Coquille Herald. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 190«. Royal Neighbors Organize. Royal Neighbors of America was Organized in this city on the even­ ing of Feb. 27th with a charter list of 29. Deputy Clara E. Mills suc­ ceeded in making a splendid show­ ing as the result of five days’ work in our towu and it speaks volumes for the popularity of the Royal Neighbors. The order was started in 1895, as the auxiliiary of the Modern Woodmen and has grown to be nearly, if not quite the largest lubes' order in America today. Deputy Mills was ably assisted in the task of instituting the camp by a large force o f enthusiastic Royal Neighbors from Myrtle Point, they haying come down on a chartered steamer. After the organization was com­ pleted the name of “ Laurel” Camp was decided upon. The following officers were elected: Oracle, Qoldie B. Ferrin; Vice Oracle, Eunice Rob­ erts; Chancellor, Tullia A- Benham; Recorder, Edna Kelly; Receiver, Addie Newton; Marshal, Maud New­ ton; Inner Sentinel, Viola Beryle; Outer Sentinel, Cora Gilkey; Man­ agers, Eddie Clinton, Mrs. D. F.Dean and Hattie Scranton; Physician, Dr. Wetmore; Past Oracle, Hattie Scranton; Assistant Marshal, May­ nard Tosier; Chief Forester, Eddie Clinton. After election was over refresh­ ments were served and the entire party threw care and responsibility to one side and everyone seemed to determined to get ns much enjoy­ ment out of the occasion as possi­ ble, and a jollier crowd never con­ gregated in a Royal Neighbor ball After refreshments were disposed of, Deputy Mills, assisted by Neigh­ bor Oatchell and several other Myr­ tle Point Neighbors, exemplified the initiation ceremony iu a very im­ pressive manner. Regular meet­ ings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in Woodmen Hall. Hori.ble Accident A shocking accident occurred at Luther Williams’ loggiug camp, on Big creek, on the Middle Fork, Saturday afternoon, (Feb. 24tb,) in which Thomas Rookard lost his life. In company with a number of others he was engaged in breaking log jam. His brother, James Rookard, was working near him and as the jam started, the line was drawing the team into the creek James ran onto the jam to cut the line and save the team when the rope flew and struck him knocking him into the creek. Thomas, seeing the dangerous position of his brother, leaped into the water to rescue him. However, James drifted below and out of reach of the logs. Thomas finding he could not reach him, started to swim for shore. When he got to the bank there was a small log lying along the bank. He attempted to climb upon it and raised himself almost out, but in doing so caught hold of an alder stump, which was rotten, and this giving away let him back. Just as he fell back one of the logs from the jam caught him, crushing his legs. This was repeated the third time when the last log that struck him crushed his body from the waist down. He was extricated from the position by the other men, but only lived about ten minutes. The accident indeed was a sad affair and a terrible blow to the wife who is left with a family of four small children, the youngest one only about six weeks of age. The deceased was a young man just faiijy starting out in life with all before him. He was honest BDd in­ dustrious and everyone who knew him was his friend. He left home strong and cheerful and in only a few short hours was brought home a corpse. Truly life hangs by a narrow thread, and man continually walks in the shadow of eternity. Thomas J. Rookard was born Aug. ust 12, 1875, and was therefore 32 years, 6 mouths and 14 days of age at the time of death. He was born in Sonoma County, California, and in June, 1876, his parents moved to the Middle Fork, where he has since resided. On January 10, 1900, he was united in marriage to Laura J. Houser, of Big creek. Besides a wife and four children he IH E PRACTICAL BLACKSMITH SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THÉ STATE OK OREGON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS; J. A. Collier, Suit in eq­ Plaintiff uity to fore- a A. P. Campbell and Roths­ c l o s e child A Hadenfeidt, a mortgage. Corporation, Defendants. To A. P. Campbell and Rothschild A Hadenfeidt, a corporation, the above entitled defendants; IN THE NAME OF TH E STATE OF OREGON■ i M A C H IN E S H O P , Special Attention Giuen to All Kinds of Lathe Work. Goquille furniture Meeting A mass meeting of the Democrats of Coos county has been called to meet st the court house in Coquille City at ten o ’clock in tho forenoon on Thursday, March 15th, 1907. It is desired that at least one from each precinct should be present. J. J. S t a n l e y , Chairman County Central Committee. R oberts A C arter , Mvrtle Point Oregon. at their real value. One Price only on each Grade We carry a complete line of Pianos, Organs, Piano-Players, Talking Machines, Sheet music and Musical Merchandise. Everything Sold on Easy Payments. W. R. Haines Music Co., L. H. PEARCE HARNESS-HAKER Lone Star Restauran Incandescent Electric Light PRIVATE HOSPITAL m Train Nurses in Attendance. F or Further P articulars Address LOW THINKING OF GETTING YO U A . . Gasoline Engine Call at the O. K . Creamery and let me make you a price on the best and cheapest engine on the market —the Wolverine. Geo. E. Peoples ¡l» U I H i CELEBRATED L1NEMENT Is the l>«st known Linement for Rhea* matism, Pains Aches and all such diseases. K, K. K. KORN KURE. Removes theCorns Licorice Liver Laxative, the beet Warts and Ringworms Price 50 cents. without pains or the T,oss of appetite always results' bowel cleaDBer. knife. from faulty digestion. All that is For sale by R. S. Knowlton, Co­ Try these Remedies needed is a few doses of Chamber­ quille City; C. Y, Iiowe, Handon. an 1 he convinced, lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Robinson has just got In another For eale at all Drug- They will invigorate the stomach, | shipment of 500 yards of that 16- etores in the County. strengthen th>- digestion and givt. y uds-for-tbe-dollar outting flannel. Or r»n be obtained from the Manufacturer. you an appetite like a wolf. ThekQi ' more washing powder 5 K.Q, KIRKPATRICK, Tn'd ts also act as a gentle la x t^ Coquille, Ore, ints u package Rt Rohinsoq’s »tore tiva. For Bale by R 8. Knowlton. Stomach Troubles and Constipation High Grade, Popular price or Commercial Piono, J - G - F is h Coos Bay and San Francisco O i a i i n ’.i: Mass CARRYING REGULAR STOCK 0J Standard and Established Goods, where eash Instru­ ment is sold according to its intrinsic value. We sell gou a and BOX FACTORY Str. M. F. Plant, land, and adjosning the town of Myrtle Point, Coos county, Oregon, and J mile from creamery. Forty- fivo acres of bottom land improved and in good state of cultivatiion; 5 acres slashed, burned and newly seeded; hill land is all good for pas­ ture; 3 acres of orchard in good eari bngcondition and different var­ ieties of fruit. House, barn and other buildings. While we have « number of other dairy farms for sale, yet this is ono of the best bar. gains, as the location is all that could be desired, being near town school and creamery. This is cer­ tainly a bargain for some progres­ sive dairyman. Price $7,500. Coquille, Oregon. BUY PIANOS OF. DEALERS You and each of you are hereby noti­ fied that you are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit within six w eeks from the date of ihe Arst publica­ Representatives of Domestic Sewing Machines for Coos and Curry Co s tion of this summons, tow it: within six weeks from March 7, 190b, and if you fail to appear on or before the last day of the time prescribed In the order of S u ccessor to the Cbas. O rlssenand A ia go Music Co., publication to-witt April 18th, 1906, judgment will be taken againBt you, for Phone, Main, 905, Garfield Annex, Marshfield, Oregon want thereof, for the relief demanded in the complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follow s: First: That there l>e adjudged to be MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple anil Fruit Boxes Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, cto. due and owing plaintiff from defendant A. P. Campbell the sum of $250 and Turning Work a Specialty. All Orders given interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent prompt Attention. per annum since January 30th, 1904, on the promissory note in complaint set forth, for an attorney fee of $50, and M e a ls at all H ours for his costs and disbursements in this Pirat-Clash suit. From 5 a m to 9 P M, C o a lo e or tgage Second: That a certain moi M y rt le P oint, Ore. lit sal said dated January 30, 1004, securing promissory note, be foreclosed and the property described therein, to-wit: lot A complete stock of Harness, Saddles, Collars, etc., always 5 in block 58 in Elliott’s Addition to the on hand. Also carry a stock of tents, wagons covers, horse town of Coquille City, now the city Jof Coquille, in Coos county ¡Oregon, lie sold M R S C. O. G ILK EY, Proprietoresa covers, lap robes and everything usually found in a first in the manner provided by law, the pro­ S p e c ia l A tte n tio n G iv en ceeds be applied to the payment of costs R eason a b le R ate to harness shop. of this suit, said sale, including said at­ to C o m m e to la l P e o p le R egu la r B oarders torney fee and the sums found to he due plaintiff herein, and that all persons claiming under him subsequent to the execution of said mortgage lie barred D R . W E T M O R E ’S and foreclosed of all right, claim and equity of redemption in said premises Third—That the overplus, if any there lie, lie paid into this court to await the further order thereof, and for such other and further relief as the court may deem meet and equitable. Service of this summons is made by publication in pursuance of an order made by L. Harlocker as countv judge / om prepared to treat all Accepted throughout the civilized world of Coos county, Oregon, dated March Press 7th, 1906, directing that service there­ Medical and Surgical Cases. as the most universally satisfactory il­ of be made by publication iu the Co­ the quille Herald, a newspaper published luminant for all purposes. Safest, at the city of Coquille, in Coos Button county, once each week for a period of Cleanest, Most Convenient, and the six weeks. S p e c i a l R a t e s m a d e fot* f l c e o u o h e . A. J. SHERWOOD, Attorney for Plaintiff. CHEAPEST light known. and 'T o w e r & S o n . • VA. Horse h oeing, Wagon Making, and All Kinds of Forge Work. .dr. Morse, of the local lighting system, announces in this issue of the H ekald , that he will pay a re­ ward of $50.00 for information that will lead to the arrest and convic­ tion of those who may be so igno­ rant, or possessed of so much cus­ Fòt*Mèn sedness as to interfere in any way with his transmission lines or ap­ paratus. This is a move in the right direc tion and it is to be hoped that it will result in the rounding up of a F o r sale at R o b in s o n ’ s Store few examples of the miscreants who - - » <■- —. 1 ..n.vt -1 . — — ix«n.ik j ug u practice oi Or. C. W. Tower. Iliac R. Tower four sisters to mourn their loss. throwing wires over the lines, The funeral services were con­ shooting insulators, etc. ducted Monday by Rev. Thomas This is a type of meanness that Barklow and the remains interred REAL ESTATE is indescribably contemptible. It in the cemetery at Enchanted is more so than snenkthievory, Prairie, a host of friends being pres­ The snenkthief expects to profit in ent to pay their Inst tribute of re­ Property of E v e ry D e scrip ­ some way by his spoils but this spect to the departed.— Myrtle other class of skunks do themselves tion Handled. Point Enterprise. no good, while they work great in. — ♦ -------------- jury and inconvenience to others For Surveyor. IMione Main 3^1— Office Lockhart & But to compare them to skunks is Ford Building. The undersigned hereby an­ but to insult the skunks. At Hood River last llallow'een a nounces himself ns a candidate for MARSHFIELD, - • OREGON. wire was thrown over the lino and the Republican nomination for the ruined the dynamo and enmo near office of County Surveyor of Coos J ^ ^ T h c Oregon Coal Nav Q o 'a jffl killing the attendant. The recent county, subject to the decision of burning out of the dynamo at our the Republican voters at the pri­ plant is the result of several heavy mary election on April 20, 1906. Capt. N elson , M a stei, A. N. G ould . short circuits that have been thrown Will make regular trips between * - on the lines lately by this class of For County Judge. vandals, and it is to bo hoped that all good citizens will bear with the I announce myself ns a candidate most patience they cun command for nomination for the office o f the inconvenience they have been County Judge of Coos county, sub­ This Steamer is very steady at sea and put to and aid in every possible way ject to the approval of the electors her passenger accommodations are all in bringing to book at least one of of (he Democratic party at the pri­ new, clean and sweet, opening out on these nuisances that he may be mary election to bn held April 20, deck and having only two berths in a made an example of. room. Very superior Second Class. 1906. The penalty for this offense iB Fare, 1st Class, $10. 2nd Class, $6. J. H . C ecil . severe, a fine of $50 to $500 and F. 8. D O W , A g en t. W . C. R ose, A gt., imprisonment from 0 months in the C oqu ille. Marshfield. Dairy Farm for Sale county jail to two years iu state prison, and should be handed out IF YOU ARE A fine dairy farm containing 70 liberally at the first conviction. acres of bottom land 23 acres of bill The notion that foreign immigra­ tion promotes crime gets a setback from Massachusetts statistics. In the last ten years the population there has increased 20 per cent, mostly foreign immigrants while the number of prison inmates has de­ creased. The Springfield Republic attributes the advance in morality to the public schools. j. T. HARTLEY, Dr. W ETMORE, there That furnished by tho COQUILLE you R IV ER CO. have class and up to date in every respect. it. The rates place it within reach of all ELECTRIC is first FRANK MORSE, Prop, COQUILLE, ORE. COQUILLE, 0REG Phone H I. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOE -- — -v.vs.xx WC L O W . Paris Ward. Plaintiff, | vs. fSnit in equity for Barbery Ellen Ward, I divorce. Defendant. J Alfred Johnson, TO BARBERY ELLEN WARD, the above entitled defendant: In the Name of the State o f Oregon: Yon are hereby notified that you are re­ quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit in which Paris Ward is plaintiff and you, Barbery Ellen Ward, are defendant, within six weeks from the date o f the first publi­ cation o f this summons, to-wit: Within six weeks from the 14th day of February, 1906, the same being the date o f the first publi­ cation o f this summons; and if you fail to appear and answer on or before the 28th day o f March, 1906, «he same being the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publication thereof, a judgment will be taken against yon for want thereof, and plaintiff will apply to the court for the re­ lief demanded in his complaint, a succinct statement o f which is as follows: That the marriage contract now existing between you and plaintiff be dissolved and held for naught. Service o f this summons in made by pub­ lication in pursuance of an order made by L. Harlocker, County Judge for Coos County, Oregon, dated the 10th day of February, 1906, and directing publication of the same in t.he Coquille H e r ald , a weekly newspaper published at the city of Coquille, in said Coos county, Oregon, once a week for a period o f six weeks. A. .T. SHERWOOD, Attorney for Plaintiff. D E A L E R IN Flooring, Rustic and all kinds o f Finishings and Mouldings Constantly on hand. Deliveries made romptly by either water or rail. W e have all Grades and Prices Accordingly. C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N Now is the time To Buy NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the mi- (lersigiieil lias been duly appointed ad- ministratrix of the Estate of Benjamin Figg, deceased, by the County Court for Coos county, Oregon, and that ail persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned at the office of A. J. Sher-vood, in the City of Coquille, Coos county, Oregon, witliin six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 30th day of January, 1906, CATH ARIN E FIGG, Administratrix of the Estate of Benjamin ____________ Figg, deceased. NOTICE OF Simplex Hand Separators | I | ; j | and get them installed ready for the ► coming season. The Simplex is very simple in construction, easy to operate, easy to dean and extremely light running Any small BOY or GIRL can do the separating with a simplex. FINAL SETTLEM ENT. Notice i, horohy given that the under­ signed has filed in the county court for Coos county, Oregon, his final account in the matter of tho Administration of the Estate of Elvina Root, deceased: and that said court has act Thursday, the loth day of March, l'.ll)«, as the day forbearing el> jections to said acoount and the settlement of said estate. Dated this 13th day of Febrvary, 1906. . URIAH ROOT, Administrator. H IS FULLY GUARANTEED to do as perfect separa­ tion as any SEPARATOR made. It will cost you nothing to give it a trial and once installed it will save you time and money as well as your moscle. IF YOU SHOULD NEED A SEPARATOR let us know and we will gladly put one in on trial. N O T IC E Notice is hereby given that the follow- 1 ing number« and brands of logs, to w it: B. I,., 1; M., 2, I.. \V., 4; K „ 1, o ld ; H . 8., 1 ; (H ) I,o ld : a, 1, old; I, 1, old: D. F-, 1, old; J. C., 1, old, have Hoated upon C. H . Butler's farm which the undersigded hss rented, anil unless the same are removed witliin 30 days from this date shall remove and sell same. Dated March 3, 190«. pONiXICK B iasca . T. H. MEHL COQUILLE ’' W w W W W ! Sc COMP OREGON