\Vherean the Secretary of State of The masquerade ball, given by Now York, March 20.—John D. Since the acquittal of Pat Crowe the State of Oregon haa notified me the W. O. W. on St. Patrick’s Day Rockefeller, the richest man iti the the city of Omaha probably needs in writing that pursuant to the pro- was a great success in every way, world, is worrying himself into a no curfew law to induce parents to Walter Culin, M. D. viaious of an Aot entitled "An Act there being a large attendance of state bordering ou insanity in his keep their children off the streets P h y s ic ia n a n d S ukokok making effective the initiative and both maskers and spectators. Fol- heavily-guarded home at Lakewood, at night. CoquiLi.i C i t y , O rk . referendum provisions of Section 1 lowing is a list of the prizes given N. J.. his friends fear today, while Carries a full and complete stock of Kronenberg Bldi According to the physicians of Article IV of the Constitution of by our merchants, and those who his daughter, Mra Charles A. Strong, Telephon* 3. Next Door to P. ( the State of Oregon, and regulating were successful in winning them: wife of the Columbia University Americans eat too much and too elections thereunder, and providing Fattest M a n -W H Schroe- professor, is in France attended by fast. Perhaps they are trying to penalties for violations of provisions der, 1 pair cuff buttons.......$2 00 i the greatest specialists, who are become satisfied before the prices J. J. STANLEY of this act,’’ approved February striving to cure her of the strange of food mount much higher. C O Dryden. 24tb, 1903, a oommittee of citizena Fattest Woman—T H Mehl & delusion that she will die a pauper. LAWYER A Russian Prince was fined $750 of Clackamas County, C, W. Kerns Co, 1 hand decorated vase... 3 00 The delusion seems to grow on Front Street for kicking a porter. Now that Marlin Building, being the chairman thereof, duly Mrs Z C Strang. her, despite the certainty that her the price bus been fixed, those who COQUILLI, O bbooh filed in his office on January 22ndf Ugliest Man—Wilson Jewelry inheritance out of her father’s vast have money will consider it small 1906, an initiative petition contain­ Co, leatherette collar and cuff fortune can scarcely be short of for the pleasure. ing 7761 signatures, properly at­ box........................................... 2 50 $50,000,000. A. J. S her wood, tached to a copy of said measures, 8. W. Johnson. Mr. Rockefeller’s condition is due None of the states ¡ire disputing A ttorn kt at -L a w , certified in accordance with law, de­ Ugliest Woman— Mrs M Nos­ n a large measure, to his daugh­ that Louisiana, as Secretary Hitch­ N otart P ublio , manding that a proposed law, the ier, glove box......................... 2 50 ters (neotal state, his friends aav, cock says, leads all other states in * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7TÑ * Coquille, : : Oregon title, tenor and effect of which is and worry over her is as much to the land frauds discovered. Nora Baumgartner. Even * hereinafter particularly set forth, Slimest Man — Rose’s|^Confeo- be blan.ed as worry over the process Oregon is not looking out for her * * shall be submitted to the legal tionery, smoker’s set............. 2 50 servers who have haunted his steps laurels. * Walter Sinclair, voters of the State of Oregon for and made him take to his beautiful Bird Nosier. T. T. LAND, Proprietor. * The latest reports say that Mr. A ttornkt - at -L a w , their approval or rejection at the Slimest Woman— Mrs Moon, 1 country residence, which in n state ?1s * Rockefeller is in the vicinity of general election to be held in said N otart P u b lic , pair lady’s gloves................ .1 50 of armed siege. He is also distress­ Naples. He has probably sought * state on the 4th day of June, being ed over the illness of his brother. Maude Hastings. Billiard Coquille, : : Oregon. Card rooms * * the shadow ot Vesuvius for the * the firat Monday in June, 1906. Best Sustained Character, lady * * purpose of seeing how a real up­ Now, Therefore, I, Geo. E. Cham- — Strang’s Store, pair shoes..3 00 and and Definitions. * * heaval looks, and to remind him of berlain, Governor of the State of Florence Gilman. Hacker, * affairs at borne. (Tips on the Race of Life.) Oregon, in obedience to the pro­ Best Sustained Character, gen­ Pool Tables Soft Drinks A bstracter of T itlbs * * MOMENTUM—The way your visions of said act herein before tleman- -T T Land, 1 box A New York chemist states that * O o q u il l r C r r r , O r * * first mentioned, do hereby make cigars.........................................2 50 heart beats when you think there’s Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. he can manufacture fiom chemicals * * a chance to get the money. and issue this proclamation to the Qeorge Gilman. a cock tail that can’t be told from * City News Stand. * FIGH T— Most differences are people of the State of OregoD, an­ Comical Costume, lady,— D H the real article. This is an unneces­ * Hall & Hall, * nouncing that the said committee Johnson, ham.........................2 00 started by trivialities. The majority sary work however for few persons * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A ttorn btb - at - L aw , of grave battles result from the fact of citizens of Clackamas county, Edmund Gallier. have ever tasted any other th in the Dottier in K kal E btatr o f *11 kin d *. that attractive woman is likely to be Oregon, C. W. Kerns being the Comical Costumb, gentleman— chemical kind. attractive everywhere, and the M a rs h fie ld , O r e g o n . Chairman of said committee, has M McDonald, 1 shave and trouble begins when two or more filed said initiative petition with the hair cut................................... General Grosvenor who took ex­ men admire her at the game time. ception to the expression ‘‘stand requisite number of signatures Victor Olander. There are other fights but a woman’s pat” and denoun ced it an derived thereto attached, demanding that Oldest Married couple—C M A. Sehlbrede, influence is usuallw at the root of from a disreputable source said of Skeels, hand painted lamp, there sha’l be submitted to the Attorney-at-Lnw, j all belligerency. Mrs Lou Linegar and Mrs legal electors of the State of Oregon his owu campaign in Ohio, “ The Notary Public. Phone 7#1. LUNCHEON— The difference be- cards are stacked and I nm not al­ for their approval or rejection at James Laird. j tween luncheon and lunch is goner- lowed to cut.” Watchmaker and Jeweler, the regular election to be held on Youngest Married Couple— VI a r s h y ir l d , O r b o o n . ! ally about §2.50. Enterprise Meat Co, meat or the 4th day of June, 1906, said day A French woman is coming over HOLD— There are many kinds lard ............... ........................ 2 00 being the first Monday in said F ro n t Stre e t, of holds; a ship has a hold; a pail to t:iia country to study the cause Lentner Gallier and Chas, month, a bill to propose by initiative E. D. 8perry. w ■ 0* Cha»e. hold water; a fellow may hold his of ti, ■ declining beauty of tho Amer­ C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N . Harlocker. petition a bill entitled "A bill to girl; some stories won’t hold to- ican woman and to take such rem­ Handsomest Costume, gentle­ propose by initiative petition a law SPERRY & CHASE, A li w o r k : g u a r a n t f f d man—C M A M Co, shoes 3 50 g e t l i o r ; o o r p o r n t i n n s c a n n o t b n l .l ediable measures In improve and for the abolinbment of tolls on the restore it as may be necessary. their franchises forever gratis; ev­ Attorney t-Rt-LBw. Rackleff Lawhorn. Mount Hood and Barlow Road, and eryone wants to hold his position; This is the nows that comes by way providing for the purchase of the Handsomest Costume, lady— OfBoe in llo b in e in B aild in R , a pretty girl tries to hold every­ of Paris where the Gibson girl lias G A Robinson, shirt waist...3 50 Name by the State of Oregon,’’ the Coquille, - - ' ° re* °n- body’s attention; business men hold become the fashionable ideal of all Dollie Fielder. tenor and effect of which in brief is French women. up; trolley cars never do, etc. to direct the Secretary of State to Most Original Character, gen­ tleman— Little’s store, box purchase the Mount Hood and It looks now us though the Beef £. G. 0. Holden, Just to P lea se the P atient ...............................1 25 cigars............................... Barlow Road from the Pacific Ab­ Trust was to suffer less from Gov­ L aw tbb , Alton Grimes. stract, Guaranty A Trust Company, Patient (to pretty n urse)—Will ernmental investigation than from 0 . 8 . Com m issioner, G eneral Insoranee the owner thereof, for a sum not Smallest Man— F S Slagle, the rapidly increasing number of you be my wife when I recover? labor, will clean and press a b fketto k A gent, and N otary P u b lie. Offio* exceeding $24,00000, and to de­ vegetarians. The simple discovery Pretty nurse—Certainly. suit of clothes. Robert in R ob in eon B u ildin g. liver to said company before the 1st " ~ P j* t » that rheumatism, headaches and Patient—Then you love me? Foulkes. day of September, 1906, or as soon C o q u ille , O r e g o n . bad temper decreased with the num­ Pretty nurse—Oh no; that’s mere­ Saddle Horses of best quality alwnjs on hand. Good Rigs in redi- as said bill may become a law, a Tallest Man —R E Nosier, one ly a part of the treatment. I must ber of porter house steaks left out ncss for special trips. In fact, a general Stogo and Livery business shave and hair cut. Earl warrant upon the State Treasurer keep my patients cheerful. I prom­ of the daily menu is the roost ser­ Accommodations for Taveling men a specialty Elliott. payable out of any moneys in the ised this morning to run away with ious menace that the packers have Leave Coquille at 6 a. m., arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50 A. F. Kir8hman, general fund of the State of Oregon a married man who had lost both to face. Port Orford Tribune. not appropriated in favor of said D bn tist . his legs. E. H. Russell has been appointed A bill has been introduced in corporation for the sum of $24,000. postmaster of Illahe, Oregon, and Congress providing for the removal 00, upon delivery to the said Sec- Office two d oors South o f Post office. Fifth M an C aptured took charge about two months ago. of duty on all works of art brought retary ot Slate of a deed conveying Coquille . - . Oregon. J. H. Freund of Portland spent a to the State of Oregon said road, Bisbee, Arizona, Mar. 20.— K. S. into this country, including oil together with all rights, franchiaes few days in this vicinity looking for j g iropkiDg) tfce fifth man wanted for paintings, water colors, pastels, Governor Stuenenberg assas- original drawings and sketches, en­ anil privileges of every kiud and oil, as near the harbor as possible. character pertaining thereto, and H* has found a place that suits him, | gination tria, wi8 al.re(jted while gravings, etchings and statuary. A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical author aDd hs soon as the title to said road is but tho price per acre is more than 1 crossing from Mexico to Naco this If it succeeds, us its He will ex" j morning and was jailed at Tomb- friends anticipate, the United States and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modem Str. D I S P A T C H conveyed to the stale all tolls of he is willing to pay. Tom W hite, Master every kind and character are to be amine further, and if suitable 8tone> awraiting extradition. He fled will be ou the way for the time in in every particular. Rates from Leave» I Arrive» .10 A-M. abolished and said road free to the grounds can be obtained, he will, Ugt to Mexico from here two weeks its history to become the borne of B a n d on ........ 7 a - m . | Coquille. Bandon . . 4 P M. C on u ille 1 P-li. in 30 days commence boring. art. use of the public. age. nowlton’s Drug Sir ,K DRUGS, MEDICINE, FINE STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES. Josh’s Place, * * c. W.H.SCHROEDER $ ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE . ; wT MARSHFIELD General Hospital C1IJIJILLE ÜIVEÍ STEAMBOAT CO Connect« at Coquille with train for Marsh field and steamer K-’ho for M yrtle Point. A meeting was held ot Port Or­ ford Wednesday, to confer again with Mr. Newton, the right-of-way man. Favorable promises were made iu some instances to be de­ cided by the route of the survey. E. W. Jeosen was selected to rep­ resent Port Orford at a meeting to be held soon at Gold Beach, where Residents of Island Protest an effort will be made to bare the Washington, March 21.— The people of this county unite upon President and Congressmen have definite plan of action. received letters from the Isle of An Exceptional Sentence. Pines, protesting against the pend­ ing treaty, which will perfect the Los Angeles, Match 20.—Edward title of Cuba to the island. They B. Thomas, an ex-United States For­ declare that they are American citi­ est Inspector, was today convicted zens, and that the island belongs to on the charge of having issued this country. They demand con­ fraudulent vouchers and sentenced gressional investigation. to three yearg in the penitentiary Done at the Capitol at Salem, this Fifth day of February, A. D , 1906. (Signed) G eo . E. C hamberlain , Governor. (Signed) F. I . D u n b a r , Secretary of State. Str. F A V O R I T E J . C. Moomaw, Master, Ijeayee I Arrive» •( 'oqnille........ 7 a m . | Bandon. .10:45 a - m . Bandon .......... 1 P-M. | Coquille. 4:45 P-M. S tr. E C H O H. Jam «. Master. Leave* I Arrives M y r t le P o iu t . . .7 a - m . | oqui'Je C’ y 9 30 a - m . Coquille C ity . .1 p - m . | M yitie P ’t ..4 00 p - m . Daily except Sunday. The iftfe and reliable tiwn- t JtT ’ l’he New and Speedy, S tr. E liz a b e th C. P. Jensen. Master. Will make regular trip* between Coquille R iv e r and S a n F r a n c is c o . ITo Stop-over at W ay Porta. Electiic Light*. Everything in Firat Claaa Sty IF YOU ARE THINK! N G OF GETTING YOU Gasoline A . . _ , * • — Physical Culture and Expres­ Mayor Ballinger, of Seattle, has sion always claimed that he had no power to close cigar-store slot ma­ chines or stop dice games for smokes and drinks, but in the final hours of his administration it comes to him like a revelation that he has been mistaken. He has fully prove<] that he was mistaken by do- Mrs. Wootton, of tho Columbia College of Expression, Chicago, will take a limited number of pupils. Apply at N. E. corner 2nd floor of school building between 4 and 5 o’clock p. m. ing the things that for two years he insisted could not be done. Is this a deathbed repentance or merely a spiteful way o f strewing thorns in the path Mayor.elect M oore must tread?— OregoniaD. S L Apple, ex probate judge, Ottawa co., Kansas, writes: ‘‘This is to say that I have used Bullard’s Horehound Syrup for years, aud that I do not hesitate to recom­ mend it as the best cough syrup I have ever used.” 25c, 50c and $1.00. R 8 Knowlton. • -• » » Stomach Troubles and Constipation Loss of appetite always results from faulty digestion. All that is needed is a few doses of Chamber­ lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will invigorate the stomach, strengthen the digestion and give you an appetite like a wolf. These Tablets also act as a gentle laxa­ tive. For Ml* by R S Knowlton, and to pay fines aggregating ¡$7000. Killed By Snowslide He was found guilty on 10 counts. The amouBt of Thomas’ alleged Silvertoo, Colo., March 20.— fraudulent vouchers was less tliaD ! Superintendent Ryer of the Shen­ $ 200 . andoah mine, on the east slope of -------- - «•> • King Solomon mountain, lour miles Keep the little ones healthy and from tbia town, telephones that a happy. Notice. Their tender, sensitive I snow elide occurred there at 11:30, liodies require gentle, healing rem­ Owing to the change of manage­ killing twelve men. Their bodies edies. Hollister’s Rockv Mountain ment of the Coquille Mill A Mer­ Tea will keep them strong and well. have bees recovered. 35 cents. Tea or tablets. R. S. cantile Co., it kindly requests its patrons whose bills are due to call Knowlton. EriQIttCi $15 to $30 per week « «» a -------— - ► Including room, board, general nursing and drugs. Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. - Claude The best Cough Syrup. For Greneral Drayman Successor to W Robinson has completed shelving j 67 dozen of the Brown Shoe Com-1 pany’s shoes. They are up-to-dafe . in style and finish, in fart the most "nifty” lot of shoes ever brought to wn. Call and see ’em. H . M a n s e ll. W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A I N S . All orders handled with carefulness snd expedience. Sale. A three-disc Hancock plow w ill be sold nt a bargain, algo a span of young horpes well broke. Inquire at this office. F ox, A g e n t fo r th e b e s t C o o s C o u n ty C o a l S HORSFALL HOSPITAL MISS L. G GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. A private H o sp ital w e ll e q u ip p e d fo r the tre at­ » ♦ m ent o f s u r g ic a l and m e d ical d ise a se s. Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow. T ra in e d N u rs e s in A tte n d an ce . ders, give instant relief. Price 25 j cents. R. 8. Knowlton, Coquille ‘ City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. Full stock of A. A. Cutter shoes | at Lorenz’s.