Coquille herald. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1905-1917, June 14, 1905, Image 4

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Items of the Irrigation Country.
While the present irrigation fund
of $25,000.000 would not go very
far, distributed throughout the 16
great western states and territories,
County Official Paper. in two, three, or four million dollar
amounts, it is being made to carry
forward a quite uniform and com­
Devoted to i b e n iA t e n e l and s o c ia l up prehensive irrigation development,
building o f thoGoquille Valley particularly
ty making the irrigation works pay
end o f Oooa County generally.
Subscription, advanoe, $1.60
for themselves.
In other words it is not the pro­
Church Directory-
gram of the Reclamation Service to
C b i u t u s
C h u r c h . — Pi naohing every build large projects complete im­
Sunday at 11 n. ia. and 7:30 p .m . Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Cbrialian Endeavor at mediately, but to finish a small but
0:80 p. m .
Prayer meeting every Wedn ?a-
independent portion of each project
dav evening at 7:80. All cordially invited.
Epiaoopal Church.— Episcopal services so that the water rights of the lands
trill be held at St. James ohurch, Coquille
thus irrigated may be sold to the
City the third Sunday in eaoh month.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. each Sunday.
W m . Horsefall, Pastor. settlers and thus immediately furn­
M . E. Church, South: Preaohing each ish money with which to carry the
and every Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p.
on. Sunday-school every Sunday at 10 work still farther.
The government
o'clock. Senior Epworth League at 6:80, p.
m. Junior League at 8:30, p. m. Prayermeet­ is in each case starting the works,
ing Thursday evening at 7:30.
and allowing the project itself and
H . a*. Branham, pastor.
Episcopal church.—Servioe the Bettlers to provide for its com­
the first and third Sunday in each month
And as in all the govern­
Preaohing at 11 o’clock a. m. and 7:80 p. m. pletion.
Sunday school at 10 o'olock a. m .
Ep- ment projects the lands are being
wortb League at 6:80 p. m.
J. L. B eattv , Pastor.
eagerly taken op by settlers, there
The W . C. T . U. meets every 1st and 3rd is no question of the success and
Friday at 2 p. m. at the Christian ohnroh.
Hiemrri, D ay A dvkntibt C htjbch —Sab­ completion of the works, of however
bath i seventh day) services: Sabbath
school 10 a. m.. Bible study 11 a. m ., great magnitude.
prayer meeting Tuesday evening 8 p.m .,
young people’s meeting Friday, 8 p. m.
All are invited to attend these meetings.
Wild blackberrins are ripening
M. A, Welch, of Lampa, was
among Coquille’s business visitors
on Friday.
B orn . —In Coquille City, June 8,
1905, to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Willson,
of Fairview, a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hickson, of
the lower river, were in town Fri­
day shopping and greeting friends.
Wm. F. Kennedy, the blacksmith
of Bandon came up the last of the
week on his way to Portland where
he will take in the fair.
David Fulton, of this city,take wi 1|
orders for head stones, m onum ents and
all kinds of cemetery work for the Coos
County Marble and Granite Works, of
Er. and Mrs. L. A. Whereat, of
North . Bend, came over Thursday
for a visit with Mrs. Whereat’s par­
ents, Mr. and Mns. J. H. Sackett,
of this city.
Mrs. Geo. Stewart, of Gardiner,
arrived in town Friday on her way
to Bandon, where she goes to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Rogers, of that place.
The laxative effect of Chamber­
lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets
is so agreeable and so natural that
you do not realize it is the effect of
a medicine. For sale by K. S,
The Misses Nellie Kerrigan, Etta
James, and Bertha Wilkins, who
have been attending the Albany
College the past school year, arriv­
ed here last week and are greeting
their many friends.
That the eastern part of the
United States is not indifferent to
the national benefit of irrigation
and the development of the west is
shown by the intelligent resolutions
passed at the recent annual meet­
ing of the National Association of
Manufactures held at Atlanta, Ga.,
on May 21.
Recognizing that the reclamation
of western desert acres will furnish
the finest market possible for east­
ern manufactures, the resolutions
commended the administration of
Secretary Hitchcock of the Interior
Department who is charged with
the administration of the irrigation
law, endorsed Director Walcott and
Chief Engineer Newell of the Recla­
mation Service and pledged to
them the support of some 3300 of
the largest manufactures in the
United States in their continued
efforts to carry out the national ir­
rigation act for the creation of the
largest possible number of prosper­
ous American homes.
The resolutions further set forth
that the profound importance of the
social and philanthropic features of
the irrigation movement and the
subdivision of large land tracts into
small homes should he impressed
upon the American people to the
end that Amenea should become a
nation of rural homes rather than
one of large cities.
The resolutions call attention to
the great public importance of the
national frauds, the weakness of our
present land laws and strongly
support the recommendation of
President Roosevelt’s Public Land
Commission for a thorough reform
in our land laws to the end that the
public lands be held strictly for real
settlers and against speculators.
Keport of the condition of
■ l u g . '
A t Coquille, in the State of Oregon,
at the close of business, March 1 4 ,19&5.
bm oubob «
Loans and discounts................... $26,175 46
Overdraft«, aecored and untie-
83 31
U. 8. Bonds to «ecure circulation
6,250 CO
Premiums on U. 8. Bonds.........
‘167 18
Bonds, securities, etc.................
88,123 32
Banking house, furniture and
9,748 69
Due from 8tate Hanks and
942 46
Due from approved reserve
46,902 38
Checks aud other cash item s...
1,713 27
Fractional paper currency, nick­
els, and cents............................
25 So
Lawful money reserve in hank,
Specie.......................... $10,231 40
l*>gal-tender notes..
3,050 00
Redemption fund with U. 8.
Treasurers pro of circulation)
13,281 20
312 50
$143,875 13
State of Oregon,
I •
County of Multnomah, *
I, L. H. Hazard. Cashier of the above-
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is trne to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
L . H . H a za r d ,
« S i . a . . l
Subscribed and sworn to be­
fore me this 6th day of
[ r Jane, 1906,
O. A. Lxwi«,
Notary Publie.
J u st W h a t E veryone
fo r
S h o u ld
R oberts & C arter ,
M yrtle Poiut Oregon.
R O S EB U R G -M î f i t l E P O IN T-
3 i A G E L IN E
D issolution
B. F E N T O N
P rop
Sddle Horses of best quality always oat baud. Good Rigs in reudi
nes for special trips. In fact, a geeneral Stage aod Livery business.
Accommodations for Taveling n en o specialty
Leave Coquille at 6 a. ra„ arriving at Iloseburg at 10 p. m. Fare $5.00.
Coquille Tonsorial Parlors,
N o tic e .
Notice is hereby given that the co­
partnership heretofore existing tietween
L. E . Teters and E. W . G regg, and do­
ing business under the firm name of
Teters A G regg, is this day dissolved.
All bills, notes, and accounts are pay­
A fine dairy farm containing 70
acres of bottom land 23 seres of hill
land, and adjosuing the town of
Myrtle Point, Coos county, Oregon,
and J mile from creamery. Forty-
five acres of bottom land improved
and in good state of cultivatiion; 5
acres slashed, burned and newly
seeded; hill land is nil good for pas­
ture; 3 seres of orchard in good
eari bngeonditiou aud diffeii nt var­
ieties of fruit. House, barn and
other buildings. While we have a
number o f oth er dairy farms for
sale, yet this is one o f the best bar­
gains, ns the location is all that
could he desired, being uear town,
school and creamery. This is cer­
tainly a bargain for some progres­
sive dairy man Price »7,500.
Capital stock paid in................. $25,000 00
Sarplus fund..................................
2,060 07
Undivided profits, less expenses
and taxes paid...........................
1.702 85
National Bank note« outstand­
5,950 00
Individual deposits «abject to
91,862 53
Demand certificate« of deposit
17,799 68
C o b b i c t — -Attest:
L. H ablockeb ,
I s a ia h H a c k b b ,
A. J. S h b b w o o d .
Dairy Farm
Notice is hereby given that th “ part­
nership heretofore existing between
Stephen L. Minarti and B. Folsom , do­
ing business under the firm name of
Minard & Folsom has been dtholved. All
hills, notes a n d accounts due or to be­
come due said partnership are hereby
n iA d e payable to said It. Folsom ; and all
obligations of said partnership m ention­
ed in the agreement of dissolution are
hereby assumed by said B. Folsom .
Dated at Coos C ounty, Oregon, this
24th day of April, A . D. 1905.
143,875 13
T otal...........................................
I ' m a I.
It was a huge task, to undertake
the cure of such n had case of kid­
ney disease, ns that ofC. F. Collier,
of Cherokee, la., but Electric Bit­
ters did it. He writes: “ My kid­
neys were so far gone, I could not
sit on a chair without a cushion;
and suffered from dreadful back­
ache, headache, and depression.
In Electric Bitters, however, I
found »cu re, and by them was re­
stored to perfeed health. 1 recom­
mend this great tome medicine to
all with weak kidneys, liver or
Btomach, Guaranteed by R. S.
Knowlton, druggist; price 50c.
the Unfortunate.
01] S J lh E .m z
C la u d e
F ox,
Dr. Gibbon
This old reliable and the
most Bncceeeful Special­
ist In Sett Francisco, b UII
con tin u e» to cure all
| B e i u B l and • « d i I b b I
, «oa errh eea .
t ile r l
■ t r l f l e r e , S y p h ilis
I In all Ita forms. Ak in
U la e B ie », N e rv o u s
I D e b ility , I m p e l » »
l e y h e m lm m l W e a k *
I n e a s and L o u o f ■ » » •
| h o o d , the consequence
1 of aelf abut# and excesses
producing the following sym ptom s; sallow couu.
tenauce, dark spots under the eyes, pain in the
head.rluglng In the ears, lose of confidence, dlm-
dence iu approaching strangers, palpitation o f the
heart, weakneseof the limbs and back, loss of mem­
ory, pimples on the face, coughs, consumption, etc.
D r . O ilh bon has practiced in Sun Francisco 40
rears and those troubled should not fall to consult
him and receive the benefit o f hla grest skill and
axperlence. The doctor cures when others fall. Try
him. C 'n rra K u a r a n t e r d . Persons cured at
home. Chargee reasonable. Call or write. D r . J . F .
Meets ah Boats and Trains. Goods Handled with Care and
Leave orders at T. J. Little’s Livery
Drane’ s Store,
Every farmer raises some fruit. All could raise
more and better fruit and make more money from^
it if they read a first-class fruit paper like
The Naflonal Fnilt Grower
Published at St. Joseph, Mich., in the heart of the famous
Michigan Fruit Belt. A large, beautifully pnnted Monthly,
ably edited, full of the latest and best methods of cultivating,
handling and marketing large and small fruits.
lim n T U
» i n n to any farmer or fruit grower to
W U K l I l J p I U U have this paper for this next year.
T he S p ra y in g C alendar is invaluable. W e will give
this paper ab solu tely free for one ye a r to any new or old
subscriber who pays arrearage and one year in advance.
Cut out this advertisement and send or bnng it in at once.
This offer may be w ithd raw n w ithout notice.
K lo u i* a n d FFeacL.
Everythin'7 found in a first-el iss Grocery. Prices the 'outezt
consistent with good goods.
Coquille Board of Trade
W . T. K eiu :, President.
E. D. S perry , Vice-President
V. R. W ilson , Secretary.
O. C- S anford , Cor. Secretary
L. H. H azard , Treasurer.
-------------- - , $ » <-------- .. —
W an ted . — 10 men in each Btate to
While a blllious attack is decid­
travel, tack signs and distribute
edly unpleasant it is quickly over
samples and circulars of our goods.
when Chamberlain’s Stomach and
Salary $75.00 per month, $ 3.00 per
Liver Tablets are used. For sale
day for expenses. Kuhlman Co.
Colorado, Wyoming and Montana by R. S. Knowlton.
Dept. Atlas Building, Chicago.
are apparently waking up to the
Our old friend, T. 3. Perking, o f fact that several million acres of
Parkersburg made us a pleasant land in those states which have
call while in town Friday. The been for years grazed upon by cat­
old gentleman has hns been som e­ tle and sheep and considered worth­
P o u ltr y F a r m ,
what under the weather o f late, but less for agriculture in any form, can
we are glad to say, is on the m eu d bo made to grow very profitable
crops of grains, forage, and in some
at this time.
cases even vegetables and fruit.
F ob S ale . — O ne
United States The rainfall in these regions is com­ Thoughbred cockerels from $1 up
Turbine Seperator, capacity about paratively slight, but it happens to
and|eggs $1 per setting.
1000 pounds; in good order, as good come at just the growing season of
as new. Owner perfectly satiefied the crops and the soil is so wonder­
The safe and reliable tiw n-
hut it is not large enough for his fully retentive of moisture as well
business. For full particulars go to as productive that from 15 to 30
g ^ ^ T l i e New and Speedy,,
T. II. Mehl A Co’s, liardwaro store. bushels of wheat per acre and other
crops in proportion, can be raised
Bancroft Items
on as little as 12 or 16 inches of
C. P. Jensen. Master
There is but little going on in rainfall, which in eastern states
W ill make regular tripe between
this part of the country that will would not suffice to half way ma.
River and San
interest the general reading public, ture a crop. The "drv farm” ex­
hut to us a wedding is an event of
hundred million acres of land dis­
some importance.
No Stop-over at Way Porta.
tributed throughout the western
M abkied — On Sunday, June 0, at
Electric L igh ts. Everything in First-
states, in some places in very con­
Class Style.
the residence of the bride’s son,
siderable tracts and in other sec­
Mrs. C. Gerald and Elder S. Rice,
tions in small patches, where the
Rev. C. D. Price officiating.
climatic conditions are such that ‘T h e S h e e p h e r d e r ’
worthy couple are too well known
the lauds will yield crops as good
to need any introduction to our
as the average farm Innde of the
D e L an ey s N e w N ovel.
readers, and are given the good
Mississippi Valley.
This class of
wishes of many friends.
development by better cultivation
Mr. Drane passed up the creek of the soil, in connection with the Oregon Writer’s Best Effort.
Tuesday in company with a friend, introduction by the government of
en route to Eden Valley.
foreign plauts specially adapted to
A story of the great range war
On Friday o f la st w eek, C. M . American arid land conditions an I
into which is interwoven the
Price and family of Ford ccuntv, further limed by the great agricul­
romantic episodes of acquiring
KansiiH, arrived at this place and tural development under national
timber lands and the advance­
will spend the s u m m e r visiting rela­ irrigation will cauac in the next ten
ment of irrigation.
This pro­
tive« ami c o m p a r in g the g o o d and years a mighty transformation in
duction will nppear in the Ore­
bad points of thin country with the west.
gon Semi-Weekly Journal in
those of their prairie h o m e.
G . K. M it c h e l l .
serial form.
The Journal will
D. Barker and T. It. Hillings of
he clubbed with this paper, the
Ft tit B A L E .— At s bargain, the C o - 1
Eden Valley came d ow n last w eek
two for $2.75.
Subscribe at
for supplies, and r e p o rt all th in gs qoillo Furniture and llox Factory- A 1 once and read this great story
good paying business. For term s and |
well in that littie co m m u n ity .
of life ss told hv Paul De Lanev.
informal; > i write nr apply to J. t l . Fish,
A uto .
Coquille, Oregon.
S u b e H b e n e u i a n d g a t t i n t C h a p te r
Vv e carry n
lull line of
Goquille Furniture
E liza b eth
OF .
Syrup, T o I muh ’-), Ciypirs, He.
W a n t e d — T rustw orthy man or
woman to manage business in this
county and adjoining territory for
well established house of solid
financial standing. $20.00 straight
cash salary with all necessary ex­
penses paid weekly by check from
headquarters. Money advanced for
previous experience not essential.
J - G - F is h
No investment required. We furn­
Butter Boxes, C u beB , Apple and Fruit Boxes
ished everything. Enclose self ad­
Cabinets, T a b le s , Counters, Store Fronts, etc.
dressed envelope. Address, Mana­
Turning Work a Specialty.
All Orders given
ger, 810 Como Block, Chicago, 111.
prompt Attention.
J, R. Stillwell,
One 6 horse power steam engine; one
600 gallon cheese vat; one cu.-d sink;
cheese hoops and press screws. All the
above are about as good as new, but
will be sold very cheap.
Coquille, Oregon.
M Plymouth Rock
U lb b o u .O B V K e s r n .Y B I . >N a n l 'r a i i e i a e o l< 'a l
Paper Free
For Sale.
^ O R R G O P rflD P P T
Mr. J. T, Barber of Irwinville,
Ga., always keeps a cottle of Cham­
berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­
rhoea Remedy at hand ready for in­
stant use. Attacks of colic, cholera
morbus and diarhoea com e on so
suddenly that there is no time to
hunt a doctor or go to the store for
medicine. Mr. Barber says: “ I
have tried Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
which is one of the best medicines
I ever saw. I keep a bottle of it in
my room as I have had several at
tacks of colic and it has proved to
be the best medicine I ever used.”
Sold by R . S. Knowlton.
Front Street.
Opposite Hotel Coquille,
able by E . W . Gregg.
Dated at Coos county, Oregon, May
22, 1905.
L . E . T k tk rs .
Correspondence solicited from all wishing locations for
Industries of any kind.
Shoes R epaired
I would respectfully announce to \
the citizens of Coquille that I have
opened a shop on Front street, next, !
to the bicycle store, for repairing j
shoes. All work entrusted to me
will he promptly and ueatly doue
at reasonable prices. I also keep
leather and shoe findings for sale.
R. W. O suoune .
The Finest to be had in
The W hole T hing in an Egg Shell
H ow
to G et
Coos County at the lowest
2 0 0 E ggs a
Y e a r per H en
The second edition of a Pracical Poultry
Manual is now ready. Contains anions
other thing* the famous Sampson Method
of Feeding» which is known to be one of
the best moans of making a profit from
poultry, 8ome of the chapter headings are:
Brooder Chieks; Profitable Poultry R ais­
ing; Principle Difficulties; Remedies for
Roup; During the Moult: Economy in
Feeding; Poultry as a Business; (rap
Nests, with plans and illustrations. This
chapter is worth the price of the book.
Tells the practical way to make poultry
pay. Price 50c.
Our paper is a 32 page Agricultural Maga-
aine with Household, Poultry, Horticnllurt
and Dairy Department«.
price $1.00.
Leqal Blanks,
Wedding Stationery.
Up-to-date Work Delivered
1 si
with Neatness and
The Pacific Tree and Vine
Letter Heads,
To introduce our monthly into your home
we will «end the paper one year and A
Practical Poultry Manual for 35 cents.
P a c k H otel B ld g .,
B ill Heads.
d o s e , C a lif.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Mljh-H. how f., obtain pute nte, tn*1t mark», ■
I N ,* L L C O U N T R I E S .
■ f l u - 'i n r ., { ,. t -■„ , ,) ■. H x , ’to n ïtfïv., t.m , . ■
■ m o n r , a n j . - f t .re t h , f
Pilent « n i Infringement P n etlc* Inclusively. 1
w rtt« nr com « to 11»
■ e u sieta Str-«. r e ,
l u u , h n t o n .. ■
W e S H 'N O T O N . D. C .
u W
1 » v J S .
1 w n
w m
C . O. D R Y D E N ,
I 4
___________ }: