o w lo n ’s D rug S ore I 1 Carries a ’ full and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDICINE, FINE STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES. J o s h ’s ?i( P la c e , T. T. LAND, Proprietor. * * * * * * Card rooms * Billiard 7l\ * * in: /IN * * * * * * and and * Pool Tables Soft Drinks * * Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and City News Stand. * Tobaoco. * * * * * % <1 _ . ig 1 W. H. SGHROEDER i Watchmaker and Jeweler, I w Front Street, C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N . A l L W ORK G U A R A N T EED , i/ W W W W W W W W W W W X c ^ Z ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE B» F E IU T O IV Exop Saddle Horses o f best quality always on hand. Good R igs in redi- In fact, a general Stage and L ivery business. Accommodations fo r Taveling men a specialty Leave Coquille at 0 a. m„ arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50 nesB for special trips. MARSHFIELD General Hospital Chs'ctei Ueath. Boh Graham and J. ss K ing who There are few diseases that in­ Kidney troubles often ends fatal­ have been working aliout North 3 1 8 Gallier, stamps, etc........... 12 ly, but by choossng the right med­ flict more torturo than rheumatism Bend o f late; got hold of some spare S Whetstone, splicing cable icine, E. II. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, and there is probably no disense A private hospital for the care and treatment o f medical, surgical for ferry............................. 1 00 cash Thursday, bought a gun and a Iowa, cheated death. H e says: for which a varied and useless lot and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern S tr. d i s p a t c h 50 small camping outfit and rowed to­ “ Two years ago 1 had Kidney of remedies have been suggested. The Sun, blanks for clerk... Tom White, Master ward Empire on a camping trip. Trouble, which caused me great To say that it can be cured is there­ A N Gould, surveying cut in every particular. Rates from fore, a bold statement to make, hut Leaves | Arrive« B ail Ion..... 7 A -M . j Coquille.. 10 A-M. at Collier h ill.................... 0 00 1 hey wont down to an Indian camp suffering and anxiety, but I took Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, which Coquille..... 1 r-M. | Ramlon .. 4 r-M. nn l robbed an old Indian woman Electric Bitters, which effected a enjoys an extensive sale, has met Connect* at Coquille with train for Marshfield Coos Bay News, blanks for . . . . . . . . . complete cure. I have also found and steamer K.*ho for Myrtle Point. ■««Bossor............................. 15 00 there who is familiarly known as them c f gnmt benefit in general de- with great success in the treatment Including room, baard, general nursing and drugs. 8 Gallier, board prisoners, 56 00 Naney. Old ‘ Nancy resisted quit« bility and nerve trouble, and keep o f this disease. One application of S tr. F A V O R I T E Pain Balm w ill relieve the pain, J. C. Moomaw, Master, T J Thrift, stam ps............... 3 00 strtnuouslv, aud the boys bent her ] them constantly on hand, since, as and hundreds o f sufferers have tes­ Leaves | Arrives over the head with tiiei ■ revolvers. I find they have no equal ” It. 8. W Culin, health officer, J tified to permanent cures by its use Coquille.., 7 A-M. I liandon. .10:45 A-M. Knowlton druggist, guarantees ( \>qilille . 4:15 p-M. 1 P-M. salary ................................ 02 67 She is now roported in a very se­ Baudon.... W hysufier when Pain Balm affords them at 50c. rious condition. Marshal Shaw set such quick relief and costs but a W Culiu, eare of hospital S tr. .E C H O trifle? For salebv R 8 Knowlton. sick .................................... 243 00 out to rapture Graham and K ing H. .lain«. Master, W a n t e d : By Chicago wholesale and found them yesterday camping Leave. | ,\ rri vr, E L C Farrin, exps-e ss dep anil mail order house, assistant man­ MyrtlePoiut.. .7 A-M. | ..qui’ leC’y !l 30 A-y H e placed them Physical Culture and Expres­ disi attv ............................ 12 40 in the sandhills. Coq.dll. City.. .1 p-M. | Myit.. P't. .4 00 p - m ager (man or woman) for this couu­ sion under arrest aud they are at pres­ T> aily except Sunday. V N Perry, repairing gas ty and adjoining territory. Salary J Mrs. Wootton, o f the Columbia ent secure in the North Bend jail. lamps, etc.................... 2 00 The safe and reliable tiwn- ¡a t , $20 and expenses paid weekly; ex- ! „ ,, , . Graham, it will lie remembered, is , , , College of Expression, Chicago, will R 8 Knowlton, sundries, screw pens« money advanced. Work . . . . . . . , tako a limited number of pupils. onfederate court house..................... 23 30 j the person who with New and Speedy,. pleasant; position permanent. No Apply at N. E. corner 2nd floor | Claude Fox, fuel and ircightlO » Off robbed the warehouse nt tho Bend investment or experhnee required. Successor to W H. Mansell. , ., .. . , of school building between 4 and Coq Wood Yard, fu el.......... 7 00 last, year ami was seat to the peni­ Spare tune valuable. Write at once 0'(,|0(.){ p m Coq W ater C o ..................... 9 Off tentiary, but was pardoned out.— C. P Jensen, M aster for particulars and enclose self-ad- , , _______ Coq Elec Light Co, lights .. 22 65 Coast Mail. Will make regular trips lætween dressed envelope. Superintendent. p or Sale. All orders handled with carefulness and expedience. North Bend M fg Co, door 132 Lake St. Chicago, III. . , ,. „ . . You feel the life giving current ..... A three-disc Hnncock Hancock plow will for court house.... ............ 4 05 I i be sold i t .1 _ ___t__ nlso a span of I the minute you take it. A gentle nt _ a l_ bargain, A C Lukens, labor and ma­ Living indoors so much during N o Stop-over at W a y Porta. 2 5 : soothing marinth, fills the nerves young linrres well broke. Inquire terial for court house........ 4 Electric Light*. Everything in First -------------------------------------------------------- ■ ------------ ■ — | and blood with life. It’s a real tbe winter months creates a sort of lit tills ofili, Class Style Bert Beal, fuel...................... 8 *•’’ pleasure to take H ollister’s Rocky a stuffy, want-of-ozone condition in Mountain Ten. 35 cents, Tea or ' tbe blood and system generally. loase R. Tswer S .1 Sleinmetz, 3 door’ hold­ Dr. C. W. Tower. Robinson has completed shelving ers................ 5 85 | Tablets. R. 8. Knowlton. Clean up and get ready for spring. 67 dozen of the Brown 8hoo Com- j J O Fish, pigeon holes, assr 2 50 1 Take a few Early Risers. These pony’s shoes. They are up-to-date 75 Opportunity for a short time 120 Z C 8trung, oil nml matches ’ acre ranch 30 acres bottom 40 acres ,an,0" B little P '11" clenn,,e the liver- in style and finish, in fact the most MISS L. G. GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. REAL, E S T A T E | Peter -Johnson, fuel ............ • ■ .... . . . : stomach and bowels and give tho “ nifty” lot of shoes ever brought to - * .. vacant timber adjoining, well situ- . a chance to purify itself.] I C M Skeels, sundries............ ' 1 ated. $1100. Home Realty Co. 1 " 0W relieve headache, sallow com- i wn. Call and see ’em. ! They Minnie McChakey, ex Hth -••• • W e are in a position to o ffe rs plexion, etc. Sold by R. 8. K n o w l-] grade papers................... 9 00 Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow­ good piece o f water front of 2j( ton Ida Gamble, ex 8th grade ders, give instant relief. Price 25 9 00 rCT ne,V own; ,or rai" or The difference"' between “ You cents. R. 8. Knowlton, Coquille | papers....................... • w factory site. Bafd * biscuit,” and “ Uneeda Bi*. 1 Phone Main 3 4 1 — O ffice Lo ckh art * C ity;C . Y. Lowe, Bandon. F or Information Address Irma Ynaltaro ex teachers Buy your garden seeds at Knowl- j cuit” ia but 5 cents, and you can \ Ford B u ild in g. Full stock of A. A. Cutter shoes M a r s h f ie ld , O re g o n . ' » S ^ ' Z ' Z Z . 27 drUK ^ ^ ' ^ ^ l ^ t d i ^ e V a n / of ouT 'P h o n e 6 3 1 . Lorenz’s. MARSHFIELD. • • OREGON. W In re Miscellaneous. COQUILLE RIVER STEWIB'RT CO $$15 to $$30 per week Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. Claude Pox, Greneral 13 ray man Str. E lizab eth W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A IN S . Coquille River and San Fra n cisco . Tower & Son. Property of Every Descrip­ tion Handled. A g e n t fo r th e b e s t G o o s C o u n ty G o a l [Hi HORSFALL HOSPITAL A private Hospital well equipped for the treat­ ment of su rgical and medical diseases. Trained N urses in Attendance. Win. Horsfall, M. 1).,