Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, October 25, 1905, Image 3

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    LOCAL N E W S .
Nut Butter at Robinson’s.
J. L. Randleman was down from
Norway on Saturday.
Cranberries at Drane’s.
Mrs. Perrott has her fall hats.
J. A. Yoakam, Jr., is building
himself a home on his lots near the Ladies call and g6t prices.
Chas. Morehouse, of Rocky Point,
, had business in town one day last
Mince meat at Robinsons.
Mrs. J. A. Jacobson, of North
C. Timmons, the canneryman, re­
Bend, arrived in town by Monday’s
turned yesterday from a short visit
train and visited friends.
Go to Mrs. Nosler’s for school to the bay,
Large, full and complete line of
The tug Roscoe came down from fall and winter clothing at G, A.
the Siuslaw Sunday to Bundon to Robinson’s.
get a lot of freight which came in
Dr. Tatom, the dentist, will be at
the Wickham House Nov. 1, and
on the Oakland.
remain one week.
Wiggle Stick Bluing ut Robin­
Auction sale by J. B. Fox on the
H. L. Cooper, who has been con­ bridge in front of his second-hand
ducting the branch store of the store next Saturday.
School Books, also the best Tab­
Mill & Mercantile Co at Arago, is
lets, Pens, Pencilp, at Knowltons
now a resident of our city..
Fine fresh lard at Dean & Mor­ Drug Store.
Mrs. J. H. Scliroeder, of Arago,
is here visiting her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. W. H. Sebroeder, who has
been ill for some time past.
Have your coat or wrap water­
proofed by It. O. Kirkpatrick.
V. R. Wilson, the jeweler, made
Humboldt county, California, a
hurried visit last week, going down
on the Alliance and returning by
the same boat.
Little Jim Nosier who is with his
mother from Bridge visiting with
Mr. Skeelt’, fell while playing, strik­
ing his face on a coal bucket, cut­
ting quite an ugly gash in his face.
Splendid fall and winter suits—
latest cuts— at G. A. Robinson’s.
Misses Ella Wickham and Anna
McDonald, of this city, returned
the latter part of the week from a
visit with their friend, Miss Fannie
Kistner, of Humboldt county, Cal­
Have you tried those nice fresh
Graham Wafers yet? Robinson has
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gallier, of
Bundon, mme up ¡Saturday for a
visit with theis sons, Sheriff and
Deputy Shave an d EJ Gallier, und
their familt s, Mr. Gallier returned
Monday morning.
Girls, if you want red lips,
laughing eyes, sweet breath and
good looks use Hollister’s Rocky
Mountain Tea.
The greatest
brautifier known.
35 cents. Tea
or tablets. R S Knowlton.
Chas. Adams, the Myrtle Point
Mrs. T F. Tennison and son blacksmith, went to the bay on
Willie, went to Bandon Saturday to business yesterday.
visit relatives and friends.
F or S a l e , — Twelve or 15 tons
Suit cases just arrived from New of stock beets. Apply to R. M.
York. Largest line ever brought Morgan, Parkersburg Or.
to town, at A. Robinson’s.
Abe Rose returned from an ex­
Mr. J. Leggett, of Riveiton, was
tended visit to Roseburg yesterday,
a Coquille visitor Saturday.
He much improved in health.
came to consult Dr. Wetmore.
A. F. Seaman, the Marshfield at­
Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow­ torney, had business at this place
ders, give instaut relief. Price 25 and Myrtlo Point Monday and yes­
cents. It. S. Knowlton, Coquille terday.
City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon.
M arried —In Coquille, Oregon,
J. B. Sweet, of Lampa creek, October 21, 1905, Jasper Marasoo
came up the 20th.
He is being and Miss Assunto Spanarelo, Jus­
treated by Dr. Wetmore for pappil- tice J. H. Cecil officiating.
lary epithelioma.
Ralph Lukens who has been at
Mrs. Capt. Harvey James, of the Polytechnic school at San Fran­
Myrtle Point, spent a day or so in cisco, returned home last week
town last week visiting friends and somewhat indisposed.
having some dental work done.
Justice J. H. Cecil, of this city
Robert Burns, the attorney, has returned last Wednesday from a
concluded to move to Indian Ter­ visit of several days with friends at
ritory, and will offer his household different points in the valley.
goods at auction next Satur day.
We are told that J. T. Bridges,
W. H. Crov, of this city, has lute of the Roseburg land office,
purchased the store of the Coquille has purchased the merchantile bus­
Mill A Mercantile Co., at Arago, iness of S. B. Hermann, of Myrtle
and will run the same in the future. Point.
D i e d — At Marshfield, October 17,
J. B. Moomaw, the bop man, was
Marion Amelia Ho Igins, 'own from Arago yesterday and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. informs us that he has 15000 pounds
Hodgin’s, aged 3 months and 15 of fine hops from which he will clear
about $1500.
M r,. John Hamblock, of Bullards,
returned home from this place on
Saturday, having been here under
tile care of a physician, but was
There being plenty of water in
For a groat bargain in a suit case the stream, Clarence Fish went up
and a tine selection to chose from, the river Monday to join his brother
go to G. A. Robinson’s,
Joe in running the sawmill at Ban­
F. L. Fischer, the San Francisco croft,
traveling man, representing Hyne-
Licorice Liver Laxative, the best
man A Co., carrying gents’ furnish­ bowel cleanser.
Price 50 cents
ings, etc , arrived in town yesterday For sale by R. S. Knowlton, Co­
but went on to interview his Myrtle quille City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon.
Mrs. J. G. Fish, of this city, went
Point customers.
He will bo in
their ranch at Bancroft Wednes­
town again today.
to visit with her new daughter-
I f you wish to examine a fine se­
lection of fall and winter clothing, in-law, Mrs. Frank Fish, nee Viv­
ian Gage.
go toG . A. Robinson’s,
Elijah Smith, president of the
Southern Oregon
Co., passed
through from the Bay last Saturday
en route to R o H o b u r y and Portland,
by way of the Myrtle Point route.
He will return in a short time by
Smoked Herring, Soused Mack-
eral, Lobsters, Shrimps, Mushrooms,
Lunch Tongue, Deviled Chicken,
Vienna Sausage, at Robinson’s.
B. L. Hurst, a farmer from the
B-mdon section was up Saturday
and placed orders for fruit trees
with agent G. T. Moulton for him­
self and others of that neighbor­
hood. Mr. Hurst remembered the
H e abld .
The Coquille Mill A Mercantile
Co., are now prepared to furnish
dry lumber for any kind of build­
ing purposes.
Albert Scliroeder, who with his
brother Frank,'have conducted their
father’s dairy farm near Norway the
past two or three years, has sold
out his interests to the latter and
will move to Chehalis, Washington,
in the near future. We are ex­
ceedingly sorry to Bee Albert and
family move away, but wish them
well wherever they see fit to locate,
and hope some day to see them
Cranberries at Robinson's.
The Bchoonsr Ruby arrived Mon
See Mrs. C. H. Simpson’s bread
ad in another column.
Full stock of grass seeds at
Knowltons drug store.
John Morris, is up shaking hands
with old veteran friends.
Bread like your mother used to
bake at Mrs. Simpson’s.
Contractor Jacobson has started
hauling reck for the jetty.
The schooner Bender Bros, sailed
Sunday and the Alpha on Monday,
John Johnson was down from
Myrtle Point a day or so last week.
Fancy Maple Syrup at Robin­
For a bargain in five nice lots in
North Bend, call at the H erald
Mr. and Mrs. J. Denholm, of Ban­
don, returned from Portland last
J. W. Clinton, of near Norway,
lost a large new barn, containing
about 100 tons of hay, large lot of
potatoes and farm implements by
fire on Thursday night. Loss $2000.
Insurance $500.
Mrs. Geo. E. Peoples went to the
bay Saturday with her mother, Mrs.
A. B. Galloway, and sister, Mrs. R.
B. Moore, who were returning to
their home in California, and re­
turned Monday with Mr. Peoples
who was on his way home from a
business trip to the city.
C. M. Sain and Charles Keith
editors of the Coos Bay Harbor
were arrested last week on com­
plaint of L. D. Kinney for libel,
and were held to appear at circuit
Mr. Keith gave bail, but
Miss Annie Hooton, daughter of court.
M. 0 . Hooton, received a painful Mr. Sain refuses to do so and is now
cut on the forehead the 19th inst. boarding at Hotel deG illier.
Have you sampled the bacon and
Dr. Wetmore dressed the wound
and reports the patient doing well. hams cured by Dean A Morgan
J. E. Paulson who recently asso­ There is no question but this firm
ciated himself with the Coquille is producing as fine goods in this
Mill A Mercantile Company, of this line as can be found in any market.
city, and who was acting as foreman They are certainly experts in the
at the time, cut his foot very badly art of curing meats and the fine, fat
with an ax on Wednesday of last and healthy hogs of Coos county
week. He was at the upper tod are surely all right. No brand of
of the boom and undertook to ¿ut eastern goods begin to compare
away some willows which grew" on with it,
100-lb sacks of either‘‘West- $
ern” or “ Fruit” fine dry
granulated cane sugar....... 5 00
19 lbs granulated cane sugar 1 00
5-gal keg pickles...................
22 lbs sago ............................ 1 00
22 lbs best Japan r ic e .......... 1 00
Postum or Figprunec ereal,
Grapennts, 2 pks...................
Lenox or Santa Claus soap,
7 bars...................................
21 Bars Fels Naptha Soap 1 00
4 1 ft) pkgs Arm A Hammer soda 25o.
A t R obinson ’ s S t o r e .
Notice is hereby given that my wife,
Mrs. G. C. Haga, has left my bed and
and friends of W. T.
board with due cause, and that I will
not hold myself responsible for any Stone, a former resident of this city,
debts or obligations whatsoever she received a telegraph message from
may incur.
E lva H aga .
his brother, G. T . Stone, who re­
For men who t o il
Adam Pershbaker,
Local amat eurs have begun woik
on Augustin Daly’s great comedy,
“ A Night Off,” which will be given
under the auspices of the Coquille c Q Q„ ^ and uig
Suit in Equity
Public Schools, for the benefit of wife, Cora B.Gilkev,Sol to Foreclose a
the library fund. W atch for fur-
ther announcement.
| the firm name of Blum-
Now is the time to make your selection o f a
Coat or Suit
For the Winter. Latest and most Stylish Things
auer A Hoch, Harry M.
Campe, executor and
Shown in the Catalogue of
executrix of the eetate
The above reward will be paid to | ot 'Henry y Campe, de-
the party delivering to B. Fenton ceased, Lena Harms,
ai t > • * -
n- m
. Executrix of the eetate
at Myrtle Point, or W . T. Kerr at 0f George Harms, de-
Coquille, a small grip with one [ ceased, and K. C. Ly-
Call and see samples and styles at
Defendants. J
strap, tagged, “ Mrs. John Lene,
_, . „ T
, To C. O. Gilkey, Harry M. Camps, Eliza
Juliaetta, Idaho.
L o s t Septemoer
Campe and Lena Harms of the above-
12th last
entitled defendants:
----- F o r S « n 7 —
x or o a ie
You, and each of you, are hereby noti-
A six-room, one story bouse, new , fled that you are required to appear and
centrally located. Term s easy. In - j f_n8* «r th «'complaint filed againrt you
in the above entitled suit within six
quire of W. Sinclair.
' weeks from the date of the first publica-
: ! tion of this summons, to-wit:
Within six weeks from October 25,
1905, the same being the date of the Pastel, Sepia,
All the Latest
first publication of this summons, and
Designs in Frames.
if you fail to appear and answer on or
FRESH BREAD EVERY DAY. before the 6th day of December, 1905,
the same l>eing the last day of the time
| prescrilied in the order of publication,
Pies and Cake Baked to order
judgment will be taken against you for
want thereof for the relief demanded in
Boston Baked Beans and D row n plaintiff’s complaint, a succinct statc-
of which is as follows:
Prêtent Address
Bread Every Saturday
First: That there be adjudged to be
L<> k U.,x 212
349 First Street
due and owing plaintiff from defendants
Portland Or
O. Gilkey and Cora B. Gilkey, jointly, . . Or.
M rs . C. H. S im p s o n . C.
and severally, the sum of $840 and in­
One door east of Strangs Store
terest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent
per annum since the 1st day of August,
1903,on the promissory note set forth in
complaint, tne sum of $122.03 on account
of money expended by plaintiff for tax­
es to protect his mortgage lien, for an
- I N ------
attorney fee by the court adjudged rea­
E S T A T E . sonable, and for his costs ana disburse­
ments in this suit.
Second: That a certain mortgage
»3500 For thirty days only, the best 26- dated May 1, 1903, to secure said prom­
A complete line of
i— Mere tare
issory note, which said mortgage was
executed and delivered to the Coquille
$2800 A fine corner business property . Valley Bank and prior to tiiis suit was
sold and transferred to plaintiff herein,
$ 800 Corner business property, Bettor be foreclosed and the property describ­
investigate this now.
ed therein, to-wit: lots 3 and 4 in block
$ 500
A residence property that is dirt 48 in Elliott's Addition to the town of
Coquille City, now the city of Coquille;
$ 400 Three fine residence lots, close to also lot 4 in block 2 in the town of Co­
— mi basiness. An extraordinary bar­ quille City, now the city of Coquille, all
in Coos county, Oregon, l>e sold in the
4 0 0 Foor nioe lota, partly bottom land manner provided by law, and the pro-
i suitable for garden. A good buy : ceeds applied to the payment of the
for one o f moderate means.
costs of this suit and of said sale and the
$ 150 Fine large residence and eleven sums found to be due which are secured
lots for rent, includes two cows, I by said mortgage and which plaintiff
chickens, ducks, garden and fruit. lias expended to protect the lien of said
Family with children need not mortgage, and that the defendants and
ay ply.
all per.- ons claiming under them subse­
$ 800 Nice homo in North Coquille. 0 3-5 quent. to the execution of said mortgage
lots, good 5-room house, barn, he barred and foreclosed of all right,
bearing fruit. Investi-ate this.
claim and equity of redemption in said
$ 5 5 0 Good residence property 3 blocks m l * i is< s; that the overplus, if any there
from business street. 2 lots, good be, I»,- paid to defendants C. O. Gilkey
5-rooin bcustt. Property will reir and Cora 1» G ilkey or to their legal
for $6 per month. i bis is a good
representatives, and for such other and
It is impossible to describe my list in this further relief as the court may deem
cjium n. If yon are looking tor a good meet amj equ itable.
Service of this sum m ons is made by
piece of property at. a reasonable price, 1
public »tion in pursuance of an order
can certainly suit you.
Hemembcn, I r-mt houses and fnrmR, him ]» by L. f a r locker as County Judge
make loans and do all kinds o f agency of C oos cou n ty, Oregon, dated the 23rd
$ 5 R ew a rd
Chas. A. Stevens & Bros.
M. A. Pierce’s.
Home Bakery,
Buy Your Goods Right,
and Don’t Worry.
Sanford's Bargains
Rev. D. H. Hare, of Myrtle Point,
Come in and see rue before buy­ day of O ctob er, 1906.
will preach his farewell sermon in basiness.
ing. I can save yon DOLLARS.
Dated, this 25th day oi October. 1935.
the Presbyterian church in Coquille
Coquille, Ore/fon.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
on Sunday, 11 o ’clock a. m., Octo­
ber 29th. All invited.
Sick headache is caused by a
disordered condition of the stomach
and is quickly cured by Chamber­
lain’s Stomaek and Liver Tablets.
For Sale by R S Knowlton.
the bank and leaned over the riv$r,
and in doing so, he was standing
on one, and the ax caught on. a
limb above his head, turning it 'in
such a way that his foot received
the full force of the blow, causing
a painful and serious wound, two
of the bones in the foot being sev­
Dr. Culin
dressed the
“ A Night Off.”
cently accompanied him to Yuma,
Arizona, seeking health, stating he
had passed away on Monday morn­
ing. Mr. Stone was 50 years, 9
months and 28 days o f age and
leaves four children, his wife having
j died in Idaho about 4 years ago.
Mr. Stone, leaves four sisters and
two brothers.Mesdames Dean, Alex-
| son and Pike of this city and Ruby
Gohlman of Harrington, Washing-
' ton. G. T. Stone of Yuma Ariz. and
, J. D. Stone of Spokane Washington.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
T. T. LAND, Proprietor.
Card rooms
Jo s h ’s Place,
Soft Dr mbs (j)
Pool Tables.
Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars and Tobacco.
City News Stand.
W e carry a complete ]ine of Men’s
and Boys’ Clothing. Our
stock is new and
the latest.
We handle the Famous WALK-OVER Shoes and
guarantee euery pair sold by us as represented or
money refunded. Call and see them.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
To let you know
that I have opened my
New Carriage Shop
Gent's Furnishings a Specialty.
Coquille Mill \ Mercantile Co.
W, T. KERR, Manager.
And am now prepared to do
C A R R IA G E W O R K .
All Kinds of Logging
Made and Kept on Hand.
S. H. McAdams,
M e a l s a t «11 H o u r s
P nom 6 a m to 9 p m .
F ip st-C la s e
S ervice.
Skookum Restaurant,
C. A . H A R R IN G T O N , P rop rietor.
S p e c i a l A t t e n t i o n G i v e n to
C o m m e p e i a l P eople.
Wa M a k « R a t e s t o
R egu la * B oafd ep s.
«M l I« C. M. à M. Co t , Mill, Front SUMI.
Under New Management.
DR. W E T M O R E ’S
Having Procured the Services of
Dr. Horsfall o f Marshfield,
as assistant.
W. H. Mansell, ^
Best of Turnouts.
S tr ic tly
F ir s t -C lass .
Hay, Grain, Feed.
Opposite I. O 0. F. Hall
I am now prepared to treat all cases
Medical and Surgical
Spaaial R a t* , m a d . lo r
Mias Della Hoveley Graduated Nurse
o f San Fraaciaco, Cal., Hananer.
Coquile, Oregon.
For Further Particular* Address
Phone I I I .
Successor to J. T. Little.
Horse Shoeing, Wagon Making, and All Kinds o f Forge Work.
: s h o p ,
Special Attention Given to A ll Kinds of Lathy Work.
m a c h in e