Coquille tyerald. D F- DEAN, EDirOR AND PROPRIETOR County Official Paper. PUBLISHED KVEKY W E D N E SD A Y . D evoted to ib e lusteriel and aooial nu- botldlbü o f the C oquille V alley varttonlarly end o f Oooe Uonutv general]> . 4nbaerli>tion, per rear, in adv v anee, fl.A O Church Directory- C wbistiah C hoboh . — Pleaching every 8nnday at U a. iu . and 7:30 p. m. Sunday eehool at 10 a. ra. Cbriatian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednae- dav evening at 7:30. All oordially invited. Eplaoopal Chnroh.—Epiaoopal eervioee will be held at St. Jainea ohorch, Coqnille C ity tbe third Sunday In eaoh month. Sunday school at 10 a. in. eaoh annday. W m . Horaefall. Paator. M . E .CJhuroh, South: Preaching eaoh and e v e n B n n d a ya atll a. m. and 7:30 p. a . Snnday-eohool every Sunday at 10 o’olook. Senior Epworth League at R:30, p. m. Junior League at 3:30,p .m . Prayermeet­ ing Thuraday evening at 7:80. H . <1. Branham, paator. Jdethodlat Epiaoopal chnroh.—Bervioe the Aral and third Sunday in eaob month Preaching at 11 o’ olook a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday eohool at 10 o’olook a. m. Ep­ worth League at 6:90 p. m. J . L . B eatty , Pastor. The W. O. T. D. meeta every let and 3rd Eridav at » p. m. at the Cbriatian aburoh. H b v b m t ii D ay ApvainiaT Cmjacn—Sab­ bath i seventh day) aervioeei Sabbath mhool 10 a. m., Bible study 11 a. m .. prayer meeting Tuesday evening 9 p.m ., young people's meeting Friday, 8 p- m. All are invited to attend these meetings. C. H . BUNCH. Elder. I t may l e true that Secretary David Starr Jordan sayB there is Mayor Weavor is demonstrating that he knows how to fight a ma­ no graft in Japan. A n d still they Morton will denote that Equitable We, your committee appointed to chine by ateadil.v lopping off the say Japan is not a Chi i : i n nation. I surplus to co n stru ctin g M r. T o m draft resolutions of oondolence to heads of the machine officials. . . . , It rut.'s little interurbau subway. Spam seem s t<* huvs no u im cu ltj our noighbor, Mrs. Joeie Parrott in in taking E n gla n d by storm when E olin vs, V oiles and M ohair s t the loss of her father, do hereby Tbe public may ba thankful she d o e s n o t eouie arm ed with un j M u . P irrutt's. Just the th in g fo r submit the following: that Secretary Morton ia not to re­ Yrmada. sum m er dresses._____________________ Whereas, It baa pleased the turn to railroading. He has en­ I Supreme Ruler to call from a neigh­ joyed too good an opportunity to bor a loving father. Therefore be learn how inefficient the Internante T H E : m : -A -1ST it. Commerce Commission really ia. Resolved, That the neighbors of W h o tied the c o w 's tail to his le g in th e p r o c e s s o f m ilk W ahtkd . — 10 men iu each state to in g ; said she h ad n ot d r a g g e d him o v e r tw o m ile s b e f o r Erening Tide Cirole, No. 214, Wom­ be realized he had m ade a m ista k e. en of Woodcraft, extend to our travel, tack signs and distribute neighbor, Josie Perrott, our sympa­ samples and circulars of our goods. H o -w 2v£-ucla H’artli.ex thy in this her sad bereavement, al­ Salary $75.00 per month. $3.00 per day for expenses. Kuhlman Co. so be it further, M ust you be d r a g g d b e fo r e y o u rou lize y o u are m a k in g a m istake in n ot u siu g E le c t r ic L ig h t s . Resolved, That a copy o f these Dept Atlas Building, Chicago. ---------- resolutions be sent to our bereaved neighbor, also to eaoh the H erald Dairy Farm for Sale. ■ and Recall for publication. A fine dairy farm containing 70 Julia C. Hayes, acres of bottom land 23 acres of hill Mary A. Pierce, land, and adjoaning the town of j Eva S. Krewson, D E A L E R IN Myrtle Point, Coos county, O regon ,' Committee. and i mile from creamery. Forty- Coquille, Oregon, June 26, 1905. five acres of bottom land improved and in good state of cultivation; 5 C e n t e n n ia l R o t e s . A CHOICE LIN E OF acres slashed, burned and newly A substation of the Portland seeded; hill land is all good for pas­ poatoffice baa been established on ture; 3 acres of orchard in good the grounds of the Lewis and Clark eari bngcondition and different var­ Exposition, near the main entrance ieties of fruit. House, barn and for the accommodation of visitors other buildings. While we have a at the Fair. The station is equipped number of other dairy farms for Prices the 1oui est completely, and visitors may receive sale, yet this ia one of the best bar­ Everything found in a first-class Grocery. their mail there, purchase money gains, as the location ia all that consistent with good goods. orders and stamps, and mail letters. could ba desired, being near town, FRONT ST. COQUILLE Early visitors at tbe Lewis and school and creamery. This is cer­ Clark Fair have been surprised to tainly a bargain for some progres­ ÖZSZSZSZSSZSZÖSZffiSZ^^ find that the hotel bl -1 boarding­ sive dairyman. Price $7,500. R e s o lu tio n s o f C o n d o le n c e . B r o w n ie Drane’s Store, A wonderfully capable and accurate camera built on the Kodak plan. Good enough to satisfy experienced photographers, yet so simple that children can use it. Fancy and Staple Groceries. ¡Syrup, Tobacco, Cigars, etc. We carry a full line of PICTURES 2'A x 3'A inches. TTlcrui* a n d F e e d . Are you attending the meetings at the little church? County Commissioner Spires vis­ ited the bay last week. Dan Miller, of Dora, made our office a pleasant business call on house keepers are ig very Wednesday. reasonable rates for F...r visitors. J. D. Stewart, of Bandon. made The chargea in moat eases are but the bay • visit last week, returning little above those ordinarly in effect. on Thursday, Portland is unusually well supplied L. B. Fetter, of Remote, made with restaurants, and the prices for the county seat a business visit one food have not gone up at all. A careful estimate made by a day last week. Portland florist places the number Bee hives of good pattern and put up in worKraan-like manner at of roses now in bloom in Portland the Coqnille Furniture Faotory. 10,000,000- while other estimates Parties wishing the best of pas­ are twice as high. The Lewis and ture for stock will do well to inquire Clark Exposition grounds are deck­ ed with the fragrant blossoma whieh of W . A. Goodman, Coquille, Or. The gasoline sohooner Berwick, are found everywhere in great pro­ which took on a cargo of coal at fusion. The magnificence of Port­ Riverton for Rogue river, sailed land roses has bean a source of astonishment to oarly visitors from Wednesday morning. J, C. WbittiDgton, o f the South tbe East. T h e H erald o f E ureka. C a l . will Fork, came down Wednesday and continued his trip to the bay, re- send a party o f five to the Lew is and Clark E xp osition in A u gust, turning the day following. wan paying all the expenses o f the party for a period o f ten days. T h ose ov e r this way last T u esda y look in g who w ill e n jo y the gen erosity of after his interests in the cou n ty seat. the H erald w ill be the m ost p op u ­ H e is a n ticip atin g som e im p rov e­ lar postal em p loyee in the cou n ty the ments. teacher w ho receives the most votes, Dsvid Fulton, of this city, will take ami the moat p op u la r lod g e m em oer. orders for head siones, monuments and all kinds of cemetery work for the Coos V aluable prizes are offered also for County Marbis and Granite Works, of those w h o stand secon d in the con Marshfield. test. John G old en , o f M arshfield, R o bests & C arter , Myrtle Point Oregon. W a n te d —T rustw orthy man or woman to manage business in this county snd adjoining territory for well established house of solid financial standing. $20.00 straight cash salary with all necessary ex­ penses paid weekly by check from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses. Position permenent: previous experience not essential. No investment required. We furn­ ished everything. Enclose self ad­ dressed envelope. Address, Mana­ ger, 810 Como Block, Chicago, ILL 12t-10 further information call on or address E. M. Furman, the Piano Man, Marsh- fiald. Or., or at this office. Notice W. T Buff Plymouth Rock ® I ^ T I is New and 8 jie e d y .jp ® S tr. E liz a b e th C. F Jensen M aster. W ill make regular trips between Coquille River and San Francisco. Dr. Gibbon All the Fu ll d escrip tio n in K o d a k C a ta lo g F R E E at any p h o to g r a p h ic d ea lers o r b y m ail, EASTMAN KODAK CO., Rochester, N. Y. E. D. S perry , Vioe-President Secretary. O. C- S anford , Cor. Secretary Correspondence solicited from all wishing locations for ROSEBURG-M YR i LE POINT- ÍAGE LINE Industries of any kind. B. FENTON Prop Fruit Paper Free o r r . pfmr*»*a o n tha tara, r o f h*. e*p<»ti«iptH4t. etr ■»r. «*<*»*•«• rrartlca.1 tn «an F r a n e r ò •• *a araa n d Iknaa IrmiKlrvI i » c . i M n o ! fall ta com m it htm and raoafaa tha banali t n f b « fr a n i »h HI and •* {'•rtooça. T fcartortorrn raa w h a n n th aratn h . T tJ f a a r a a i a a d . l‘ e r % .r , r*>rad at J -.y r h u o r a h i * r » H or wrria I t r J F . • I M a a .M 9 K * a r a $ t l r a a r ls r o « «1 Sdclle Horse» of best quality always on hand. Good Rigs in re* <1 i nes for special trip». In fart, a geeneral Stage nod Livery B umim k * -4.ceoa»'ionfttioi « for T fcvelin*. p e n s fit fir If;* L-*avf C oq u ille at 6 ft. in., arriving at R o s '-U irg at 10 p m. Every farmer raises some fruit. All could raise more and better fruit and make more money from it if they read a first-class fruit paper like Published at St. Joseph, Mich, in the heart of the famous Michigan Fruit Belt. A large, beautifully printed Monthly, ably edited, full of the latest and best methods of cultivating, handling and marketing large and small fruits. H T I D T I I C I A f t to any fanner or fruit grower to W U K 1 1 1 i p l U U have this paper for this next year. The Spraying Calendar is invaluable. We will give this paper absolutely free fo r one year to any new or old subscriber who pays arrearage and one year in advance. Cut out this advertisement and send or bnng it in at once. This offer may be w ithdraw n without notice. 1 - y 3 and BOX FACTORY J- G~ P is h MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes Cabinets, Tables, Counters, store Fronts, ete. Turning Work n Specialty. All Orders given prompt Attention. JOB W O R K The Finest to be had in The Whole Thin# in an Egg Shell to Get Eggs ■ m SS3S8SS? I would respectfully announce to the citizens of Coquille that I have opened a shop on Front street, next j to the bicycle store, for repairing j shoes. All work entrusted to me | will be promptly and neatly doDe fej at reasonable prices. I also keep ($■] leather and shoe findings for sale. {83 R. W. OsBorxE. | f5i 200 $5. 0« i Shoes Repaired. H ow Fare i The National Fruit Grower D e Laney s N e w N ov el. his home at Shelton, Washington, N o S to p -o v e r at W a y P orte. June ’l ist, while coupliag lo g g in g NOTICE. care, his heed being crushed by the Electric Lights. Everything in First- R. C. Lee, who has been in the Class Style. ends of the logs. The cars had employ of the W. R. Haines Music been loaded by an inexperienced Company the past few months, is thè Unfort rinate. hand. no longer connected with the con­ Garry Burton Bunnell was born cern, and is not authorized to make | T h l» Old reU ahl« OBd tbe in Coos county, Oregon, March 19, » ( « I e o m e f u l Sp*oiaJ- any collections or solicit for the hrt In Han PrBoctnro.iitill 1886, snd was therefore 19 years, coatfnnas to c n r * »11 makes o f anv piano ir instruments » « « ■ • I niid f t e a l a a l ■ > !• * • « # * . $ u ch M three months and two days old . I U o n n r r k ir t , «Ifp f carried by the \V. R Haines Music • i r l H u r p , ft v p M H a He will lie remembered by many o f I b a ll Ila formi*, » k l« Company IM D e ria n « our young people as a boy whose D a M I tlw . I n ip n ir n (S ig n e d ) W . R . H a i n e s .- r .» * m l « « l W r a k < every acquaintance was his friend. « « • • a n d U n n f «s*as th è conwpqa voca The fsmilv have the heartfelt aym. j o f «ait * h "* $ a n.' Fsraaaaa pr-s ■’»•’ f U>a » » m p i u i r * ; « ü 'o w eom>- For Sale *•” •***•• rtar* «fw ta andar lh a a ra *, pain in tha pathy of all. His mother died on lv b*ad , rln g 'n f t q tha aan*. \ o m o f con fiti* * * * , dtfll One# horse power steam engine: one da n ca la w ie o a e b t n f « fra n c* !* . paîr'iatfc n .>f thr three months ago. #00 gallon cheese vat; one curd sink; lh * h B) ha a n <1 h«A'lt. IcwMi-f m m i cheese hoops and press screws. ilsos , L, H. H azard , Treasurer. J, R. Stillwell, W asted .— A furnished house by above are about as good as new. but will be wild very cheap. man and wife, no children. Enquire NOSI-KR A LYONS. at this office Coquille. Oregon. K err , President. V. R. W ‘The Sheepherder’ Notice is hereby given that my wife, Martha Brewer, has left her bed and Prop board and refuses to return thereto, and the public ia hereby warned against BAND0N, OREGON. trusting her upon my credit, and that Thoughbred cockerels from $1 up I will not l™a. u ,- Ji-r I »-j; * M‘«v t i f i c i «w: -r jmJ «3 f. r . vprrtarapchaadfTWr*-$w: - ■ i . «SUn.hw.eWv, |f| ALL COUNTB, r> . ht»-t I tim .rm tk< H-iq u i Sn-tic. lid n W i. inw tu us* al •s» X U U l -»t. „ p M W S W.SHINOTO», D C. C. O. DRYDEN, IN CONN ECTIO N W I T H H E R A L D . ■Pi*! mm I