Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, June 21, 1905, Image 1

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22: No. 89
V ol .
Application made at the post-
office at Oocjuille, Oregon, for trana.
misriou through the mails ns second.
class matter.
Walter Culin, M. D.
P h ysicia n
S croeon
C oquille C it y , O re .
I Kronenberg Bide.
Telephone S.
i Next Door to P. 0 .
Stanley & Burns,
Attorueya-ftt- Law,
Heal Estate, Collections.
Specialties—Criminal and U. 8. Land
C rhob , Notaries Pablio.
C oquiL L U ,
O bsqo n .
Geo. Russell, M. D.,
P h y s io I an a n d H u bo k o n ,
Office in RUSSELL P l i AUMACY.
Calls promptly answered day or night.
Phone, main 13G.
I____________________ I
A. J. Sherwood,
A ttobnky - at - L a w ,
N otaby P u b lic ,
Walter Sinclair,
A t io b n k y - at - L a w ,
N otaby P u b l ic ,
/. Hacher,
A bstractor
CoqdiLLM C it y , O rb
Hall & Hall,
A t roBNEYs- at -L a w,
Dealer in H eal E state o f all kinds.
M arshfield, Oregon.
Ellsworth B. Hall,
C oquille ,
O regon .
Collections and Insurance.
E. D. Sperry.
W. C. Chase.
Attorney s-at-Law.
Office in Itobinson Building,
E. G. D. Holden,
all sales shall be entered at the
time of sale; said sale book shall
We give below the law enacted by state the amount sold and the date
the last legislature regulating the of sale, together with the name and
manufacture and sale of butter in address of the purchaser, and said
the state of Oregon, which should I book shall be open to the inspeo-
be of considerable intorest to a I tion of the Dairy and Food Com­
great number o f people in this sec­ missioner or his deputy at all times.
tion of the state:
Section 12. It shall be unlawful
Section 7. It shall lie unlawful | for sny person or persons, firm, or
for any person to offer or expose corporation to offer or expose for
for sale, or sell reworked butter or sale in the State of Oregon any
mixed butter unless the same is butter put up in rolls or squares
plainly marked “ process butter, and made in any State (other than Ore-
it shall be unlawful for any person Oon) in wrappers bearing the Ore­
to offer or expose for sale any tub gon State brand or the words “ Ore­
or pocked butter remolded into gon Creamery,” or any other words
prints, or rolls, or squares, unless that will imply said butter was
the same is plainly marked “ tub made in Oregon.
butter,” and it shall be unlawful
Section 18. No person, firm or
for any person to offer, expose for corporation shall manufacture for
sale reworked, mixed, or remolded sale, advertise, offer or expose for
butter, and to make or print said sale, or sell any mixture or com­
butter with the stamp of any cream­ pound intended for use as an adul­
ery or with the words "creamery terant of or preservative of milk,
butter.” And it Bball be unlawful butter, or cheese, nor shall any per­
to sell or expose for sale any dis­ son, firm or corporation add milk,
eased, unclean, impure, or unwhole­ or butter, or cheese, or during the
some food or drink of any descrip­ process of their manufacture, any
borax, boric acid, dalicyclio acid,
Section 8. N o person by himself formaldehyde, formalin, or any other
or his agent or employe shall ren­ substanco or substance* in the na­
der, manufacture, or offer for sale, ture of adulterants, antiferments, or
expose for sale, take orders for fu­ preservatives; provided however,
ture delivery, or have in his posses­ that this section shall not apply to
sion with intent to sell as butter, pure salt added to butter and cheese.
any article, product, or compound
Section 14. Eveiy square or roll
made wholly or partly out of any of butter kept, exposed or offered
fat, oil, oleaginous or compound for sale or sold in the state of Ore­
thereof not directly or wholly pro­ gon shall contain not less than eight
duced from pure, unadulterated ounces, sigteen ounces, or thirty-
milk, or cream of the same, which two ounces, and each square or roll
has been or is colored to imitate ye*- shall be plainly marked with the
low butter produced from pure, number of ounces they contain.
unadulterated milk or cream of the
Section 15. It shall be unlawful
same; provided, that nothing of this for any person to use the brand or
act shall be so construed as to pro­ label of any other creamery or dai­
hibit the manufacture o f sale of ryman without his consent for the
oleomargarine in a separate and dis­ purpose of selling the butter of
tinct form in such manner as will another creamery or dairyman.
• «1» • -------------
advise the consumer of its real
W a sh in gton the P la ce .
character, free from coloring mat­
ter and ingredient* causing it to look
Washington, June 1 5 —Washing­
like butter.
ton has been selected as the place
B utter M aking
Section 9. In any pu blic dining
or eating room where oleomargarine
or renovated butter, or process but­
ter are in use, the bill o f fare shall
state the fact in the Rame size type
as is used in printiing the body of
said bill o f fare, and printed notice
thereof shall be posted in a conspic­
uous place in said dining room so
as to be easily and readily seen and
read by any one entering such room.
Such notice shall be in letters not
less than one inch in size and known
ns full-fnced type, and these notices
shall state that oleom argarine or
process butter, or renovated butter,
is used here, as the case may be.
Section 10.
Any persons or
persons, firm, association, or corpor­
City Recorder, U. 8. Commissioner, Gen
ation who shall, within the State of
eral Insurance Agent, and Notary
Oregon, manufacture butter under
Public. Office in R obin ­
the separator process, for sale in
son Building.
said State, shall apply to the Ore­
Coquille, Oregon.
gon Dairy and Food Commissioner
for a stencil or plate with the num­
ber of the creamery and the name
of the manufacturer and where
A. F. Kirshman,
manufactured, and the words ‘ Ore­
gon Creamery
D e n t ist .
Weight." And on each box of but­
Office two doors Sooth of Post office.
ter so manufactured for sale in the
State of Oregon there shall be an
impression from said stencil or said
plate shall be attached thereto; an 1
each roll or square o f butter so
manufactured for Bale in the State
Str. D IS P A T C H
of Oregon shall bear a wrapper
Tom White, Master,
upon which shall be the number of
C oquille.. . .10 A-M.
B a n d o n ........ 7 a - m
the creamery and where manufac­
C o q u ille........ 1 P-M.
Connects at Coquille with train for Marshfield tured
and the words "Oregon
and steamer E jh o for M yrtle Point.
Creamery Butter, Full Weight,”
Str. F A V O R I T E
and the number of ounces in such
J. C. Monmaw, Master,
roll or square, and a device or motto
L ea ves
Randon. .10:45 a -M. to be adopted and furnished by the
Coquille......... 7 a - m .
Coquille. 4:45 P-M.
Bandon........... 1 P-M.
Oregon Dairy and Food Commis­
Str. K C M O
sioner, and such device or motto
C . H . «lams. Master,
shall be known as the “Oregon State
provided, that all butter
M y r t le P o in t.. .7 a - m . | oquilleC ’y 9 30 a - m . Brand;”
Coquille C i t y .. .1 p - m . | M yrtle P ’t. .4 00 p - m .
that has been in cold storage for
D aily except Sunday._____________
thirty days, or butter that is sold as
Str. W E L C O M E
a second or third grade shall not be
W . R. Pan ter, Master,
sold in wrappers bearing the Oregon
le a v e s
All butt-r with the
M yrtle Point 1:30 P-M. I OoquiUeC’y 1:00 p - m . State brand
Coquille City 7:00 a - m . | M yrtle P’t 10:00 a - m .
placed in cold
Connects with lower-river boats at Coquille
City for Bandon and intermediate points.
storage shall have the date when
Ample barges for handling freight.______
stored stamped in plain letters and
Sewing Machine Kepairing
figures on each box.
L aw ye r .
David Fulton, of thieeity, is an expert
cleaher and repairer, and anyone ill
need of his services will do well to call
at hi. residence or drop him a card.
For Sale.
A good hom e in this city, on
E n qu ire at th l" o f f i c .
for the holding of a peace con­
ference between Russia and Japan.
President Roosevelt has issued the
following: “ When the two govern­
ments, Russia and Japan, were un­
able to agree on either Chefoo or
Paris, the President suggested The
Hague, but both governments have
now requested that Washington be
chosen as the place of meeting by
the plenipotentiaries, and the Pres­
ident has accordingly notified both
governments that .Washington will
be selected.”
Roosevelt Commended.
Baron d ’Estournelles de Constant
The report that the President’s
ex-president of the parlimentary bear, and other skins have been
group in the Chamber of Deputies ruined by moths is what is called
favoring international arbitration in newspaper offices, “ pure fake’’
gave the Associated Press an au­
thorized interview, in which he
The fact that it will be closed
severely arraigned the action of the seasons for Vardanians and partri-
European powers and
applauds ges will not deter the President
President Roosevelt’s initiative. from making his southern trip on
The Caoon had just received a le t-' schedule time.
ter from Preimer Rouveir, politely
If it is true that the president
declining to take the initiative for
was pleased with the railway rate
the peace. The Baron said.
“ The United States has given speeches of both Secretary Taft and
hesitating Europe a wholesome ex Secretary Morton it must be be­
ample. All Europe ardently desired cause he believos in the double track
peace, yet allowed the war to go on system.
without comprehending what im­
When stage struck girls road that
mense service it could render the
L. H. HAZARD, C iih lsr
R. E. SHINE. Vice P r o
belligerents in taking the initiative Nan Patterson was no sooner acquit­ A. J. SHERWOOD, P ro .
for peace, which neither of them ted than ehe was engaged for the
stage at $2,000 a week they should
could be the first to take.
“ President Roosevelt has already recall the fact that she only missed
given four such striking lessons to electrocution by a very small margin.
Europe—first, in having brought
The political situation in Ohio is
op CO Q U IliliH , OREGON.
before the arbitration tribunal at
The Hague the question between attracting the attention of the en­
T ra n sa c ts a General B an kin g B u sin e ss
Mexico and the United States over tire country, A stand-pat, anti-rail­
the Pius fund claims, while all
Europe was scoffing at the peace party is confronted by a tariff revis­
Board of Directors.
court which it had created; second, ion, anti-railway Secretary of War R. C. Dement,
A. J. Sherwood,
National Bank of Commerce, New York City
L. Ilarlocker,
L. H. Hazard,
Crocker Woolworth N ’l Bank, San Frauciaco
in obliging Europe to settle pacifical­ on one hand and by Senator Forak-
Isaiah Hacker,
R. E. Shine. First Nat’l Bank of Portland, Portland, Or.
ly the Venezuelan uffair; third, in er on the other.
nowlton’s Drug Store
Besides a complete stock
ot Drugs and Druggist’s Sun­
dries carries Kodaks and Sup­
plies, Phyrography outfits and
proposing a second peace conference
at The Hague to complete the work
of the first; and fourth, iu now en­
deavoring to put to an end the
hecatombs in the Far East.
“The conclusion of this is plain.
All that the European governments
have morally lost through their tim­
idity the Government of the United
States has gained.
It is another
good example for Europe of Amer­
ica’s energy in safeguarding the
most sacred rights of humanity.
‘•May American enterprise con­
tinue to stimulate your breaking
our old traditions of inertia and
It is from the west that
the world is today receiving light.
“ Now that President Roosevelt
has taken the necessary initiative,
it is certainly to be sincerely secon­
ded by all
the governments of
Temps says:
“ It might have been thought that
France could have played the great
role which has fallen to the United
States, but circumstances otherwise
decided. France can, however re­
joice in the success of her sister
republic, which is due to President
Roosevelt’s spirit and readiness of
The coming seesion of Congress
Isn’t it about time for the arch-
is, the one which the President
aeolagists to unearth a minature of
into existence on the 16th.
Eve, painted on ivory?
of next Oc'ober, promises to be ex­
Scientists now claim that the
tremely lively. Two intensely im­
sword which Adam and Eve were
portant questions will be placed be
kept out of the garden of Eden was
fore it in the President’s message
only radium.
and on the action of Congress on
It is all a mistake. Vice Presi­ these problems may depend the
dent Fairbank’s souvenir inkstand immediate future history of tho
is not to cost $500, but only $250. country and certainly will depend
As there is a treasury deficiency the the future of the now dominant
Vice President has determined to be party. The first of these, and the
economical in spite o f— any thing.
Prsident places it first in point of
President Roosevelelt could have importance, will be the question of
taken no step more likely to secure railway rates.
from him the Democratic presiden­
The second will be the tariff which
tial nomination than by exposing is always with us but which will as­
the way in which the Steel Trust, sume a new interest when a Repub­
and other trusts, are robbing “ the lican President recommends that
folks at home.”
its schedules be scaled so as to pre­
Frenzied finance seems to have vent “ the fostering of monopoly”
permeated even the New York leg­ and the robbing of “ the folks at
islature. Some of the legislators home.” T o the unscruplous news­
whose salaries amount to only $1, paper correspondent the session
500 a year have accumulated bank will prove a harvest. There will be
balances during this year's session abundant capital at the disposal of
the correspondent or syndicate
amounting to $25,000.
which agrees to send out one sided,
W anted : — Women to represent or exparte, reports of the proceed­
us in their home and adjoining ings in Congress, and the Dews
counties to distribute samples and paper which receives absolutely
advertise our goods. Salary $21 accurate reports will be fortunate,
per week and expenses, guaranteed.
Expenses advanced.
Fine Breakfast Bacon at Dean A
unnecessary. Address, with stamp, Morgan’s.
stating age, Reeve Co., 415 Dear­
See those black silk skirts at
born St., Chicago.
Mrs. Perrott’s.
A B a d M ea rr
Some day you will get a bad
scare, when you feel a pain in your
bowels, and fear appendicitis. Safty
lies in Dr. King.s New Life Pills,
a sure cure, for all bowel and stom­
Section 11.
Every person or ach diseases, such as headache,
persons, firm, or corporation who billiousness; costiveness, etc. Guar­
anteed at R. S. Knowlton’s drug
sells oleomargarine, butterine, or
store, only 25c Try them.
any imiUtion butter whatsoever, or
F or S ale — Sume fine young
other imitation dairy prod «eta, ren­
ovated or process butter in this horses— will make heavy team. En­
State sh ill keep a sa:e book in which quire at H erald office.
N O TE A N D C O M M E N T .
F or •I ale . — One acre tract in nice
location with house and barn; 100
young fruit trees.
Enquire at
H erald office.
■- ■
Hotel and livery stable for sale. Both
buildings in good condition ; 1A rooms in
hotel, 12 tied rooms. All rooms fur­
24 stalls in stable. $1,000
down, lislance on easy payments. For
further information call on or address
F. M. Furman, the Piano Man, Marsh-
1 fiald, Or., or at this office.
A Panama lady when asked why
she did not join the rest of her fam­
ily in the United States, declared
that she was afraid of our dreadful
diseases, such as pneumonia, grip
etc. We suppose yellow fever is
no more serious than a bad head
ache when one gets used to it.
City Restaurant
O. W IL SO N , Prop.
Newly established.
Everything neat and up-to-date in every
The greatest number of men ever
employed on one structure was the
respect. Meals at all hours, day or night.
Gizeh Pyramid, where 7,000,000
Rooms by the Day, Week or Month.
men were in forced labor. This
pyramid is 450 feet high and covers FRONT STREET,
an acre. In one instance 2000 men
were three years in bringing a sin­
gle stone from the quarry.
The subborning of the press has
already been attewvpted in «0 *ar as
railway rates are concerned and two
special correspondents
are con.
stantly employed by the railroad
interests to circulate biased reports
of the testimony given each day be­
fore the Senate committee on Inter­
state Commerce. The methods of
these correspondents is to send free
of charge, to correspondents of rep­
utable journals and to the news­
papers themselves, dally abstracts
of the testimony given before the
committee ¡and,
hundreds of newssapers, many of
them doubt, less as tho result of ig ­
norance, are daily printing these
entirely unfair resorts. The only
safeguard for the newspaper away
from Washington, which wishes to
present entainted news to its read
ers, is to secure the services of a
regular Washington correspondent
whose reputation is known to be
unsullied, and whoso honesty is in­
General Hospital
A private hospital for the care and treatment o f medical, surgical
and obstetrical cases.
in every
Equipment new and modern
Rates from
$£15 t o $ £ 30 p e r w e e k
Including room, board, general nursing and drugs.
Miss S. C. Lakeman, Matron.
C o q u il l e
Steam Laundry
The recent decision of the admin­
istration, that the Russian naval
vessels which took refuge from their
Japanese pursuers in the harbor of
Manila may remain there only for
twenty-four hours unless interned
for tho remainder of the war, es­
Experienced Help
Reasonable Rates
tablishes a precedent so far as this
country is concerned in internation
Special Kates to Families and Hotels
law in so far as it governs the con­
duct of neutrals. According to es­
W ■ n:.iLe our own soap anil know its ingredients. No injurious chemicals used.
tablish precedents the vessel of a
Our baskets will be left at all the principal points on the river.
Goods called for and delivered in Coquille City.
belligerent entering a neutral port
could, under normal circumstances,
remain only twenty-four hours. If
injured it could make the repairs
necessary to enable it to reach its
nearest home port, and it could be
furnished sufKcent coal to reach
We guarantee better
that port. By the decision of the
United States in this instance the
work at lower prices
law has been further defined, how­
than can be had else­
ever, so that injuries incurred in
battle with the enemy are differen­
Do not order
tiated from those occasioned by
Monumental work until
stress of weather or through acci­
dent. The latter classes may be re­
you have called upon or
paired and the former may not.
written us for prices.
With regard to this interpreta­
tion of the law it is explained by
the American official« that any other
construction would render every
neutral port in the vicinity of a
Telephone, Main 288 .
naval battle a naval ba«e for tbe
making of repairs, which would be
obviously contrary to the spirit of
DAVID FTLTON, Local Agent, Coquille. Oregon,
Best of Work
Monuments and Headstones
Stewart & White Props.