Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 26, 1905, Image 2

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    Coquille tyerald.
C ou n ty C ourt P roceedings, at
the July, 1905, Term.
George Bethel.................. 15 00
E. Mingus, for examining
William Panter................. 10 00
Manley Barklow, for keeping
Elizabeth Steel................... 24 00
C. M. Skeels, for supplies
furuishod Lena Hatcher... 53 00
P. E. Drane, supplies fur­
nished Mrs. Wilson........... 15 00
J. T. McCormac, for examin.
ing A. Markievitch, insane 5 00
E. A. Anderson, for convey­
ing sick to hospital and
coal for Nelson ................. 8 00
Walter Culin, M. D., for
fum. assess, office, ex. etc.
George Bethel................... 22 50
Simpson Lumber Co., for
supplies W. 8. Ransford
and Mrs. C. A. Bascam..... 63 50
R. W . Bullard, for supplies
for Mary and Polly, In­
dians ................................... 15 05
Frances Thomsen, for mile­
age and per diem, exami­
nation Geo. Bethel............. 14 40
Ralph Pomeroy, for mileage
and per diem, examination
George Bethel................... 14 20
Melvin Waite, for mileage
and per diem, examination
George B eth el................... 14 20
Ed Rackleff, for mileage and
per diem, examination Geo
B eth el................................. 12 20
James Denholm, for mileage
and per diem, examination
George Bethel................... 7 20
James Denholm, for subpoe­
naing witnesses, examina­
tion of George Bethel....... 2 50
E. A. Franklin, bill assigned
to G. A. Robinson, paid
April, 1905, term............... 79 52
Coquille Furniture Co., paid
part April, 1905, term;
balance in Odbert report.. 39 80
W. Horsfall, M. D., for pro­
fessional services rend’d...56‘2 50
Rex I. Russell, for medical
supplies furnisbed, balance
allowed ............................... 4 35
The Recall, for envelopes and
bill heads for clerk’s office 6 50
It L Polk & Co, for 1 Oregon
and Wash Uazetoer........... 7 00
T J Thrift, for stamps for as­
sessor’s office......................... 8 00
James Watson, for stamps,
freight, express, etc., for
clerk's office......................... 20 00
John B Dulley, for stamps
for treasurer's office
3 50
Stephen Oallier, for stamps,
envelopes, sheriff’s office... 19 40
The Recall, for 80 lines of
advertising......................... 1 00
The Sun, for printing notices
for treasurer........... ........... 2 00
The Sun, for 1000 letter
heads for sheriff’s office..... 5 50
Clarence O. Dry den, for
printing cards for asses­
sor; sub. for sheriff.......... 13 20
L. Harlocker, for stamps for
judge's office....................... 2 00
The North Bend Citizen, for
printing county court pro­
ceedings .............................. 34 15
The Recall, for printing offi­
cer’s reports, etc.................. 12 01
The Herald, for printing
county court proceedings.. 34 15
Glass & Prudhomme Co, for
Fisher T. W. ribbons,
hunters’ license, etc........... 26 50
Bushong & Co., for Pen. car­
bons, 2 Rem, T. W. rib­
bons, Cab. files................... 14 05
Bushong & Co., for Elliott
B. T. W . and roll top desk..175 00
Payot, Upham & Co., canvas
cover for warrant book...... 1 98
Glass & Prudhomme Co., for
Hod. Fisher B. T. W., con­
tinued for term.................... 100 00
In re Taxes and Assessments--
The Irwin-Hodson Co , fire
In re Minnesota Oregon Fir Co.,
permit blanks...................... 3 15
In re report of F. B. Odbert, super­ praying for repayment of taxes paid
intendent of the county poor Coos county on land assessed to the
above company on which patent
farm —
amounting to
This matter coming on to be was not issued,
heard at this time and the court, $i76.65, after due consideration the
after examining the report of the court refuses to pay the above
above named superintendent, the amount to the said company and
court orders that the following bills the claim was disallowed.
In l-e Abraham Van Zile, praying
be paid:
for repayment of taxes claimed to
B . S. Knowlton, for drugs,
seeds and medicine......... 56 70 have been wrongfully collected by
Coos county. After consideration
N. Lorenz, for mdse and gro­
ceries .................................. 56 50 of this matter the court disallows
the bill for refund of taxes paid by
C. M. Skeels, for mdse and
groceries............................ 77 65 the above named A. Van Zile.
In re Sheriff’s Report of Double
J. A. Lamb & Co., for tools,
and Wrongful Assessments for
plumbing and hardware... 83 66
1902, 1903 and 1904 —
Coquille Mill and Mer. Co.,
Now comes Stephen Gallier,
merchandise and lumber... 103 55
J. 8 . Kanoraatz, for mdse..... 20 30 sheriff and tax collector tor Coos
Z C Strang, for mdse........... 27 65 county, Oregon, and files herein bis
report of double and wrongful ns-
Medley & Rosell, for black-
smithing............................... 27 50 sessments for the years 1902, 1903
and 1904, from which said report
T. H. Mehl k Co., hardware
and nails............................. 4 90 he prays to have credit for the
Dean & Morgan, for meat... 15 81 amounts shown to be double and
J. G. Fish, for lumber............ 8 75 wrongfully assessed in said report.
M. H. Hersey, merchandise.. 49 95 The court after due consideration
W .C . Rose, tobacco.............. 6 00 of said report, having examined and
Geo. A. Bobinson, mdse...... 24 50 approved the same, and on being
satisfied that the same is correct,
Coquille Furniture Co, for
sundries ............................. 23 15 and that the sheriff should have
credit for the amounts mentioned
J. F. Bullock, for one buck
sheep ....................
3 00 in said report;
George W. Stephens, 660
It is therefore ordered that the
fence posts..... ..... .... ... 39 60 said report be and the same is
W. Culin, M. D„ four visits
hereby approved and that the sher­
to the poor farm.. ............. 16 CO iff be allowed to take credit for the
Coquille Valley Packing Co,
amounts set forth in said report.
41 37 In re Road Supervisors’ Reports for
H. H. Hastings, for potatoes 7 30
the Various Road Districts—
F. M. Gervery, for 300 lbs of
The following reports of the road
potatoes, at lc lb ............... 3 00 supervisors of the various roads
Isaac Nichols, labor on farm
within Coos county, Oregon, were
fe n cin g ............................... 65 00 examined by the court and reported
Frank B. Odbert, for salary
as follows:
as superintendent................135 00
C. E. Hausen, supervisor road
It is ordered that the county district No. 2, report examined and
clerk of Coos county, Oregon, draw- approved.
warrants for the above named per­
W. H. Noble, supervisor road
sons for the amounts set opposite district No. 1, report examined and
their respective names, on the approved, allowed $66.91,
county treasurer of Coos county,
C. A. Rodine, supervisor road
district No. 6, report examined and
In re Indigents and Insane—
not approved.
The following bills for the care
H. B. Iugersoll, supervisor road
o f the indigent and insane were ex­ district No. 3, report examined and
amined and approved by the court approved.
and county clerk ordered to draw-
C. T. Smith, supervisor road dis­
warrants on the county treasurer of trict No. 4, report examined and
Coos county, Oregon, in payment of approved.
the same:
F. P. Norton, supervisor road
I. O. O. F. Cemetery, for lots
district No. 5, report examined and
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14,15, 16................ 65 00
J. W. Catching, supervisor road
Chas Sieslreeui, conveying
district No. 10, report examined and
sick patient to hospital..... IQ 00 j approvod.
Win. Jenkins A Hon, supplies
George W, Norris, supervisor
furnished A. C. Hoit and
road district No. 11, report exam­
J W. Clark......................... 69 0o ined and approved.
Stephen Gallier, in re Geo.
S. C. Bunch, supe visor road dis­
Bethel, expenses................. 10 85 trict No. 41, report examined and
E. Mingus, for examining
Philom ath C ollege.
Ed. Herald, Coquille, Oregon,
My Dear Sir: It affords me pleas­
ure to give a word of information
regardidg Philomath College to the
readers-of The Herald.
Philomath College is located in
Philomath, Benton county, Oregon,
five miles west of Corvallis, on the
C. and E. railroad.
The college is under control of
the Oregon conference of
United Brethren in Christ.
college is non-sectarian, though
strictly Christian in its manage­
ment; the highest moral standard
of living is ever held before the
student and vice in every form is
frowned down.
The object of the college is to
place within the reach of every wor­
thy, needy young man or woman
the possibility of a thorough col­
lege education, which will prepare
them for the varied duties of life.
Never, in this great age of general
awakening and reforms, his there
been greater need of men and wo­
men who act upon reason and prin­
ciple of the highest type, thorough­
ly educated men in body, mind and
soul are demanded for every po­
sition of trust and honor.
Philomath College defies compe­
tition in rates, its courses of study-
leading to degrees compare with
the best in the state. By its arti­
cles of incorporation no debt can
he contracted in the name of the
college, she is run within the limits
of her income. Her students are
taught that all labor, both mental
and manual, is honorable and both
are requisite to success in life.
Philomath College has an indus­
trial department under the direc­
tion of the business manager.
Parents intrusting their children
to the care of the college are prom­
ised the personal watch care of the
faculty for their highest welfare.
For catalogues call at the office
of The Herald.
Yours for the highest good,
Instructor in Philomath College.
F o r c e d t o S ta r v e
(lll)I.E H I
m - I X T I 'f l.
' (iiiu d
m ild
n u t E t p r r lr il to la v e F r o m
X so lS i-r, liu t C u r e d
b y C h a m b e r la in * » C u lle, C b o l -
era a u d llla rrh u ea R e m e d y .
O ik - H o u r o
Ruth, the little daughter of E N
Dewey of Agdewville, Va., was
soriousiy ill of cholera infantum
Inst summer,
“ We gave her up
and did not expect her to live from
one hour to another,” he says. “ I
happened to think of Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­
edy and got a bottle of it from the
In five hours I saw a
change for the better. We kept on
giving it and before she had taken
the half of one s m a ll bottle she was
well ” This remedy is for sale by
R S Knowlton.
—■ ■
J. C. Wilson, Machinist, has
moved to the Kerr mill and will do
all machine work there hereafter.
Leave all orders at Kerr’s Store or
in the mill shop.
-------- ----» H><--------------
f l u ) it N ow .
C h e e r l u l l y R e e o in n ie iK le il l o r
R h e iim n llH in
O. G. Iligbee, Danville, Ills,
writes Dec. 2, 1901: “ About two
years ago I was laid up for four
months with rheumatism. I tried
Ballard’s Snow Liniment; one bot­
tle cured me.
I can cheerfully recommend it to
all suffering from like afiliction. 25c
50c and ¿1.00.
For sale by R S
R o ta r y m a ch iu e a n d b a ll
P o rt of Bandon.
m ake it th e
8. 8. Elizabeth arrived July 17th
and sailed July 19th.
Incoming passengers are Miss
Belle Ellingson, Mrs. Capt. llobt. '
Johnson and two children, Miss!
Cora Jackson, Mrs. L. A. Welch,
U. Root, John McKenna, L. M. Ha-
Cargo, 110 tons merchandise.
G e n e r a i O ffieo f .u -P a c ific C ount.
Outgoing passengers, M. C. Wa.
gelius and wife, L. Jensen aud
wife, E. Erickson.
C h a s . A. M c K e l l i p s ,
Outgoing cargo, 250,000 feet of
lumber, 40 cords matchwood, 60
head hoga, 40 tons, butter, cheese,
shingles, handles, wool, etc.
Due again Wednesday, 26th.
l ig h t e s t
b e a r in g
r u im iu g
111 « -
e h m o in th e w o r ld .
Quiet a n d d u r a b le , th e l-oton y
motion d o e s aw a y w ith n o is e s n d
w ear c a u s e d b y
th e
fo r w a r d
an d
b a ck w a rd m o v e m e n t o f th e sh u ttle .
W H E E L E R & W I L S O N MFG. CO.
S a il
F r a tlC Ì S C O ,
C tfl
Agent, Coqu/lle, O regon.
plaintiff, and Ernest W ittick and Mrs.
Beata Wittick are defendants, command­
ing me to make by le w and sale of the
property of the said defondants, the
amount due upon said judgment, to-wit,
the sum o f one hnndred fifty-three dollars,
with interest from May 24th, 1905, at 10 per
cent, per annum, together with twenty
dollars, reasonable attorney’ s fees, and the
costs and disbursements of said action,
amounting to fifteen dollars, and accruing
costs thereunder, I have levied upon and
will, on Friday, the 25th day of August,
1905, at the front door o f the Countv Court
House, in the town of Coquille City, in
said Coos County, State o f Oregon, at
the hour of ten o’clock, a. m ., offer for sale
andsell at public auction all the right, ti­
tle and interest said defendants had on
the 24th day of May, 1905, or may have
since acquired, according to law, to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, all the
following pre mists to-wit: Lot 0 in block
26 as per map of a portion o f the town of
Marshfield. Oregon, prepared by E. B.
Clement and now or file and o f record in
the office of the County Clerk o f said Coos
County. Oregon, which said lot has a front
age of 50 feet on Chestnut street and 84
feet in depth. Also lot 4 and south ten
feet of lot 5. dll in block No. IS. of the
towii of North Bund. Coos County, Ore­
gon, according to the maps and dedication
thereof on tile and o f record in the office of
the County Clerk o f said Cooa County.
Dated nt Coquille City, this 22d day of
July, 1905.
S t e p h e n g a l l i e r ,
Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon.
Any person cutting Timber or
Bark of any description on the lands
of the Southern Oregon Company,
or removing same, or other property
from said lands, without being duly
authorized in writing, will be Pros-
ecutod according to law.
Any person furnishing sufficient
evidence for the recovery of proper­
ty so taken and conviction of the
pnrties concerned, will be given otie-
lia’ f of the property recovered.
S o u th e r n O keoon C o m pa n y
L ie Oregon C oal
0J Standard and Established Goods, where eash Instru­
ment is sold according to its intrinsic ualue.
We sell you a
High Grade, Popular price or Commercial Piono,
at their real ualue.
One Price only on each G-rade
We carry a complete line o f Pianos, Organs, Piano-Players,
dr Nav C o’ s
Talking Machines, Sheet music and Musical Merchandise.
Str* M . F . Plant,
Everything Sold on Easy Payments.
C a p t. N e ls o n , M a s te r ,
\V. R. Haines Music C ov
W ill m ake regular trips between
C oos B ay and
S u c c e s s o r t o th e Chas G rissen and A ia g o M u sic C o.,
S a n F r a n c is c o
Suit in eq-
/-uity for di-
S tan ish F esoo lio , D e f nt. ) vorce.
To Staniah Fenoglio, the above-named de­
In the name o f the State o f Oregon: Yon
are hereby notified that you are required
to appear and answer tlie complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit
within six weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, to-wit:
Within nix weeks from the 26th day of
July, 1905, the same being the date o f the
first publication of this summons.
And if you fail to appear and answer on
or before the 6th day of September, 1905,
the same being the last day of the time
prescribed in the order of publication, the
plaintiff will take judgment against you
and will apply to tne Court for the relief
demanded in her complaint, a suceinot
statement o f which is ns follows: That the
marriage contract existing between plain­
tiff and defendant be dissolved, set aside
and held for naught; that the care and cus­
tody o f the minor children of plaintiff
and defendant be granted to plaintiff; that
plaintiff have judgment against the de­
fendant for her costs and disbursements
in this suit and for such other and further
relief as to the Court may seem meet and
Service o f this summons is made by pub­
lication in pursuance of an order made by
L. Harlocker, as County Judge of Coos
County. Oregon, dated July 25th, 1905, di-
reoting that service of said summons be
made by publication thereof in the Co­
quille Herald, a newspaper published at
Coquille in said county, once each week
for a period of six werks
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Phone, Main 905.
Garfield Annex,
Marshfield, Oregon.
T his Steam er is very steady at sea and
her passenger accom m odations are all
new , clean and sw eet, opening out on
deck and having o n ly two berths in a
room .
V ery
superior Second
Fare, 1st C lass, $10.
BonejKirie, Jr.
2nd Class, $0.
F. S. D O W , A g en t,
W . C. R ose, Agt.,
M arshfield.
C oqu ille.
A beautiful dapple gray and from imported blood weighs
7 700 pounds. Sired by Thoroughbred Stallion Boneparte,
Will make tlio season nt COQUILLE and other points in the valley
Season commences April 15th. For terms address or inquire of
Slingsby Bros., Coquille, Oregon.
D ealer in
Coquille Tonsorial Parlors,
CHAS. M00MAW. Prop.
Front Street. ( ;
Opposite Hotel Coquille,
B icy Ies Sundries, Etc .
Wh eels to Rent. Repairing
Speciality. •
T o W m . .T. M arsh, Trustee, above
named d efen d an t:
l l l l f IJCi-sl In 3 .
In the nam e of the State of Oregon,
With its companions, heart burn, you are hereby required to appear an<l
flatulence, torpidity of the liver, answer the com plaint of plaintiff filed
constipation, palpation of the heart, against you in said Court and Cause, on
poor blood, headache and other or liefore the 24th day of August. 1905,
nervous symptoms, sallow skin, being the date prescribe»! by the court
the order for publication o f sum m ons
foul tongue, offeniive breath and a in
for yon to appear and answ er said com ­
legion o f other ailments, is at once plaint and if yon fail to appear and
the most widespread and destruc­ answer said com plaint on or liefore said
tive malady among the American date, for want thereof, the plaintiff will
to the court for the relief dem and­
The Herbine treatment apply
ed in his com plaint, which is that
will cure all these troubles. 50c plaintiff be decreed to lie the ¡owner
bottle. For sale by R. S. Knowl­ in fee sim ple o f the northw est l 4 of sec­
tion 24 in T ow nship 29, South of range
9 W est o f the W illam ette M eridian, in
Coos county, Oregon, and that defend­
ant has no estate, interest o r claim , or
any title whatever to said described
Notice w hereby givra that the undersigned, prem ises, and that plaintiff’s title be de­
clared good ami valid thereto, anil for
by order of the t’ounty Court for ('« hib county,
Oregon, ha* been duly appointed Administra­ his costs and disbursem ents.
Tli*** summons is puhlisheil once a
tor of the K b tate of K. I*. Wilson, deceased,
week for at h-a-t six successive weeks in 1
and that all )»ereons having claim» against the Coquille llm ld , a weekly news-
said estate are hereby required to present the p:*|KT puhlii'ie' ill Coqlille, COOS
same, duly verified, to the undersigned, at my r unity, Oregon, bv order of Hon. I,.
intc Jndre of Cone Coun­
office in the City of Co-mille, Coo» county, Mari -
Oregon, within s»x month« from the date ol ty, t.> eg in, i■. ele on the 10th day of
July. 1 “I*. Tli '¡*«t publication o f this
this notice.
summons a on the 12.1» day of Julv,
Pated this ; rd day of July, 110ft.
1005. and li e last will b o o n the 23:d
A. J. Sherwotwl,
dav of August. 1905.
Administrator of the
Dated tins 10th day of J u lv, 1905,
Kstat* of K. L . Wil
.1. A. HITCH \NAN.
»or, dect a ed.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
..»■ 1
One-Third Easier
One-Third Faster
A one-fourth interest in the
equipment of the Coquille Steam­
Garrett SI. H ill,
boat Co., consisting of the steamers
ria iu tiff,
Dispatch and Favorite, and three
Inquire of Capt. T. D.
Defendant. I
White, linndnn.
Turn Times tlis Value of
any Olher.
m id
Now is the time to buy Cham­
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­
rhoea Remedy. It is certain to be
U a s c b n ll P la y e r s a m i F o o t ra ce r s
needed sooner or later and when
Louis J. Kruger, ex-champion
that time comes you will need it
badly—you will need it quickly. long distance foot racer ofGermany
Buy it now. It may save life. For and Holland, writes, Oct. 27, 1901; A private Hospital well equipped for the treat­
“ During my training of eight
sale by R S Knowlton.
ment of su rgica l and medical diseases.
weeks’foot races at Salt Lake City,
in April last,I used Ballard’s Snow
Trained N urses in Attendance.
Liniment to nay greatest satisfac­
Notice is hereby given, that under and by
virtue of an execution, duly issued out of tion.
and nnder the seal of the County Court of
Therefore, I highly recommend
the State of Oregon for Coos County, to
For Information Address
W m . Horsfall, M. D.,
me directed and delivered, dated the 22nd Snow Liniment to all who are trou-
day of July, 1905, upon a judgment duly Dled with sprains, bruises or rbeu-
rendered in a cause in said court, on the natism.” 25c, 50c and $1.00. For
Phone 631.
Marshfield, Oregon
24th day of May, 1905, wherein McPher-
son-Ginser Co., a private corporation, is sale by R. S. Knowlton.
A lma F emoglio , Plaintiff
Mrs. Dr. Kelly arrived here Mon­
day from Portland, where she and
the Dr. had taken in the fair. The
Dr. proceeded on homeward from
the bar, while she called by River­
ton for the children, who were vis­
iting their granparents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Lee.
N to m m -b T r o u b l e
C o u » tl| iu tlo n .
“ Chamberlain’s Stomach and
Liver Tablets have done me a
great deal of good,” says C Towns,
of Rat Portage, Ontario, Cannda.
“ Being a mild physic the after |
effects are not unpleasant, and I
can reccommend them to all who
suffer from stomach disorder.” For
sale by R S Knowlton.
B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky, says:
“ For twenty years I suffered
agonies, with a sore on my upper
lip, so painful, sometimes, that I
could noteat- After vainly trying
everything else, I cured it with
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.” Its great
for burns, cuts and wounds.
R. S. Knowlton’s drug store; Only
Berdie Wyer, of Prosper, was up
last week several times for the pur­
pose of having an arm looked after
which he had the misfortune to get
fractured by being thrown from a
lo r
0PG0I m
PPT 09 S'/iLE.^
S t - ' -rc C c -tó » = 5 3 -,'i.
Alfred Johnson,
Flooring, Rustic and all kinds o f Finishings and Mouldings
Constantly on hand.
>i Deliveries made promptly by either water or rail.
W e have all Grades and Prices Accordingly.
C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N