Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, July 05, 1905, Image 1

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    vy *
Coquille ìitxnlk
Application made at tbo post-
office at Co(iuille, Oregon, for trans,
mission through the mails as second-
class matter.
Walter Culin, M. D.
P hysician
S hrokon
C o q u iu .s C it y , O h *.
Kronenhertf B id s.
N ext Door to P. O.
Telephone 8.
Stanley & Burns,
Attorney s-afc- Law,
Keal Entate, Collections.
Specialties—Criminal and U. 8 . Land
Cases, Notaries Pablio.
Coy ü il ls ,
Geo. Russell, M. D.,
P hysician
S ubobon ,
Calls promptly answered day or night,
Phono, main 136.
A. J. Sherwood,
A ttobnbv - at -L aw ,
N otabv P ublic ,
Walter Sinclair,
N otabv P ublio ,
/. Hacher, OK TlTl.BS.
C o q u il l e C it y , O kk
Hall <4 Hall.
Oealei i-i
*w Iv
io iil
M arshfield, Oregon.
Ells v art h 3. Hall.
Atto n e y -a t-L iw ,
0 » lifc ti tu* an i Insurance
E . D. Sperry.
W . C . C hase.
A ttorn eys-a t-L a w .
Office in Robinson Ba tiding(
O regon.
E. G. 0 Holden,
L aw ykb ,
Oity Reeorder, D. 8 . Commissioner,
er»l Insaranoe Agent, and Notary
Offloe in Bobin-
aon Building.
O regon.
A. F. Kirshman,
D kn tist .
Oflio© two doors South of Poet ofitoe.
Tom White, Master,
I Arrive.
Ilandon........ 7 a - m . I Cnqiiille------ 10 a - m .
Coqnille........ 1 r-M. | Bandon------ 4 r-M.
Connects at Coqnille with train for Marshfield
and steamer Kihn for Myrtle Point.
Str. F A V O R IT E
J . C. M oom aw. Master,
I Arrives
('•Biuille........ 7 a - m . | Bandon..10:45 A-M.
1 f - m . ! CoquOln. I
H. Jams. Master,
A rriv e .____
M yrtiePoint.. .7 A-M. I oqnille C’y 9 30 a - m .
Coquille City, t f m . | Myrtle P 't.,4 00 p-M.
Ilady H H j l Sunday____________
W . R. Pantar, Master.
A rrive.
Myrtle P. t l .top-x. I Cisial’leC’ y IflOp i.
Coquille * ity 7 :00 A-M. I Myrtle F t 10:00 a - i .
i ..nne. Is with lnwer river boat, at Coqnil e
City f..r Ilandon and lnt«mie.liale points.
\.n|.1e barge, for h.ndling freight.________
Sewing Machine Hepairing
David Fulton, of thiacity, is an expert
rleaher and repairer, and anyone in
need of hi» service* will do well to call
at Ins reaidence ord rop him a card.
For Sale.
A good
hom e
th is
easy te rm s:
E n q u ir e at th ie office.
.50 P er Y
V ol . 22: No. 90
c ity ,
To Fight Standard Oil
Gold in City Limits.
New York, June 19.— While
aroused the weat ia making thrilling
preparations for a practical fight
against Standard Oil Company, to
be begun in the state of Kansas,
and the battle ugaiust corporate
corruption and oppression is get­
ting into full swing. The govern­
ors of Missouri, Minnesota, Nebras­
ka and Kansas have invited Thomas
W. Lawson to go to their states in
July and addreBS tbo people. Law-
son has accepted the invitations.
This journey of the crusader
against “ frenzied finance’’ promises
to be a picturesque and stirring
campaign. Preparations to receive
Lawson have been made on a large
scale. Other anti-monopoly speak­
ers of national reputation. Gover­
nors Folk and La Follette, and Dis­
trict Attorney Jerome, will make
Olympia, Wash., Jume 27.—A
discovery of gold-bearing ore with­
in the city limits is claimed by W.
F. Carter and T. M. Rowden, two
experienced miners,
Samples of
the rock brought in today are said
to yield $40 to the ton. The dis­
covery is on land owned by F. D.
Heunstis, from whom the man have
obtained a lease. It is a half-mile
above the mouth of Percival Creek
in West Olympia and is near the
Northern Pacific railroad track.
Geologist« assert that the forma­
tion here is o f the Tertiary Period,
the rook of which is seldom ore-
bearing. The body of rock which
Carter and Rowden claim contains
gold is extensive. The ore requires
Forest Fires in Alaska.
Seattle, June 28.—Forest fires
along the banks of the Yukon Riv­
er, between the mouth of the Tan-
ana River and Eagle City, have cut
ofl all communication with Nome
and St. Michaels, and for the past
four days the local cable office hae
been unable to establish any com­
munication with those points on
Bering sea.
“There is no telling just when
the line at that point will be up
again,” said Major Glaseford, to­
day, at the cable office. “ It will be
impassible to get anything out from
or into Nome on account of the
fires for several days.”
Advice reaching here from points
this side of the break state that the
fires are worse than for several
years in the district affected. Miles
of wire and poles are believed to
have been burned down.
The gravest defect in the juris­
prudence of this country as admin­
istered, is the lack of personal re­
sponsibility of the officials of large
corporations. The expression, Ecor-
porations have no souls “ has almost
come to mean that ‘corporations
have no responsibility’ and to this
fact is largely due the grave viola­
tions of law which in some instan­
ces have become bo general as to
cause well defined statues to become
“ dead letters”. For instance, a
powerful railway flagrantly defies
the law by granting rebateo.
ally the officers of the government
discovers the violation and there
follows not a prosecution of the
officers of the road, but a suit for
an injunction to compel the railroad
to obey the law. I d the course of
time the road is again caught vio­
lating the injunction aud with great
Forest Fires in Colorado.
show of righteousness the Depart­
ment of JuJtice commences a pros­
Denver, June 27.— Forest fires are
ecution the outcome of which ia a
burning fiercely on Government
fine imposed upon the roilroad.
lands in the mountains southwest of
The railroad do -s not seriously
object. The tine probably repre­ Denver. Since Sunday morning a
sents but a small p u t of the profits fire has been rag'ng ten miles north­
which have resulted from the ille­ west of Pine Grove, in Platte Can-
Government raDgle riders
gal transaction aud is charge 1 up yoD.
to profit and loss, causiDg a dimin­ have been sent out from different
ution of dividends
which when points to check the progress of the
spread over the entire stock issue, flames. The loss thus far will reach
booomes infinitesimal. No disgrace *50,000.
attaches to the officers of the road
c iu m . n it 1 m ’A i m i .
because of the detection of illegal
procedure. They carry their heads Chilli mil Expert««! to Live From
One Hour lo Auolher, hut Cure il
as high as ever and continue to be
by Chainbcrlalu'B Colic, Chol­
era nml Diarrhoea Remeily.
described as “among our most
prominent citizens. In England,
Ruth, the little daughter of E N
where they have a stricter code of Dewey o f Agdewville, Va., was
public morals than in this country, seriously ill of cholera infantum
last summer,
“ We gave her up
it is the officers of the railroad who and did not expect her to live from
would be fined might even go to one hour to another,” he says. “ I
jail. The courts there would hold happened to think of Chamberlain’s
that even if no overt act on the Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­
part of the officials could be proven edy and got a bottle of it from the
In five hours I saw a
to be the direct cause of the viola­ change for the better. We kept on
tion of law, such officials could not giving it and before she had taken
escape the responsibility for the the half o f one small bottle she was
acts of their subordinates and must well.” This remedy is for sale by
be field accountable for not seeing R S Knowlton.
that the law was observed. It is to
Secretary Wilson has issued a
be hoped that the President can he treatise on the hair-worm in cab­
brought to realize this weakness in bage. Hae the Secretary a propri­
the present systom of the adminis­ etary remedy for cabbage baldness?
tration of the law and that he will
Geueral Miles doubtless believes
insist that the Department of justice
prosecute the officials of every rail­ that the reason the President’s ef-
road and every trust found to have i forte to bring about peace were suc­
violated the law prosecute them for cessful was that the General had de­
neglect of duty even if it cannot be serted the Russian cause
shown that they instigated such
It was most unkind of the United
States Supreme Court to declare
O u i' n o l l a r S a y e il R p p r r t r a l , T e u that insurance was not commerce
P o l litre H a rw e ll.
thirty-seven years before Mr. Roose­
The average man does not save velt could tackle the Equitable.
to exceed ten per cent of his earn­
A Delaware exchange deplores
ings. He must spend hine dollars
in living expenses for every dollar the fact that no one seems interested
That being the case he in the prospects for tbs Delaware
cannot be too careful about unnec­
peach crop. There are too many
Very often a few cents
properly invested, like buying seeds peaches in the sweet girl graduate
for his garden, will save several crop, just now, Brother.
dollars outlay later un. It is the
Japan has determined to com­
same in buying Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ memorate T ogo’s victory by erect-
edy. It costs hut a few cents and , ing a monumental light-house which
a bottle of it in the house often
will light the Corean Straits to the
saves a doctor's bill of several dol­
benefit of mariners for centuries to
lars. For sale by R 8 Kdowlton.
' come. But then, Japan is not civil­
W anted : — Women to represent ized.
— ------
. .a . .
us in their home and adjoining
counties to distribute samples and
advertise our goods. Salary $21
per week and expenses, guaranteed.
Expenses advanced.
tinned ssary. Address, with stamp,
stating age, Reeve Co., 415 Dear­
born S t, Chicago.
Sailor Dies on tfie Isthmus of
Bubonic Plague.
Panama, June 25.— A fatal case
of bubonic plague occurred at La
Boca yesterday. The constant ar­
rival of steamers from infected
South American ports, which are
received at l a Boca without anj
extra precautions being taken, must
be a source of contagion. The man
had been working on board the
British steamer Chili, which the
authorities of Guayaquil would not
allow to enter that port. The com­
panions of the diseased laborer have
been isolated. Rate takun from the
»teamer Chill are being examined.
Driven Insane by Thirst.
Goldfield, Nev., June 26— Pros­
pectors coming into Bullfrog today
report that they found two men
aimlessly about in
Death Valley down beyond the Fun­
eral Range. These two men were
insane and absolutely naked. Their
tongues were black, swollen and
protruding. Their limbs were also
The men had evidently become
delirious from thirst while prospect­
ing through Death Valley.
misfortune is but a repetition of the
disasters of that region during the
past week. The springs are drying
up and the usual supply of water is
The prospectors arc so scattered
over the vast region that there is no
way of warning them.
of men and burros heavy laden and
without owners have been found in
numbers. This season of the year
is unfit for all prospecting.
The men are being nursed back
to health and steps are being taken
for their identification.
Secretary Taft brought Secretary
Loomis aud Minister Bowen face to
face in Lis private office.
nowlton’s Drug Store
There is still some hope for the
country. Nan Patterson’s tour as a
theatrical star has proved a hopeless
Besides a complete stock
ot Drugs and Druggist’s Sun-1
dries carries Kodaks and Sup-1]
plies, Phyrography outfits and
It is hardly surprising that Nor­
way, the mother of the Vikings,
should imagine she can paddle her
own canoe.
The Czar is intensely anxious for
peace. His only fear is that having
tnude peace with Japan he will have
to face war at home.
Perhaps a count would prove that
by this time that Equitable surplus
has become pure fiction. It is high
time somebody made a count.
L. H. HAZARD. C llh lar
R. E. SHINE. Vloe P rsi
It ia its proximity to the Kaiser
not to the Czar which put the Hague
out of the running as a place to
hold a peace conference.
Grover Cleveland can never hope
to carry tfiose states which have
adopted female
sufiferage even
should he decide to run agaiD.
T ransacts a General Banking B u siness
The newspaper talk of war be.
tween Germany and France, most of
which emanates from Paris is all
strongly suggestive of a French
Board of Directors.
H. O. Dement,
A . J . Sherwood,
L . Harlocker,
L . H . Hazard,
Isaiah Hacker,
It. £ . Shine.
National Bank of Commerce, New Y ork City
Crocker W oolworth N ’l Bank, San Francisco
First N at’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or.
Nothing has been heard from
United States Chemist Wiley since
he started to investigate Limburger
His friends hope it is not
a case of asphyxiation.
Those anti-imperalists who want
the United States to give the Phil­
ippines to Japau should first make
sure that Japan would accept them.
They are an expensive luxury.
City Restaurant
O. W IL 5 0 N , Prop.
Newly established. Euerything neat and up-to-date in euery
respect. Meals a t all hours, day or night.
Rooms by the Day, Week or Month.
. . . .
Odd Advertisements.
Au observer of peculiarities of
people copied the following adver­
tisements from various sources:
“ Annual sale going on. Don’t go
elsewhere to be cheated— come in
Two young women who appeared
on the streets of Pittsburg wearing
old fashioned hoop-skirts were
Pittsburg may not be
long on gallantry but it is possessed
of a fair amount of common sense.
General Hospital
A private hospital for the care and treatment of medical, surgical
Dancing masters have renounced
“A lady wants to sell her piano,
title of “ professor.” Gentlemen
as she is going abroad in a strong
play the piano, train monkeys
iron frame.”
and sell shoe blacking on the street
“ For Hale— A pianoforte, the
corners may now enjoy a monopoly
property of a musician with carved
of the title.
“ Wanted— A room by two gentle­
men about 20 feet long and 20 feet
“By a respectable girl, her pas­
sage to New york; willing to take
care of children and a good sailor."
“ Mr. Brown, furrier, begs to an­
nounce that he will make up gowns,
capes, etc., for ladies out of their
own skins.”
“ Bulldog for sale; will eat any­
thing; is very fond of children.”
“ Wanted— A boy to be partly out­
side and partly behind the counter.”
“ Wanted— Foreummor, a cottage
for a small family with good drain­
“ L ost—Near High gate, an um­
brella belonging to a gentleman
with a bent riband hone handle.”
“ Widow in comfortable circum­
stances wishes to marry two sons.”
“ To be disposed of— A small
phaeton, the property of a gentle­
man with a movable headpiece as
good as new.”
The last is a copy of an inscription
painted on a board which adorned
a fence in Kent:
“ Notis— If any man’s or woman's
cows gets in to these here otes, his
or her tail will be cut off as the
case may be.”
B e n t I l r r D u n tile .
and obstetrical cases.
in every
The weather Bureau experts will
not admit that the exceptiooally
cool summer is due to the fact that
the Vice President is making so
many speeches. That is natural
Even the Weather Bureau experts
are federal employees.
$ 1 5 to $ 3 0
Rates from
pex* w e e k
Including room, board, general nursing and drugs.
The argument in favor of electing
United States Senators by direct
vote of the people will have more
force when the people by their di­
rect votes send a higher class of
men to the house.
President Castro has suggested
the possibility of his coming to the
United States to settle the asphalt
Let him come and
have a heart to heart talk with our
strenuous President.
The Anglo-
Spanish translator will have a hot
Equipment new and modern
Miss S. 0. Lakeman, Matron.
Marshfield, Oregon.
o q u il l e
Steam Laundry
PH O N E! 116
It is to be hoped that one of the
reforms which may grow out of the Experienced Help
Reasonable Rates
committee which the President has
Special Kates to Families and Hotela
appointed to investigate the busi­
ness methods of the federal depart­
ments will be a single purchasing
W e make our own soap and know its ingredients. No injurious chem icals used.
division which shall be charged
Our baskets will lie left at all the principal points on tho river.
Goods called for aud delivered in Coquille C ity.
with tho duty of buying all govern­
ment supplies. 8uch a division un­
der the supervision of a competent
head would save the government
millions of dollars every year. Re­
cent investigations conducted by
newspaper men show that some de­
partments of the government pay
double as much for the xame sup­
plies as is paid by others.
over the purchase of supplies in
larger quantities would enable the
sellers to make lower rates than
they can where they are compelled
to engage in a dozen transactions
for the disposal of an equal amount
of merchandise.
Best o f W o rk
Monuments and Headstones
"I knew no one, for four weeks,
when I was sick with typhoid and
kidney trouble,” writes Mrs. Annie
Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa., “ and
when I got hettei, although I had
one of the best doctors I could get,
I was bent double, and had to rest
my hands on ray knees when I
walked. From this terrible afflic­
tion I was rescued by Electric Bit­
ters, which restored my health and
strength, and now I can walk as
straight as ever. They are simply
Guaranieed fo cure
stomach, liver and kidney disord
Poor Paul Morton was to receive ers; at R. 8. Knowlton’§ drug store;
only $50,000 a year from the Ryan price 50c.
Syndicate, so it was natural he
When you want a pleasant laxa undersigned will prosecute any and
should have had to accept a little
live that is easy to take and certain all persons in sny way trespassing
job like the Equitable chairmanship
to act, use Chamlierlain’s Stomach
at $100,000 a year just to help pay and Liver tablets. For sale by R. and Grady place near Norway.
Henry Grady.
8. Knowlton.
We guarantee better
work at lower prices
than can be had else­
Do not order
Monumental work until
you have called upon or
written us for prices.
Telephone, Main 788.
« n
Stewart & White Props.
DAVID FTLTON, Local Agent, Coquille, Oregon.