vy * Coquille ìitxnlk Application made at tbo post- office at Co(iuille, Oregon, for trans, mission through the mails as second- class matter. Walter Culin, M. D. P hysician and S hrokon C o q u iu .s C it y , O h *. Kronenhertf B id s. N ext Door to P. O. Telephone 8. Stanley & Burns, Attorney s-afc- Law, Keal Entate, Collections. Specialties—Criminal and U. 8 . Land Cases, Notaries Pablio. Coy ü il ls , . . . . OasooN. I Geo. Russell, M. D., P hysician S ubobon , and Office in RUSSELL PHARM ACY. Calls promptly answered day or night, Phono, main 136. Coqnille, : : : Oregon. I A. J. Sherwood, A ttobnbv - at -L aw , N otabv P ublic , Coquille, : : Oregon Walter Sinclair, ArroBNBÏ-AT-IiAW, N otabv P ublio , Coquille, : : Oregon. /. Hacher, All8TKACTK.il OK TlTl.BS. C o q u il l e C it y , O kk Hall <4 Hall. YTCOUNBY A-Af-L.lW. Oealei i-i *w Iv io iil kinds. M arshfield, Oregon. Ells v art h 3. Hall. Atto n e y -a t-L iw , OKROON. C>QUILLB, 0 » lifc ti tu* an i Insurance I______ E . D. Sperry. W . C . C hase. SPERRY & CHASE, A ttorn eys-a t-L a w . Office in Robinson Ba tiding( Coquille, - - - O regon. E. G. 0 Holden, L aw ykb , Oity Reeorder, D. 8 . Commissioner, Gen er»l Insaranoe Agent, and Notary Pablio. Offloe in Bobin- aon Building. Coquille, O regon. T A. F. Kirshman, D kn tist . Oflio© two doors South of Poet ofitoe. Coquille . • . Oregon. COQUI l LE RIVER STEWI BOAT CO Str. D ISPATCH Tom White, Master, Leaves I Arrive. Ilandon........ 7 a - m . I Cnqiiille------ 10 a - m . Coqnille........ 1 r-M. | Bandon------ 4 r-M. Connects at Coqnille with train for Marshfield and steamer Kihn for Myrtle Point. Str. F A V O R IT E J . C. M oom aw. Master, leaves I Arrives ('•Biuille........ 7 a - m . | Bandon..10:45 A-M. Bandon 1 f - m . ! CoquOln. I Str. ECHO H. Jams. Master, Leave. I A rriv e .____ M yrtiePoint.. .7 A-M. I oqnille C’y 9 30 a - m . Coquille City, t f m . | Myrtle P 't.,4 00 p-M. Ilady H H j l Sunday____________ Str. W ELCO M E W . R. Pantar, Master. Leave-. I A rrive. Myrtle P. t l .top-x. I Cisial’leC’ y IflOp i. Coquille * ity 7 :00 A-M. I Myrtle F t 10:00 a - i . i ..nne. Is with lnwer river boat, at Coqnil e City f..r Ilandon and lnt«mie.liale points. \.n|.1e barge, for h.ndling freight.________ Sewing Machine Hepairing David Fulton, of thiacity, is an expert rleaher and repairer, and anyone in need of hi» service* will do well to call at Ins reaidence ord rop him a card. For Sale. A good hom e in th is easy te rm s: E n q u ir e at th ie office. .50 P er Y COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1905. V ol . 22: No. 90 c ity ,