Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 05, 1905, Image 3

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    LO C A L N E W S .
See those baby bonnets at Mrs. Per-!
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mitchell are
Baseball Schedule.
ott’ s.
living in town again.
The steamer Elizabeth sailed on
at coquille :
Mr. and Mrs. R. W . Lundy, of
School Superintendent Bunch, of
Wednesday evening.
Myrtle Point, returned from the May 21— Bandon vs Coquille. C o.
McKinley, is in town today.
quille, 2; Bandon, 1.
Ladies Tan aud Black Ties selling I fair Monday.
June 4— North Bend vs Coquille.
Albert Sneed, of Parkersburg, ut cost ut Robinson’s store.
I Uev. C. D. Price, of Bancroft,
North Beud, 6; Coquille, 2.
bad business in town Saturday.
Lace Curtins 65 cents per pair was in town Friday greeting friends. June 25— Marshfield vs Coquille.
W. P. Fuller’s prepared Paints, Oils and up at Robinson’s Store.
| He made us a pleasant call while in
Marshfield 2; Coquille 0.
and Varnishes at J. A. Lamb A Co.’s.
j town.
July 2— Bandon vs Coquille.
Wm. Barger, of the North Fork,
Miss Jessie Tupper attended a
quille 1; Bandon 2.
Miss Emma Maury left last week
wias in the city on business on Fri-
party in Marshfield Friday evening.
for Monroe, Washington, where she July 16— North Bend vs Coquille.
j day.
A u g 6— Marshfield vs Coquille.
F. M. Stewart, the tombstone
goes to visit her sister, Mrs. Bar­
Rev. H. M. Branham will preacb
A u g 13— Bandon vs Coquille.
man is over this way from M arsh­
A u g 27— North Bend vs Coquille.
in Riverton next Thursday evening
O ur ferryboat is about done and Sept 17— Marshfield vs Coquille.
at 8 o’clock.
Ed Lasswell, the North Fork farm­
at north bend :
will be ready for business by the
Round Hill strawberries 10c per
er, had business in town on Satur­
time the contract for conducting May 21— Marshfield vs North Bend.
pound at Robinson’s. Leave orders
Marshfield, 4; North Bend, 1.
the same is let.
early for the 4th.
May 28— Bandon vs North Bend.
Capt. H. E. Wilcox, of McKinley,
John Morris, of Bandon, return­
The union prayer meeting will be
North Bend, 1; Bandon, 4.
transacted business in town on Sat­
held in the Christian church next ed home today after a visit of several June 18— Coquille vs North Bend.
North Bend 0; Coquille 4.
days with old friends and comrades
Thursday evening.
Capt. O. Reed, of Norway, went to
July 9— Bandon vs North Bend.
at this city and Myrtle Point.
“Mason" and “ Economy" fruit
July 23— Marshfield va North Bend.
the bay Friday for a visit with old
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Myres, of July 31— Coquille vs North Bend.
jars, caps, rubbers, and stone Jars
Itinck creek, moved to town Tues­ A u g 20— Bandon vs North Bend.
at Robinson’s Store.
Thos. Wilson, of Myrtle Point,
day, having rented their place to Sept 3— Marshfield vs North Bend.
B o b n .— A t W est
Sept 10— Coquille vs North Bend.
made the county seat a visit on
Wm. Parke, late of California.
June 22, 1905, to the wife of A. H.
Presiding Elder W ire, of the M.
Hodgina, a daughter.
May 28— Coquille vs Marshfield,
J. W . Mast, of Prosper, returned
E. ohurch, held quarterly conference
Marshfield, 10; Coquille, 3.
The gasoline schooner Berwick
from a trip to the Portland fair on
which took on a load of coal at Riv­ in this place Saturday and Sunday. June 11— North Bend vs Marshfield.
North Bend 3; Marshfield 2.
H e was accompanied by his wife
erton Wednesday morning.
B orn . — At Lee, Oregon, June 27,
who spoke on Missions on Sunday. June 18— Bandon vs Marshfield,
Rev. W . B. Smith will preach in
Bandon 13; Marshfield 11.
1906, to Mr. and Mrs. W . T. Shuck,
Our creameries recently paid off July 2— North Bend vs Marshfield.
the M. E. church south at Riverton
a daughter.
for the month previous as follows:
Marshfield 6; North Bond 10.
next Sunday morning at l l o ’clock
Mr. and Mrs. W . H. Button, of
Myrtle Grove, 20c; Coquill6, 19c; July 9— Coquille vs Marshfield.
John Swing, who brought Dr.
Bandon, are the happy parents of a
O. K. 17$ first and second weeks, July 31— Bandon vs Marshfield.
Wetmore in from Yaquina, sailed
A ug 13— North Bend vs Marshfield.
fine baby boy.
18 5-6 third week and 19 for 4th.,
A u g 20— Coquillo vs Marshfield.
on Thursday with his little gasoline
and Norw ay 19c.
Mr. and Mrs. W . T. Dement, of
Sept 10— Bandon vs Marshfield.
boat, the Fish.
Myrtle Point, are in 'to w n visiting
Uncle Dave Stone who was very
at bandon ;
Mrs. J. L. Kronenberg, of Par­
Mr. and Mrs. Figg.
low at Bandon for three weeks and June 4— Marshfiold
vs Bandon.
kersburg, came up Saturday and
Bandon, 5; Marshfield, 4.
who was brought to this city a week
The schooners Fortuna and C. T.
spent a day or so lately with Mr.
ago, has sufficently recovered as to June 11— Coquille vs Bandon. Co­
Hill sailed from Bandon for San
and Mrs. John Kronenberg, of this
quille 10; Bandon 7.
join the other members of bis fam­
Francisco last Sunday,
June 25— North Bend vs Bandon.
ily at Myrtle Point goiDg by today’s
Mrs. Clyde Barker, of Fairview,
North Bend, 4; Bandon 9.
Mrs. S. S. Nortoo, of Redding, Echo.
July 16— Marshfield vs Bandon.
who has been vuite ill tor some days,
California, is here making her par­
C. F. Tuxbury, the life insurance July 23— Coquille vs Baudou.
was much improved at last accounts.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. N, Lorenz, a
A u g 6— North Bend vs Bandon.
who spent the winter at Ash­
J. H. James is general agent for visit. She will be joined by her
A u g 27— Marshfield vs Bandon.
land, has returned to Coos couDty, Sept 3— Coquille vs Bandon.
Nutritio a fine substitue for coffee. husband later.
and is now making his home at the Sept 17— North Bend vs Bandon.
Call for it at Drane’s and Strang's.
Wm. Norris, of near Johnson’s P o in t The old gentleman
Mr. and Mrs. J. L . Beau, of Lam-
Mrs. Dr. Kelly, a visitor from mill, who was in town Saturday,
been somewhat under the went her pa, were up to town on Saturday,
California, and Mrs. L . A. Lee, of tells us he has a fine prospeot for
since leaving here.
and Mr. Bean had a box of the sup­
Riverton, were in town on Saturday. apples this year. It will pay some
Rev. R. G . SumerliD, of North plies for the new post office at thnt
place, and informed us that in a
the Marshfield buyer to interview him.
Bend, accompanied by his wife,
short time be expected the balance
founderyman, spent two or three
Judge E. D. Sperry, of this city come over Saturday aud proceeded of the supplies and that the office
days in the Coquille valley this
has gone to Portland to meet Mrs. to their former home section near would be a reality in the very near
Sperry on her return from her ex­ Lee for a visit. Mr. Sumerlin has future.
Dave Barker was in from Lee on
County court uouvens today.
It. E . Shine,
town today.
of Empire, is in
Win. Vaudecnr greeted >.ld friend«
in town -Saturday.
(ieo uh Luingor, of Myrtle Point,
in in thin city today.
Leather musio folios ut 60 per
cent oft' ut Huineu Music Co.
Lawns nnd Hummer fabrics at cost
uud less at Robinson’s store.
Mrs. J. G . Fish, of this city, went
to the Point on Saturday for a visit.
It. C. Dement,
of Myrtle Point,
was in the county seat on
Thos. Wilson, of Myrtle
made the county
seat a
H . L. Underwood,
made our office u pleasant
call on
50 mid 00 rent popular music at
10c and 2 for 25c,
It Haines
Music Co, Marshfield.
T b • Misse<
Johnson, Gertrude
nnd Georgia, started for Cloverdale,
California, on Thursday.
good orgau
at payments of
$5 down and 60c per week.
Haines Music Co, Marshfield.
W. II. Noble, of
Bay side,
catne over today to put in his report
ns supervisor of the Lake district.
from Bandon, loaded with lumber,
for Sun Francisco, on Wednesday
The Mesdnmes E w ing and Walk-
er, of
California, passed
through this city en route to Ban-
don today.
Mrs. Chas. Jackson curne up from
Parkersburg Saturday and went on
to Marshfield for a short visit be­
fore the 4th.
Elders N. C. Euge and E. Kuber,
the Latter Day Saints are holding
meetings at the little church.
out nnd hear them.
M. G. Pohl, the occulist and mu­
sic denier of Myrtle
Point, mado n
business trip to Marshfield Wednes­
receive tended visit at Chicago and in Mich­ just returned from the U. B. con­
D ue It W ow.
day, re'turning later in the week.
They will be home after ference at Portland, having been
sealed bids for the rebuilding of the igan.
N ow is the time to buy C ham ­
The government engineers on the bridge across the North Fork at taking in the fair. Miss Lucia re­ again consigned to the North Bend berlain’s Colic, Cholera and D ia r­
rhoea Remedy. It is certain to be
mained to attend school.
boat are in the bay, towing a large Lee.
needed sooner or later and when
barge, and have been inspecting the
Albert Garfield, wife and sister
Sealed bids for conducting the
R. W . Haines Music Co., of Marsh­
that time comes you will need it
bay and the government works
feriy at Coquille will be received field, buys direct from the factories, were in town recently and visited badly— you will need it quickly.
Rev. J. B. Crooks was in town by the county court up to 9 a. m„ which does away with the old prin­ Mr. and Mrs. Buck. Mr. Garfield Buy it now. It may save life. For
sale by R S Knowlton.
yesterday. He expects to start for July 8th.
ciple of purchasing through coast has established an iron foundry at
Ferndale, California, in a short
agencies and paying 20 per cent
Steamer Notes.
Mrs. L. A. Whereat, of North
time where he will make his home
more for the goods, whioh a saving making castings and doing all kinds
Bend, returned home Saturday after
Steamer Elizabeth arrived June
for a time at least.
of $50 to 100 on each instrument to of machine work, turning, shaping,
a few days’ visit with her parents,
etc. A local foundry will prove a 26th; sailed June 28th.
There are two schooners loading Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Sackett, in this the purchaser.
great convenience as the delay of passengers: S A Malehorn, F B
at the railroad wharf at Marshfield, city.
Walker, Miss Sylvia Leneve; cargo,
Thu Misses Quick,
Flora and
sending away
for castings often
110 tons mdse. Outgoing passeu-
two at Porter, nnd two at North
Mary, arrived here Monday from
amounts to more than the cost of gers, M iss Anna Jorgensen; cargo,
Herbert Walcott who has been
Bend. The Ivy brought up a large
Falls City, Oregon, where the latter
the article.
250 M lumber, 30 cords matchwood
up from San Francisco for a few
shipment of goods for F. S. Dow.
had taught a term of school sines
and 50 tons mdse.
days visiting his parents, came over
Our friend, T. S. Evernden, of today aud went to the lower river graduating at
girls are looking well, and their 17 lbs. best dry granulated
near Bridge, came in to see us to­ to visit old friends.
cane s u g a r........................... $1.00
Notice is hereby given that the
day, having come down to a'tend
common council of the city of C o­
1 sack best dry granulated
Frank Mome, our electric light to see them return.
to business before the county court
quille will give the old shingle mill
cane- sugar........................... $5.75
man, accompanied by his estimable
on the water front in said city to
as supervisor of roads in his dis­
D. D. Pierce, the merchant, who
21 bars Fels-Naptlm Soap .....$1.00
wife, returned last Friday from an
any person who will remove the
went to San Francisco lately, re­
42 bars Dandy soap................$1.00 same and thoroughly clean
extended visit with old friends at
Any one wishing an Organ cleaned Tuttletown, California.
13 cans Haywards Tomatoes...$1.00 premises within 30 days from the
who accompanied him, remained at
and repaired can secure the services
13 cans Peas...... ....................... $1.00 date hereof. Filo propositions with
A prominent business man of Haywards with his sister, Mrs. E l­
Recorder before July 8, 1905.
of nn expert hy leaving orders at
5 gallon keg Pick le».............. $ .80
Portland recently wrote one of ton Tyrrell, and will spend his va­
Dated July 3, 1905.
the W H. Sehroeder Watchmaker
50 lb. sack half ground Salt...$ .25
O. G. S antoro ,
Marshfield’s business men that the cation there, and might conclude to
shop. Prices moderate; work guar­
100 lbs. sack half ground salt..$ .45
Reoor der.
Coos county building is A No. 1, remain for the next school year at
A t R obinson ’ s S to r e .
nnd will certainly bring many a vis­ at that place,
Expert Watch Repairing
‘‘The American Family Educator"
D r. T,. A. Stemler, dentist, announ­ itor.
The display shows a small
S a tis fa c tio n G u a ra n tee d .
J. T. Jenkins, o f near Johnson’s is the title and and style of a pub­
ces that ho is permanently located in lacking in some places, but taking
2 0 Y e a r s ' E x p e rie n c e .
Myrtle Point with up-to-date offices everything in consideration he be­ mill, went 1 1 Roseburg the first ot lication for which our young friend,
Wilson Jewelry Co.
over Perkins’ drug store.
Those lieves Coos is represented ahead of the week for Grandma Crowley, J. J. E dw ards, is taking orders in
this section. This is a work that
wishing anything in dentistry will any Oregon county.
the trip remarkably well for one of should be in every household as
do well to give him a call. Sorono-
Capt. Levi Snyder arrived in the her age, sbe being in her 93rd well as in the hands of every young
forme ndministerd for the extraction
river on Monday with the steamer year. The old lady is from Mis­
min who expects to follow indus-
of teeth when desired.
Newport, having had to return to souri, and this is the first time she
treal persuits as a vocation. I t is
James Mast, of Prosper, returned the city for the purpose of having aud her daughter have met for
a storehouse of information along
on Saturday from a visit to Port­ her machinery overhauled, which raaD.v years.
mechanical and industrial terms
land and the big fair. He is high­ made it possible for her to make
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. DeGesen, of which makes it highly valuable in
ly pleased with the exposition, bnt headway against the headwinds she
N ew York City, arrived herefrom fact a necessity to all such persons.
could not help noticing the lack of encountered. She sailed the same
Portland last week to take a look The volume is well bound and
push by the Coos county people, day, Mrs. Snyder accompanying her
at our country. They were in Port­ would be highly appreciated by
but there is no doubt but this will husband on the voyage north.
land for several months, where with anyone.
be looked nfter in the near future.
Mrs. Alfred Johnson, of this city, sculptors and
Sunday afternoon the gasoline
A union Sunday school picnic of upon hearing of the serious illness They were accompanied by a young schooner Fish, Capt. John Sways in
all the Sunday schools that will at­ of the little daughter of Mr. and gentleman, Merza Abbas, from East command, came into Toledo harbor.
The place to buy
Dry Goods at Right Prices.
Call and look over our Stock and be Convinced.
Agenis for Chas. A. Steuens Ready-made and Made-to-meas­
ure Tailor Suits, Shirt waist suits, etc.
Wouldn’t it Jar You
To see one of our repre­
sentative citizens attend
a baseball game attired
in a bathing suit?
Of course it would and we agree with you in the matte
Such a thing would creat excitement and comment.
Would be that the man was not aware that
we handled Gents' Ready Made Clothing
bought direct from the maker, thereby sctuinq
to the consumer the middle man’s profit.
Think this ouer. The man being scantily at­
tired would naturally need shoes. What kind ?
W alk=Overs,
Everybody knows that, and knows that we
haue 'em.
C.M .& M .CO
CO .
county court will
— —
tend, will be held on Saturday July
R E A I.
Mrs. Dave Albert, at Oakland, Cal.> India, who has just finished his ed­ The little craft was from Coos bay
8th, near Riverton.
The Sunday started last Wednesday for that ucation at the Agricultural College and came to take D r. Wetmore aDd $2800
A fine corner bnsines« property
schools extend nn invitation to all place, but about the time she reached
at Corvallis. They all seem exceed­ family, and their household goods $1500
Nice «mall plaoc of 8 Aerea near
to attend, and bring your dinner. Dora, on her way to Roseburg, she
i n
town, well improved, 4 aores fall
The schooner has a
ingly well pleased with this section, to Coquille.
bearing orchard, balance paatnre
The steamer will leave Coquille was intersepted by a telephone mes­
and meadow. Good eyoporator.
and will doubtless locate in the nine ton capacity and is driven by a
Thin in a good inveetment.
Saturday morning at 8 o’clock anil sage that the child was very much
county. They are now taking in 30 horse power Hercules gasoline ! $1000
Honae and two lote in good
return at 6 in the evening. Let all better, aud not being very well her­
location. A bargain.
When the Doctor’s freight ........
the Bandon section.
honae, barn and fonr lots
make this the best picnic of the self, called a halt and will defer her
was all on board, the hold of the *
in dne location.
The machine
and blacksmith
trip till she feels better.
vessel was jammed full and the $ 800 Corner bnaineaa property. Better
, shop recently purchased of J. C.
investigate thia now.
deck piled high. About 6 o'clock
$ 500
A residence property that ia dirt
Wilson byT . J. Little have been
Monday evening the family went on
bought by J. T. Hartley, o f Fair-
Two fine lota near the *chool<
board. A large number of friends $
view, and L. C. Thurman, a well-
accompanied them to the wharf. In t 500 New ft-room cottage and one lot.
known mechanic of the county who
A cosy home.
a mist of rain the lines were cast off,
has worked in many different local­
& 400 Three fíne residence lota, close to
bnaineaa. An extraordinary bar­
the engines were started and the
ities in this part of the state. These
little sea-going ship pointed her i $ 100 Two corner bottom lota.
gentlemen are fully installed in their
bow towards Newport. Amid good­
new quarters and are ready to do
It ia imposaible to describe ray list in tbi
byes and tbe waving of handker­ Icilnmn. If yon are looking for a goo
any-thing in skilful workman-like
piece o f property at a reasonable price,
chiefs, the Doctor and Mrs. W et­ can certainly so it yon.
manner and on short notice
Kemerubei, I rent honaea and farms,
more left the shores of Toledo
make loan« and do all kinds of agenoy
respectfully solicit a share of the
Come in and see raa before bay-
where they spent three happy and
patronage of the good people of
i ing. I can «ave yon DOLL ABB.
prosperous years. - The Toledo Re­
♦his community.
( ’♦Hjaille, Oregon.
C C O ’X
For men who toil
Under New Management.
W. H. Mansell, ^
Best of Turnouts.
l a s s
Hay, Grain, Feed.
Opposite I. O. O. F. Hall
t r ic t l y
ir s t
Successor to J. T. Little.
- _____________________ 1
Watchmaker and Jeweler,
Front Street,
C O Q U IL L E , O R E G O N .
l l
w ork
g u a ra n teed
Quality as well as Quantity
for the price paid at the
City Meat Market
Lard. Bacon, Hams, Sausage, Chickens, Vegetables,
Turkeys and Game in Season.
Front Street,
Coquille, Ore.,
Phone. Main 43.
P. 0. Box 224
Claude F ox,
G reneral D r a y m a n
Successor to W
H. Mansell.
All orders handled with carefulness and expedience.
A gen t for the b e st Coos County Coal«