Coquille V o l . 23: No. 29. Filtered h b becoml-clu* matter May H, 1905, at the poatoffice at Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congress of March 3,1879. Walter Culm, M. D. P hysician anb S ubobon CoqviLLB C it y , O bb . S S Ä S Ä fc Telephone S. T J. J. STANLEY LAW YER Martin Building, • Front Btrost CoquiLLS, O bboob A. J. Sherwood, A T IO B B BY A T -liA W , N otasi P C o q u ille , u b l ic , : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, ATroaBSY-AT-tlAW, N otaby P ublio , C oqu ille, : : Oregon. /. Hacher, ÀB8TBACT1R O» T i TL»*. C oquill * C it t , Om* Hall & Hall, AT T O B B B Y S-A T -liA W , Desleí in B bal H btatb o f all kinds. M arshfield, Oregon._________ C. A. Sehlbrede, A tto rn e y -a t-L a w , Notary Public. Phone 761. M arshyibld , O skoob . COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W E D N E S D A Y , APRIL 4, 1906. $40,000 Hotel on Plot B. A great hotel, to coat $40,000 will be erected on Plat B. It will be located on the block bounded by Sherman Avenue, Newmark street, Sutherland Avenue and Commer­ cial street. It’s name will be Hotel Bowers, and construction will be­ gin as soon as the block can be pre­ pared, that work commencing today. The capital interested will be main­ ly from Salt Lake City. F. B, Waite and Major Kinney will also be interested. Plans for the build­ ing are already in hand. The new hotel will be finished and furnished in the most modern style of thor­ oughly up-to-date hostolry and will furnish the sort of accommodations of which the Bay is now destitute. The rooms will be large, light and airy aud the plans show a most con­ venient and modern arrangement of e.erything connected with the build­ ing. They were prepared under the direction of two of the most ex­ perienced and successful hotel men of the Northwest, who have pro­ fited by their observations in the best houses of the country. The building will be 180 feet in length, in the form of a double T, and the total width will be 100 feet. Every energy will be used to push this building to completion, and it is expected that meals will be served in the wing first to be finished, in about three months. In view of iho prospects for this summer, nothing is worse needed than more hotels, and the developments on Plat B in­ dicate that no better or more cen­ tral point could be selected.— Coast Mail. Cake Oppoosed to Trusts. Every combination of capital known as a trust should be placed under the ban of the law, not only should trust corporation themselves E . D . S p erry. W . C . Chase. be barred from doing business, but SPERRY & CHASE, the individuals responsible for the combinations should be punished Attorneys a t-L a « . by law, says H. M. Cake, candidate Office in Bekinsoa B nildiag, for United States Senator. There is probably no man in the Coquille, - - * 0re* °n- state o f Oregon more pronounced in his opinions on this subject than Mr. Cake, as evidenced by his ac­ E. G. D. Holden, tions aDd past utterances. IiAWYBB, He is not the attorney for, is not D. 8. Commissioner, Oenerel Inaurano interested in, nor does he represent, Agent, and Notary Pnblio. Offlee directly or indirectly, any trust. in Bobin son Building. He believes in the absolute free­ C oqu ille, Oregon. dom of competition in all lines of business— Ihe preservations of the equal rights of the entire citizenship of the country free from interfer­ A. F. Kir8hman, ence by combinations of capital. D entist . Mr. Cake is a firm believer in the right of the American workingman Offioe tyro doors Booth o f Post ofBo«. to protect himself by means of labor Coquille . - • Oregon. organizations against the oppres­ sions of organized capital. The great common people of the country can depend upon it that COQUILLE RIVES STEAM30AT CO Mr. Cake is friendly to their inter­ ests, for he is one of the common Str. D I S P A T C H Tom White, Maater people. Learec 1 Arrires He is friendly to every section B andon....... 7 a - m . | Coquille-----10 a - b . C oquille....... 1 P B. I Bandon .. . 4 P B. and interest of the state, and if Connecta at Coquille with train for Marahfield elected to the Senate, will do every and ateauer E jho for Myrtle Point. thing he can for the development Str. F A V O R I T E and prosperity of all Oregon. J. C. Moomaw. Master, New Steamer For River Coquille Note and Comment. Whereas the Secretary of State of A great many people in this coun the State of Oregon has notifiod me try are not so anxious for pure food A new steamer is to be built by in writing that pursuant to the pro­ Swayne & Hoyt to go on the Ban- as for plenty of it, visions of an Act entitled “ An Act don-San Francisco run this sum­ Poultnev Bigelow in in Panama making effective the initiative and mer. Tne boat will be built at the Kruse shipyard on Coos Bay and is trying to collect tbo facts for the referendum provisions of Section 1 is expected that she will be launch­ article which he published severnl of Article IV of the Constitution of the State of Oregon, and regulating ed by the first of July and ready weeks ago. elections thereunder, und providing for servioe by August 1st. The In the recent operation in the steaner will be 167 ft. 2 in, long: Philippines, the majority of Ur. penalties for violations of provisions beam 35 f t 4} in;depth of hold l i f t Leonard Woods patients succumbed. of this act," approved February 24th, 1903, a committee of citizens 9 in . She will be fitted with com­ of Clackamas County, C. W. Kerns pound engines 14 and 32, boiler Secretrry of War Taft has been 11} x 10^ to carry 160 lbs. of steam. offered a place Gn the Supreme being the chairman thereof, duly She will have a carrying capacity of Bench, and eztru «uncos are being filed in his office on January 22nd, 1906, an initiative petition contain­ 1000 tons on ten to eleven feet put in. ing 7761 signatures, properly at­ draught. When a man’s wife is entertaining tached to a copy of said measures, The steamer will be Darned the “ Caso” and will cost $60,000. She her women friends, about the only certified in accordance with law, de­ will be oil burner and will carry no chance he hAs to open his mouth is manding that a proposed law, the title, tenor and effect of which is passengers. She will load at the when he yawns. hereinafter particularly set forth Aberdeen mill and will take the The report that one thousand dol­ product of the Cody Lumber Co. lar counterfeit bills are in circula­ shall be submitted to the legal voters of the State of Oregon for output.— Recorder tion starts all the country editors their approval or rejection at the Living indoors so much during to examining their bills. general election to be held in said the winter months creates a sort of state on the 4th day of June, being The editor of Everybody’s Maga­ a stuffy, want-of-ozone condition in the first Monday in June, 1906. the blood and system generally. zine says “ Something ougbt to bo Now, Therefore, I, Geo. E. Cham­ That Clean up and get ready for spring. done to save the country.’’ Take a few Early Risers. These is all right but let us not have too berlain, Governor of the State of famous little pills cleanse the liver, many cooks monkeying with the Oregon, in obedience to the pro­ stomach and bowels and give the visions of said act herein before * blood a chance to purify itself. salvation broth. first mentioned, do hereby make * They relieve headache, sallow com ­ The only thing that stands in the and issue this proclamation to the plexion, etc. Sold by R. 8. Knowl- * ton. _____ way of a perfect agreement between people of the State of OrogOD, an­ * the coal miners and operators is nouncing that the said committee Ashland Normal Notes. the unwillingness of each side to of citizens of Clackamas county, view the matter from the standpoint Oregon, C. W. Kerne being the Miss Anna Colvig, of Grants Pass, of the other. Chairman of said committee, has visited thu Normal Wednesday. filed said initiative petition with the Mr. Robt. Jonas, of Independ­ It is reported that J. Pierpont requisite number of signatures ence, entered the Normal this week. Morgan dropped several hints to thereto attached, demanding that í He is a former student of this school the Pope in regard to Catholic af­ there sha'l be submitted to the and will complete the course of fairs in America. It is safe to legal electors of the State of Oregon study in the senior class. A class assume that he also dropped auother for their approval or rejection at in vertical writing has been orga­ contribution in the plate. tlm regular election to be held nized by Mr. Jonas to especially fill th 4th day of Juue, 1906, said day There are very few people who the needs of prospective touchers understand the Railway Rate ques­ being the first Monday in said for the ensuing year. month, a bill to propose by initiative Mr. A. C. Jennings, of Eugene, tion but as long as the railroads petition a bill entitled “ A bill to $ are opposed to it the public feel a candidate for the office of State proposo by initiative petition a law Treasurer, visited the Normal safe in supporting it. f , - , '.I t -, u l i ' i U r L ^ - u t u l l o l l s O H l i l t Wednesday. Mr. Jennings made a In excavating in Wall street, Mount Hood and Barlow Road, and brief speech to the students in the New York, gold was discovered. providing for the purchase of the chapel. There is no cause for excitement in same by the State of Oregon," the Mrs. Cora Diedricks, who has this though. Every time a plumber been teaching iu Grants Pass, is excavates for a leaking pipe he taking up the professional work in strikes gold. the Training Department. A Delaware woman serving a sen­ It is encouraging to note the in­ creasing interest which is manifest tence for murder asks to be par­ in the Athena Literary Society. doned on the ground that prison Her The meeting of last Friday was well life does not agree with her. attended. The program in part was request should be granted and an as follows: Instrumental duett, investigation started. Mieses Poley and Kingkade; vocal solo. Miss Stratton; character sketch, Miss Belson; vocal solo, Miss Beebe; debate, “ Resolved that Large Combinations are a Greater Menace to the Industrial World than Labor Unions.” The nega­ tive side won. Those on the nega­ tive aide were MisB Robinson and Miss Caiter. The President stood sponsor for the lately arrived son of his private secretary the other day and the clergyman could scarcely credit his hearing when it was announced that the child was to be called Wil­ liam. A Pittsburg judge who was called upon to decide on Sunday closing laws has decided that tobacco is a necessity and that ice cream is not. This could never have occurred in those states in which women have a vote. Fruits, W a t c h m a k e r and 4J4r*oet GO Ai_ tenor and effect of which in brief is to direct the Secretary of State to purchaso the Mount Hood and Barlow Road from the Pacific Ab­ stract, Guaranty & Trust Company, the owner thereof, for a sum not B. F E N T O N exceeding $24,000.00, and to de­ P ro p liver to said company before the 1st Saddle Horses of best quality always on hand. Good Rigs in Ti di­ day of September, 1906, or ns soon ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business. as said bill may become a law, a Accommodations for Taveliug men a specialty warrant upon the State Treasurer payable out of any moneys in the Leave Coquille at 6 a. m., arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50 general fund of the State of Oregon not appropriated in favor of said corporation for the sum of #24,000.- 00, upon delivery to the said Sec­ retary ol State of a deed conveying to the State of Oregon said road, together with all rights, franchises and privileges of every kind and A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical character pertniniug thereto, and as soon as the title to said road is and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern conveyed to the state all tolls of in every particular. Rates from every kind and character are to be abolished and said road free to the use of the public. Done at tbe Capitol at Salem, Including room, board, general nursing and drugs. this Fifth day of February, A, D 1906. G eo . E. C ham berlain , (Signed) Marshfield, Oregon. Governor. F. I. D unbar , (Signed) Secretary of State. ROSEBUKU-iYiTnicn rutm- STAGE LINE M AR SH FIELD General Hospital The chapel exercises of the past week have been excellent. On Mon­ day Miss Doughty read an article entitled “ The Civil War in Poetry and Song." On Tuesday Prof. Mulkey gave in his inimitable style a review of E. Eggleston’s popular An Englishman announces as im­ book, “ The Hoosier Schoolmaster.” portant his discovery that common After Mr. Jenning’s talk on deal wood furnishes a stimulating — ----- ------ » 4 $ » S ------------ American Wednesday, Prof. Mulkey gave the and nutritious diet. iieeves I Arrive« Ceqnille....... 7 a - b . | Bandon. .10:4» A-B. The Coos Bay A Eastern Railroad studeots an account of his visit to breakfast food manufacturers have Bandon......... 1 F-w. i Coquille. 4:45 PH. yards are very busy these days. the celebrated ostrich farm in Pasa­ long been trying to convince us of Str. E C H O the same thing. Manager Chandler is pushed to the dena. H. Jains. Maater. “ Teaching from a Professional limit handling the large influx of U a rN I Arrive« M y rtleP oiu t...7 a -«. I oquills C’ y 9 SO a - h , Judgo “ A u d i” Hamilton has re­ P h y sica l Culture and E xp rès lumber. New rolling stock consist­ Standpoint” was the subject of Miss Coqullle City. .1 F-n. I Myitis F t . . 4 00 F-* sion turned from Paris to New York ing of a locomotive and 40 flat c >rn Kaiser's talk on Thursday. Daily except Sunday. Mrs. Wootton, of the Columbia but ho announces that he refuses have been ordered in the east, and Mr. Mellinger’a address on Friday jpg^The safe and reliable tiw n -^ d i the road will be taxed night and was interesting sud instructive. positively to talk. He is probably College of Expression, Chicago, will •crew day for the balance of the year His subject was “ Conscience —What afraid that he might inadvertently take a limited number of pupils, £ ^ T T h e New and Speedy, S u c c e s s o r t o W H . M ansell. Apply at N. E. corner 2nd floor tell what became of that $1,354,000 moving the freight offered. The is it.?" of school building between 4 and entrusted to him for “ law and legis­ •team schooners Noyo and Marsh­ S tr. E liz a b e th The Congressional held their o’clock p. m. WILL MEET ALL BOATS AND TRAINS. field will run here steadily carrying regular meeting Friday evening. lative expenses.” C. P. Jensen, Matter. out lumber for Alfred Johnson, An excellent program was rendered. All orders handled w ith carefulness and ex p ed ien ce Will make regular trips between F or Sale. while four or five windjammers will Senator Tillman who has charge X. Coquille River and San run regularly so things will certain­ A three-disc Hancock plow will 1 of the Railway Rate Bill has ar- j be sold at n bargain, also a span of A g e n t fo r th e b e s t C o o s C o u n ty C oa l Francisco. About Rheumatism ly be busy with the railroad com­ ranged the National Banks for mak­ young b o re s well broke. Inquire Wo Stop-over at W ay Porta. pany this summer. — Marshfield Sun. There are few diseases that in* ing political contributions. If fate at this dffi •. Electric Lights. Everything in First flict more torture than rheumatism Clase Style. The President of tbs United and there is probably no disease had saved the Senate from Tillman j Roblili- ni has completed shelving IF YOU ARE Stat< s has a salary of $60,0,00 and for which a varied and useless lot he might still have achieved fame as 67 dozen of the Brown Shoe Com­ the advertising agent of a circus. an allowance for keeping up the of remedies have been suggested. , pany’s shoes. They are up-to-date White House of $48,000 and the To say that it can be cured is there­ in style and finish, in fact the most j fore, a bold statement to make, but Congress proposes to put a limit use of the Executive Mansion. Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which of $500,000 on the cost of any j "nifty” lot of shoes ever brought to ; A private Hospital well equipped for the treat­ OF GETTING President Fallieres of the French enjoys an extensive sale, has met YOU A . . wn. Call and see 'em. _ ., _ Republic has a salary of $125,000 with great success in the treatment building for a post office in the fu­ . • e .. - - j ment of surgical and medical diseases. The seven million dollar and an allowance of $120,000 and of this disease. One application of ture. Duprey’a Celery Headache Pow- j Trained Nurses in Attendance. Pain Balm will relieve the pain,| structure in Chicago which took ders, give instant relief. Price 25 Cell a. the O .K . Creamer» snd let three palace. Still this country and hundreds of sufferers liA ve tes­ seven years to build and which is cents. R. 8. Koowlton, C oquille1 me make you a price on the beet has been able to afford tbs expense tified to permanent cures by its use. utterly unsuited to its purpose has City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. For Information Address Wra, Horsfall, M. D., - i h f w S ^ H n ^ "* ° ° lh* m‘ rk** of distributing free seeds at an an­ W hy suffer when Pain Balm affords been a warning to the Department Full stock of A A. Cutter shoes nual coat of over $200,000 and that such quick relief and costs but a M a r s h fie ld , Oregon, ’Phone 631- Lorenz’s, a trifle? For sale by R S Knowlton, sod (« Congress Ev without benefit to anyone. $15 to $30 per week Miss S. O. Lakeman, Matron. Claude F ox, Greneral Drayman THINKING iiaSOline Engine Geo. Peoples 1 HORSFALL HOSPITAL MISS L. G. GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT.