Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, August 09, 1905, Image 2

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    Coquille Herald.
Coos Bay W ill Have Railway » • I U I « » ü Ihr M a rk i-t E q u a l lu
C h a m b e r la in '» C ulle, C h e te rà auil
Official announcement was made
yest.-rday afternoon from the office
WEDNESDAY, AÜG. 9, 1905. of General Manager O’Brien that
the South ru Pacific would build
G overnor Cuambeilains Visit. blanch from Drain, Douglas County
A h announced last week Gov. along tb course of Elk Creek and
Chamberlain arrived at the bay on the Umpqua River to the coast at
Cardin , thence south aloDg the
tb« Alliance last Wednesday morn­
ing, but owing to urgent business coast to Marshfield, opening the
at Salem demanding bis personal interic • f Coos County to develop­
attention, his visit to Coos and ment and commences as soon as the
Curry counties was much shorter final survoys and right of way work
than was expected which was greatly can be completed. The route has
been decided upon. The distance is
regretted by all.
On his arrival at Marshfield, the 81 miles. The estimated cost for a
Chamberlain Democratic Club took standard gauge line o f first-cl tss
him in charge and gave him a clam construction is $3,500,000.
Coos county is one of the rich di­
bake at Charleston bay in the after­
noon and a banquet at the Blanco visions of Western Oregon, compar­
atively slightly developed because
hotel at night.
The next morning, in company of lack of transportation facilities,
with Mr. Burns, who- bad gone to and has heretofore been obliged to
meet him, the Governor arrived at trade almost entirely with San Fran­
this place on the train.
The fore­ cisco.
A survey has been made by the
noon was spent in looking over our
court house and other places of in­ Southern Pacific Company of a line
terest and in shaking hands with from Drain, 165 miles south of Port­
In the afternoon the land, to Marshfield, on Coos Bay,
Liberty was chartered aud an excur­ a satisfactory route hvs been found
sion was taken up the river as far
as Fred Schroeder’s place. On the
return a short stop was made at
Fishtrap when an amusing incident
occurred— luckily not a more seri­
ous one. The Governor in com-
pany with Judge Harlocker, J. J.
Lamb and John Kronenburg, en­
tered a carriage for the purpose of
taking a drive over the Fishtrap
country, and had hardily made a
start when one wheel ‘ ‘Went to
pieces all at once” like the famous
“ one-hoss shay.” All rejoiced that no
one was injured, but many were the
regrets expressed that no one in the
company had a camera to snap His
Excellency as he crawled out of the
overturned rig.
While here he was the guest of
Dr. Wetmore, who gave a dinner
with three or four iuvited guests
and in the evening, after an address
in the Masonic Hall to an immense
throng, a little smoke was enjoyed
by the Governor and a dozen or so
From this place Mr. Chambortain
and Mr. Burns went to Myrtle
Point the next day when an ad­
dress was mado from the veranda
of the Myrtle Point hotel. At one
o ’clock they took a private convey­
ance for Langlois to bo present
at the W. O. W, picnic there, which
was the Governor’s objective point.
After an address there at ten
o’clock Saturday morning, another
at Bandon at 8 in tho evening, at­
tendance on the Masonic lodge, a
ride to this place Sunday morning
on the Dispatch, where he was met
by a special train from Marshfield,
an address to the Marshfield peo­
ple in the opera house that night
and a ride on the Red Men’s goat,
our chief executive bnde tho peo­
ple of Coos and Curry, with prom­
ises of a speedy return.
To say that he made many friends
while here, is putting it mildly, but
making friends seems to be one of
his peculiar characteristics, if one
may judge from the voto he has so
frequently received at the hands of
nil parties, regardless of politics.
► «•«- -
From Myrtle Point.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bonder nre
receiving a visit from Mr. and Mrs.
Pochlmann their son and daughter,
all of Baltimore, Md.,and Mrs. Em­
ma Brooks of Santa Cruz, Cal., Mrs.
Jas. Ferry and daughter, of Marsh­
field, are visiting with Mrs. L.
Travers, Mr. and Mrs. Manel Her­
mann of tho South Fork entertained
all of the above mentioned people
on Sunday at their beautiful new
Mrs. and Mrs. Sherley who have
been here for tho past seven months
have returned to San Francisco.
Mr. Shirley was in the jewelery nnd
barbering business. He recently
wont into partnership with Mr, C.
Bender to whom he sold out. Mr.
Page taking his tonsorial parlors.
Mr. A. Bowerman who came here
for his health some ten months ago.
departed for Seattle on Tuesday’s
A one-fourtb interest in the
equipment of the Coquille Steam­
boat Co., consisting of the steamers
Dispatch and Favorite, and three
Inquire of Capt. T. D.
White, Bandon.
I(li< u iiia li-m
this notice.
Dated this 3rd day of duly, 1905.
A. J. Sherwood,
Administrator ot the
Estate of E. I.. Wil
»on, deceased.
A dm in istrator's Notice-
Notice is hereby given that the under­
signed, by order of the County Court
for Coos county, Oregon, has been duly
appointed Administrator of the estate
of Elvina Hoot, deceased, and that all
persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present
the same, duly verified, to the under­
signed at the office of A. J. Sherwood
in the city of Coquille, Coos county,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of this notice.
Dated this 1st day of August, 1905.
Administrator of the
Elvin a
Hoot, deceased.
When pains or irratation exist
on any part of the body, the appli­
cation of Ballard’s Snow Liniment
gives prompt relief. E. W. Sulli­
van, Prop. Sullivan house, El
Reno. O -T., writes, June 6, 1902:
“ I take pleasure in recommending IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
Ballard’s Snow Liniment to all who STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR
are afflicted with rheumatism.
is the only remedy I have found A lma F enoglio , Plaintiff
/ Suit in eq-
that gives immediate relief.” 25c,
S takish F enoglio , Def’ nt. j vorce.
50c and $1.00.
right of way obtained, the work of
constructing this line would begin.
General Manager O ’Brien departed
last night for Southern Oregon.
This is on6 of the mostimportant
undertakings in the Northwest for
All persons knowing themselves
several years, as the new line means indebted to the Furniture Firm of
the opening up of a vast country Ellingson k Jacobson will please
between the present line of the call and settle by August, 10,1905.
Southern Pacific and the ocean, the
The Firm has changed hands and
resources of which are enormous. the accounts mvst be settled by that
The road will be about 31 miles in date or tbe accounts will be placed
and will closely follow the waters of with the attorney for collection.
Elk Creek and the Umpqua River
Coquille Furniture Co.
toward Gardiner, there south along
I V c u lia r I>ls a iip i-nrum e.
the Coast to Marshfield. It will
have the distinction of being the
J. D. Runyan, of Butlerville, O.,
first Hue to cross tbe Coast Range laid the peculiar disappearance of
Mountains in Oregon, as well as the his painful symptoms, of indiges­
first oue to penetrate tbe heart of tion and biliousness, to P -. King’s
New Life Pills. He says: “ They
one of the greatest timber belts in
are a perfect remedy, for dizziness,
the world.
sour stomach, headache, constipa­
The opening of the new section tion, etc.” Guaranteed at R. 8.
will directly benefit, in a large way, Knowlton’s price 25c.
tbe trad» of Portland. It will over- j
----------- ■ ■
come the present isolation of the ox-j
tensive t >os Bay county, so lo n g ! IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
accessibl by water only, and the
trade, r,
in its infancy, will grow
In the matter of the Estate of William
proporti cutely with the increase of
Hutchenaon, deceased:
transpoibit? u facilities.
Notice is hereby given that in com­
Aside irora the lumber industry, pliance with an order of the County
which has already reached vast pro­ Court of the State of Oregon for Coos
portions, notwithstanding its only county, duly made and entered, I will
sell at private sale the real property of
outlet by water, coal is mined in
said Estate situated in Coos county,
large quantities. Other products State of Oregon, or so much thereof as
aro shipped,
as apples
and potatoes, while livestock and
fish from the bulk of the present
outward tonnage. The dairy busi­
ness tributary to Coos Bay is pro­
portionately greater than any other
on tbe Pacific Coast. Canned sal­
mon will also form a part of the
shipments to come out by rail,
and the improved transportation
facilities will, on doubt, encourage
the establishment of other manufre-
turing plants.
Heretofore, nearly all of the dairy
products, and vegetables as well as
shipments of livestock from the Coos
Bay country, have gono directly to
8an Francisco. Under the new
conditions, it is reasonable to ex­
pect that Portlaud should receive
the larger share of this truffle. Coos
Bay rivals the famous dairying sec­
will pay the claims against the said
estate and the costs of administration
said real property as diBcrilied as fol­
low s: Undivided one-third of south­
west quarter of southwest quarter of
section 10, east half of southwest quarter
and northwest quarter of northwest
quarter of section 15 in township 28,
south, range 14 west of Willamette me­
ridian in Coos county, Oregon.
All of southwest quarter of northwest
quarter and northwest quarter of south­
east quarter of section eighteen in tow n­
ship 28 south, range thirteen west of
Willamette meridian in Coos county,
Undivided one-third of lots 7 ami 8
of section 15, lot 8 of section 10, and
that portion of lot 9 in section 10, de­
scribed as follows: beginning at the
southwest corner of lot 9 aforesaid and
running thence north seven chains to a
chittim post marked C. 8 ., from which
a fir stump 45 inches in diameter bears
south 48 and 60-100 degrees west 32
links and a fir stump 60 inches in diam­
eter bears south 22 degrees east 63 links;
tions of the Tillamook and Nestucca thence north 61 and 25-100 degrees west
country, but is much more exten­ eighteen chains and ninety links to the
sive area.
The standing timber left hank of the Coquille river to a
along the line of and adjacent to sawed fir post two by four inches, four
the proposed railway, will now find feet long, marked C. S., from which a
cedar stump thirty inches in diameter
a ready outlet to markets long de­ bears north 81 degrees west, 62 links and
nied. owing to lack of adequate a myrtle tree five inches in diamater
bears south 46 and 50-100 degrees west
transportation facilities.
53 links; thence in same direction to
^ low water lire in the Coqnille river;
P u b lic in Ir o iiN fil.
The public is aroused to a knowl­ ' thence up the left hank of said river
along low water line to the east side of
edge of the curative merits of that | said lot 9 ; thence south to the southeast
great medicinal tonic, Electric Bit- I corner of said lot 9; thence west twenty
tors, for sick stomach, liver and chains to the place of beginning. Also
Notice to T axpayers.
M „ , H. W .U.r., 0164ft
. . . . . . .
ting upon any of said described land.
All of said land being situated in town­
ship 28, south of range 14 west of the
Willamette meridian in Coos county,
Oregon, ami containing one hundred
ami 80 - 101 ) ceres, more or less.
•Said »ale or sales will lie for cash and
on and after the 14 day of Septemlier,
Administrator of the
Hutcbenson, deceas­
Dr. and Mrs. Miller, who is a sis­
N otice.
ter of S. B. Hermann, with their
—----------- --
two children returned to tlicir Rose-
All persons knowing themselves
burg home on Thursday, the 3rd. to be in’’ , ' rd to the hlacksmithing *' 5 y IVIountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Mediolne for Busy People
Mrs Wm. Border
accompanied firm of MpdI<.y * RoBelle are herc-
thein. They have been visiting rei- 1)y notifie<i lo nmkp „«dtlement at
stives and friends here for the past once with A. \V\ Varney, next door
two weeks.
; to Knowlfon’s drug store, and iiv e ^
O tisshvkr . costs.
¿s OolLa Health aod Renewed Vigor.
K- f.»r Cwtlnatlon, Tn<1 treat ion. Lire
r>-■ »»!*. Pimple*. Ki’ rems, Impure
»fli Sluggish Bowel», Hoadach»»
n * R ■okv Mountain Tea tn tab-
t annino matte by
•» C ompany , Madiaon. Wis.
To Stanish Fenoglio, the above-named de­
In the name o f the State o f Oregon: You
are hereby notified that you are required
to appear and answer tlie complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
within six weeks from the date o f the first
publication of this summons, to-wit:
Within six weeks from the 26th dav of
July, 1905, the same being tho date of the
first publication o f this summons.
And if you fail to appear and answer on
or before the 6th day of September, 1905,
the same being the last day of the time
prescribed in the order of publication, the
plaintiff will take judgment against yon
and will apply to tne Court for the relief
demanded in her complaint, a succinct
statement o f which is as follows: That the
marriage contract existing between plain
tiff aud defendant be dissolved, set aside
and held for naught; that the care and cus­
tody o f the minor children of plaintiff
and defendant be granted to plaintiff: that
plaintiff have judgment against the de­
fendant for her costs and disbursements
in this suit nnd for such other and further
relief as to the Court may seem meet and
Service of this summons is mado by pub­
lication in pursuance o f an order made by
L. Harlocker. 09 County Judge of Coos
Connty. O r ’ir »:i. dated Julv 25th, 1905, di­
recting that service o f sai l kthiuu i $ be
made by publication thereof in the Co­
quille Herald, a newspaper published at
Coquille in said connty, om e u ich week
for a period of six weeks
Attorneys for s laintiff.
Notice is hereby given that 'bo
partnership heretofore existing Be­
tween A. Kllingson aud J. A. Jacob­
son, and doing business in tbe City
of Coquille, Oregon, under thefiuu
name of the Coquille Furniture com­
pany, and at North Bend, Orog .u
under the firm name of the Noith
Bend Furniture Company, is tliis
day dissolved by mutual consent.
A, Ellingson will continue tbe busi-
ness at the City of Coquille iu his
nnd will — pay
all délits
ahd receive all mouoy due the p art
nersbip at said place; and J. A.
Jacobson will coutiuue tbe business
at North Bend in his own name and
wil! pay all debts and receive all
money due the partnership at said
For first-class engine anti boiler
Dated this 26th day of July 1905.
repairing, call on S. H. McAdams,
A. Ellingson,
at bis new shop near the sawmill.
J. A. Jacobson.
Steamer Newport arrived from
Portland August 2; sailed for Port­
land August 3. Incoming passen­
gers: Geo P Topping and wife.
Cargo, 30 tons. Outgoing passen­
gers: Mrs N Cribes and three chil­
dren, J S Brown.
Steamer due
back August 10.
Sick headache results from a
disordered condition of the stomach
and is quickly cured by Chamber-
Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets,
For sale by R. S. Knowlton.
A private H ospital w e ll e q u ip p e d fo r the treat­
m ent o f s u r g ic a l and m e d ical d ise a se s.
T ra in e d N u rs e s in A ttendance.
All my Summer Goods, consisting
of Novelty Suitings,Pongees, Lawns,
For Information Address
ect. Also men’s wool and cotton
underwear and a nice line of fancy
’Phone 631.
wool Sweaters, remember, all at
cost at Mrs. N osier’s.
write to A. L. BRIGGS or O. C. BROWN,
Drain, Oregon
Tires Times lie Tain of
ai outer.
One-Third Easier
One-Third Faster
Rotary machine and ball beariug
make it tbe lightest running ma­
chine in the world.
'The Oregon Coal A* Nnv Co
¿Q u ie t nnd durable, the rotony
motion dots away with noise and
wear caused by the forward and
buckwnrd movement of tbe shuttle.
•x W ill make regular trips between
C oos B ay and
San F ra n cisco
Generai Office for Pacifie Coast.
This Steamer is very steady at sea and |
............. ..........
new, clean and sweet, opening o ut on , Q H A g
deck and having only two berths in a
San Francisco,
her passenger accommodations are all
Opens for fo il term September 12, 1905.
Full Normall Course, Teachers' Review Class,
Commercial Course. Expenses uery low.
M .
Central Oregon State
Normal Schoo! Ö
Capt. N elson, M aster,
Notice is hereby given, that under and by
virtue of an execution, duly issued out of
and under tho seal o f the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Coos Countv. to
mo direoted nnd delivered, dated the 22nd
day of July, 1905, upon a judgment duly
rendered in a cause in said court, on the
24th day of May, 1905, wherein McPher­
son-Ginser Co., a private corporation, is
plaintiff. and Ernest W ittick and Mrs.
Heata W ittick nre defendants, command­
ing me to make by le w nnd sale of the
property o f the said defendants, the
amount due upon said judgment, to-wit.
the sum o f one hundred fifty-three dollars,
with interest from May 24th) 1905, at 10 per
cent, per annum, together with twenty
dollars, reasonable attorney’ s fees, and the
costs nnd disbursements of said action,
amounting to fifteen dollars, and accruing
costs thereunder, I have levied upon and
will, on Friday, the 25th day o f August,
1905, at the front door o f the County Court
House, in the town of Coquille City, in
said Coos Connty. State of Oregon, at
the, hour o f ten o’ clock, a. m ., offer for sale
and sell at public auction all the right, ti­
tle nnd interest said defendants had on
the 24th day of May, 1!K)5, or may have
since acquired, according to law, to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, all the
following premia s to-wit: Lot 6 iu block
26 as per map o f a portion of the town of
Marshfield. Oregon, prepared by E. B.
Clement aud now’ or file and of record in
the office o f tho County Clerk o f said Coos
County. Oregon, which said lot has a front
age of 50 feet on Chestnut street and 84
feet in depth. Also lot 4 and south ten
feet o f lot 5, all in block No. 18. o f the
town o f North Hend, Cooa County, Ore­
gon, according to the maps and dedication
thereof on file and o f record in the office of
the County Clerk o f said Coos Connty.
Dated at Coquille City, this 22d day of
July, 1905.
Sheriff o f Coos Connty, Oregon.
in. Horsfall,
Marshfield, Oregon.
In the matter of the Estate)
of Mrs. Sophia E. Robin-L
son, deceased.
Notice of Administrator’s final settle­
To »11 persons interested in the above !
entitled eBtate:
Robert Burns the administrator has
this day rendered and presented to the
Court, for settlement., his final account For catalogue or information
and petition for discharge as said ad­
to juiasuo*
It is ordered by the court that Mon- j
day, September the 4th, 1905, at the ;
hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day be |
and the same is hereby appointeil to |
hear said final account and petition for
Any person, or persons having any j
objections to the said final account or j
any reasons why said final discharge 1
should not lie made at that time will
therefore take notice and present such
objections, if any there he, to the Court
at said time ami place.
Dated this 29th day of Inly, 1905.
Adiuiid trutor.
Str. M. F.
N otice oi Dissolution.
the Hoard of Equalization for the Count'
of Coos, State o f Oregon, will attend at
the office o f the County Clerk o f said coun­
ty, at Coquille, Coos County. Oregon, on
the 28th day of August, A, I)., 1905, the
same being the last Monday in said month
at the hour of nine o'clock a. m. of said
dav and publicly examine the assess­
ment mils and correct all errors in v a c a ­
tion, descriptions or quality of lauds, lots
or other property.
Now, therefore, all Demons having busi­
ness before the said Hoard o f Equaliza­
will . take
w . w m
... .. i. .
. and
. . . . . appear
M l
11 a at
time mul place afuresahl, ami make due
oomplaiut, otherwise tho assessment will
stand as returned by the assessor
Witness my hand this 26th day of July.
Assessor Co s County, Oregon.
H r n i'd r .
A big lot of first-class shingles
are to to be found by calling on N.
Lorenz. They are offered at a bar-
and the line is now being definitely
located. The announcement was
at the offices of the Southern Pacific
Company yesterday that as soon as
the line was definitely located and
VA ( Columbus,
n i n n i m i « O.,
( ) w writes:
8t. Clair Ave.,
“ For several months, I was given
up to die. I had fever and ague,
my nerves were wrecked; I could
not sleep, and inv stomach was so
Twenty of our leading citizens weak, from useless doctors’ drugs,
chartered tho Welcome and to Ban- that I could not eat. Soon after
lieginning to taka Bleetrio Hitlers,
don took a trip going down Satur­ 1 obt-iined relief, and in a short
day and returning Sunday.
The' | time [ mi- ontiely cured.’’ Guaran-
occasion was a fratt mat visit to th e; ; teed at Knowlton'a drug Btore;
I price 50c
Masons of that place.
Hay Baling.
When a caligli, a tickling or an
Boy Stevens, of Myrtle Point, irritation in the thaoat makes you
This fact is well known to drug- tbe hay baling man, is prepared to f»«l uncomfortable take Ballard's
lutkl everywhere,
ll'llPm and
a III) ninn
1 I nr<i_l\Aii iwl UtiHim IT ah U ■■•nil
nine All
out I nf
answer rails on any kind of notice. Hore-hound Syrup. Don’t wait
ten will give their customers this
\ until the disease has gone beyond
preparation when the best is asked Anyone needing hay baled will do control. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ander-
for. Mr. Obe Witmer. a prominent well to give him a call.
| son, 354 West 5th S t Salt City,
druggist of loplin, Mo., in a cir­
! Utah, write.
cular to his customers, says: Administrator’s Notice,
“ We think Ballard’s llorehouml
•‘There is nothing on the market
Notice M h.rcbjr given that the nadsnign*d, SVrup the best medicine for COUglls
in the way of patent medicine by order of the County Court for Coo« county, 9nd colds. We have used it for se-
which equals Chamberlain’s Colic, j ore*", hu in-,-n duly appointed AdnduUtra veral years; it always gives inline-
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy t,,r of the E»taie .,f K. I,. Wii»ou, deceased, j diate relief, is very pleasant and
for bowel complaints. Wo sell and and that all per». oh having claim» against gives perfection.” 25c. 50c. $1.00.
recomend this preparation,” For »aid estate are hereby required to pre»eut the sold by R. S. Knowlton.
same, duly verified, to the undersigned, at my
sale by R. S. Knowlton.
---------- •
office in the City of Coquille, Coos county,
Oregon, within six months from the date ot
llirrh u e a
M C K E L L IP S ,
A g e n t,
C o q U /'l l e ,
O re g o n .
--------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :
superior Second Class.
’ \
Fare, 1st Class, $10.
F. S. D O W , A g en t,
! W . C. R ose, A gt.,
C oqu ille.
2nd Class, $6.
Boneparte, Jr.
A beautiful dapple gray and from imported blood weighs
1700 pounds. Sired by Thoroughbred Stallion Boneparte,
Will make the season at COqUILLE and other points in tho valley
Season commences April 15th. For terms address or inquire of
Slingsby Bros., Coquille, Oregon.
a lb e r t
f is h
, f
Coquille Tonsoria! Parlors,
Dealer In
Garrett M. Hill,
W m . J. Marsh, Trustee
Defendant. |
To Win. J. Marsh, Trustee, al>ove
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of plaintiff filed
against you in said Court and Cause, on
before the 24th day of August, 1906,
being the date prescribed by the court
in the order for publication of summons
for you to appear and answer said com­
plaint and if you fail to appear and
answer said complaint on or l>eiore said
date, for want thereof, the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief demand­
ed in his complaint, which is that
plaintiff 1 h * decreed to lie the ¡owner
in fee simple of the northwest V 4 of sec­
tion 24 in Township 28, 8011 th of range
9 W est of the Willamette Meridian, in
Coos county. Oregon» and that defend­
ant has no estate, interest or claim, or
| any title whatever to said described
premises, and that plaintiff’s title lie de­
clared good and valid thereto, and for
his costs and disbursements.
This summons is published once a
week for at least six successive weeks in
the Coquille Herald, a weekly news­
paper published in Coquille, Coos
county, Oregon, bv order of Hon. L.
Harlocker. County’ Judge of Coos Coun­
tv. Orcir , 1 . i! nle on the 10th day of ^
July. 1905. The first publication of this ; y
summons is on the 12th day of July, &
isl will he on the 29rd )
day of August. 1906.
1 * 'red t!n- 10th dav of Julv. UHV>.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
CHAS. M 00M A W , Prop.
Opposite Hotel Coquille,
Front Street. ¡)j>
Bicyles Sundries, Etc.
Wheels to Rent. Repairing
Speciality .
O P G O im P P T OP 87thE.t§fc£
Alfred Johnson,
Flooring, Rustic and all kinds of Finishings and Mouldings
Constantly on hand.
Deliveries made promptly by either water or rail.
We have all Grades and Prices Accordingly.
C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N