f A Coquille limitò. V ol . 23: No. 11. Entered an aecoml-claaa m atter May H, 1905, at the puatoffice at C oqu ille, Oregon, under act o f C ongre** o f M arch 3,1879. Walter Culin, M. D. P h y sic ia n and S uboion C o q u il l « C i t y , O r « . Kronenberit Bldg. Next Door to P .O . T e le p h o n e 3. J. J. STANLEY LAWYER Martin Building, * Front Street CoquiLLM, OmaooN J. 0. WETMORE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Olii 'o at Residence of J. A. Collier. Phone 111. I A. J. Sherwood, A ttornbt at - L aw , N otary P ub lic , Coquille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A t roBN«T- at -L aw , N otary P u b l ic , Coquille, : Oregoa T /. Hacher, A b strac ter ok T it l e s . C o q u il l e C i t y , O rb COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, W E D N E SD A Y, NOVEMBER 2?, 1905. Drain Nota*. We soon expect to see grading Salem, Nov. 22—Thomas G. Hal­ begin on the Oregpn A Western R. ey, of Pendleton, will fill the seat R, “This will look good to us.” on the Supreme bench to b e vacat­ P. Hofer end wife, of Salem, and ed by Justice Wolverton when he Walter L. Tooze, of Woodburn, took becomes Federal judge of the dis­ the stage Friday morning for Gard. trict of Oregon. After a confer­ ner and Uooe Bay, where they are ence with Justioe Wolverton this billed for a number of addresses. morning, Governor Chamberlain The gentlemen are ernest, forceful made the announcement. The re­ speakers and deeply interested in tiring Justice told the Governor the development ot Western Ore­ that he bad received advices from gon. Washington ¡,ind thai he expected Thursday noon the Portland bus­ to take up the dutiea of Federal iness men’s special arrived and were judgeship as soon as possible. met at the depot by the citizens of This would be immediately after the town and the students of the receipt of his commission .and after Normal. A number of speeches he had qualified, probably not later were made, hands shaken and a gen­ than a week from now. eral good time bad by all. Ed. Gault, o f Cottage Grove’s Engineers Favor Sea Level Canal. new paper, Western Oregon, visited our little town on business con­ Washington, Nov. 19.— The nected with his paper. Board of Consulting Engineers Mr. J. J. Hill, of Wilbur, visited today declared in favor of a sea friends in Drain on Saturday and level canal, Long and careful study Sunday. preceded the decision. The mem­ Mrs. Hender, of Leona, has moved bers of the board have the greatest to town that she may seud her boys reputation in their profession. to the Normal. Franco, Holland and Germany sent Koieburg High School and the their engineers to say that a sea Normal play foot ball at this place level canal would cost more and Thanksgiving. A very interesting take loDger to build, but would game is promised as well as a basket ultimately be of greater use because dinner. it would allow ships to make much The Metcham hotel furniture, sup­ shorter trips than if they had to go plies, etc., were sold at auction Fri­ through several locks. An oflician statement will not be made until the day and Saturday. Miss Susie Hedden went to Elk- report reached the President, prob­ ton Saturday for an extended visit ably in January. with her brother’s family. Hall & Hall. A ttorneys - at - L aw , Dealet in R eal E state o f a ll kinds. Marshfield, Oregon. 1 C. A. Sehlbrede, Attorney-at-Law, N otary Public. M Phone 761. a r h h v ik ld , O regon . T E. D. Sperry. W . C . Chase. SPERRY & CHASE, Attornsy s- at-Law. Offloe in Robinson Boildin g, Coquille, . . . Oregon. E. G. D. Holden, L aw ybr , 3ity Recorder, D. 8. Commissioner, Gen­ eral Insnranoe Agent, and Notary Pnblio. Offloe in R obin­ son B uilding. Coquille, Oregon. A. >F. Kirshman, D e n t ist . Offloe two doors 8onth o f Post offloe. C oqu ille . - . O regon. COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO S tr . D IS P A T C H J. C. Moomaw. Master, Leayes | Arrive« Coquille....... 7 A M. | Bandon. .10:45 A-M. Bandon......... 1 P-M. | C oquill# . 4:45 p-M. Bancroft Items. Attorney A. N. Orcutt was in The recent rains have raised the town Saturday on business. Mr. Orcutt was formerly a teaober in creek and consequently ihe hopes of the loggers, but not yet to the work­ the Normal. ing point. Ex-Mayor Spaulding is off ¡duty Frank Fish and wife narrowly this week wrestling with the la- esoaped a repetition of the stage grippe. Mr. E. P. Hill, the general sec­ disaster as they came home from They retary of the college Y. M. C. A. Coquille Thursday night visited the Normal last Tuesday. drove into a mud hole near Mr. Mr. Hill spoke in assembly and Price’s prune orchard and their held two meeting with »he Y M. C. wagon turned with them, throwing A., going on to Portland by the p. Mrs. Fish off and down the bank and into the water. Frank in try. m. train. X, ing to find her walked off the bank The baroinater of a city’s pros­ into the water too, but he came out perity is guaged by the report of unhurt while Mrs. Fish suffered a its banks, and in our last issue we strained back and a bruised fore­ printed the report of the First Ns- head. They made their way in the tional Bank of this city. While the dark to Mr. Price’s where Mrs. Fish capital stock of the concern is small, was cared for, while Frank got help the business is climbing up and and went back to the relief of his other banks in more favored com­ team. One horse had to be loosed munities. The resources and liabil­ and rolled down in the creek before Altogether the ities are $1 >7,558,03. A national he could get up. injury was much less than might bank that is honestly and conserva­ tively conducted is one of the safest have been expected. Mrs. Fish is and best financial institutions that improving fast and ia expecting aoon a person can patronize. A person to be able to move home. Auro. feels safer with their money under government inspection than they East Fork Item*. do in a private bank, where there are no plying eyes of the treasury L . A. Masters, of Cleveland, department to look into scaly busi­ Douglas county, drove 400 angora ness methods. goats to Curry county, where he had sold them. A millionaire ex-aoldier has been Last Saturday Mr. Masters, of awarded a pension of twelve dol. Catching creek, brought in eighty- lars a month. There are several one angora goats which be had millionaire pensioners on the list bought in the Willamett valley. all of whom say do not want the mon­ The people who donated road ey, but merely the record of their work have worked it out reducing services to leave to their families. There should be something in pen­ grades. sion law to provide for these veter­ Tom White, Master ans so that there may be more mon­ Leaves I Arrives B andsn ........ 7 a - b . I Coqnill# 10 a - e . ey left for those who want money Coquille....... 1 r-E, | B andon---- 4 r-M. and would be willing to let their Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield descendants worry along without and steamer Echo for Myrtle Point. the record. S tr . F A V O R I T E Choice of Haley le Announced It would appear from the Presi­ dent’s recent consular order that years of agitation are about to bear fruit in an improved consular ser­ vice. The order that consular offi­ cers shall he able to apeak at least one language besides our own and to have a speakiDg knowledge of the language of the country to which they are accredited is better late than never, but the wonder is that it is necessary at this day to pro­ mulgate such a matter of course or­ der. The native American is the least polyglot of all peoples. Forty years ago the Frenchman did not deign to know any language save his own, but English has of late years been studied in the schools and it is not unusual to hear it Bpoken by native Frenchmen. The Germans of the better class speak English and French with a rare precision not often attained by En­ glishmen or Frenchmen, for their conversation has a literary or scholastic characteristic entirely free from solecisms and slang which mar the beauty of all vernaculars. The American however has been brought up with the idea that his English vernacular “ is good enough for him” and this with a little Greek and Latin acquired at High School or college is all the linguistic equip­ ment be has. But the oceans on our Eastern and Western shores to say nothing of the Gulf on the South have been narrowed by our growing commercial and naval pro- gress and during the last ten years we have realized as never before the importance of a knowledge of mod­ ern languages. The President who is a linguist and who is well ac­ quainted with the weekness of our consular service in this respect has issued an order which will, in its fulfillment, be most effective in the promotion of foreign trade. Note and Oomment. .50 P er Y e a r Stanley Z Pownder More stenographers and type- writers are needed by the Panama canal commission but there is no | demand as yet for more epades. 0, Real Estate,Collections,Insurance In spite of the appointment i Mr. Stillings as Public Printer the j L o a n s Government Bureau of Printing and Engraving is noiser than ever. N e g o t ia te d , ° 7 C o n v e y a n c in g * ° N o t a r y P u b lic Vice President Fairbanks has J. J. S T A N L E Y M A H T IN B U IL D IN G , discovered the Golden Rule and is urging it with all tbe enthusiasm of a discoverer as a plan for conduct Pastel, Sepia, ing business and politics. H. R. P O W N D E R F R O N T STREET C O Q U IL L E . O R E G O N All the Latest Desio ns in Frames. India Inh and Oil. Foot ball at Annapolis is to be played more gently according to Secretary Bonaforte’s orders but tbe students still have ways left for Pren nt Address killing each other. L o -1; B 212 All of the Russians taken prison­ Coquide, . . Or. FRANK BURKHOLDER ers by the Japanese are to be sent i borne. This is not consistent with I their reputation for treating their j prisoners humanely. Tbe London Committee has re­ ceived for the benefit of the Rus­ sian Jews donations of $355,000 and a speech from Lord Rothschild expressing confidence in the out­ look for peace. 349 First Street Portland Or BUY PIANOS OF DEALERS CARRYING REGULAR STOCK Oj Standard and Establish d Goods, where eash Instru­ ment is sold according to its intrinsic ualue. We sell gou a High Grade, Popular price or Commercial Piono, at their real ualue. One Price only on each Grade Governor Pennypacker of Penn­ sylvania says he is poorer now than We carry a complete line of Pianos, Organs, Piano-Players, when he accepted the office, but Talking Machines, Sheet music and Musical Merchandise. every one knows that? until the re­ Everything Sold on Easy Payments. cent election the state has always been ready to help those who help­ Representatives of Domestic Sewing Machines for Coos and Curry Co’* ed themselves. W. R. Haines Music Co., It is announced that the yellow S u c c e s s o r t o the Chas. G risson and A ia g o M u sic C o., fever prevalent in Havana can be Phone, Main 905, Garfield Annex, Marshfield, Oregon. traced to a swarm of mosquitoes imported from New Orleans in a R. E. SHINE, Vice Pres l. H. HAZARD, Cashier box of electrical machinery. This A. J. SHERWOOD, Pm«. is enough to give Louisiana as well as Cuba a shock F IR ST N A T IO N A L B A N K O p C O Ç U IL1L 1E , O R E G O N . The Norwegian plebiscite polled only twenty-one per cent of the voters for a Republican form of T r a n s a c t s a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g B u s i n e s » of Government for the country. Board of Directors. Correspondents. Probably tbe voters bad read of the A. J. Sherwood, National Bank of Commerce, New York City recent election in New York and de­ R. C. Dement, L.* Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, Crocker Woolworth N ’l Bank, San Francisco cided that a monarchial government Isaiah Hacker, R. E. Shine. Finit Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or. could scarcely furnish a condition “ Mrs. Warren,s Profession” by as bad as that. Bernard Shaw which was suppress­ ed and taken off the stage in both The Agricultural Department New Haven and New York by the announces that many prominent police turned out to be just as seed merchants of this country adul­ advertised, a play. The problem is terate their seeds. Many persons bow the expenses of its two produc­ who have used Government seeds tions are to be paid. will decide that it must have been A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical William H. Berry, the Prohibition from these merchants that the Agri­ and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern nominee for state treasurer, of Penn- cultural Department bought its in every particular. Rates from synvania, was swept into office by seeds. a plurality of about one hundred All small boys and all persons thousand vote«. Roosevelt carried not endowed with steel plate stom­ the state by a majority of 504,000. Including room, board, general nursing and drugs. Berry not only overcome this, but achs should read the President’s Thanksgiving Proclamation before came out a hundred thousand yotes dinner, especialy that part which to the good. says; “ The foes from whom we Marshfield, Oregon. New York is having its annual should pray to be delivered are our horse show but it was the prince own passions, appetites and follies.’’ the people paid to see the first As a rule these are thoughts that night, and Miss Alice Roosevelt will one has the night after the dinner, be tbe attraction for the rest of the instead of before it. people who would’t miss the horse show but who don’t know any more The result of the recent elections about horses thau the Apache is one in which every American, re­ knows of wagner. gardless of parly thus may rejoice. Successor to W H . Mansell. The Constitution may not have followed the flag to the Pbillipines but American customs are reaching there by leaps and bounds, The latest is a newsboys strike that for­ ced a paper published in Manila to abandon its street sales. . M ARSH FIELD General Hospital $£15 to Sj$BO pei* w e e k Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. ------ — — «-------------- , Best Liniment on Earth. Henry D. Baldwin, Supt. City Grant Harry has moved his child­ Water Works, Shullsburg, Wis., ren to their Grandmother Laird’s writes: ‘‘I have tried many kinds place in Brewster valley. of liniment, but I have never re­ J. O. Stemmier and Mr. McDow ceived much benefit until I used Balla-d’s Snow Liniment for rheu­ have each a full-blooded Shropshire matism and pains. I think it the buck bought of the O. A. C. X. best liniment on earth.” 25c, 50c and 11.00. Sold by It. S. Knowlton. Boss Cox of Ohio seems to have adopted the explanation of Admiral G et Ready for Thanksgiving. Nebogatoff, that he sacrificed hira- Plum Pudding, Cranberries, Rai­ self to save those beneath him. sins, Currants, Pumpkins, New Orleans Molasses, Brown Sugar, NOTICE. Citron, Lemon and Orange peel, All parties wanting Minnesota Black or White Figs, spices of all Burbank Seed Potntoes. Please kinds, anything you need at Geo. call or notify Matt Kerrigan, Co­ A. Robinson’s. quille, Oregon. The state of Massachusetts spends in its incorporated charitable insti­ tutions the sum of $9,580,551 an­ nually. I f the other Btates of the S tr . E C H O H. Jams. Master. Union average but a quarter of the Leaves I Arrives M yrtleP oin t.. .7 a - n . | oquille C’y 9 30 a - n . amount paid by Massachusetts one Coquille C ity .. .1 t-E. | Myrtle P’t. .4 00 r-E. hundred million dollars would be Dally except Sunday. the sum paid annually for the poor. Hence this standing army of or­ S tr. W E L C O M E Constipation. ganized charities in its war against J. E. Myers, Masters. Hogs and Cows to Trade. Leaves I Arrives poverty costs more to maintain than Health is absolutely impossi­ Myrtle Point 1:30 P-M. I Coquille C’y 4:00 p-M. Ten fine bred stock hogs, 100 ble, if constipation be present. Coquille City 7.00 a - m . | Myrtle P t 10:00 a - m . the entire standing army of Ger­ Connects with lower-river boats at Coquille many. lbs. each, 8 being barrows, what Many serious cases of liVer and City for Bandon and intermediate points. . you want at 3$ cents, pigs 75cts kidney complaint have sprung from - «»» — Ample barges for handling freight. neglected constipation. Such a H o p yards are being grubbed up each. Will trade choice dairy cows deplorable condition is unnecessary. Sewing Machine Kepairing >n Lane county on account of the for sheep at a bargain. C. A. Pen- There is a cure for it. Herbine David F ulton, o ( this city , is sn expert will speedily remedy matters. C. low price of hops this year, while ; dleton, Coquille, Oregon. cleaher and repairer, and anyone* in »<» - ---------- A. Lindsay, P. M.. Bronson, Fla., need o f his services will do well to call j others are left without the usual “ Having New Percales, Calicos, Ging. writes. Feb. 12, 1902: at his residence or d ro p him a card. fall work. This will mean a great hams, Chambrays and Cretones at used Herbine, I find it a fine med­ reduction in acreage of hope for Robinson’s icine for constipation.” 50 cents a For Sale. next year, and if the price* should Smoked Herring, Soused Mack­ bottle. Sold by R. 8. Knowlton A good home in this city, on soar up above the clouds there will erel, Lobsters, Shrimps, Mushrooms, be some wboleeale kicking going Lunch Tongue, Deviled Chicken, 1 Bread like your mother used to easy terms: Enquire at this office. ] bake at Mrs. Simpson’s. I Vienna Saucage, at Robinson’s. Claude F ox, Greneral D ra y m a n Corruption and bossisra received staggering blows in New York, Phil­ adelphia and Cincinnati and Balti­ more. Civic virtuo has asserted itself everywhere with emphasis. Party lines disappeared and the masses of the voters gave their ballots for men and principles with an indépend­ ance that has strengthened tbe faith of believers in self government. --------- . « - ------ W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A IN S . All orders handled with carefulness and expedience. A g e n t fo r th e b e s t C o o s C o u n ty C oal I I HORSFALL HOSPITAL MISS L. 6 . GOULD. SUPERINTENDENT. Neuralgia Pains Rheumatism, lumbago and sci­ A private H ospital w ell e q uippe d fo r the treat­ atic pains yield to the penetrating influence of Ballard’s Snow Lini­ m ent o f s u rg ic a l and m edical diseases. ment. It penetrates to the nerves T ra in e d N u r s e s in Attendance. and bone and being absorbed into the blood, its healing properties are conveyed to every part of the For Information Address \Vm. Horsfall, M. D., body, and effects some wonderful cures. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold ’Phone 631. Marshfield, Oregon. by R. S. Knowlton. Don’t listen to what otbers say about those lovely Pin Cushion at Mrs. Nosler’s but go see for your self, and be convinced. HO LLISTER’S Hccky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bony Medicine for Boiy People Brinfa Gulden Health and Renewed Vigor. A «oedfle for ConatipAtion, Indignation, L ift ftii l Kid.ivy Trouble*. Pimple Pimpiea Ecréma, Impura I J i ’ . l, B»i