V 4 t ! C/ If R o tin i lie I I m ü ö. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 190A 1)8 V o l . 22: Entered as second-class matter May 8, 1905, at the postoflice at Coiuille, Oregon, under act of Congress of March 3,1879. Walter Culin, M. D. P h y sic ia n S urobon an d C o q u il l b C it y , O hk . Kronenborg Bldg. Next Door to P. O. Telephone 3. 1 I Stanley & Burns, Attorueys-nt-Lftw, Kcal Estate, Collections. Specialties—Criminal and U. 8. Land Cases, Notaries Public. C o qu illb . - -, - - O regon . J. 0. WETMORE PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON Ollitio at Resilience of J. A. Collier. Phone 111. J ______ A. J. Sherwood, A ttubnhy at -L aw , N otaby P ublic , Coquille, : : Oregon T Walter Sinclair, A ttornky - at -L aw , N otary P ublic , Coquille, Oregon. T /. Hacker, A bstract !!« ok T itles . Coquin,« C ity , O rb Hall & Hall, A ttorneys - at -L aw , Dealet in U ral E state o f a ll k in d s. Marshfield, Oregon. Ellsworth B. Hall, Attorney-at-Law, ^ JO U U IL lJ Í* ! U K LOON. Collections and Insurance. | I E. D. Sperry. W . C. Chase. SPERRY & CHASE, Attorney s-at-Luw. Office in Robinson Building, Coquille, - - - Oregon. E. G. D. Holden, L aw ybr . City Recorder, U. H. Commissioner, Gen­ eral Insurance Agont, and Notary Publio. Offioe in R obin­ son Building. Coquille, Oregon. I ____ A. F. Kirshman, D entiht . O ffioo two doors South o f Post office. Coq aillo . - . Oregon. COQUILLE RIVER SH :\VI31\T 09 S tr. O I S P A T C H Tom White, Master, Leave« I Arrive« Banh so this coming contest will has won the affection of Quinoy decide the championship, ileldc, a pretty lii-year-old heiress, i Napa will have the same team whom he completely dominates. Sbo which it has been playing for the had consented to join him in his past month and which took \ allejo's career of crime, having become fas- scaT >u the last contest, with the cinated with reoownts of bold hold- eic®pUon of the catcher and Boyn- ups on the road. | *0D. w^° are ou* °* the game tem- The young girl had secured two P o r a r i>y through injuries received, speedy horses, which she was lead-1 Vallejo nine has been consid- ing to an isolated section south of | era^^ strengthened by the addition town, where she was to meet him, Nevins, who played the when detected by friends. best £ame last Sunday at short seen Paxton made his escape, taking a Ihi® season, eithor by a valuable horse from Riverside, which local or 8 visitiuS tie,der- O rd w y , he traded here for another animal, animal. the Dcw fiolder’ 18 8,80 UP to the He was trailed last night night as as far far as as j standard of Nevins, and the team losks to be in line to win Sunday’s Ontario, from which Point he game although all believe that the turned into the river bottom. , , struggle will be close. Ward will Officers are drawing a strong cordon „ , , . ,, , . „ make bis reappearance in the box about him between here and Santa and promises to lead the locals to Ana victory. K nowlton’s Drug Store! Besides a complete stock I oi Drugs and Druggist’s Sun-1 dries carries Kodaks and Sup- plies, Phyrogi aphy outfits and Supplies. \ \ \ \ BUY PIANOS OF DEALERS CARRYING REGULAR STOCK Oj Standard and Established Goods, where eash Instru­ ment is sold according to its intrinsic value. We sell you a High Grade, Popular price or Commercial Piono, at their real value. Not Asked for Forty Years to Rooms at the Lewis & ClarkFair Obey. One Price only on each Grade S. A. Madge, J. O. B. Scobey and We carry a complete line of Pianos, Organs, Piano-Players, La t week the following state­ F. W. Stocking, of Olympia, Wash, ment went the rounds of the secu­ and M. G. Royal, of Srlem, Oregon, Talking Machines, Sheet music and Musical Merchandise. lar press: “ Copies of the revised have secured tbe Hotel Palmer, of rules to ministers of the Methodist Everything Sold on E asy Payments. Portland, and put it under compe­ Episcopal Church which have been tent management for the Fairtrade, Representatives of Domestic Sewing Machines for Coos and Curry Co’s. received show that in the marriage i It is a G5 room hotel situated on the word ‘obey’ does not appear. Alder street between Seventh and Hereafter the bride will have only Eighth, just one block west of the S u c c e s s o r t o th e Chas. G rissen and A ia g o M u sic C o., to agree to love, honor and keep Oregonian building, only one him.” To this Rev. Samuel Mc­ Garfield Annex, Marshfield, Oregon. I block from car line running di­ Phone, Main 905. Kean, or Troy, N. Y., a Methodest | rectly to the fair grounds. For one minister, makes fitting reply: ‘To a dollar a day the very best accom­ L H. HAZARD, Csshler A. J. SHERWOOD, Pres. R. E. SHINE, Vice Pres Methodist this discovery is ludicr­ modations can be secuaed. The ous, for the word ‘obey’ was removed above gentlemen are well known from the marriage service in 1864, all over the state of Washington and under that service no bride and to a large extent in Oregon and has been required to promise to their names give assurance that obey for the last 41 years. And O P C O gU IL iL iB , O R E G O N . that the guests of the hotel will be though I have been a minister of properly cared for. Take the Mor­ that church for over 50 years, I rison Street car at the Union Depot T r a n s a c t s a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g R t iH in e « » have never heard of a bridegroom end ask the conductor to let you off who expressed a desire that his Board of Directors. Correspondents. at Park Stroet, theu walk north to bride should make such a promise.” A. J. Sherwood, National Bank of Coimuorce, New York City the hotel. YVrite at once for par­ It. C. Dement, Zion’s Herald. L. Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, Crocker Woolworth N ’l Bank, San Francisco ticulars and for reservation of a Isaiah Hacker, R .E . Shine. ! First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or. room. Address Hotel Palmer, 350 A . 1 Absce8sas, with few exceptions, Alder street, Portland, Oregon.— the Morning Olympian, are indicative of constipation or From debility. Olympia, Washington. W H Harrison, Clevelaud, Miss., writes. Aug. 15, 1905: ‘‘ I want to | Steamer Notes. say a word of praise for Ballard’s Snow Liniment. I stepped on a Steamer Newport arrived Septem­ nail which caused the cords in my [ ber 2nd, sailed Sept. 4th, Incoming A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical leg to contract and an abscess to rise in my knee, and the doctor cargo: 33 Chinaman for Bandon and and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern told me that I would have a stiff Prosper cannaries, 100 tons cargo. in every particular. Rates from leg, so one day I went to J F Lord’s j Outgoing passengers, Miss Tressa drug store (who is now in Denver, I Manciet, Miss Flo Fahy, Miss Mol- Colo a bottle , „ ) He . . recommended . , T ,,, 1 lie Fahy, Mrs ¡¿trail Costello, Mrs of Snow Liniment; I got a 50c , , a . , „ . size, and it cured my leg It is the | At,a Sl,,ll,80n’ A Rutherberg. Including room, board, gzneral nursing and drugs. best liniment in the world. Sold | Departures for Portland by Kil- by R S Knowlton. burn Sept. 3: Mrs Taliaferro, Mrs Jutsrom, Miss Jutsrom, Rouo Don­ Mary had a little lamb; that time aldson, Maud Blundell, Miss H has passed away. No lamb could Haines, Lawrence Jennings, R Mc- followup the gait that M try goes Camm, Mrs R McCamm, Miss Lillie today. For now she rides on air- McCamm, T N Kerr, Mrs M Strahn, shep wheels in skirts too short by II G Blake, J K McLeod and wife, half; no lambkin shares her “ iry C II Webber, J L Kronenburg, H flight, but you can see her Kronenburg, Theresa Hanly, Miss But is there one who can complain Walstrora, It E Austin, C A Hatha- or cry in woe, “ Alas!” so long as bow, B Solomon, Mr Eaton, — Fay, S u c c e s s o r t o W H . M a n s e ll Mary’s oalfs all right the lamb can J E Miller, C W Miller, J Heath. go to grass. So all the men de. light to gaze, their joy is not a Professor Baldwin is Killed W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A IN S . shame, for while the other critter’s Greenville, Ohio, Aug. 31— While All orders bandied with carefulness and expedience. out they have no use for lamb. Prfessor Baldwin, aeronaut, was making an ascenion from the fair t i i i i r i : J i n itu s ( l in o Ol l ' l l « l . - r a Vl o rl .i i« W ith O n r grounds this atfernoon, an explo­ A g e n t fo r th e b e s t G o o s C o u n ty G oal S m a l l Hot H r ol C h a m l i r r l « l u « sion of dynamite occured and Bald­ C o lic C nnfern a n .l O in r r h o c a win blown to pieces. R em edy Twenty Lives Lost in Storm. It has been authoritivelv stated so many times first that there would Duluth, Minu., Sept. 4— Eighteen be au extra session of Congress and or 20 lives were lost and property theu that there would not be, that valued at $500,000 sacrificed in the the callendar has had most of the furious storm that swept over Lake leaves torn off that intervene be­ Superior Sunday and Sunday night. tween now and the regular session. The gale was the most destructive The nstute party managers have to lake shipping that has been ex­ managed so well that there is little perienced in many years. Beside time left for danger from a special the wreck of the steel steamer Se- session; but unfortunately, from vonia, which broke in two on Sand their point of view, the time is Island reef, seven of the crew los­ drawing near when they will have ing their lives, it is now believed to face the regular session and that that two more ships were lost with cannot be put off. The question their entire crow. arises what will they do. They want to mark time. President Soused A H o l a . up M a n Roosevelt wants reform, wants a lot of it and wants it quick. The Eugene, Or., Sept. 5.— (Special) country as a whole will probably —Last night about midnght a mask­ agree with him in thinking it is ed man entered Witter’s saloon at needed. So Congress will have to Springfield, while Mr. Witter and I make a few motions to convince its his son were tbe only persons inside, I constituents that it is doing some- and, drawing a revolver, command­ | thing. Probably it will devote as ed them to throw up their hands. much timo ns possible to railway The elder man responded, but the I rate legislation. It is at) even son grabbed a bucket of water and ] chance that if a bill of this sort gels threw it into the bold-up’s face. through the house it will suit the This caused confusion, during which 1 railroads about as well as it will Witter got a revolver, when the suit anyone. If it does not it prob­ intruder slipped out and escaped. ably will be killed in tbe senate. — Oregonian. That has been done before and tbe l l e a i i t i i u l U 'o in o n ! House hopes that tbe senate will Plump checks, flushed with the j take the responsibility again. Tariff soft glow o f health and a pure com­ ! revision will not be attempted if the plexion, make all women beautiful. party managers can prevent it, and Take a small dose of Herbine after I if it is, there will be a dreary round each meal; it will prevent constipa­ of talk that is not likely to result tion and digest what you have eat­ en. Mrs Win M Stroud, Midloth­ in anything. Both the Democrats ian, Texas, writes. May 31, 1901: and a small section of the Republi­ “ We have used Herbine in our cans think there is a good chance family for eight years, and found to make capital out of investigating it the best medicine we ever used the Panama situation and this ought ^or constipation, bilious fever and 1 malaria. Sold by R S Knowlton. to serve very well to kill a lot of time. But the best, brighest and D e te ctiv e S tories T bat are tbe R eal Mr G W Fowler, o f Hightower, Ala., relates an experience he had safest prospect is to let the con­ Thing. while serving on a petit ju ry in a gressmen who have been to the The Cosmopolitan has been for­ murder case at Edwardsville, coun­ Philippines tell what they did and tunate enough to secure the “ Con­ ty seat of Clebourne county, Ala­ didn’t see there. This will of fessions of a New York Detective,’ bama. He says: “ While there I course precipitate the question made by an ex-Captain of Police. ate some fresh meat and some of the reduction of Philippine du­ This remarkable narative will be souse meat and it gave me cholera I ties, but this could be very well run serially, beginning in the Sep- ’4-morbus in a very severe form. was never more sick in my life and made a separate issue from general* tember issue. It bids fair to prove sent to the drug store for a certain tariff tinkerieg. That is a bright far more interesting and exciting cholera mixture, but the druggist idea. By all means let us have a thaD any imagined detective story, sent me a bottle of Chamberlain’s Philippine spmposium. This will for it deals directly with those Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ kill many weeks between meeting phases of life and their supervision edy instead, sayin? he had what I sent for, but that this medicine w is day and the time when an adjourn­ by the police upon which all the in­ so much better l.u would rather ment can be decently forced. It is genious yarns of clever writers are send it to me in the fix I was in. I about as safe a subject as there is formed. Henry Raleigh is illustrat­ took one dose of it and was better in tbe lot aud it can be made to ing the Confessions, and is making in five minutes. The second dose cured me entirely. Two fellow sound very patriotic while it is be­ some very realistic drawings. jurors were afflicted in the same ing talked about. By all means manner and one small bottle cured For a lady's wheel, as good as the three of us.” For sale by R S let us get busy with tbe Philip­ pines. [ new at a bargain, call at this office. Knowlton. W. R. Haines Music Co., F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K M AR SH FIELD General hospital to $ j$ 3 0 per week Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. Claude F ox, (Tenera! Drayman Monuments and Headstones Fort Worth, Sept. 7—Mrs. Jack- son, 17 years old, wife of John Jack- son, who is only 19, gave birth last night to five girl babies, allot whom aro living. The heaviest one weigh­ ed five pounds.— Mail. W e guarantee better work at lower prices than can be had else­ where. Do not order M o n u m e n ta l w o rk until you have called upon or written us for prices. President Castro cannot qualify for a seat in the United States Sen­ ate after bis exhibition of trust bust­ ing at home. Marie Corelli says haughtily that she does not wish to see America. America, outside crank cireles, hes never gone wild over Mane Corelli, j Mr. Hyde in London has chumming with Mr. William drof Astor. That won't make anv easier with him when be before tbe American jury. J COOS been Wal- it go 1 gets CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Telephone, Main 238. Stewart & White Props. M 8 r 8 hH.uisS,r . DAVID FTLTON, Local Agent, Coquille, Cb*g u.