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About Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1906)
LOCAL N E W S . Nolson Jones, of Maxwell, wus in this city Monday. Nice fresh lot of cookies just ar- rived at Robinsons. Miss Lydia Siu,iuous slat toil for E un ka on Monday. A lino line of waists and wrappers at O Wilson’s A Co’s. Miss Kato Steckel went to tb* Bay by Monday’s train. Dan llarklow was down from Myrtle Point on Monday. VV. I*. Fuller’ s prepared Paints, Oils and Varnishes at J. A. Lamb & Co. E- Bargeron, the Coaledo mer chant, was in this city on Friday. New spring line negligee and soft shirts just opened up at Robinson’s. J. H. Uadabaugh, of Arago, made our office a pleasant call on Friday. Gasene soap at Draue’s. The best on the market for the prices Try it. Buy your garden seeds at Knowl- tou’s drug store and get the very best. The world's best soda cracker, Uneeda Biscuit, at every store in town. Mrs. A. J. Davenport, of this city, who was quite ill last week, is much better. Drano keeps the celebrated Cahn- liicliolsbnrg shoes. Tho place for bargains. John Neilsou, of Prosper, was in Wright’s medicated underwewat our city on Monday. Draue’s Sarntcga Chips at Robinson’. Olves in bulk at Roh!naou’s. Robinson’s store Las ladies’ shirt The All-American Glass Blowers Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Go to Lorenz's to get a phono waists from 50o to $5.00. at the opera house Friday and Sat graph free. school shoes at Robinson's. J. L Bean, the Lampa postmaster urday nights. Ira Metcalf had business in town and merchant, had business in town Onion sets at 12$ cents per New Ginghams, Dimities, Voiles, pound at O. Wilson & Co’s. one day last week. Monday, Pongee Brilliants and Percales at L. J. Roberts, of the Myrtle Point Step in and see those new spring The All-American Glass Blowers Robinson’s store. suits at Robinson’s. Enterprise, was in town Sunday. will give a Saturday matinee for F or S ale . — Six head of good milch cow, enquire of F. L. Smith, H av F or S als — A lot of fine rye j Earl Goodman returned from school children’. grasH hav. Henry Grady, Norway.! San Francisco Monday. See the glass blowers, something Fishtrap, Oregon, or J. C. Wilson, Charles Cessna was up to this I For a nice ready made wrapper new, at the opera house Friday and Prosper, Oregon. Saturday nights. city from Parkersburg on Monday. ' or waist go to O. Wilson A Co’s. J. A. Heath and W. N. Hubber YOU GET A COUPON WITH EVEVY CASH PURCHASE O. Wilson A Co. sells nice fresh Large supply of fresh garden Mr. and Mrs Chas, Lorenz, of arrived Monday by special stage C'EPT WITH SUGAR AND FLOUR onion sets at 12$ cents per pound. seeds at Kuowlton’s drug store. Bandon, visited relatives and friends from Myrtle Point. They are from Cottage Grove, and are looking D. D. Pierce, manager of the Co- Farmers institute at this city on in this city tho first of the week. about over the country, quille mill, had business at the Bay April 17th. All should turn out. W. J. Butler, of Marshfield, came Monday. C. C. Carter, the logger from Frank Hance, of Fairview, spent over by Monday's train and pro The gasoline schooner 8otoyome 11 day <o in town the first of the ceeded up the river by the steamer Etelka, was at the Ray two or three days last week looking after busi Echo. sailed from Bandon for San Fran week. cisco on Friday. B. C. Swaggert, of Eureka. Cali- Editor Sain, of the Coos Bay ness matters and visiting his nephew Hogan fornia, registered at Hotel Coquille, Harbor, made our office a pleasant City Marshal Carter, of Marshfield- The schooner Hugh Phonograph fre e ! W hen you purchase $30 worth of good from us you will receive this handsome phonograph free. sailed from Bandon for San Fran-! Mondnj. cisco on Sunday. F or S al *.— A fine lot White Nile B orn . — In Coquille, Oregon, Peas at 2$c per pound. Glenn Col March 2G, to Mr. and Mrs. V. R. lier, Coquille. Wilson, a daughter. F oe S a l e .— A Durham bull, five Inquire of John Morris, of Uaodou, spent a years old; price $30. couple of days in town this week. J. B. Sweet, Lampa. He greeted many of bis old-time Mr. and Mrs. W. T. McCloskey, comrades while in towq. of Myrtle Point, visited in town on A suitable reward will be paid Thursday of last week. the finder of a large leather pocket- Three papers of the very best book belonging to Walter Sinclair. north grown seeds for 10 cents at Knowlton's drug store. Going at cost. L. H. Pearce, of Tommy Gaffey, of this city, ar Myrtle Point, will close out bis stock of Seal Rock water-proof rived by the Czarina the last of the clothing at cost. week from San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. John Barrows were J. W. Hall, of Myrtle Point, came Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Adams, of up to this city from the lower river down with a fine lot of logs last Myrtle Point, were among our Co on Monday. week which he had put in the riyer quille visitors on Thursday. Will Douk, of Bear creek, had during the winter. Fine, thoroughbred Brown L eg bussiues which brought him to Don’t miss seeing the All-Ameri horn eggs for setting at J. 0 . Wat town Monday. can Glass Blowers at the opera son’s. Per setting $1.00; $5 per Robinson has a big assortment of house Friday and Saturday nights, 100 . ladies’ shirt waists in long and and Saturday matinee. Win. Weekly made our office an short sleeves. The difference between “ You exceedingly pleasant call last Satur S im Nass, manager of the Pros need a biscuit,” and “ Uneeda Bis day while down settling up with the per cannery, arrived from Astoria cuit” is but 5 cents, aud you can county. by the last Alliance. split that difference at any of our We are in a position to offer a If you are in need of harness or good piece of water front of 2$ stores. repairs in his line, consult L. H. acres near town; good for mill or Pearce, Myrtle Point. Alfred JohnsoD, the sawmill man, factory site. Mrs. A1 Lily and daughter, Miss received last Friday a fine iron lathe Those who have tried all kinds Rose, were down from Arago on for use at his mill. This will prove claim the Northern grown seeds the a great convenience and save m uch Monday doing some shopping. best. Three papers for 10 cents at Knowlton’s drug store. The schooners Sail Beuna Ven time. Fred, R. Jones, a railroad man, representing the Coast line, passed through this city yesterday looking F or S ale .— Eighty-five acres, all clear, house, barn and outbuild after the company’s interests. He ings. Good for dairy purposes went on down the cost the same Apply to C. A. Peterson, Riverton. day. call last Monday while in this city looking after business matters. [» IS A. phonograph has become a household necessity. They bring the l;»Tesi music, the latest songs to us. They are popular in all homes. W e carry all the best and latest Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes Gents’ Furnishing Goods, etc. Chas. Bowers, an inmate of the ry county passed tkrouh town yes county infirmary, who has been terday to attend Uncle Sam’s court seriously ill for some time, was I in Portland as witnesses in lanl brought to town last week and cases: A1 Marsh, assessor; J. R' placed in the keeping of Dr. Culin Miller, A lf Miller, A. Adolpbson, for treatment. B. R. Doan, W. R. Hurst, Mrs. Jas. Arrivals at Coos Buy Monday by Ca;’ps and Gco.j Forty. They ex the the Plant: Earl Goodman, Jas pect to take the Alliance in a day Flanagan, E N Smith* C H Mer or so. There are sexteen more who chant and wife, Miss Daisy Deyoe, are going other routes. Miss Ora Deyoe, Jas Mackin, C F A. N. Niil, the pile driver man, Allen, Chas Carlson, Mrs N. Adams arrived from the bay yesterday and children, Jas Guerin and wife, with bis driver and is setting up J W McMullen, A S Freeman, H R bis machinery to drive tbe piling Lucca. for the new railroad up Cunning Arrivals from Portland by Kil- ham creek. The piles are at hand burn March 24: Mrs J J Curren, and the work will be put through David MeCuuo and wife, Isabel Mc- just as rapidly as possibly. There Cune, Nellie McCune, Miss H is considerable of tbe right of way Huines, Miss 8 Rose, Miss B F cleared and road building will Eaton, W H Kennedy, I Hacker, be tbe next in order of business, H B Eaton, Miss H Haines, R Tbe same train which brought the Thompson and wife, G L Case, J pile driver brought a large donkoy McGuire and wife, E Anderson, W which will soon be taken into the Z Spear and wife, L W Kinder, Miss woods and begin to move logs E Kelsey, R S Wagner, Mis M John toward the road. This aill soon son, T F Case, Miss M Stillwell, open up employment for a large Miss Pennoek, H Hoeck, C E Mar crew of men and help make busi ness lively here this season. lin, Mrs E Ogren, Sam Nass. O. Wilson & C o . Groceries and Dry Goods. East End of Front Street. N. LORENZ. YOUNG DO YOU NICE over W O i w V J The Woman’s Study Club held Successors to Dean & Morgan. their usual meeting on Saturday at __ the home of Mrs. L. J. Cody. Cur- rent events occupied a portion of the time, after which other books by Louisa M. Alcott omitted last week, were reviewed. Artemus Ward was the subject for the after noon study. Some discussion fol PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS, COQUILLE, OREGON lowed in regard to civic improve ment, but no special action was BOARD OF DIRECTORS taken. The next meeting will be W . T. DEM ENT J. W. W A G N E R JOHN YOAKAM at the home of M-rs. Sinclair. MAN WANT TO BUY A HOME SO YOU CAN G et M arried? WE CAN SELL A NICE HOME OR VACANT LOTS CHEAP AND ON EASY TERMS. WE HAVE SOME NICE LA RMS FOR SALE $ 1 4 0 0 TO %6000 LET US SHOW YOU OUR LIST Stanley 3 Pownder \V. H. Mansell, ^ Linder New Management. Livery Best of Tunouts. Feed and Sale STSJO TLY FlRST-C. <VSS Stable Hay, Grain, Feed Opposite I. O. O. F. hall. Successor to J. T. L ittle . A ll th e L a te st Desions in Fram es. Pastel, Sepia, In d ia In k a n d O il. FRANK B UR K HO £ I W R I Present Address I L ock Box 212 Coquille, . Or. 349 First Street Portland Or Wilson Jewelry Co. Watchmakers ai)d Engiaveis ENTERPRISE MEAT CO., IÆ AT vSTRAU r*-.' r 1! ■ flt'llw J. H. Snyder, the engineer, re Robinson’s store has a big line of ladies’ shirt waists, muslin under turned from San Francisco yester- j Captain Levi Snyder, his wear, corset covers, dress skirts day. brother, remained in the city ex- j and underskirts. L o s t — Poland China male pig, pecting to get a steamer in a short six months old—black, curly, with rime. Newt Divilbiss has been in town 1 white face. Finder report to W. S. for a couple of days and hns shown Jess, near Johnson’s mill. some of his friends some samples of F or S ale . —Blue Andelusian eggs gold recently mined down in his $1.00 per setting; only thorough section of county. He had one bot breds in the county. Also Andelu tle containing $130., the result of a sian roosters. Enquire of C. Ter- half day’s work. res, Cunningham creek. Rev. W. F. U. Browne, of this For each 25-cents purchase at city, assisted by Rev. Beatty, of Mrs, Nosler’s you will receive a ticket good for one guess at the Marshfield, and Rev. Boyd, of North number of beans, pins, coffee, etc. in Bend, will continue the revival a jar, winner toreceive a gold eagle. meetings at the M. E. church Mrs. M. Way came down from through this week. Much interest Myrtle Point yesterday to see her is manifested and a large number mother, Mrs, S. L Leneve, who has has been added to the church. been ill for a few days, but is much In responce to subpoenas, tbe improved at present. following named persons fromJCur- tura and C. T. Hill arrived at Ban- We have a way of selling some Mrs. J. C. Frye, living on the don from San Francisco on Suuday. goods which results in us selling Offield place, who has been sick Dr. Hors'all, of Marshfield, made more and more of them each day, with pleursy, is convalescent. Dr. P. Wetmore has been in attendance, a visit to Coquille the '21st. He for instance Schilling’s Best. was called to consult with Dr. Wet- E. Diane. Mr. and Mrs. Barklow, of Myrtle iuore. Why not buy your Schilling’s Poiut, visited Mrs. B’s sister, Mrs. Z. T. Johnsou, one of Myrtle Best from us? We carry a full line, Chas. Hall, of this city, while Mr. Point’s progressive hustlers, had T a, Coffee, Biking Powder, Spices, Barklow was helping J. W. Hall business at the county sent on Sat Flavoring Extracts, and sell it min run hia logs. imum prices. Drane’s. Mrs. B. E. Hampton, of whom we urday. Mrs. E. A. MeDutYee. of this city S. H. McAdams, the blacksmith, made mention last week as being went to Myrtle Point on Monday lias junt put in a new steel forge seriously ill, passed away on Fri- to visit her sister-in-law, Mrs. Har and Champion blower as well as I day. Consumption aTas the cause vey James. other tools of various kinds and a of her death. P. Riley, of Drain, who held a C. I. Green was up from Lamps full stock of materials used in hi« position in the Anderson boys’ camp Saturday. His face is about to as line. on the lower river last season, re sume its normal shape. It’s a little V. L Arrington, one of Myrtle girl aud arrived there the 14th iust. Point’s good citizens, went to Ban turned last week and will hold his We have a full and complete re don Saturday to look after some old job this season. Sheriff Gallier went to Marshfield port of Master Fish Warden Van business matters. The H erald en Dusen which was received too late joyed a very pleasant visit while he Wednesday to attend a meeting of for this issue, but will be in our the Redmen at that place. Seven was in town. next. new members were initiated and a C. B. Zeek, Bandon, Oregon, has Miss Lily Way, telephone opera general good time enjoyed. tor at Myrtle Point, came down the n full and complete stock o f Cali George Goodman, youngest son last of the week and visited her fornia grain hay of all grades from of our townspeople, Mr. and Mrs. ranch in California, together with grandma, Mrs. S. L. Leneye, and J. P. Goodman, is expected home other relatives and friends till Mon alfalfa hay and seed, and feed grain, at once, after a two-years’ sojourn all on sale at Bandon, at lowest day. in California. When last heard CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE OF River boats will receive W astro . — A female teacher to prices. from be was down in Mexico. assist Mrs. Giddings in th? seboo orders which will be promptly filled. H. J. Crippen, who has been with in district No. 43. One holding John Leggett who has been at the Recall and the H erald for the third grade certificate acceptable. Send terms with application. Ad- tending Albany College for some past eight or nine months, started dress, S. J. McCloskey, clerk, Nor- i time, arrived home Friday on ac for Weddorburn on Sunday. He count of the illness of his father, will have charge of the mechanical way, Oregon. Mrs. W. F. Grunow, of Portland, who is at Dr. Wetmore’s hospital, department of R. D. Hume’s paper, arrived here yesterday and will visit and who is suffering from a limb the Radium. for a few week« with her father, R. which is in a very serious condition, Mr, and Mrs. D. J. Lowe, Sr., of J. Dean, and other relatives and the result of a wound from a nail, Bandon, returned Monday from a friends nt this place. She is ac which we mentioned in a former visit with their son, F. L. Lowe, of companied b y ' her little daughter, Marshfield, and friends of the Bay Florence. THOSE WISHING TO PURCHASE Mr. Rtinsck, a mining man, ar side. They also visited their son, E. N. Smith, who with L. W. rived from Portland by the Alliance D. J. Lowe, Jr., and family, of this GIVE US CALL Deyoc and family, spent the winter Monday, bringing with him a large city as thoy passed through on at Long Beach, California, arrived amount of mining machinery which their return. Monday, accompanied bv the Misses he is taking into the Sixes country The All American Glass Blowers Deyoe, Ora and Daisy. Mr, Deyoe j where he and several friends ar* who have been showing iri Marsh- j - ■!"' is at Watsonville, California, where possessors of a number of valuable field for the past week to la rg e! X>OOPOO< j claims which they will proceed to he will remain till about May 1st. crowds have arrived in our city and George Quigley passed through develop at once. Among their out will give an exhibition Friday and W . T . DEM ENT, J. M W A G N E R, town last Friday from Myrtle Point fit we understand there is a stamp Saturday March 30-31 at the Opera | JOH N YOAKAM , Sec’y and Msng. Vice President. where be has been visiting with his mill, concentrator and the necessary House and on Saturday night there President- friend, Wright Allen, for a couple machinery to do an immense busi will be a social dance. Tbe best of weeks. He had prolonged his ness in an up-to-date manner. Hi lady waltzer will receive a hand- stav on account of the illness of Mrs, family will be down as soon as somo piece o f glass work free. Ad Allen, who is now much iniproEed. proper houses can be erected. mission, adults, 25c, children 15c. made from ^selected materially EX- EXPERT W0KK Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Ham and Bacon- FRED SLAGLE T A IL O R C O Q U IL L E . i «■ - ' OREGON «