I \J » COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1906. V ol . 23: No. 22. Çs Entered a« second-class m atter May 8 , 1905, at the postoffice at C oquille, O reato ri, under act o f C o n tre «« o f March 3,1879. Walter Culin, P hysician and S urgeon C oquille C it y , O ku . (Cronenberg B ldg. N ext Door to P. O. j i T e le p h o n e 3. ~T~ _________ J. J. STANLEY LAWYKK Mat tin Building, * Front Street C o q u in a . O bkoon J, 0 . WETMORE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON O ffice at Residence of J. A. Collier. Phone 111. I__________________ !------- A. J. Sherwood, A ttorney - a t -L aw , N otary P u b l ic , C o q u ille , : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A tiobnev - at -L aw . N otaby P ubi . io , C oqu ille, : ! Oregon. I. Hacher, AB8TRACTER OK TlTl.KS. C oquili . e C it y , O bk Hall & Hall, A ttorneys - at -L aw , Deals, in K bal E statk o f all kinds. M arshfield, Oregon. C. A. Sehlbrede. A ttorn ey -a t-I.aw , N otary Public. Phone 781. M akshkiri . i > O rkoon . E . D . S p erry. W . C. Chase. • §PERRY & CHASE, K Attorney a-at-Law. Offloe in Robinson llaildiiiR O reg on . C oqu ille, E. G. D. Holden, L awyer . City Keoorder, 0 . 8. Commissioner, Gen^ eral Insaranoe Agent, noil Notary Publio. Office in R obin­ son B uilding. C oqu ille, O regon. A. F. Kirshman, D e n t is t . Office tw o doora South o f Post oflloe. Coquille . - • Oregon. COQUILLE RIVEIU5TEMBQAT CO S tr. D I S P A T C H Tom White, Master 1.eaves I Arrive« B andon ......... 7 a - m . | Coqudle ------ 10 a - m . Coquille....... 1 r-M. I Bandon . . . 4 p-M. Connect« at Coquille with train for Marshfield and steamer E A o for Myrtle Point. S tr. F A V O R I T E J. C. Mooraaw, Master, Leayes I Arrives Coquille....... 7 a - m . | Bandon.. 10:45 a - m . Bandon......... 1 P-M. | Coquille. 4:46 P-M. S tr . E C H O H. Jams. Master. Leave. I Arrive. M yrtleP oin t.. .7 a m . | oquPle C’y it 30 a - m . Coquille C ity .. .1 P-M. | Myitie P't. .4 00 p-M. Daily except Sunday. S tr. W E L C O M E J. E. Myers, M n,ttv4 Leaves I Arrive. Myrtle Point 1:30 p-M. I Coquille C’y 4.-00 p-M. Coquille City 7:00 a - m . | Myrtle P’t 10:00 a - m Connect, with lower-river boat, al Coquille City for Bandon and intermediate points. Ample barges for handling freight. Sewing Machine Repairing David Fulton, o f this city , is an expert •leaher and repairer, and anyone in ■eed o f his services will d o well to call a t his residence or d rop him a card. For Sale. A g o o d h o m e in th in sy t e r m s : « » E n q u i r e nt thin o ffic e . » Coquille Hcralô. c ity , on §1.50 P er Y ear R A IL R O A D T Q S P A N S T A T E “ In other words, the committee Klamath, Crook, Harney, and Mai-j possession of ft great leal of prac- heurcounties. tiral knowledge concerning the believes the enterprise is genuine aud worthy of suppoit of the people We give below the Oregon Daily THBEE HUNDRED MILES SHORTER. , Stftte. Notwithstanding cer­ Journal’s writeup of the latest “ The rc ad will furnish a route Mr. Wilsey has in Ihe last year generally. railroad project which is expected from Portland to the east 310 miles BPtnt many hours iu the New York tain interests look upon this state to make Cooe Ray its pacific coast shorter than any existing or pro- offiueB of the raen who bui1,1 or c0“ - as territory belongirg to them, objective point. We made an error jeoted line,” said Mr. Wilsey. “ It tro1 the ffrent railroad «.Vstems of nothing can now stop the building in our last issue by connecting will pass through the richest un- the ° ° untrT Tbe enterprise which of independent roads through it. Messrs Hunt and Steepy with the developed portions of Oregon. I t ! hnB laken Bolid *baPe tro u g h his In future, the idea of a great state Drain and Coos Bay survey. This will connect at Humboldt bay with Pe*R>*rtent work had many ups nnd like Oregon having but one line will enterprise has no connection with the Santa Fe, if negotiations now ,lo" ns’ and il W,,B B,,id- waB tllree be us rediculous ns to think of Iowa, that whatever. The report is as practically closed do not go awry, times belived to. hive been liopelcss- Illinois or Texas having only one follows: If they do it will build on to San «’rippled by opposition before it railroad. HARHIMAN’ h POLICY A MISTAKE. A railroad system, the main line Francisco, keeping keening close to the BPe:lef' ™ tory. It It had ha.l its incep “ The business interests of this of which will be 1,280 miles long, ! coast l i n e . At Portland it will con- tioii iu August, 1004, in a small forming a gigantic letter T, the j nect with the Hill lines. We have electric traction company which he stnte fell that the policy pursued main stem stretching aoross entral proceeded every step of the way in incorporated at Eugene, under the by the Harriinnn system for the last Oregon and the arms reaching up good faith, and when we reach Port, name of the Willamette Valley eight years was a mistake, and that This corpora­ it would have been better for the nnd down the coast line from Port­ i land we shall expect the poopie of Electric Company. land to San Francisco— this is Ore. this city to meet us half way in a tion he formed as a nucleus of the state aud for the llarriman lines if, goD’s newest transportation victory. spirit of welcome and Co-operation. greater plan nnd under guise of it during that time, they hud gradual­ Construction of such a road will be We ask nothing that in not fair and the work of surveying and aequir- ly extended feeder lines and helped begun immediately, involving ar just, and are not seeking financial j n gbts " ’aH carried on for many develop the stnte instead of now montli8. Thu little company was trying to do it aH in a year. If expenditure of $28,000,000 and assistance.” since abandoned, having the extension policy had been pur­ hacked by men with $300,000,000 It is said the reports of the ex' long sued Oregon would now have a at tboir command. ports sent out from the east have served its purpose. At the head of the enterprise, been a succession of indorsements UHAMUER OF COMMERCE INDORSES PRO­ million and a half of people, and Portland would be a city of 4000,- not ns figureheads, but for actual j highly favorable to Oregon and the JECT. Portland men who have thor­ 000. financing nnd construction, nre men [ men who have worked at this end While in New York, Mr. Teal well known in the world of railroad of the lice. From investigations oughly investigated say there is no affairs A few who can bo men­ j made they have found in every in- reason to doubt that immediate con­ saw some of tbe men connected tioned at this time are J. L Gre.at- ! stauce that the actual conditions struction will follow the surveys with the syndicate, and they spoke He singer. New York, ex-president of were more favorable than shown by that are being made by the Oregoti favorably of the conditions. the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Com­ the advance representations. They Coast k Eastern Railway Company, was advised direct at that time that pany; Senator William H. Lynn, have convinced eastern capitalists thejfirst announcement of which was the coast line was completely A l­ financed. New i'ork; Baker & Crabtree, St. that Oregon presents one of the made in ¡Sunday's Journal. Today Mr. Wilsey was called up­ Louis bankers, connected with the most promising fields in the United most from its inception the project on by a delegation of nine Wash­ has had the indorsement and ac­ States for railroad construction and trust companies there in which tive assistance of the Portland ington county men, including Sher­ brewers’ capital is largely invested. industrial development, Chamber of Commerce transporta­ iff Connell, Mr. Cornelius and TWO BILLION FEET OF TIMBER. Wifhin the next 30 days they will tion committee, which has been others, who came to confer with “Of the 3,000,000,000 feet of complete the organization in Ore­ regarding the securing of rights of gon of a corporation that will be standing timber in Oregon, the Ore­ constantly informed as to progress Eastern will tap 2,000,- of the enterprise, but everybody way. The matter was left in their known as the Oregon Coast k East­ gon Coast bands as a committee. The syndi­ ern Railway Company, and this 000,000 feet, and in addition, nearly connected with it has been under cate is not asking for any cash corporation will take over the en­ all the richest coal and mineral pledge of secrecy. Extensive water power The syndicate’s business has been bonuses. tire project, which is now in the fields iu the state,” said Mr. Wilsey. rights have been acquired in coast transacted through the Security Sav­ hands of a syndicate made up of the “ Railroads will pay where there is counties, with a view to developing men named and their Wa’l street tonnage, and this rule has guided ings & Trust Company bank of manufii'during industries. us in laying out the route of this Portland, and all funds, papers and associates. ► -.®. - pledges relating to concessions and railroad. At the beginning it was K TASTED TWO YEARS AGO Not« and Comment. The undertaking bad its birth the intention of those financing the franchises. “ Any man who makes a conces. neatly two years ago, and work has project to extend the road to Port­ Henry Watterson says he is not been pushed continuously aDd sib fit­ land, but the plan was to make the sion to this railroad conditioned in an exponent of the newer journal­ ly s in c e 1 1ml time. T o d a y 4 0 0 m iles prinoionl Pwoifio Coast terminal at any way upon its immediate con­ ism Probably wants to disclaim of Ihe line has been surveyed, fran -. Co. H Bay. Later it was deemed struction has the satisfaction of any connection with Fads and chises and properties have been se-1 advisable to run the line to Port­ knowing tlintall contracts and deeds Fauoies. cured in many places, and ngents of land. It will come down the Wil­ nre placed in escrow in the Security ihe syndicate are now at work in! lamette valley from Eugene, keep­ Savings bank nnd will not be turned Col. Mann has elicited the fact eveiv county through which the ing away from any existing line. over to the company until it has than Harry Lehr was the agent for main line will run, securing rights The coast line running north will fulfilled every condition imposed,” a ctampagne firm. It is good to of way. To the present time the pass through the lower portion of sn ^ W. J. Wilsey, who has charge know that Mr. Lehr had some ik has been carried on nlmost Tillamook county to Portland. We o ftlie Oregon affairs of the syndi­ bread winning occupation. entirely by W. J. Wilsey, nPortland expect to make our terminals in cate. “ As to the construction of “ It is better to die than tell a timber man and mining operator, East Portland, where railroad ter­ the entire lino from Humboldt bay lie,'1 snvs John D, Rockefeller, but to Portland and east through cen­ to be. Branch who, single-handed, has accom­ minals ought lines will tap the Rogue river coun­ tral Oregon, it is as certain as con­ he did not proceed to put his theory plished herculean tasks. into practice. From time fo time the ngents nnd try, Klamath, Crook, Lake and other tracts and complete financial ar­ rangements can make it. experts of the enstern financial in­ counties of Oregon.” A Caracns cable says that Castro BIO MEN BACKING IT. Probably the greatest aggregation terests have visited Oregon, exam­ is still looking for trouble, but the “ At the head of the syndicate are truth is that he is looking back over ined the various proposition taken of comparatively undeveloped re­ up, and passed upon them. A few sources contained in any state on such men as J. L. Greatsinger, ex­ liis shoulder for it. weeks ago the fl&'l examination was the American continent will be president of Brooklyn Rapid Tran­ Juiljfe Oros8oup declares that made by Banker Crabtree, w h o! givi n transportation facilities by sit Company, Senator William H. It will pass Lynn, New York; Baker k Crabtree, “ God never inteuded there should personally went over the entire this railroad system. This would route up and down the coast and through Curry county, with its vast St. Louis bankers. We have in the be* a leisure class.” across Oregon in a buckboard with forests, agricultural resources nnd financing ay nd cate men who com­ seem to leave tho Senate out of the Mr. Wilsej. On his return the mineral wealth; Coos county, with mand iu the neighborhood of §300,- Divine scheme of things. financing syndicate formally accept­ its great forests of pine, fir, hem­ 000,000 and this should be ample to A Washington man has hnd to ed the proposition, and the final lock, and its dairying and agricul­ construct and take care of a $28,- pay $100 for hugging and kissing a contracts have just beeu closed, as­ ture, coal deposits and splendid 000,000 enterprise.” J. N. Teal, at­ girl he did not intend to marry. suring beyond preadventure con­ ocean harbor^ Lincoln county, with torney for the chamber of coinmei ce, The necessities of life are getting struction of the road, its timber and agriculture; Tilla­ was asked to make a statement of the higher every year. mook, with its timber, coal, fisheries, committee's relations with the pro­ BELTS PACIFIC COAST. dairying and agricultural industries; The result of all this to Oregon ject. He said: The oprea bouffe of Poultney is almost beyond human conception. Washington and Benton, with great “ In view of the fact that Mr: Bigelow and the Panama Cana] go A rnilroad system that belts the timber and farming resources, and Wilsey has seen fit to make public merrily on, with the principal star Pacific Coast, giving a water grade other counties that rank amoDg the some of the plans of the syndicate, now offering $1,000 to tbe man who between Portland and San Fran­ richest in the Willamette valley. I have no hesitation in saying the will prove that he is not a Her. cisco, opeoiDg to the world ilie vast Crossing the Cascades, it will tap matter referred to has been more or Are You Restless at Night resources of coast counties, and a mineral ami timber belts and the less before the transportation com­ new transcontinental line touching region of magnificent distances and mittee of the chamber of commerce And hnrrassed by a bad cough? Pacific tidewater at every great resources that are familiar to the for the last six months, but that Use_ Ballard’s Horehound Syrup, Oregon seaport and passing through residents of Klamath, Lake, Har­ each member waB impressed with it will secure you sound sleep and effect a prompt and radical cure. central Oregon to a connection with ney, Crook, Malheur and adjoining its confidential nature and could Sold by R. S. Knowlton. the Gould system and the Rocl^, Is­ counties, where great irrigation pro­ make no announcement. The com­ ► • land at Ogden, and possibly with jects nre already under way or are mittee has seen personally a mini- Physical Culture and Expres­ the Burlington and one other east­ possible of development throngh ber of the gentlemen connected sion ern road in Wyoming— these things the impetus that will he given by with the enterprise. So far as have Mrs. Wootton, of the Columbia have for years been the dream of transportation facilities. looked into the matter we have College of Expression, Chicago, will Oregon’s builders. The great pro­ history ahead of s t a t e . j found it to be what it is represented. take a limited number of pupils. ject is no longer a dream, but s “ Oregon has her greatest history cra btre e was h e re . Apply at N. E. corner 2nd floor reality. Oregon, at last, is come before her. The state is just be- “ Mr. Crabtree, of Baker A Crab- of school building between 4 and 5 into her industral and commercial ginning to attract and convince j tree, the St. Louis bankers, has been o’clock p. m. heritage. eastern finan iers, whose capital is here. He went all over the ground, The Oregon Coast k Eastern, as necessary to its complete and rapid j This firm is very strong, and has Chambsrlain s Cough Remedy the Mother’s Fovorlle. surveyed, is what its name indicates, development,” said Mr. Wilsey. strong connections. Other men a binding of the coast comities to-, JPiou ran go into the offices of men connected with project have also The soothing and healing prop­ getlier in a transportation system on Wall street today and find them been seen and their connections ex- erties of this remedy, its pleasant exteuding east to the various eastern as well posted on the resources and amined. The committee is aware taste nnd prompt and permanent 1 connections now reaching out as topography, the valleys and noun-1 that once, and possibly at other l cures have made it a favorite with people everywhere. It is especially far as Wyoming Utah terminal tain passes of Oregon as are men times, the final result has been se- prized by mothers of small chil­ points. Its route from Humboldt who live here and make a study of riously threatened by large inter- dren, for colds, croup and whooping bay nortb runs through Curry, tbese things. If you bring up a ests in New York, but it is now un- cough, as it always affords quick Coos, Tillamook and other counties particular question for discussion derstood that l>y independent relief, and as it contains no opium or other harmful drug, it may be to Portland. From Coos Bay it they will usually produce maps of powers’the project is financed and given as confidently to a baby as rnus east through Eugene, crosses Oregon and tlie discussion will | arrangements so mAde that no other to an adult. For sale by R. S. the Cascades and passes through Bhow very quickly that they are in I interest can block the work. Knowlton. - j K nowlton’s Drug Store Carries a full and complete stock of DRUGS, MEDICINE, FINE ST A T IO N E R Y , TOILET ARTICLES. - ■ ’ * * * ■ ■ • ' ■ /IA , ■ X ' ■ X ' I 'Z INK I * * * * Josh’s Place, T. T. LAN D, Proprietor. * * * • • ' ■ ’ ' ■ * / ¥ Billiard Card rooms (!) * and * ^ Pool Tables Soft Drinhs ^ Tobacco. /K and Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Ciqars and City News Stand. /IN ^ìeìOi<)ie!e!Oìeioieieìeei<)ioìe{Oieie^)i<^)ieioieel 3 0 i 1 iW. H. CHR EDER Watchmaker and Jeweler, * F ro n t Stre e t, <1 I C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N . A l l w ork g u aran teed . Stanley S Pownder Real Estate,Collections,Insurance L o a n s N e g o tia te d , C o n v e y a n c in g N o t a r y P u b lic J. J. S T A N L E Y M A R T IN B U ILD IN G . R . R. P O W N D E R F R O N T STREET C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N M ARSH FIELD General Hospital A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical and obstetrical cases. in every Equipment new and modern 30 particular. to $v Rates from — per week Including room, baard, general nursing and drugs. Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. Claude F ox, Carenerai Draym an S u ccessor to W H . M ansell. W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A I N S . All orders handled with carefulness and expedience. A g e n t fo r th e b e s t C o o s C o u n ty C o a l I F HORSFALL HOSPITAL MISS L. G. GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. A private H o sp ita l w e ll e q u ip p e d fo r the tre a t­ m ent o f s u r g ic a l and m e d ical d ise a se s. T ra in e d N u rs e s in A tte n d an ce . For Information Address ’Phone 631. W in . H o r s f a ll, M . I) ,, Marshfield, Oregon.