Note and Comment. Coquille Herald. *— D F- DEAN, EDITOR *---- - Charles Dane Gibson has blasted the reputation of half the chorus AND PROPRIETOR girls in America by declaring that there was no “ origiaal Gibson girl. County Official Paper. Senator DuBois o f Idaho who was one of the Taft party hasn’t any more voted to the material and social 01 b ling o f the Ooqaille Valley particular! % pleasant things to say of the F ill • * t o f Ooos County generally. pinos than he has o f his particular abaoriptios, per year, in advanoe, fl.fiO beta noir, the Mormons. PUBLISHED EVEUY WEDNESDAY. Church Directory. C h r is tia n C hurch . — Pleaching every t day aft 11 a. ro. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday \ ool at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at ( ) p. m. Prayer meeting every WednM- c v evening at 7:30. All cordially invited. Episcopal Church.—Episcopal services v-ill be lii'ld at St. Jatnei church, Coquille C'i»y the third Sunday in each month, unday school at 10 a. in. each Sunday. Win. Horse fall, Pastor. M. E.Church, South: Preaching each I ,ory Sundays at 11 a. m, and 7:30 d Sunday-school every Sunday at ft 0 • look. Senior Epworth League at 6:30, p. n . Junior League at 3:30,p.m. Prayermeet- li: i Thursday evening at 7:30. H. M. Branham, pastor, lefthodist Episcopal church.—Service tl.o first and third Sunday in each month J i a» !n. ¡11 o’clock a. m. and 7:30 p. m. h ulav sohooi at 10 o’olock a. m. Ep- V i th League at 0:30 p. m. W. U. F. B bownb , Bastor. The W. C. 1’. U. meets every 1st and 3rd 1 lav at ‘1 p. m. at the Christian ohuroh. kvbnth D ay A dventist C hubch — Sab- (seventh day) services; Sabbath >. ’tool 10 a. m.. Bilde study 11 a. m., I ayer meeting Tuesday evening 8 p.m., % ung people’ s meeting Friday, 8 p. m. /ll are invited to attend these meetings. O. H. BUNCH. Elder. Lieut- General Chaffee ie kept busy denying that he did not refuse to dine with the K in g o f England, I t was only the Lord Mayor of Lon don who asked him to luncheon. Senator Tillman of South Carolina says he has a great deal more re­ spect for the Senate than before he entered that body. The South Car olina Senator is a unique individual. A Virginia pastor has been sus­ pended for kissing a pretty girl of his Church. He is doubtless one of the latest converts to the scien­ tific discovery that kissing is dan. geroug. Hon. Grover Cleveland doesn't think women should join clubs or have the right of suffrage but he hasn’t joined the New York clergy Mrs. Samuel Shuck, of Gravel men who think they shouldn’t be Ford, was in this city, Wednesday. angels either. Samuel Miller, of Fishtrap, made this office a pleasant visit this week. The hunters are creating a good deal o f mourning among the ducks on the Marshes. Anyone wishing a fine lot of huckleberries may leave orders at this office Anyone wishing to lease a good farm will do will to call at the lltHALD office. Mrs. S. E. Brosi and daughter, of 1’ iockway are guests of their sister and aunt, Mrs. M. Nosier. Jonathan Quick, who sold his laneh to Wm. Coach last August has li.ovtd to . .me in this city. No Poison In Chimberliln't Cough Remedy From Napier New ZealandHerald Two years ago the Pharmacy Board o f New South Whales, Australia, had an analysis made of all the cough medicines that were sold in that market. Out of the entire list they found only one that they de­ clared was entirely free from all poisons. This exception was Cham­ berlain’s Cough Remedy, made by the Chamberlain Medicine Com­ pany, Des Moines, Iowa, U. 8. A. The absence o f all narcotics makes this remedy the safest and best that can be had; and it is with a feeling of security that any mother can give it to her little ones. Cham­ berlain’s Cough Remedy is especial­ ly recommended by its makers for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. This remedy is for sale by R. 8. Knowlton. S s r v ie « D R WBTMORE’B AT THE PRIVATE HOSPITAL Dr. Horsfall o f Marshfield. a a a ssista n t I am now prepared to treat all cases Little's Store Medical and Surgical S p s e la l R a t * . m a d s (o s raant. Aaaouaha- Groceries. Vegetables, Fruits, Confectionery Tobacco and Cigars. M is* Delia Hoveley Qraduated Nurse of San Francisco, Cal., manager. Dr. WETMORE, A name well and most favorably known and respected by the entire trade. TW O M A C H IN E S IN ONE. W ith the shuttle a Lock Stitch; with the looper a Chain Stitch. Instantly interchangeable without any adjustment. F or sale by the W. It. Haines Music Co. Agents for Coos and Curry coun­ ties. Easy terms. Phone I I I . COQUILLE, OREGON. •JKHHKVUÄ . D E A L E R IN that I have opened my ¡f F o New Carriage Shop r r'jorçÉNT B L A C K S M IT H IN G , “ A s a certain purgative and and stomach purifier Chamberlain’s Stomach and L iver Tablets seen to be the exact thing required, strong enough for the most robust, yet m ild enough and safe for childien and without that terrible griping so common to most purgatives,” say R. 8. Webster & Co., Udora, Canada. For sale by R. 8. Knowl ton. L O G G IN G W O R K , All Kinds of L o g g in g We carry a Euerything found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the lowest consistent with good goods. Materials FRO N T ST. C O Q U IL L E S. H. McAdams, Next to C. M. A M. Co's , Mill, fron t S treit. C O Q U IL L E , : : OREGON. IN V E S T IG A T E ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- STAGE LINE duality as well as Quantity for the price paid at the City Meat Market B. F E N T O N P ro p land, and adjosning the town of Saddle Horses of best quality always on band. Good Rigs in readi­ Myrtle Point, Coos county, Oregon, and J mile from creamery. Forty- ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and L ivery business. Accommodations for TaveliDg men a specialty five acres of bottom land improved and in good state of cultivation; 5 Leave Coquille at 6 a. m„ arriving at Roseburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.50 acres slashed, burned and newly seeded; hill land is all good for pas­ ture; 3 acres of orchard in good eari bngcondition and different var­ ieties o f fruit. House, barn and W< guarantee better work other buildings. W hile we have a at lower prices than can be number of other dairy farms for sale, yet this is one of the best bar­ had elsewhere. Do not order gains, as the location is all that could be desired, being near town, Monumental work until you sohooi and creamery. This is cer­ haue called upon or written tainly a bargain for some progres­ sive dairyman. Price $7,500. us for prices. FRESH AND SALT MEATS. Lard, Bacon, Hams, Sausage, Chickens, Vegetables, Turkeys and Game in Season. Front Street, Coquille, Ore., Phone, Main 43. P. 0. Pox 224 Monuments and Headstones Ah Goquille Furniture and BOX FACTORY R obests & C arter , Myrtle Point Oregon. D avid F ulton , Local Agent, Coquille. Son Lost Mother. J- STEWART & WHITE, Props. W H E E L E R & W I L S O N MFG. CO. the Unfortunate. B «a a a rrlN N ^ «Ie ri ■ t r iF ia r * S t . m il. lo . » I l l u fo rn ii. S à i . • la a a a v a , à - r , . u D .M IIIr , •J ■ •■ M ra » » l » à l W rak . neaaaix! L o m o M I hii h o o * . the consequence — - o f »e lf abuse and excesses follow ing s y m p to m »; »a llow coud - ^enence, dark «pota under the eyes, pain in the hnad. rjaylnx In the ears, loas o f confidence,dlffl- " *P P ro®<,bln|t »tran ter*, palpitation o f the h* *rt, w ea xne«B of the Mmh* and back, loaaof mem ■11’ *2IV£ifS0,laH,# cough«, consumption, etc. practiced in Ran Franclaco 41 troubled should n ot fall to consult w ™ M d re c e iv e the b en efit o f bis t r e a t skill and »x perlence. T h sd octorcu rea when ethers fall. T r y M P . , C i r w l a a r a a l e e S , Persons cured a» tM M C % a£geereaeon ah ie. Call or w rite. D r . ----- 0 D S e a , S t t | « a r » lvRi. S » » r r » » r l i F is h Incandescent Electric Light Press Ac'-eptei) throughout the civilized world the Button os the most universally satisfactory il- and there you have it. luminaut for Cleanest, Most all purposes. Convenient, Safest, and the C H E A P E S T light known. That furnished by the C O Q U IL L E R IV E R CO E L E C T R IC is fm t class and up to date in every respect. The rates place it within reach of all FRANK MORSE, Prop, COQUILLE, ORE. D E A L E R IN Flooring, Rustic and all kinds of Finishings and Mouldings Dr.G-ibbon I Electric This old reliable and the must successful Special­ ist In Sau Francisco, still ntlnnaa to c o ra e ll and f e m l a a i D l a r a a r t ^ ' »u r li urn G- M A N U F A C T U R E R S o f Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fru it Boxes Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. Turning W ork a Specialty. A ll Orders given prompt Attention. A lfred Johnson, Str. E lizab eth Up to date Dress Goods and Kimona cloth, just opened at Mrs Nosier’s. OF K lo r ix * a n d . F e e d . Made and Kept on Hand. Coos B a y and San F ra n cisco Herb W. Edwards of Des Moines, Iowa, got a fall on an icy walk last winter, spraining his wrist and bruising his knees. “ Thu next day.” he says, “ they were so sore and stiff I was afraid I would have to stay in bed, but I mbbad them «•ell with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and after a few applications all soreness had disappeared.” For sale bv R. S. Knowlton. A C H O IC E L I N E C A R R IA G E W O R K . COOS CO, MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Herb W. Edwards Injured. Fancy and Staple Groceries. Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. full line of And am now prepared to do The Exact Thing Required for Constipation- Str. M. F. Plant, SETTLEMENT. — Drane’s Store, To let you know Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets FINAL . i a n w 9 Tires Tie tie Valie of air Oilier. Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed did on the 6th day of October, 1905, file in the County Court for Coos county, Oregon, his final account in the Mutter of the Estate of Murphy Dean, deceased, and that said court has set Thursday the 9th day of November, 1905, as the day for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate. Dated this 5th day of October, 1905, R O B E R T 8. T Y R R E L L , Administrator of the Estate of Murpliv Dean, deceased. Oregon. Coquille, “ Consumption runs in our fam ily Phone, M a in 238. You want a remedy that w ill re­ and through it I lost my Mother,” now 3d & D Sts., Marshfield, Ore lieve the lungs and keep expectora­ will writes E. 5. Reid, o f Harmony, Me. tion easy. “ For the past five years, however, He You want a remedy that will first counteract nny tendency toward on the slightest sign o f a Cough or Cold, I have taken Dr. K in g ’s pneumonia. New Discovery for Consumption, You want a remedy that is pleas­ The world's record was broken which has saved me from serious ant and safe to take. lung trouble,” His mother’s death this week at Portland when ten Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was a sad loss for Mr. Reid, but he vcpm I s wero chartered at union fTurn meets all of these requirements and learned that lung trouble must not « rales to carry a million bushels of for the speedy and permanent cure be neglected, and how to cure it. of had colds stands without a peer. Quickest relief and cure for coughs pasti ma: grain from that and Sound ports For sale by R. 8. Knowlton. and colds Price 60c and $1.00; Miss Eflie Collier, of this city, ------------- e<|» — - ....■■■ One-Third Easier guaranteed at R. S. Knowlton drug who has been teaching the young Mr Bryan Abroad store. T ria l bottle free. ideas at South Inlet to shoot has One-Third Faster William J. Bryan sailed from San closed her school and is visiting HOLLI STEM'S her cousin, Mrs. O. Schetter, of Francisco September 27. Mr. Bryan Rotary machine and ball bearing will make a voyage around the world. Marshfield. A Busy Modiolus for B«aj Psopls make it the lightest runn ng ma Bring» Ooldsn Health aid Rsntwsd Vigor. In the course of his journey he will chine in the world. W anted .— 10 men in each state to A »pacific for Constipation, Indignation, L ire visit Hawaii, China, the Philippine \ u,! Trouble«, Pimple«. Eczema, Impure travel, tack signs and distribute ijvKwJ Had Breath, Sluggish Bowola, Headache Quiet and durable, the rotony Islands, India, Austria, New Zea­ i Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab. samples and circulars of our goods. form, iv»nt* a box. Genuine made by motion does away with noise and land, Egypt, Palestine, Greece, Tu r­ « i. irrrf. D-tro C ompany , Madison, Wis. Salary $75.00 per month. $3.00 per wear caused by the forward and “J . f i NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE key, Italy, SpaiD, Switzerland, Ger. day for expenses. Kuhlman Co. backward movement of the shuttle many, France, Norway, Sweden, he Oregon Coal A Nav Co’s +tW Dept. Atlas Building, Chicago. Denmark, Russia, Holland and the August Eickworth, who at one British Isles. tin was ono the lessees of the old General O B o . 1 « P .c M c C » . t . S a i l F r a it C iS C O , 0 « l . In each of these countries Mr Bulletin is on his way to the coast Capt. Nelson, Msstei. 231 SUTTER ST., Bryan will write for hia paper. Com­ In a letter from Boston to a friend W ill mske regular trips between moner, one or more letters describ­ in Mar-1,field lie says that he is tired C h a s . A . M c K e l l ip s , A g e n t, C o q u /lle , O re g o n . ing his observations. It is need­ >! : io ‘ ill New England Winters’' H e a d q u a rte rs at M rs. M. N o s le r ’s. less to say that Mr. Bryan’s letters and want get Lack to the land of will be interesting to men and wo­ "Rain and plenty of it.” men, regardless of political preju­ “The safe and reliable tiwn-_ This Steamer is very steady at sea and dice. Those desiring to avail them­ screw " I Thank The Lo rd l" her passenger accommodations are all The New and Speedy, Cried Hannah Tlaint, of Little selves of the opportunity to read new, clean and sweefc, opening out on I’ >. k, Ark., ‘‘ for the relief I got these letters should lose no time in deck and having only two berths in a in in Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It subscribing for The Commoner. room. Very superior Second Class. cured my fearful running sores, Attention is invited to an an­ C. P. Jensen, M aster. Fare, 1st Class, $10. 2nd Class, $f>. which nothing else would heal, and nouncement, relating to these let­ Will make regular trips between from which 1 bad suffered for 5 ters, printed in another column of F. S. DOW, Agent. W . C. Rose. A g t , y ears.” it marvelous healer Marshfield. Coquille. C o q u ille R iv e r and S a n this issue. Wo are able to offer for cuts, bui­ nd wounds. Guar- lt n teed at R. xiiowllon’s at drug special inducement* to any one who F r a n c is c o . store; 25c. desires tc read Mr. Bryan’s articles. N o Stop-over at W a y Ports. NOTICE OF S p e c ia l A t t s n t l o n G iv e n to C o m m e r c i a l People. W « M ak s Ratos to Ragulai* B o a r d e r s . Having Procured the Services of Domestic Captain K. W. MerrimaD is in charge of the Kilburn. He be in charge of the Kilburn. will be well remembered as the officer of the Alliance. • «• * ♦ Skookum Restaurant, C A H AR R IN G TO N , Proprietor. For Further Particulars Address Governor Folk is in Philadelphia telling the people how to clean up that city. In a speech he said There is more aggressive rotten­ ness and legs agressive patriotism in our large cities than any where When you want a pleasant else.” physic try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy In the old times every man want­ to take and produce no gripin g or ed to run for office. Now that the other unpleasant effect Sold by insurance companies have announc­ R. S. Knowlton. ed they will make no more contribu­ D airy Farm for Sale tions to the campaign funds candi­ dates are scarcer, and in New York A fine dairy farm containing 70 hard to get at all. acies of bottom laod 23 acres o f hill Ten persons have been lound who are believed to be entitled to the Mrs. Ch rcnz and children, hero fund provided by Andrew r 1 Randon .•■guest of her par- Carnegie several years ago. All of eels, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Skeols, of the ton medals were given for hero­ this city. ic services in rescuing drowning Chas. Levine and family has persons, and some of them to women. moved from the Junction to his The Mutual L ife might better home in this city where his children have been named the Mutual Mc­ will attend school. Cards are out for a formal re­ Curdy Association, Four million ception for Mrs. J. W. Bennett at dollars in twenty years Is the mod­ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. est sum that the McCurdy fa mily i'mnagan, next Thursday.— Coast has drawn from the dollar by dollar savings that the people have en­ Mail. trusted to the corporation. George Collier, of Occidental, California, arrived in this city W ed­ When You Have a bad Cold nesday to look after his property You want a remedy that w ill not und <>l her business interests in this only give quick relief but effect a section. permanent cure. a t a ll H ou rs p r o m 6 • m to 9 p m . Firat-Class Lights. Everything in First-1 PATENTS Deliveries made promptly by either water or rail. P R O C U R E D * N O D E F E N D E D .' - drawtiur nr photo, f t ex pert eearrh and free report. I I W advice, how to obtain patenta, trade m * " I W e have all Grades and Prices Accordingly. • o pt nEliH iRo, |N „ L L C O U N T R IE S . - H r a r ,, irára. I « * > «,„ / .fra / . 1 /? » n n m Jirn -l a . J GASNOW Pitààt rad Infrlflgwmit Priel)«» ü cl Mirai)!. * * or «-"me lo m S • U s ig ia Itrart. „r? h M Constantly on hand. SkgkM r itr a i ______ waiHiwoTow. o. c. , O B '. \ C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N