G ravelford Gloam ings. 2213— King Keystone Oil Co vs Mrs. Nus’or but* ju*t reeeved a vorce, Stanley A Burns, Attys for ington county, a practical and su< - E xcu rsion to B andon nioe line of burnt leather bouveim -i cessful farmer and dairyman, spoke North Bend Woolen Mills Co, no­ P lft Continued dry weather. Jimt the th in g fo r u It was a jolly crowd that left ou g o o d s. tion at law, Dinkenspeil, Hall A 2274—J. P. Tupper vs Peter L og- at some length on the necessity of present. Farmers busy thrashing. the steamer Dispatch hist Sunday the proper breeding also, showing Hall attys for pltf. gie. Action at law. Walter Sin­ WEDNESDAY, SEPT 6, 1905. Mr. and Mrs. W. Culbertson went for Bandon. Tho Fire Dcpaitmcut 2217— Stella Fox and Claud Fox, clair atty for pltf, W. U. Doug­ that the ballauced ration was neces- ADMINISTRATOR’ S NOTiCE. sary to produce the best results, giv- to Cherry creek Friday for a few Band added considerably to the her husband, vs Julia Hayes and lass atty for deft Sep- Circuit Court Docket for IN THE COUNTY COURT OF T1IR enjoyment of the excursion party James Hayes, her husband, et al 2276— Garrett M. Hill vs Wm. J. ing valuable hints or how to grow days’ visit with relatives, STATE OK OREGON, KOI! COOS tember, 1905 Term. CCU N TY: suit in partition, Stanley A Burns L. F. Heller is running au exteu- end many e impliiueutary remarks Marsh, Suit in Equity. J. A. Buch. the best foods, recommending the In the matter of the Estate of William were beurd during the day 11 II of Hutchenson, deceased: 1479— W H S Hyde vi J P Max-: attys for pltf. anan, atty for Plft. J. O. Fuller­ j one thousand headed Scotch-kale J give logging camp at this place, Notice is hereby given thut in com ­ ton, suit for partition, D L Wat­ 2218— Bennett Swantcn vs North ton and A. N. Orcutt, attys for and vitch hay. He spoke also of which were well deseryed for they Taylor Bunch returned borne pliance with an order of tho Comity son attorney for pltf. certainly did well considering the the pumpkin as being a good pro- Bend Woolen Mills Co, action at Court of the State of Oregon for Coi a deft. Friday from Portland. 1523— Katherine West to A D fact that they have had very little county, duly made and entered, I will ! ducing crop aud equal in value to law, J W Bennett atty for pltf, J 2277— T M Collver et al vs Johana Miss Marie Bossen, of Langlms, practice of lute, groat things me sell at private sale the real property of Morse, assignment, J M Upton, j M Upton atty for deft. said Estate situated in Coos county, Hillstan et al. Ruit in Equity, ! any of the roots as a food. 1 began the fall term of publio school attorney for assignee. expected of them in the 11 . ar future, State of Oregon, or so much thereof as EVENING SESSION. 2226— Hellen Snedden vs Altie Hall A Hall attys for Plft. J. W. will pay the claims against the said here last Monday. 1750— J B Hunt vs Geo P Topping, now that they have the new band­ estate and the costs of administration A Gardner, suit for injunction, The evening session was enliven­ Bennett, atty for d eft Mrs. O. S. Bennett and daughter, stand f.nd will meet regularly. Tho Baid real property as discrihed as fol­ assignment. J M Upton and Howard M 2278— M. E. Lillie, Guardian, vs ed with music by the band, which Miss Maude, of Morristown, Minn., day was ¡L a i for an excursion Aud lows: Undivided one-third of south­ 1758— T J Stillwell to A D Morse, Brownell attys for pltf; Coke A west quarter of southwest ipmrter of R. R. Clarno, action at law, Stan­ called the people together at 8 also auother daughter, Mrs. H. M. tbe trip throughout was thoroughly section 10, east half of southwest quarter assignment, J M Upton attorney j Scabrook attys for deft. o’clock. The chaiiuan introduced ley A Burns, atty for plft. and northwest quarter of northwest for assigneo. 2227 -James Rolandson vs Sarah 2279— Myrtle Dulley vs Charles Attorney Burns, who gave the ad­ Olson of Detroit City, Miun., who enjoyed by the entire crowd. quarter of section 15 in township 28, have been visiting J. D. Bennett’s south, range 14 west of Willamette me­ 2032— Margaret Kardell vs E W A Tenbrook and A R Tenbrook Dulley. Suit for Maintenance. dress of welcome, happily stating ridian in Coos county, Oregon. family left for Marshfield the last Kardell et a), suit for partition, suit in equity to foreclose a mort­ R eport o f the condition of the advantages to the farmer from All of soulhwest quarter of northwest Hall A Hall, attys for plft. of the week where they take the quarter and northwest quarter of souili- Hall A Hall attorneys for pltf. gage, J W Bennett and Bennett such an institute, and extending east quarter of section eighteen in town­ 2280— Emma L Noble vs Chas A steamer Kilburn for Portland en 20G9— Harvey T Schweers vs Sarah Swanton, attys for pltf. thanks and appreciation on behalf ship 28 south, range thirteen west of Noble. Suit for divorce. E. L. At Coijuille, in the State of Oregon, Willamette meridian in Co is county, route home. A Watson, suit for partition, of Coquille. 2235— Joseph H Smith vs Wm. J Oregon. C. Farrin, atty for plft Hall A at the^closo of business, Aug. 25,1905. Sperry A Chase, attorneys for Mrs. K. H. Hansen and daughter Dr. Wythicombe responded by Undivided one-third of lote 7 and 8 UKSOUUCKH Marsh, suit in equity, J A Buchan­ Hall, C A Sehlbrede attys for deft. pltf. A J Sherwood and J \\ Metta returned from Portland Sat­ Loans and discounts.................. $27,388 57 of section 15, lot 8 of section 10, nnd an atty for pltt, J C Fullerton and 2281— John A. Barnes vs Mary M. speaking very highly of Coos county that portion of lot t) in section 10, o e - U. S. Honda to «enure circulation 6,250 CO Bennett attorneys for deft. and commending the young men of urday, where they spent a few days Fromiuraflon U. 8. Honda......... '«gin n ing at the 367 18 scrihcd ns follows: A N Orcutt attys for deft. Barnes, Divorce, Gurry A Hollis­ Houda, securities, etc................ 38,564 36 southwest corner of lot U aforesaid mid 2106— Johu B Anderson pltf, vs at tbe Exposition. Coquille, to^iossess themselves of 2240—Thomas Wilson vs Angus Hanking bouse, furniture and ter for pltf. running thence north eeven chains to n Coos Bay Mill A Lumber Co, ac­ Fixtures.................................... 3.673 1 2 chittim ;>ost marked C. 8., from which The Gravelford Academy will McDonald et al, suit in equity to 2289— Petition of Nelse Rasmussen at least a few acres of these rich Duo from State Hanka and tion at law, Hall A Hall attorneys bottom lauds, stating as his positive open October 2nd, with F. 8. Bankers..................................... 2,995 39 a tir stump 45 inches in diameter hears foreclose a mortgage, Sperry A south 48 and 50-100 degrees west 32 for writ of Habeas Corpus, Sea­ Due from approved reserve for pltf, J W Bennett atty for belief, that in a few yeArs they Bunch as principal and Mr. Paup, agents........................................ 60,271 65 links and a tir stump 60 inches in diam­ Chase atty for pltf. brook, Coke, and Upton for peti­ deft. 1,207 60 eter bears south 22 degrees east 63 links; A full at­ Cheoka and other cash item s... would be worth a fortune, as the of California, assistant. 2242— Louis Default vs Catherine Fractional paper currency, nick­ thence north 61 and 25-100 degrees west tion F. B. Rutherford, G. F. Mar­ 2107— Flanagan A Bennett Bank els, and cents.......................... 95 51 eighteen chains and ninety links to the tendance is expected the coming State cannot be excelled the world Default, suit for divorce, Hall A tin for Sheriff. Lawful money reserve in hank, left hank ol the Coqnilfo river to a vs Coos Bay Mill A Lumber Co over, and other county’s are not “ in winter. viz: Hall attys for pltf. sawed fir post two by four inches, four 2283— Mary E. Clark vs John D. Specie.........................$11,26)1 85 and M Rosen, action at law, Ben­ it” with Coos. He cited the fact Miss Myrtle Coleman returned Legal-tender notea.. 2244— John Marsh vs Wm H But­ Clark, divorce, C A Sehlbrede for 300 00 11,563 85 feet long, marked 0 . S „ from which a cedar stump thirty inches in diameter nett Swanton atty for pltf. that it takes more than muscle to home from Daniels Creek the first redem ption fund with U. S. ton, action at law, Sperry A Chase Treasure^ 5 pro o f circulation) 312 50 bears north 81 degrees west, 62links and plft. 2110— Roy Rozelle vs Coos Bay a myrtle tree five inches in diamater and W Sinclair attys for pltf, 2284.— Martin Hagerman vs. Dasie farm, it has come to be a science, of tbe week, where she has just T o t a l........................................ 158,689 73 bears south 46 and 50-106 degrees west Mill A Lumber Co, action at law, labor and learning must go hand closed a successful term of school. Geo P Topping atty for deft. L I A B IL I T I E S . 53 links; thence in same direction to Hagerman, divorce, Rummell A Hall A Hall attys for pltf; J W and hand. He predicted that in a 2245— -S D Magnes vs J V Pugh, Rummell for plft. Grandma Bennett, Mrs. J. Jenk­ Capital stock paid in ................ $25,000 00 low water lire in the Coquille river; Bennett atty for deft. Surplus fu n d ............................... 2.367 64 thence up the left bank of said river suit in equity to foreclose a mort­ 2285— Chris Terres vs Coq Coal A few years this county would con­ ins and sons Will and Stanley, vis­ Undivided profits, less expenses along low w ater line to the eaBt side of 2111— Coos Bay Ice A Cold Stor. tain better improvements, finer and taxes paid........................ 647 63 said lot 9; thence soufh to the southeast gage, A J Sherwood atty for pltf. ited with J. D. Bennett and family National Hank notes ontstand- Lum Co, action to recover, E B corner of said lot 9; thence west twenty age Co vs Coos Bay Mill & Lum­ houses and more happy people than tbe first of last week. i n i ............................................. 6,260 00 chains to the place of lieginning 2246— John Tawse vs Coquille Hall for pltf. A'so Individual deposits subject to ber Co, action at law, J 8 Coke any and all tide land fronting or abut­ Coal A Lumber Co, a corpora­ 2286— H Lockhart vs Chas John, any other county in the state. check......................................... 10.349 17 Chas. Bennett will leave for atty for pltf; J W Bennett atty Demand certificates o f deposit 24,074 99 ting upon any of said described hind. The next on the program was a tion, aotion at law, Sperry A All of Naid land being situated in town­ Portland the last of the month where son, action, J M Upton for pltf. for deft. duet “ Chums” rendered by Messrs T o ta l........................................ $158,689 73 ship 28, south of range 14 west of the Chase attys for pltf. he will enter the Dental College. 2287— Simpson Lumb Co, vs W F Willamette meridian in Coos county, 2112— J P Farley vs Coos Bay Mill 2247— Eugene O’Connell vs E O Noble Jr, action, Guerry A H ol­ Pierce and Hewer accompanied by His sister, Miss Edna, will accom­ State o f Oregon, ) Oregon, and containing one hundred A Lumber Co, action at law, J S anil 80-190 acres, more or less. Mrs. Pierce. The duet was written County of Coos, \ ss‘ Hall and M E Hall, action at law, pany him and will remain in Port­ lister for pltf. Said sale or sales will he for cash anil I, L. U. Hazard, Cashier of the abovo- Coke atty for pltf; J W Bennett by Professor Hewer and was much J W Bennett atty for pltf. Coke 2288— A E Seaman vs Thos. Butts, land for the winter. named bank, do solemnly swear that the on and after the 14 day of September, atty for deft. 1905. appreciated by the audience. A Seabrook attys for pltf. action, Hall A Hall for pltf. W. R. RANTER, C. Hammerloff has rented his above statement is true to the best o f ray 2113— J 8 Coke vs Coos Bay Mill knowledge and belief. L. H. H azard , 2248— John F Hall, trustee, vs Ida 2289— Frances McLeod vs Pacific. Professor F. L. Kent then enter­ Administrator of the farm for tho coming year to Mr. J. Cashier. A Lumber Co, J S Coke in per­ Estate of W’ m. tained the audience with sterriopti- P Patterson, suit in equity to States Tele Tele Co, action, Ben- I Iuti4ienron, deceas­ son and E L C Farrin attye for can views, first showing the build­ Cotten, of Curry county. C o r r e c t — Attest: foreclose a mortgage, Hall A ed. nett for pltf. V in o iN U . pltf, J W Bennett for deft. ings interior views and various ex­ L . H a BLOCKER, ) Hall atty for pltf. 2290— J A Matson vs Sarah A Ten- I sa ia h H a c k e r , > D ir e c t o r s 2114— Leon Wand vs Coos Bay 2251— J W Chase vs Thomas Chap­ hibits of the different classes at U . K . S h in e , ) SUMMONS. Miss J essie Bartmann, of Sharon, brook and A R Tenbrook, suit iD Mill A Lumber Co, action at law, work, giving a general outline of man and E A Beckett et al, writ 1 r.N THE COUNTY COURT OK COOS M inn., is only a school girl, but equity, C F McKnight for pltf, Subscribed and sworn to be- A J Sherwood and Geo. K Frenoh, COUNTY KOR THE STATE OF of review, J M Upton atty for 2291— Anna C Lund vs W C Lund, the methods of the institution, she recently exhibited an amount of i ) fore me this 6th day of attvg for pltf, J W Bennett atty OREGON: showing how the practical manual * r June, 1905, petitioner, F M Rummell atty for sense and heroism that few older ( ' J ames W atson , divorce, Bennett for pltf. , Rothchild «A lludenfeldt, for deft. trainiug along with the scientific County Clerk. deft. a corporation, Action at law people would be capable of. She 2292— Elizabeth Bethel vs Geo H 2115— John 8 Coke vs Coos Bay Plaintiff, 2252— J M Perkins vs Julia Randle- Bethel, suit for support, Hall A and Bocialogical features of the and her father were alone one day vs • for Recovery Mill A Lumber Co, action at law, r a ils «1 oi lu s o m ia . cirriculuin fitted the pupil to be­ man et al, suit for injunction, A. P. Campbell, in their home and Mr. Bartmann Hall for pltf. John 8 Coke in person, atty for Indigestion nearly always dis­ come a leader in his community. Defendant. of Money. Stanley A Burns atty for pltf, A 2293— E G Flanagan vs Henry He also explained bow the state was cutting wood. His ax slipped turbs the sleep more or less and is pltf, J W Bennett atty for deft. To A. P. Campbell, defendant above J Sherwood atty for deft. and he severed an artery in his foot. often the cause o f insomia. Many named, greeting: SeDgstacken atty for pltf. 2116— F S Dow vs Coos Bay Mill own the permanent fund through 2253— John H Diers vs Belt Line His daughter had learned how to cases have been permanently cured In the name of the State of Oregon : 2294— F B Waite vs Henry Seng- A Lumber Co, action at law, J S land grants, the interest on which by chamberlain’s Stomach and You are hereby notified that you are re­ Railway Co, a corporation. J M stacken, action at law, Coke A amounts to thousands annually. apply a tourniquet at school, but Liver Tablets. For sale by R S Coke atty for pltf, J W Bennett quired to appear in the above entitled Blake atty for pltf, Coke A Sea- Mr. Bartmann was so fleshy that she Seabrook attys for pltf. Knowlton. atty for deft. Following was shown some of tbe court and answer the complaint filed brook attys for deft and C A could not twist a bandage tight against you in the above entitled action, 2120— Geo W Beale vs Coos Bay- finest dairy stock, owned by the Sehlbrede. enough to stop the flow of blood. The Farmers’ Institute. within six weeks from the 10th day of Mill A Lumber Co, action at law, best breeders of the state. Dr. A d m i n i s t r a t o r ' s N o t ic e - 2254— John Wall vs James H Wall The patient could give her no help, August, 1905, the first day of the publi­ Hall A Hall attys for pltf. Notice is hereby given that the under­ Wythicome then closed the session MORNING SESSION. suit in equity, J W Bennett and as he had fainted, but she thought signed, by order of the County Court cation of this summons, and on or be­ 2128—W E Baines vs City of with a few interesting remarks J M Upton attys for pltf, Hall of another plan and quickly execut­ for Coos county, Oregon, lias been duly fore the 27th day of September, 1905, the A fair and very enthusiastic audi­ Marshfield, Oregon, et al, suit appointed Administrator of the estate last day of the time prescribed in said about the school, finally urging the A Hall atty for deft. ed it. Cutting off the shoe and of Elvina Root, deceased, and that all ence greeted the speakers Monday ! order for the publication of this sum­ for injunction etc, McKnight and farmers to meet together and dis­ 2255— E O Hall vs Eugene O’Con­ at the Farmers Institute, which con­ stocking and trousers to the knee, persons having claims against said mons, and if you fail to so appear and Heabrook, J 8 Coke, E L C Far­ estate are hereby required to present cuss their progress. nell, suit in equity, Coke A Sea- vened at 1:30 p. m., in the Masonic she set the foot into a twelve-gal­ the same, duly verified, to the under­ answer, for want thereof the plaintiff rin attys for deft. brook attys for pltf, J W Ben­ Hall. lon stone jar on about three inches signed at the otfice of A. J. Sherwood will take judgment against you for the in the city of Coquille, Coos county, 2132—Etta Andrews vs Guy An­ Jury List. nett atty for detf. of flour. Then she filled the jar Oregon, within six months from the sum of $331.18 with interest from June Dr. James Wythicombe, of the drews, suit in equity for divorce, j 20th, 1905, at 6 per cent per annum, date of this notice. 2256— M E Hall vs Eugene O’Con­ Oregon Agricultoral Collego of with flour aud pressed it down with and its costs and disbursements in this Dated this 1st day of August, 1905. J W Bennett atty for pltf. Following is the list of jurors be­ nell et al, suit in equity, Coke A Corvalis, was introduced by Mr. J. a stick of firewood, The bleeding URIAH ROOT, action, and plaintiff will apply to the 2161— R H Rcsa vs Eliza Boice and ing summoned to attend at the Sep­ Administrator of the Seabrook attys for pltf, J W Ben- J. Stanley who acted as chairman of stopped at once, for the blood could , court tor an order judging and directing Estate of Elvina J T Boice, suit to foreclose lien, .1 tember term which convenes the nett atty for deft. i the sale of the property attached in this not penetrate the flour. It was Root, deceased. tho Institute. Dr. Wythicombe M Upton attorney for pltf, A J action by the sheriff of Coos County, 2259—Schiller B Hermann vs Henry who is at the head of the Agricultu­ 11 tli inst: four hours before a doctor could be Sherwood for deft. J C Whittington, Myrtle Point, far­ Oregon, on the 20th day of June, 1905, Ward et al suit in equity to fore­ ral Experimental Station gave a secured. When be arrived be said and consisting of the following described 2164— C H Merchant vs W S mer. close Chattel Mort, S D Pulford very comprehensive outline of the that Mr. Bartmann would have bled ! real property: K. K. K. Chandler, receiver, action at law, Curl Albrecht, Marshfield, surveyor. atty for pltf. to death in a short time if it had aims of the needs of the Institute. I-ot 5 of block 58. Elliott’ s Addition W W Cotton and W U Douglas Ed.Tohn“on, West Coquille, furmer. to the town of Coquille City, Coos 2264— W T Kerr A Co vs C N 8pesking of the needs of the co­ Kirkpatrick's Korn Kure not been for his daughter’s presence County, Oregon, together with the tene­ attys for pltf, A J Sherwood and T W Robinson, London, tinner. Wigant, suit in equity to fore­ operation of the farmers and dairy, of mind.— Ex. ments nnd appurtenances thereunto Is the greatest known remedy for J S Coke attys for deft David Mussen, Coos River, farmer. pertaining. close Chattel Mortgage, Stanley men with the professors to arrive Service of this summons is made in 2168— Prosper Mill Co, ys J D Ed Wvant, Bandon, laborer. CORNS, A Burns attorney for pltf. Notice. at the advantages to be derived pursuance of an order made by the Hon. Stewart, action at law, A J Sher A H Harkensee, Marshfield, carpen­ WARTS, L. Harlocker, County Judge of Coos 2224—F E Nelson vs North Bend from the exchange o f ideas, ex­ J. C. Wilson, Machinist, has County, Oregon, dated the 15th day of wood, atty for pltf, J M Upton ter. RINGWORMS. Woolen Mills Co, action at law, periences and experiments of each. moved to the Kerr mill and will do August, 1905, and directing the publi­ atty for deft. Frank Barrows, Bandon, engineer. all machine work there hereafter. cation of the same in the Coquille H er - J W Bennett atty for pltf, J M He spoke of tbe wonderful possi­ a l d , a weekly newspaper published at 2183—E B Fisk vs C B Hines, suit A E Simpson, W Coquille, farmer. Leave all orders at Kerr’s Store or Try a box and be Convinced. Upton atty for deft. bilities of this grand state for the Coquille City, Coos County, Oregon, to foreclose Mechanic’s Lien, J A S Cook, Marshfield, painter. in the mill shop. once a week for the period of six suc­ 2266—William Panter, in tho mat­ farmer and dairyman. He said tbev M Upton and F M ltummell attys cessive weeks. J W Mast, Prosper, clerk. --------- Eound at all drugstores in the county ter of the examination and com­ did not wish tho audience to think W . U. DOUGLAS, for pltf, J H Guerry atty for Lee Neely, Burton Prairie, farmer. Parties wishing the best of pas­ Attorney for Plaintiff. mitment of insane person. Ap­ that they were ‘ ‘kid gloved" pro­ deft. C A Barker, Burton Prairie, farmer. ture for stock will do well to inquire peal from the county court of fessors, but practical farmers sent 2203— 8 H Brown, as executor of A E Morton, Newport, clerk. of W . A. Goodman, Coquille, Or. commitment and examination, by the government to co-operate tho estate o f H G Brown de­ R C Amstein, Marshfield, laundry- Stanley A Burns, J. W. Bennett. with the farmer and dairyman, hop. ceased, vs A H Mulkey, J C man. Attys for appellant. Geo. M. ing to help them arrive at a more Fullerton atty for pltf, C A Sehl- E P Bailee, North Bend, farmer. Brown and A. J. Sherwood, Attys scientific method. In his remarks IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE brede atty for deft. J E Fisher, Bandon, laborer. for respondant. STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR to the dairymen he called attention 2204— J H Guerry vs North Bend W O Williams, Marshfield, ronl THE COUNTY OF COOS. Groceries, Vegetables. Fruits, 1949— W. E. Baines vs Coos Bay to the great need o f kindness to Woolen Mills Co, action at law, estate. A lma F f . noglio , Flaintiff } Suit in eq- . Roseburg A Eastern R. R. A Nav. milch cows, he told how a valuable Confectionery ¡•ni tv fordi- Guerry A Hollister, attorneys for W F Piper, N Coos River, farmer. S t a r im i F enoglio , Def'nt. ) vorce. Co et al. objections to bill. J. W. herd was injured by thoughtless pltf, .1 M Upton atty for deft. Dan Giles, Myrtle Point, farmer. Tobacco and Cigars. To Stanish Fenoglio, the above-named de­ Bennett and A J Sherwood attys cruelty. He also spoke of tb6 ad­ fondant: 2205— Isaiah Hacker vs Asa M Harry Hunt, Bandon, farmer. for Plaintiff. Coke A Seabrook, visability of growing alfalfa, ex­ In the name o f the State of Oregon: You Simpson, action at law. E B Wat­ Fred Brendet, North Bend, capit­ are hereby notified that von are required attorneys for Defendant. plaining how the soil by inoculation to appear and answer the complaint filed son, A M Crawford, and C F alist. auainst you in the above entitled suit, 2268— J. H. Shanan vs F. B Waite, can be made to grow an unfailing within six weeks from the date o f the first McKnight attys for pltf. W U W R Mavity, Norway, farmer. L. D. Kinney et al. Suit in crop. publication o f this summons. to-w; : Douglas, Guerry A Hollister attys W S Spoor, North Bi nd, farmer. Within six weeks from the 26th dav ( t Equity. C. A. Sehlbrede, atty Professor F. L. Kent gave a most July. 1905. the same being the date of the for deft. S 8 R°ed. Myrtle Point, farmer. first pnblication o f this summons. for Plaintiff. E. B. Seabrook, Atty interesting and instructive talk on 2207— F M Friedburg vs North Chas Rodine, N Coos River, farmer. And if you fail to appear and answer on for Deft. milk, its sucrepfiliility to contamina­ or before the 6th dav of September, 1965 ; Bend Woolen Mills Co, action at E 8 Barzee, North Bend, teamster. the same beiniT tbe last day o f the time 2269— J. R. McAdams vs Bert An­ tion, rilling particular attention to prescribed in the order o f publication, tho i law, Hall A Hall atty for pltf. Geo Ferry, Marshfield, hotel man. plaintiff will take judgment against you * derson. et al. Suit in Equity to the necesaity o f cleanliness, to pre­ , and will apply to tne Court for the relief A G Erickson, Bandon, laborer. 2208— J W Grout vs .1 D Johnson, Foreclose Lien. Sperry A Chase, vent infection of micro organisms demanded in her complaint, a suoeinct j Louis Default, Newport, millman. suit in equity, Guerry A Hollis­ statement of which is as follows: That the I Attys for Pltf. which injure the ‘ keeping qualities, marriage contract existing between plain Alonzo Davis, Four Mile, farmer. ter attys for pltf, Hall A Hall 2270— John Tawse vs Coquille Coal tiff and defendant be dissolved, set nside also cau ing the gas in the curda of nnd held for nnaght; that the care and ens- » attys for deft. todv o f the minor children of plaintiff , A Lumber Co, action at law. Sper­ the cheese maker, thus cuttiDg down W . T. K erb , President. E. D. S perry , Vice-President. If you nnd defendant be granted to plaintiff: that | 2209— Henry Campc A Co, vs C O ry A Chase, attys for pltf. the dairyman’s profit. He explained [ Good advice tc women. plaintiff have judgment against the de­ V. R. W ilson , Secretary. O. C- S anford , Cor. Secretary Gilkey, action at law, A J Sher­ 2271— J H Guerry vs E S Gordon. how the flavor would be improved want ¡1 beautiful complexion, clear fendant for her costs and disbursements skin, bright eyes, red lips, good in this suit and for suoh other and further wood atty for pltf. relief as to the Coart may seem meet and L. H. H azard , Treasurer. Action at law. Guerry A Hollis­ by cooling the milk as quickly as health, take Hollister’s Rocky equitable. 2212— Simpson Lumber Co vs T W possible after milking, giving some Mountain Tea. There is nothing ter, Attys for plft. Service of this summons is made by pnb­ Clark, North Bend Woolen Mills ! 2272—Edward M. Vandecar vs W. valuable bints as to method etc. like it. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. lication in pursnance of an order made by L. Harlocker, as Conntv Jndge of Coos R 8 Knowlton. County. Oregon, dated July 25th, 11*05, d i­ Co et al, appointment of receiver, S. Chandler as Receiver of the Speaking also at some length about 1 recting that service of said summons be Correspondence solicited from all wishing locations for F ob •U le . — O n e sere tract in nice made by pnblication thereof in the Co- W U Douglas, Coke A Senbrook Coos Bay Roseburg A Eastrn R. the class of food that injured the Herald, a newspaper published at attys for pltf; J M Upton, E L| R. A Nav. Co. a corporation. S. fln-or and how to control or pre­ location with house and barn; 100 quille Industries of any kind. Coqnille in said eonnty. onoe each week young fruit trees. Enquire at for a period of six weeks. vent by proper feeding. C Farrin nnd Guerry A Hollister n. Pulford, atty for plft STANLEY A BURNS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. attys for deft. 1 2273 -Alma Fenoglio, suit for D i-1 Mr. Wm. Scbulmerick of W’ ash- H e r a l d office. Coquille ïjerald. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK J SUMMONS. Little's Store Coquille, - - Oregon, Coquille Board of Trade