(Emi ii Ule Refaló. V ol . 22: No. 93 COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1905. Entered aw second-class m atter May 8, 1906, at the posto ilice at Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congress of March 1879. $ 1.50 P er Y ear County Court Proceedings, at consideration by the court the bid feet, thence south twenty-one de- In re Payment on the Fill at of J. D Bennett, the same being the grees west 204 feet, thence south the July, 1905, Term. Morgan Place— only bid presented, for the sum of $1925, for building the above B. H. Burns, supervisor road dis­ named bridge according to the trict No. 10, report exirainod and plans and specifications drawn by aprroved. j the county surveyor, being the best, Z. T. Siglin, supervisor road dis- j lowest and only bid, therefore, and trict No. 9, report examined an d' the same being approved by the approved. court; George Griffin, supervisor road it i8, therefore, ordered that the district No. 17, report examined tud 0f J. D. Bennett for $1925 be and approved. accepted upon his giving a bond of f . 8. Everden, supervisor road $1500 to be approved by the court district No. 18, report examined and said bond to be given before the approved, allowed $08.50. j ll t h day of July> liK)5 forty degrees west 132 feet, thence Whereas, it appearing to the | south forty-three degrees west 176 court that Reu Hoberg, contractor, feet, tbonoe south sixty degrees has completed a part of the above | Walter Culin, M. D. west 390 feet, thence south seventy- mentioned fill and that he should 1 P h ysician a n d S urukon two degrees west 330 feet, i receive payment therefor; C oquille C it y , O re . thence west 99 feet, thence It i8, therefore, ordered that the ICronenberg BI i I r . T elephone 3. south seventy-five degrees west 281 county clerk draw a warrant on the N ext Door to P. 0 . feet, thence south forty-seven de- county treasurer for $150 as part grees west 99 feet, thence south payment on said fill, eighty-nine degrees west 231 feet, In re Payment on Lee Bridge— Stanley & Burns, thence south eighty-two degrees Whereas, the county court has Attorneys-at-Law, Real Estate, Collections. west 165 feet, thouce south forty- entered ¡Dto contract with J. D. Specialties—Criminal and U. S. Land four degrees west 264 feet, thence Bennett that when the material for Cases, Notaries Public. south 15 degrees west 231 feet, building the Lee bridge across the O regon . C o q u il lh , A. G. Erickson, road supervisor j n re relocation of a county road in thence south twenty-eight degrees North Fork of the Coquille river road district No. 19, report exam- j Bandon p re cin ct- west 414 feet, theu'e-south twenty-1 near Lee, Oregon, is delivered on ined and approved. This matter coming on to be five degrees west 393 fest, thence tbo ground at the bridge site, to J, D. WETM0RE Frank Van Luven, supervisor heard and having been continued south thirty-one degrees west 396 pay the said J. D. Bennett 89 per PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON road district No. 20, report examinod from the last term of this court, and feet, thence twenty-six and one-half cent of the cost of the same, Office at and approved. the court after being duly advised degrees west to a point twenty feet It i8> therefore, ordered that L. Residence o f J. A. Collier. W. M. Kay, supervisor road dis­ in the premises find that the peti­ west of low water line on the east Harlocker, county judge, be and he Phone 111. trict No. 21, report examined and tion calling for said relocation is side of South slough, the said pro- is hereby authorized to estimate approved. I signed by householders and by posed road being that part of the and determine the amount due the J. H. Radabaugli, supervisor road CARRYING REGULAR STOCK reason thereof this court has no ju- said old county road leading from said J. D. Bennett, when the mate­ A. J. Sherwood, district No. 22, report examined and j risdiction in said matter, the said town of Empire to the rial has been delivered on the A ttornhy - at -L aw , approved. Oj Standard and Established Goods, where eash Instru­ j In rq Coquille River Forks Road— said town of Bandon in said Coos ground at Lee, Or., and make and N otary P ublic , George Langoir, supervisor road This cause coming on for hearing Coos county, state of Oregon, be­ order directing the county clerk of Coquille, : : Oregon district No. 23, report examined and ment Is sold according to its intrinsic value. We sell you a j this 10th day of July, 1905, and the tween said points of beginning and Coos county, Oregon, to draw an approved. i application of P. L. Phelan and termination, heretofore on the 4th order on the county treasurer in fa­ High Grade, Popular price or Commercial Piono, A. Davis, supervisor road district others to withdraw their names day of April, 1903, vacated by an vor of said J. D. Bennett for 80 per Walter Sinclair, No. 24, report examined and ap­ from the petition herein; said appli­ order of the said county court of cent of the cost of said material at their real value. proved. A rr¡ hinkt - at -L a w , cation is hereby granted. Coos county, Oregon. as a part payment for the construc­ E. A. Howey, supervisor road dis­ N otary P u b lic , And it appearing to the court And it appearing to the court tion of said bridge, said warrant to One Price only on each Grade trict No. 28, report examined and Coquille, : : Oregon. that after the withdrawal of said that said petition is signed by more be drawn on the general road fund. approved as corrected. names said petition contains a less than twelvo freeholders residing in In re Payment for the Ferry Scow We carry a complete line of Pianos, Organs, Piano-Players, In re Roads and Bridges— number of qualified petitioners than the road district which the said pro­ at Coquille City: In re Shuck Hill road inroad dis­ /. Hacher, Talking Machines, Sheet music and Musical Merchandise. the remonstrance contains of quali­ posed road passes, and that said pe­ Whereas, the court entered into trict No. 31. Petition to the coun­ A bstracter ok T itles . fied remonstrators. tition properly specifies the place of contract with E. Heuckemlorft for ty court for permanent improve­ Everything Sold on Easy Payments. It is hereby ordered that said pe­ beginnin gand termination of said the constructing of a scow for a C oquille C ity , O re ments from the residents in the tition be dismissed. proposed road, and the intermedi­ ferry at Coquille City for $259, but above named district on the road; In re Appointment of Road Viewers ate points on said road, and it also the same has not beon completed, the matter after being examined by for Coos county, Oregon— appearing to the court that the no­ but that the same will be completed Hall & Hall, S u c c e s s o r to the Chas. G rissen and A ia g o M u sic C o., the court was coutiDued for the This /natter coming on for con­ tices for said road have been prop­ in a short time, and that the same A t tobmeys - at -L aw , term. Phone, Main 905, Garfield Annex, Marshfield, Oregon. sideration by the court, and it ap­ erly posted and all other proceed­ should be paid for, Deolor in U kal E state of all kinds. In re building a bridge across pearing that under the provisions ings done according to law in the It is therefore ordered that when Marshfield, Oregon. Johnson creek, road district No. 10, of section 9, page 0, Road Laws of premises. l. H. HAZARD, Cashier said scow has been completed and A. J. SHERWOOD, Pres. R. E. SHINE, Vice Pres south of Baudou. The matter after the Stato of Oregon, it is necessary It is, therefore, ordered that Chas. accepted by the court or one of its consideration by the court was con­ for the appoiutment of county road S. McCulloch, county surveyor, 8. members, that L . Harlocker, county tinued for the term. Ellsworth B. Hall, viewers. B. Oatehcart and George Griffin, the 1 judge, be and he is hereby author- In re damages for the public A tfo rn e y -iit-L a w , It is therefore ordered that the Board of county road viewers f o r ' ized to make an order directing the crossing over the premises of W. T. county surveyor, C. S. McCulloch, Coos county, Oregon, meet at Joe O r e . io n . C o q u il l e , : : county clerk to draw an order on Dement on the Eokley road when op COÇUIIiIlE. OREGON. S B. Catcheart And George Griffin Neyslough bridge on the 20th day the county treasurer for the sum of the same was impassable. This Collection! and Insurance be and they are hereby appointed of July, 1995, at the hour of ........... $250 in favor of E. Heuckendorf in T r a n sa c ts a General B an kin g B u sin e ss matter after consideration by the county road viewers for county of o’clock........... M., and after qualify­ full payment for said scow. Said court was continued for the term. Coos, state of Oregon. ing, to view, survey and lay out warrant to be drawn on the general In re South Slough Ferry Re­ Correspondents. Board of Directors. said road according to law and road fund of Coos county, Oregon. In re location of a county road in E. D . Sperry. W . C . Chase port. This matter after considera­ National Bank of Commerce, New York ( 'ity ii. O. Dement, A . J. Sherwood, assess and determine how much less Coos county, Oregon, from Joe tion of Court, the report was ap­ In re Expenses for Building Ferry Crocker Woolworth N ’l Bank, San Francisco L. Harlocker, L. IT. Hazard, SPERRY & CHASE, Nay slough bridge on the line of valuable the premises through which Isaiah Hacker, R. E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or. proved, an order ordered drawn on Slip on South Bank of the Co­ the old county road recently va­ said proposed road is to be located, the county treasurer for $71.25 in Attorney s-at-Law. quille River, at Coquille City, are, and set forth the same in their cated — favor of Ira A. Albeo, ferryman, for Coos County, Oregon. OOftoe in Robinson Bailding, Now comes George H. Wilson of report, and on their failure to meet balance on salary. The following bills for the con­ on said day, then in five days there­ Coquille, . . . Oregon In re petition and affidavit of the petitioners for the above named struction of the above mentioned after. Fred Moser: In re county war­ proposed county road, and presents matter ordered paid by the court: rant lost. Now, at this time this to the court the petition of bimself In re Relocation of a County Road A. Flanders, for piling, labor, in Coos County, Oregon. E. G. D. Holden, matter coming on to be heard, and and others, praying for the location teams, blacksmithing, lum­ L aw yer , it appearing from the affidavit of and establisnment of a county road Comes now JameB Grant one of the ber, hardware, nails............ 97 53 A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical petitioners for the above named Alfred Johnson, lumber........ 107 79 City Recorder, U. S. Coraraiaaioaer, Gen­ Fred Moser to this court that coun­ described as follows, to-wit: and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern Beginning at a point in the cen­ county road, and presents to the John McLeoed, driving 22 ty warrant No. 123, class B, issued eral Insaranoo Agent, and Notary in every particular. Rates from at the January term, 1905, January ter of the old county road leading Court and petition of himself and piles, @ $3.......................... 66 00 Publio. Office in Robin­ the town of Empire others, praying for the location and 9th, 1905, for $4.07 in payment for from In re payment for the rock crusher son Building. merchandise and hardware fur­ to the town of Bandon in said establishment of a County Road de­ and fixtures for the same. Coquille, Oregon. nished road district No. 17, Coos county and state 589 feet north of scribed as follows, to-wit: This matter after consideration Including room, board, general nursing and drugs. Commencing at a pointy at the by the court, the following amounts county, Oregon, has been lost or the north end of the bridge known i destroyed by fire and that the same as the Joe Nay bridge, over Joe Ney present county road at a stake mar­ were ordered paid, and the county cannot be found, and Fred Moser slough or inlet on said road, and ked R, which is 3 chains 59 links clerk ordered to draw warrants on A. F. Kirshman, having given a bond for costs or 930 feet southerly from the center North, and 6 chains and 64 links the county treasurer of Coos coun­ D entist . damages that may arise by reason of section 1, in township 26, south, East of the South East corner of the ty, Oregon, in payment of the same. of a duplicate warrant being issued of range 14, west of Willamette Preton Caldwell donation claim, in Said warrants to be drawn on the Office two doors South of Post office. Meridian, in Coos county, Oregon, Sec. 27, Tp. 39, S., It. 12 West; gereral road fund. in place of said lost warrant; rnnning thence south fifteen and thence running in a Northerly di­ Beall & Go., for rock crusher Coquille . - . O re go n . It is therefore ordered that the county clerk draw a duplicate war­ one-half degrees west 433 feet, rection, crossing the Coquille River engine, chute screen, ole- rant to take the place of warrant thence south twenty-five degrees at the old Lehnherr Ford and inter­ vator, etc........................... 1715 99 No. 123, class B, for four and 7-100 east 528 feet, thence south twenty- secting the South Fork Road about Beall A Co., for buckets, six and one-half degrees west 149J three hundred feet South of the dollars, in favor of Fred Moser. chains, belts, attachments 49 99 S u c c e s s o r to W , H . M an sell. In re of relocation of Myrtle feet, thence south twenty-nine de­ South west corner of tho South In re Cbainman for Surveyor— Str. D I S P A T C H Point-Cooper bridge, county road: grees west 66 feet, thence south east quarter of the North east quar­ Bills for the following chninmon Tom White, Master, The court after consideration of thirty-seven and one-half dogrees ter of See. 22, Tp. 308. R. 12 West. employed by the county surveyor, W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A IN S . Leave» I Arrive» And it appearing to the court approved and the county clerk or­ B a n d o n ........ 7 A-M. | Coquille 10 a - m . this matter, find that the proceed - 1 west 79 feet, thence south twenty, Coo tulle....... X P-M. I Bandon . . . . 4 P-M. ings concerning the same have not three degrees west 99 feet, thence that said petition is signed by more A ll orders handled with carefulness and expedience. dered to draw warrants on the Connect» at Coquille with train for Marshfield been conducted regularly, and on south fourteen and one-half degrees than twelve free holders of this oounty treasurer in payment of the and steamer E-'ho for Myrtle Point. the petition of N. P. Peterson, -the west 146 feet, thence south eight County residing in the Road Dis­ same: Str. F A V O R I T E A g en t fo r th e b e s t C o o s C ou rtly C o a l. same is hereby dismissed. degrees east 99 feet, theuce south trict through which proposed road James Brown, for 2 days as J. C. Mooraaw, Master, Leave« I Arrives In re of bids to run and attend fifty-six and one-half degrees east passes and that said petition prop­ ehainman ........................... 4 90 Goqnille .........7 A-M. | Bandon. .10:45 a - m . erly specifies the place of beginning, Fitz Schneider, for work as Bamlon.......... 1 P-M. | Coquille . 4:45 p - m . ferry at Coquille City, Coos county, 77 feet, thence south eighty-seven Oregon. degrees east 33 feet, thence north intermediate points and place of axeman................................. 2 90 Str. EC HO The bids for running and attend- forty-eight degrees east 165 feet, termination of said road and it sat­ Ernest Bcneider, for work as H . .Iain». Ma»ter. ing the ferry at Coquille City, upon thence south fifty-five degrees east isfactorily appearing that proper cbainman..................... *...... 2 00 Leave. | Arrives We guarantee better Myrtle P o in t... 7 A-M. | oqiiilleC'y 9 SO A-M. being considered by the court, the 70 feet, thence south thirteen de­ notice has been given as by law re­ ! Joe Miller, for work as CiKiuille City. ..1 P-M. | Myrtle P 't ..4 00 p-M. work at lower prices bid of Simon Whetstone was found grees east 99 feet, thence south quired, ehainman............................. 2 00 Daily except Sunday. It is therefor ordered that Chas to be the best and lowest bid for j thirty-eight degrees east 126 feet, Reports on subscription for rock­ than can be had else­ running and attending the above east 126 feet, thence south fifty-nine S. McCulloch, county Surveyor, 8. ing the road south of David Mc­ Str. W E L C O M E \V. B. ranter. Master. where. Do not order named ferry. J degrees east 198 feet, thence south B. Cathcart and George Griffin, the Nair’s place examined and approved T.e»ve» I Arrive» It is, therefore, ordered that Si-1 seventy-six and one-half degrees Board of County Road Viewers for and B C. Schull authorized to work Myrtle Point 1 :30 p-M. I Coquille C’y 1:00 P-M Monumental work until Coquille City 7:00 a - m . I Myrtle P't 10:00\-M mon VVhetstone be awarded the j east 248 feet, thence south forty- Coos county, Oregon, meet at the out $148 50 and send bills to the Connect« with lower-river Iwrat» at Coquille j , . . ., you have called upon or City for BanHon an'! intermediate points. contract for running and attending eight degrees east M O feet, thence place designated in said petition on I county court. v i ni.Mni. fr.ivlit._____ I the ferry at Coquille City for one south five degrees east 231 feet, the 24th day of July, 1995, at the ; In re Miscellaneous Bills and Busi- written us for prices. Sewing Machine Hepairing. j year at the rate of $20 per month, thence south three degrees east 398 hour of .......... o’inoi k ... m., and I ness. David Fulton, of this city, is an expert to run and attend the same from 6 feet, thence south twenty-nine de- determine how m i ■') lees valuable The following miscellaneous bills cleaher and repairer, and anyone in 0’ cloc]j a> m until 9 o’clock p. m. of grees east 198 feet, thence south tbo premises through which the were examined and approved by the need of his services will ‘ ________ rill do well to call i I thirteen degrees east 107 feet, road passes, are. and set forth the j county court and the county clerk each and every day for said term. at his residence or drop him a card. In re building a bridge across the thmee south 396 feet, thence south same in their report and establish a ordered to draw warrants on the Telephone, Main 238. For Sale. North Fork of the Coquille river, at \ fourteen degrees east 1551 feet, grade on said proposed road not to county tre„ urer ot Coo, county> jn payraent of tha 8ame. | thence south thirty-five de- exceed 1« inches to the rod, and on Lee, Oregon . A good home in this city, on their failure to meet on said day, _ _____ ______________ _ grees cast 999 feet, thence Now, at this time this matter easy terms: DAVID FTLTON, Local Agent, Coquille, Oregon. | (Continued on Page Four) five degrees east 9 ! then within five days thereafter. coming on to be beard, and after south Enquire at this office. (Concluded from last week) nowlton’s Drug Store Besides a complete stock | ol Drugs and Druggist’s Sun-§ \ dries carries Kodaks and Sup-1 \ plies, Phyrography outfits and \ Supplies. BUY PIANOS OF DEALERS W. R. Haines Music Co., F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K :i M AR SH FIELD General Hospital $£15 to $30 per week Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. Claude Fox, General Drayman COQUILLE RIVER STEA M B O A T CO Monuments and Headstones COOS CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Stewart & White Props. Marsh*e?dSore.