Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, September 06, 1905, Image 1

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(Etumille Jicfd à
V ol . 22: No. 97
E ntered a« eecond-claBS m atter May
8, 1805, at the poaluttice at C oquille,
Oregon, under act o f Congrega of M an li
3 , 187».
Walter Culin, M. D.
P hysician and S cbokon
C oquille C it y , O bb .
K ronenberg Bld|
N ext Door to P. (
Telephone S.
Stanley & Burns,
Real Estate, Collections.
Specialties—Criminal and U. S. Land
Cases, Notaries Public.
C o q u il l e ,
O bäqon .
Office at
Residence of J. A. Collier.
PhoD e 111.
A. J. Sherwood,
A ttobnby - at - L aw ,
N otabx P u b lic ,
C oqu ille,
Walter Sinclair,
A tt o b n b i - at -L a w ,
N otaby P u b l ic ,
I. Hacher,
C oquille C it y , O bb
H all & Hall,
A ttobnby «- at -L a w ,
Desleí in K sa l E stati ! o f all kinds.
M arshfield, Oregon.
Ellsworth B. Hall,
A ttorney-u t- Law,
C o q u il l e ,
O beoon .
C ollections and Insurance.
:. D. S perry.
W . C . Chase.
Attorney s-at-Law.
Offioe In Robinson Building,
O regon.
E. G. D. Holden,
L aw ybb ,
City Reoorder, D. 8. Commissioner, Gen­
eral Insarauoe Agent, and Notary
Offioe in Robin­
son Building.
C oqu ille,
A. F. Kirshman,
D e n tist .
Offioe two doors South o f Post otiioe.
C oqu ille
O regon.
Tom White, Master,
I Arrives
B andon....... 7 a - m . | Cnqnille
10 a - m .
Coquille....... 1 p - m . | B andon
4 p - m .
Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield
and steamer Ejho for Myrtle Point.
J. C. Monmaw. Master,
I Arrives
Coquille....... 7 A-M. | Bandon. .10:45 a - m .
Bandon......... 1 P-M. I Coquille. 4:45 r-M.
. Jams. Master,
M y rtle P o in t...7 * H. | oqmlleC’y 9 SO a - m .
Coquille C ity .. .1 r-M. | Myrtle P-t. .4 00 r-M.
Dally except Sunday.
W . R. Panter, Master.
Myrtle Point 1:30 r-M. I Coquille C’y 4:00 p-M.
Coquille City 7:00 a - m . I Myitle F t 10:00 a - m .
Connects with lower-river boats at Coquills
City for Bandon and intermediate points.
Ample barge* for handling freight.
Sewing Machine Repairing
Experimental Irrigation.
The Trend of Population.
Plot Death of Dowager
An experiment that may prove to
There is abundant evidence that
Turin, Aug. 20.— A dastajdly at­
be of the greatest importance to the the city is growing at the expense
tempt has just bean made upon
agricultural interests of this valley, of the country.
Recently there
the fife of Dowager Queen Mar-
has been quietly carried on this have been many publications of a
gherita, mother of King Victor
summer by the Schroeder brothers statistical character which support
Emmanuel, who is making a tour of
on their farm above Jobuaon's mill, this assertion. Here is a surprising
the Alps in an automobile. This
with the view to determine the fact to many persons who have given
news is contained in a telegram re­
foaaiblity and advisability of pump­ thought to this trend of population.
ceived to-day from Aosta at the
ing water from the river onto their The belief is entertained pretty gen-
royal palace of Tacconigi, near here.
bottom lands for the purpose of ir -! erally that the drift of migration
Queen Margbarita was ascending
rigation. The object being to pro- from rural districts to the cities had
the Little S t Bernard in her au­
mote the growth of grass for graz- suffered a check by reason of the
tomobile, accompanied by the Mar­
ing purposes.
interburban trolley line, the tele.
quise di Villiatuariua, another lady
The experiment consisted
in phone and the free postal delivery,
of the court, ay o' two gentlemen,
placing on the river bank a small It is apparent that this belief is not
when the machine suddenly struck
belt driven pump, operated by a ! well founded.
a stone barricade, which had been
donkey engine and boiler. The re­
As evidence in point, a recent
erected in the middle of the road,
sult as far ns grass is concerned census report from Minnesota set
and was overturned. Fortunately
has been satisfactory to a degree forth an increase in population dur­
no one was injured, but the five oc­
for beyond their expectations. The ing the past five years of 225,000,
cupants were greatly alarmed. The
evidence being a fine piece of rich credited almost wholly to cities and
barricade had been placed at a dan­
feed of luxurious growth, lying be­ towns. In the State of Iowa, where
gerous turn, where it was impossi­
side land of same character, unirri­ the claim is made that most ideal
ble to see the road more than a few
gated, now dry and barren, a strik­ farming conditions exist, census re­
feet in advance.
ing example of ’‘before and after turns covering a period of five
Police in an automobile wire fol­
years show a loss in total state pop­
lowing the royal party and at once
The expense of pumping by steam ulation of 15.000, with a gain in
made an investigation, resulting in
power however makes the opera­ every large city and town in the
the discovery that the barricade had
tion a costly one, requiring beside commonwealth.
New York City
without doubt been placed there to
the fuel the constant attention of has added to her population in a
bring about a fatal accident to the
an attendant. This being the case like period an average of 100,000
QueeD. Two suspects have been
they have naturally turned to elec­ per annum; the total increase for
tricity which modern ingenuity and the period mentioned equaling the
science have rendered so tractable entire population of either Oregon,
A bscess
that ii is making feastible many un the Dakotas, Oklahoma or Florida.
Abscessas, with few exceptions,
dertakings that would otherwise be It is true, New York holds a big are indicative of constipation or
volume of European immigration, debility.
W H Harrison, Clevelaud, Miss.,
The height water will have to be but this aside, it is proof in point.
Aug. 15, 1905: ‘‘I want to
raised will vary from 20 to 30 feet,
These fact are of some moment to
say a word of praise for Ballard’s
A 7$ horse-power motor working students o f sociology.
They are Snow Liniment.
I stepped on a
against a 30 foot raise will deliver uncomfortable in a way, as they nail which caused the cords in my
500 gallons per minute; sufficient forcast the realization of undesir­ leg to contract and an abscess to
to cover one acre a little over one able conditions.
Congestion in rise in my knee, and the doctor
inch deep in one hour, or ten acres population is an accompaniment of told me that I would have a stiff
leg, so one day I went to J F Lord’s
in a run of ten hours, or a less area a highly civilized atale as we have drug store (who is now in Denver,
corresponding deeper.
An outfit come to regard civilization. But at C olo ) He recommended a bottle
of this size will cost, set up, in the the same time congestion produces of Snow Liniment; I got a 50c
neighborhood of $450.00 to $175.00. evils destructive to what we hold size, and it cured my leg. It is the
We have obtained these figures best in civilized life. The encour­ best liniment in the world.
by R S Knowlton.
from Mr. Morse and give them as a agement of every plan for the set­
basis for any who may want to fig­ tlement of unused land, toward the
Mrs. Wm. Rich, of Newberg, who
ure on the proposition.
highest results of small and inten­ has been here a couple of weeks
Arrangements have been made sified farming, that will bring the visiting her daughters, Mesdames
with Mr. Morse, proprietor and man­ agriculturist in closer touch with
Chase and Gould, of this city,
ager of our electric system to sup. the pleasant and refining side of
started for her home at Newberg on
plv power, and next summer a prac­ modern fife, is wisely to be consid­ Thursday.
tical demonstration will be made. ered.—Telegram.
Mr. and Mrs. 8 . P. Hatcher, of
A centrifugal pump direct connect­
Fairview, were in town on Thursday,
ed to an electric motor will be used,
New York capitalists have sub­
and Mr. Hatcher left at our office
the outfit being entirely automatic, scribed $3,000,000 for the purpose
two fine Hubbard squashes of last
will requre no personal attention. of forming a new fife insurance
years’ growth, thus showing how
As the pumping season will come company. The excellent financial
these may be kept from one year to
on at the time when lighting busi­ showing made in the recent Equit­
The squashes show no
ness is slackest, the power will be able r®w ought to be productive of
signs of decay whatever.
furnished at a price that will put it a large number of new life insur­
secret of keeping squashes is to put
within the reach of all, and we pre­ ance companies. As an “ easy money’’
them in a dry, and not in a cool
dict that it will be but a few seasons proposition, the
use of other
damp place.
until most if not all of the dairy people's premiums for speculative
farms in this valley will have taken purposes is nearly equal to the
Business Chance.
advantage of this opportunity to “ Crime of Amalgamated.” There
A well-established restaurant and
increase their output.
is a possibility, however, that the
lodgiug house.
Must be sold at
When Mr. Morse established his time-honored rule, which asserts
once—cheap for cash.
Apply at
plant here four years ago many of the that “ there is a sucker born every
this office.
knowing ones could couut on their minute,” may have undergone a
fingers the ones who would use the change since the Equitable row
H a y Baling.
lights, but by fair and courteous placed the financial bide of Jimmy
Roy Stevens, of Myrtle Point,
treatment of his customesrs, reason­ Hyde on the fence.—Oregonian.
the haj baling man, is prepared to
■— ----------------
-— —
able rates and the best of service, he
answer calls on any kind of Dotice.
Aral Twu E iik •••-<■?
has succeeded iu placing them in
Anyone needing hav baled will do
every business place here and in
Myrtle Point, and in many houses, that after marriage, many quarrels well to give him a call.
can be avoided, by keeping their
barns and creameries along the
digestions in good condition with
W anted .— 10 men in each state to
fine, and may soon work a wonder­ Electric Bitters. S. A. Brown, of
tack signs and distribute
ful influence on our dairy industry.
years, my wife suffered intensely samples and circulars of our goods.
- -
------------» « « » ------------------------------
Deteotive Stories That are the Real from dyspepsia, complicated with Salary $75.00 per month. $3.00 per
a torpid liver, until she lost her day for expenses. Kuhlman C o.
strength and vigor, and became a
The Cosmopolitan has been for­
Dept. Atlas Building, Chicago.
mere wreck o f her former self.
tunate enough to secure the “ Con­ Then she tried Electric Bitters,
fessions of a New York Detective,” which helped her at once, and Ot Clsolera M o rb u s W ith O ne
S m a ll B o ttle ot C k a m b e r la lu 'e
made by an ex-Captain of Police. finally made her entirely well. She
C o lic C holera a m D ia rr h o e a
This remarkable narative will be is now strong and healthy.”
R em edy
run serially, beginning in the Sep­
Mr O W Fowler, o f Hightower.
guarantees them, at 50c a bottle.
tember issue. It bids fair to prove
Ala., relates an experience he had
far more interesting and exciting
Violont Earthquakes in Italy. while serving on a petit jury in a
murder case at Edwardsvule, coun­
than any imagined detective story,
ty seat of Clebourne county, Ala­
for it deals directly with those
Naples, Italy, Aug. 30— Violent
bama. He says: “ While there I
phases of fife and their supervision earthquakes are reported in Sullana
ate some fresh meat and some
by the police upon which all the in­ and Palena, simultaneously with an souse meat and it gave me cholera
genious yarns of clever writers are eruption of Vesuvius and 8 trom- morbus in a very severe form.
formed. Henry Raleigh ia illustrat­ bolia, which are throwing out was nevei more sick in my life and
sent to the drug store for a certain
ing the Confessions, and is making enormouB quantities of lava.
cholera mixture, bnt the druggist
some very realistic drawings.
vllagere are fleeing in a panic.
sent me a bottle of Chamberlain’s
Cabinet members in the early Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­
B ean tlfu l W om en
days of the nation were probably edy instead, saying he had what I
Plump checks, flushed with the just as bright if they didn't have sent for, but that this medicine wis
so much better he would rather
soft glow of health and a pure com­
send it to me in tl.e fix I was in. I
plexion, make all women beautiful. any 1100,000 j->bs to step into.
Take a small dose of Herbine after
David Fulton, of this city, is an expert
each meal; it will prevent constipa­
cleaher and repairer, and anyone in
need of his services will do well to call tion and digest what you have eat­
en. Mrs Wm M Stroud, Midloth-
at his residence or drop him a card.
— j ian, Texas, writes. May 31, 1901:
I "W e have used Herbine in our
For Sale.
family for eight years, and found
A good home in this city, on i it the best medicine we ever used
for constipation, bilious fever and
•aav terms
malaria. Sold by R S Knowlton.
inquire at this office.
N tics
J. 0 . Wilson,
moved to the Kerr
all machine work
Leave all orders st
in the mill shop.
Machinist, has
mill and will do
there hereafter.
Kerr’s Store or
took one dose of it and was better
in five minutes. The second dose
cured me entirely.
Two fellow
jurors were afflicted in the same
manner and one small bottle cured
the three of us.” For sale by R S
For • lady’s wheel, as good as
See those baby bonnet« st Mrs. Per
ott’ s.
new, at a bargain, call at this office.
$1.50 P er Y e a r .
Note and Comment.
That Bristow report is going to
make the railroads do some more
squirming—and they ought to.
Admiral Togo didn't even get
union wages for the time it took
him to destroy the Russian fleet.
It sounds like an anachronism
but it does seem as if the Panama
white elephant was yellow— (fever)
As a genuine good fellow 8 ecre-
tary Hitchcoock has been a bitter
disappointment— to the land grab­
“ Far From the Madding Crowd”
would make an appropriate title od
which the peace commissioners are
to meet.
When the Czar really wants to
feel thankfull he reads the acoounts
of Fourth of July in the American
Apparently the Beef Trust was
really canning trouble when it
thought it was canning beef and
coining money.
Even Secretary Shaw couldn't
make the tre isury deficit as large
as',Uncle Qassoway Davis predicted
it would be by a little matter of
When tbe President gets the
Russo-Jap peace affair settled he
can turn his attention to those pro­
tected hogs “ who still have their
feet in trough."
nowlton’s Drug Store
T -k
Besides a complete stock |
| ol Drugs and Druggist’s Sun-1
| dries carries Kodaks acd Sup-
plies, Phyrography outfits and
5 Supplies.
0J Standard and Established Goods, where eash Instru­
ment is sold according to its intrinsic ualue.
We sell you a
High Grade, Popular price or Commercial Piono,
a t their real ualue.
One Price only on each Grade
We carry a complete line o f Pianos, Organs, Piano-Players,
Talking Machines, Sheet music and Musical Merchandise.
Everything Sold on Easy Payments.
W. R. Haines Music Cov
ft looks as if the Government
S u c c e s s o r t o th e Chas. G ria sen a n d A ia g o M u sic Co.
statistician who sold tips on the
government crop reports had been Phone, Main 905.
Garfield Annex,
Marshfie! '. Oregon.
reading of the methods whereby
the Equitable directors got rich
R. E. SHINE, Vice Pres
L. H. HAZARD, Cashier
A. J. SHERWOOD, P re i
Judge Parker sent a letter to a
Tammany celebration in which his
theme was “ the divorce of business
from politics.” No wonder the next
speaker addressed himself to the
divorce evil.
Transact» a General Banking Business
It has been suggested that Mr.
Board of Directors.
Carnegie could solve his difficulty as
National Bank of Commerce, New York City
A. J. Sherwood,
to what flag from Skibo Castle by R. C. Dement,
L. Harlocker,
L. H. Hazard, I Crocker Woolworth N’l Bank, San Francisco
having one of his own, “ embroidered
Iaaiah Hacker,
R. E. Shine, i First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or.
oats and thistles on a background
of Steel bonds,” for instance.
When the railroads can pay a
steamship oompany $900,000 a year
for the mere privilege of dictating
the water rates it is a pretty fair
indication of what these railroads
are doing to their patrons.
The terrible loss of life at Harris­
burg, Pennsylvania, in which twen.
ty-two persons were killed as the
result of a collision of a fast pas­
senger train with a freight car load­
ed with dynamite served to revive
the demand for some legislation
controlling the handling of high
explosives by railroad companies.
In so far as the details of the Harris­
burg disaster were concerned there
appears to have been no oriminal
carelessness on the part of the train
hands or in the arrangements cover,
ing the handling of the two trains,
but that there was grave careless-
ness in the loading of euch an im­
mense quantity of a notoriously
high explosive on a single car, most
insecurely packed, and in placing
that car in the oenter of a long
freight train is obvious. Certainly
some reform in the handling of these
explosives is imperative and yet it
is hardly one which the railroad
companies can effect themselves.
For instance, if a railroad company
were to attenpt extraordinary pre­
cautions it would necessitate au in­
crease of the freight rate and imme­
diately more reckless competitors
would secure the carrying of all
freight of this class.
If, however,
restrictions are placed on the carry­
ing of high explosives by the gov.
eminent they will apply alike to all
roads and cannot be made of ad­
vantage to one road over another.
All attempt to secure legislation of
this character was made some years
ago but it was just before the Span­
ish War and the government oppos­
ed it as likely to prove detrimental
tbe rapid handling of munitions
of war. That opposition and the
Harrisburg disaster make another
argument for disarmament and
General hospital
A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical
and obstetrical cases.
in every
Equipment new and modern
Rates from
$£15 t o $£30 p e r w e e k
Including room, buard, general nursing and drugs.
Miss S. G. Lakeman, Matron.
Marshfield, Oregon.
F ox,
G en eral D raym an
Successor to W H. Mansell.
W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A I N S .
All orders handled with carefulness and expedience.
A g e n t fo r th e b e s t C o o s C o u n ty C o a l
Monuments and Headstones
We guarani e . etter
work at lower pi ces
than can be had else­
Do net order
Monumental work until
you have called upon or
written us for prices.
Telephone, Main 388.
Stewart & White Props.
u iS h S .^ .,
DAVID FTLTON, Local Agent, Coquille, Oregon,