Maquille Herald V ol . 22: No. 97 E ntered uh second-class inatter May 8, 1905, at thè postuflice at CoqtliUe, O regon, under act o f Con^reiH o f March 3,1871). Walter Culin, M. D. P h y sic ia n S urgeon and O kk . C o q u il l e C it y , n I S d Ä p Ä : T e le p h o n e S. T Stanley & Burns, Attorueya-at-Law, Real Estate, Collections. Specialties—Criminal and U. 8. Land Cases, Notaries Publio. CoQUILliB, - O b EOON. J, D. WETMORE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offloo at Residence of J. A. Collier. Phone 111. I A. J. Sherwood, A ttobnby a t -L a w , N otaby P u b lic , C oqu ille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, A tio b n b y - at - L aw , N otaby P o blio , Coquille, : ¡ Oregon. I. Hacher, A bstracter o r T it l e s . C o q u il l e C it y , O re Hall & Hall, A ttobneys - at - L a w , Dealer in R eal E statb o f all k in d s. M arshfield, Oregon. ______ i . . , . i — Ellsworth B, Hall, Attorney-at-Law, C o q u il l e , : : : O reoon . Collections ami Insurance. E. D. Sperry. W. C. Chase. SPERRY & CHASE, Attorneys-at-Law. Offloe in Robinson Building, Coquille, - - - Oregon. E. G. 0. Holden, L aw yer , City Recorder, U. 8. Commissioner, Gen­ eral Insuranoo Agent, and Notary Publio. Offloe in Robin­ son Building. Coquille, Oregon. I. I I - A. F. Kirshman, D kntibt . Offloe two doors South of Post office. C oqu ille . - . .50 P er Y ear COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1905. O regon. COQUILLE RIVER STEAMBOAT CO Str. DISPATCH Texas Small Tarma. Of Interest to All. New Viceroy of India. Note and Comment. But a few years ago we heard much about the danger that lay in the acquisition of large landed estates under the ownership of the private individual or the real estate syndicate. The changes have been rung time and again on the decad­ ence of the small farmer and the development of the landlord—non­ resident in many instances—with his thousands, if not tens of thou­ sands of acres. And in truth some fifteen or twenty years ago it looked as if there were some warrant for alarm from this score. In what is now known as the Middle West, in the South and the Southwest, veri­ table empires were fenced in under one ownership, and valuable land for tillage was kept out of use to the detriment of the common weal. It was apparent for a time that the evil would grow rather than dimin­ ish, but such has not proved the fact. Texas has owned six million acres of lands, which have been under lease to great cattle corporations for grazing purposes. The leases have expired and Texas has decided to sell the land, instead of releasing it. Division of these tracts has been made, and they will be placed on the market next month at the the price of one dollar an acre. Not alone in Texas, but in the states of the Middle West and in other states which border the Gulf, the same general movement of the di­ vision of larger bodies of land for the creation of the small farm and the advent of tho small farmer has been going on for some time. So notable has this been that we may safely say the apparent danger from the large landed estate is rapidly passing away. Every student of economical fact will see in this movement as it is il­ lustrated in the Texas division of land the manifestation of American common sense which may be relied upon to save us from extremes in any direction. In California, in Texas, in Colorado, in Dakota, there has been abundant evidence to the effect that the princely domain, as we were wont at times to refer to the grain ranch or the cattle range that was measured by miles, and not by acres, was depriving the community of what it might pos­ sess if there were many owners of smaller tracts. It required no argument to show that the counhry would be the richer under the ownership system by the enhancement in land values from cultivation, by the value of the improvement which would fol­ low, by schools and churches, anil new centers of commercial activity which would come as a matter of course with tho greater number of people which the land would sup­ port. In other words, it has come to be the recognized fact that the small farm adds to the wealth of the state and the Nation: and in stinctivejy the American has turned to that which in general results will give him the best return.— Telegram. We gi»e the following from our late laws enaoted at the last session of the legislature, which is of gen­ eral interest to the people and should be thoroughly understood by each and every householder: Section 3. It shall be the duty of all physicians, accouchers or mid­ wives in the State to report to the secretary of the board of health of the city or county in which they may occur, all births and deaths and shall immediately report con­ tagious diseases as are specified by the State board, which may occur under their supervision, with a cer­ tificate of the cause of death, and such correlative facts as may be re­ quired in the blank forms furnished by the State Board of Health. When any birth or death may occur with no physician, accoucher or midwife in attendance, then euch birth or death shall be reported by the householder where or under whose supervision such birth or death occurred, with the cause of death, if such be known. Any death coming under the jurisdiction or supervision of any coroner shall be by him reported to the secretary of the board of health of the city or oounty in which such death may o c­ cur, within three days after death for burial purposes, and such deaths so reported shall not be required to be reported by any other person. No undertaker, sexton or other per­ son shall bury any human body un­ til he has received a permit to do so from the county or city health officer or some duly appointed dep­ uty. No such permit shall be is­ sued until there has been delivered to such health officer or deputy a certificate of death according to the form prescribed by the State Board of Health. In the event of any burial without a permit, as herein provided, the coroner of the county wherein such illegal burial was made may disinter the body, hold an inqueBt and, within three days thereafter, make a return of his findings to the nearest local health officer. London, Aug, 21.— The Indian office announces the resignation of Lord Curzon of Keddleston as Vioery of India, and the appoint­ ment ofthe Earl of Minto as his successor. Cruzon's resignation is thejresult ofcorrespondence between the viceroyand the Indian office over the re-organization of the army in India and the appointment of Lord Hitchner as commander- in-chief of the forces in India. The immediate cause of the resignation was the refusal of the cabinet to appoint Major-General Sir Edmund Barrow who was recommended by military supply members of the council. John D. Rockefeller says the churches must adopt Standard Oil methods aDd consolidate if they hopo to survive the march of pro­ gress. D etective S to rie s T hat are the Real Thing. The Cosmopolitan has been for­ tunate enough to secure the “ Con­ fessions of a New York Detective,” made by an ex-Captain of Police. This remarkable narative will be run serially, beginning in the Sep­ Str. FAVORITE tember issue. It bids fair to prove J. C. Moomaw, Master, far more interesting and exciting Leaves I Arrives Connille....... 7 A-M. | Bandon.. 10:45 a - m . than any imagined detective story, Bandon......... 1 P-M. | CoqdBle. 4:45 p-M. for it deals directly with those str. E C H O phases of life and their supervision . dams. Master, by the police upon which all the in­ Leaves | Arrives M vrtlePoint. .7 a M. | oqnUlef- y 9 30 a - m . genious yarns of clever writers are Coquille C ity .. .1 p - m . | Myrtle P’t..4 00 P-M formed. Henry Raleigh is illustrat­ Daily except Sunday. ing tho Confessions, and is making some very realistic drawings. Str. WELCOME Tom White, Master, Leaves I Arrives B andon ........ 7 A-M. I C .(u llle.. ..1 0 a - m . Con a file ........ 1 P-M. | B andon ----- 4 p - m . Connects at Coqulllo with train for Marshfield and steamer E.'ho for Myrtle Point. W . It. Panter, M:wter. I^avM i Arrive. Myrtle 1:30 r-M. I <'.«ini'.lr <"y tnOp-M. Coquille City 7:00 a - m . i Myitle i*'t 10:00 a - m . Connect, with lower-river lioate at Ooqmlle City for Bandon and intermediate point.- Ample barge, for handling freight. Sewing Machine Kepairing. David Fulton, o f this c ity , Is an expert clea h cr and repairer, and an yone in need o f his services w ill do well to call at his residence or d ro p him a card. For Sale. A good home in this city, on easy terms: Enquire at this office. W anted Alice for a W ife. Julo, Aug. 18, via Manila, Aug. 21.—Secretary Taft and party ar­ rived here at noon, and immediate­ ly proceeded to the parade ground to witness an elaborate programme arranged for their entertainment. The Sultan of Sulu, with his retinue, and other Moro dignitaries, occu­ pied seats on the grandstand along with Secretary Taft and Miss Roose­ velt, Secretory Taft and Miss Roose­ velt were presented with many Moro presents by the Sultan, who offered bis hand in marriage to Miss Roosevelt and would make her Sultana o f the Sulu Archipelago, saying that his people desired her to remain among them. ---- » W ater Baliff »■-------------- M akes Seizure. It is reported early this week that fish nets were being manipulat­ ed within the prescribed limits be­ low the Golden Drift dam, and Tuesday night Water Bailiff W il­ liams paid a visit to the dam, uninvited. He discovered two piscatorial artists in a boat, maneu­ vering with their gear, but they eluded capture by bard pulling. Their nets however, were captured, five in number, and as a 250-foot net is quite a valuable piece of property, the owners are undoubt­ edly thinking hard as to whether tbey had better come to the front and pay their fines or lose their nets.— Oregon Mining Journal. ----- .... a ------------ Big Fire in P ortlan d. One entire block deva%ted, with three half blocks adjoining almost swept clean, is the record made at the big fire in the old business dis­ trict of East Portland this morning. The loss the fire fiend piled up will surely reach $150,000 after adjust­ ments are made, and the general damage to roadways and structures bordering on tbe path of the flames will carry the aggregate ab >vu that figure.— Evening Telegram of A u g­ ust 22. Duprey’s Celery Headache Pow­ ders, give instant relief. Price 25 cents. R. 8. Knowlton, Coquille City; C. Y. Lowe, Bandon. The prosecution of tho Beef Trust, the investigation of the Santa Fe rebate case and the adjudication of the counter charges of Minister Bowen and Secretary Loomis have been the first subjects to engage the attention of the President after For a lady’s wheel, as good as his return to the capital- The President hates graft in any form. new, at a bargain, call at this office. The last pensioner of the War of 1812 has just died. The last pen­ sioner of the Spanish War is doubt­ less numbered among the unborn, as yet. After trying all sorts of experi­ ments the doctors have arrived at the conclusion that fresh air and sunhine in abundance are the only reliable remedies for meningitis. Judge Hooker's announcement that there is no foundation for the report that he will resign adds one more to this list of those who ougbt- This fact is well known to drug­ to-but-wont. Senators Mitchell and gists everywhere, and nine out of ten will give their customers this Burton are already on the list. preparation when the best iB asked Secretary Morton will resign for. Mr. Obe Witmer. a prominent from the cabinet in September or druggist of Toplin, Mo., in a cir­ cular to his customers, says: October and the administration is “ There is nothing on the market diligently inquiring if there is any in the way of patent medicine gentlemen who has never seen the which equals Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy high seas, who would like the job. N o l h l u f f o n 111« M a r k e t E q u a l l o C lia m b e r la lii’ H C o lie , C h o le r a a m i IM rrhora B e m e ilf. for bowel complaints. We sell and It is all very well for the Com- recomend this preparation,” For troller of the Currncy to warn bank sale by R. S. Knowlton. -------------- i-«a»i----- ■■ — directors against speculating, but would it not bo more to the point if Heart on Wrong Side. he directed the bank examiners to Los Angeles, Aug. 23.— When insist on the retirement of every Malcom Rose, a landscape gardener, director who speculates? was placed on the operating table in the county hospital here today The retiring United States Am­ to undergo an operation for the re­ bassador to Paris, General Horace moval of a growth from his neck, it Porter, was given an elaborate was discovered by the surgeons that dinner by his friends in that city. the patient’s heart instead of being We trust the expense was not in a normal position on the left side charged up to the French Equitable of the body was located on the Life Assurance Sooiety. right side nearly six inches from Senator Depew nominated Presi­ the propor place. The organ in every way, however, appeared nor­ dent Roosevelt for fho presidency mal. It had evidently been in that for the term beginning in 1909, at a position from birth. The physi­ recent dinner in Philadelphia. That cian? at the hospital state that it is makes four nominations within a the first case of the kind that has month, two Democratic, one R e­ ever come under their observation. publican and onë~D5pewT Heat and Humidity Kill. Chicago, Aug. 21.— Two deaths and a number of prostrations were reported today as the result of the heat. The temperature did not ex­ ceed 89 degrees, but tho humidity made the day exceedingly oppres­ sive. S t o p t h a t C a lig li When a caugh, a tickling or an irritation in the tliaoat makes you feel uncomfortable take Ballard’s Hore-hound Syrup. Don’t wait until tho disease has gone beyond control. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ander­ son, 354 West 5th St. Salt City, Utah, write, “ We think Ballard’s Horehound Syrup the best medicine for coughs and colds. We have used it for se­ veral years; it always gives imme­ diate relief, is very pleasant and gives perfection.” 25c. 50c. $1.00. sold by R. S. Knowlton. K Besides a complete stock | ol Drugs and Druggist’s Sun- | dries carries Kodaks and Sup-1 | plies, Phyrography outfits and | Supplies. BUI PIANOS OF DEALERS CARRYING REGULAR STOCK 0J Standard and Established Goods, where eash Instru­ ment Is sold according to its intrinsic ualue. We sell you a High Grade, Popular price or Commercial Piono, at their real ualue. One Price only on each Grade We carry a complete line of Pianos, Organs, Piano-Players, Talking Machines, Sheet music and Musical Merchandise. Everything Sold on Easy Payments. W. R. Haines Music Cov S u c c e s s o r to the Chae. O rlssen and A ia g o M u sic C o.. Phone, Main 905, Garfield Annex, Marshfield, Oregon. L. H. HAZARD, C ishicr R. E. SHINE, Vico Free A. J. SHERWOOD, Pr«j. F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K OF CO Q U IU U B, O REGON. Transacts a General Banking Business President James J. Hill says that tho Panama Canal will not hurt tho Beard of Directors. Correspondents. railways. Mr. Hill does not see the R. 0. Dement, A . J. Sherwood, National Bank of Commerce, New York City point. No one wants the canal to L. Harlocker, L. II. Hazard, Crocker Woolworth N’l Bank, San Francikco hurt the railways. It is only hoped Isaiah Hacker, R .K . Shine. I First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or. that it will prevent the railways from hurting certain sectiont of the country. M AR SH FIELD The recent decision of the Su­ preme Court of the United States that the Chicago Board of Trade is not a gambling institution indicates that Chief Justice Fuller has been so long away from the Windy City as to forget his youthful experiences in the wheat market. A private fruit grower refused to sell his crop of strawberries to the trust and applied to the railway for refrigerator cars. The railroad “ really couldn’t furnish them” and eleven carloads of berries were ruined. Hereafter, the grower will be wise and sell his berries to the Hay Baling. trust at its prices. Meanwhile, the consumer should pool interest with Roy Stevens, of Myrtle Point, the grower and demand remedial the hay baling man, is prepared to legislation. answer calls on any kind of notice. Notice. Anyone needing hay baled will do General Hospital A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical and obstetrical cases. in every Rates from $ 1 5 to $ 3 0 p e r w e e k Including room, baard, general nursing and drugs. Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. Claude F ox, Carenerai D r a y m a n S u c c e s s o r to W well to give him a call. J. C. Wilson, Machinist, has moved to the Kerr mill and will do Pittsburg, Aug. 20.— More than all machine work there hereafter. 500 men, womon and children were Leave all orders at Kerr’s Store or precipitated 15 feet into a cellar by in the mill shop. the collapse of a platform today Norway has developed a blood­ during the exercises incident to the less revolution and it only remains laying of the corner-stone of the for some genius to invent a buzless Beth David Russian Hebrew Ortho­ mosquito. — ---------------- --------------------------- dox synagogue on Miller street, A W a r n i n g in M o th e r * . Too much care cannot be used near Washington. Nearly all of them were cut and bruised, but it is with small children during the hot weather of the summer months to believed no one was fatally hurt. guard against bowel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give Paul Jonee for a man l o e g dead the child a dose of caster oil to is very much in the public eye just correct any disorder of the bowels. now, but of all that is being written I Do not use any’ substitute, but give about him, nothing is more inter­ the oldfashioned castor oil, and see that it is fresh, as ransid oil nausi- esting and striking than his biog­ ates and has a tendency to gripe. raphy by Alfred Henry Lewis, of I If this does not check the bowels which the first installment appears : give Ceainberlain’s Colic, Cholers in the August Metropolitan. This ac­ and Diarrhoea Remedy and then a count of the great a Imiral will be dose of castor oil, and the disease one of the most i n n -*aat magazine 1 may be checked in its incipiency and all danger avoided. The cas­ contrsbutions of t h e present year. tor oil and this remedy should be ' procured at once and kept ready W asted . —10 in«n in oa di state to : for instant use as soon as the first travel, tack signs an 1 distribute | indication of any bowel trouble ap­ samples and circulars of our goods. pears. This is the most successful treatment known and may be re­ Salary $75.00 por month. $3.00 per lied upon with im plicit confidence day for expenses. K' l h l n m C a even in cases of cholera infantum, Dept. Atlas Building, Chicago. i For sale by R. S. Knowlton. Equipment new and modern particular. W IL L M EET ALL H . M an sell. BO ATS AND T R A IN S . All orders handled with carefulness and expedience. A g e n t fo r th e b e s t G o o s C o u n ty C o a l Monuments and Headstones We guarantee better work at lower prices than can be had else­ where. Do not order Monumental work until you have called upon or written us for prices. COOS CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Telephone, Main 238. Stewart & White Props. Mar^hi.?d8o '.. DAVID FTLTON, Local Agent, Coquille, Oregon,