...... - V o l . 23: No. 31. Filtered n» second-claie matter May 8, HM5, at the puatoffice at Coquille, Oregon, unproval or rejection at the j * general election to bo held in said j Billiard Card rooms * state on tho 4th day of June, being j the first Monday in June, 1900. and and Now, Therefore, I, Geo. E. Cham- j 51dH berlain, Governor of the State of j Soft Drinhs (!) Oregon, in obedience to the pro- * Pool Tables /K yinons of said act herein before \\s first mentioned, do hereby make Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. and issue this proclamation to the * City News Stand. * people of the Stute of Oregon, an­ * * nouncing that the said committee * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * of citizens of Clackamas county, Oregon, C. W. Korns being the Chairman of said committee, has filed said initiative peti'ion with the w requisite number of signatures thereto attached, demanding that there sha’l be submitted to the legal electors of tho State of Oregon for tlioir approval or rejection at !> the regular election to be held on tho 4th day of June, 1906, said day hi ing the first Monday in said Front Street, me ith, a bill to propose by initiative pet ion a bill entitled “ A hill to C O Q U IL L E !, O R E G O N . propose by initiative petition a law A ll w o r k g u a r a n t e e d . for the abolishment of tolls on the Mount Hood and Barlow Road, and providing for the purchase of the same by tho State of Oregon,” the teuor and effect of which in brief is to direct the Secretary of State to purchase the Mount Hood and Barlow Road from the I’ acitic Ab­ stract, Guaranty & Trust Company, the owner thereof, for a Bum not exceeding $24,000.00, and to de­ B. FE N T O N liver to said company before the lst»| Fnop day of September, 1906, or as soon Saddle Horses of host quality always on hand. G ood Rigs in rrdi- as said bill may become a law, a warrant upon tho State Treasurer ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage aud Livery busines.-. Accommodations for Taveliug men a specialty payable out of any moneys in the general fund of the State of Oregon Leave Coquille at 6 a. m., arriving at Itosehiirg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50 not appropriated iu favor of said corporation for the sum of $24,000.- 00, upon delivery to the said Sec­ retary ot State of a deed conveying to the State of Oregou said road, together with all rights, franchises and privileges of every kiud and character pertaining thereto, and A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical as soon as the titlo to said road is conveyed to the state all tolls of and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern every kind and character are to ho in every particular. Rates from abolished and said road free to the use of the public. Done at the Capitol at Salem, I this Fifth day of February, A. D , I Including room, b^ard, general nursing and drugs. 1906. (Signed) G eo . E. C ham berlain , Governor. (Signed) F. I. D unbar , Secretary of State. - ------ ----------------- nowlton’s Drug Store DRUGS, MEDICINE, FINE STA TIO N E R Y, TO ILET ARTICLES. J osh ’s Place, T. T. LAND, Proprietor. ^ e rg y and vehem ence, dependant in and tho parent is often astonished j M°tire- a grea t d eg ree ou the restraint and and sorely grieved by the irrita­ In the case of Robert Morslen, C. A. Sehlbrede, disciplin e or lack o f these in the bility, impatience aud objection to appellant, against L. Harlocker and Attorney-at-Law, hom e training. restraint which is made by the in­ others, respondents; H. H. McPher­ Notary Public. Phone 781. “ In this connection it may be in­ dividual. More than at any previ­ son, appellant, against L. Harlocker teresting to note that it is said the ous period of life does the adoles­ and others, respondents, appeal from -VI akshfibld , O beoon . discipline of Susannah Wesley, the cent require wise care aud restraint. the circuit court of Coos county, L. mother of the great preachers, was The constant exercise of sympathy, T. Harris, judge, in au opinion by so perfect that after the age of one firmness and enutiou on the part of Judge Moore the judgment of the E. D. Sperry. W . C. Chase. year, her children were never known parents and guardians are necessary, lower court is reversed. to cry alcud. From nine until or acts may be done which will mar Robert Marsden instituted suit SPERRY & CHASE, thirteen the normal, healthy child the entire future. November 22, 1904, against tho Then, if ever, is who has reasonable pnrental coutrol the child entitled to careful atten- county judge and the commission­ Attornnys-al-Law. is generally a content follower of tien ns to his associations and to the ers of Coos county to enjoin them Office in R obinson B u ild in g his elders, and is so largely occupied companionshipof parents and teach­ from declaring the result of an elec­ O regon. Coquille, . . . with the concrete world aud its ers. tion held to determine whether the manifold attractions that his own sale of intoxicating liquors as a bev­ T “One 1ms but to pay slight atten­ emotions seem in a degree to he erage should be prohibited. The tion to the news reports from the E. G. D. Holden, subordinated to his intense preoccu­ plaintiff conducts a wholesale aud large cities, and even from the pation in this direction. L aw ybb , retail liquor business and has $20,- small town to learn how large a | “ From thirteen years to eighteen U. B. Commissioner, General Insoraiic« 000 invested. The complaint al­ proportion of boys and girls in ado­ aud twenty, or during the adoles­ leges that the county court called a Agent, and Notary Publie. Offiee lescent life go down in the awful cent period of life of which it is the special election and that by reason in Robin son Building. vortex of ruin. Juvenile courts and purpose of this paper to deal partic­ of failure to give proper noti:e as Coquille, Oregon. reformatories are doing much good ularly, the individual is passing to the time and purpose of the elec­ work, hut they leave a scar and a through a very critical stage of ex­ tion a majority vote iu favor of pro­ stigma. To form character is grand­ istence and is often the victim of hibition resulted. The two cases er than to reform it, and prevents varying and conflicting emotions. A. F. Kirshman, were argued and submitted togeth­ many heartaches. The rapid increase in stature and er. Marsden against Harlocker is D b n t ist . Emotional outbursts are not to be a suit in equity. weight seems to expert a remark­ treated as unpardonable sins, hut able influence ou the nervous and McPherson against Harlocker is Office two doors South of P ool ofiloe. muscular systems. The muscles of the youth must be shown that such a writ of review to have the decision Coquille . - t Oregon. the larynx are so adjusted that ar­ outbreaks lessen his power, injure nnd determination of tho officers o f ticulation becomes difficult while bis strength of character, in way the officers of Coos county in the the voice is undergoing a transfor­ make him weaker; that well balanced matter of the election referred to mation. The muscles of the body strong munhood and womanhood reviewed and annulled. The county COQUILLE RIVERJTE W B 5AT CO are not under control and the indi­ must come only through bis own court’s threat to declare the result Str. D IS P A T C H vidual leans .on some near by object efforts in over-comiug and conquer­ of said election will do irreparable Tom White, Master when standing, and lolls when sit­ ing self; that for others, but more injury to plaintiff's business. Leaves I Arrives than all for his own good, must he A demurrer to the complaint hav­ Bandon ........ 7 A-M. | Coquille ____ 10 a - m . ting. The physical system is rap­ Coquille ....... 1 P-M. | Bandon _____ 4 P-M. idly changing and the nervous sys- endeavor to control his conduct, to ing been sustained and plaintiff do- Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield tom is in much the same state of cultivate firmness of purpose and i dining further to plead the suit and steamer Kjho for Myrtle Point. growth and transition. The brain steadiness of character. | was dismissed and he appeals. Str. F A V O R IT E “Experience and observation have The supreme court holds that the rapidly increases in weight and the J. O. Moomaw, Master, Leaves I Arrives mind is conscious of added power led to the conclusion that corporal county court did not ns required by Coquille....... 7 a - m . | Bandon. .10:45 a - m . punishment at this period is unwise, )aw order tho election in question Bandon........ 1 P-M. 1 Coqnllle. 4:45 p - m . iu every fibre. “Under these conditions of brain and neldoui, if ever, gives good re- ,,nd such election was invalid and Str. ECHÓ and body the individual who is now suits. Parents, but especially declares tho judgment of the court H. .lam■«, Master. entering a new world emerging, as teache-s, must base their right to below reversed, Leaven I Arrives MyrtlePoint.. .7 a - m . | oquilleC’y 9 30 a - m . it were, from the chrysalis into the control upon superiority of char- P h y sica l Culture and E xp res- Coquill« C ity.. .1 p - m . | Myitie P’t. .4 00 p - m . Chssted Death butterfly, is decidedly emotional acter and intelligence, rather limn 1 sioa Daily except Sunday. ou threats or blows which so ofteu and usually impatient of restraint. Kidney troubles often ends fata Mrs. VVootton, of tho Columbia £ ^ T T h e safe and reliable tiwn- m f W The emotions strive for control and cripple a weak nature and create iy, hut by choostng tho right me d - College of Expression, Chicago, will screw bursts of joy are usually followed defiance in a strong one. The wise 1 icine, E. II. Wolfe, of Bear drove, take a limited number of pupils. The New and Speedy, Iowa, cheated death. He says: by equally strong bursts of anger giving of freedom to the adolescent Apply at N. E. corner 2nd floor “Two years ago I hail Kidney Successor to W H. Mansell. means much. Complete liberty or excessive sorrow. The emotional S tr . E l i z a b e t h Trouble, which caused me great of school building between 4 nnd 5 laughing of the young girl so gen­ which is often granted is most per­ suffering nnd anxiety, but I took o’clock p. m. C. P. Jensen. Master. erally termed "giggling” or “ titter­ nicious ns it develops into license. Electric Ritters, which effected a W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A IN S . Will make regular tripe between F o r Sale. ing” is a familiar example. Never . Children whose lives have been complete cure. I have also found All orders handled with carefulness and expedience Coquille River and San again in life will occurrences bn so carefully guarded are fsr less likely ,,f ^ ben.efit ‘ V « P," 'r,1,1l do' A three-diac Hancock plow will ! ___ , , , , , . , . bility and nerve trouble, and keep Fra n cisco . excruciatingly funny to her. ♦o develop unbalanced tendencies thel„ constantly on hand, since, a< . he »old at a bargain, alao a span of ! ITo Stop-over at W ay Porta. Inquire A g C X lt f o r th *t b e s t G O O S C o U J l t y G o a l “Only those who have observed and yield much more readily to ) fi„,| rhey Imve no equal ” R. S. young hones well broke. Electric Lights. Everything in First at thin office. _______ - judicious treatment which calls out Knowlton druggist, guarantees closely know how nearly this laugh­ Class Style. ter herders on tears. Hysteria may Dew activities, gives added respon- them at 50c. IF YOC ARE Robinson has completed shelving I then be very easily developed in sibilities and awakeDg new interests Living indoors so much during 07 dozen of tho Brown Hhoe Com-1 sensitive highly wrought natures. in life. I hey are up-to-date Inherited blood disnanes generally “ A year o f steady work has often the winter months creates a sort of pany’s shoes. in style nnd finish, in fact the most a stuffy, want-of-ozone condition in MISS L. G. GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. make their appearance in early wrought the transformation from OF GETTING YOU A adolescence. adolescence to manhood. Giving the blood and system generally. “ nifty" lot of shoes ever brought to private Hospital well equipped for the treat­ “ Since the emotions are so alert responsibility is the keynote. Ex­ Clean up and get ready for spring. wn. Call nnd s e e ’em. ment of su rgical and medical diseases. at this stage, the opposite sexes be­ amples of finely moulded character, Take a few Early Risers. These Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow- j famous little pills cleanse the liver, gin to attract each other, sometimes of honor, of heroism, stir the blood Call at the O. K. Creamery and let Trained N urses in Attendance. ders, give instant relief. Price 2 5 1 me make you a price on the beet to the total exclusion of things at all ages, and parents and teach­ stomach and bowels and give the cents. R. 8. Knowlton, Coquille { and cheapest engine on the market temporal, or things spiritual. The ers can do no better than make use blood a chance to purify itself. City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. —the Wolverine. They relieve headache, sallow com- love emotion often predominates to of such while they work in barmoDj plexion, etc. Sold by R. S. Knowl- such an extent that the individuals to secure well rounded womanhood I ton W.H.SCHROEDER Watchmaker and Jeweler, ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE MARSHFIELD General hospital Ì0515 to $$30 pei* w eek Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. Claude F ox, Carenerai D raym an THINKING Gasoline Engine Geo. E. Peoples 1 HORSFALL HOSPITAL