Coquille iterato. W E D N E S D A Y , M ARCH ‘JH litoti A p p o , cionmont o f C ounty S c h o o l Funds. In te l -C ollegiate lu st G o. San r Vaucisco, Mar. uglas, a daughter. Horehound Syrup for years, and l i '' Mail regrets to atiuouuee that that 1 do not hesitate to recom­ i sported that Judge W. H. S. m end it as the best cough svrup 1 25c. 50o and : seriously ill at his boarding have ever used.'’ ■ . the Arlington, and grave $1.00. K 8 Knowlton. . i are entertained.- -Later: Mr. E X E C U T R IX NOTICE. , i-. di-di Io n Monday, March 26, Notice is hereby given that the last i : ; > are, 7 months and 9 days. will and testament of John Henry . ! :i >i«i o will tube piade today, Hohroeder, decease 1, lias been duly ad­ mitted to probate, and that the under­ i IVedi ■ i i) under the auspices signed a lio is named as executrix there­ in, hns I'eon duly appointed by the I the Mon ’av. Mrs. Nosler’s Locals. Ladies' muslin uuderweur iu all kinds. THE PRACTICAL BLACKSMITH J. T. HARTLEY, Everything pretty in embroideries and laces— the daintiest you ever saw. A swell line of all over laces and Wagon Making, embroideries. H o r s e h O e ilH ] Ladies’ shirt waists iu all pretty I m a c h in styles. Special Attention Given to A complete line of infants’ wear, the very nicest, consisting of long and short dresses, skirts, caps, hoods, etc. All the above goods County Court of the Hrate of Oregon, in just in also a complete line of G. D. -in Marshfield, Oregon, and for the County of Coos, as such e x ­ Corsets. ecutrix, and letters testamentary have ■'•h 24, 1206, James McElwee. lieen duly issued to said executrix. A ll SUMMONS. .¡ames MeElwee was b orn iu Jasp er persons having claims against said Ins­ IN T H E C1KCU1I COURT OF THE tate are hereby required to present them STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR i unit . Illinois, Nov 16, I860, and with the proper vouches within six THE COUNTY OF COOS. :1m II fa ll h o sp ita l at 4:30 'm onths from the date of this notice to Paris Ward. di 1 *. . ---- 1 : ----- J ■ . ... : .1--------* A -— . m i ici'day of the tujurtes re­ the undersigned at her residence at A r­ Plaintiff. | V* Coquille, Oregon. and All Kinds of Forge Work. Followiug is the apportion men e s h o p of $25,470, the amount levied AH Kinds Of Lathe Work. the County County for the ] schools of tli« county for tin r 1906. The majority of the will receive their district's ii ■ in Cwlumh two ordei , one drawn tin this mouth, the other early i Amount nia and No. District 1 Myrtle Hank .. ...*237 85 :2 70 2 Hermann........ ,.2J2 ,.318 3 A ra go ............. vs. '-Suit in equity for 4 Lampa creek... .212 0 con iue; !> 1 e (JiaMitiftfuctiuU umong ceived while longshoriug for the ago, Coos County, Oregon. Dated this 27th dav of March, A. 1). Barbery Ellen Ward, I divorce. M A N U F A C T U R E R S of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit B o x is 5 Browns........... .207 the students of the two universities -trainer Breakwater, Thursday. The loom Defendant. J E M IL Y 8( H R O ED E R. Cabinets, Tables, Couutors, Store 1‘ routs, etc. Executrix of the Estate of John Henry TO BARBERY ELLEN WARD, the above Empire............................ 348 95 6 at the action of the committee, but deceased eaves a wife and four Turnin' W o i k a Specialty. All Orders given entitled defenda .t: Hchroeder, deceased. In the Name of the State of Oregon: They must children. 7 M cK n igh t....................... 112 00 nothing can be do Ho was a member iu prompt Attention. You are hereby notified that you nre re­ give up foot- 8 Coquille........................ 1964 quired to appear and nnswer the complaint SUMMONS. ! Grood stand ing of the Foresters lodge filed against von in the above entitled suit j 9 Marshfield..................... 2771 95 ball. M e a ls a t a ll H o u rs and of the i. L . M. ; A T. A. No. 111. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E in which Paris Ward is plaintiff mul yon F tra t-C la s e 1 S T A T E OF OREG O N, IN A N D FOR Barbery F.llen Ward, are defendant, within 10 Cunningham................... 162 Hi F rom 5 a m to 9 P M , ho embalmed and will The body six weeks from the date of the first publi­ T H E C O U N T Y OF COOS: d r a in u — At a meet- 11 Parkersburg................... 343 90 cation o f this smnmons. to-wit: Within six in Iowa by j. A . Coiijeri weeks from the 14th day of February, liKHi. Northwcistern taken to his old 12 Catching Slough........... 288 35 Suit in eq­ Plaintiff the same beiny the date of the first publi­ t was do tided hi 4 wife. uity tofore- cation of this summons; nnd if you fail to 13 North Bend ............... 1702 35 appear and answer on or before the CSth c l o s e a A . P. Campbell and Roths­ day of March, 1906, .he same beiiiR the 14 R iverton....... ,............... 394 40 to abolish inter-collegiate football child A Hadenfeldt, a mortgage. Stomach Troubles and Constipation last day of the time prescribed in the order Corporation, 15 B ig creek.......................146 95 at the uniV. rsitv fur five years. It for publication thereof, a judgment will M H S C O. G IL K E Y . PtoprietoieBB Defendants. Lo.-s of appetite always results T o A. I ’ . Campbell and Rothschild A bo taken aqainst you for wnnt thereof, and 16 Willf.nch slough............. 202 50 was ogre• d to engage ono ntembei S p e c ia l A t te n t io n G iv e n plaintiff will apply to tho court for the re- R e a s o n a b le F a t e to A ll that is Hadenfeldt, a corporation, the above s fief demanded iu his complaint, a succinct 17 Kentuck slough............. 140 95 of tlio faculty to have charge of all from faulty digestion. to C o m m e r c ia l P e o p le entitled defendants; statement of which is as follows: That the R e g u la r B o a r d e r s in led is a few doses of Cliamber- 18 F la gsta ff.........................222 70 athletics. The debts of the athletic IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S TA TE OF | marriage contract now existing hotween ,in’s S:oinac!i and Liver Tablets, you and plaintiff he dissolved nnd held for OREGON' 19 Strangs............................237 85 association, amounting to $ 12,000 i v will invigorate the stomach, I naught, Service of this summons in made by pub­ 20 Fishtrap.......................... 278 J." will be assumed bv the university : i ngtheii the digestion and give You a n ! each of you are hereby noti­ in pursuance of an order made by DR W E T M O R E S . ii an appetite like a wolf. These fied that you are required to appear and lication 21 Randolph........................ 337 85 L. Harlocker, County Judge for Coos answer the complaint filed against you County, Oregon, dated the 10th day of C o n v ic ts B u ild R o a d s . Allots ab i act as a geutlu laxa- 22 North F ork ..................... 117 65 in the above entitled suit within six | UK)»}, and directing publication For sale by R. 8 . Knowlton. week« from the date of the first publica­ February, of tho same in the Coquille H e r a l d , p . 23 L e e ................. 323 70 Governor Chamberlain lias at tion of this summons, to w it: within six weekly newspaper published at tho city of 24 Rackleff...........................263 10 thorized Superintendent James, of Coquille, in said Coos county, Oregon, once For a good bargain in a single weeks from March 7, 190b, and if you a week for a pc riod of six weeks. fail to appear on or before the last day 25 Fairview ..........................227 75 the state prison, to put a crew of A. J. SHERWOOD, iggy and harness or either, eall at of the time prescribed in the order of Attorney for Plaintiff. 26 Haines slough............... 107 45 men at work O the quarry. Twenty- 111 is uflice.* publication to-w it: April 18th, 1906, judgment w ill be taken against you, for SUMMONS. 27 M c K in le y ........................197 45 seven men are working today, and am prepared to treat all Licorice Liver Laxative, tlio best want thereof, for the relief demanded 28 Gravelford .................... 354 00 nre busy in drilling and blasting wo! cleanser. Price 50 ee*nts. in the complaint, a succinct statement IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T OF T H E Medical and Surgical Cases. S TA TE OF O R EG O N IN A N D i• t- ile by R. S. Knowlton, Co- of which is as follows: 29 Tw o M ile........................ 263 10 rock. The county furnishes two F irst: That there be adjudged to be FOR T H E C O U N T Y OF COOS. uidii City; C. Y , Lowe, Bandon. 30 Sumner............................207 55 foremen t. direct the work, and the; due and owing plaintiff from defendant Zetta .lames, ) 31 Carolina...........................141 90 eonTicts are watched by two armed I'm. III.\ t .— A good new eight A. P . Campbell tho sum of $250 and Plaintiff, I S p e d a i Rates m a d e fo r Aaoouehe. interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent i,n liom.' with bath, and anabun- per annum since January 30th, 1904, vs. y Suit in Equity, for a 32 Dora.................................112 60. guards. Only men with a good Geo. W . James, | Divorce. l orries and four garden on the promissory' note in complaint m e n t. 33 Bald H ill......................... 217 05 prison record and adapted to that Defendant. J Is in Coquille, and two small set forth, for an attorney fee of $50, and 34 Catching creek................192 40 particular work have been picked plimcs near town. Apply at the for his costs and disbursements in this TO GEO. W . JA M E S, the above-nam­ ed Defendant: suit. 5 Daniels creek................. 348 95 out to do the \v< rk. HniAi.D office. Second: That a certain mortgage In the name of the state of Oregon; 36 Rogers............................. 141 90 Train Nurses in Attendance. dated January 30. 1904, securing said you are hereby notified that you are re­ The men are taken to their work promissory note, De foreclosed and the quired to appear and answer the com­ 37 Sugar L o a f..................... 107 15 on the street ears each morning. Sewing Machine Repairing. property described therein, to-w it: lot plaint filed against you in the above 38 Ten M ile......................... 192 40 5 in block 58 in E llio tt’s Addition to the entitled suit within six weeks from the For Further Particulars Address . ivid Fulton, of this city, is an expert town of Coquille City, now the city ;of date of the first publication of this sum­ 39 Coos river............. ...... 273 20 aro fi d at the qu irry at tho noun iei .and repairer, and anyone in Coquille, in Coos county,Oregon, be sold mons, to-w it: within six weeks from the 40 L ib b y ..................... ...... 616 GO hour at the cow t v’ri OX] 01180. of his services will do well to call in the manner provided by law, the pro­ 14th day of March, 1900, the same A ceeds be applied to the payment of costs being the date of the first publication of 41 Myrtle Point.......... 95 large cani : ■ : i been stretched ¡ ar his resilience ordrop him a card. of this suit, said sale, including said at­ this summons. 42 Rook creek........... And if you fail to appear and answer torney fee and the sums found to be due 60 over the meg c.-u iher and the purt ANNOUNCEM ENT. Phone 111. COQUILLE. plaintiff herein, and that all persons said complaint on or before the 25th 43 N orw ay.................. ..... 389 35 of til" qua. rv uh mon are day of April, 1906, the same being the claiming under him subsequent to the • wi h to announce myself ns a 44 R o v.............. execution of said mortgage be barred last day of the time prescribed in the for Iho nomination for and foreclosed of all right, claim and order of publication, the plaintiff will 4fi Allegany ... L >tw 1 t listai db.g t, take judgment against you and will of redemption in said premises. ■ f e immissioner of Coos equity li • 46 New Lake.............. ...... 162 * TLtkvd Tliut tho'SvorpUvp, ii any there apply to the court for the relief de­ tfr â fb jL 10 ' ntv, nbj ct to the approval of be, be paid into this court to await the manded in her complaint, a succinct 47 Roland Prairie...... ...... 162 10 re; rat it in of the i Let' rs of the Democratic party further order thereof, and for such other statement of which is as follow s: 48 Shiloh................ Wv guarantee better woi k and further relief as the court may That the marriage contract heretofore rock eiiilv, if. »dH be. r e t di to be ho primary election to lie held deem meet and equitable. existing between plaintiff and defend­ 49 East Marshfield... ......182 f »U piai 1 on the roi F ,it more con- » at lower prices than can be Service of this summons is made by ant be dissolved, set aside and held for pril 20, 1906. 50 Dem ote.......... publication in pursuance of an order n au gh t; that plaintiff be restored to 75 m than a had elsewhere. Do not order I . T. W ri.K L T . her maiden name of Zetta Helieu; that made by L . Harlocker as county judge 51 Utter City ....... ...... 132 o f Coos county. Oregon, dated March she have judgment against defendant Monumental work uniil you 52 Buueroft...... 7th, 1906, directing that service there­ for the costs and disbursements of this Announcement. of be made by publication in the Co­ suit; and for such other and further 53 North slough..... 1 ') ; have called upon or written quille Herald, a newspaper published relief as to the court may seem meet j 54 Bandon...... in Coos and equitable. ■b announce myself us a at the city of Coquille, .mid. us for prices. Herviccvof this summons is made by | 55 Beaver slough f >r the Republican notni- county, once each week for a period of six weeks. publication in pursuance of an order ! ■ i f • 'he office of sheriff of 56 Esterbeck. ........... ...... 122 7t‘ A. J. S H ER W O O D , made by L . Harlocker as County Judge L W ed- n D avid F it . ton , Local Agent, Coquille. ■ milt , subject to the decision Attorney for P lain tiff. of Coos county, Oregon, dated March oouiu slough............. 13th 1906, directing that service of said of til ! . publican voters at the pri- 58 Sunny Side................... j ;7 summons be made by publication there­ STEW AST & WHITE. Props. maw ! I'tinn on April 20th, 1906. of in the Coquille H erald , a news­ NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. 59 Halls creek................... ,.ig 7 ■ P h o n e , M a in 238. b. AV. T u a v e b . paper published at Coquille, in said Notice i3 hereby given that the under­ county, once each week for a period of 60 3dj& D Sts. . M arshfield. Ore. Prosper...........................293 signed has filed in the county court for six weeks. 0 been inur­ Gl Beach view...................... iqo Announcement J. J. S T A N L E Y . Coos county, Oregon, his final account in b a i. h' en di the m atter‘o f tho Administration of the 62 Bear creek....................... 127 7 ried, the Attorney for P lain tiff. Estate of Elvina Root, deceased; and that t announce myself ns a very beaiitifudy celebrated nt the I 63 Enchanted....................... 122 7 «aid court hns sot Thursday, the lf>th day m idat i'c for the nomination for the of March, 1900, as tin? day for hearing ob­ bride's homo in presence o f a lur 64 Four M ile....................... o.'IT : ■flic T ¡lerilf of Co"S county, sub- jections to said acoount and the settlement number of gu -fs and the 'ir'.s of e d said estate. 65 Sitkum............................ j;; iho approval of the electors of Dated 85 this 13th day of Febrvary, 1900, Democratic party at the pri­ 66 Sand H ill....................... 232 Mi Trinity Choir to have b ee the fair URIAH ROOT, bride’s attendants. The lovoiv ll' lion t ■ o. Iioid April 20. Administrator. 67 Excelsior....................... i n ;i() W. AV. G age : de U 68 Larsen slough................. lt ;7 1 wedding p DIGESTS W H A T YO U E A T Paris was The Si .00 bctilacontains 2*4 timesthe trial which sells for 50 cents. sin .1 69 Beaver H ill....... ............ 283 Isaac R. Tower For County Trcastuer. Dr. C. W. Tower. P R B P A R K D O N L Y A T T H B LA B O R A TO R Y OF arations 1 taut event 70 K ing Creek.................... 137 C. D e W I T T Sc C O M P A N £ . C H IC A G O . I L L . 1 wish to announce myself as a ,'ftt of the 71 Buell.............................. i ,;2 K were ah • T o w e r 6c S o n . n d id a u ■the nomination f. r the Thrift hot 72 Conledo.......... , ........... 741 Ili.*o o f ’ isiir.T of O 008 e. unify, But the 73 Pleasant V iew ................ 288 R liA L E S T A T E -I in till ipm-i IvaI of th. Her­ happiness 74 Pleasant H ill ................ 182 TH ("f 11 ] )< ! di" party at the by a conventi.'!] foTu oa» In. held April Pro p erty o f E v e ry D e s c rip ­ 75 Locust G rove................. 137 , J 1) j »(_>(! ¡JU \ day of this v. > . JO, l ‘H) 6 . J. (I S immons 76 Glenn Junction........... 182 tion Han dled. and were qui tir ri» d by *1 untici 77 B ridge........................... . Fcr ;r surveyor. Henson, i o t the necessan 78 W T Dement................... 132 < Phon e M ain 3.| I — Office Lock h art & witnesses kuowi Hg » I I V til ill «'1 tl 77 Upper South Slough..... The umlers gued hereby an- Ford Building. cerf m ■!: \ . Ml . an i Mrs Voi • nue. s hini-' H r. . i candidat- for Joint No. 2 North Lake...... 192 25 1 auske ■ '.ftr i milned tc» dispense will Rep ¡Ul¡can nomination for the MARSHFIELD, - - OREGON. IV. H. Boxen, '* id Could; Surveyor of Cous tile eust "mi rv u ...MirV• • t ulehrn t i<»ri. Co. Siqit, ill! ' , subject to the decision of tin-, hunt d I t nu ou «- ----------- ------------- _ Republican voti is nt the pri- £j®T"The Oregon Coal A Nav keeping in <\> meut» R e a l P o lite n e s s • f.v < I"t t;’ ll "I Aj ri! 20, 1906. The bride, t’ , i; li ter of ir. X. G iu li .. Boston is said to lmvo n sit. t ird Mu A. li t. whose turnio conductor who thanks tho | Capt. Nelaon, M astei, is on the T ally i f or Co •ily Judy I*er when ho receives the l it | W ill make regular trips lietween most attractive dependence has a citizen who tq ■ .m-nijcu i.vse.f ns a candidate City. Of charm ppi armnco and hat his and says "Thank you ” wh< • r neini'iatio for th" office of The Simplex is very simple in construction, easy manners, and )>r • 1 of a sweet ounty . 1 ,, , r Co.- s county, sub- spoken to on the street.— Independ­ to operate, easy to dean and extremely light running soprano voice, 5 ii n<* Tbriit 1ms j ct to' th" ap i oval e I the electors ence Enterprise. been a much so for girl. Slie ‘ if the l>. r "i i n ■ party nt the t'ri- This Steamer is very steady at sea and We once saw a man in Co pullc Any small BOY or GIRL can do the separating with b > held Apri 20, ■ her passenger accommodations are all ! y six Club, execute an elegant military salute a simplex. new, clean and sweet, opening out on and bow to a telephone instrument •T U. Cio il . a young husi- deck and having only tw o berths in a on turning from the machine .1 ft* 1 H IS FULLY GUARANTEED to do as perfect separa­ room. Very superior Second Class. ■ of the bride n conversation with a man in S ,11 tion as any SEPARATOR made. Fare, 1st ('las $10. 2nd Class, $6. Francisco, six hundred miles awn F S D O W . Agent, W . C. Rose. Agt., • in in loving -- ♦ ---------- It will cost you nothing to give it a trial and once Coquille Mar«, field. ii U a ! happt, Manila, Mnr. 24.— A tnh gram 1 installed it will save you time and money as well as ii'ticipnnls in day announces an engagement Is your moscle. S ui Jose tweeu the constabulary and ohm ir*l Pulajanes on the island ,,| S i IF YOU SHOULD NEED A SEPARATOR let us know nun the San rasr. Governor Geo. C Cur. 1 AT N0HTH BEND and we will gladly put one in on trial. LOW CUTS- repo-ted m ining since tin tb i dav Mmcury , Coquille Furniture and BOX FACTORY J - G - F ts h Lone Star Restaurant P R ÍV A T E H O S P IT A L / Dr. WETMORE, Monuments and Headstones COOS CO. MARBLE AND CRANITE WORKS jr © w is th e ta m e To Buy S im p le x H a n d S e p a r a t o r s and get them installed ready for the coming season. Str. M. F. Plant, Coos B a y ana San F ra n cisco WHITE HOUSE For Men f N otice. Owing to the change of non mi nt of the Coquille Mill Sr can til® Co., it kindly rep: patrons whosi hills nre dm •t their office and settle for make arrangement for settler... OoqeitXF. M i l l A M e r c am / (OD» t Ehi V- m R olItiusotr’s Store The Mercy Hospital Is now open for tlio recep­ tion of patients. The terms are #10 per week and upwards. For particulars apply to Sisters of Mercy N O R TH BENl>, OREGON T . H. M E H L & C O M P A N Y 5 > 7S ! C O Q U IL L E OREGON