Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 30, 1905, Image 4

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    When President Rocaevelt's au
Dear Oua:—I have solved the
The recent révélation« affecting
W a n t e d — Trusthworthy man or
the integrity of the government tornitile goea too faet Lia chauffeur mother-in-law problem; just give womau to manage business in this
Same with Mayor her regularly Hollister» Itocky county and udjoining territory for
—— crop reports must prove a serious is guilty.
Mountain Tea. Jt will make her
0- F. DEAN, EDITOR ANO PROPRIETOR 8hock to a11 those who have SUPP°8 | Dunne’s. When Paul Morton gives healthy, happy and docile a* a well established house of solid
_ ed that at least one resource of re-1 rebates nobody is guilty. When
35 cents. Tea or Tablets. financial standing. $20.00 straight
liable information regarding crop | Loomis disgraces the office of am- For Sale by R. S Knotviton
cash salary with all necessary ex­
County Official Paper. conditions woe available to the pro­ bassador Mr. Boweu is guilty.
penses paid weekly by check from
N o tic e .
ducers. Had there occurred in the When Bill Jones gets drunk and
headquarters. Money advanced for
Department of Agriculture merely kicks up a row. Bill is guilty. Tis
All persons knowing themselves1 expenses.
Position permeneut
D e v o te d to t h e m a te ria l a n d social ai
to be indebted to the blacksmithing previous experieuce not essential
t> u ld in g o f th e O o q a ille V alley p articular! % a leak of information it would not a queer world.—Oregonian.
* n d o f O oos O o n n ty g e n e ra lly .
firm of Medley k Roselle are here- No investment required. We furn
S u b sc rip tio n , p e r y e a r , in a d v an c e , fl.fiO have been so bad, although serious
by notified to make settlement at >sked everything, Enclose sell' ad
enough. But it is much worse than
dressed envelope. Address, Mans
iîo ck y Mountain Tea Nuggets once with A. W. Varney, next door ] ger,
this. Secretary Wilson after long
810 Como Block, Chicago, 111
Church Directory-
A Busy Medicine for B u y People.
to Knowlton’s drug store, an l
Bring« Holden Health and Renewed Vigor.
denying, in the most vehement
A apcclflo for Constipation, Indigestion, Live
C bb istia m C hobch . — P le a c h in g every
S u n d a y a t 11 a . 10 . an d 7:30 p. in. S un d ay terms, that there could by any pos­ - : Kidney Troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Impure
i. H a d B r e a t h . Sluggish Bowels, Headaehe
school a t 10 a. m. C h ris tia n E ndeavor a t sibility be any dishonesty in his : l Backache.
I t‘s Rocky Mountain Tea in tab-
0 80 p. m .
P r a y e r m e e tin g every W edn?a-
form, .*« cents a box. Genuine made by
d*T ev en in g a t 7:30. All co rd ia lly in v ite d . bureau of Statistics, has now been i -LLirti’c a D itu a C o m p a n y , Madison, Wis.
E p isc o p a l C h u rc h .—E p isc o p a l services compelled to announce publically C> j£ N NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE
w ill be h e ld a t S t. J a m e s c h n ro h , C oqnille
C ity th e t h ir d S u n d a y in eaoh m o n th .
that not only has there been a leak
S u n d a y aohool a t 10 a. ra. eaoh Sunday.
D a iry Farm for S ale.
W m . H o rsefall, P a s to r. by which brokers and speculators
M . E .C h u r c h , S o u th : P re a c h in g each
• n d ev ery S u n d a y s a t 11 a. m. a n d 7:30
A fine dairy farm containing 70 A private Hospital w e ll equipped fo r the trea t­
m . S u n d ay -sch o o l every SuD dav a t ft ands, perhaps millions, of dollars
acres of bottom land 23 acres of hill
o ’c lo c k . S e n io r E p w o rth L e a g u e a t 6:30, p.
ment of surgical and m edical diseases.
m . J u n io r L e a g u e a t 3:30,p. m . P ray e rm e e t- at the expense of the farmers, but
land, and adjosning the town of
in g T h u r s d a y e v e n in g a t 7:30.
the dishonesty officials have gone MyrUe poiDtj Co08 county, Oregon,
H . M. B ra n h am , pa sto r.
Trained Nurses in Attendance.
M e th o d ist
E p isco p al c h u rc h .—Service even further and actually altered
and J mile from creamery. Forty-
th e first a n d th ir d S u n d a y in eaoh m o n th
A w onderfully capable an d accurate c am era
P reao h in g a t 11 o’clock a. m . a n d 7:30 p. m . tho reports on at least one staple,
five acres of bottom land improved For Information Address
S u n d a y school a t 10 o’olock a . m .
E p­
built on th e K odak plan. Good enough to
cotton, in order to swell the profit and in good state of cultivatiion; 5
w o rth L eag u e a t 6:30 p . in.
J , L . B eatty , P a s to r.
of the speculator. Secretary Wil­ [acres slashed, burned and newly
Phone 631.
satisfy experienced p hotographers, yet so
T h e W. O. T . D . m eet» e v ery 1st a n d 3rd i
E rid av a t 3 o. m . a t th e C h ris tia n obnrch son’s determination to confine him­ seeded; hill land is all good for pas­
ple th a t children can u se it.
H B vnrrs D av A dventist C hurch —Hab - self to a mere dismissal of the offi­
ture; 3 acres of orchard in good
b a th (se v e n th d a v ) services: S a b b a th
lehool 10 a. m ., B ible Btndy 11 a. in . cial who was caught redhanded has
eari bngcondition and different var­
p ra y e r m e e tin g T u e sd ay ev en in g 8 p. in.
awakened widespread indignation ieties of fruit. House, barn and
vonng people'» m e e tin g F r id a y , 8 p. in
All a re in v ite d to a tte n d th e se m eetin g s.
and no little suspicion. We are other buildings. While we have a
C. H . B U NCH .
prepared to await further develope- number of other dairy farms for
ments before passing judgement sale, yet this is one of the best bar-
E. H. Beyers, of Sumner, drove but we cannot escape the conclusion g<«ins, as the location is all that
over on Wednesday.
that the Secretary’s willingness to could be desired, being near town,
Opens fo r f o i l term September 12, 1905.
school and creamery. This is cer­
Mrs. Joseph Ferry, of Riverton
Full Norm al! Course, Te ocher s ’ Review Class,
tainly a bargain for some progres-
went ;to the Point Wednesday to Holmes without criminal prosecu- 8jve dairyman. Price $7,500.
Commercial Course. Expenses very low.
tion appeared on its surface very
R obests & C arter ,
visit friends.
Fitted w ith m en iscu s lens, an d sh u tte r
For catalogue or information write to A. L. BRIGGS or O. C. BROWN,
Myrtle Point Oregon.
Drain, Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Cotton, of ike a desire to avoid the publicity
w ith iris d iap h rag m stops.
Fairview, had business in Goquille which would inevitably attend a
F u ll descrip tio n in K o d a k C a ta lo g F R E E
the officials of the Department of
a t a ny p h o to g ra p h ic dealers or b y m all.
Parties wishing the best of pas­
Justice say that had the Secretary
ture for stock will do well to inquire
evinced any real desire to prosecute
of W. A. Goodman, Coquille, Or.
Any person cutting Timber oi
R ochester, N. Y.
Holmes they could have pointed
Mrs. Ida Paterson, of North Bend, out at least three statutes under Bark of any description on the lauds
came over by Wednesday’s train which such prosecution could h a v e | of the Southern Oregon Company,
and proceeded to Bandon on a busi­ been instituted. We trust for the or removing same, or other property
ness trip.
sake of Secretary Wilson who has from said lands, without being duly
J. S. Kanematz will sell every­ given a long and credible adminis-1 authorized in writing, will be Pros­
thing at cost and retire from busi­ tration to the Department of ecuted according to law.
Here is a chance to save Agriculture that the rumors which
Any person furnishing sufficient
we learn to be current in Washing evidence for the recovery of proper­
B . F E N T O N
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Leneve, of ton are not well founded and that ty so taken and conviction of the
Lard, Bacon, Hams, Sausage, Chickens, Vegetables,
P ro )
Bandon, spent several days in town he will be able to demonstrate that
lately with N. W. Leneve, who has fact to the President and to the pub­ half of the property recovered.
Turkeys and Game in Season.
Sddle Horses of best quality always oa hand. Good Rigs' in rn di­
S ou th ern O regon C ompany .
been very low for a long time.
nes for special trips. In fact, a geeneral Stage and Livery busine»:.
Front Street,
Coquille, Ore.,
Accommodations for Tavelir.g men u specialty
The Oregon Coal & Nav Co’s .JgC M
NOTICE—Having decided to re-
Phone, Main 43.
P. 0. Box 224
Perhaps the weightiest influence
Leave Coquille at fi a. m., arrivin'; at Roseburg at 10 p. in. Fare $5. j 0
tire from business I will sell my en­
tire stock of general merchandise for peace is the fact that Russia
can borrow no more money to fight
at cost.
J. S. K anematz .
C a p t. N e ls o n , M a s te r ,
with. France will furnish her ally
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clinton went plenty of funds to make peace with,
Will make regular trips between
to the bay Wednesday to take a but none to use in continuing the
south-bound steamer. They go to war. The attitude of the Jewish
southern California for an extended banker of Germany is said to be
the same. Russia still has plenty
Dave Sumerlin, of the North of men to throw away, but it really This Steamer is very steady at sea and
Fork was in town several days last seems ns though she had reached her passenger accommodations are all
J - G - F is h
week to consult Dr. Russell in re­ the end of her financial resources. new, clean and sweet, opening out on Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc.
MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and F ruit Boxes
deck and having only two berths in a
Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc.
gard to a severlv bruised hand
Turning Work a Specialty.
All Orders given
room. Very superior Second Class.
full line of
from which he has been a great
W. P. Fuller's prepared Paints, Oils
prompt Attention.
Fare, 1st Class, $10. 2nd Class, $0.
and Varnishes at J. A. Lamb & Co.
I F . 8 . D O W , A g e n t,
W . C. R o s e , A g t.,
If you have cash and want to in­
C u re s S c ia tic
C o q u ille .
Everything found in a first-class Grocery. Prices the 'owest
vest it in general merchandise busi­
Rev. W. L. Riley, L. L. D. Cuba,
ness J. S. Kanematz will sell you
consistent w ith good goods.
Z \2
1 New York, writes: “After fifteen
his entire stock at a liberal discount days . of excruciating
pain from
FRONT ST. _________________________C O Q U IL L E
_ P"
below cost Call on or write to him sciatic rheumatism, under various |
treatments, I was induced to trv
Ballard’s Snow Liniment; thefirstl
Mr. and Mrs. David . i . oMur,
of nppijcation given my first relief |
the upper river, were in town on and the second entire relief. I can
A b e a u tifu l dapple gray ansi from im ported blood weighs
Wednesdav nnd called
Mrs. give it unqualified recoinmenda-
1700 pounds. Sired by Thoroughbred Stallion Bonepaite,
Chase and her mother, Mrs. Wm. tion. 25c, 50c, $1.00. sold by R. S.
Will make the season at COQUILLE and other points in the valley
Rich, who is visiting her from Knowlton.
One-Third Easier
Season commences April 15th. For terms address or inquire of
Salem, Ore , June 30, —“Literally
S lin g sb y Bros., Coqnille, Oregon.
For S ale .- Good 2 horse wagon, alive with lice” is the general ex­
i t inebe steel skein, in good eondi-
, ,
, , ,
M r rn
prcssion ot bopgrowers and dealers A L B E R T
tion price $35.00 or will trade for .
................ 1
Rotary machine and ball bearing
good 2 scat back, for further partic- <>f th,B nml othcr <1l8tr“’t8 ln ‘he-
D e a le r in
it tho lightest runn ng ma
ulars address J. C. Doane, Marsh- hints in discussing the condition of |
chiuc in the world.
field, Ore.
the yards and the growing crop. NEW AND SECOND HAND
Quiet aud durable, the rotony
Mrs. J. L. Kronenberg, of Par- AH agree that the lice are more nu-
docs away with noise nnd
kersburg, came up to town Thurs- mcrous this season than ever before, I
wear caused by the forward and
Blcyles Sundries, Etc.
CHAS. M00MAW, Prop.
day on business. She informs us aQU nearly every grower in the
backward movement of the shuttle
that Bhe expects to start for Port- I '»Hey is making preparations to
land in a short time where she will
a systematic course of spray- Wheels to Reht. Repairing
Front Street.
Opposite Hotel Coquille,
take their son Harry to enter Hill’s inR a8 the only remedy for the evil.
S p e cia lity .
Military Academy.
T h e y A |> i> ra l t o O u r N y i n p a r m r * |
General Office for Pacific Coast.
“The safe and reliable tiwn-
San Francisco, Cal
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Candlin whom
The bn ioua and dyspeptic are
O P G O im P P T 0IÍ SflliE.Eg^
we mentioned in our last issue as ! constant sufferers and appeal to our I
PS^The New and Speedy,
having lately arrived from Portland, sympathies. There is not one of |
C has . A. M c K ellips , Agent, C oqu/lle, O regon.
and who had gone down the coast them< however, who may not bo
to visit their friends, Mr. and Mrs. brought back to health and happi­
ness by the use of Chamberlain’s 1
C. P . J e n s e n . M a s t e r .
DeOessen, returned Thursday, and stomach and Liver Tablets. These
brought back the sad news of Mrs. tablets invigorate the stomach and
has been in the
Will make regular trips between
DeGessen breaking both bones of liver and strengthen the digestion
employ of the VV. R. Haines Music
of her limbs just above the >'hey also regulate the bowels. For C QC1 Uille River and San Company the past few months, is
ankle, of which we are verry sorry sale by R. S. Knowlton.
no longer connected with the con­
N o S t o p - o v e r a t W a y P o r ta .
as this will mako rather a sovero in­
cern, and is not authorized to make i ^
troduction into a new county. We
Electric Lights. Everything in First any collections or solicit for the j
Notice is hereby given that my wife,
Class Style.
hope her recover may be perma­ Martha Brewer, has left her bed and
makes of any piano jr instruments
nent and as rapid as possible.
carried hv the \V. R Haines Music
board and refuses to return thereto, and
Flooring, Rustic and all kinds of Finishings and Mouldings
: the public is hereby warned against
Ile rltln r
I trusting her upon my credit, and that
VV. R. H a i n e s .
Renders the bile more fluid and I will not Ire responsible for any ohliga-
Constantly on hand.
thus helps the blood to .low; ,t uf.
m o s t s u c c e s s fu l S p e c ia l­
is t in S a n F r a n c is c o , s till
fords prompt relief from biliousness, Dated at Coquille, Oregon, May 29,
c o n tin u e s to c u r e a ll
Mexuni an a « e i n ln s l
indigestion, sick and nervous head­ 1ÎHV).
P. H . B r ew er .
l> l«faaeaj
such as
aches, and over-indulgence in food
»le e t
S tric tu re , Mephitis
nnd drink G. L. Crldwell, Agt. M.
¡In a i l i t s f o r m s , Nl t ln
Dissolution Notice.
l)l*rn »ra, > p rto iu
K. and T. R. Ft., Checotaii, Ind.
I > e f c * ll t j. I m j t o t e n
I P R O C U R E D A N D D E F E N D E D . Send mode!. I
er Neniinnl W e a k -
I dm w nur «>i pl. t.«.i «re x p e rt se a rc h a n d fre e re p o rt. I
Ter., writes, April 18, 1903: I was Notice is hereby given that the co­
nomam.«! l . o » « o r U n n -
I r r e s«ivuv. how t o o h ta in patente«, tra d e n iark-s I
h«»o«l. the consequence
•o p y iig tita , etc.,
sick for over two years with en­ partnership heretofore existing between __. ,
. „
o f se lf abus# and excesses
I Jtusiness d irect r \th W a sh in g to n s a v ts tim , I
th e follow ing s y m p t o m s ; s a llo w coun­
largement of the liver and spleen. L. E. Teters and E. W. Gregg, and do­ producing
| m,>nry a n d r j:-n th e f a te n t . '
tenance. «lark s p o t s u n d e r t h e e y e s , p n ln in the
rin g in g In th e ears, lo ss o f c o n f ld r n c e . diffl
Patent and Infrfngement Practica Exclaslvaly.
The doctors didme no good, and I ing business under the firm name of d head,
en ce in approaching s t r a n g e r s , p n l p i ta i in n o f the
W rite o r eom e to t u a t
i ne* u
l *“ , | is a n d bac K , lo s s o f m e m
had given uw all all hope of being Teters A (Iregg. i* this dav d is s o lv e d . OT , plmnle»
I • « N lath S trw t. opp T n iu d I ta tM P aten t Oflc» |
on th e fa c e , c o n g iis , c o e midi pi Ion, e tc .
_________W A S H I N G T O N . O. C.
b o n has o n o t i c e d in S„n Frnnrisro « •
cured, when my drugist advised All hills, notes, and accounts are («ay- y D e r a . r s «¿11»
and t h o s e t r o u b l e d s h o u l d n o t fall to consult
mo to use Herbine. It has made able by E. W. Gregg.
h i m a n d receiv e th e h e n r l i t o f h is g r e e t skill a n d
C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N
me sound and well, 50c. Sold by I>ated at Coos countv, Oregon, May e x p e r i e n c e . T h f e n d o s c r t s n n r c l u p r e n « l w . h e P n e o r s t o h n e s r s c fe u ll. r e d T r a y t
M M C h a r g e s r e a a o n a h le C a l l .,. w r ite . D r . J . F .
22, 1905.
L. E. T e ters
R. S. Knowlton.
n . t W ' t H M r n . S i « n o t r :» n r I • < « < n l
Coquille Herald.
N o . 2 F o ld in g
Central Oregon State
Normal School O
PICTURES 2 « x 3 « in ch es.
Loads in daylight w ith film
N otice.
Quality as well as Quantity
for the price paid at the
C ity M e a t M a rk e t
p o in t -
a TAGE l in e
Str. M. F. Plant,
Coos B a y a n d
S a n F ran cisco
D ra n e ’s S to re ,
Fancy and Staple Groceries.
Goquille Furniture
F lo u r a n d F e e d .
B icycles!
Tires Times tie Vales of
aey OUer.
B o n e p o rte ,
J r.
Coquille Tonsorial Parlors,
Str. E liz a b e th
Alfred Johnson,
Dr. Gibbon signet,)
Deliveries made promptly by either water or rail.
We have all Grades and Prices Accordingly.