jEoqmlle Iterali* V ol . 23: No. 2. C O Q U I L L E , COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 190«. Entered as second-class m atter May 8, 1905, a t the p o st office at Cequllle O regon, under act ot Congress o l March 3, 1879. Walter Culin, M. D. P hysician and H crobon C oquili . b C it y , O r « . Kronenberg Bid Next Door to P. < Telephone 3. J. J. STANLEY LAW YER Martin Building, * Front Stroot OoqtriiiLS, O bboom A. J. Sherwood, A ttobn » y a t -L i w , N otary P o il io , Coquille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A t roAH«T-AT-LAw, : Oregon. I. Hacher, A bstracter o r T itlbs . C oquillb C it y , O rb H all & Hall, A ttornbys - at - L aw , Dealer iu K bal E st â t » of all k in d «. Marshfield, Oregon. C. A . Sehlbrede, A tto rn e y -a t-L a w , N otary P u blic. P hon e 7fll. M arsh zisld , O broon . . D. Sperry. W. C. Chaae. SPERRY & CHASE, Attorneya-at-La*. OOoe in Robinson B uilding, yquille, - * - ° re* 0 n ’ E. G. D. Holden, L awtbb , ty Reoorder, U. 8. Oommisaioner, Oen eral Insuranoe Agent, and Notary Publio. Ashland Normal N otes. Sim ilarity of SI ng and P o e try Washington, Feb. 26.— The House committee on immigration and naturalization submitted a fa­ vorable report today on a bill to create a Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization under the Depart­ ment of Commerce and Labor and to amend existing naturalization laws. Representative Bonynge, of Colorado, prepared the report, which reviews naturalization frauds and says two principles controling naturalization are incorporated in the bill, namely: That before an alien can he naturalized he must be able to write either in bis own language or in the English language, and read, speak and understand the En­ glish language. That the alien must intend to re­ side permanently in the United States before be shall be entitled to naturalization. Notwithstanding President Mul- key’s absence, the work in the var­ ious departments of the Normal school is progressing smoothly, and much the same as usual. “ What is the difference between slang and poetry?” asked a bantam­ weight philosopher the other day. “ It all depends on who wrote it. If one man writes it, it is poetry; if another writes it, it is slang. All the slaDg that Walt Whitman cre­ ated is called poetry. All the poetry written by George Ade is called slang. Slang is poetry be­ fore it has taken out its license. That’s the only difference. If you write about the 'snow upon the old inan’B brow,’ that is poetry; if you speak of the alfalfa on the old man’s chin,’ that is Blang. I challenge the world to oombat my theory.’’ — Oregonian. (Bandon Recorder.) N otary P ublic , Coquille, N ew Naturalization Bill. OBoe in R obin- go a B uilding. Coquille, Oregon. Nick Collas returned last after an absence of about a during wbioL time he has globe trotting, visiting New land, Cuba, the Hawaiian and islands of the South Pacific. week year, been Zea- other J. E. Fisher reports the following sales in Fisher’s Addition: A. H Post, 6 lots; Fred Lockwood, 2 lots; W. M. Hite, 2 acres; Claude Dygert, 1 acre; HeDry C. Adams, 1 acre; Geo. M. Hite, 1 acre. Several of these people intend to build in the spring. The Bandon Mfg. Co. this week received a large raft of red cedar from Olsen Bros., above Coquille, which they will manufacture into shingles. Mr. Philpott informs the Recorder that they expect to put on a night shift soon and run the plant to its full capacity. Notice the advertisement of the Coquille Valley Land Company in this issue. This is a uew business enterprise iu Bandon just started b y A. E . Hadsall and L). P . S tr a n g , Jr. They have opened an office in the El Dorado building and will do a general real estate business. They have a good list of properly for sale, cousisting of timber and coal lands, farms, dairy and stock ranches and city property. Call and see them if you wish to buy or sell any kind of property. Mr. Hadsall is a practical surveyor and can give this branch of the business bis personal attention. --- ---- m »#» -------------- About 5,000 tons, or half of the rails necessary for the buildiDg of the Drain-Coos Bay railroad, have A. F. Kirshman, already arrived at Drain and more D sn t ir t . are arriving daily. Thomas Krew- son, an experienced house mover, Office two doors Booth o f Post offle*. is busy moving buildings from the . - , O regon. C oqu ille right of way between Drain and Elkton, 16 miles west of here, and it ia expected that an army of labor­ ers will be at work grading for the new road next month. Real estate Str. D I S P A T C H ia changing bands rapidly and a Tom White, Master lively building boom is expected L ear« I Arrives B w d o n ........ 7 A-R. I Oequill. . . . 1 0 a - b . for Drain this spring and summer. Coquille....... 1 P-N I Bandon . . . . 4 r-w. Many substantial buildings are ConaecU at Coquille with train for Marihfleld contemplated and the town is ex­ and »teamer Echo for Myrtle Point. pected to develop into a great and Str. F A V O R I T E thriving city within a surprisingly ,T. C. Mooraaw. Master, short time. The railway officials Leave* I Arrives C 'l'in ill*........ 7 a m . | Bandon.. 10:45 a - m . say that when this road is completed U n ion.......... I r-M. | C oqn ill«. 4:45 r-M. Drain will be made a division point, and with the carshops and round­ Str. E C H O H. .lam«. Master. houses, this alone will mean an in­ L e a .-. I drrire* crease in our population of 2500 to M r r .le P o in t. . 7 » - « . I oquCle C’y 9 30 a - w . CwqnUlt C it y .. .1 r u . I M yit.e F t . . 4 00 r-R. 3000 people. Watch Drain grow Dally exoept Sunday. — Drain Nonpareil. CM1UILU RIVER STEAMBOAT CC Str. W E L C O M E J. £ . Myers, Masters. Leares I Arrives Myrtle Point 1:30 F-M. I Coquille C*y 4*0 r-M. Coquille City 7:00 a - m . I Myrtle F t 10 : 0 0 a m Connect! with lower-rirer hoaU at Coquille City for Bandon and intermedia!, point*. Ample bargee for handling freight. The Best Couch Syrup. Mrs. C. E. Payne is conducting Mr. Mulkey’s classes in literature and elocution. Miss Belle McFarland of the junior class is severely ill with the appendicitis. On Thursday morning Mr. Bu­ chanan, of Rosebrg, made an inter­ esting talk to the students. His subject was “ Work.” “ No laudable ambition,” he said, “ can be realized without work." Mr. Buchauan] is a man of some note in literary as ---.-----------► ------------- well as in political circles, and the A writer in the New England students felt honored in being able Magazine points a tendency of the to bear him. foreign-boru to increase much faster The Athena Literary Society will than the native races in the Now meet next Friday afternoon at 3:20 England States. It is duo to the o'clock. Some of the numbers on factory system, to which foreigners the program are: Instrumental take more kindly than the old na­ solo, Miss Minkler; reading, Miss tive stock. Again, the statistics Story; debate, resolved that, show that in 1931, of the children “ Whatever is, is right,” affirmative, born that year iu Massachusetts, Miss Swinney; negative, Miss 23,365 were of native parentage, Jarvis. C. M. D. 37,047 were of foreign parentage, and 14,473 of mixed native and for­ (C oos Bay News.) eign parentage. The death ratio Mrs. Tyrer, who had a goitre re­ was 33,795 native to 14,376 foreign. moved about two weeks ago, was These figures show unniistnkahly able to leave the Horsfall hospital that the old stock is losiDg ground. yesterday. Both the birth rate and the death The old Caledonia mine on the rate nre against it.— Oregonian. Isthmus slough, upon which some work was done many years ago by Chicago Alderman Owes His Election to A. J. Davis and others, was sold Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. lately to G Barnutn, of Idaho. “ Ican heartily and conscientious­ Jas. A. Weymire, one of the prin­ cipal stockholders in the Central California Land, Water & Coal Company, who are operating the mine at Maxwell, arrived on the Homer, and is looking after busi­ ness matters here. Mr. Weymire is very favorably impressed with Coos Bay and its resources, and is more than pleased with the coal mine at Maxwell and tne ru. u.-, successful development. We learn from Capt. Nelson, of the Plant, that a bill has passed Congress making an appropriation for the survey of that portion of the coast lying between Cape Blanco and the mouth of the Nehalem river, it seems this portion has never been surveyed by the United States, BDd the charts now in use are copied from the old English chart, which only gives an outline of the coast, and is practically worthless. A thorough survey, lo. eating the numerous rocks, shoals, etc., would be of great value to shipping. Although the money is available, it is not probable that the survey will be made this summer, as the surveyors have all the work they can attend to for the present in the Philippines. Beginning with the February, 1906, number, our magazine will be called Watson’s Magazine. It will have a handsome cover. Several new features will be added. The price at bookstores and news-stands will be 15 cents. To be just to our present subscribers, we have de­ cided to receive renewals and new subscriptions at $1 a year, up to March 81, 1906. After that the subscription price will he $1.50 per year. This is a golden opportunity for those who nre not within reach of news-stands. If you have never seen the magazine, ask for sample Champion Liniment tor Rheumatism copy, mentioning this paper and Chas Drake, a mail carrier at address, Tom Waton’s Magazine Chapinville, Conn., says: “ Cham­ 121 West 42d St., New York City. berlain’s Pain Balm is the cham­ — — pion of all liniments. The past Gives Health, Vigor and Tone. year I was troubled a great deal Herbine is a boon for sufferers with rheumatism in my shoulder. After trying several cures the store from anemia. By its use the blood keener here recommended this rem­ is quickly regenerated and the col­ edy and it completely cured me.” or becomes normal. The drooping The languor There is no use of anyone suffering strength is revived. Health, vigor and from that pninful ailment when ie diminished. New life and this liniment can be obtained for a tone predominate. small sum. One application gives happy activity results. Mrs. Belle prompt relief and its continued use II. S h n el, - MiddlesViorough, 111., for a short time will produce a per­ writes, I have been troubled with manent cure. For sale by R, S. liver complaint and poor blood and have found nothing to benefit me Knowlton. like Herbine. I hope never to he If, as reported, the Milwaukee with out it. I have wished that I Club has met with disaster, there is had known of it in my husband’s life time.” 50c. R 8 Knowlton. the comforting thought that it stands alone. Every other business F or Sale concern in this neighborhood is A three-disc Hancoq^ plow will prosperous.— Oregonian. be sold at a bargain, also a span of S L Apple, ex probate judge, Ottawa co., Kansas, writes: “ This is to say that I have used Ballard’s Horehound Syrup for years, and that I do not hesitate to recom­ For every 25c"*worth of goods mend it as the best cough syrup I you purchase at Mrs. Nosler’ s store have ever used.’’ 25c, 50c and ’ Sewing Machine Kepainng. the purchaser will be entitled to a $1.00. R 8 Knowlton. David F nlton, of this city, is an expert guess at the $10 gold pieee to be ile a h e r and repairer, and anyone in aead o f hi» service» will do well to call H O U SE FOR RENT given to the best guesser. a t h it residence or d rop him a card. A five-roomed bouse and four lot F or 8 ale .— Or trade for cnttle, near the Christian church, with two fine mares, weight 1100 and f ^ T l i e safe and reliable l i w n - ^ V plenty of fruit, 2} lota bring rich and 1300. Enquire of W. B •crew bottom. No charge for the garden Robror, Arago f^ ~ T lie New and Speedy. lots if rented for the summer. In­ quire at the H e r a l d o f f ic e . A Sate Cough Mediomg for Children. Str E lizabeth C. p. Jenaea Master In the spring time you renovate your house. Why not your body? Goquille River and San Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea drives out impurities, cleanses and Francisco. ; enriches tbs blood and purifies the Wo Stop-over at Way Porta. entire system. 35 cents. R. 8. E lectric L ights. E verythin g In First Knowlton. W ill make regular trips between Class Style. ly recommendChamberlain’s Cough Remedy for affections of the throat and lungs,” says Hon. John Sheti- ick, 220 So. Peoria St., Chicago. 'Two years ago during a political campaign, I caught cold after be­ ing overheated, which irritated ray throat and I was finally compelled to Btop, as I could not speak aloud. In my extremity a friend advised me to use Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. 1 took two doses that af- — — “ "A qonld pat believe my senses when 1 found tiie next, morn­ ing the inflamation had largely sub­ sided. I took several doses taat day, kept right on talking through the campaign, and I thank this medicine tb it I won my seat in the Council.” This remedy is for sale by R. S. Knowlton. young horses well broke. at this office. P h y sica l Inquire Culture and E x p r è s sion Mrs. Wootton, of the Columbia College of Expression, Chicago, will take a limited number of pupils. Apply at N. E. corner 2nd floor of school building between 4 and 5 o ’clock p. m. Note and $1.50 P eu Y ea t Comment. News from Santo Domingo says ! that Morales has a sprained ankle. ; His self-confidence has probably had a hard wreuch as woll. nowlton’s Drug Store K A North Carolina citizen has dis­ covered that whiskey will kill rats and mice, but the trouble is in get­ ting them to take it. Carries a full and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDICINE, FINE STA TIO N E R Y, TOILET ARTICLES. An Illinois woman has been awarded $139 damages by a jury for a kiss. Tbo necessaries of life are getting higher evory year. It has been suggested that the hero awarding societies send a big medal to the Indiana dare devil who recently married his mother-in-law. ************************** The fact that President Morales of San Domingo has a broken ankle may possibly prevent hits appearing * on the lecture of freak platform. * Inquisitive people are wondering * how much the Southern Pacific * Railway Company paid Poultney * Bigelow for his article denouncing the Pauama Cana) Commission. Josh’s Place, * t K * * T. T. LAND, Proprietor. Card rooms d ) Billiard and and Pool Tables Soft Drinks ✓ IN President Roosevelt proposes to go to Central Africa at the close of < ! ) 7K bis term to hunt lions and tigeis. \l/ This disposes of the question for the time “ YVhat shall we do witli * our ex-presidents." * * * ✓ IÑ * * /IN Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. Citu News Stand. 7IÑ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Poultney Bigelow is going out of his way to blame Secretary Taft for dancing on the Isthmus. His object was doubtless to teat the sufficiency of the ground as a foun- <& lation for a canal. Secretary Shaw has again post­ poned the date of his departure from the Cabinet. Skeptical ones are now saying they will believe Mr. Shaw really means to leave when they kDow that Patti has made her last tour. There are muety honorable gen­ tlemen in the United States Senate every one of whom is trying to prove tHat lie IS a uyuut for the Panama Canal than Press Agent Bishop who was voted a superfluity. W.H.SCHROEDER a I I I Watchmaker and Jeweler, Front Street, I i C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N . A ll w o r k g u a r a n t e e d . to i * 3> V 15» !5> HI ©» to es» K ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE A Baltimore woman of seventy helps her husband in his work of sawing wood. Mrs. Burke Roche of New York has left the home of B . F E N T O ltf her merciless father who compelled P ro p her to live on sixty thousand a year Saddle Horses of best quality always on hand. Good Rigs in redi- exclusive of her board. Women ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business differ. Accommodations for Tnveling men n specialty The Washington Post asks “ On Leave Coquille at (! a. m„ arriving at Rosehurg at 10 p. m. I-are $ 50 what ground rests the assumption that the President of the United States is moro directly the repre­ sentative of the people than is the United States Senate?” The an­ swer is that the assumption rests on the ground that the President is elected by the people while the Sen­ ate is elected by Trusts or too fre­ A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical quently, by legislatures controlled and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern by Trusts. in every particular. Rates from President Roosevelt was more candid than politic in announcing on the night of his election that he Including room, bjard, general nursing and drugs. would not again be a candidate for president. He might have kept this resolve to himself and if he bad maintniued a sphynx-like silence on the subject it would have been bet­ ter for his administration and for his fame. There is a great deal of human nature in Congressmen, Senators, amT Cabinet officers, and they are even now watching for the rising sun of the next president, and looking to a Foraker, a Fair­ banks and Cannon, or a La Fol- S u c c e s s o r t o W . H . M ansell. Ictte, to any man rather than the President, who has fixed tbe date of WILL MEET ALL BOATS AND TRAINS. his political abdication. Roose­ All orders handled with carefulness and expedience. velt’s popularity in the country is undiminished, and his power with Congress to carry out his really | great and beneficent legislative pro- A g e n t fo r th e b e s t C o o s C o u n ty G oal j gramme, great ns that power is, would be measurably greater and more potent if Congress knew ho was half as willing to be elected for a third term as the people are will­ ing to elect hire. M ARSH FIELD General hospital j$ 1 5 to $jv3 0 pei" week Miss S C. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. Claude F ox, (teneral Drayman — - . .— — . 1 HORSFALL HOSPITAL MISS L. G. GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. For each 25-cents purchase at A private Hospital well equipped for the treat­ Mrs, Nosler’s you will receive a In buying a cough medicine for ticket good for one guess at the ment of surgical and medical diseases. children never be afraid to buy I Robinson has completed shelving number of beans, pins, coffee, etc. in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 67 dozen of the Brown 8hoe Com­ a jar, winner toreeeive a gold eagle. Trained Nurses in Attendance. There is no danger from it and re­ pany’s shoes. They are up-to-date Those who have tried all kinds lief ie always sure to follow. It is in style and finish, in fact the most claim the Northern grown seeds the For Information Address especially valuable for colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale “ nifty” lot of shoes ever brought to best. Three papers for 10 cents at ’Phone 631, Marshfield, Oregon. Knowlton’s drug store. town. Call and see 'em. by R. 8. Knowlton. Will. Horsfall, M. D.,