your | Wilson Jowelry Company and have i it done right. B y the time that the Dext H eiiald Beautiful Shells and Shell work just received att Mrs. N osler’s, Just reaches its readers Christmas for the thing for Xmas. 1905 will be a day that has passed F or S ale .— Span o f young, sound into the dark. And the only recol- draft horses, weight 1500 pounds lections of it that we will all have is each. A p p ly at this office. the kind remembrances of many N ew Goods! Prunella, Rain­ P H O T O A LB U M S friends, who greets all with a cheery proof, Basket Weave, Ladies cloth, i TOILET ARTICLES “ Merry Christmas,” and the tokens Big lot of shoes just received at N ovelty suitings at Robinson’s. of regard that will be sent to friends O. Willsons & Co’s. Peau Do Soie and most any color A U T O A LB U M S and dear ones. Many people say W anted . — A good cow. Ad­ Japanese silks also Taffita up to 3e convinced, half back and they worked the ball For sale at all Drug­ tedious, however, he was verv down to n yard and a half of Iheit stores in the County. : patient and composed. opponent’s goal and on n fumble Or can he obtained The ‘li ceased was born at Znncs- j from the Manufacturer. lost ti e ball. T lo n Myrtle I’oii t F o r S a l e .— O r trade fo r cattle, and 1300. Enquire of W . vii . Ohio May 10,182!), and was R. O. K I R I ’ P ATR IC K , done s i j : cienti’Jc iu i b -n g a id two Hue luarc , w eigh t 1100 and Rohrer, Arago Ot<;uihv, Oj< 7,i years, 7 month an I 4 davs id l at Claremo Tutt'e 'oil i-n tli tbo time of his dentil. bill back of iho Myitie Point li u. Mr Sherrard and his life com­ making n tom U-hwn, whi •!> connte 1 panion wera ineinbers of a companv will» crossed the pi tins iu 1858, and 2. Then MyrtI Point i tinted the in to Coqm.Iu, wl o worked tlse eid u rid alt the hardships and Hungers of that long and tiresome ball bad w-iy np the gri limn, where tack” T.nw or . made » 25 yard j ‘Urtiov, i.rni were married the next ruu, Mid Clarence T’ultlu made a v 2 W E ARK O F F E R IN G point 15 miles on this side of Fort was a goose egg on both sides. Boise, their train left the old road Elmer Willard, Rackleff Lawhorn, leading into California and under­ Clarence Tuttle and A lbert Miller A complete line of took to follow a new trail coming played a star game. KS O A p ZU C 75 cents and $ 1.25 ialist 1 ^ W VV /«H r 2 5 c to $ 1.25 /^Q q /Hr W. H . M ansell, ^ Livery Best of Turnouts. P IC T U R E BOOKS, G AM ES, ETC. Hay, Grain, Feed. Large line of Bibles and Testa­ ments at 10c to $2.00 Feed and Sale Stable J. L. T H O M P S O N ’S ALSO AGENT FOR MORNING OREGONIAN K N O W L T O N ’S DRUG STORE C O Q U I L L E , O RE GON M l W. H. SCHR0EDE8 Buy Your Goods Right, and Don’t Worry. 3 I C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N . I Coming | C u t Glass in the Most Beautiful Designs direct to this state. They were to The finest and largest assortment have been met nt Fort Boiso by pilots who were to bring them of watches, rings, jewelry, clocks, through, but their late arrival dis­ etc., to be found in the city at W il­ son Jewelry Co.’s. couraged the parties and desert­ Clear thinking, decisive action, ed their post and loft the train to make their way the best they could. vim and vigor of the body and mind, the sparkle of life, comes to At one time they were lost among all who use Hollister's Rocky some lakes for a period of two weeks Mountain tea. 35 cents. Tea or in deep snow and a terriblo storm Tablets. R. 8. Rnowlton. and their sufferings were intence, and for a time it looked as though Just Arrived. A full supply of death stared the entire company rubber boots and over shoes for in the face, however, after long suf­ male and female at Robinson's. fering and hard work they reached the Willamette valley where they I Notice to Water Patrons settled and made a home. Notice is hereby given that from and In 1881 Mr. and Mrs. Sbcrrard »(ter the 1st ilay of January. 1908, all w ater rents due the City of Coquille moved to California where they shall he paid to O. C. Sanford, Record­ lived till 1892 wheu they moved er, at the City Hall in said city, on the t first day of each month, in advance, back to Coos county and have lived and all water rents unpaid on the tenth here since. To this union were day of each month shall lie deemed de­ li nqoent, and the Marshal of said city born ten children, six o f whom nre w ill at once proceed to cut off the ser- Mrs J. R. Beard,! vice of any delinquent patron. living, as follow . , , „ , 1 Done by order of the Common Coun- L ii coin Nlnrrnrd, Itedlands, Cal., i| 0( tlie City of Coquille, Coos conn tv, Mrs. Col. John Lane, Julietta, Oragon, this 8th day of December, 1905. , r . Idaho, Mesdnmes K e r r and Lane, o f i O. C. HANFORD, Recorder. LE E GOODMAN. Marshal. BRICK, LUM BER, S H IN G L E S , GRO CERIES, G E N E R A L M E R C H A N D IS E . W e carry a complete line of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing. Our stock is new and the latest. We handle the Famous WALK-OVER Shoes and guarantee every pair sold by us as represented or money refunded. Call and see them. Gent's Furnishings a Speciaty. Coquille Mill \ Mercantile Co fW. T KERR. Manager. » Carrafes, Nappies, Bon Bon Dishes, Olive Trays, etc., Bohemian Decorated Glass­ ware, Lovely Vases, Water Sets, Wine and Beer Sets. Chinaware, Chocolate Sets, Salad Sets, Cups, Saucers and Plates, Cream and Sugar, Salt and Pepper, Cracker Jars, Jugs, etc. j,,,m i i jjMui Carving Sets in new and patterns. Irish Mails, up-to-date ear for the boys — rubber •/ pumps like a handcar. Also Air Guns, Boxing Gloves, Foot Balls and Punching Bags, You will find rare values in each of the above lines Q U A L IT Y andP RICE considered T. H. MEHL Sc COMPANY COQUILLE, OREGON B.