Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, November 01, 1905, Image 1

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Maquille Hcralô.
23: No. 7.
V ol .
Entered as second-class matter May
8, 1905, at the postoffice at Coquille,
Oregon, under act of Congress o( March
Walter Culin, M. D.
P hysician and S urgeon
CoQOtLLl C it y , O k *.
Kronenherg Bldg.
Í Next Door to P. O.
Telephone 3.
Stanley & Burns,
Real Estate, Collection*.
Specialties—Criminal and U. 8. Land
Cases, Notaries Public.
Office at
Residence of J. A. Collier.
Phone 111.
A. J . Sherwood,
N otabt P ublic ,
Walter Sinclair,
A T ro B N E Y -A T -L A W ,
N otabx P ublic ,
I. Hacher,
A bstracter
T itles .
C oquille C it y , O re
Hall & Hall,
A ttorneys - at -L aw ,
Dealer in R eal E state o f all kinds.
Marshfield, Oregon.
C. A. Sehlbrede,
Notary Public.
Phone 761.
arsh fiel d ,
O regon .
E. D. Sperry.
W. C. Chase.
Offloe in Robinson Building,
E. G D. Holden,
City Rooorder, U. 8. Commi ssioner, Oon-
eral Insnranoo Agent, nnd N o,..ry
Office in R obin­
son Building.
Coquille, Oregon.
[__________________ L _ ___
A. F. Kirshman,
D entist .
Offloe two doors Sentii o f Post offlo».
Str. D I S P A T C H
Tom White, Master
I Arrives
B andon....... 7 A-M. | Coquille.. . .10 a - m .
Con m ile ....... I p - m . | Bandon . . . . 4 p - m .
Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield
and steamer Ejho for Myrtle Point.
Str. F A V O R I T E
J. C. Moomaw, Master,
I Arrives
Coquille....... 7 A-M. | Bandon. .10:45 A-M.
Bandon......... 1 p - m . | Coquille. 4:45 p - m .
Str. E C H O
H. dams. Master,
| Arrives
M y rtleP oiu t.. .7 a - m . | oquille C'y 9 30 a - m .
Coquille C ity .. .1 P-M. | Myrtle P t. .4 00 p - m .
Daily except Sunday.
Str. W E L C O M E
W . R. Pan ter, Master.
Myrtle Point 1:30 P-M. I (.’oquille C’y 4:00 p - m .
Coquille City 7:00 a - m . | Myrtle F t 10:00 a - m ?
Connects with lower-river boats at Coquille
City for Bandon and intermediate points.
Ample barges for handling freight.
Sewing Machine Repairing
David Fulton, of this city, is an expert
cleaher and repairer, and anyone in
need of hi* service* will do well to call
at hia residence or drop him a card.
For Sale.
County Court Proceedings.
loading rock c r u s h e r ..... 41 25
R Foote, for building
fence.................................... 75 00
Albert Barklow, for oversee­
ing and driving p ilin g .. . . 17 50
J M Arthur A Co, wire rope
S S ferry............................. 81 00
Fred Hagelstein, for anchors
and boathook..................... 11 25
Ira A Albee, report approved
balance on hand for C o .. 3 55
Ira A Albee, appointed ferry
man S 8 ferry.....................
Lloyd Spires, for unloading
rock crusher....................... 16 60
A G Fish, for drum Coquille
ferry..................................... 1 50
J A Lamb A Co, for nails,
paint, etc Coq ferry........... 37 00
Hem y Sengstacken, freight,
per steamer Kilburn........
1 00
J R McBee, for labor........... 16 75 tbe residence of Helen Snedden on
E M Hardman, for la b o r .... 15 75 the 16th day of October, 1905, and
E E Evornden, for la b o r... 15 75 view out and locate a gate-way, 15
8 J McBee, for labor............ 11 00 feet wide, to some public road; and
Wm McBee, for planks......... 15 00 to assess the damages to be sus­
A L Nosier, for spikes......... 14 50 tained by persons through whose
A O Hooton, for labor........
2 00 premises said gateway will pass
L L Evernden, for labor.. . . 2 00 In re-Appointment of a 1
T S Evernden, for services
Road Supervisor r, R. j
D., No 12.
as supvr................................ 47 75
Frank Van Luvin, r d 20 report
This matter coming on at this
examined and approved
time to be heard, and the same
W M Kay, r d 21, report ex­ after being duly sonsidered by tbe
amined and approved and tbe fol­ courT.
It is Ordered, That the resigna­
lowing warrants ordered drawn:
John Mador, for labor............ 36 00 tion of S. C. Bunch, as Supervisor
A E Martin, for labor............ 16 00 of B. D. No. 12, be accepted, and
E M Kay, for labor................ 24 00 E. N. Harry be appointed to fill the
W M Kay, for services as
supvr......................................105 00 In re-Fill at Morgan Place:
This matter coming on at this
J H Badabaugb, r d 22 report
examined and approved and the time to be heard, and tbe same
following warrants ordered drawn: after being duly considered by the
J H Badabaugb, for services
as supvr............................ 75 00
It is Ordered, That tbe same be
H A Todd, for labor............ 30 00 accepted and the balance due on
0J Standard and Established Goods, where eash Instru­
Nile Miller, for labor.......... 22 25 said contract, $415.00, be paid to
We sell you a
Howard Young, for la b o r... 25 00 R. O. Hoberg, to-wit, $21.73 drawn ment is sold according to its intrinsic value.
on the General R. D. Fund and
High Grade, Popular price or Commercial Piono,
labor.................................... 23 00 $393.27 to be drawn on the 5 per
at their real value.
John Stone, for labor.......... 10 00 cent. R. D. Fund.
One Price only on each G-rade
Isthmer Robison, for labor 60 50 In-Construction of tbe Lee Bridge:
Alfred Johnson, for labor... 13 27
This matter coming on at this We carry a complete line of Pianos, Organs, Piano-Players,
Henry Hervey, r d 31, report ex­ time to be heard, and it appearing
Talhlng Machines, Sheet music and Musical Merchandise.
amined and approved and the fol­ to tbe court, that J. D. Bennett has
Everything Sold on Easy Payments.
lowing warrants ordered drawn:
fully complied with the terms of
D R Lewis, for labor............ 39 00 said court, and there is now due Representatives of Domestic Sewing Machines for Coos nnd Curry Go's
Ray Lewis, for labor............ 7 00 him thereby tbe sum of $705.96.
Ben Crow, for labor............ 45 00
It is Ordered, That the clerk
Webb Morley, for la b o r.. . . 6 00 draw an order on the county
Successor to the Chas. Orissen and Aiago Music Co.,
T W Shuck, for labor.......... 11 00 treasurer in favor of J. D. Bennett, Phone, Main 905,
Garfield Annex,
Marshfield, Oregon.
J N Summerlin, for labor.. 14 00 for the sum of $705.96, the same to
VV J Lichty, for labor.......... 57 00 be paid out of the 5 per cent road
R. E. SHINE, Vice Pres
l. H. HAZARD. Cashier
R J Clinton, for labor.......... 30 00 district fund
E A Howey, r d 28, report ex­ In re-Location of Bandon and )
Myrtle Point road.
amined and approved and the fol.
ThiB matter eoming on at this
lowing warrants ordered drawn:
Jack Mast, for labor.......... 13 75 time to be heard, and tbe same
C H Bunch, for labor.......... 37 10 after being duly considered by the
T H Mebl, for hardware.. . . 6 75 court:
It is Ordered, That C. S. Mc­ T r a n s a c t s a G en eral B a n k in g B u s i n e s s
J A Lamb A Co, for hard­
county surveyor, 8 . B
ware..................................... 11 65
Alfred Johnson, lu m b e r .... 24 49 Cathcart and George Griffin, the
Board of DIraetor».
Wm Griffin, for labor.......... 12 00 board o f county io".d viewers, meet R. O. Dement,
A . J. Sherwood,
National Rank of Commerce, New York City
L. H&rloeker,
L. H. Hazard,
Crocker Wool worth N ’l Bank, San Francisco
Wm Jess, for labor.............. 58 50 at tbe residence of Henry Clemens,
Isaiah Hacker,
R. E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or.
J A Deyaul, for labor.......... 4 50 on the 18th day of October, 1905,
Leland Howey, for la b o r ... 25 20 and on failure to meet on said day,
then within five days thereafter, to
E A Howey, for services a*
supvr..................................... 140 80 view, survey and lay out said road,
Cbas T Smith r d 4 report ex­ and to establish a grade not to ex­
ceed 16 inches to the rod.
amined and continued.
(Continued from last week)
Indigent and Insane.
The following bills approved and
ordered paid:
The Pioneer Grocery Co,
supplies for Josh Nelson 45 40
Manley Barklow, keeping
Elizabeth Steele................ 24 00
C M Skeels, supplies for Mrs
Hatcher............................... 41 85
Wm Jenkins & Son, supplies
for A C Hoit and J W
C lark................................... 69 00
Beaver Hill Coal Co, hurry­
ing I O Stevenson............ 20 00
P E Dr.ine, supplies for Ra­
chel W ilson...................... 15 00
J H Bowlsby, coffin etc Jas
W itters............................... 15 00
It is ordered that the supervisor
Gardner A Laird, board of
John Roberts, not allowed 8 00 of r d No 13, be authorized to ex­
Ordered that the allowance of pend $200 in opening a county
Polly and Mary (Indians) be in­ road, beginning at the Bsndon and
ending at what is known as the Fox
creased to $5.00 per month.
Ordered that Mrs E M Joyce be road. That no part of said $200 be
allowed $6.00 per month until fur­ expended until the amount sub­
scribed by the citizens living in that
ther orders of this court.
Ordered that Mrs. Mary Waite vicinity, has been collected and ex­
be allowed $6.00 per month until pended on said road.
In re road supervisors’ reports
further orders of this court.
the various road districts.
Report of Supt. of County Infirmary
of the supervisors for
and the following bills allowed
the various r a examined and re-
and ordered paid:
ported as follows:
Coquille Mill <fc Mer Co for
lumber A groceries.......... 62 49 Wm H Noble r d 1, report
and warrants
R S Enowlton, for med and
drugs etc............................. 69 30
Barion Holcomb for la b o r... 8 00
N Lorenz, for cloth and gro­
ceries................................... 71 25 Martin Laksonen, for labor 28 00
H Lamport, for labor,.......... 34 00
C M Skeels, for groceries and
feed...................................... 61 30 Claud Noble, for labor........ 35 00
W H Noble, for supvr and
J A Lamb A Co, for hard­
cash paid out....................... 53 35
ware ..................................... 47 50
Bert Cox, for labor.............. 33 00
Coquille Val Packing Co, for
meats................................... 85 35 Frank Pierce, for labor........ 28 00
Dean A Morgao, for meat.. 34 C8 H B Ingersoll, r d 3, report
examined and approved.
J T Hartley for black-smith­
F P Norton, r d 5, report ex­
in g........................................ 32 25
amined and approved.
T H Mehl A Co, for hard-
Cbas Rodine, r d 6 report ex­
waie..................................... 12 75
amined and approved.
W C Rose, for tobacco and
Cbas Soedden, r d 8 report ex­
fruit..................................... 23 25
M H Hersey, for groceries.. 51 95 amined and approved.
Z T Siglin, r d 9, report examined
Coquille Fur Co, for coffin.. 10 00
and approved.
Z C Strang, for groceries and
J W Catching, r d 10, report ex­
clo th .................................... 18 20
and approved. Warrants
J G Fish, for lumber............
1 75
ordered drawn.
G W Stevenson, for hogs
and bull............................... 24 40 W A Colver, for labor...... 10
George Laingor, r d 23, report
Dr W Culin, for med attend­
60 examined and approved and the
and spikes...................... 6
ance..................................... 23 00
following warrants ordered drawn:
J A Hatcher, for o n io n s .... 4 50 Jas Marsters, for labor and
00 A1 Duvaul, for labor............... 91 50
making fill..................... 19
C E McCurdy, fo r h o g B .... 7 25
Simpson Lumber Co, for
Ira Duvaul, for labor............. 18 00
J D Benhnm, for fiuit and
lumber............................ 10
80 W Page, for labor.................. 43 50
vegetables........................... 20 65
J S Kanematz, for sundries 8 20 Dean Lumber Co, for lumber 4 30 Jesse Warfield, for labor...... 43 50
Pioneer Hardware Co, wedg­
John Carver, for labor........... 43 50
F B Odbert, for sal as supt 3
60 John Neil, for labor............... 14 00
es, pevies etc.................. 8
m onths................................ 135 00
Fin Hartley, for labor........... 32 00
Isaac Nichols, for l a b o r .... 29 05 T N Boone, for labor plann­
50 Henry Warner, for la b o r ...... 29 00
ing road....................... 56
Isaa3 Nichols, for labor........ 32 40
for labor
| Wm Warner, for labor....... 67 00
Ad MaGill, for labor............ 35 00 Harry Boone,
13 25 j Seldon Warner, for labor..... 24 00
Ronds, Bridges and Ferries.
Frazer Hoofman. for labor 36 00
The following bills allowed and Ed Stock, for labor planking
rosd ..................................... 6® 25 1 Henry Miller, for k b o r......... 13 00
ordered paid:
Geo Catching, for labor,
j Ernest Snyder, for labor..... 9 50
C S McCulloch, for surveying
planking and cutting road 76 75 w m Page, for labor......... •• 15 00
mileage, etc......................... 24 20
W Catching, for services
S C Braden, for labor........... 40 00
R H Mast, for labor..............
2 00
Hartley, for labor ........ 40 65
W H Hervey, for la b o r .... 2 00
Geo N Norris, r d 11, report ex­ Jesse Warfield, for labor..... 28 50
W R Foot, for l a b o r .......... 2 00
John Carver, for labor........... 32 00
Mark A Getty, for labor. . . . 2 00 amined and approved.
S C Bunch, r d 12, report ex­ Oliver Spires, for labor......... 31 50
C S McCulloch, for survey­
ing, plat and mil................ 21 80 amined and approved showing a James Brown, for labor....... 29 00
balance o f $337.60 due said dist in Ed Haines, for labor............. 30 50
S B Cathcart, for viewing
Joe Nay A S S Bds A Mil. 31 00 the hands of the county treasurer. L Harrison, for labor........... 52 00
Roy Neal, for labor..............
6 00 Resignation accepted and E N Darrius Neil, for labor........... 60 60
Fred Taylor, for labor.......... 2 00 Harry appointed road supvr of r d i Clay Dement, for labor....... 50 00
! Lloyd Spires, for labor......... 71 50
Jas Haft, for labor..............
4 00 12 to fill vancancy.
John Bastendorf, r d 13, report A1 Duvaul, for labor............. 56
Myrt Miller, for labor.......... 4 00
Elmer Willard, for labor........ 4 0C examined and approved, tbe follow­ Huling Lundy A Sons, pow­
der, etc ................................ 19 30
C C Carter, for labor............
4 00 ing warrant* ordered drawn:
W Elliott, for labor............... 48 00 Myrtle Point Hardware Co,
C 8 McCulloch, for survey­
powder, etc.......................... 28 70
ing, pla. and mil................. 24 80 N Bastendorf, for labor......... 33 00
Joe Knight, for labor........... 39 60
Robt Carman, for la b or.. . . 2 00 John Bastendorf, services as
supvr..................................... 100 75 Wm Page, for labor............... 22 00
J T Hartley, smithing, e tc .. 17 50
B H Burns, r d 16, report ex­ S C Braden, for labor.......... 54 00
Coquille Mill A Mer Co, lum­
Frank Daggart, for labor... . 7 00
ber and piling................... 10 00 amined and approved.
George Griffin, r d 17, report ex­ Rube Hartley, for labor....... 16 00
A C Lukena, for labor and
materia] on ferry scow . . . . 6 50 amined and approved and tbe fol­ Wm Volkmar, for powder,
etc........................................ 11 '85
lowing warrants ordered drawn:
Alex McLeod, for driving
for black-
piles, etc............................. 15 00 W M Weekly, for la b o r .... 16 00 Wm Ramsey,
sm ithing............................. 24 80
Simon Whetstone, for labor
R L Weekly, for labor........ 16 00
as ferryman....................... 6 36 W T Brady, for labor..........
6 00 E E Bender, for black-smith.
in g.......................................
7 65
A1 Flanders, for labor as
Jas. Bright, for labor............
4 00
ferryman............................. 35 50 John Bright, for labor..........
8 00 George Laingor, for services
as supvr................................ 137 50
C H Simpson, for labor as
Albert Bright, for l a b o r .... 4 00
In-Petition of Helen Snedden )
ferryman............................... 49 00 Geo Griffin, for services as
for Road of Public Ease­
Edward Ellingson, for skiff,
supvr cash advanced........ 20 30
Coquille ferry..................... 25 00
T S Evernden, r d 18, report ex­
Mrs McAdams, for using boat
amined and approved and tbe fol­
not allowed......................... 2 00 lowing warrants ordered drawn:
duly considered by the court.
Beall A Co, for eup for rock
B F Hill, for spikes and
crusher................................ 22 35
Coos Bay, Rose burg A East­
A good bora* id this oily, on
ern R R A Nav Co, for car 30 00
easy trrms:
E O If all, for moving and
Enquire at this office,
$1.50 P e r Y
tools..................................... 7 85
It is ordered, That C. 8 . McCul­
L Nosier, for spikes and
loch, County Surveyor, S. B. Cath­
tools..................................... 7 25 cart and George
_ Griffin, tbe Board
16 76, of County Road View#rs, meet at
McBee, for labor........
U nowlton’s
Drug Store
Besides a compTete stock \
oi Drugs and Druggist’s Sun-1
dries carries Kodaks and Sup-1
plies, Phyrography outfits and ||
W. R. Haines Music Co.,
N A T IO N A L . B A N K
In-Relocation of a portion of
of Haynes 81ouglr as Pub-
lie Road or Highway.
General hospital
A private hospital for the care and treatment o f medical, surgical
This matter coming on at this
and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern
time to be heard, and the same after
being duly considered by tbe
in every particular.
Rates from
It is ordered, that S B Calbcart,
and Albert
Including room, bearci, g.-neral nursing and drugs.
Hagemistor, bo appointed viewers
to view out and locate Haynes
Slough as a Public High-way, be­
tween what is known as Pete Peter­
son's Landing, in Sec. 24 Twp 24 S
of R 13 West in Coos Co. Ore., and
Haynes Slough Landing, in Sec,
17, Twp. 24 S. of R. 12 West in Coos
Co. Ore. That said Viewers meet
at the placb of beginning on the
23rd day of October, 1905, and to
mako a report in writing of tbe lo­
cation o f said Slough as a Public
Successor to W H. ManseU.
Highway, with a complete descrip­
tion of the same, at tbe next regu.
lar term of this court.
The following expenses were al­
All orders bandied with carefulness and expedience.
lowed for repair of Braden bridge:
W O Mntthews, for timber... 5 00
S M Barker, for hauling....... 18 00 A g e n t fo r th e b e s t O o o s C o u n ty C o a l
T H Mebl A Co, for spikes,
etc......................................... 3 80
Pioneer Hardware Co, iron.. 2 08
Coquille Mill A Mer Co,
lumber.................................. 16 35
Elmer Holvcrstott, for labor 23 00
Ray Norris, for labor............. 21 00 A p riv a te H o sp ita l w e ll e q u ip p e d fo r the tre a t­
Walter Norris, for labor....... 21 00
m e n t o f s u rg ic a l a nd m e d ica l diseases.
In re petition for relocation of a
county road:
From Joe Nay
T ra in e d N u rse s in A tte n d a n ce .
Slough Bridge to South Slough.
Final Order.
Report of the For Information Address
viewers be accepted; profile and
'Phone 631.
Marshfield, Oregon.
plats be recorded in the county
records, and the supervisor of
said district open said road for
the use of the public.
$>1*5 to $>30 per w eek
Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron.
Marshfield, Oregon.
Claude F ox,
Greneral D raym an
W m . H o rsfa ll, M . !>.,
(Continued on second page)
The Victor Talking M a­
Central Oregon State
Normal School O
The W . R. Haines Music Co., of
Marshfield, carry the largest assort­
Opens for fo il term September 12, 1905.
ment of Victor Talking Machine*
Normal / Course, Teachers' Reuigw Class
and Record* between tbe two cities.
Commercial Course. Expenses very low.
Why order from catalogue when
you ran call? Be entertained and For catalogue or informat<°n write to A. L, J1RIGG8 f»r B G. BROW?
| »elect only those pieces you like.
j W in . Orego