Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, October 18, 1905, Image 1

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, .
(Coquille Refaló.
V ol . 23: No. 5.
Entered na second-class matter May
8, 1905, at the postofRce at Coquille»
Oregon, under act of Oongfress of March
3, 1879.
Race Decadence
vice of women will impair the high
ideal of home. The newer ideal,
that men must cease fighting and
thus remove one prolific cause for
woman’s weeping, and that they
shall together build up a more per­
fect home and a more ideal govern­
ment, is infinitely more sane and
desiralde. Participation in the lar­
ger and broader concerns of (he
State, will increase instead of de­
crease the efficiency of motherhood,
and tend to develop that selfcontrol,
that more perfect judgment which
is wanting in much of the home
training of today.— A nna H oward
S haw in Progress.
When the cry of race suicide is
heard, and men arraign woman for
race decadence, it would be well for
Walter Culin, M. D.
them to examine conditions and
P hysician and S uroro N
causes, und base their attacks upon
C ouuillr C it y , O rr .
firmer foundations of fact. Instead
of attacking women for their inter­
KrononberR Bldg.
Telephone 3.
Next Door to P
est in public affairs and relegating
them to their children, their kitch-
eD and their church, they will learn
Stanley & Burns,
tjiat the kitchen is in politics; that
the children’s physical, intellectual
Reni Estais, Collections.
and moral wellbeing is controlled
Hpecialtiea—Criminal and U. 8. Land
Cases, Notaries Public.
and regulated by law; that the real
C oquillb ,
O regon .
cause of race decadence is not the
fact that fewer children are born,
but the more fearful fact that, of
In a quarter of a century the
those born, so few live, not primari­
mineral production of the United
ly because of the neglect of the
States has grown enormously, from
Oflico at
mother, but because men themselves
»369,419,000 in 1880 to $1,419,288,-
neglect tbeir duty as citizens and
Residence of J. A. Collier.
117 in 1903, and $1,289,G60,788 in
public officials. If men honestly
Phone 111.
1904. The greatest progress has
desire to prevent the cause of race
been made in the last 10 years, as
decadence, let them examine the ac­
result of the rapid expansion in
/\. J. Sherwood,
counts of food adulteration, and
the gold, copper, iron, coal, petro­
A t to rn k y - a t - L a w ,
learn that from the effect of impure
leum and cement industries.
milk alone, in one city 5,COO babies
N o t a r y P u b l ic ,
terprise and the initiative to ex­
died in a single year. Let them ex­
ploit intelligently the vast mineral
amine the waler Bupply, so impreg­
resources of this country have given
nated with disease that in Borne
to the United States first place as a
cities there is continual epidemic of
Walter Sinclair,
producer of copper, pig iron, and
typhoid fever., Let them gaze up­
A t t o r n e y - at - L a w ,
certaiu other important products.
N o t a r y P u b l io ,
Moreover, the large dividends that
petually arises contagion of scarlet
are being paid by mining and met­
fever and diphtheria. Let them ex­
allurgical companies have invited
amine the plots of our great cities,
the investment of much capital by
and find city after city with no
/. Hacher,
foreigners, notably the British,
places for children, except the
A b strac ter of T it l e s .
Copper mining has been most ac­
streets, alleys and lanes. Let them
tive, and in the last ten years has
C oquillb C it y , O rb
examine the school buildings, many
grown 110 per cent by reason of
of them badly lighted, unsanitary
the energetic development of prop­
and without yards. Let them turn
erties in the Lake Superior region,
Hall & Hall,
to the same cities and learn that
A ttohnbys - a t - L a w ,
from five to a score or thousand Montana aud Arizona.
prices Lave ruled iu recent years,
Dealer in H eal E atatk <>f all kinds, j children secure only half-day tuition
because there are not adequate and there has also been quite nn
M arshfield, Oregon.
Hchoolhouse facilities. Let them expansion in the export trade, par­
___J ............................... !_____
watch these half-day ehildreu play­ ticularly with Germauy and Great
ing in the streets and alleys and Britain. The gold output has been
Ellsworth Ö
. Hall,
viler places, until they have learned nearly doubled in 10 years, us a re­
the lessons which take them to ever­ sult of the development of the newer
fields in Colorado and other states
'• O reso n .
growing numbers of reformatories,
The silver production, partly be­
C ollections and In surance.
times as rapidly as the population. cause of the depreciation in the
Lot them follow the children who market value, has fallen off.— Min.
survive all these ills of early child­ ing World.
E. D. Sperry'.
W . C. Chase.
hood, until they enter the sweat­
Moores M akes Admission.
shops and factories, and behold
there the maimed, dwarfed and
Portland, Oct. 11— The prosecu­
blighted little ones, 500,000 of
tion finished its case in the land
whom under I I years of age are
Olfioe in Robinson Building,
fraud trial this morning. C. B.
employed in these prestilential
Moores, former register of tho laud
places. Let them behold the legal­
office, testified that he usked the
ized saloous and the deus of iniqui­
applicants for homesteads tho re­
ty where so many of the voting
gular priuted question-). Gross ex-
E. G. D. Holden,
population Rpend the money that
miution by Heney brought out the
should be used in feeding, hous­
L aw yer ,
fact that the witness issued claims
City Keoorder, D. S. Oommissioaer, (Jou­
ing and eating for their little
when cognizant of their fraudulent
children. Then, if these mentors of
erai Insaranoe Ageut, and Notary
woman’s clubs and mothers’ meet­
Publio. Otfioa in R obin­
ings do not find snfficient cause for
son Building.
C u r c N C h i l l » h im I F i w c r .
race’ degeneracy where they have
Coquille, Oregon.
W. Wirt, Facogdoches, Texas,
power to control conditions, let
says: “ His daughtei had chills
them turn to lecturing women. It and fever for three years; he could
is infinitely more impotent that a not find anything that would help
child be well born and well reared her till he used Herbine. His wife
A. F. Kirshman,
than that more children shall be will not keep house without it, and
D entiht .
born. It is better that one well­ cannot say too much for it..” 50c.
Sold bv R. S. Knowlton.
child shall live than that two
Office two doors South o f Post otiioe.
Hhall be born aud one die in infancy.
Steamer Notes.
That which is desirble is not that
the greatest possible number of ! Steamer Elizabeth sailed October
children should bn born into the 10th 1905. Incoming passengers:
world; the need is for more intelli­ C M Skeels, Mr Messer, Mrs Mes­
C33UILLE RIVER STEWI3W Cl gent motherhood, and for better ser, Capt J Johnson and family, A
born and better educated children. De Costa, J Gomez, cargo, 200
"When the human will is develop­ tons. Outgoing passengers: A R
Tom White, Master,
ed, it should fill the place of blind Housted, H J Dunham, Paul Hoff­
I Arrives
Band«»n ......... 7 a - m . | Coquille... . 10 a - m ,
Conuille .......... 1 r - M . | B andon ------- 4 r-M . and irrational forces in working out man, Syd Nelson, Mrs Ed P Bag-
Connect« at Coqaflle with train for Marshfield the problems of life.
Progress got, Geo E Peoples, E M Furman,
and steamer K:ho for Myrtle Point.
should be less aod attained by the Capt L Snyder. Cargo 5 head of
blind destruction of the unfit, and horses, 250 M lumber; 100 tons
.r. C. Moomaw, Master,
more and more by the development miss cargo.
| Arrives
Coquille....... 7 A -M . | Bandon.. 10:45 a - m . of greater adaptation through con­
Bandon......... 1 P-M. | Coquille. 4:45 p-M.
scious education, and by making it,
W anted — By Chicago manufactur­
far as may be, impossible for the ing house, person of trust worthi­
hopelessly unfit to be born into the ness aud somewhat familliar with
H. Jams. Master,
misery of a life of inevitable failure.” I local territory as assistant iu branch
■ --
M y rtlcP oin t.. .7 a - m . | oquilleC’y 9 30 a - m .
Coquille C ity .. .1 p - m . | Myrtle F’t. .4 00 r*M.
Daily except Sunday.
National Reclamation Act.
Note and Comment.
The national reclamation act,
sometimes called the n dional irri­
gation law, became a law on Janu­
ary 17, 1902. (32 Stat. 388.) This
ast provides that all moneys re­
ceived from the sale of public lauds
in Arizon, California, Colorado, Ida­
ho, Kansas, Montane, Nebraska, Ne­
vada, New Mexico, North Dakota,
Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota,
Utah, Washington and Wyoming
shall be set aside as a special fund
in the United States treasury to be
known as the “ Reclamation Fund,”
The reclamation fund excepts the
5 per cent of the proceeds set aside
for educational and other purposes.
At the present time the reclamation
fund amounts to about $48,000,000
and is increasing at the rate of
$4,000,000 a year.
Under the re­
clamation act the fund is “ to be
used iu the examination aud survey
for, and the construction and main­
tenance of irrigation works for the
storage, diversion and development
of waters for the reclamation of and
and semi-arid lands” in the 16
states and territories. The purpose
of the government under the na­
tional reclamational act is to make
homes for homeseekers. After the
irrigation works are constructed, the
sums expended are to be returned
to the government in teu annual in­
stallments. Thus the reclamation
fund is self-continuing, aud after ir­
rigation works have been construct­
ed the money can be used for further
development, as it is constantly re­
turned to the reclamation fund by
the settlers. The public lauds af­
fected by the reclamation act are
subject to eutry under the provi­
sions of the homestead laws in tracts
of not less than 40 nor more than
160 a'-res. No right to the use of
water for land in private ownership
shall be sold for a tract exceeding
160 acres to any one land owner.
The land owner must be an actual
bona fide resident on the land aud
the settler on the public domain
must be a boua fide settler.
one desiring further information
should write to the general land
office department of the interior,
Washington, D. C., for the circular
from the general laud office issued
January 25, 1904.
This circular
shows the manner of proceeding to
obtain title to public lands under
the homestead, desert land and other
France will probably utilize that
Moroccan indemnity in writing off
some of the loans she has made to
--------------- ■ -H a .
A London dispatch announces
that Marie Corelli is again on the
warpath. Did not know that she
had ever gotten off it.
Nine Lives lor Her.
Talk as they may of the “ joke on
the mother-in-law,” she “ gets there
just the same.” A man out West
upset a sailboat in order to drown
his mother-in-law.
The old lady
went down and came up nine times,
then mounted tho overturned boat,
signaled a passing steamer and w u b
The man himself was
drowned.— Atlanta Constitution.
I f the Sultan of Turkey would
dine at a fifty cent table d’hotel for
a few weeks he might save enough
on those $5,000 dinners to pay off
his army.
We hear of a number of candi­
dates who are “ airing their presi­
dential booms.” When the stump­
ing season comes around they will
be hot-airing them.
Besides a complete stock
I ol Drugs and Druggist’s Sun- ff
| dries carries Kodaks and Sup- \
| plies, Phyrography outfits and
\ Supplies.
0] Standard and Established Goods, where eash Instru­
ment is sold according to its intrinsic ualue.
It seems pretty hard lines for
that district judge to declare Mr.
Peckbam in contempt of court for
not appearing in Washington when
he was already in jail in Saratoga.
We sell you a
High Grade, Popular price or Commercial Piono,
at their real ualue.
One Price only on each Grade
London has just discovered in its
We carry a complete line of Pianos, Organs, Piano-Players,
midst a club of gentlemen who
have served time in jail.
Talking Machines, Sheet music and Musical Merchandise.
York might now go them one bet­
Everything Sold on Easy Payments.
ter by organizing a club of gentle­
men who ought to have served time Representativos of Domestic Sewing Machines for Coos and Curry Co’s.
iu jail.
W. R. Haines Music Co.,
Mr. Leonard, who stole $350,000
Su ccessor to the Chas. Griaaen and A ia g o M usic Co.,
worth of securities in New York,
said he merely wanted to give the Phone, Main 905,
Garfield Annex,
Marshfield, Oregon.
banks an object lesson. Now there
is a nice fresh excuse for the insur­
l. H. HAZARD, Cashier
R. E. SHINE, Vice Pres
ance companies to introduce into
their testimony.
The Department, of Agriculture
announces that it has succeeded for
no apparent reason, in raising a
green rose. Now if it had been a
pink shamrock, there might have T ran sacts a General Banking B u sin ess
been some commercial excuse, for
that ought to have a large scale in
Board of Directors.
England about the Ides of March. R. O. Dement,
A . J. Sherwood,
National Bank of Commerce, New York City
The United States Patent Office
is very much behind with its work
and business iu thousands of offices
and factories of the of the United
States is hampered by this condi­
tion. The number of examiners in
the Patent Office has been greatly
increased. Congress has been lib­
eral iu appropriations for tho Pat­
ent Office, and it is believed that
the delay is in great part necessary.
Former Commissioners of Patents,
when the work was behind, have
required the examiners to workover
hours until they brought their work
up to date. This simple expedient
lias impressed them with import­
ance of working during regular
hours and has proved nn effective
N o m e N P H N O iiablc i t l f l « «
KaviHl I I I » l i i l c .
J. W. Davenport, Wingo, K y.,
writes, June 14, 1902: “ I want to
tell you I believe Ballard's Snow
Liniment saved my life. I was
under the treatment of two doctors,
and they told me one of my lungs
was entirley gone, and the other
badly affected. I also had a lump
on my side. I don’t ‘ think that I
could have lived over two months
longer. I was induced by a friend
to try Ballard’s Snow Liniment,
i The first application gave me great
relief; two fifty cent bottles cured
me sound and well. It is a won­
derful medicine and I recommend
it to suffering humanity. Sold by
R. S. Knowlton.
A name well and most favorably
known and respected by the entire
ONE. With the shuttle a Lock
Stitch; with the looper a Chain
Stitch. Instantly interchangable
without any adjustment. For sale
by the W. R. Haines Music Co.
Agents for Coos and Curry coun­
ties. Easy terms.
President Castro probably will
use part of that recent purchase of
amuuition to shoot the man who
has the audacity to present the bill
for it,
It may be a pieca of superfluous
advice to urge people nt this season
o f the year to lay in a supply of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It
is almost sure to be needed before
winter is over, and much more
prompt and satisfactory results are
obtained when taken as soon as a
cold is contracted and before it has
bedome settled in the system,
which can only be dene by keep­
ing the remedy at hand. This
remedy is so widely known and so
altogether good that no one should
hesitate about buying it in prefer­
ence to any other. In is for sale by
R. S. Knowlton.
nowlton’s Drug Store
L. Harlocker,
Isaiah Hacker,
L. H. Hazard,
Crocker W ool worth N ’l Bank, San Franciaco
It. E. Shine. I First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or.
General hospital
A private hospital for the care and treatment o f medical, surgical
and obstetrical cases.
in every
Equipment new and modern
p er w eek;
Including room, board, general nursing and drugs.
Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron.
Marshfield, Oregon.
F ox,
G en eral D ra y m a n
S u ccessor to W
H. Mansell.
T R A IN S .
A ll orders handled w ith carefulness and ex p ed ien ce.
A g e n t fo r th e b e s t C o o s C o u n ty C oa l
Monuments and Headstones
All persons knowing themselves
The great fear that the partieipa- office. Salary $18 paid weekly.
to be indebted to the blacksmithing
tion of women in public affairs will Permanent position. No invest­
firm of Medley A Roselle are here­
impair the quality and character o f ! ment required. Previous experience
by notified to make settlement at
S t r. W E L C O M E
once with A. W. Varney, next door
W. R. Pan ter, Master.
home serviro is irrational and con­ not essential to engaging. Address,
to Knowlton’s drug store, and save
trary to the tests of experience. Manager Branches, Como Block,
Myrtl Point 1:30 p - m . I Coquille C’y IrOO p - m . ,
Coquillx City 7:00 a - m . | Myrtle l” t 10:00 a - m . : Does an intelligent in the education Chicago.
Connect* with lower-river lx>at§ at C-nquille i of a child render a woman less a
City for Bandon and intermediate*.
It makes no difference how long
Ample barges for handling freight.
mother? Does tne houskeeping in­ you have been sick, if you are
stinct of woman, manifested in a de­ truubled with indigestion, constipa­
Twenty-five sores, all bottom, well
Sewing Machine Kepatnng
For S ale . —Good 2 horse w agon,
drained and improved, team, wagon and j
sire for clean streets, pure water tion, liver and~ kidney troubles,
David Pulton, of Ibis city , is an expert
harness, 11 bend o f dairy cows, fall set i
Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea
cleaher and repairer, and anyone in and unadulterated food, destroy her ,
will make you well. 35 cents. R 8 tion price $35.00 or will trade for of farm implements, and a good orop, in- I
need of It is services will do well to call efficiency as a home-maker? Does a
good 2 seat hack, for further partic­ eluding $ 100 worth o f hay, 3 sore* good
at his residence o r d rop him a card.
corn for cilege. potato« patch, garden, etc., j
desire for au environment of moral
M il k C ows F or S ale . — 2, 3 and 4 ulars address J. C. Donne, Marsh­ a good silo and stamp pallsr.
and civic purity show neglect of the
For Sale.
Enquire at this office or o f W. M, Hamil
year old heifers from the best dairy field , Ore.
highest good of the family? It is
! ton, Fisbtrap.
Up to date Dress Goods and
A gn<xl h o m e in t h is c i t y , o n the "man must fight and women cows on the river, from $16 to $25
* * • * *
per head; all giving milk. C. A. I Kimona cloth, just opened at Mrs.
easy term s:
Full stock of grass seeds at ,
must weep” theory of life which
Pendleton, Fat Elk,
E m jn i r e nt t h is o ffic e .
! No eler's.
I Knowlton« drug store.
makes men fear that the large ser­
For Sale.
We guarantee better
work at lower prices
than can be had else­
Do not order
Monumental work until
you have called upon or
written us for prices.
Telephone, Main 288.
Stewart & White Props.
m « 2 i 2 . m , 8 o «..
DAVID FTLTON, Local Agent, Coquilla, Oregon,