Rob i sou’s «'.on i.tib a lug line d D. S p rock ets Noar Death. K s withdrawn from of lad.eB' shut wuiala, musliu uuder- San Francisco^Mar. 19.—John D. the Enterprise meat market of this wear, corset covers, dress skirts I Sprockets ib very near death. Dr. r'^v ’ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21 190«. and underskirts. W. S. Thorne has informed the rol-: The onion sets at Knowlton’s G. E. Pike has purchased the, there is absolutely n o ! drug store are the very best that S om a Prom inent V isitors timber of B. F. Collier a few miles atives t h a t hope. Mrs. Alexander Hamilton, a o«11 be Produced. 12J per pound down the river and is making prep- daughter, has been summoned to Mrs. J. I,. Beau, of Lampu, ao- Cooe Bay was visited this week by coine home from Europe. The dis- companied her sister, Miss Daisv a party of wealthy capitalists from r the outside and their presence here L o st — P oland China male pig, ease is cirrhosis of the liver, and Jackson, to the Buy Monday, on her may be fraught with great impor- six months o ld -b la ck , curly, with the end ia expected iu a few days. way to P°rl and. tance to this section. white face- Find*r rePort to W - 8 - , 7 " " ~ ~ 1 ! F ok S a l e . - Eighty-tive acres, all A n oth er O b je ct Lesson. : uiear, boll8e> baril UU(1 outbuild- In the party were David Eccles, JeB8> near Johnson’s mill. .. . , . , , | ihgs. Good for dairy purposes Marshall J. Kinney and Paul G. | Mrs. Thomas Lane went to _ , has just | Apply to C . A. Peterson, Riverton. her -A n o th e r object lesson yesterday to . , , , Bates, The latter is an insurance Marshfield ,, .. , , , , been given on the need of equal suf- ___ ° „ ___. .__ . __ | man of Portland and a friend of Mr. mother, Mrs. Sherrard, before she ; m frage. The Misssisippi senate has N otice. takes her departure for the valley. Eccles. defeated the billto forbid child labor, Owing to the change of manage­ Mr. Kinney is well kaown here W. W. Gatchell, formerly of Myr- by a vote of 20 to 8. The women ment of the Coquille Mill United State* Senalor> J. A. C o l l i e r , _ __ j that he secured options on certain Plaintiff Suit in eq' Eugene, whom wo mention In a n -'1“ a atro^ > olean maD- and if elect' vs. uity to fore- properties. It is believed that these other column, has decided to locate ed to «^present the people of this A. P. Campbell and Roths­ c l o s e options are still pendins and that with us and has secured the Collier state at Washington, he will get re­ child & Hadenfeldt, a mortgage Corporation, the parties have them under consid­ Results are what we want. building opposite ItobiDson’s store, suits. Defendants. eration. Mr. Cake is a of few promises; be To A. P. Campbell and Rothschild & and will open a drug store at once. Hadenfeldt, a corporation, the above David Eccles is a multi-millionaire is a bard worker and has shown entitled defendants; Misses Gertrude and Georgia of Salt Lake City. His visit here is what he can do as an organizer of IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF of great significance from the fact Johnson returned last week from a big movements by the part be has OREGON• that he is president of the Utah Con­ visit of seven or eight months in taken in the organisation of this You and each of you are hereby noti­ struction company which is practi­ California. They were accompanied state for a more progressive policy fied that you are required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you cally building the Western Pacific by a cousin, Miss Odessa Shelford. of development. Mr. Cake was a in the above entitled suit within six railroad. Mr. Eccles’ contract is for They visited their Uncle Jos, form­ powerful factor in the exploitation weeks from the date of the first publica­ tion of this summons, towit: within six about 700 miles of the road, Salt erly of this place, at Watsonville, that helped to make the Lewis and weeks from March 7, 190«, and if you California, who is conducting a Lake City to Oroville, California, Clark fair Bnch a monumental sue* fail to appear on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order of steam laundry. and is a ten-million dollar job. cess. publication to-wit: April 18th, 1906, A musical and literary entertain­ judgment will be taken against you, for Mr, Eccles is largely interested want thereof, for the relief demanded in other enterprises, and beside be­ ment will be given at the Masonic Stomtch Troubles and Constipation in the complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follow s: ing worth four or five millions him­ Hall Saturday, March 24th, at 8 F irst: That there be adjudged to be Loss of appetite always results self, it is said he commands many o’clock sharp, under the auspices of due and owing plaintiff from defendant All that is A. P. Campbell the sum of $250 and the M. E. Church, South. Forget from faulty digestion. millions more. needed is a few doses of Chamber­ interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent Mr. Eccles is also president of the your troubles while you enjoy the lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. per annum since January 30th, 1904, fine program which consists of in­ Frst National Bank of Ogden, pres­ They will invigorate the stomach, on the promissory note in complaint set forth, for an attorney fee of $50, and ident of the Amalgamated Sugar strumental and vocal solos, male strengthen the digestion and give for his costs and disbursements in this Company of Utah, president of the quartet, mixed quartette and select you an appetite like a wolf. These suit. Second: That a certain mortgage Sumpter Valley Railroad Company, readings. The leading local artists Tablets also act as a gentle laxa­ dated January 30, 1904, securing said tive. Forsale by R. S. Knowlton. promissory note, be foreclosed and the president of the Mount Hood Rail­ assisted by Mrs. G. R. Oarlock will property described therein, to-wit: lot road Company, and president of the make this the best of the season’s Sewing Machine Repairing. 5 in block 58 in Elliott’s Addition to the entertainments. Admission, 25c; town of Coquille City, now the city |of Oregon Lumber Company which David Fulton, of this city, is an expert Coquille, in Coos county,Oregon, be sold has mills at Baber City, Hood River reserved seats now on sale at lieaher and repairer, and anyone in in the manner provided by law, the pro­ Knowlton’s, 35c; childron, 15c. and Inglis on the Columbia. aeed of his services will do well to call ceeds be applied to the payment of costs of this suit, said sale, including said at­ The conjeoture was that Mr. Ec­ We are pleased to announce with at hie residence or drop him a card. torney fee and the sums found to be due cles wus b o r o l o o k i n g o v e r o u r tim­ this issue the opening of a new I piaintiff herein, and that all persons ANNOUNCEMENT. claiming under him subsequent to the ber resources, possibly in the in- real estate business under title of I said mortgage be barred Coquille Jerald. nnd said that in any event his visit would result in much good for us. Mr. Eccles’ favorable impression will result in attracting the atten­ tion of mnDy people to Coos Bay. Tho party came in on the Kilburn last Saturday and left Wednesday morning on the Drain stage.—Coos Bay Harbor. D em ocratic M ass M eeting. welcome the new firm, and assure tho people who enlist their property with them, that they will be fairly and honorably dealt with. Mr. Lyons appears as manager aud Mr. Hawkins secretary. The place of business will bo in the Martin building, one door west of Knowl­ ton’s drug store. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomi­ nation for the office of sheriff of Coos county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the pri­ mary election on April 20th, 1906. _________ \i. W. T b a v e r . Announcement I wish to announce myself as a It. Robinson, of Tillnmook, who candidate for the nomination for the is known as the best cheese man on office of sheriff of Coos county, sub­ the coast, was in town last week, ject to the approval of the electors of the Democratic party at the pri­ looking around among the farmers. mary election to be held April 20. He started his factory at Norway on 1906. _ W. W. G ao e J Monday March 11th. This factory F o r C ounty Treasurer. was formerly operated by the Carl I Bros., but Mr. Robinson ha« leased I wish to announce myself as a the plant for a term of five years, candidate for the nomination for the having run the factory for a short office of Treasurer of Coos county, subject to the approval of the elec­ time last fall. Mr Robinson has a tors of the Democratic party at the decided advantage over his com­ primary election to be held April petitors in the cheese line, as his 20, 1906. J. C. S immons brand, “Golden Cheddar,” is known For Surveyor. all over the coast country as being the highest grade of cheese possible The undersigned hereby an­ to make, and equal in all respects to nounces himself aB a candidate for the New York make. He is pre­ the Republican nomination for the pared to give to give his patrons office of County Surveyor of Coos the benefit of the market he has county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters at the pri­ built up, and has proved that they mary election on April 20, 1906. will be well and fairly treated. A. N. G ould . ;d of all right, claim and unption in said premises, it the overplus, if any there ito this court to await the thereof, and for such other r<-iivt «« me court may ul equitable. Ids summons is made by n pursuance of an order larlocker as county judge ty, Oregon, dated March •ecting that service there >y publication in the Co iju.i.u 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 J, a newspaper published at the city of Coquille, in Coos county, once eacli week for a period of six weeks. A. J. SHERWOOD, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice H hereby given that the under­ signed has hied in the connty conrt for Coos county, Oregon, his hnnl account in the mutter o f the Administration of the Estate of Elvina Hoot, deceased; and that said court has set Thursday, tile 15th day of March, 1906, as the day forbearin g ob­ jections to said aooount and the settlement of said estate. Dated this 13th day of Febrvary, 1906, URIAH ROOT, Administrator. Mrs. Nosler’s Locals. Ladies’ muslin underwear iu all kiuds. THE PRACTICAL BLACKSMITH J. T . HARTLEY, Everything pretty iu embroideries , aud laces—the daintiest you ever saw. A swell line of h !1 over laces and embroideries. Horse h oeing, Wagon Making, and All Kinds o f Forge Work. Ladies’ shirt waists in all pretty MACHINE SHOP, styles, Special Attention Giuen to A ll Kinds of Lathe Work. A complete line of iufauls' wear, the very nicest, consisting of long i and short dresses, skirts, caps, j hoods, etc. All the above goods just in also a complete line of G D. Corsets. Coquille, Oregon. Goquille furniture SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR j THE COUNTY OF COO?. Paris Ward. ) Plaintiff, I va. 'S a it in equity fo ri Barbery Ellen Ward, I divorce. Defendant. J MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes TO BARBERY ELLEN WARD, the above- Cabinets, Tablos, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. entitled defendant: Turning Work a Specialty. All Orders given In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby notified that you are re­ prompt Attention. quired to appear and answer the complaint I tiled against you in the above entitled suit in which Paris Ward is plaintiff and you, i M ea ls at a ll H ours Barbery Ellen Ward, are defendant, within First-C lass six weeks from the date o f the first publi- I From 5 a m to 9 P M, oation o f this MUnmona, to-wit: Within all weeks from the 14th day of February, ItK)6. the same being the date o f the first publi­ cation of this summons; and if yon fail to , appear and answer on or before the 28th day o f March, 1906, the same being the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publication thereof, a judgment will M RS. C. O. G IL K E Y , Proprietor«»» be taken against yon for want thereof, and plaintiff will apply to the oourt for th<* re R eason a b le R a te to S p e c ia l A tten tion G iv en ief demanded in his complaint, a succinct to O o m m e r o la l P e o p le statement o f which is ns follows: That the j R e g u la r B oard ers marriage contract now existing between | yon end plaintiff be dissolved and held for naught. Service o f this summons in made bv pub­ lication in pursuance of an order made by L . Harlocker, County Judge for Coos County, Oregon, dated the 10th day of February, 1906, and directing publication | of the same in the Coquille H b b a l d , a . weekly newspaper published at the city of Coquille, in said Coos couuty, Oregon, once a week for a period of six weeks. A. J. SHERWOOD, Attorney for Plaintiff. and BOX FACTORY J- G- Fish Lone Star Restaurant f DR. W E T M O R E ’S PRIVATE HOSPITAL SUMMONS. / om prepared to treat all Medical and Surgical Cases. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS. Zetta James, ) Plaintiff, I vs. Suit in Equity for a Geo. W . James, | Divorce. Defendant. J TO GEO. W . JAMES, the above-nam­ ed Defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon; you are hereby notified that you are re­ quired to appear and answer the com­ plaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit within six w’eeks from the date of the first publication of this sum­ mons, to-wit: within six weeks from the 14th day of March, 1906, the name being the date of the first publication of this summons. And if you fail to appear and answer said complaint on or before the 25th : day of April, 1906, the same being the lait day of the time prescribed in the order of publication, the plaintiff will take judgment against you and will apply to the court for the relief de­ manded in her complaint, a succinct j statement of which is as follows: That the marriage contract heretofore existing between plaintiff and defend­ ant be dissolved, set aside and held for naught; that plaintiff be restored to her maiden name of Zetta Belieu; that she have judgment against defendant for the costs and disbursements of tfiis suit; and for such other and further relief as! to the court may seem meet and equitable. Service of this summons is made by publication in pursuance of an order made by L. Harlocker as County Judge of Coos county, Oregon, dated March 13th 1906, directing that service of said summons be made by publication there­ of in the Coquille H erald , a news­ paper published at Coquille, in said county, once each week for a period of six weeks. J. J. STANLEY. Attorney for Plaintiff. Spealal R a t » » m a d » fo r A o .o u e h ». m ent. Train Nurses in Attendance. For Further Particulars Address Dr. WETMORE, Phone 111, COQUILLE, 0REG. Monuments and Headstones Wo guarantee better ujo/k at tower prices than can be had elsewhere. Do not order Monumental work until you have called upon or written us for prices. D avid F ulton , Local Agent, Coquille. STEWART & WHITE, Props. P h on e, M ain 238. 3d|& D Sts , Marshfield. Ore. COOS CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Pursuant to a call of tho chair­ man of the county central commit­ tee a mass meeting of the Demo­ cratic party of Coos county was DIGESTS W H A T Y O U E A T The $1.00 bottle contains 2tt time» the trial else, which tells for 50 cent* lasse R. Tower Dr. C. W. Tower. held at the courthouse in Coquille, PR E PA R E D O N L Y A T T M 1 LA B O R A TO R Y OP March 15th. A committee of six E . C. D e W IT T Sc C O M P A N Y , C H ICA G O . IL L . was appointed to draft resolutions declaring the principles of the pnrty. R E A L E S T A T E The committee reported with reso­ lutions recommending ndhoronco to Property of Every Descrip­ the general principles of democ­ racy which have governed the tion Handled. party in the past, and those set forth bv the Democrats of the state Phone Main 3 4 1—Office Lockhart & in mass meeting assembled at Port­ Ford Building. land on the 7th inst, and also reo MARSHFIELD, • • OREGON. ommending an economical admin­ istration of affairs of our county, and a more general distribution of ¿ l ^ r ’Tho Oregon Coal A Nav ( V . - J g j road funds on the different roads of the county, which were adopted ------------ - a » a a ■■ The Farmers' Institute for Coos The following named persons were Capt. Nelson, Mastei, For County Judge. county met at North Bend last Fri­ suggested as candidates for the Will make regular trips between day, the 17th, and completed their nomination of couuty central com­ I annouuce myself ss a candidate organization by adopting a consti­ for nomination for the office of | mitteemen for the ensuing two The Simplex is very simple in construction, easy tution and by laws. There was a County Judge of Coos couuly, sub­ years in their respective precincts: to operate, easy to clean and extremely light running good attendance and Prof. W. C. ject to the approval of the electors Chris Rasmussen, Bandon; John L. Hawley, of Willamette University, of the Democratic party at the pri­ This Steamer is very steady at sea and Barker, Burton Prairie; Wm Moore, Any small BOY or GIRL can do the separating with mary eleciion to be held April 20, being at Noitli Bend, was asked to her passenger accommodations are all 1906. Coaledo; Z T Siglin, Coos City; a simplex. address the meeting which he did new, clean and sweet, opening out on John Porter, North Coos River; W J H. C e c il . in a very able and interest ng man­ deck ami having only two berths in a IJ IS FULLY GUARANTEED to do as perfect separa- Norton, Coos River; A J Sherwood, room. Very superior Second Class. ner. L. J. Simpson was elected ; East Coquille; J J Lamb, West Co- | £2 tion as any SEPARATOR made. Fare, 1st Class. $10. 2nd Class, f6. permanent chairman. E. R. Peterson quillt; W W Lawhorn, Dorn; T H W . C Hose, Agt., F. S. D O W Agent, secretary, R. C. Dement of Myrtle It will cost you nothing to give it a trial and once Barry, Empire; Jas Rookard, En­ Coquille. .Marsh Held. Point vice president nnd Orvil installed it will saue you time and money as well as chanted Prairie; J A Cope, Four- Dodge treasurer. The next meet­ mile; Peter Peterson, Lake; Webb \ your moscle. ing will be held in this city April Mast, Lee; J A Matson, North 17, 190‘i. All person who wish to IF YOU SHOULD NEED A SEPARATOR let us know Marshfield; E B Heabrook, South join at that time can do so by sign­ AT NOIPH BEND and we will gladly put one in on trial. Slough: A. D. Boone, Sumner and ing the constitution and paving a C. P. Colemnn, Tenmile. Is now open for the reee|>- fee of fifty cents. The object of tion uf patients. The terms Deputy Game Warden S. W. the institute is to enable farmers, are $10 per week and Noah arreste 1 L. C. Pauli for hav­ and any one interested, to meet and upwards. For particulars ing the carenss of a deer in his pos­ discuss problems that would be of apply to se sion on twfc l.'itli inst. Pauli was interest to farmers, giving exper- anuigned before Judge Cecil the iei ces in experiments nnd thus ed u -, ^ COQUILLE OREGON day following, plead guilty and was cate i a ti other and elides ver to bet- ter conditions. fiued $25 and costs. (For sale at Robinson’s Store NORTH BEND. OREGON % ZS ZS S ZS S ZS S ZS ZS ZS ZS Z^ ^ DYSPEPSIA CURE T ow er & Son. N ow is the time To Buy Simplex Hand Separators Str. M. F. Plant, and get them installed ready for the coming season. Coos Bay and San Francisco The Mercy Hospital T. H. MEHL Sisters of Mercy S COM