Coquille Je rald. The Am erican inn, ¡nitide the grounds o f tbe L e w is and Clark Bx- 0. F- DEAN, AND PROPRIETOR pOBiti 0 n, is g ro w in g more popular EDITOR - every day. T b is hotel is decided­ ly superior to tbe In sid e Inn at St. Louis, and is under entirely d iffer­ J^ountv Official Paper. PUBLISH KD KVEHY WKD.NKHDAY ent management. E v ery part o f the mucous mem- bran®, the note, throat, ears, head and lungs, e t c , are subjected to disease and b lig h t from neglected — ** -- • To. .. colds. B allard’ s H orehound Syrup is a pleasant and effective rem edy. \V Akendrick, V a lle y M ills , T e x . writes: I have used B a lla rd ’s -------------- . for coughs _ Horehound S yru p and throat troubles; it is a pleasant and » « « D e ( aprio's Adm inistration band „ , 0.1 t — f c l i v . S Devoted to the nmtennl material and social u op- | o l d building of thu (loquill* Vullvy particularly tbe official musical organization o f K nowlton. S jtid of Coon Coouiv gencrally Subscription, pervear, in ftd Iviinoe, VI.BO tbe L e w is and C lark Exposition, is receivin g much praise. Church Directory- W anted — 1 T ru s tw o rth y ■ r f l r r l r d C o l.U Lew i* T b is band Dairy Farm for » 1__ Ti b ,R Sale. E £ i " i S S i & ___ i a i r w K„ by notified J to nlRVfl make settlement at once with A. W . Varney, next d o o r to K a ow lton 's dru g store, an 1 plays in connection with all official A fine dairy farm containing 70 costs. C hcech . — PisaobinR every functions, such as receptions, dedi- acres of bottom land 23 acres o f hill UmtisTiiN Smuiav at 11 a. 1,1. HI1.I 7::«)p. m. Sunday .n n v s n t io n « an d th e lik e tohool at 10 n. in. Uhrialian Endeavor at cations, c o n v e n tio n s a n a tDe JlKe. land, and adjosning the town of «:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wedn»«- M r. D s Caprio has surrounded him- M yrtle Point, Coos county, O regon , day evening at 7:30. All cordially invited. r . . . . . . , Episcopal ( 'hnreh.— Episcopal aervioea 8#Ii wlth musicians o f a high Order and J mile from creamery. F orty- S l l th iSl? ? u Ogden, Utah, was a feature o f the ture; 3 acres o f orchard in good Lew is and C lark Exposition enter­ eari bngcondition and differen t var­ tainments the past week. The ieties o f fruit. House, barn and — --— — „ Elder. interesting attaching to her ancestry. T h e steamboat sail up tbe Colum The schooners Ruby and C oqu ille bia river, the rid e ■ailed from Bandon for San Francisco last Tuesday. Ben Gant, tbe Gravel to Astoria and tbe beach, and the various other side trips from Portland, the expo­ F ord sition city, continue to charm vis­ farmer, was in town on Thursday. A private Hospital well equipped for the treat­ ment of su rgical and medical diseases. Trained N urses in Attendance. o f W . A . Goodman, Coquille, Or. Mrs. Notice, Quality as well as Quantity for the price paid at the ROSEBURG-MYHïLE p o in t - ” City Meat Market JTAGE LINE N O T IC E — H avin g decidod to re­ W o r ld ’s F a ir visited geucral merchandise J. S. K pair of gold-fram ed glassos, either in C oquille or A rago road on South side o f od fo r their own pleasure and benefit. “ I f you d o not,” be said, “ you w ill dQEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE reg ret it on ly once, and that w ill be p ^ T T lie Oregon Coal A Nav C o ’ h m fM 11 ver- all the rest o f your life. You will F in d er w ill please leave same at begin reg rettin g it as soon as tbe this office. fair has closed its gates. This is Mrs. G. M. T h rop arrived here the opportunity o f a lifetim e.” last week and is now dom inciled in the Paxson home in the north side town. T h ey seem very well O ur y o u n g friend, V ir g il W ilson, I who was so unfortunate as to lose the thumb and all o f his fingers but pleased with th eir new location. F o r S ale . — G ood 2 horse wagon, A Busy Metlloins for Basy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Live i I Kidney Troubles. Pimples. Eczema, Impure ;,-»L*d, Bad Breath. Sluggish Bowels, Headache 1 1 Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab- form, cents a box. Genuine made by - t e ii Drtro C o m p a n y , Madison, W is. public address, to attend the F air an em atz . iccky Mountain Tea Nuggets Portland two weeks ago he urged the people, in a one o ff his le ft hand recently at the 1 1 inebe ----------------- steel skein, -- in KUUU good uonul. condi m i» >“ this city, started for San FRESH AND SALT MEATS. Lard, Bacon, Hams, Sausage, Chickens, Vegetables, Turkeys and Game in Season. Front Street, Coquille, Ore., Phone, Main 43. P. 0. Pox 224 HOLLISTER'S | position before it is too late. When P resid en t Francis o f tbe St. L ou is tire from business I w ill sell my en­ of D E A L E R IN Capt. Nelson, M aster. W ill make regular trips between Coos Bay and San Francisco This Steamer is very steady at sea and her passenger accommodations are all room. V e ry an d S ta p le Florence Atkinson, Mr. H acker’s niece, and helper in his abstract office, started fo r her old home at E cho for a _J i ’ » * Steamer N ew p o rt arrived 20 tons; cannery supplies 50 tons. W A Bradley, Miss A W o ld vo g e l, J H In b erg , W Sorenson. Outgo- vacation a n d ' ¡ng passengers: Chas A Guerin, L Wheels to Reht. Repairing Speciality . rest as woll as a visit with relatives LBunoh, L Bunch, A A Rice, C D D Garroutte, Garroutte, Rice. C and friends fo r a few weeks. ____ , Mrs H Boedel and 5 children, H M r. and Mrs. W m . Candline, late Morse, Miss N ora Sparlin. J H W il- o f Portland, who have been look in g hams; cargo, 5 tons mdse. ov e r the county for the past week, have decided to make C oquille their f ^ T T h e safe and reliable tiw n -„ screw home at least for n time, haviug M edicines that aid nature are al­ rented the Strang homo near the ways most effectual. C ham ber­ Christian church. lain's Cough R em ed y acts on this plan. I t allays the cough, relieves Articles o f incorporation have lungs, aids expectoration, opens 1 been filed for tin - C o o s P a y M ining, tjie s e c r e t io n s , and aids nature in ( M illin g Transportation Com restoring the system to a healthy psny. T h e incorporators are H. G. condition. W ilson, I. W . Parker, I. F . Patton, C. J- Breachke, nnd Sold b y R 8 K nowlton. Notice C. A. Sehl- Ho Btop-ovei at W a y Porte. ital stock is $1,000,1 Hk) and the place tr u s tin g oaoal eoerewful •perlai- tot In Bau Frandarò,«Oli continuai to rara all ia ia a l and I r n l a » Dl*»a$tt«d aurh aa ttaanrrhma. UlM>l ■ trinare, •ypItllU la all Ila fonti*. • • (■ D IM IM I, 't r i n a i Itaklllly. laapoten lev •em lnal Weak- I ■easai “1 U aaoM laa h«M»d. (ho coneequrnce of aelf ari"*# tndfirnwfl listed st Coquille, Oregon, M sy 29, P . H . B rewer . g a g e in m ining nnd manufacturing 1906. business,— North Ueiul iti/en. K r i l l « «I.» » ,v ,r ' “ I fim i C hspiltcrlsin’ s Stomach and L iv e r Tab lets more beneficial 11. m un o ik : ; nedy I ever used I m in i b trouble say* J P K lote o l Militi.i. M o. P ot any disorder o f the ach, biliousness sc. »,.v stom ois/uiavii, iM iiGiivnrxi or con stipaiion, these T a b lets are without a peer F o r sale by R 3 K n ow lton A llo c k e d B y s M . k . and beaten, in a labor riot, until covered w ith sore*, a C h icago street car conductor applied B ucklen’ s A rn ica Salve, and w is soon sound and w ell. " I use it In ray fa m ily ,” writes G . J. W elch, o f Tekonsha, .VIICU, M ich, "a dQU n d I1UU find It it pvilCt p e rfect." Sim ply great for cuts and burns. O n ly : 5 c 1 at R . S. K n o w lto n '»d ru g store 231 prrvTtjdnf the fol lo w in * aymptoms; «allow coon- tooanre. dark «pota ander (he eyeo. pola u» the bee<1. ringing la the ear*. Iowa of confldPtH'e.diffi­ dence In approecliinx ntraneera. palpimi Ion of the heart, weakneaaof the limi»« and b ar*, loaa of mem- . pimplee on the fare, rongna, roowfimpiR*«». etc. . « I M Ì e e hae » r a r tired in Hun Franrfem 4% y ear« and thnaa troubled «unnld not M ro n *"* hiaa end receive the benefit of hie »rent «kill and experience. The doc tor ra re « when other* fa I L T r y klm. . C e r e a f e e r a a i e e d . Per*-m* c«ired et haiQ> O a m t f i aoor ahi » Call or write. D r . J. F . •tb b e a .M IK M ir a ;e i k a a r r * a « lM « .U t K C o q u ille T o n s o ria l P a rlo rs , noise and forw ard and CHAS. MOOMAW, Prop. has . p r a ilC iS C O , Front Street. 0 « I ------------ i C § an Opposite Hotel Coquille, SUTTER ST., A. M c K e l l i p s , Agent, Coqu/lle, O regon. Headquarters a t Mrs. M. N osier s. 0 H E G 0 IT O S T lIiE .^ á NOTICE. R . C. L ee, w ho has been in the em ploy o f the W . R . H aines M usic Com pany tbe past few months, is no lon ger connected w ith the con­ cern, and is not authorized to make Com pany W . R H a in e s . Dr. Gibbon (SigDed) Thla old rvltabl* and ttao her upon m.;[ o f business Coos Bay. 1 ho object 1 __________ _____ _ o f the incoriKiration w ill be to en­ tiont she nisy eon tract. A General Office fo r Pacific Coast. carried by csriicu uj the W . R . H ain es M usic the unfortunate. w ith the W H E E L E R & W I L S O N MFG. CO. E lectric Ligh ts. E verythin g in First- any collections or solicit for the Class Style. makes o f any piano :r instruments T h e tw o firs! Darned lire the rotony j backward m ovem ent o f the shuttle C. P. Jenoen. Master. Coquille River and San Fra n cisco . Notice is hereby given that my wife, Martha Brewer, has left her lied ami from Boise, Idaho, nnd Mr. Patton board and refuses to return thereto, and is Portland capitalist. T h e cap- the public is hereby warned against brode. motion does away wear caused b y Str. Elizabeth W ill make regular trips between F o r terms address or inquire o f Slingsby Bros., Coquille, Oregon. the lig h te s t runn n g ma i Q uiet nnd durable, f ^ r i T h e New and Speedy. « It a m lie rl a la 's ( s s ( k Item edjr a id * N ature Season commences A p ril 15th. bine in the world. NEW AND SECOND HAND BICYCLES. Bicyles Sundries, Etc. Aug. Boneparte, Jr. R ota ry machine and ball bearing make it D ealer In 24; sailed Aug. 25. In com in g cargo: STALLION PERCHERON W ill make the season at C O Q U IL L E nnd other points in the valley One-Third Easier One-Third Faster ALBERT FISH, prompt Attention. A beautiful dapple gray and from imported blood weighs 1700 pounds. Sired by Thoroughbred Stallion Boneparte. aoy Oiler. Bicycles! and tbnt they may conclude to locate In eastern Oregon. J- G- Fish Twee Time tie Valee ef : F a re $5.50 M A N U F A C T U R E R S o f B u tter B oxes, Cubes, A p p le and F r u it B oxes Cabinets, T ables, Counters, S tore F ro n ts, etc. T u rn in g W o rk a Specialty. A ll O rd ers g iv e n C O Q U IL L E superior Second Class. R ig s in reudi and BOX FACTORY F e e d .. FRO N T ST. G oo d L e a v e C oquille at 6 a. m., arrivin g a t R oseb u rg at 10 p. m. Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the lowest consistent with good goods. .. Dickson and R oy arc at Baker City, Sddle H orses o f best q u a lity always on hand. nes fo r special trips. In fact, a geen eral S tage and L iv e r y business. A ccom m od ation s fo r T a v e lin g men a specialty G ro c e rie s . Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. We carry a full line of Fare, 1st Class, $10. 2nd Class, $6. 6e' ' ! ' l )rP f n n '6 . . «— • C. Timmons, the cannery man, «1 a l NnflVrinK R n lV r ln x W . C. Hose, Agt., F. 8. D O W , Agent, arrived Inst week — — . from . v , m Astoria tio iv u n with n itu “ I had been troubled w ith lam e Coquille. MarshfieUl. his crew o f Chinamen and is putting ■» back for fifteen years and I found a his Bandon cannery in ’ shape for the com plete recovery in the use of season’s run. Mrs. Timmons came C ham berlain’s P a in B alm ,” says John G Bislier, G illum , In d . T h is with him this time. linim ent is also w ith an equal for M rs. E. E. Dickson was down sprains and bruises. I t is for sale from M yrtle P oin t a few day ’s last by R 8 K now lton. week. She informs us ...... « . . Steamer Notes ______________ A C H O IC E L IN E OF F lo u r a n d B. FEIMTOIV Prop Goquille Furniture Drane’s Store, Str. M. F. Plant, F a n c y tion price $.'15.00 or will trade for Francisco last W ednesday where he new, clean and sweet, opening out on good 2 seat hack, fo r further partic- w ill enter school fo r the current deck and harin g only two berths ir ulars address J. C. Doane * Marsh- - * school - - year. Miss E A S T M A N K O D A K CO., Rochester, N. Y. R o lle r d u rin g his rounds. A Fitted with meniscus lens, and shutter with iris diaphragm stops. IN V E S T IG A T E people, however, find the attractions location with house nnd barn; 100 the L ew is and Clark Exposition evidence fo r the recovery o f prop er­ E aqitire at period. T h e b ig F a ir will close ty so taken and conviction o f the y ou n g fruit trees. October 15. N ea rly every one who parties concerned, w ill be g iv e n one- H erald office. visits it goes home advisiug his half o f the property recovered. Thomas W ilson wns down from S o u th e r n O regon C o m t a n y . M y rtle P oin t Thursday and made friends to take advantage o f the op- call purtunity to see tbis wonderful ex- ou r office a plensuut business L o st . L o a d s in daylight w ith film Cartridges. F a ll d ascription In K od a k C a ta lo g F R E E a t anp p h o to g ra p h ic dealers o r b p m a ll, is a chance to save | works and frequent carnival fea- authorized in w riting, w ill be Pros­ tures are specially attractive. ecuted according to law. A n y person furnishin g sufficient O n ly six weeks more remain o f I ale . — O db acre tract in nice at cost. P IC T U R E S 2,/4 x 3 ,/4 inches. O H ere ness, money. tire stock o f M a rshefild. Orego. R heum atism , gout, backache, acid, poison, are results of kidney Opens for fo il term September 12, 1905. trouble. H o llis te r ’s R o c k y Mouu- Full Normal! Course, Teachers’ Review Class. tain T e a goes d ire c tly to the seat o f the disease and cures when a ll Commercial Course. Expenses very low. a ll fails. 35 cents. R S K n o w l­ F o r catalogue o r inform ation w rito to A. L . B K IG G S o r O. C. B R O W N . [ ton. Drain, Oregon was in on the E xposition grounds so in­ A n y person cutting T im b er or town Thursday on route to Portland terestin g and so numerous that Bark of any description on tbe lauds and w ill bo absent about a month. they p refer to spend all the tim e at o f the Southern O reg on Com pany, J. S. Kanem atz w ill sell every- their disposal at the Exposition. or rem ovin g same, or other property th in g at cost and retire from b u si-! The evening band concerts, fire- from said lands, without b ein g duly F ob A wonderfully capable and accurate camera built on the Kodak plan. Good enough to satisfy experienced photographers, yet so simple that children can use it. Wm. Horsfall, M. 1)., Central Oregon State Normal School O tbe first time, not to speak o f those Parties w ishin g the best o f pas­ who have made those trips before ture fo r stock w ill do w ell to inquire and are eager to g o again. Many and Brownie & »• < «" --- • » , » * “ £ > ~ | . 1 ~ '( - Enclose sel: ad- ¡ ¡»b ^ e ed d everything. everything, Enclo ~ ------------ r _. Address, M ana­ dressed onvelope ger, 810 Como B lock, Chicago, 111. ‘ " “r (2<>mo B 12 t -10 itors who are in the N orthw est for H e made our office a pleasant call. R ev. No. 2 F o ld in g MISS L. G. GOULD, SUPERINTENDENT. choir gave several concerts to large other buildings. W h ile we have a F o r Inform ation Address - . . . . . .. . ™. audiences in the Auditorium. There number o f other dairy farms fo r 'Phone 631. are 200 skilled singers in this or sale, yet this is one o f the beat liar- J, L. B sittt , Paator. gains, as the location is all that Miss Emma L u cy J . meets ihi «mi ......— The W. C. T. U. meet« every let and .wu 3rd ^nun.miuu. g a n iza tio n . could be desired, being near town, 1 __ «4 at Antiiwnnl 0.0() straight R ocky M ountain Tea. 35 cents. R cash salary with all necessary ex­ 8 Know lton penses paid w eekly by check from ----- N t ic e . headquarters. M oney advauced for _ _ ___ | P o sitio n permeuent: A ll persons know ing themselves ®s|* “ 8e8 r i Vli'n idacUsiuithinir previous experience not essential. v ig o rT PATENTS ffiO C U R fcULf. ’ Alfred Johnson, D E A L E R IN Flooring, Rustic and all kinds of Finishings and Mouldings Constantly on hand. Deliveries made promptly by either water or rail. L fA *i fre e report. I *oryn«cht*. — ----- ----- IN ALL COUNTSIta. r ii* M « » '" ■ '• I tÁsNaw . wtomry m t r y and it eftm tkt fa U n i. B «nd Infrinpmeet frtctfcfi Elchw M y. Fattnt ti Write or or coma to u at • . 1 U 1 r Rtatb a u i m , •»». vww. > *»•» * * " • i WASHINGTON. D. C. W e have all Grades and Prices Accordingly. C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N