\ . f j / V i \ss v - * ' 1 * t G {Eoqttiüe lierais No. V ol . 2 2 : COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2(>, 1905. 02 Entered as Hecoml-class matter May 8, 1905, at the poatoftice at Coquille, Oregon, under act of Congress of March 3 ,1 8 7 9 . W alter Culin, M. D. P hysician and S urgeon C oquille C it y , O re . Kronenhcrtf BM r . Next Door to P. 0 . - ÜBKOON. I J, 0. Z/ET MO RE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office at Residence of J. A. Collier. Phone 111. T A. J. Sherwood, A ttobnky at -L aw , N otary P ublic , : : Oregon W alter Sinclair, A ttorney - at - L aw , N otary P u b l ic , Coquille, : : Oregon. /. Hacher, A bstracter of T itles . C oquille C it y , O re H a ll & H all, A ttorneys - at - L aw , Dealer in R eal E state o f all kinds. Marshfield, Oregon. I Ellsworth B. Hall, A ttorn ey-at-L w , C oquille , : : ’■ O regon . Collections and Insurance. E. D. Sperry. W . C. Chase. SPERRY & CHASE, Attorney s-at-Law. Olfioo in Robinson Building, Coquille, - - - Oregon. E. G. D. Holden, L aw yer , City Recorder, U. H. Commissioner, Gen­ eral Insaranoo Agent, and Notary Fablio. Ofiles in Robin­ son Ruilding. Coquille, Oregon. A. F. Klrshman, D e n t ist . Office two doors South of Post oifioe. Coquille . - . Oregon. COQUILLE RIVER STEAM BOAT CO S tr . D I S P A T C H Tom White, Master, Leaves I Arrives B an don....... 7 a - m . j Coquille 10 a - m . Coquille....... 1 p - m . | B andon 4 p - m . Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield an d steamer E j I io for Myrtle Point. S tr. F A V O R I T E J. C. Moomaw. Master, Leayes | Arrives Coquille....... 7 A-M. I Bandon. .10:45 a - m . Bandon......... 1 P-M. | Coquille . 4:45 p - m . S tr . E C H O H. Jams. Master, Leaves | Arrives M yrtleP oin t.. .7 A-M. | oquille C’y 9 30 a - m . Coquille C ity .. .1 p - m . | Myrtle P t . . 4 00 p - m . Daily except Sunday. S tr . W E L C O M E W . R. Punter, Master. Leave* I The Land o f F low ers and Sunshine and ShoJpers. 'B lizzards. ¿Million . . . . No C yclones, No Room fo r H alf a . . S a fe Invest­ P eople. ments fo r Capital, Large or Small. # * » / its a » » » » » » » » « » » » » » «* Attorney a-at-Law, Real Estate, Collections. Specialties—Criminal and U. S. Land Cases, Notaries Public. Coquille, COOS COUNTY OREGON Telephone 3. Stanley & Burns, COQUILLH, yU M ee eM eeew M e e t e e e e t e fa M M ii i i M M e M H M W i • • • Arrive. Myrtle P..int D30 p-y. I ( 'oquilleC'v lOOr-x. Oiquille City 7:00 a -« . I Myrtle P-t 10:00 a - m . Connecta with lnwer-river boat« at Coquille City for bandon anil intermediato point.. Ample barges for handling freight. Sewing Machine Repairing. David Fulton, of this city, is an expert cleaner and repairer, and anyone in need of his services will do well to call at his residence or drop him a card. Coos County is situated on the Pacific ocean in Southwestern Ore­ gon, bounded by a coast line of fif­ ty miles on the west and by Curry county on the south and by Douglas county on the oast and north. It has an area of about 1150 square miles. The principal harbor on the coast oiC oos county is Coos Bay; but lighter draught vessels en­ ter the Coquille river. The United States government has expended about $800,000 on the improvement of the Coos bay bar and about 250,- 000 at the mouth of the Coquille river, which, with the recent appro­ priation of $55,000 to be expended on the bar and river this year, it is thought will insure a good channel of not less than fifteen feet of w ater on the bar at low tide, and will thus enable light draught coast­ ing schooners to navigate the river as far up as the City of Coquille, the county seat. Coos Bay is, next to the Columbia, the most important and best harbor along the Oregon coast, and it is estimated that an additional expen­ diture of $250,000 will insure a bar channel 1500 feet wide and 30 feet deep. 5 coal mines in operation, 3 ship yards, beautiful scenery, the finest in the world, fresh water lakes and waterfalls, 20,000 acres of rich bottom land to be reclaimed, the balance of trade always in her favor, nearly every product that it consumes, great gold belt through the southern end, fine country for hunting and fishing, great diversity of garden products, roses blooming in January, room for half a million people, the most equable climate in the United States, 2 furniture and box factories, 1 sash and door fac­ tory, 5 shingle mills, 3 iron foun­ dries; 9 newspapers, one daily, 2 woolen mills, 1 brick yard and plant; some 200 steam and gasoline beats and crafts of various kinds. The 26 post offices are as follows, of which the first ten are money order offices and the first three are inter­ national, to-wit: Marshfield, Co­ quille, Myrtle Point, Alleganey, Arago, Bandon, Bullards, Empire, North Bend Templeton, Bancroft, Bridge, Dora, Etelka, Fairview, Gravel Ford, Lee, McKinley, Max­ well, Norway, Parkersburg, Pros­ per, Remote, Rural, Sitkum and Sumner. beautifully grained and susceptible to a very fine polish. It wears smooth and does not splinter, and is, therefore, used in ship building for windlass stocks, bits, chocks jaws, chats, fender mils, etc. The most available timber re­ sources of the county are n o r con­ fined to the Coquille valley. The large mills of Coos bay having prac­ tically exhausted the most easily available timber on the streams put­ ting into tho bay, are now beginn­ ing to draw their supply of logs from tho Coquille river, which will amount to many millions of feet per year. MINES, MINERALS AND STONE. S I .50 P er Y e a r est resources. Coos county fruit has established a reputation for it­ self in San Francisco, where most of our products are shipped. That our fruit should command the high­ est prices in the San Francisco mar­ ket in competition with the fruit of the state of California, about which so much has been said and written, speaks volumes for its excellence. The annual production is yet small and consists principally of apples, pears, plums, prunes and cherries. Tho low rolling hills and benches are found to be ideal fruit land and at no distant day we expect to see the rolling bills and benches, which are now used almost entirely for grazing, covered with fruit trees and supporting a large number of happy and prosperous fruit grow­ l. H. HAZARD, C llh le r R. E. SHINE, Vic« Prat A. J. SHERWOOD, P r ti. ers. The small fruits and berries now grow in abundance,many varie­ ties growing wild in the woods. The area suitable for horticulture is large, the soil and climate are here in no unmistakable terms, and all op COgUUiLiH, O R E G O N . that is now wanted is the horticul­ turist. T r a n s a c t s a G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s Another important branch of horticulture which promises to be­ C o rrespon den ts. Board o f D ire c to rs . come a great industry in Coos National Bank of Commerce, New York City A . J. Sherwood, county is the raising of cranberries. R. O. Doraeufc, Crocker Woolworth N ’l Bank, »San Francisco L. Harlocker, L. H. Hazard, Though the amount of land now Isaiah Hacker, R. E. Shiue. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or. devoted to the culture of these ber­ ries is small, it is sufficient to thor­ oughly demonstrate the adaptability of the sand-hill swales, where wild cranberries grow in abundance, to the culture of these berries. This land can be purchased at a very low price. One grow­ er, Mr. C. D. McFarlin, shipped A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical over three thousand bushels of cran­ and obstetrical cases. Equipment new and modern berries in 1902 from a very few in every particular. Rates from acres. V nowlton’s Drug Store P Besides a com plete stock |j oi Drugs and Druggist’s S un- 1 | | dries carries Kodaks and Sup- | plies, Phyrography outfits and ifl Supplies. Four hundred and fifty square miles of Coos county’s area is un­ derlaid with a superior quality of lignite coal. Only about two square miles haye been mined. In many places three and four strata, from three to six feet thick, overlay each other. There are two largo mines in extensive operation, but several others are in progress of develop­ ment. In 18G5-6 a boulder was found weighing about two huudred pounds which yielded about $2700 in gold. In 1896 a surface pocket yielded over $2000, and several finds of less value have since been made. Pros­ pecting is difficult, owing to the dense growth of timber and brush. Ledges have been discovered assay­ ing from $4 to 8750 per ton, but every one is looking for the source of the rich boulders. There is much base ore, and specimens of nearly pure copper have been found in the streams, and platinum has been found in considerable quanti­ ties in the beach placers. I FISHINO. There are probably fifty or seventy- five small placers being operated in Salmon fishing is one of Coos Coos and Curry counties. High county’s very important industries. Including room, board, general nursing and drugs. bars have been found which pros­ Coos bay and the Coquille river pect very rich, but owing to the have an excellent run of chinook, considerable amount of expense silverside and steelhend salmon of necessary to get water to them they excellent quality; and the govern­ have not as yet been mined. North ment hatcheries, which have been and south of the mouth of the Co­ established on South Coos river and quille river are beach mines; two tho Coquille river insure the con­ miles back from the present coast tinuance of good runs, and the formation is an old beach formation preservation of that kind and class which is very rich in fine gold and of fish. There are at present four has yielded considerable wealth. canneries and two cold storage The beach deposits, when first dis­ plants handling these fish in their S u ccessor to W H. Mansell. covered, W6re immensely rich. They seasons. Large quantities of steel were discovered in 1852 and have heads are shipped to Coos bay been worked about every year since,' from the Umpqua and Rogue riyere W IL L M E E T A L L B O A T S A N D T R A I N S . being replenished by the action o f ' and packed at the Coos bay cold the surf panning out the slides J storage plant at Marshfield. Clam All orders handled with carefulness and expedience. from the bluffs. J and crab fishing promise to become hop b a is in o . ' each quite au industry on the lower A new industry that is attracting Coquille and Coos bay. much attention is hop raising. J. citif . s and towns . B. Moomaw of Arago planteu about On *be Coquille river, there are nine acres two years ago as an ex- Bandon, at its mouth, with a popu- périment, and the second year har­ lation of energetic and up-to-date vested 12.G67 pounds, which sold business men who spare no pains to and were rated in the market as old build up their town on a substan­ hops, bringing 29 cents. Mr. Moo­ tial basis. They have a woolen mill, maw has put out 40,000 plants and broom-handle factory, match facto­ others in the neighborhood will put ry, iron foundry and machine shops, two saw mills, two shingle mills, out large tracts next season. P H O N E 116 U. S. government light house, life­ d a ir y in g an d stock raising . The mild climate of this region, saving station, a bank duly incor­ the abundant rainfall and the unsur­ porated under the laws of the state passed richness of the soil, make of Oregon, two regular ocean-going Coos county especially adapted to vessels to San Francisco, a gravity RO PH IETOH dairying and stockraising. There water system, public schools, church­ are seventeen public creameries in es and societies, is one of tho most Coos county and all are doing a famous and favored summer resorts Reasonable Rates profitable business. This industry on tho coast, its beaches being scen­ Experienced Help which has been one of the chief, ic and adopted to bathing and the Special Rates to Families and Hotels will greatly expand os the country usual sports and amusements of is settled up; as there is only about such places aDd is the distributing one-twentieth of the county that point for and headquarters for We make our own soap and know its ingredients. No injurious chemicals used. Our baskets will be left at all the principal points on tho river. has been reduced to cultivation. On freight and storage for all of north­ Goods called for and delivered in Conullle City. the tide and marsh lands tho grass ern Curry county, having large grows luxuriantly the year around, warehouses built expressly for this so that stotk usually need no purpose. Coquille, the county seal of Coos other feed. From milch cows the best results are sometimes obtained county, is situated on the Coquille by light feeding during certain sea­ river aliout 26 milos from its mouth sons of the year, but stock cattle on and 16 miles “ as the crow flies” from the ranges seldom, if ever, require the ocean; has a population of COOS COUNTY wants : More people, terminus of trans­ The tributaries of Coos bay are North, South, Willanche, PoDy, Coal continental railoada; coast railroad Bank, Isthmus and Catching from San Francisco to Portland; sloughs, or inlets, and Coos river, electric road fram Eugene to Coos all of which are navigable and are bay and other points; railroad ex­ important waterways leading into tended from Myrtle Point to Rose- burg; a banking warehouse; trust the main bay. The Coquille river has also sever­ company to loan money on real es­ al important tributaries, mainly the tate; building and loan association; North, South, East and Middle forks wooden-ware factory; pulp mills; besides many creeks and sloughs of and the opening up of her vast coal more or less importance. All of the mines. above streams drain a vast area of Coos county will be famed as a the finest and most productive bot­ summer resort. Its beaches are al­ tom lands to be found anywhere in ready celebrated far and wide. the world. They are Bandon beach; Sunset bay; The climate of Coos county is di­ Big Creek bay; and South bay. One rectly under the influence of the can bathe in the surf at these resorts Japan current and is exceedingly or indulge in the sport of deep sea equable. Flowers bloom out of fishing. The Seven Devils country, doors the year round and the grass southof Cape Arago light house fur­ is always green. Observations nish some most picturesque scen­ during a period of fourteen years, ery. Ideal camping grounds can be show that the greatest snowfall at found on any of the many beautiful any one time was one and one- streams and lakes that go to make Coos county’s waterways. fourth inches and that dur- up ng eiight of these fourteen North of Coos bay, in what is known years absolutely no bnow fell as the sand hills, is the hunting in the valley regions of the ground for wild geese and ducks county. The thermometer here which collect in large numbers seldom registers below the freezing i around the numerous fresh water point, and the maximum heat is gen- lakes that nestle among the sand orally below 80 degrees Fahrenheit, hills. It is proverbial that the peo- The United States observatory at pie o f Oregon take life easy. Here Bandon at the mouth of the Coquille nature requires but a modicum of river, has the most equitable temper- effort to gain a livelihood. Oregon aturo of anp of the observation sta- is the greatest berry country in the tions in the United States, as Bhown west. Nearly all the domesticated by the civil service reports: The berries of the Eastern states grow temperature in January rauges from wild in tho woods of Coos county 49 to 70 degrees. The moan tem- — strawberries, raspberries, dewber- perature for the year is about 52.2 | ries, thimbleberries. salal berrios, degrees. The difference between logan berries salmon berries blue- the three summer and the three berries, blackberries and huckle- winter months is about 11 degrees, j berries. Therefore one can go out The average yearly rainfall is about in the woods and get his living with 44 inches. The prevailing wind in little more than his rod and gun. the summer is northwest and in the The summer is the dry season and winter from the southwest, both the conditions make life for several pure and healthful winds coming months ideal. timber and lumber products . direct from the Pacifie ocean. Twenty-seven billion feet is the There are no sudden changes in the temperature. Blizzards and cy­ estimate of the merchantable timber clones are unknown here. There j in Coos county. The timber growth is no malaria, no hot summers nor ( consists of fir (Oregon pine) of hard winters. Ripe strawberries three species, red, yellow and white; are picked from the vines at Christ- red and white cedar; spruce, hem- mas time. Potatoes and other vege- lock, yew, myrtle, maple, asb, white tables are planted in February, and J and live oak, alder, dogwood, ma- feed. Butter and cheese of the best drone, chittim and numerous small­ quality are made here and And a grow, too. market at good prices. In a pamphlet of this character, er growths, principally crabapple ready briefness is imperative in discussing and willow. The relative percent­ One dairyman receives an annual every topic; so in the following age of the timber is approximately income of from $1600 to $180) from The dairymen list are given the most important as follows: Fir 75 per cent; spruce thirty-one cows. resources, the products and the in­ 10, and hardwood 5 per cent. The and stockmen all being prosperous dustries; but only the most impor­ white cedar is valuable wood for is perhaps, the best argument that tant are named. Coos county has finishing purposes and for ship can be used to those wishing to en- 475 miles of wagon roads, 77 school building. It is exclusively used on gage in either of these industries. HORTIC7LTTBE districts, 26 postoffices, 31 road this coast for the manufacture of No section of the Pacific coast is matches. The main body is found districts, 29 voting precincts, 3000 voters, 15,000 people, 17 creameries only in Coos, Curry, Douglas and a better adapted to general horticul- F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K M ARSH FIELD General Hospital $$15 to $$30 per week Miss S- C. Lakeman, Matron. Marshfield, Oregon. Claude F ox, Greiaeral Drayman Agent for the b est Coos C ounty Coal. C o q u il l e Steam Laundry S. li. NOSLER, Best o f W ork Monuments and Headstones about lr>00, a courthouse that does credit to tho county, a public school building that is the pride of every Coquiller, containing 8 rooms, new and nearly all paid for, an academy building owned by private individ­ uals, furniture and box factory, large sawmill, coal mines, three creameries, two newspapers and is wcl1 supplied with various mercan- tile establishments, ¡slighted by elec- tricitr *D(1 one of the b« " ‘ water For Sale. systems in the state, which ia owned It is near A good home in this city, on and cheese factories, 4 salmon can­ portion of Josephine counties. The turo than Coos county. Tho fruit in- ftn‘1 ° l » n M ,*? ‘ he C,_ * ; center of the dustry although yet in its infancy is t* le * ca easy terms: neries, 14 sawmills, 27 billion feet myrtle is a fine grained wood used Enquire at this office. (Concluded on page 4). of timber, 450 square miles of coal in the manufacture of furniture, is destined to become one of our great-1 We guarantee better work at lower prices than can be had else­ where. Do not order Monumental work until you have called upon or written us for prices. COOS CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Telephone, Mnin 288. Stewart & White Props. Mar™hH.?dSo t.. DAVID FTLTON, Local Agent, Coquille, Oregon,