Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, January 10, 1906, Image 1

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'l A J t
iíc ic jttiU r
V o l . 23: No. 17.
Entered a« aecoud-clais m atter May
8, 1905, at the postottice at C oquille,
Oregon, under act o f Congress o f M arch
3, 1879.
Walter Culin, M. D.
C oquille C it y , O k « .
K ronenberg B hl«.
N e » t Door to P. O.
T é lé p h o n é S.
Front Street
Martin Building,
CoqUlLLK, O bkoom
Office at
Residence of J. A. Collier.
Phone 111.
A. J. S her mod,
N o t a b y P u b l i c ,
Walter Sinclair,
A t x o b n e y - a t - L aw ,
N b t a b y P u b l i c ,
T __________________ L
/. Hacher,
A bstract « « o r T itles .
C oquille C it y , O re
Hall & Hall,
A tto rn eys - a t - L a w ,
Denier in K ia l E stât » o f all kinds.
M arshfield, Oregon.
C. A. Sehlbrede,
( ^ ‘ orn p v *111 -1 .aw .
Phone ■ill.
•^iolary Public.
M a r s h f ie l d , O r e o o n .
E. D. Sperry.
W . C. Chase.
A H o rn e y sa t-L n w .
Office in R obinson B u ild in g ,
E. 6. D. Holden,
L awybb ,
City Recorder, I!. 8. Commissioner, Gen­
eral Insnranoe Agent, and Notary
Office in R obin­
son Building.
Coquille, Oregon.
A. F. Kirshman,
D e n t ist .
Offioe two doors 8ontb o f Post office.
Str. D I S P A T C H
Tom White, Master
I Arrives
B andon....... 7 a - m . j Coquille... .10 a - m .
C o o u ille ........ 1 P-M. | liandon . . . . 4 p - m .
Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield
and steamer E.:ho for Myrtle Point.
Str. F A V O R I T E
J. C. Mooraaw. Master,
| Arrive*
Coquille....... 7 A-M. | Bandon. .10:45 A-M.
1 P-M. I Coquille . 4:45 p-M.
Str. E C H O
H. Jains. Master.
M yrtleP oin t.. 7 a - m . | «»quille C’y 9 30 a - m .
Coquill« City. . 1 p - m . I Myitie P’t. .4 00 p m
D aily except Sunday.
Str. W E L C O M E
U c ra lò .
J. E. Myers, Masters.
Myrtle Point 1:30 p - m . I (Joquillfl C’y 1.-00 P-M.
Coquill« City 7:00 a - m . | Myrtle F t 10:00 a - m .
Connect* with lower-river boat* at Coquille
City for Bandon and intermediate points.
Ample barge* for handling freight.
Sewing Machine Kepairmg
David Fulton, of this city, is an expert
cleaher and repairer, and anyone in
need of hie services will do well to call
at his residence or drop him a card.
For Sale.
A good home in this city, on
ay terms:
«»Enquire at this office.
The Postal Service.
Death of Mrs Kramer
An official paper, that has an in­
terest all its own, is the anual report
of the First Assistant Postmaster-
Geuerul of the United States. The
postal service comes to all citizens
of the Nation on equal terms, repre­
senting in this way more nearly the
boasted equality of individuals than
any other institution of the Govern­
ment— The Judiciary not excepted.
To the millionaire and the wood-
chopper, the learned and the un­
learned, the postal rates are the
same. Time is hastened and dis­
tance annihilated in the workings
of this service. No hamlet in all
the laud is so unimportant that the
muilpouch fails to find it with suffi­
ciency, while the forces of the de­
partment are constantly and syste­
matically in motion in the great
cities throughout the working hours
of every business day in the year.
More than the Postal Department
has brought the rural distrets
in touch
with the suburban
with the urban by a free delivery
system that has relegated loneli­
ness and isolation, relatively speak­
ing, to the realm of past years.
G. W. Kramer, editor of the
Marshfield Advertiser, received
telegram Tuesday bringing him
the news of the death of his mother,
Mrs. F. B. Kramer, at Russeliville,
Arkansas. Monday, Jan. 1. Mrs
Kramer had but recently returned
to Arkansas from Marshfield where
she spent several weeks visiting her
son. She came to the bay for her
health, which was apparently much
benefited by her stay here.— Mail
You will not find beauty in rouge
pot or complexion which whitewash
True beauty comes to them only
that take Hollister’s Rocky Moun
tain Tea. It is a wonderful tonic
and beautifier. 35 cents Tea or Tab
lets. R S Knowlton.
The Victor Talking Machine Co.
write their representative here, the
W. R. Haines Music Co., autboriz
ing the following cut prices on their
goods: 7 inch records at 35 cts: 10
inch records at $00 cents; 12 inch
records at 1.00.
records and other discrecords cut in
price in accordance.
There have been several efforts
made to establish the industry of
canning corn in Western Oregon.
None of them has so far been car­
ried to the point of definite success.
Another test of the matter is to be
made the coming season at McMinn­
ville. There can he little dou <t
that iu the end there will be enough
corn canned here to supply Pacific
Coast demands, The finest quality
of sweet corn in the United States
for canning is now grown in Maine.
The summer temperature of Muine
is very similar to that of the Wil­
lamette xalley. The best quality of
sweet corn is produced where the
summer is not extremely warm.
The trouble about establishing the
industry in Oregon is that the farm­
ers here do not ns a rule succeed in
raising a large enough crop. The
same trouble was met and overcome
in Maine where the yield formerly
one-third to one-half of what is now
octained. Farmers there now ob­
tain from $30 to $50 per acre uuil
in a few cases as high as $100 for
their corn. Although our summers
are rather dry for corn our soil is
naturally mure productive than that
of Maine and with experience the
farmers here will learn to produce
as large or larger crops than are
grown there.— Ore. Agriculturist
Forty millons of dollars are to be
appropriated by the Legislature to
New York for work on the enlarge­
ment of the Lake Erie and Hudson
Rivor canal this year. The canal is
to be enlarged to carry barges of
---- ►
1000 tons, and later much largor
also the be6t Tab­
vessels. It is believed the whole
work will cost nearly as much as the lets, Pens, Pencils, at Knowlton-
Drug Store.
Panama Canal.
The touch of the postal service
is a familliar one—a human touch
that performs its errand and goes
its way in silence, leaving a mes­
sage inviolate to those to whom it is
sent. This is service in its simplest,
most dependable form; service that
asks no questions and brooks no
A representative of an Eastern
intermeddling; service rendered by
a carefully devised system that manufacturing company is now in
moves with the precision of clock­ the Pacific Northwest to investigate
work, claims, by order of the Gov- the outlook for securing a hemp
eminent, right ot way on busy supply here for a factory. He de­
streets and country roads, and each sires to have experiments made in
succeeding day performs again un­ raising hemp in Western Oregon
Western Washington. He
tie Jgly the work of the day before. and
The head o f the department in his should be encouraged. The limit­
yearly report deals with a class of ed tests which have been made in
facts quite different from these. rHÍ8¡ng hemp in this section have
We have in this latest report the been rather encouraging. Our eli-
statement tout tne low sniaViun pnui
clerks in first atid second-class the production of a fine quality and
offices are insufficient to induce cap­ on some kinds of land the experi­
able faithful men to enter this branch ments hitherto made indicate a large
of the service. Six hundred lollars a yield. It is probable that the best
year .with no certainty of promotion yields can be had on the low bot
for a number of years, is not a bid tom lands near rivers and streams,
that energetic, ambitious men are ! — Oregon Agriculturist.
likely to consider seriously The first
Three little babes were nestled
Assistant Postnmster-Gonernl em­
phasizes this pont strongly in the j in bed.
“ I’ll name William, Will and Bill,
hope of securing legislation that will mother said;
provide more adequate recompense Wide was her smile, for triplets
for this work and thus secure per­ they be. She lays her good luck to
mountain Tea. (Great
manent work and more efficient | Rocky
baby medicine.)
service. He recommends discontin­
It invigorates, strengthens and
uance of the practice of installing
bulds, up . It keeps you in con­
postoffices in public buildings de­
ditions physically, mentally, and
voted to other branches of the Gov­ morally. That’s what Hollister’s
ernment service, thus making the Rocky Mountain Tea w>ll do. 25
postal work of secondary impor- cents, Tea or Tablets. Foi sale by
tane too often cramping it for room; R S Knowlton.
he also recommends an emergency
The story of Betsey Ross and the
appropriation to meet the postal
American flag has been given such
requirements of mining towns. As
wide vogue, and interest awakened
another indication of the growth of
has been so great, that the house at
the service and the widespread
Arch street. Philadelphia,
prosperity of the country he states
whero Betsey made that first flag,
that there has been an increase of
is to be preserved and handed over
more than $18,000,000
in the
to the keepiog of the National Gov­
ameunt of domestic, and of more
ernment. The full price of $25,000
than 5,000,000 in the amount of
has now been paid. The money
foreign, money orders issued during
was raised by the contributions of
the year preceding.
1,040.000 Americans incited thereto
The pictorial postal card became
by the American Flag House and
a pronounced nuisance during the
Betsey Ross Memorial Association.
past summer. Grotesque and even
The property is to be given to the
offensive caricature found its way
Government June 14 next, 129
wholesale into the mails, greatly in-
years after the first flag, which was
creasing the labor of handling and j
made in that house, was approved
distribution, without increase of!
by the United States Congress.
the revenues. To correct this evil
The cominitee in charge of the
the department issued n special
order for its abatement, with the transfer consists of John Quincy
result that many thousancs of ob­ Adams, Jobn WanamaKer, Benjamin
jectionable cards have been with­ F. Tracy, William A. Carr, Edwin
drawn from the mails by postmast­ S. Stuart, George T. Batcheller,
ers and forwarded to the depart­ Dr. A. H. Fetterolf and C. H. Weis-
ment for destruction.
In the effort to safeguard the berger. The last named, bv the
mails from the designs of the un- W.*T is the artist who painted the
scrupulous, over 1,500,000 cases of P,cture “ Birth of a Nation’s Flag.’’
Note and Comment.
Pastel, Sepia,
India Ink and Oil.
All the Latest
Desiqns in ft ames.
It looks as if the juniors are
serving a longer term of imprison
ment than the Chicago packers who
arc being tried.
Present Address
Lock Box 212
According to the threats of the Coquille, . . Or.
man Bob Fitzsimmons accuses of
having eloped with Mrs. Fitzsim
ilion s, Bob’s figbting career ie not
yet finished as reported.
Communication with Mars would
be especially valuable now in dis­
covering just how the trans-contin
entat railways were compelled to
acquiesce to the construction of all
those canals.
349 F rit Strict
Portland Or
P lis t CIRRI
M e a l s Tit a ll H o u r «
F rom 5 a m to 9 P ,M ,
Lone Star Restaurant
M R S. C. O, G IL K E Y . P r o p r ie t o r s ..
R e a s o n a b le R a ta to
S p a c i a l A t t e n t io n G l i n
R é g u lâ t B o a r d e r .
to C o m m e r ç a i P e o p l
It looks after all as if the laugh
was with the railroads on the no­
pass regulation.
They not only
save their reputation but they save
an immense amount of froe trans­
l. H. HAZARD, Casblai
R. E. SHINE, Vice Pres
O P C O 9 U IU U B , O R E G O N .
T r a n sa c tn a G eneral R a n k in g B u s in e s s
The Chinese may be ages behind
Board of Directora.
our civilization but they were not R. Dement,
A. J. Sherwood,
National Bank of Commerce, New Y<»ik City
L. Harlocker,
L. H. Hazard,
Crocker Wool worth N’l Bank, Si.n Francincu
so far off when they decided that
Isaiah Hacker,
R. E. Shine, i First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or.
the most sensitive nerve of the
American people was the ono that
=FOR A -
led to its pocket book.
G o o d S li a v e
It is proposed to send one thou­
sand marriageable women to Big
Horn county, Wyoming, where there
are ton bachelors to every unmar­
ried woman.
A few department
stores established there would draw
women faster even than the pros-
Don’t listen to what others say
pect of marriage.
about those lovely Pin Cushions
at Mrs. Nosler’s but go see for your
Pennsylvania has an estimated
self, and be convinced.
revenue this year of $24,000,000.
Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow.
ders, give instant relief. Price 25
cents. R. 8. Knowlton, Coquille
City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon.
$ 1 . 5 0 P ei : Y
If there are no important internal
improvements made now it will be
apparent that political reform is not
;• et an accomplished fact there.
an d . H a i r
T H O M P S O N 'S
Successor toCluis. Moomaw.
Next door to Coquille Valiev Packing Co.
Mrs. J. L. Thompson handles a fine line of Stationery and
all of the Latest Novelties in connection.
Stanley 5 Powncier
360 acres Coquille River Bottom
The Chicago Inter-Oeean pro­
Land 3J miles from Coquille City
that there shall be erected a
Price $20 per acre for a short time
Hall of Fume
for women.
Just as
0 <»n i in.
D- D- I W u - Co-
U o n v e y a n c in g
Daughters of the Revolution had L o a n s N e g o tia te d ,
not given the ladies sufficient cause
N o ta r y P u b lic
Cured Lumbago
for public quarreling.
A B Caumau, Chiccago, writes
J, J. S T A N L E Y
H. R. P O W N D E R
March 4, 1903. “ Having been
troubled with Lumbago, at differ­
ent times and tried one physician blamed for the matrimonial difficul­
after another, then different oint­ ties and chorus-girl complications of
ments and liniments, gave it up the employees of the United States
altogether. So I tried once more, Steel Corporation is a little hard to
and got a bottle o f Ballard’s
Snow Lineinent, which gave me guess, unless because there is noth­
almost instant relief. I can cheer­ ing in his own family affairs that
fully recommend it, and will add can be criticized.
my name to your list of sufferers.”
Sold by R 8 Knowltou.
A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, suigical
The Capital of the United States
Real Estate. Col lections, I nsurance
General hospital
The news from Russia must be
taken with many grains of allowance.
In the first place it is transfused
through an English medium for
this reason is unfriendly,
It is
doubtless much exaggerated. Con­
ditions in Moscow, St. Petersburg
and other centers are doubtless bad
enough, but it is evident that they
are not half as bad enough, but it
is evident that they are not half as
bad as represented. The Russians
are not a frivilous people, on the
contrary they are gloomy and sat­
urnine and such people do not go
shopping, sleighing and to the opera
when the streets arc running blood
and Gatling guns and heavy artil­
lery are storming baricades.
Rev. C a rlisle H. B
M arlin L
is having a boom double ended at
both the northern and southern ex­
tremities of the city. A five million
dollar steel plant is to be established
on the Southern end and three
thousand Adventists of the Seven-
Day variety have seceded from the
Battle Creek organization and will
loaate at Takoma, North of Wash­
ington, whore the organization has
already a foundation.
There is renewed talk of a new
era of invention. Tho inventor of
the submarine torped i boat has an­
nounced that he will soon produce
a flying machine weighing only
thirty pounds that will enable men
to fly a mile in two minutes while
Mr. Vanderbilt, millionaire and ma­
chinist, is having an automobile
built that he claims will run 152
miles afi hour.
Mr. Edeson has
just announced that he expects to
see electricity produced directly
from coal without intermediary of
and obstetrical cases.
in every
Equipment new and modern
>15 t o $ £ 3 0 p e r w e e k
Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron.
Including room, board, general nursing and drugs.
Claude F ox,
C te iie r a l D r a y m a n
Su ccessor te W
H. Mansell.
W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A I N S .
All orders handled with carefulness and expedience.
Of Waverly, Texas, writes: “ Of
a morning, when first arising, I of­
A g e n t fo r t h * b e s t C o o s C o u n ty C oal
ten find a troublesome collection of
phlegm which produces a cough
and is very hard to dislodge; but
a small quantity of Ballard’s Hore-
hound Syrup will at once dislodge I ,r,
. . , ...
. .
it, and the trouble is over. I know
fh o ch,of ° f the Plnkerton d«‘ ec-
of no medicine that is equal to i t,ve bureau recommends flogging as
pleasant to take. I can most cordi- •» preliminary to a state's prison
nlly recommended it to all persons sentence for burglars and bandits, A private H o sp ital w ell e q u ip p e d fo r the treat­
needing a medicine for throat or Hn clahnl| that thi„ wi„ prev(.nt
m ent o f s u r g ic a l and m e d ical d ise a se s.
lung trouble
Sold by R S
nine-tenths of the crimes now com­
T ra in e d N u rs e s in A ttendance.
mitted and holds that the good old
fashioned pillory and whipping
P h ysical Culture and E x p r è s
Wm. Horsfall, M. I).,
post, banished by sentimentalists For Information Address
Mrs. Wootton, of the Columbia
'Phone 631.
Marshfield, Oregon.
College of Expression, Chicago, will surest preventive of crime.
■B 11
. ■ a
Delaware where the whipping post
take a limited number of pupils.
Apply at N. E. corner 2nd floor has been again set up there is prac­
of school building between 4 and 5 tically no house-breaking or rob­
o ’clock p. m.
alleged indecent and scurrilous
matter received attention. This is Chamberlain * Couch Remedy the Best
respcnsiblo for the fact that an un­
usual nnmber of undeliverrble . let- i "In my opinion Chamberlain’s
ters, with valuable inclosures, found Cough Remedy is the best made for
their way to the dead-letter office colds,” says Mrs Cora Walker of
during the year, the aggregate Porterville, California. There is no
reaching nearly 11,000,000 piece« of doubt about its being the best. No
m a" -
j other will cure a cold so Quickly.
These are a few of the items in an No other is so sure a preventitive
H O L L IS T E R *
interesting report that go to show of pneumonia. No other is so pleas-
the vigilence with whirb the mails ant and safe to take. These sre Pocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
Twenty-five «cre«, all bottom. well
A Buey Mtdioln« for Buey People.
are guarded, the efforts that are good reasons why it should be per-
drained and improved, team, wagon and
Opens for fo il term September 12, 1905.
Briofe QulJoa Health aad Renewed Vigor
made to handle them properly and ferred to any other. The fact is
hamcflfl, 11 head o f dairy cow*, fall set
a i m
Full Normali Course, Teachers’ Review Class,
effectively, and the earnest desire that few people are satisfied with ^
.Iv^^l^SImR^milii* o f farm implement«, and a good crop, in­
cluding $ 100 worth o f hay, 3 acre« good
on the part of the official of the any other after having once used *n«l
Commercial Course. Expenses very low.
ltacLa«*he. I t '« IV*-ky Mountain T i n In u s ­ corn for eilege. potato« patch, garden, etc.,
i t i r I k ,«. Genuin« made by
postal department to improve the this remedy. For sale by R 8
a good *ilo and stump puller.
For catalogue oc information write to A. L. BRIGGS or O. C. BBOWN,
11 il :- :t.
i C o n n « « , Madtnon. Win
serv ioe.—Oregonian.
co’.atN NUÜGET8 FOR SALLOW PEOPLE 1 ton, Fishtruo.
Drain, Oregon.
For Sale.
Central Oregon State
Normal School O