Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 06, 1905, Image 3

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    LO C AL N EW S.
Echo W recked.
Leather music folios at 50 per
Fresh bread every day at the
cent off at Haines Music Co.
Davis ruetaureut.
i'll» steamer Echo with a goodly
Uo to Sum McAdams’ new shop
Full stock of grass seeds at
L. J. Cody was a passenger on
J. S. Lawrence, deputy assessor, number of passengers and uonsijer-
for ull kinds af blacksmithing.
Knowltons drug store.
the train Monday from the bay.
went to the Point Monday.
able freight left Coquille Monday
Mr. M. McDonald and Miss Lila
Circuit court convenes at this
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Yoakarn re- j on its regular trip to Myrtle Point
A team of horses will be taken in
Wickham visited Mr. Cody’s camp
place next Monday.
exchange for piano E. M. Furman, turned home from the bay yesterday, when withih a half mile of the start -
last Friday.
Mrs. Perrott has her fall hats. Coquille.
Knowlton has a full supply of inS P°‘ Dt “ snaff was struck making
Have you visited Little's grocery Ladies call and get prices.
F ob H a l e — -A gelding, weighing of grass seeds ready for tho fall a ff°°d sized hole in the boat. Ini-
and got his prices----- they are
Capt. Danielson, of the lower 1100 pounds. True, sound and seeding.
j mediately consternation prevailed
gentle. Inquire at this office.
Mrs. Martin Aloxson of this place am0Dg the P1*«®®»«®™ a“ d erew but
A. A. Todd and daughter, Miss
J. H. Roberts, of Myrtle Point,
W. P. Fuller’s prepared Paints, Oils
Ruth, of Arago, wore in town on
went to the Point yesterday to cisit soon as the captain saw she wasbound
and Varnishes at J. A. Lamb A Co.
to sink she was run into the bank
and passengers and freight speedily
At Mrs. Moon's you will find a Mrs. L. A. Roberts, drovo down to
Anyone wishing a tine lot of
W. V. Cope, of Langlois, made
sent ashore. The boat was discov­
complete line of infants’ knit goods. Coquille on Saturday.*
huckleberries may leave orders at
town a busiuess visit the first
T. J Little has received his stock
ered to be rapidly filling with water
Litt'e’s grocery at the Little
this office.
of this week
and soon after the last passenger
hotel, (o r nice frssh goods at right of groceries, nuts, candies, fruits
Frank Snow passed through from was safely landed she sank. It is
Tko Fire Department Band dedi­ price.
etc., aud is finding a good trade for
the bay yeesterday en route to his thought the damage can be repaired
cated their uew bandstand on Sat­
W. H. Gamble, of North Bend, his goods.
urday evening.
hono at McKinley.
in a few days and the boat placed
D. D. Pierce returned from a very
made our town a business call on
Jake Fouts, of this city, returned on her regular run.
successful! business trip to San
I. E. Rose, bookkeeper for the Monday.
yesterday from a business trip to
Coquille Valley Packing Co., was
Fine maohine-baled clover and Francisco in the interest of the mill
‘‘The Oregon Booster.”
Myrtle Point.
down from Myrtle Point the first Italian rye grass hay for sale by J. company early last week
Fine fresh lard at Dtun & Mor-
g a u ’B.
C. Watson.
For fine thoroughbred Brown
School Books, also the beet Tab­ Leghorn cockerels from eggs direct
M. Nosler's store, on Front
is headquorters for the lets, Pens, Pencils, at Knowltons from the Petaluma, California,
yards, call on J. C. Watson,
of the Wheeler <fe Wilson Drug Store.
MrB. Moon can now show you Cunningham.
Mrs. Dr. Russell writes bock eight designs in the R. & G. corsets
Mrs. Ed Boyrie, of Portland, who
has been here visiting her husband’s
from Silverton that Mr. and Mrs. —also Ferris waists.
Economy parents Mr. and Mrs. A Boyrie start­
Russell, parents of the Doctor, are
fruit jars in pints, quarts and half ed for Portland Sunday evening in
both quite poorly.
gallons at Robinsons.
response to a telegram.
Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow-
A good organ at payments of
M il k Cows F or S ale . — 2, 3 and 4
ders, give instant relief. Price 25
$5 down and 50c per week. W R
year old heifers from the best dairy
cents. R. S. Knowlton, Coquille Haines Music Co, Marshfield.
cows on the river, from $16 to $25
City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon.
Archie Goldsmith, salesman for
E. D. Myers, of Lee, was in town Flieschner, Mayer & Co., one of the per head; all giving milk. C. A.
Friday, having come in to consult a largest dry goods houses in the Pendleton, Fat Elk.
physician in regard to his health, northwest, is in town.
Attorneys Robert Burns and A.
he having been suffering from a
J. Sherwood returned from Curry
W anted . — A good horse, weigh­
severe pain in his side for some ing 1100 or 1150 pounds and from county Saturday, having been in at­
7 to 1U years old; apply at this tendance at circuit court at Gold
Beach during the week.
School begins next Monday, Sept. office.
of the month.
11th. Full supply ot school books
and school supplies at R. S. Knowl-
to ns Drug Store.
Please note
School Book’s are strictly CASH.
A b j one wishing an Organ cleaned
and repaired can secure the services
of an expert by loaving orders ai
the W. H. Sehroeder W’ atchmakei
shop. Prices moderate; work guar-
an teed.
Dr. aud Mrs. Mahan started for
their homo at Hempstead, Texas
last week. T hey were accompanied
as fur as Portland by Mrs. Mahan’s
sister, Mrs. Henry Lorenz and
her husband, who will attend the
J. K. McLeod, of near town, who
has been in ill health for some time
past, started for Pueblo, Coloarado,
on Friday, where he will remain for
about threo months with the hope
of being benofitted by the change,
which we hope he may. He is ac­
companied by his wife.
J. W. Maddox who came in from
the valley a month ago and has en­
joyed a pleasant outing at the beach
and quite a visit with friends, start­
ed Saturday for Portland where he
will take in the exposition. He then
goes to eastern Oregon for the
J. B. Momaw, the hop raiser, was
in town Friday. He informs us
that his hop crop is showing up in
flue shape and promises all he could
expect. The lice have failed to
make their appearance this year
at all. Tha picking will begin to­
morrow or next day.
Mrs. J. L. Kronenburg, came up
Saturday and proceeded to the bay
to get a steamor for Portland. She
was accompanied by her son, Harry,
who will enter school, and also
Misses Florence Walstrom and
Theresa Hanly who go to take in
the fair.
The editor of the H erald started
for Portland Monday morning, ac-
componied by his son and dnughter,
Ray and Fratikie. They go to at­
tend the fair, and the paper is in
the bands of C. Ü. Dryden, for the
timo being, aud any courticies ex­
tended will be duly appreciated by
the management.
Mrs. Wm. Gallisr, of Bandon,
who was up to attend the funeral of
the late S. J. Tuttle, and who w e s
ill for a few days, returned home
Saturday, having recovered. She.
was accompanied by her daughters-
in-law. the Mesdames Stephen and
Ed Gather and their children, who
go to Bandon for an outing.
P ierce’s
The place to buy
Dry Goods at Right Prices.
Call and look over our Stock and be Convinced.
Agents fo r Chas. A. Steuens Ready-made and Made-to-meas­
ure Tailor Suits, Shirt waist suits, etc.
W ouldn’t it J a r You
Spring and Summer hats at your
The above is the title of a publi­
own price at Mrs. Perrott's to make
recently established in Port­
room lor new goods.
land, and which is doing a great
E. R. Hudson, o&Coos River, re
work in the advancement of the
turned home yesterday after a visit
interests of our state in a
with friends in this Btction.
general way. Two representitives,
Capt McCloskey, the hardware
J. M. Shawhan and J. C. Dawson,
man, of Myrtle Point, made our
who are two of the proprietors of
town a business call yesterday.
the paper, paid Coos county a visit
Mrs T. J. Thrift, and daughter last week and are now pre­
Belle went to the bay Saturday to paring a write-up for this section of
O f course i f would{and we agree with you in the mat te
visit with friends a short time.
the state. Judging from other ad­
T. A. Bates, of Gold Hill, arrived ditions we have seen, we feel con­ Such a thing would'creat excitement and comment.
in town last Friday and expects to fident that Coos will get a send-off
locate with us in the near future.
of which we may all feel proud.
Wilbur Carrothers, of Oakland, These gentleman were highly elated
California, arrived in town Monday over our prospects and advantages, Would be that the man was not aware that
and will visit awhile in this section. and see in a moment that they will we handled Gents’ Ready Made Clothing
not have to draw on their imagina­ bought direct from the maher, thereby sauing
Remember the C. M. & M. Co’s,
tions to be ablo to say some good to the consumer the middle man's profit.
Store is head quarters for Rubber
things about us. They are gather­ Think this over. The man being scantily at­
Mrs. C. Y. Lowe and daughter,
Bud Holland was over from
goods, call and get prices and be
ing up tome fine photos which will tired would naturally need shoes. What kind?
Miss Maud of Bandon, came up Marshfield a couple of days last
be used in illustrating the edition.
Friday to visit with Mrs. R. E. week with Messrs J. M. Shawhan
Mrs. Jas. Walstrom, of Bandon, They succeeded in securing several
and J. C. Dawson who
o f course.
who has been visiting her parents subscriptions while in town.
If you wish to see something real here in the interest of the Oregon
pretty, examine tho collection of Booster.
turned home last Saturday.
Euerybody knows that, and knows that we
Coquille Public Schools.
Coos county souvenir shells at Mrs.
Capt. George Leneve, o f the
steamer Alert, on Coos river came
The Coquille public schools will haue em.
Portland policemen are instructed over Saturday and made his mother, bay loading lumber from the C. M.
Monday Sept, 11th at 9 o’clock
M. Co’s mill at this place.
to be polito. But will the prisoners Mrs. Elizabeth Leneve, and other
a. m. It is very essential that all
be sober enough to ajrpreciate the relatives aud friends in this city a
pupils be present on the opening
inuovute?— Telegram.
day so that they may be assigned
L ost .— A pair of gold-rimmed
Prof. J. Percy Wells, the new to their proper classes.
E. M. Hoffman, one of our up­
river friends, made our office a glasses in case, between Front principal of our public school, ar­ arc urged to co-operate with the
pleasant call on Saturday while in street and the South Methodist rived in town Saturday from Ash­ teachers in securing a good attend­
church. Finder will leave same at land, coming in via stage from Rose­ ance it the beginning ot the term.
the county seat on busiuess.
Fenuen L. Dean, son of E. S. this office and receive suitable re­ burg.
A few weeks’ delay in starting re­
Lex Cope, the genial clerk io the tards a pupil’s progress during the
Dean, the market man, started last ward.
J. E. Quick, the Larnpa creek C. M. & M Co’s, store, went to entire year. It is hoped that all
week for San Francisco, where he
will join Uucle Sam's regular army. farmer, was in town Saturday with Bandon Sunday and from all re­ who graduated from the city schools
an entire “ chaoge of face,” having ports it is supposed he had his usual in June and that many who gradu­
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ferris and R.
harvested that beautiful crop of red amount of spot t.
ated from the rural schools will be
R. Ponder and mother, late of Min­
Accepted throughout the civilized world
whiskers which he says he has sent
hand to take up the work of the
nesota, arrived here the last of the
as tho most universally satisfactory il­
to the fair.
have been visiting friends and rela- n' nt*1 iri'ade. An especial effort will
week and are looking at the country.
Miss Dell F ox of this city, who tivea in this place for some time | b® made to strengthen the High
for all purposes.
George Winchester, of the Marsh­ has been chief compositor on the
past, leaves Thursday for their School and a practical course is
Cleanest, Most Convenient, and the
field bank, had business in town Gold,
new paper
lately home in San Diego, California.
A practical course in
on Saturday. He called in at Mr. started at Gold Beach, Curry coun­
light known.
commercial bookkeeping will be in­
P. B. Hoyt, formerly one of Ban-
Buck's to see his sister, Mrs. Jas. ty having resigned her position, r e-
That furnished by the COQUILLE
don’s popular barbers, spent several
Walstrom and new nephew.
turned home Friday evening.
All pupils should bring their re­
R IV E R ELECTRIC CO. is first
days in town last week in the in­
Mr. and W. L. Kistner, Mr. and
Our mill is now running quite terest of the Mutual Life Insurance port cards or promotion certificates
class and up to date in every respect.
on the opening day.
New pupils
Mrs. G. A. Robinson and Mr. and steadily and making large cuts.
Co., which he is now representing.
should call at the Principal's office
Mrs. W. C. Rose, of this city, who The company have plenty of orders
The rates place it within reach of all
C. A. Gage and wife, A. T. Mor­ for classification Saturday, Sept. 9th,
had been to Portland to attend the and the large schooner Compeer is
fair, returned Thursday.
expected at the bay at any time to rison and wife aud C. T. Skeels and between 10 and 12 o'clock.
wife wbo have been rusticating up and supplies shoull not be purch­
J. E. Paulson who has been con­ load from this mill.
in the Big creek country, returned ased until after consultation with
ducting a loggingcamp on the North
George H. Collins, one of Ban Sunday, and report having had a
Fork for some time, moved his fami­ Francisco’s
business good time.
Teachers’ meeting Saturday Sept,
ly in from Roseburg last week and men, who has been in Coos county
Under New Management.
9tb, at 2 o ’clock p. m.
they are now pleased in the home for a little outing, having been on
J . P ercy W ells ,
lately vacated by J. S. Henry and the bay side fishing and hunting
day for his home in Marshfield,
for several days, paid Mr. Johnson,
He will stop at Bridge on
I have 40,500 shingles that I will
S. B. Cathrart, the surveyor, of our saw mill man a very pleasant the way and visit awhile with an­
deliver on the bank of the river for
Marshfield, came over to this city visit Friday and Saturday.
other son.
S t r ic t l y
$1.90 per thousand. H. L. C ooper
last week and spent two or three
VVe have a number of second hand
D. C. Krantz, of Dora, wbo had
Arago, Oreg.
days doing some correcting of the organs for sale at prices runing
F ir s t - C l a s s .
delivered a horse which he had
survey of the place of A. E. W ill­ from $18.50 up to $100. These or­
sold to a Bandon party, returned
Hay Baling.
iams, and also platted the new por­ gans have been taken in exchange
this way on Thursday,
Roy Stevens, of Myrtle Point,
tion of the MasoDic cemetery.
on piano Bales. Some of them are
advantage of one of our clubbing the hay baling man, is prepared to
answer calls on any kind of notice.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Krewson, of little used and as good as new but bargains while in town.
Opposite I. O. O. F. Hall.
Successor to J. T. Little.
Anyone needing hay baled will do
Drain, arrived in town Saturday. they will be closed out at bargan
The steamer Echo took a jolly well to give him a call.
They will visit their son, Thos.
Krewson and family and their many »1 .75 and upwards will be acceptable crowd of excursionists to Bandon
friends and acquaintances in this Call on or address E. M. FT rman on Sunday from Myrtle Point. The
chief feature of the day was a game
city, who are exceedingly glad to
The Davis restaureut, on Front
- I N ------
see these former residents among street, has been purchased by Mr. of baseball between the Myrtle
us again. They are looking well and Mrs. C. A. Harrington, o f this Point team, Arago and the Bandon REAI.
club. The beach drew the greater
for people of their age.
city, who will conduct the business
part os the crowd but all spent a $3500 For thirty days only, the best 2»>-
On Thursday a car of coal was in the future. These people are
likcre farm In Fishtrap Valley. Fine
very enjoyable time and voted the
brought up from the Braddock well and favorably known in this
trip a great success.
| A fine corner business prope rt
mine, Mr Tawse having gotten the
Hoase and two lots in good
new machinery in place and the and lady for this place which ia
F ro n t S treet,
Of Interest.
location. A bargain.
mine pretty well cleaned out. He conveniently located, and which
Good house, barn and fonr lots
in fine looation.
Editor H erald . —I have been in­
will be able to furnish all local or­ will no doubt become n most popu­
Corner bu sirosi property. Better
ders in short time and promptly. lar resort. These people may terviewed many times since locat- j
i ivest igate this now.
A l L w o r k g u a r a n t e e d .
V r» idenct* property that is dirt
We are exceedingly glad to see this rightfully ask a liberal share of the ing here in rega. J to the medical
mine in working order again.
Two hne lots near the fcchool-
the people of this valley.
give these few lines space in your
Three fine residence lots, close to
valuable paper. "Liquozine” ia a
baainess. An extraordinary bar­
100-lb sacks of either “ West- $
remedy that should not be taken
cm ” or "Fruit” fine dry
Two fine, rich garden lots. Jast
granulated cane sugar....... 5 00 internally, it being very poisonous
the thing for a family.
19 lbs granulated cane sugar 1 00 to the internal organs.
Fonr nice lot«, partly bottom lAnd
June 22,
waitable for garden. A good boy 1
15 cases Haywards tomatoes 1 00
1905, order No. 49 was sent out
for one o f moderate mean«.
5-gal. keg pickles ..................
Fine large residence and eleyen
50 lb sack half ground salt...
lot« for rent, inoladea two cow«,
chickens, dock«, garden and frnit.
100-lb " *
“ ...
45 ordering its aale or exposure for
Family with children need not
22 lbs sago or tapioca........... 1 00 sale or giving it away by any drug­
22 lbs best Japan rice .........
1 00 gist a misdemeanor, unless two ------
It i« impossible
to describe
. .. myjist in this
If yon are looktn« fur s Rood
Postum or Figprunec ereal,
20 pasters are put on every package or pi«* of property
Everything neat and up-to-date in every
st e reneonable priee, I Newly established.
Grapenuta, 2 pks...................
bottle, first paster to read “ Poison” CBiUmen^'.T, “ ‘'re^t' honw. .nd fan».,
Lenox or Santa Claus soap,
respect. Meals at all hours, day or night.
make loan« and do all kind* of Agency
“ For external use bnsines*.
21 Bars Fels Naptha 8oap 1 00 and second,
Come in end »>•« me before bay­
Rooms by the Day, Week or Month.
7 bars...................................
25 only.”
A t R obinson ' s S tore .
J. D. W etmore , M. D.
Coquille, Oregon.
To see one of our repre­
sentative citizens attend
a baseball game attired
in a bathing suit?
W alk=Overs $
C .M .& M .C O .
Electric Light
W. H. Mansell,
Best of Turnouts.
Feed and Sale
Hanford's Bargains
Hay, Grain, Feed.
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
City Restaurant
F. W IL SO N , Prop.
. . . .