Colmile limitò. V ol . COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCII H , 1906. 23: No. 26. Entered se second-data m atter May ft, 190ft, at the poa tuffi ce at Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congrees of March 3,1879. Walter Culin, M. 0. P h ysic ia n a n d S uso son C oquillb C ity , Oaa. Kronenberg Bid] N ext Door to P. < T elep h on e 3. J. J. STANLEY LAW YE R Front Street Martin Building, C o q u il l i , Oaaooa A. J. Sherwood, ATTOBN1T -AT-I i AW, N otant P ublio , Coquille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A tto bniy - at -L aw , N otant P ublic , Coquille, : : Oregon. /. Hacher, A or T itles . b strac ter C oquille C ity , O rb Hall A Hall, A ttobnets - a t -L a w , Dealer ia R eal E state o f a ll kinds. Marshfield, Oregon. Looking Oregonward Votera, Attention. Students Form Club. $1.50 P kh Y e a r . i Gravelford Items. As it has been some time since I The primary law of our state Tbe members of the Coos County In the Sacramento Union, of re Club o f Albany College want tbeir saw any news from this place in cent date, there appears editorial not as well understood by many n comment upon the fact that of late it shoutd be. I t is no trick of the friends at home to know what they your paper, I concluded to write V quite a body of California capital politician. I t is one of the best are doing, so the writer was in some. has come to Oregon, and notably safe-guards against bis tricks tbe structed to send a letter to the TLe North and East Fork loggers to Portland, for investment The people have today. It only needs H ebald , as that is the paper seen have been very busy around Gravel- Carries a full and complete stock o« Union takes a broad and generous to be understood and used by the by most of our families. The ob­ ford for several days and business Tbe ject of tbe Club is, as one of tbe is booming in our little town. view of tbe matter, indicating that people to prove its merits. Oregon appears a splendid field for faot that the politician and some of members aptly expressed it, “ To Mr. Fred Moser has gone to investment, and that the movement the papers Doted for graft 'are op­ keep each other from gotting home­ Prosper on a business trip. o f California capital in thie direction posed to the law, should warrant s sick,” and the aim is purely to pro­ Miss lues Bunch, who has been should be a source of pride to tbe thorough trial of it by the people, mote a feeling of good fellowship attending the Academy all winter, I f the law does not give good re­ among the members, rather than ac­ citizens of tbe Golden State. left for her home last Monday. In this attitude the Union be­ sults in thii election it will be be. tively along literary lines. Our Miss Ida Hammerloff visited the speaks tbe liberal attitude of tbe cause the people do not understand meetings are held whenever all the Misses A D g ie and Litha Frantz, genuine Californian, tbe approval of or appreciate it, and give it a fair members decide it best to have one, last week. trial. a people who have accomplished and on suoh occasions all formality Miss Lillian Clinton who has been Politics are corrupt and controlled is thrown aside and each one en­ great things themselves and are ready to enlist their surplus energy by oorrupt men, mainly because deavors to be happy himself and absent for a couple of weeks visit­ ing friends and relatives in Myrtle and their surplus cash to the devel good men took no interest in the make the others happy. * * opment of territory and the build caucus or convention in the past, At our last meeting officers were Point, returned home last Saturday. * ing of enterprise in which their The primary law was framed to give elected. George K io g passed through our Walter Hodge was unan­ * * neighbors are interested. This all men an equal chanbe to name imously chosen president, John town the other day with a drove of * movement of California capital the candidates of their prrty, and L eggett was made vice president cattle. T. T. LAND, Proprietor. * Oregonward is not philanthropy, to if all Republicans and Democrats and Gladys Easton secretary. After Tom W right and Ray Lewis vis­ * be sure. I t is simply the indication would register their politics and at­ the business was completed a brief ited at the boarding hall the other * Billiard Card rooms * of that breadth of business princi­ tend the primary, good men, with program was rendered, adding evening, and report a pleasant time. ple which makes for tbe co-opera­ few exceptions, would be nominated much to tbe enjoymeut of the even­ Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Krantz gave and and tion of communities in tbe largest on those tickets for the various ing, Miss Neva Hatteberg, of a swell reception last 8aturday * measure possible, and the advance offices. Many good men are reg­ North Bend, was warmly welcomed evening in honor oi Miss Litha’s Pool Tables ___ _ Soft Drinhs * istered as Independents who ought by the society early in the term, ment of the general interests. eighteenth birthday. The supper * The Union expresses itself in by all mens to register as Republi. and a few weeks later we were which was a splendid affair was * By so doing terms of felicity that California has cans or Democrats. Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. sed with the return of Miss served at half-past eight o ’clock, * they may help to name the ticket of Nellie Kerrigan, of Coquille, one reached that stage where it and the table fairly groaned be­ City News Stand. * spare capital for investment outside their party, and may vote independ­ who was an enthusiastic member of neath its load of dainties. After * the state. We, of Portland, join in ent in tbe election if the ticket our Club last year. The members \i/ \»/ \\y \{/ \i/ \i/ \i/ ni / \y w \\/ \ l / \ i / \i/ si/ \i/ y \is m / \u m / ws w the refreshments were partaken of, /T\/F /K 7K 7k /i\ /K /t\ /K / i \ 7K /K /l\ /K /N ^ 7i\ 7K /K /l\ / in ?K / is 7T\ 7l\ the sentiment most heartily, and named does not suit them. not already mentioned are Miss games were in order and indulged Our Australian ballot system Myrtle Hodge, of Fish trap, Mr. H. with the more enthusiasm from the in until past midnight. A large fact that Oregon appears to be the guarantees every one independence O. Nettleton, from the banks of the number of guests were in attend­ chosen field for California exploita­ in voting. Our primaly law gives bonnie Pulaski, and Mr. Roy Mor­ ance, and Miss Litha was the re­ all a chance to take part in naming gan, of Coquille. tion. ~ cipient of mauy handsome and use­ We can assure the Union, or any the candidates of our party if our A lth o u g n we are s o rry th at sev­ ful presents. Following are the of the Union's friends or patrons, party polled 25 per cent of the votes eral w h o w e re w ith us last y e a r w ere names of those present: Mr. and P that California capital makes no cast at the last election. unable to retu rn , w e fe e l g r e a t ly Mrs. M. J. Krantz, Mr. and Mrs. J. fe Both are safe laws for the people e n c o u ra g e d w ith the c o n d itio n o f mistake in coming to Portland or to G. Wright, the Mieses Augio Krantz, P any part of Oregon. Whatever is and should be upheld by them. o u r society, and r e jo ic e in the h ope Ines Bunch, Susie Stemmier, Opal lî> worth the money that is seeking in­ Let good men announce themselves o f a much la r g e r m em b ersh ip n ex t 'irautz, Susie Knight, Georgia » F ro n t Street, vestment we have it to show. W e for office and let all men of both year. O ne of the M emuebs . Leep, Luda Krantz, Sylvia Culbert­ !t> have opportvnities and advantages old parties attend the primary, and son, Metta Hansen, Maud Weekly, which cannot be excelled anywhere, let ub prove the merits of this law Primary L a w is Construed Verna Weekly, Nellie Clark, Edith b I t may be an in. cannot be equaled elsewhere we will in this section. SwaD, Anna Swan, Ray Carey, Ida Ai_L W O R K G U A R A N T E E D . Salem, Oregon, Feb. 28.— That justice to new parties but that can assert, excepting, as, of course, we Carey, the p one man may be tbe candidate of Hammerloff, Lottie must in courtesy, tbe State of Cali­ be remedied later. Messrs. Tom W right, Harry Slagle, W W W W W W W W W W W W both political parties was decided W . W . R osebaugh . fornia. W e have an indefinite Mattie Weekly, by Attorney General Crawford to­ Walter Krantz, lease on the advantages, and tbe Louis Folsom, Vance Weelky, Robt. day, in an opinion rendered in re­ ■upyly of resources is as inexhaust­ Repeal ol Timber and Stone Act. Slagle, Vake Stemmier, Archie H ol­ sponse to an inquiry from W. J. ible as the ozone o f our mountains Yesterday’s dispatches recorded lenbeck, Tom Weekly, Taylor and forests. Just now it is bargain the refusal of the publio lands com­ Moore, District Attorney at Lake- Bunch, Santie Weekly, A lec Cul. view. The bypothetcial case sub­ day in Oregon for the wide-awake mittee of tbe House to allow the bertson, Arthur Bennett, and Earl investor. W e depend upon the bill prepared in accordance with the mitted was that of a candidate, who Slagle. A very pleasant time was shrewdness of our California broth­ recommendation of the Public Land in the primaries, was on both the Commission for the repeal of the Republican and the Democratic had by all, and ws wish to thank ers to tnke due and proper notice timber amt stone act to have a show tickets and received a plurality vote the kind young hostess and wish of all these facts.— Portland Tele- for its life in the House. By repe­ her many happy returns of the day. grara. tition of last year’s tactics the bill for the office in each instance. The Saddle Horses of best q u a lit y always on band. Good R igs in reili- B luebell K atzenjammer . ruling o f the Attorney General is has been killed for this session also. ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and L ivery business. While the above isRo of Portland This will be glad news to manv a that the office-seeker thereby be­ Accommodations for Tavelii:'’ *■»»•- ...'oi*- The National Educational Asso­ and the Willamette valley, it also a man who has his eye on a quarter comes the nominee of both parties, Leave Coquille at fi a. m., ai livin g at Rosi hi.. , .. ... . . section that he can buy from the fact that the superior advantages and his name must be printed on ciation will bold its annual conven­ Nation for $400 and then sell to a tion in San Francisco from July 7th of C oob county were recognized by syndicate for $1000; also to those the generat ballot at the election in to July 14th of this year. The jieo- Californians, particularly Hum- speculators who, by this means, June. boldters, several years ago, and now hive a chance to round off their The same would be true if a man ple of San Francisco, of California a very gn at number of our best ownership and pick up some leav- \ were an aspirant for a Republican and, in fact, the people of the whole dairy farms are owned or controlled ings from their last gathering-in. nomination and his name were writ­ Pacific Coast, are preparing a wel­ It will administer yet another come and a reception to the teach­ by ex-California dairymen, and snub to the forestry officials, who ten into the Democratic primary more are constantly arriving. have been trying to establish a wise, ballots, thereby giving him a plu­ ers, the equal of which has never been given to any similar organi­ rational forestry system, of which rality of the Democratic votes. A private hospital for the care and treatment o f medical, surgical the foundation should be the own­ zation. The people of California Raoier Takes a Smoke ership by tbe Nation of the land on ve established a reputation for and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern Gives Health, Vigor and Tone. Seattle, Wash., March 6.— Huge which the timber grows, the sale of generous hospitality and those who the timber, as it ripens, nt some­ in every particular. Rates from Herbine is a boon for sufferers clouds of steam and smoke were thing like its real value, and th e 1 from anemia. By its U9e tho blood have attended any convention held emitted from Mount Ranier this chance to reforest the lands. And is quickly regenerated and the col­ within the Golden Gate of late morning. Thousands o f people are the reclamation service will see an­ or becomes normal. The drooping years eagerly attest that fact. But j watching i t It comes in puffs, then other proof that its teachings, on the strength is revived. The languor the preparations now in progress 1 Including room, biard, g-neral nursing and drugs. clears away, and then comes again. function of timber lands ia con­ ie diminished. Health, vigor and for the reception anil entertainment servation o f water supplies, has fal­ tone predominate. New life and Observers at the weather bureau of the teachers surpass all former len on deaf ears ] happy activity results. Mrs. Belle state tbe university is watching it So the weary work has to begin H. Shriel, Middlesborough, 111., efforts at entertaining. with intense excitement. again. The deciding impulse id the writes, I have been troubled with Low rates of transportation, im­ Wyoming congressman’s mind seems liver complaint and poor blood and proved facilities and the exceptional Ths Hast Cough Syrup. to be that because in his bwu slate have found nothing to benefit me attractions on the Pacific Coast will 8 L Apple, ex probate judge, there is no timber land worth pre­ like Herbine. I hop*- never to be serving, therefore uo other state Ottawa co., Kansas, writes: “ This with out it. I have wished that I undoubtedly induce many teachers is to sny that I have used Ballard’s shall have a chance to have its tor- bail known of it in my husband's to make the trip. The teachers that Horehound Syrup for yenrs, and ests protected .—Oregonian. will go and those whom circum­ life time.” 50c. R 8 Knowlton. that I do not hesitate to recom­ ------ » - — .------- stances may keep away will take mend it as the best cough syrup I In the spring time you renovate HOUSE FOR R E N T much interest in the trip across the have ever used.” 25c, 50c and your house. W hy not your body? A five-roomed house and four lot continent, in the reception and en­ $1.00. R 8 Knowlton. H ollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea near the Christian church, with Successor to W H . M ansell. drives out impurities, cleanses and plenty of fruit, 2J lots being rich tertainment which will be given in For Sale. enriches the blood and puriñes the bottom. No charge for the garden their honor, and in matters pertain­ 35 cents. R. 8. lots if rented for the summer. In ­ in g to tbe convention. A three-disc Hancock plow will entire system. W IL L M E E T A L L B O A TS A N D T R A IN S . be sold at a bargain, also a span of Knowlton. quire at the H erald office. ------— mum-------— A ll orders handled with carefulness and expedience. young horses well broke. Inquire Strikes Hidden Rocks. For every 25o worth o f goods at this office. P h y s ic a l Culture and E xp res- When your ship of health strikes you purchase at Mrs. Nosler’s store sion the hidden rocks of Consumption, Champion Liniment lor Rheumatism the purchaser will be entitled to a Mis. Wootton, o f the Columbia Pneumonia, etc., you nre lost, If Chns Drske. a mail carrier at guess at tbe $10 gold piece to be College of Expression, Chicago, will you don’t get help from Dr. K ing’s Chapinville. Conn., ssvs: •‘Cham­ given to the best guesser. New Discovery for Consumption. take a limited number ol pupils. berlain's Psin Balm is tbe cham­ J. W . McKinnon, o f Talladega F or S a l e . — Or trade for cattle, j pion of nil liniments. The past Apply at N. E. corner 2nd floor Springs, Ala., writes: " I hail been year I w:ig troubled a great deal two fine mares, weight 1100 and of school building between 4 and 5 very ill with Pneumonia, under the and 1300. Enquire o f W . B with rheumatism in my shoulder. o’clock p. m. care o f two doctors, but was getting Alter trying several cures tbe store Rohrer, Arago no Detter when I began to take Dr. keener here recommended this rem­ Robinson has completed shelving ’ K in g’s New Discovery. The first A private Hospital w ell equipped fo r the treat­ A Sale Couch Medlotng lor Children. edy and it completely cured me.” jdose gave relief, and one bottle 67 dozen of the Brown Shoe Com- There is no use o f anyone suffering In buying a cough medicine for| m ent of surgical and m edical diseases. Sure cure for sore Ib e y are up-to-date j cured me.” from that painful ailment when children never be“ afraid to bay P»ny'e shoes. i throat, bronchitis,'coughs and colds. this l i n i m e n t c a n be obtained for a Chamberlaiu’s Cough Remedy, in style and finish, in fact the most T rain ed Nurses in Attendance. I Guaranteed at R. 8. Knowlton’s small sum. One application gives There is no danger from it and re- ..nifty” lot of shoes ever brought to | drugstore, price 50c and $1.00. T r i­ prompt relief and its continued use lief is always sure to follow. I t is WQ c . „ tnd >a) al bottle free. F o r Information Address for a short time w ill produce a per­ especially valuable for colds, croup | --------- —•—------- nowlton’s Drug Stcr DRUGS, MEDICINE, F IN E STATIONERY, TO ILET ARTICLES. Josh’s Place, I $ C. A. Sehlbrede, Attorney-at-Law, Notary Public. Phone 781. M arshfield , O regon . E. D. Sperry. W. 0. Chase. SPERRY A CHASE, Attorneys-at-Law. Offloe in Robinson Building, Coquille, - Oregon. E. 6. D. Holden, L awyer , U. 8. Commissioner, General Insoranoi Agent, and Notary Poblio. Oflloe in Robin son Building. Coquille, Oregon. I A. F. Kir8hman, D e n t is t . Offin« two doors Bouth of Post offleo. Coquille . - . Oregon. COQUILLE RIVER STE\\I80AT CO Str. D I S P A T C H Tom White, Master Leaves I Arrive« Band«*n . . . . . 7 a - m . j Coquille----- 10 a - m . ( 'onuills...... 1 r-M. | Bandoo------ 4 F-M. Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield and steamer E^ho for Myrtle Point. Str. F A V O R I T E J. O. Moomaw, Master, Lrayes I Arrives (Coquille...... 7 a m . | Bandon. .10:45 a - m . l'sndon........ 1 P-M. | Coquille. 4:45 F-M. Str. EC FÍO H. .1 nut M.nter. 'Leaves I .Irritre* U yrtlePoiut. . .7 a - m . | «»quille C’y 9 30 a m . Coqnille City. .1 p - m . | Myf«»e P ’t . 4 00 f - m Daily exoept Sunday. Str. W E L C O M E J. fi. Myers, Masters. I reave« I Arrives Myrtle Point 1:30 F-M. I Coquille C j 400 f - m . Coquille City 7:00 a - m . | Myrtle F t 10:00 a m . Connects with lower-river boats at Coquille City for Bandon and intermediate points. Ample bargee for handling freight. Sewing Machine Repairing. David Fulton, of this city, is an expert Uealier and repairer, and anyone in ieed o f liis rervices will do well to call at his residence or drop him a card. g m - ri»- «ale and reliable tiw n -^ U f »crew New and S tr. E liz a b e t h C. P. Jenaan. M aster W ill make reculer tripe betweee C oquille River and San Francisco. Wo Stop-over at W a y Porta Electric L igh ts. E veryth in g ia First Cista Style. m W.H. SCHROEDER Watchmaker and Jeweler, C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N . P P ROSEBURG-MYRTLE Pum i- STAGE Li NE B. P E 1 ÏT O W P ro M AR SH FIELD General hospital $£1*5 to $ £ 3 0 per week Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. Claude F ox, Greneral Drayman A g e n t fo r th e b e s t G o o s C o u n ty C o a l M HORSFALL HOSPITAL MISS L. G. GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. W m . H o rs manent cure. Knowlton. For sale by R, S. and whooping cough. by R. S. Knowlton. For sale Full stock of A. A. Cutter shoee Steel-cut Oats for breakfast mush I at Lorenz’s. at Drone’s. ’Phone 631. , Marshfield, Oregon.